
高中语文 表达方式”“修辞手法”与“表现手法”

2017-10-21 14页 doc 40KB 52阅读




高中语文 表达方式”“修辞手法”与“表现手法”高中语文 表达方式”“修辞手法”与“表现手法” 表达方式”“修辞手法”与“表现手法”的区别 在阅读教学中,许多同学分不清“表达方式” “修辞手法” 与“表现手法”这三个概念,经常张冠李戴,将其混为一谈,进而影响自己正确地答题。它们虽然都属于表达技巧,却有明显的区别: 1(修辞手法 凡是使句子更加生动形象,富有表现力和艺术美感的方法或手段,都可称为修辞手法。修辞手法是针对具体的句子而言的。 修辞手法的种类很多,内容博杂。但高考语文考试大纲要求学生掌握的修辞手法(辞格)共有八种:比喻、比拟、借代、夸张、对偶、排比、设问和...
高中语文 表达方式”“修辞手法”与“表现手法”
高中语文 表达方式”“修辞手法”与“表现手法” 表达方式”“修辞手法”与“表现手法”的区别 在阅读教学中,许多同学分不清“表达方式” “修辞手法” 与“表现手法”这三个概念,经常张冠李戴,将其混为一谈,进而影响自己正确地答题。它们虽然都属于表达技巧,却有明显的区别: 1(修辞手法 凡是使句子更加生动形象,富有表现力和艺术美感的或手段,都可称为修辞手法。修辞手法是针对具体的句子而言的。 修辞手法的种类很多,内容博杂。但高考语文考试大纲要求学生掌握的修辞手法(辞格)共有八种:比喻、比拟、借代、夸张、对偶、排比、设问和反问。 诗歌中的修辞手法有比喻、比拟、借代、夸张、对偶、设问、反问、顶真、起兴等。 ?、比喻:用一种事物或情景来比作另一种事物或情景,可分为明喻、暗喻、借喻、博喻。有突出事物特征,化抽象为形象的作用。比如“问君能有几多愁,恰似一江春水向东流”诗歌巧妙地把抽象的“愁”比做滚滚东去的江水,写出了愁绪的多与绵长。 例析:阅读下面一首宋词,然后回答问题。 柳梢青?送卢梅坡 刘过 泛菊?杯深,吹梅?角远,同在京城。聚散匆匆,云边孤雁,水上浮萍。教人怎不伤情,觉几度、魂飞梦惊。后夜相思,尘随马去,月遂舟行。 [注]?泛菊:饮菊花酒。?吹梅:吹奏《梅花落》。 问:作者在表达感情时主要运用了什么手法,请结合全词内容具体说明。 简析:这首诗主要运用了比喻手法。上片用“云边孤雁,水上浮萍”的比喻来表现离别之苦,下片用“尘随马去,月遂舟行”的比喻来表现思念之切。 ?、借代:借用相关的事物来代替所要表达的事物。借代可用部分代表全体,具体代替抽象,用特征代替人。借代的运用使语言简练、含蓄。 例如李清照的《如梦令》“知否,知否,应是绿肥红瘦。”诗中用“绿”和“红”两种颜色分别代替叶和花,写叶的茂盛和花的凋零。 ?借用人(或物)的标志、特征去代替人(或物)的名称 例析1:朱门酒肉臭,路有冻死骨。——杜甫《自京赴奉先咏怀五百字》 简析:“朱门”指代居住在骊山宫的显贵之家,反衬宫门之外的凄惨景况。 ?借用事物具有代表性的部分去代替事物的整体 例析1:孤帆远影碧空尽,唯见长江天际流。——李白《送孟浩然之广陵》 简析:“帆”,原指挂在船桅上利用风力使船前进的布篷,这里诗人以“帆”代指整个船。 例析2: 樯橹灰飞烟灭——苏轼《念奴娇?赤壁怀古》 简析:“樯”是船上的桅杆,橹是比桨长大的划船工具,安在船尾或船旁。这里用樯橹代战船。 ?以客观存在的具体事物去代替概括抽象的事物 例析1:? 举酒欲饮无管弦。——白居易《琵琶行》 简析:“管”是一种类似于笛的乐器,“弦”是乐器上的肠线或金属丝。这里,诗人用“管”“弦”指代音乐。 例析2:想当年,金戈铁马,气吞万里如虎 ——辛弃疾《永遇乐?京口北固亭怀古》 简析:“金戈”指金属制的戈,“铁马”指配有铁甲的战马。这里“金戈铁马”用来代指精锐部队。 ?、夸张:对事物的形象、特征、作用、程度等作扩大或缩小的描述。有更突出、更鲜明地表达事物的作用。李白的作品中表现极为突出,如:“白发三千丈,缘愁似个长”“危楼高百尺”等。 例析1:阅读下面一首唐诗,然后回答问题。 Pu ash must not exceed 1500mm. Block in place and more are: block, should be watered before rushing to dust, clear blocks debris on the surface of the rear handle. During handling and transport of aerated concrete blocks, throws and dumping is strictly prohibited, after entering varieties and specifications, respectively a tidy, stacking height should not be more than 2m. Aerated concrete blocks to prevent rain. When each layer of masonry, from the corner or anchor blocks, starting at the crane masonry skin, correct skin, Pi Pila control elevation of masonry and wall flatness. Vertical filling mortar: each building block, in place after the correction, filling Vertical joints with mortar, followed by joint seam (puree jointing), depth of General 3--5mm. When masonry masonry adjacent