

2018-02-08 17页 doc 47KB 50阅读




广东话普通话对照大全广东话普通话对照大全 2007-09-01 16:53 字词解释: 佢--他,她 例如:佢係学生 (他.她是学生) 係--是 例如:我係学生 (我是学生) 咩.乜--表疑问,什么 例如:你做咩?你做乜? (你干什么?) 衫--衣服 晤--不 例如:你晤吃饭? (你不吃饭?) 眯--不要.别 例如:你眯傻拉 (你别傻了) 咁--这么 例如:件衫咁贵 (这件衣服那么贵) 嚟--來 例如:嚟哩度 (来这里), 我嚟問你 (我来问你). 仲--还 例如:仲等乜? (还等什么?), 俾--给 例如:俾钱你 (给钱你) 掂-...
广东话普通话对照大全 2007-09-01 16:53 字词解释: 佢--他,她 例如:佢係学生 (他.她是学生) 係--是 例如:我係学生 (我是学生) 咩.乜--疑问,什么 例如:你做咩?你做乜? (你干什么?) 衫--衣服 晤--不 例如:你晤吃饭? (你不吃饭?) 眯--不要.别 例如:你眯傻拉 (你别傻了) 咁--这么 例如:件衫咁贵 (这件衣服那么贵) 嚟--來 例如:嚟哩度 (来这里), 我嚟問你 (我来问你). 仲--还 例如:仲等乜? (还等什么?), 俾--给 例如:俾钱你 (给钱你) 掂--好,可以,完成 例如:搞掂 (完成) 边--哪里 例如:你去边 (你去哪) 哋--们 例如:你哋去边 (你们去哪里) 呃--骗 例如:你呃我 (你骗我) 靓--漂亮 例如:你好靓 (你好漂亮) 点解--为什么 例如:你点解迟到 (你为什么迟到) 果d--那些,那 例如:果D好复杂 (那么好复杂) 拼音对照: 吤(ge)例如:将啲橙搣开一吤吤(一片片) 咿(yi)例如:咿家去邊啊, 惗(nie)想 例如:成日惗埋晒啲衰嘢 嘁(qi) 例如:嘁起条筋 嘚(de) 咖(ga)語氣助詞 嘎(ga)解释同上 venture capital investment guarantee mechanisms, talents, positive for special funds, play to the guiding role of financial capital, leveraging features, evolving financial resources, capital, financial capital, protection of social capital into new patterns. 3 innovation environment, optimizing talent, create a good atmosphere. Departments at all levels to put science and technology innovation and talent working in the strategic position of priority development, and full play to the guiding role of Government, vigorously promote scientific and technological innovation and the preferential policies, mobilizing the entire society's awareness of innovation, stimulate creativity. Further open "service the green channel" for talent to provide efficient, convenient, quality service and allow all kinds of talents to focus on innovation, play to our strengths. County-level accreditation in recognition of work in a timely manner, contributing to talent and rewarding scientific and technological achievements to emerge, release patent awards grants, encourage patent applications, social forces are encouraged to set up science and technology awards, create an environment conducive to scientific and technological progress, technological innovation, talent and career policy environment, rule of law, market and social environment. Comrades, technological innovation, talent is a 啱(ngam) 例如: 咁啱嘅 悭(qian) 省 例如: 悭钱 囡(nan)女儿/女仔 啱(yan)对,啱啱(刚刚) 佢(qu)他或她 乜(mie) 什麽 嘅(ge) 的 嫐(nao) 生氣 係(xi) 是 咁(han) 如此,這樣 哋(die) 相當餘國語中的“們”字用法 唔(en) 不是 睇(di) 看 啲(di) 的,那些 冧(lin) 陶醉 冇(mao) 沒有 惗(nie) 想 嘎(ga) 語氣助詞 咩(mie) 什麽 嗻(zhe) 語氣助詞 嗟(jue) 語氣助詞 嚟(li) 來 叻(li) 很棒 喱(li) 那 咪(mi) 不要 哽(geng) 當然 喺(bei) 在 抦(bing) 毆打 啵(bo) 語氣助詞 俾(bi) 給 嘈(cao) 吵 噏(xi) 嘮叨 掟(ding) 扔 嘞(le) 語氣助詞 靓(liang)漂亮或表示幼稚 囖(lo) 語氣助詞 揾(wen)找 嗮[嘥] 語氣助詞 攞或摞(luo) 拿 咦[噫] (yi) 例:咦, 咗(zuo)了 喔(wo)語氣助詞 疴(ke)拉(排洩物) 拗(ao) 矛盾 、吵架 venture capital investment guarantee mechanisms, talents, positive for special funds, play to the guiding role of financial capital, leveraging features, evolving financial resources, capital, financial capital, protection of social capital into new patterns. 