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内蒙古风景英文介绍内蒙古风景英文介绍 在内蒙古赤峰市克什克腾旗达尔罕境内的达来诺 尔湖西畔,有一处曾经繁华过的草原都市,那就是元 朝最后的都城———应昌路遗址。残阳照耀下的古老 的城垣,清晰可辨的层层夯土犹如历史的年轮,叠压 着蒙古帝国最后走向灭亡的沧桑。 In the western side of Dalai Noel Lake within Hexigten Abraham, Chi Feng, Inner Mongolia lies a prairie city of once prosperity---relics of City...
内蒙古风景英文介绍 在内蒙古赤峰市克什克腾旗达尔罕境内的达来诺 尔湖西畔,有一处曾经繁华过的草原都市,那就是元 朝最后的都城———应昌路遗址。残阳照耀下的古老 的城垣,清晰可辨的层层夯土犹如历史的年轮,叠压 着蒙古帝国最后走向灭亡的沧桑。 In the western side of Dalai Noel Lake within Hexigten Abraham, Chi Feng, Inner Mongolia lies a prairie city of once prosperity---relics of City of Ying Chang, the last capital of Yuan Dynasty. Embraced by the twilight, the observable stratums of rammed earth of the ancient city are just like the aging circle of history, piling up the destination of the Mongolian Empire’s domed extinction. 古城的东、西、北三面为群山环抱,好来河由西向 东注入达里诺尔湖。应昌路古城的东北就是金朝的界 壕边堡,亦被当地的牧民称之为成吉思汗边墙。周围 的山峦属于阴山山脉的东麓和大兴安岭南麓山脉的结 合部,可谓山峦起伏,且在山地之间多湖泊与山地草 原。应昌路古城所处的地理形势,犹如簸箕型,其开 口南面向好来河方向为山地松林地带,古称松漠之地 或称平地松林。唐朝曾经于此地建有“松漠都督府”, 辽朝属于上京道饶乐州辖境,金朝隶属于北京路的全 州管辖。达里诺尔又称鱼儿泊,曾经是匈奴的左地和 东胡族行使拜天祭山的“足带林”之地。辽、金、元三 朝皇帝亦经常行猎于此,并修建有行宫之所。 The city is surrounded by mountains in the east, west and north side, with the Haolai River flowing into the Dalai Noel Lake from west to east. The northerneast of the city of Ying Chang stands the border fortress of Jin Dynasty, which is named The Fortress of Genghis Khan by the local herdsmen. The mountains around are combinations of eastern piedmont of Yin Mountain and southern piedmont of the Great Khingan, forming a mountainous landscape with many lakes and meadows. The location of the city of Ying Chang is similar to a huge dustpan whose “mouth” in south flows the Haolai River, where grows a land of mountain pines which was once called the land of pines or pines on the ground. In Tang Dynasty, this place was the prefecture of “Military of Pines” while in Liao Dynasty, it was administrated by Shangjing, however, it was governed by Beijing Road of Quan county during Jin Dynasty. Fishpond is another name of Dalai Noel which was once the woodland where Zuodi of Huns people and Donghu nation perform the worships of mountains and heaven. Emperors of Liao Dynasty, Jin Dynasty and Yuan Dynasty usually hunted here and they all built their residences. 元代的应昌路又名鲁王城,是元朝塞北的三大名城 之一,也是由元大都经元上都通往岭北行省的重要通 道,又称“帖里干东道”。这条古道的起点站是元大都 (今北京市),经元上都(今内蒙古正蓝旗昭乃门苏 木),向北到达应昌路,再向西北至克鲁伦河上游, 转而西行到达鄂尔浑河上游的和林地区,即元世祖忽 必烈以前的“大蒙古国”的政治统治中心,漠北的哈喇 和林古城。有趣的是应昌路与元上都、元大都同处在 南北一条垂直线上,这种显然具有深刻和久远的 考虑。忽必烈于至元8年(1271年)设置应昌府,不 久又升为应昌路。应昌路古城当修建于元朝的至元8 年,即公元1271年前后。 Another name of the city of Ying Chang in Yuan Dynasty was Luwang city, one of the three famous northern cities at that time. It stood by a vital fortress, namely post dry host, connecting Xanadu from Khanbaliq to the north provinces. The starting point of this ancient road was Khanbaliq( present Beijing) and went through Xanadu( present Zhaonaimensumu of Blue Flag, Inner Mongolia) to the north and reached the city of Ying Chang. Then continued in northern west to the Kerulen River upstream and turned west to the Helin ancient city at Orkhon River upstream, which was the political pivot of the Great Empire of Mongolia established by Kublai Khan of Yuan Dynasty. Interestingly, the city of Ying Chang located at a vertical line with Xanadu and Khanbaliq, which was apparently a meticulous design for long-term. Kublai Khan established the administration of Ying Chang in Zhiyuan 8 years ( 1271 A.D.) and upgraded it as the city of Ying Chang which was built around then. 元朝初年,应昌路附近便被封为蒙古翁吉拉惕部的 游牧地,并将跟随大汗屡立战功的特薛禅的后裔封为 鲁王,自此以后应昌路也就成为了弘吉剌部的世居之 地。所谓的鲁王是至元27年(公元1290年),弘吉 剌部的蛮子台被世袭为万户侯济宁王,继而又进封为 鲁王而得名。此后弘吉剌部人凡被袭封为万户者皆加 封或进封为鲁王,所以应昌路又有鲁王城之称。而“济 宁王”之号,则是元太祖铁木真赐封给弘吉剌部特薛禅 之子按陈的封号。弘吉剌部特薛禅是成吉思汗的岳父, 成吉思汗的大皇后勃儿帖就是弘吉剌部的女儿,据说, 太宗窝阔台一纸“弘吉剌部生女以为后,生男世尚公 主……”的圣谕,使得这个部落在终元之世,蕴育出 18位皇后、16位驸马,这在中国历史乃至世界历史上 也都是空前绝后的。 