to the near boards, beams, masonry is heavy (about 7 days) with sliced work lower after masonry between the upper plate beam and used ordinary clay bricks to tight filling, mortar full tilt of about 60 ?. Masonry body and cut force wall Zhijian of gap with mortar fill, and squeeze real, gray sewing cross flat vertical, level gray sewing should be control in 15mm around, but not is less than 10MM, not is greater than 20mm, level gray sewing of full degrees shall not below 80%, vertical to gray sewing should be control in 20mm around, but not is less than 15mm, not is greater than 25mm, vertical sewing shall not appeared transparent sewing. Infilled beams according to the building plans of opening hole in lintel Universal Atlas use. Load levels, the design requirements, when the hole close to the shear walls, beams using in-situ construction, concrete shear walls, according to relevant standard specification for anchorage. By design requirements set structure column, 与夏十二登岳阳楼 李白 楼观岳阳尽,川迥洞庭开。雁引愁心去,山衔好月来。 云间连下榻,天上接行杯。醉后凉风起,吹人舞袖回。 [注]乾元二年,李白流放途中遇赦,回舟江陵,南游岳阳而作此诗。 问:对第三联“云间连下榻,天上接行杯”所运用的艺术表现手法做简要分析。 简析:第三联运用夸张手法写出了岳阳楼高耸入云的情状,同时这两句诗想像神奇,在云间连榻,在天上“行杯”,写出了诗人恍若置身仙境的情景。 ?、对偶:用结构相同、字数相同的一对句子或短语来表达两个相对或相近的意思。从形式看,语言简练,整齐对称;从内容看,意义集中含蓄。 例析:阅读下面一首诗,回答问题 春行即兴 李华 宜阳城下草萋萋,涧水东流复向西。芳树无人花自落,春山一路鸟空啼。 问:这首诗的三、四两句运用了哪种修辞方法,请具体说明。 简析:这首诗的第三、四句修辞方法是对偶,“芳树”对“春山”,“花”对“鸟”,“自落”对“空啼”。 ?、比拟:把物当作人来描写叫拟人,或把人当作物来描写叫拟物。比拟有促使读者产生联想,使描写的人、物、事表现的更形象、生动的作用。 例析:阅读下面两首诗,根据提示,完成赏析。 咏白海棠(薛宝钗) 珍熏芳姿昼掩门,自携手瓮灌苔盆。胭脂洗出秋阶影,冰雪招采露砌魂。 淡极始知花更艳,愁多焉得玉无痕。欲偿白帝凭清洁,不语婷婷日又昏。 咏白海棠(林黛玉) 半卷湘帘半掩门,碾冰为土玉为盆。偷来梨蕊三分白,借得梅花一缕魂。 月窟仙人缝缟袂,秋闺怨女拭啼痕。娇羞默默同谁诉,倦倚西风夜已昏。 (据人民文学出版杜1996年12月第2版《红楼梦》第三十七回) 咏物诗讲究形神兼备。以上两诗,颔联都着眼于白海棠之“白”,但绘形写神各有不同。 “胭脂洗出秋阶影,冰雪招来露砌魂”一联,前句以洗尽胭脂,极言其自然本色之美,后句以晶莹剔透的冰雪,喻其冰消玉洁之魂。倒装句式的运用,显得新颖别致:“洗”“招’二字,运用拟人手法,生动地传达出白海棠的情韵神态;而“秋阶”“露砌”的映衬,更是意味深长。诗人含蓄地表现了白海棠朴素淡雅、清洁自励的品性。 “偷来梨蕊三分白,借得梅花一缕魂”一联 简析:“偷来梨蕊三分白,借得梅花一缕魂”一联,前句以梨花之白,形容白海棠的“白”,较之“洗出”句,更侧重于表现“白”的鲜艳洁净,后句再以梅花之魂赋予了白海棠孤高傲世的精神;“偷来”“借得”,巧用了拟人手法;而“偷来”一词,贬词褒用,想象新颖,灵巧别致。 ?、设问和反问:设问是先提出问题,接着自己把看法说出。问题引入,带动全篇,中间设问,承上启下,结尾设问,深化主题,令人回味。反问是用疑问的形式表达确定的意思。用来加强语气,表达强烈感情。 例析1:“问人间谁是英雄,有酾酒临江,横槊曹公。” 简析:以设问开篇,点明题旨,领起下面分层次地叙述三国人物的英雄业绩。 例析2:王安石的《题乌江亭》:“江东子弟今虽在,肯为君王卷土来,” 简析:使用反问句式,语气冷峻,强调了历史之必然。 在阅读教学中,许多同学分不清“表达方式” “修辞手法” 与“表现手法”这三个概念,经常张冠李戴,将其混为一谈,进而影响自己正确地答题。