3 innovation environment, optimizing talent, create a good atmosphere. Departments at all levels to put science and technology innovation and talent working in the strategic position of priority development, and full play to the guiding role of Government, vigorously promote scientific and technological innovation and the preferential policies, mobilizing the entire society's awareness of innovation, stimulate creativity. Further open "service the green channel" for talent to provide efficient, convenient, quality service and allow all kinds of talents to focus on innovation, play to our strengths. County-level accreditation in recognition of work in a timely manner, contributing to talent and rewarding scientific and technological achievements to emerge, release patent awards grants, encourage patent applications, social forces are encouraged to set up science and technology awards, create an environment conducive to scientific and technological progress, technological innovation, talent and career policy environment, rule of law, market and social environment. Comrades, technological innovation, talent is a 乸(na) 雌性 撩(liao) 挑 拎(lin)拿 啖(dan) 量詞,相當於“口” 憇(qi)哄 呃(e)騙 掂(dian)完結 好、good 唓(che)語氣助詞,表示鄙夷 嘢(ye)東西 冚(kan)全部 常用词组:冚家铲(粗话,比喻全家死光) 嗰 go(那) 嚡 hai(粗糙) 嗟 jue (語氣助詞) 咥 xi 下下都咥住晒,我仲有得讲嘅, 下 嚇xia(語氣助詞)通“啊” 淠 pei(量詞) 一淠屎(野) 甴(zha)甲甴(蟑螂、小強) 国粤语常用词对比学习咯 我(我) 你(你) 佢(他) 我哋(我们) 你哋(你们) 佢哋(他们) 人哋(人家) 呢度(这里) 嗰度(那里) 边度(哪里) 呢(这) 嗰(那) 咁样(这样、那样) 点解(为什么) 第日(改天) 第次(下次) 乜嘢(什么) 乜(什么) 几多(多少) 边(哪) 咁好(这么好) 阿爸(爸爸) 阿妈(妈妈) 阿哥(哥哥) 阿嫂(嫂嫂) 阿爷(爷爷) 阿嫲(奶奶) 阿公(外公) 阿婆(外婆、老婆婆) 阿叔(叔叔) 老豆(爸爸)! 老妈子(妈妈) 家姐(姐姐) 大佬(哥哥) 细佬(弟弟) 心抱(媳妇) 舅父(舅舅) 孙(孙子) 仔仔(儿子) 女女(女儿) 契爷(干爹) 契仔(干儿子) 寡佬(单身汉) 仔(儿子) 女(女儿) 后底乸(继母) 太子爷(少东家) 契弟(王八蛋) 老坑(老头) 老嘢(老东西,老家伙) 老姑婆(老处女) 基老(男同性恋者) 老细(老板) 老千(骗子) 后生仔(年轻小伙子) 后生女(年轻姑娘) 靓仔(漂亮的小伙子) 靓女(漂亮的姑娘) 细路(小孩) 细蚊仔(小孩) 臊虾(婴儿) 马仔(打手) 事头婆(老板娘) 工作、交际 返工(上班) 收工(下班) 揾食(谋生) 人工(工钱) 出粮(发工资) 搞掂(搞妥当) 搞弯(弄糟糕) 就手(顺利) 捱夜(熬夜) 空姐(飞机女服务员) 钟点工(计时工) 揾工(找工作) 做嘢(干活) 捞边行(搞什么行业) 一脚踢(一人承担) 轮更(轮班) 看更(看门) 起屋(盖房子) 抓车(驾驶汽车)熟手(老练) 车衫(缝衣服) 夹手夹脚(一起动手) 执头执尾(收拾venture capital investment guarantee mechanisms, talents, positive for special funds, play to the guiding role of financial capital, leveraging features, evolving financial resources, capital, financial capital, protection of social capital into new patterns. 