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贝克汉姆英语演讲ppt贝克汉姆英语演讲ppt 贝克汉姆做客《开讲啦》演讲 挺中国足球 David Beckham has launched a new charitable fund in China to promote youth soccer and even made an appearance on the Chinese version of The Voice to spread the word. 英国球星贝克汉姆在中国成立了一个新的慈善基金,帮助推 广青少年足球。小贝还做客央视节目《开讲啦》发表演讲。 The forme...
贝克汉姆英语演讲ppt 贝克汉姆做客《开讲啦》演讲 挺中国足球 David Beckham has launched a new charitable fund in China to promote youth soccer and even made an appearance on the Chinese version of The Voice to spread the word. 英国球星贝克汉姆在中国成立了一个新的慈善基金,帮助推 广青少年足球。小贝还做客央视节目《开讲啦》发演讲。 The former Manchester United winger hit the stage in Beijing to wow the crowd with a few kick-ups despite wearing shoes and a suit. 这位前曼联俱乐部球员在北京登上舞台发表演讲,虽然西装 革履但还是灵活地秀了几下球技,引来观众一片称赞。 Beckham has teamed up with the China Sooong Ching Ling Foundation to boost the profile of football amongst youngsters in China. 贝克汉姆携手中国宋庆龄基金会,致力于提升足球在中国青 少年中的形象。 He also delighted the audience by performing some of his famous soccer moves on air. 演讲过程中,贝克汉姆还秀了一下自己的“贝式” 招牌动作, 观众们也是看得非常开心。 精彩推荐: 企业英语 篇二:贝克汉姆英国申办2018年世界杯演讲 偶像励志英语演讲 第12期:贝克汉姆英国申办2018年世界 杯演讲(1) I could never had imagined what I would achievethrough football. 我永远都无法想象我在足球方面能取得多大的成 就。 I owe my life everything I have to football. My life infootball began with my granddad, Joe, who took meto my first game. He was a huge Tottenham Hotspurfan. I remember how proud he was when I got totrain at the center excellence. I also remember howexcited we both were when I got to train at Bobby Charlton Soccer School. I also rememberhow excited we both were because we got to meet the Great Man. 足球是我生命的所有。我的足球生涯是由我的祖父乔开启 的,他带着我参加了我人生中第一场足球比赛。我的祖父是 托特纳姆热刺队的一个铁杆球迷。我记得当我在训练中获得 成绩是他是多么为我自豪。我也记得当获悉我能够进入博比 查尔顿足球学院接受训练时我们有多么兴奋。我还记得当见 到博比先生这位足球界内的大人物时我们是多么兴奋。 Of course Sir Bobby was there when I signed with Manchester United, he was there when I wonthe Champion's League, when I won the Africa Cup, when I won the Primier League. He was alsothere the day of Scott in the time of free kick. 我和曼彻斯特联队签约的时候,博比先生在场。我获得欧洲 冠军杯的时候,赢得非洲杯的时候,获得英超联赛冠军的时 候,博比先生都在场。见证苏格兰人任意球的时刻,博比先 生也在场。 Extra accident of our traffic to the England of 2002 World Cup, and of course Sir Bobby saytoday: Over the years, I've been lucky enough to enjoy many of highlights. I've played on everycontinent and everywhere I've played, I've seen the popularity of English football. I am proudto being part of the success that English football as enjoyed over the past twenty years. 英格兰队2002年世界杯上意外的事故,当然正如博比先生 当初说的那样:几年后,我已经足够幸运能够拥有许多的知 名度,我已经在各个大洲踢过球,我已经走遍任何我能够踢 球的地方,我已经见证了英式足球在全球的流行度和受欢迎 度,我更是非常高兴,能够有幸成为见证过去20年里英式 足球获得成功的一员。 When my granddad took me to my first game I could never have imagined that, almost 30years on. FIFA would invited me to take part in the 2010 World Cup Tour. My granddad wouldhave been so proud to have seen that. Unfortunately the day before I flew out for the drawmy granddad died--that was a year ago today. 