它们虽然都属于表达技巧,却有明显的区别: 2(表达方式: Pu ash must not exceed 1500mm. Block in place and more are: block, should be watered before rushing to dust, clear blocks debris on the surface of the rear handle. During handling and transport of aerated concrete blocks, throws and dumping is strictly prohibited, after entering varieties and specifications, respectively a tidy, stacking height should not be more than 2m. Aerated concrete blocks to prevent rain. When each layer of masonry, from the corner or anchor blocks, starting at the crane masonry skin, correct skin, Pi Pila control elevation of masonry and wall flatness. Vertical filling mortar: each building block, in place after the correction, filling Vertical joints with mortar, followed by joint seam (puree jointing), depth of General 3--5mm. When masonry masonry adjacent to the near boards, beams, masonry is heavy (about 7 days) with sliced work lower after masonry between the upper plate beam and used ordinary clay bricks to tight filling, mortar full tilt of about 60 ?. Masonry body and cut force wall Zhijian of gap with mortar fill, and squeeze real, gray sewing cross flat vertical, level gray sewing should be control in 15mm around, but not is less than 10MM, not is greater than 20mm, level gray sewing of full degrees shall not below 80%, vertical to gray sewing should be control in 20mm around, but not is less than 15mm, not is greater than 25mm, vertical sewing shall not appeared transparent sewing. Infilled beams according to the building plans of opening hole in lintel Universal Atlas use. Load levels, the design requirements, when the hole close to the shear walls, beams using in-situ construction, concrete shear walls, according to relevant standard specification for anchorage. By design requirements set structure column, 表达方式亦可称为表达方法,是作者根据客观事物和表达思想感情的需要而运用的一种语言表达形式,属于文章的整体的语言运用形式。 常用的表达方式有五种:叙述、描写、抒情、议论和说明(诗歌中没有“说明”这一种)。 记叙:记叙人物的经历或事情的发生、发展、变化过程。一般用于叙事诗的表达,以高中课本中《琵琶行》和《孔雀东南飞》为代表,而律诗和绝句当中也有出现,如:杜甫的《登岳阳楼》:“昔闻洞庭水,今上岳阳楼。” 描写:用生动形象的语言对人物、事件、环境所作的具体描绘和刻画。如:《孔雀东南飞》中对刘兰芝的描写:“足下蹑丝履,头上玳瑁光。腰若流纨素,耳著明月珰。指如削葱根,口如含朱丹。”其中白描是诗歌鉴赏中常见的一种表现手法。 议论:对人和事物的好坏、是非、价值、特点、作用等所表示的意见。例如:秦观的《鹊桥仙》中:“两情若是久长时,又岂在朝朝暮暮,”柳永的《雨霖铃》:“多情自古伤离别,更哪堪冷落清秋节,” 抒情:表达作者强烈的爱憎、好恶、喜怒、哀乐等主观感情。(抒情,有直接抒情,也有间接抒情。间接抒情在诗歌鉴赏中一般表现为借景抒情、情景交融、乐景哀情、托物言志等,而这一般又称之为表现手法) 例析1:阅读下面一首唐诗,按要求答题。 端居? 李商隐 远归梦两悠悠,只有空床敌素秋?。阶下青苔与红树,雨中寥落月中愁。 [注]?端居:闲居。?素秋:秋天的代称。 问:这首诗的三、四两句在艺术手法上有什么特点,请简要分析。 简析:这首诗在艺术手法上,第三、四句的最大特点是寓情于景,情景交融。诗人借助对“青苔”、“红树”以及“雨”景、月“色”的描写,赋予客观景物以浓厚的主现色彩,营造出了冷寂、凄清的氛围,表达了悲愁,孤寂和思亲的情感。 例析2:阅读下面这首唐诗,然后回答问题。 暮春浐水送别 韩琮 绿暗红稀出凤城,暮云楼阁古今情。行人莫听宫前水,流尽年光是此声。 问:这首诗是怎样融情于景的,请作简要赏析。 简析:这首诗将友情、世情等浓缩为“古今情”,融入“绿暗”“红稀”“暮云”“宫前水”等意象组成的一幅感伤画面之中,形成融情于景的特色。 