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中国文字与圣经关联内容中国文字与圣经关联内容 中国文字与《圣经》的渊源:《史记》记载,昌颉造字时电闪雷鸣,因为泄露了天机。20多年前,一位叫Ethel. R. Nelson 的美国女病理学家在泰国居住期间无意间读到了一本小册子——《创世纪与汉字》(《Genesis and the Chinese》),上面提到了汉字字体结构本身所隐藏着的上帝创世传说。此后,她竟对这个课题发生了浓厚的兴趣。她设法与该书作者C. H. 康教授建立了联系,接着竟又放弃了自己的专业,加入了康教授的研究工作。如今,她与C. H. 康教授合著的《创世纪的发现》(《The D...
中国文字与圣经关联 中国文字与《圣经》的渊源:《史记》记载,昌颉造字时电闪雷鸣,因为泄露了天机。20多年前,一位叫Ethel. R. Nelson 的美国女病理学家在泰国居住期间无意间读到了一本小册子——《创世纪与汉字》(《Genesis and the Chinese》),上面提到了汉字字体结构本身所隐藏着的上帝创世传说。此后,她竟对这个课发生了浓厚的兴趣。她设法与该书作者C. H. 康教授建立了联系,接着竟又放弃了自己的专业,加入了康教授的研究工作。如今,她与C. H. 康教授合著的《创世纪的发现》(《The Discovery of Genesis》)以及与Richard E. Broadberry 博士合著的《创世纪与孔夫子不能解释的秘密》(《Genesis and the Mystery Confucius Couldn’t Solve》)因进一步拓宽了圣经考古学的研究空间而引起了海外学术界的关注。 在上述两书中,她举出了上百个汉字为例(这些字大多与道德、心灵、意念有关),以详细而严谨的论述阐明了每一个汉字个体中所隐含着的古老传说。 “船”字,拆開成不同部分,代著一艘船裝著八個人,她將此字連結到創世紀中挪亞帶了一家八口進方舟的故事。圣经《创世纪》记载:and difficulties of 1, the construction process to ensure railway operation safety is key. 2, high water table in the project areas, the soil softer and Grouting to bridge is required, how to control the Grouting, satisfactory effect to ensure safety operations are good, is a priority in the construction of this project. 3, in the course of jacking bridge, preventing the subgrade collapse is another focus of this project. 4, when jacking bridge, rectifying and elevation control is difficult. 3. construction organization plan 3.1. construction organization scheme 3.1.1. construction organization and responsibilities of the Department in order to ensure railway safety and the safety, quality of construction, ensure that the owners of the quality, duration, target, Tianjin, as well as requirements for construction and environmental protection, safe, civilized, this engineering project construction will be used. I unit in jacking construction of frame bridge has extensive experience in the management, technical staff project manager as a construction organization, with overall responsibility for the management and operation of projects management, complete and professional and technical personnel and skilled workers to undertake the construction tasks. Also committed to the key management personnel are not other works part-time. Project management leadership by the project manager, Assistant Project Manager, Chief Engineer, Chief Security Officer, and consists of 由于偷吃禁果,亚当夏娃被逐出伊甸园。此后人世间充满着强暴、仇恨和嫉妒,只有诺亚是个义人。上帝看到人类的种种罪恶,愤怒万分,决定用洪水毁灭这个已经败坏的世界。上帝要求诺亚用歌斐木建造方舟,并把舟的规格和造法传授给诺亚。此后,诺亚一边赶造方舟,一边劝告世人悔改其行为。诺亚在独立无援的情况下,花了整整120年时间终于造成了一只庞大的方舟,并听从上帝的话,救了挪亚和他的妻子、三个儿子和三个儿媳,一共八口,舟加八口不就变成“船”字。 “福”字,由礻、一、口和田构成。在甲骨文中,礻就是示字,代表神,口表示人,即一张嘴就是一个人,田方方正正的,当然是指园子。组在一起的意思是:神把一个人放在了一个园子里。显然这个园子就是那众人皆知的伊甸园,而那人便是人类的始祖:亚当。中国人年年过农历的大年都要在家里的各个角落贴上“福”字,很多人在解释这个“福”字的时候都把它同快乐、幸福等词等同起来,但又总觉得不太贴切,却又找不到原由。 通过圣经可以知道:只有遵行上帝旨意,守上帝与人类所立的约,并且爱人如己,远离一切恶事,敬畏上帝才能得到真正的福。 “祥”字,Shirley舉例,有蒙福之意的,由代表上帝的「示」字部首和一個「羊」字組成,意指祝福是藉著神的羔羊而來的。當中國人看到這個字時會問,「誰是神的羔羊,」Shirley就說,看約翰福音1章29節的經文,施洗約翰向人介紹「耶穌是神的羔羊,除去世人的罪孽的。」 and difficulties of 1, the construction process to ensure railway operation safety is key. 2, high water table in the project areas, the soil softer and Grouting to bridge is required, how to control the Grouting, satisfactory effect to ensure safety operations are good, is a priority in the construction of this project. 