3 innovation environment, optimizing talent, create a good atmosphere. Departments at all levels to put science and technology innovation and talent working in the strategic position of priority development, and full play to the guiding role of Government, vigorously promote scientific and technological innovation and the preferential policies, mobilizing the entire society's awareness of innovation, stimulate creativity. Further open "service the green channel" for talent to provide efficient, convenient, quality service and allow all kinds of talents to focus on innovation, play to our strengths. County-level accreditation in recognition of work in a timely manner, contributing to talent and rewarding scientific and technological achievements to emerge, release patent awards grants, encourage patent applications, social forces are encouraged to set up science and technology awards, create an environment conducive to scientific and technological progress, technological innovation, talent and career policy environment, rule of law, market and social environment. Comrades, technological innovation, talent is a 零碎的东西) 搏命(拼命) 癐gui6(累) 差池(差错) 撞板(碰钉子) 松人(溜走) 走人(溜走) 炒鱿鱼(解雇) 开OT(加班) 秘捞(兼职) 手信(小礼物) 人客(客人) 生埗(陌生、生疏) 老友记(老朋友) 仇口(仇人) 托大脚(拍马屁) 危ngei1(求) 畀面(给面子) 制(肯) 得闲(有空) 冇几何(不常) 冇相干(没关系) 唔觉意(不留心) 唔话得(没说的) 倾(谈) 倾偈gei2(聊天) 早晨(早上好) 早唞(晚安) 揾人(找人) 拍拖(谈恋爱) 挂住(想念) 隔篱(隔壁) 掟煲(恋人分手) 好夹(很合得来) 探(拜访) 讲笑(开玩笑) 羞家(丢脸 生活、用品 起身(起床) 着(穿) 除(脱) 浪口(漱口) 飞发(理发) 电发(烫发) 洗面(洗脸) 屙屎(大便) 屙尿(小便)闩门(关门) 熄灯(关灯) 水喉(水龙头) 瞓觉(睡觉) 食(吃) 食晏(吃午餐) 食烟(抽烟) 滚水(开水) 煲(煮) 焗(焖) 饮胜(干杯) 颈渴(口渴) 餸(下饭的菜) 腍nem4(软) 霄夜(夜宵) 饮(渴) 台(桌子) 梳化(沙发) 雪柜(冰箱) 傢俬(家具) 皮箧gib1(皮箱) 夹万(保险箱) 刀仔(小刀) 花樽(花瓶) 香枧(香皂) 镬(锅) 咪(麦克风) 插苏(插座) 火水(煤油) 遮(伞) 地拖(拖把) 电心(电池) 洋烛(蜡烛) 花洒(1莲蓬头,用于沐浴2喷壶,用于浇花) 壳(勺子) 番枧(肥皂) 扫把(扫帚) 匙羹(小勺子) 褛(外套) 大褛(大衣) 衫(衣服) T恤(针织或棉质上衣) 裤(裤子) 鞋(鞋子) 底衫(内衣) 底裤(内裤) 高争鞋(高跟鞋) 领太(领带) 荷包(钱包) 唇膏(口红) 动物、植物 大笨象(大象) 猪仔(小猪) 狗公(公狗) 狗乸(母狗) 门口狗(看门狗) 鸡公(公鸡)鸡乸(母鸡) 湿水鸡(1落水鸡2形容人被雨淋湿) 雀(鸟) 雀仔(小鸟) 了哥(八哥) 飞鼠(蝙蝠) 盐蛇(壁虎) 饭铲头(眼镜蛇) 百足(蜈蚣) 蚁(蚂蚁) 田鸡(青蛙) 蚊(蚊子) 曱甴(蟑螂) 乌蝇(苍蝇) 虾毛(小虾) 鲩鱼(草鱼) 蚊螆(小蚊子) 缩头乌龟(1缩脑袋的乌龟 2比喻耷拉着脑袋的人或怕事退缩的人) 橙(橙子) 竹(竹子) 生果(水果) 大蕉(芭蕉) 马蹄(荸荠) 万寿果(木瓜) 椰菜(包心菜) 蔗(甘蔗) 番薯(红薯) 番瓜(南瓜) 胜瓜(丝瓜) 矮瓜(茄子) 番茄(西红柿) 蒜头(大蒜) 禾(稻子) 栗米(玉米) 杨桃(五棱子) 柑(橘子) 人体 头壳(脑袋) 头皮(头屑) 面珠墩(脸蛋儿) 酒凹(酒窝) 下爬(下巴) 眼(眼睛) 眼眉(眉毛) 眼核(眼珠) 耳仔(耳朵) 耳屎(耳垢) 大牙(槽牙) 鼻哥(鼻子) 鼻哥窿(鼻孔)身子(身体) 心口(胸口) 膊头(肩膀) 毛管(毛孔)&nb sp;罗柚(屁股) 手板(手掌) 手瓜(胳膊) 脚(脚、腿) 背脊(脊背) 尾龙骨(尾骨) 肚腩(小肚子) 睇医生(看病) 驳骨(接骨头) 联针(缝针) 埋口(合口) 执药(抓药) 燥火(上火) 好翻(好了) 唔精神(不舒服) 冻亲(着凉) 头赤(头痛) 打冷震(发抖) 打噎(打嗝) 呕venture capital investment guarantee mechanisms, talents, positive for special funds, play to the guiding role of financial capital, leveraging features, evolving financial resources, capital, financial capital, protection of social capital into new patterns. 