一般说来,记叙文多采用叙述、描写和抒情的表达方式,议多采用议论的表达方式,说明文多采用说明的表达方式。 当然,表达方式的运用也不是绝对的,如记叙文里也可以使用少量议论或说明,议论文里同样也可以使用少量的叙述、描写或说明,说明文里也可以有叙述或描写。至于杂文、游记、随笔等更细的分类文体,表达方式则更加灵活。 总之,表达方式的使用,一切服从文体和表现主题的需要。 3(表现手法 表现手法也可称为表现方法(或表达技巧),凡是能使文章整体或部分产生鲜明强烈的印象,达到感染读者的艺术效果的手段或方法,都可视为表现手法。主要着眼于使文章的整体或部分产生效果。 常见的表现手法有:赋、比、兴、烘托、象征、用典、白描、蒙太奇、托物言志、借景抒情、心理刻画、寓庄于谐、联想和想象,等等。 例析:简析陶渊明的《归园田居》(其三):“种豆南山下,草盛豆苗稀。晨兴理荒秽,带月荷锄归。……”句的表现手法 简析:该句纯用白描手法,寥寥几笔就为我们勾勒出了田园生活图景,表现了诗人对田园生Pu ash must not exceed 1500mm. Block in place and more are: block, should be watered before rushing to dust, clear blocks debris on the surface of the rear handle. During handling and transport of aerated concrete blocks, throws and dumping is strictly prohibited, after entering varieties and specifications, respectively a tidy, stacking height should not be more than 2m. Aerated concrete blocks to prevent rain. When each layer of masonry, from the corner or anchor blocks, starting at the crane masonry skin, correct skin, Pi Pila control elevation of masonry and wall flatness. Vertical filling mortar: each building block, in place after the correction, filling Vertical joints with mortar, followed by joint seam (puree jointing), depth of General 3--5mm. When masonry masonry adjacent to the near boards, beams, masonry is heavy (about 7 days) with sliced work lower after masonry between the upper plate beam and used ordinary clay bricks to tight filling, mortar full tilt of about 60 ?. Masonry body and cut force wall Zhijian of gap with mortar fill, and squeeze real, gray sewing cross flat vertical, level gray sewing should be control in 15mm around, but not is less than 10MM, not is greater than 20mm, level gray sewing of full degrees shall not below 80%, vertical to gray sewing should be control in 20mm around, but not is less than 15mm, not is greater than 25mm, vertical sewing shall not appeared transparent sewing. Infilled beams according to the building plans of opening hole in lintel Universal Atlas use. Load levels, the design requirements, when the hole close to the shear walls, beams using in-situ construction, concrete shear walls, according to relevant standard specification for anchorage. By design requirements set structure column, 活的热爱。 白描,原是中国画的一种技巧。这种画法,不用色彩的烘染,只用黑线勾描物象。在文学创作上,白描指不加渲染、烘托,不用华丽辞藻,而以最经济、最省俭的笔墨,勾勒出鲜明生动的形象。其特点是:抓住被描写对象的主要特征,寥寥几笔,形神逼肖。 4(区别与联系 表现手法和修辞手法: 表现手法和修辞手法都能增强文章的表达效果,但表现手法是用以增强文章的整体或某一部分的表达效果,而修辞手法则是增强文章中句子的表达效果,主要着眼于对句子的修饰;表现手法是从宏观角度表现文章的,而修辞手法是从微观角度表现文章的。 