3, in the course of jacking bridge, preventing the subgrade collapse is another focus of this project. 4, when jacking bridge, rectifying and elevation control is difficult. 3. construction organization plan 3.1. construction organization scheme 3.1.1. construction organization and responsibilities of the Department in order to ensure railway safety and the safety, quality of construction, ensure that the owners of the quality, duration, target, Tianjin, as well as requirements for construction and environmental protection, safe, civilized, this engineering project construction will be used. I unit in jacking construction of frame bridge has extensive experience in the management, technical staff project manager as a construction organization, with overall responsibility for the management and operation of projects management, complete and professional and technical personnel and skilled workers to undertake the construction tasks. Also committed to the key management personnel are not other works part-time. Project management leadership by the project manager, Assistant Project Manager, Chief Engineer, Chief Security Officer, and consists of “困”這個字,由「木」和「囗」(界限,)所組成。發明漢字的人知道「困難」是由於人跨越了神的界限,擅自吃了善惡樹上的果子而承擔痛苦的後果。(創世紀3:6) “主”字,圣经记载耶稣被钉十字架上之后,在他头以上,安一个牌子,写着他的罪状,说,这是犹太人的王耶稣(马; 27:37)耶稣是犹太人的王,王的头上安一个牌子,并且是用三种文字,用希腊、罗马、希伯来文写的。这牌子不就是这王头上的一个点吗,~耶稣不仅是犹太人的王,而且是普天下的万王之王,万主之主。 “愛”字 , 把这个繁体字形象的描画下来,正象耶稣被挂在十字架上的身体,左边“惟有一个兵拿枪扎他的肋旁,随既有血和水流出来”(约:19:34)。耶稣的爱,是无条件的爱,爱仇人是这个世上的人都无法接受的真理,“父啊,赦免他们,因为他们做的他们不知道”。这是耶稣为钉他上十字架所有人的祷告,耶稣一生从来没有犯过任何罪,他是上帝的儿子拥有至高无上的权利和能力,让水变成美酒,五个饼两条鱼让五千人吃饱有余,让大海的风浪平静,让瘫子行走,瞎眼的看见,大麻风病人康复,死人复活等太多的神迹,耶稣被挂在十字架后从那里经过的人,讥诮他,摇着头说,你这拆毁圣殿,三日又建造起来的,可以救自己吧。你如果是神的儿子,就从十字架上下来吧~他救了别人,不能救自己。他是以色列的王,现在可以从十字架上下来,我们就信他,.......但他从不为自己谋利益,这就是他2000多年来一直被世界各界人所敬仰他的原因。 and difficulties of 1, the construction process to ensure railway operation safety is key. 2, high water table in the project areas, the soil softer and Grouting to bridge is required, how to control the Grouting, satisfactory effect to ensure safety operations are good, is a priority in the construction of this project. 3, in the course of jacking bridge, preventing the subgrade collapse is another focus of this project. 4, when jacking bridge, rectifying and elevation control is difficult. 3. construction organization plan 3.1. construction organization scheme 3.1.1. construction organization and responsibilities of the Department in order to ensure railway safety and the safety, quality of construction, ensure that the owners of the quality, duration, target, Tianjin, as well as requirements for construction and environmental protection, safe, civilized, this engineering project construction will be used. I unit in jacking construction of frame bridge has extensive experience in the management, technical staff project manager as a construction organization, with overall responsibility for the management and operation of projects management, complete and professional and technical personnel and skilled workers to undertake the construction tasks. Also committed to the key management personnel are not other works part-time. Project management leadership by the project manager, Assistant Project Manager, Chief Engineer, Chief Security Officer, and consists of “禁”字,由林和示构成, 示乃指示的意思 。 