3 innovation environment, optimizing talent, create a good atmosphere. Departments at all levels to put science and technology innovation and talent working in the strategic position of priority development, and full play to the guiding role of Government, vigorously promote scientific and technological innovation and the preferential policies, mobilizing the entire society's awareness of innovation, stimulate creativity. Further open "service the green channel" for talent to provide efficient, convenient, quality service and allow all kinds of talents to focus on innovation, play to our strengths. County-level accreditation in recognition of work in a timely manner, contributing to talent and rewarding scientific and technological achievements to emerge, release patent awards grants, encourage patent applications, social forces are encouraged to set up science and technology awards, create an environment conducive to scientific and technological progress, technological innovation, talent and career policy environment, rule of law, market and social environment. Comrades, technological innovation, talent is a 血(吐血) 浊亲(被水呛着) 词语对照: ****-节日 类. 国语 --- 广东 回老家 -> 返乡下 元旦 -> 新历新年 春节 -> 农历新年 红包 -> 利是 除夕 -> 年卅晚 讨红包 -> 逗利是 爆竹 -> 炮杖 ****-待人/接物 类 占便宜 -> 着数 吃哑巴亏 -> 食死猫 吃亏 -> 蚀底 很抱歉 -> 唔好意思 丢脸 -> 冇面 害羞 -> 怕丑 气坏了 -> 激死我 擦屁股 -> 执手尾 耍赖皮 -> 发烂渣 谢谢,劳驾 -> 唔该 随便 -> 求其 ****-人物 类 老豆,老母 -> 爸爸,妈妈 家姐 -> 姐姐 大佬,细佬-> 哥哥.弟弟 肉酸(恶心) 核凸(与肉酸意思相近) 开片 (打群架,动刀动武。) 擦鞋(拍马屁) 一身蚁(一身麻烦) 一镬泡(比喻一团糟糕) 一镬熟(比喻全部遭殃) 一担担(半斤八两,彼此彼此) 舂瘟鸡(比喻乱闯乱撞的人) venture capital investment guarantee mechanisms, talents, positive for special funds, play to the guiding role of financial capital, leveraging features, evolving financial resources, capital, financial capital, protection of social capital into new patterns. 3 innovation environment, optimizing talent, create a good atmosphere. Departments at all levels to put science and technology innovation and talent working in the strategic position of priority development, and full play to the guiding role of Government, vigorously promote scientific and technological innovation and the preferential policies, mobilizing the entire society's awareness of innovation, stimulate creativity. Further open "service the green channel" for talent to provide efficient, convenient, quality service and allow all kinds of talents to focus on innovation, play to our strengths. County-level accreditation in recognition of work in a timely manner, contributing to talent and rewarding scientific and technological achievements to emerge, release patent awards grants, encourage patent applications, social forces are encouraged to set up science and technology awards, create an environment conducive to scientific and technological progress, technological innovation, talent and career policy environment, rule of law, market and social environment. Comrades, technological innovation, talent is a 手瓜硬(比喻权力大) 执死鸡(拣到便宜) 跌眼镜(估计错误,走了眼) 大出血(大降价,血本无归) 摸门钉(吃闭门羹) 踢晒脚(非常忙碌) 食死猫(背黑窝) 