表现手法和修辞手法的界限也不是绝对的。 比如,反复是一种修辞手法,但它如果间隔使用,对文章的整体表达效果就非常明显,也可视为表现手法;比喻是一种修辞手法,有时也可以是一种表现手法;等等。 总之,在具体的语言环境中,当某种修辞手法在文章中产生了一种整体的效果,增强了文章的表现力,或是某种修辞手法在文章中反复使用后产生了整体的表现力,那么这种修辞手法也可视为表现手法。 表达方式、修辞手法与表现手法是中学语文教学中经常接触到的概念,不可回避,我们必须在具体的语文实践活动中认真体会,才能真正将它们区分开来,并娴熟地运用。 例示: 1(试分析下面这首诗的表现手法及作用。 白梅 (王冕) 冰雪林中著此身,不同桃李混芳尘。忽然一夜清香发,散作乾坤万里春。 答:本诗所用的表现手法及作用如下:?衬托,以冰雪林衬托梅花的坚毅耐寒;?对比,与混芳尘的桃花对比,显示梅的高洁守志;?托物言志(象征),借梅花的形象表达作者的理想追求。 2(阅读下面这首词,回答问题: 青玉案?元夕 (辛弃疾) 东风夜放花千树,更吹落、星如雨。宝马雕车香满路,凤箫声动,玉壶光转,一夜鱼龙舞。 蛾儿雪柳黄金缕,笑语盈盈暗香去。众里寻她千百度,蓦然回首,那人却在,灯火阑珊处。 【注释】?青玉案:词牌名。?花千树:形容灯火之多,如千树繁花齐开。?宝马雕车:指观灯的贵族豪门的华丽车马。?凤箫:《神仙传》载,秦穆公之女弄玉,善吹箫作凤鸣声,引来了凤。故称箫为凤箫。?玉壶:比喻月亮。?蛾儿雪柳:元宵节妇女头上戴的装饰物。?阑珊:零落。 全词主要运用了哪种表现手法,表达了作者怎样的感情, 答:主要运用了反衬(或衬托、烘托)的表现手法,以元夜的繁华热闹反衬“那人”的孤独寂寞,表达了作者不趋流俗,甘于寂寞,保持志士操守的高洁品性。 这首词着力用反衬法。上片渲染元宵节灯火辉煌,车水马龙,一片繁华热闹景象;下片开头,又描绘观灯女子的盛装艳服,笑语欢快的情景。这一切都不是本篇要写的主要对象,而只是陪衬。最后点出“灯火阑珊处”的“那人”,一位忧愁、孤独、自甘寂寞者,才是作品的主角。前面热闹非凡的场景,是衬托灯火阑珊处的冷落;那笑语欢快的一群观灯者,是衬托“那人”的寂寞孤独。但是,作者描写这样一位孤独者,用意何在,梁启超在《艺蘅馆词选》中评论说:“自怜幽独,伤心人自有怀抱。”联系作者身世看这首词大约作于被罢职闲居期间,置身热闹之外的“那人”形象里,实有作者自身的影子在,或者简直就是作者人格的化身,以“那人”自比,抒发了词人满面腔的闲愁与寂寞。 就修辞而言,本词主要用了如下几种: Pu ash must not exceed 1500mm. Block in place and more are: block, should be watered before rushing to dust, clear blocks debris on the surface of the rear handle. During handling and transport of aerated concrete blocks, throws and dumping is strictly prohibited, after entering varieties and specifications, respectively a tidy, stacking height should not be more than 2m. Aerated concrete blocks to prevent rain. When each layer of masonry, from the corner or anchor blocks, starting at the crane masonry skin, correct skin, Pi Pila control elevation of masonry and wall flatness. Vertical filling mortar: each building block, in place after the correction, filling Vertical joints with mortar, followed by joint seam (puree jointing), depth of General 3--5mm. When masonry masonry adjacent to the near boards, beams, masonry is heavy (about 7 days) with sliced work lower after masonry between the upper plate beam and used ordinary clay bricks to tight filling, mortar full tilt of about 60 ?. Masonry body and cut force wall Zhijian of gap with mortar fill, and squeeze real, gray sewing cross flat vertical, level gray sewing should be control in 15mm around, but not is less than 10MM, not is greater than 20mm, level gray sewing of full degrees shall not below 80%, vertical to gray sewing should be control in 20mm around, but not is less than 15mm, not is greater than 25mm, vertical sewing shall