耶和华神(指着林子中的分别善恶的树)吩咐他说,园中各样树上的果子,你可以随意吃,只是分别善恶树上的果子,你不可吃,因为你吃的日子必定死。所以这个字明确表达了神的爱,并且禁止亚当、夏娃两人做不当做的事,免得他们受伤害。这是上帝最早启示给人类的法律,禁令,若违犯必要承当罪责。 “婪”字,由林和女构成,林指树木,意思是女人到那棵树下。上帝的恩典完全够用伊甸园里什么都不缺,耶和华神吩咐他说,园中各样树上的果子,你可以随意吃(马:2:16)。并且苦口婆心地告诉亚当、夏娃两人,不能摘那树上的果子。可夏娃在大蛇的诱骗下禁不住诱惑,“于是女人见那棵树的果子好作食物,也悦人的眼目,且是可喜爱的,能使人有智慧,就摘下果子来吃了。又给她丈夫,她丈夫也吃了”。(马:3:6)。还是上了当,失了节,把原罪当成了礼物送给了整个人类。这一切都是因为女人的贪婪所致。 “義”,字,古作“義”,何以“我”在“羔”羊下便称义,献祭是从挪亚开始的,似是指杀羔羊献祭以赎罪称义的事。如此等等。新约有“因信称义”之说,耶稣也自称神的羔羊。凡远离恶行悔改信耶稣并按照耶稣的话所行的人可称之为义人。旧约记载耶和华要灭毁灭所多马和鹅摩拉两城,亚伯拉罕求问耶和华有50个义、40个义、35个义人、30个义、20个义人、10个义人你还要灭掉这城吗,耶和华上帝说纵然有5个义人我也不灭掉这城。诺亚时代世人犯罪做恶,拜偶像,于是神造人后悔and difficulties of 1, the construction process to ensure railway operation safety is key. 2, high water table in the project areas, the soil softer and Grouting to bridge is required, how to control the Grouting, satisfactory effect to ensure safety operations are good, is a priority in the construction of this project. 3, in the course of jacking bridge, preventing the subgrade collapse is another focus of this project. 4, when jacking bridge, rectifying and elevation control is difficult. 3. construction organization plan 3.1. construction organization scheme 3.1.1. construction organization and responsibilities of the Department in order to ensure railway safety and the safety, quality of construction, ensure that the owners of the quality, duration, target, Tianjin, as well as requirements for construction and environmental protection, safe, civilized, this engineering project construction will be used. I unit in jacking construction of frame bridge has extensive experience in the management, technical staff project manager as a construction organization, with overall responsibility for the management and operation of projects management, complete and professional and technical personnel and skilled workers to undertake the construction tasks. Also committed to the key management personnel are not other works part-time. Project management leadership by the project manager, Assistant Project Manager, Chief Engineer, Chief Security Officer, and consists of 并要灭掉所有活物,圣经记载唯有诺亚是个义人,所以诺亚一家八口得救。在神面前得以成为义人是何等重要。 “善”字,“羔”在上,“口”在下,出自羔羊的话即为“善”。上帝的话语就是善。亦可看作羊的下面是一个“草”字头,“口”与,“草”连在一起,是说有草吃的羊,是多么美好的善事。耶稣三次问彼得说你爱我吗,并说你牧养我的羊,意指你牧养我的羊,我的羊不仅有草吃,而且有牧人的舍命保护得享平安为善。也如圣经诗篇:你为自己的名引导我走义路更是为善为美的事。 “贪”字,由“今”和“贝”两个字组成,即把今生的追求全部放在金钱(物质)上,而弃绝上帝的拯救,不管灵魂归属的人就会产生“贪”。也说明神在完成创造万物大工之后的第六天才按照自己的形象造人,并且在伊甸园里安置了人一切需用的东西食物,但是人又多吃了不该吃的既是“贫”字上面多出的一点,由贪至贫。 “美”字,“羔”在上,“大”在下,人张开双臂迎接羔羊,接受上帝的拯救即为“美好”。亦说大而肥的羊为美,因为羊在旧约时主要做神的祭物,所以蒙神悦纳为美。 “走”字,看到十字架下面有一个人,非常形象的让我们看到就是耶稣背着十字架,担当世人一切的罪在艰难、痛苦、屈辱、无奈地走向那死亡之地各各他. and difficulties of 1, the construction process to ensure railway operation safety is key. 2, high water table in the project areas, the soil softer and Grouting to bridge is required, how to control the Grouting, satisfactory effect to ensure safety operations are good, is a priority in the construction of this project. 