当我的祖父带我去参加我的第一场足球比赛时,我根本无法 想到,30年后的今天我能够受到国际足联的邀请去参加2010 世界杯抽签仪式,我想我的祖父会为此感到骄傲的。但是不 幸的是,就在我参加完抽签的前一天,我的祖父去世了—— 正是一年前的今天。 偶像励志英语演讲 第13期:贝克汉姆英国申办2018年世界 杯演讲(2) He was a massive figure in my life. He started me infootball, he guided me through my career. Mygranddad was certainly proud of me as I was ofhim. Now I want to to something that will make mygrandchildren proud. 他是我生命中的重要导师。关于足球他给予我启蒙,在我的 职业生涯中一直指引着我。我为我的祖父感到自豪,就如同 当初他以我为傲一般。现在,我要为我的孙辈做出一些能够 令他们自豪的事情。 Through FIFA and President Blatter's good work, I've seen the good that football can do. I'veseen how it can change lives in all sorts of ways. I've seen this, in South Africa, in Thailand, inSierra Leone and all over the world. Now I want to do more and that's why I'm here today, infact, it's why everyone from the England bid, from Prime Minister to Prince William, to Eddie ishere today. Because working together, working with you, the FIFA World Cup can achieve somuch for so many people bring benefits that we will be felt over generations. You all can makethis happen. Each of you has the chance to create opportunities for young people in ecah ofyour countries in every confederation, in every corner of the world. To create a better future forour grandchildren and many millions more. 通过国际足联和布拉特主席的辛勤工作,我很欣喜地发现足 球可以为世界带来的益处。我已经了解足球如何通过各种方 式改变人们的生活。在南非,在泰国,在塞拉利昂以及全世 界,我都有感受到这种改变。现在我想做更多的事情,这就 是我今天站在这儿的原因,坦白地说,也是为什么英格兰来 到这里参加2018世界杯申办的理由,从我们的卡梅隆首相 到威廉王子,以及埃迪。我们在一起工作,通过几代人的努 力,国际足联世界杯能为世世代代的人们带来如此多的好 处。大家可以实现这个目的。你们每一个人都有机会,在每 一个国家,每一个联盟中,在世界的每一个角落,为年轻人 创造机会。为孩子和数百万人创造一个更好的未来。 Thank you for listening to our presentation. 谢谢各位聆听我的演讲。 Our dream is to stage a World Cup that is a spectacular tournament. Our dream is to stage aWorld Cup that benefits billions. Our dream is to stage a Wo rld Cup that makes you, yourgrandchildren and everyone in football truly proud. 我们的梦想是要把世界杯举办成一场全世界参加的盛大的 赛事。我们的梦想是要把世界杯举办成能够惠及数十亿人的 成功赛事。我们的梦想,更是要通过举办世界杯,让我们的 子孙后代,让这地球上的每一个人都感受到——足球,这项 运动,真的是让人感到自豪的。 Thank you very much. 谢谢大家,谢谢。 篇三:开讲啦 贝克汉姆不退场 中英文 Manchester United 曼联队 Real Madrid 皇马队 AC Milan The Galaxy -----Los angeles Galaxy AC米兰队 洛杉矶银河队 PSG ------ParisSaint-GermainFootballClub 巴黎圣日耳曼队 英格兰国家队 维多利亚?贝克汉姆 England Victoria Beckham 离场,不散场 演讲时间:2014-06-07 ——大卫?贝克汉姆在《开讲啦》第97期的励志演讲稿 各位同学: 大家好~非常感谢大家能够欢迎我来到这里,那么首先我想尽可能地讲得越长越好,但是我自己挺害羞的,所以说大家还是要忍受一下我的害羞。 我又一次来到了北京,我作为职业足球运动员已经有二十二年的时间了,我很荣幸能够为曼联队、皇马队、AC米兰队、洛杉矶银河队、巴黎圣日耳曼队,也为英格兰国家队踢过球,我为自己在职业上的成就感到非常地自豪,我效力过的任何一个俱乐部都是取得了一定的成功,我也为此感到自豪,今天我想跟大家稍微介绍一下我的职业生涯,我的生活。因为当你作为一名发言人的时候,实际上事情不可能总是那么顺利。 实际上我还是比较幸运的,因为我大多数的职业生涯都在高点,但是有时候我也遇到过低谷,曾经有一些时刻我遇到了困难。而且我觉得是非常非常困难的时刻,我曾经在职业生涯当中经历的困难时刻,是1998年的时候。当时我在英国 国家队,当时我出征对战阿根廷队,那么可能是有三年半的时间,我都是在低谷。无论是在球场内球场外,对我来讲是非常困难的时期。 我当时非常地年轻,我犯了错误,我能够理解这一点。但是我现在回顾我曾经犯的错误,我还是看到了一些正面的方向,因为有些事情可能是注定要发生的。有些东西可能是注定了,让我从球场上成为一个更坚强的人,在球场外也成为一个更加坚强的人,让我成为一个更好的父亲,更好的丈夫,困难让我成为一个更好的人,支撑我度过这些困难时刻的,总是我的家人和朋友,我的球迷和我自己的信念。