抛浪头(吹嘘自己或吓唬人以显示自己威风,出风头) 扯猫尾(演双簧,串通自来) 黐(痴)孖筋(神经质) 鬼打鬼(自己人打自己人,贬义) 炮仗颈(火爆脾气) 笃背脊(金手指)(背后说人坏话,告发别人) 放飞机(故意失约) 一仆一碌(跌跌撞撞) 三口六面(当着别人) 三姑六婆(好馆闲事的女人) 七国咁乱(乱成一团糟) 好人好姐(好端端的人) 话头醒尾(领悟力强,一说就明白) 有纹有路(有条不紊) 生安白造(捏造,无中生有) 死蛇烂鳝(一动不动,比喻懒惰) 把心唔定(下不定决心) 定过抬油(镇定得很) 游离浪荡(无所事事,到处游荡) 水静河飞(静悄悄,幽静) 衰到贴地(倒霉透了,坏透了) 鬼五马六(狡猾古怪) 身水身汗(满身是汗) 古灵精怪(稀奇古怪) 偷呃拐骗(招摇撞骗) 无端白事(无缘无故) 冇尾飞铊(比喻一去不回) 一天都光晒(云开雾散,大快人心) 一部通书睇到老(用老的眼光看待新事物) 十问九唔应(屡问屡不答) 十问九唔知 (问什么也不知道) 小心驶得晚年船(小心可保长久平安) 手指拗出唔拗入(比喻自己人不帮自己人反而帮外人) 数还数,路还路(人情归人情,数目要分明) 十划都未有一撇(比喻事情离成功还早着) 生人唔生胆(没有胆量,胆小怕事) 各花入各眼(萝卜青菜,各有所爱,情人眼里出西施) venture capital investment guarantee mechanisms, talents, positive for special funds, play to the guiding role of financial capital, leveraging features, evolving financial resources, capital, financial capital, protection of social capital into new patterns. 3 innovation environment, optimizing talent, create a good atmosphere. Departments at all levels to put science and technology innovation and talent working in the strategic position of priority development, and full play to the guiding role of Government, vigorously promote scientific and technological innovation and the preferential policies, mobilizing the entire society's awareness of innovation, stimulate creativity. Further open "service the green channel" for talent to provide efficient, convenient, quality service and allow all kinds of talents to focus on innovation, play to our strengths. County-level accreditation in recognition of work in a timely manner, contributing to talent and rewarding scientific and technological achievements to emerge, release patent awards grants, encourage patent applications, social forces are encouraged to set up science and technology awards, create an environment conducive to scientific and technological progress, technological innovation, talent and career policy environment, rule of law, market and social environment. Comrades, technological innovation, talent is a 手板眼见工夫(比喻工作范围小,一眼可见) 有风驶尽利(比喻在得势的时候仗势凌人,不留情面) 有头威冇尾阵(虎头蛇尾) 跌落地都要楋翻揸沙(比喻失败了不认失败,硬撑着) 楋手唔成势(手忙脚乱,措手不及) 有碗话碗,有碟话碟(说话直率,有什么说什么) 食咗人只车咩(想要人家的老命吗) 食碗面反碗底(比喻忘恩负义) 好心着雷劈(不领情,好心反被当恶意) 猪仔得食墟墟冚(小人得志而忘形) 崩口人忌崩口碗(有缺陷的人忌讳到类似的事物) 鸡春(蛋)咁密都会哺出仔(若要人不知,除非己莫为,事情总会败露) 偷鸡唔到蚀揸米(比喻不但占不到便宜反而吃了亏) 光棍佬遇着冇皮柴(想敲诈勒索却遇着穷光蛋) 人怕出名,猪怕肥(比喻树大招风) 二打六(跑龙套) 日头,太阳 月光,月亮 上昼,上午 下昼,下午 晚黑、夜晚,晚上 旧年,去年 头先、啱啱,刚才 寻日,昨天 旧底、旧阵时,过去、 从前 宜家(而家),现在 醒目仔,聪明的男孩子 近排 呢排,近来 先排,前些日子 屋,房子 傻佬,傻瓜 行,走 走(趃die),跑 企,站 着衫,穿衣服 行埋,走近 扯咗,走了 喊,哭 车大炮(吹水),吹牛、吹牛皮 俾,给 打交,打架 闹交,吵架 惊,害怕 venture capital investment guarantee mechanisms, talents, positive for special funds, play to the guiding role of financial capital, leveraging features, evolving financial resources, capital, financial capital, protection of social capital into new patterns. 