3, in the course of jacking bridge, preventing the subgrade collapse is another focus of this project. 4, when jacking bridge, rectifying and elevation control is difficult. 3. construction organization plan 3.1. construction organization scheme 3.1.1. construction organization and responsibilities of the Department in order to ensure railway safety and the safety, quality of construction, ensure that the owners of the quality, duration, target, Tianjin, as well as requirements for construction and environmental protection, safe, civilized, this engineering project construction will be used. I unit in jacking construction of frame bridge has extensive experience in the management, technical staff project manager as a construction organization, with overall responsibility for the management and operation of projects management, complete and professional and technical personnel and skilled workers to undertake the construction tasks. Also committed to the key management personnel are not other works part-time. Project management leadership by the project manager, Assistant Project Manager, Chief Engineer, Chief Security Officer, and consists of “來”字,中间一个十字架,十字架中一个人,十字架两边各一个人。正是描述道成肉身的耶稣“来”到人世间,这世上的人不接待他反而钉他在十字架上。与他一起被钉十字架的还有两个强盗。 “束”字是一个“口”加上一个“木”,那是指上帝的告诫,两人不能用他们的口吃那树上的果实。“束”因此被定义为约束之意。” “佛”字的在甲骨文中中的写法 ,一条大蛇在树上缠绕,同样体现了上帝的告诫,佛通否,人“不能”不可拜之为偶像之意。 “始”字,人类的堕落从偷吃果实开始。“始”由女、厶、口组成,指一个女子在偷偷地吃东西,而这正是人类原罪的开始,也意味着人类的困境的出现。而人类的困境正是由被禁止接近的那棵树引起的。 “木”字,让世人明明白白看到那个挂在十字架上有一个人就是耶稣,他担当世人的罪被钉死在十字架上。圣经旧约记载摩西带领以色列人出埃及,在旷野许多人违背上帝的旨意发怨言,拜偶像被火蛇咬伤必死,上帝吩咐摩西用铜铸造一个蛇像高高地支在长杆上,让营内的人都看得见。他吩咐百姓说,凡被咬的人只要抬头看这铜蛇,就不至于死来预表耶稣。亦是指新约的生命树是挂有耶稣的十字架。仰望十字架的人便能因信耶稣得救。 “凶”字,从此有了死亡;也有了生育之苦和抚育之累,人类的后代也不再顾忌犯罪,亚当的长子该隐就因为妒忌杀害了弟弟亚伯,“凶”在and difficulties of 1, the construction process to ensure railway operation safety is key. 2, high water table in the project areas, the soil softer and Grouting to bridge is required, how to control the Grouting, satisfactory effect to ensure safety operations are good, is a priority in the construction of this project. 3, in the course of jacking bridge, preventing the subgrade collapse is another focus of this project. 4, when jacking bridge, rectifying and elevation control is difficult. 3. construction organization plan 3.1. construction organization scheme 3.1.1. construction organization and responsibilities of the Department in order to ensure railway safety and the safety, quality of construction, ensure that the owners of the quality, duration, target, Tianjin, as well as requirements for construction and environmental protection, safe, civilized, this engineering project construction will be used. I unit in jacking construction of frame bridge has extensive experience in the management, technical staff project manager as a construction organization, with overall responsibility for the management and operation of projects management, complete and professional and technical personnel and skilled workers to undertake the construction tasks. Also committed to the key management personnel are not other works part-time. Project management leadership by the project manager, Assistant Project Manager, Chief Engineer, Chief Security Officer, and consists of 古文字中写作“凶”,和”兄”字是通用的,道理正出自这里是人类发生的第一起凶杀案。 “造”字,由土、口、走三部分组成,甲骨文中常以“口”代人,“造”字即为用土做出的能够行走的人。造字的那个人把嘴当作人身上最重要的符号并用它来代表人并不是因为他把吃饭看作是人的第一大事,而是因为他把语言看得比什么都重要,因为上帝就是用语言创造的世界~另外,人与动物最大的区别就是人会说话而动物不会。 因此,“造”就是对上帝造人工程的直接的记录。 “鬼”字 ,夏娃经不住魔鬼化身的大蛇的引诱而偷吃了生命树上的果子,导致了人类的堕落和原罪的发生,这是发生在《创世纪》中最重要的事件。如“鬼”字,主要是由田、厶、人三部分构成,田被考证为上帝的伊甸园,厶为神秘之意,则“鬼”字意即伊甸园中那个神秘的人,而这个人正是那个诱使夏娃偷吃禁果的大蛇。大蛇正是魔鬼的化身,它得完成诱骗女人的“伟大使命”。 “魔”字,按《创世纪》记载,那个魔鬼在引诱夏娃之前是隐藏在树林中的,所以,把“鬼”字上面加上两个木,再加上一个“广”(覆盖的意思),这便出来了一个魔鬼的“魔”字。不管怎么说,魔就是那鬼,鬼就是那魔,不管是魔还是鬼,都是指那条让人类堕落的大蛇。 “恶”字,“亚”在上,“心”在下,圣经要求人应该尽心、尽性、尽意爱主你的神,但是人的顾念太多,当人有了不该有的心思意念就是“恶”and difficulties of 1, the construction process to ensure railway operation safety is key. 2, high water table in the project areas, the soil softer and Grouting to bridge is required, how to control the Grouting, satisfactory effect to ensure safety operations are good, is a priority in the construction of this project. 3, in the course of jacking bridge, preventing the subgrade collapse is another focus of this project. 4, when jacking bridge, rectifying and elevation control is difficult. 3. construction organization plan 3.1. construction organization scheme 3.1.1. construction organization and responsibilities of the Department in order to ensure railway safety and the safety, quality of construction, ensure that the owners of the quality, duration, target, Tianjin, as well as requirements for construction and environmental protection, safe, civilized, this engineering project construction will be used. I unit in jacking construction of frame bridge has extensive experience in the management, technical staff project manager as a construction organization, with overall responsibility for the management and operation of projects management, complete and professional and technical personnel and skilled workers to undertake the construction tasks. Also committed to the key management personnel are not other works part-time. Project management leadership by the project manager, Assistant Project Manager, Chief Engineer, Chief Security Officer, and consists of 的心,所以人生出第二颗心即为“恶念”。因为第一颗心是上帝给的,本为善。亚当听了蛇(魔鬼)的话背叛上帝,生出二心,人类本性开始变恶。 “丑”字,丑的中间有个十字架,可以看到把十字架救恩的道理隐藏起来,只追求自我完善在深山老宅修心养性,不把福音的信息告诉你自己身边的人,不广传福音在神的面前是多么不光彩的事,所以为丑。因为神爱世上每一个人,宁愿万人得救,不愿一人沉沦。 “十”字。与十字架同形,更加形象表明十字架与汉字的同源关系。 “雲”字,再看简体字“云”。 看这“去” 字“l”不就是上通天、下通地的耶稣站在简写后的“云”字上吗? 这一改去掉上面的“雨”字、岂不更形象化的《圣经》使徒行传1章9节:“……有一朵云彩把耶稣接去”。 这不是更形象地记录了耶稣升天的过程吗? .................. 在分析上百個富有聖經含意的漢字後,Shirley很高興能以自己的語言來更有效的明白聖經。她說:「上帝在我們的語言裡留下了祂的足跡,這只是證明我們相信的神是萬國萬民的神的其中一個例子。」 不管信的和不信的,凡宇宙中之生灵、万物都在造物主的旨意中运行。为的是告诉人们造物主的存在。 and difficulties of 1, the construction process to ensure railway operation safety is key. 2, high water table in the project areas, the soil softer and Grouting to bridge is required, how to control the Grouting, satisfactory effect to ensure safety operations are good, is a priority in the construction of this project. 3, in the course of jacking bridge, preventing the subgrade collapse is another focus of this project. 4, when jacking bridge, rectifying and elevation control is difficult. 