我知道总有一天我会回到球场,尽力成为全世界最好的足球运动员。 每当我重新踏入球场的时候,无论是代表曼联还是国家队比赛,我得到的来自全世界球迷的支持,还是非常地让我印象深刻,是他们帮助我度过了最困难的时刻。对抗希腊的那场比赛,每当我回忆起这场比赛,我都会思绪万千。我知道对于国家,对于球迷,对于运动员,这场比赛意义重大,这是非常困难的一场比赛。因为本来我们以为会非常容易地赢得球赛,一开始的时候比分一比零,后来又追成一比一,后来又是二比一。 我记得有很多的机会,本来是可以进球的,我大概踢了七八个任意球,但是都没有进球,我没有瞄准或者守门员拦住了,所以说我开始想,是不是今天我运气就是不好,我甚至都能够在空气中,感觉到它的存在。但是我知道有一点非常特别就像在这场球赛开始之前,我有种感觉,因为早上我醒来的时候,我就觉得今天肯定会发生什么特别的事情。我不知道是对我还是我的球队,我总觉得会发生什么特别的事情,我有这种感觉 。当你有这种感觉的时候,你就会更加地努力,所以说在那场比赛中,我努力地去奔跑,我努力地去拼命,然后我可能也踢了很多球。但是可能有的没有射准,但是我知道,肯定有什么特别的事情会发生。 但是当我们拿到那个任意球的时候,我记得泰迪?谢林汉姆走过来对我说,我想踢这个球。我在各方面都很尊敬泰迪,他也是我很好的朋友,我记得我看着他,然后把球拿过来说:“不,这是我的球。”所以我拿过球,我记得我轻轻地把它放在地上,当我放下球的时候,在我脑中的一切只剩下三年前四年前,1998年的时候,在世界杯上发生那一幕的时候,那种感觉。然后我把球放下,我唯一能够听到的,就是来自于球迷的鼓声,震彻全场。英格兰球迷总是会带着它们,这就让我更加地专注,我记得当我轻触这个球前,我就知道这个球肯定能进。我已经在这个球,真正滚入球门之前,就开始 庆祝了。因为我潜意识里知道球会进的,这就是我觉得对我来讲,最特别的一个时刻吧。 我知道大家都是年轻人,在你们面前还有精彩的世界和美好的人生,但是当然会遇到一些困难的时期,当我经历这些时期的时候,我会尽可能地保持正面的信念,不停止相信,用强大的精神力量战胜困难。 那么我职业生涯当中,第二个困难的时期,应该是我的伤病,为AC米兰踢球的时期。本来一切都是非常地顺利,但是在最后一刻,在一场球赛当中,我往后退的时候,觉得好像有人踢了我一下。然后往后一看,发现自己受伤了,实际上我受到了这种伤害。那一瞬间我觉得我的职业生涯,是不是就此结束了,我是不是再也不能踢球了,我知道我可能没有办法再参加南非的世界杯了。 其实我后来选择为AC米兰踢球,就是因为想参加南非世界杯,就是希望能够还继续踢到世界杯,也就是说踢世界杯应该说是我当时去为AC米兰效力的时期的一个主要的想法。我当时对这一切是这么地有激情有热情,但是就在一夜之间,我的梦想破灭了。所以说当时对我来讲,是非常艰难的时刻,当时我在医院里面,等着做脚踝手术的时候,曾经差 不多有两分钟的时间,我觉得,我可能再也不会踢球了,然后对我来说是非常地绝望。那段时刻,我非常需要有家人,或者是朋友或者是球迷的支持,我很幸运有这样的支持。但是我记得当时做手术的医生,从我身边走过,他说如果你想再踢球的话,你可能要九个月,十个月后才可以再踢球。 但我说,不,我要在六个月的时间里面,就可以踢球。而且我确实在六个月后就踢球了,所以说获得了很多人的支持,大家在座的各位,当时是不是也支持过我,我觉得你们一定是站在我的背后,是你们的支持让我重返球场,是你们的支持让我快速地重返球场。大家对我的支持,我从来都没有忽略过,我一直都记得,我非常高兴,非常感激,大家和我整个职业生涯都并肩同行。在我进入我人生的下一个旅程的时候,继续陪伴我,我在迈阿密拥有了一支球队。那么我也说过,我对这项工作非常有激情,我终于可以有所回报,继续从事我深爱了那么多年的工作,我觉得这是我应该感到自豪的,也使我感到非常激动。我也说过,我希望 能够有很多年轻的,有才华的中国球员,能够来我的球队踢球,这是我的梦想。而且也希望能借此表示感激,感激大家多年来对我的支持,我也希望能够继续下去,我知道在我的职业生涯里面,有很多令人激动人心的时刻。在我的人生中 其实也一样,但是现在我不再踢球了,现在相比之前为曼联,为皇马踢球的时候,我现在已经有点老了,但是我不会减慢脚步,我现在想在生活的其他方面取得成功。 我想感谢大家,可能大家都知道,在我人生当中的一个巅峰,是在英格兰队当队长的时候。特别是在1998年之后,我曾经在英格兰队五十次戴上队长袖标。我作为英格兰国家队的队长,应该算是对我最大的鼓励,我在球场上的最大成功,所以非常感谢这一点。 我最大的成功还来自于我的家人、我的孩子们,我知道大家是非常支持他们,他们现在都在踢足球,我感到非常地自豪,还有我的小女儿小七,我知道大家非常喜欢小七。她是非常可爱的小姑娘,就好像是我的儿子一样。当然还有维多利亚,她工作很努力,她做得很好,作为时尚界的一员非常地专业,也是一位出色的母亲。 我很期待你们提问,我希望它们不要太难,再一次感谢你们的支持,希望你们继续支持我。 Ok, thank you for welcoming me here today. I will try to talk as much as I can. I am a little bit shy. So, you have to spare with me. But I am here in Beijing again. I?ve been for play football for 22 years professionally. I?ve been very lucky to play for Manchester united, Real Madrid, AC Milan, for the Galaxy, for the PSG and for England. I?ve very proud of what I achieved from my career. I am very proud that I?ve been successful in almost every club I played for. But today, you know, I want to talk to you a little bit about my career, about my life. Because when you are a sportsman, sometimes things don?t always go well. Sometime things, you know. I am very lucky, because majority of my career have all been highs. But in the moments