3 innovation environment, optimizing talent, create a good atmosphere. Departments at all levels to put science and technology innovation and talent working in the strategic position of priority development, and full play to the guiding role of Government, vigorously promote scientific and technological innovation and the preferential policies, mobilizing the entire society's awareness of innovation, stimulate creativity. Further open "service the green channel" for talent to provide efficient, convenient, quality service and allow all kinds of talents to focus on innovation, play to our strengths. County-level accreditation in recognition of work in a timely manner, contributing to talent and rewarding scientific and technological achievements to emerge, release patent awards grants, encourage patent applications, social forces are encouraged to set up science and technology awards, create an environment conducive to scientific and technological progress, technological innovation, talent and career policy environment, rule of law, market and social environment. Comrades, technological innovation, talent is a 狠,狠心 恶,凶恶 眯埋眼,闭上眼睛 手袜,手套 火烛,火灾 马骝,猴子 乜嘢(野),什么东西 灯胆,灯炮 火水,煤油 煲,砂锅 锁匙,钥匙 买送,买菜 烟仔,香烟 买飞,买票 单车,自行车 老豆,爸爸,爹 老母,妈妈、娘 阿爷,爷爷 阿嬷,奶奶 阿公,公公 阿婆,姥姥 仔,儿子 女,女儿 大佬,哥哥 细佬,弟弟 细路仔、 细蚊仔,小孩子 后生,年轻人 后生仔,小伙子 venture capital investment guarantee mechanisms, talents, positive for special funds, play to the guiding role of financial capital, leveraging features, evolving financial resources, capital, financial capital, protection of social capital into new patterns. 3 innovation environment, optimizing talent, create a good atmosphere. Departments at all levels to put science and technology innovation and talent working in the strategic position of priority development, and full play to the guiding role of Government, vigorously promote scientific and technological innovation and the preferential policies, mobilizing the entire society's awareness of innovation, stimulate creativity. Further open "service the green channel" for talent to provide efficient, convenient, quality service and allow all kinds of talents to focus on innovation, play to our strengths. County-level accreditation in recognition of work in a timely manner, contributing to talent and rewarding scientific and technological achievements to emerge, release patent awards grants, encourage patent applications, social forces are encouraged to set up science and technology awards, create an environment conducive to scientific and technological progress, technological innovation, talent and career policy environment, rule of law, market and social environment. Comrades, technological innovation, talent is a
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