3. construction organization plan 3.1. construction organization scheme 3.1.1. construction organization and responsibilities of the Department in order to ensure railway safety and the safety, quality of construction, ensure that the owners of the quality, duration, target, Tianjin, as well as requirements for construction and environmental protection, safe, civilized, this engineering project construction will be used. I unit in jacking construction of frame bridge has extensive experience in the management, technical staff project manager as a construction organization, with overall responsibility for the management and operation of projects management, complete and professional and technical personnel and skilled workers to undertake the construction tasks. Also committed to the key management personnel are not other works part-time. Project management leadership by the project manager, Assistant Project Manager, Chief Engineer, Chief Security Officer, and consists of 中国汉字的惊人启示~ 中国汉字实在是太多奥秘了,它传承着太多我们的先祖给我们的启示与教训。举些例子: “福”: 我们每年在门口都要贴的福字,每个人都想有福,可是福从而来,看看福的偏旁部首,是神旁,先祖告诉我们只有神才能给我们真正的福。 “祸”: 同样是神旁,真正的神既会赐福,也会降灾,如果找错了神,就是祸了。 “祈”“祷”: 每次我们无能为力的时候,我们总喜欢说,我们祈祷,我们可以看到祈祷两个字都是神旁,意即要向神祈祷。所以祈祷的对象一定要找对了。 “佛”“仙” “偶像”: 我们的先祖似乎早就知道,我们看不到神的时候,我们就用人手造一些偶像,所以在这两个字中用了人旁,意即“佛仙”人手做出来的,更and difficulties of 1, the construction process to ensure railway operation safety is key. 2, high water table in the project areas, the soil softer and Grouting to bridge is required, how to control the Grouting, satisfactory effect to ensure safety operations are good, is a priority in the construction of this project. 3, in the course of jacking bridge, preventing the subgrade collapse is another focus of this project. 4, when jacking bridge, rectifying and elevation control is difficult. 3. construction organization plan 3.1. construction organization scheme 3.1.1. construction organization and responsibilities of the Department in order to ensure railway safety and the safety, quality of construction, ensure that the owners of the quality, duration, target, Tianjin, as well as requirements for construction and environmental protection, safe, civilized, this engineering project construction will be used. I unit in jacking construction of frame bridge has extensive experience in the management, technical staff project manager as a construction organization, with overall responsibility for the management and operation of projects management, complete and professional and technical personnel and skilled workers to undertake the construction tasks. Also committed to the key management personnel are not other works part-time. Project management leadership by the project manager, Assistant Project Manager, Chief Engineer, Chief Security Officer, and consists of 有意思的是“仙”右边还有一个“山”,意思放在山上,人一到山上就成了仙了,挺讽刺的。 “船”: 大家都听过挪亚方舟,因为当时地上满了罪恶,人思想的尽是恶,所以神用大水毁灭了人类,只有挪亚一家八口得救,因为挪亚是义(義)人,所以神吩咐他造了一只船,我们看到船是左边一个“舟”,右边八口。圣经创世纪七章十三节这样记载:“正当那日,挪亚和他三个儿子闪,含,雅弗,并挪亚的妻子和三个儿妇,都进入方舟。” “婪”: 圣经记载最早由于夏娃因为贪吃了善、恶树上的果子,而罪就入了世界。所以婪是上面两棵树,下面一个女子。 “义”(繁体字“義”): 上面一个羔羊,下面一个我,表示羔羊遮盖下的我才能算义,而圣经里面耶稣基督就是羔羊。 再看看“真善美”,真善美是人所追求的, “真”: 真上面一个十字架,而耶稣基督为了人类的罪被钉在十字架上,从而把罪人救赎了,这是真的。 and difficulties of 1, the construction process to ensure railway operation safety is key. 2, high water table in the project areas, the soil softer and Grouting to bridge is required, how to control the Grouting, satisfactory effect to ensure safety operations are good, is a priority in the construction of this project. 