where I have lose, this been the moments where I have difficulties. And, I?ve been fruitful difficult times. The difficult times I went through in my career has to be in 1998 when I was playing foe England. I got sense of in the game of Argentina, and for probably three and half years, I went through really difficult time. On the field, off the field, it was difficult for me. I was very young. I made a mistake. I understand that. But I look back my mistake now. And I see it was positive. It was something that meant to happen, something that meant to make me a stronger person. Off the field, it meant to make me a stronger person. On the field, it meant to make me a better father, a better husband, and just a better all round. And the things that always get me through the difficult times is always my family, is always my friends, is always the fans and is always my belief that I know I can back to, trying to be one of the best players in the world. Every time I stepped to that field, for Manchester united and for England. The supports I got from the fans all over the world was incredible, and that?s what got me through the difficult times. With the Greece game, it?s one game I look back on and I get very emotional with. Because I know how much it means to the country, and I know how much it means to the fans, and I know how much it means to the players. It was a difficult game, because we all expected to win the game easily. We went one zero down. Then was one one. And then was two one down. And I remember I?ve many opportunities throughout the game. I probably took 7 or 8 free kicks. They wasn?t very good. You know, I miss the target and keep safes them. And you begin the things that maybe this is not going your day. You know, I could see, I could feel in the atmosphere, but there was something that about that day that was so special for me. Even before the game, I had a feeling. I woke up in the morning. I just had feeling that something special was going to happen. I didn?t know whether it was going to me or whether it was going to my team. I just had a feeling. When you had a feeling, it makes you push a lot harder. And throughout the game, it was the game that I ran the hardest thing, I worked the hardest thing, that I ran the most miles within. I took lot free kicks not very good ones. But I knew there was soothing special that was going to happen. And the moment that we got that free kick. I remember Teddy Schelling Beckham coming up to me. He took the ball and said I am gonna to have this one. And I remember I very respect Teddy as a player, a person. He was a good friend of mine. And I remember looking at him taking the ball back and saying“no, this is mine. I am going to have this one.” So I took the ball. I remember placing it. And when I place the ball, everything that was in my mind, everything in my head was