not appeared transparent sewing. Infilled beams according to the building plans of opening hole in lintel Universal Atlas use. Load levels, the design requirements, when the hole close to the shear walls, beams using in-situ construction, concrete shear walls, according to relevant standard specification for anchorage. By design requirements set structure column, 比喻:“花千树”——将元夕的焰火比作千万棵繁花锦簇的花树;“更吹落星如雨”——焰火像被吹得如雨落下的星星;“玉壶”——喻月亮。 借代:“蛾儿雪柳”——用元宵节妇女头上戴的装饰物代年轻美貌的女子。 3(贺铸《青玉案》“试问闲愁都几许,一川烟草,满城风絮,梅子黄时雨”,和李白《秋浦歌》“白发三千丈,缘愁似个长。不知明镜里,何处得秋霜”,各用了哪些修辞手法, 提示:贺铸《青玉案》“试问闲愁都几许,一川烟草,满城风絮,梅子黄时雨”,运用了设问、比喻、排比的修辞。李白《秋浦歌》“白发三千丈,缘愁似个长。不知明镜里,何处得秋霜”,运用了夸张、比喻。 Pu ash must not exceed 1500mm. Block in place and more are: block, should be watered before rushing to dust, clear blocks debris on the surface of the rear handle. During handling and transport of aerated concrete blocks, throws and dumping is strictly prohibited, after entering varieties and specifications, respectively a tidy, stacking height should not be more than 2m. Aerated concrete blocks to prevent rain. When each layer of masonry, from the corner or anchor blocks, starting at the crane masonry skin, correct skin, Pi Pila control elevation of masonry and wall flatness. Vertical filling mortar: each building block, in place after the correction, filling Vertical joints with mortar, followed by joint seam (puree jointing), depth of General 3--5mm. When masonry masonry adjacent to the near boards, beams, masonry is heavy (about 7 days) with sliced work lower after masonry between the upper plate beam and used ordinary clay bricks to tight filling, mortar full tilt of about 60 ?. Masonry body and cut force wall Zhijian of gap with mortar fill, and squeeze real, gray sewing cross flat vertical, level gray sewing should be control in 15mm around, but not is less than 10MM, not is greater than 20mm, level gray sewing of full degrees shall not below 80%, vertical to gray sewing should be control in 20mm around, but not is less than 15mm, not is greater than 25mm, vertical sewing shall not appeared transparent sewing. Infilled beams according to the building plans of opening hole in lintel Universal Atlas use. Load levels, the design requirements, when the hole close to the shear walls, beams using in-situ construction, concrete shear walls, according to relevant standard specification for anchorage. By design requirements set structure column,
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