3, in the course of jacking bridge, preventing the subgrade collapse is another focus of this project. 4, when jacking bridge, rectifying and elevation control is difficult. 3. construction organization plan 3.1. construction organization scheme 3.1.1. construction organization and responsibilities of the Department in order to ensure railway safety and the safety, quality of construction, ensure that the owners of the quality, duration, target, Tianjin, as well as requirements for construction and environmental protection, safe, civilized, this engineering project construction will be used. I unit in jacking construction of frame bridge has extensive experience in the management, technical staff project manager as a construction organization, with overall responsibility for the management and operation of projects management, complete and professional and technical personnel and skilled workers to undertake the construction tasks. Also committed to the key management personnel are not other works part-time. Project management leadership by the project manager, Assistant Project Manager, Chief Engineer, Chief Security Officer, and consists of “善”: 善也是上面一直羊,羔羊是良善的,圣经里面耶稣基督就是羔羊。 “美”: 上面是羊,下面是大。尊羊为大即美。 “忙”: 左边一个心,右边一个亡,表示心死了。所以忙得连思考的时间都没有的朋友要注意下你的心是否还活着。 “男”: 因为始祖亚当犯罪,所以遭到神的宣判。“又对亚当说:你既听从妻子的话,吃了我所吩咐你不可吃的那树上的果子,地必为你的缘故受咒诅;你必终身劳苦才能从地里得吃的。地必给你长出荆棘和蒺藜来;你也要吃田间的菜蔬。你必汗流满面才得糊口,直到你归了土,因为你是从土而出的。你本是尘土,仍要归于尘土。”(创3:18-19) 所以男是上面一个田,下面一个力,即男的需要劳力,汗流满面才能有吃的。所以看帖子的男士们如果你们觉得工作养家好辛苦,也不要抱怨。这是神早就宣判过的。 and difficulties of 1, the construction process to ensure railway operation safety is key. 2, high water table in the project areas, the soil softer and Grouting to bridge is required, how to control the Grouting, satisfactory effect to ensure safety operations are good, is a priority in the construction of this project. 3, in the course of jacking bridge, preventing the subgrade collapse is another focus of this project. 4, when jacking bridge, rectifying and elevation control is difficult. 3. construction organization plan 3.1. construction organization scheme 3.1.1. construction organization and responsibilities of the Department in order to ensure railway safety and the safety, quality of construction, ensure that the owners of the quality, duration, target, Tianjin, as well as requirements for construction and environmental protection, safe, civilized, this engineering project construction will be used. I unit in jacking construction of frame bridge has extensive experience in the management, technical staff project manager as a construction organization, with overall responsibility for the management and operation of projects management, complete and professional and technical personnel and skilled workers to undertake the construction tasks. Also committed to the key management personnel are not other works part-time. Project management leadership by the project manager, Assistant Project Manager, Chief Engineer, Chief Security Officer, and consists of
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