The area nearby the city of Ying Chang was granted as the nomadic zone of Ongelashie tribe of Mongolia and the descendant of Trevor Xue Chan who had repeatedly achieved feat with the hyperhidrosis was titled as the king of Lu. From then on, the city of Ying Chang became the residence of Hongerlab tribe from generation to generation. The so called king of Lu was originated from the Manzitai of Hongerlab tribe, the hereditary king of Jining, and was titled as the king of Lu. Afterwards, anyone of Hongerlab tribe inherited the high status would be further granted as the king of Lu. The city of Ying Chang, therefore, was also called the city of King of Lu. As for the “king of Jining”, it was the title bestowed to the Trevor Xue Chan’s son An Chen of Hongerlab tribe by Temujin, the founder of Yuan Dynasty. As Genghis Khan was the son-in-law of Trevor Xue Chan, his first queen Bortie was the daughter of Hongerlab tribe. It was said that Ogodei’s imperial edict ruled “Any female born in Hongerlab tribe shall be chosen as the queen and male the emperor’s son-in-law.”, generating 18 queens and 16 emperor’s son-in-law from this tribe in the whole period of Yuan Dynasty, which was unprecedented in Chinese and even global history. 公元1368元,朱元璋率领的明军攻占元大都,元 朝宣告灭亡。元顺帝妥懽帖睦尔则率领元朝的残部北 逃至元上都,后来又向北遁至应昌路,并开始调集岭 北等地的元军以应昌路为中心,在应昌路东、西、南 三面的察罕脑尔、骆驼山、开平一线布阵迎击明军, 有效地阻止了明朝军队的北进,为元朝的残存力量的 积聚赢得了喘息时间。面对着貌似固若金汤的草原孤 城,妥懽帖睦尔放松了应有的警惕,恶习大作,于是 在应昌城内大兴土木,修筑离宫,建造巨型龙舟,创 淫乐之舞,以达里诺尔湖为天然屏障,终日沉浸在花 天酒地、歌舞升平之中。据记载,元末著名的“十六天 魔舞”就是由妥懽帖睦尔在这个时候创作出来的。人的 精力是有限的,1370年春,在一个桃花艳艳的季节, 这个将蒙元帝国推向深渊的末代君王终于因患杂症一 命呜乎了,时年仅仅51岁。在他死后的20多年里, 应昌路在朱明王朝一次又一次的洗劫下,一个曾经威 震北疆草原的壮丽宫城千疮百孔。 The army led by Zhu Yuanzhang captured the Khanbaliq in 1368 A.D., sending Yuan Dynasty to extinction. The emperor of Shun Toqutiemor, however, fled to Xanadu with his military remnants and then continued toward north to the city of Ying Chang, in which place he began to gather his army dispersing around the north. He deployed his final resistance against the army of Ming Dynasty along with the line of Chanor, Mountain of Camel and Kai Ping relatively located in the east, west and south of the city of Ying Chang, which effectively hampered the Ming’s march toward north and wined a gasp for restoring armed forces. Toqutiemor loosened the precaution supposed to have in the seemed invulnerable city on the prairie, throwing tons of resources and energies in building palaces and giant ships. He also created “Dance of Sixteen Gods”, a kind of lewd dance prevailed during the last years of Yuan Dynasty, immersed himself into the luxurious feasts and endless merry, fearing nothing with the natural barricade of Dali Noel Lake. However, the last king who pushed this empire to extinction died of disease at 51 due to excessively consumed energy in a peach blossoming spring, 1370 A.D. The city of Ying Chang, the place once of prosperity and dominance of northern prairie was tumbled down by the repeated ransacks of Ming Dynasty’s army within two decades after Toqutiemor’s death. 这座城市虽说远在塞外,却也有着中原的元素,因 为这里也有儒学、文庙。当初这里也是一座繁华的城 市,只可惜这里最终却逃不过一场浩劫。明军后来攻 占应昌,由于无人约束,在城内大肆烧杀抢掠,等到 主将李文忠从前线回到此地时,城里已是熊熊大火, 地上满是尸体,已无马下蹄的地方。此后永乐时期, 这里被改为清平镇,之后毁于战火,废去。 抚今追昔,悠悠的历史带给我们无尽的感慨,今天 的应昌路古城遗址无语,可遗存的塔、寺、墓葬区及 断壁残垣还在诉说着当年的故事。 Due to the prevalence of Confucianism and Confucian Temple, the Chinese characteristic is observable in this city located beyond the northern frontier. Once upon a time, the city of Ying Chang was the symbol of prosperity, but a catastrophe was unfortunately doomed. The city was occupied by savage army of Ming Dynasty who had done burning and looting. When their general Li Wenzhong came back from the frontline, the city was overwhelmed by fire, covered with corpses, leaving no room for standing. Afterwards, this place was renamed as the Qingping county during Yongle period, destroyed by war and disappeared. Then or now, history makes us sign with emotion. Though today’s city of Ying Chang stands silently, its relics of temples and walls is recounting stories at that time.
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