three years ago, four years ago back in 1998 when everything could happen in the World Cup there. And I put the ball down. And the only thing I could hear was the drum, that was the drum from the fans in the stadium full of English fans everywhere.That?s the only thing I could hear. And it kind make me focus , make me get raven (掠夺,贪 婪,)and I remember as soon as I hit the ball, I knew it was going in. I started celebrating before the actual ball was even going to the net because I knew instinctively(本能地) that it was going in. that was the most, one of the most special movements. And you are all young people, you all got the world and life ahead of you but there will be always difficult times..Aha..and the way I got through those times was to be positive and to believe and always to have that mental strength to go through those difficult times. The second difficult movement in my career was my injure that I got towards the end of my career plan for AC Milan. Everything could goes on so well with my Louise ?s fillsomeone kick me …Aha.. I looked back and I had it ..Aha..and then I realized my achilles rupture(脚踝扭伤). And for the movement I thought my career was over, I thought..Aha..I would never play the game again. I knew I wouldn?t play in the world cup in the south Africa. Something that was the reason why I was actually playing in the AC Milan. You know I wanted to play for the great club cup AC Milan. But the reason why I was there was to be able to get into the World cup for England because I was so passionate about it…Aha..I knew that the dream for me ended that night for Milan. So that was difficult time . and the movement I was in the hospital waitting to carry the surgery on my ankles was the movement for about two minutes I thought I would never play football again. ..Aha..and that for me ..Aha.. you know ..it was devastating. It was a time when I really need the support the fans , really need the support of my family, really need the support of my friends, and I got that. And I remember that the surgeon(手术医生) turned around to me and he said : if you want to play again, you may play in nine or ten months..Aha.. and I said :no , I would play in six months and I was playing in six months. so I had support of many people, I had support from everybody, everybody in this room. And that?s what got me back, that?s what got me back playing so quick..Aha.. got me back to play the game I love. As an owner of football team, the owner of soccer team in Miami. I spoke about yesterday it?s something I was very passionate about to be able to give back, to gain I?ve loved and played for so many years to be able to do that. It? s something that I?m proud of, it?s something that I am excited about. ..Aha.. I said yesterday that I hope to have some young talented players from this part of the world, to be able to play in my team. That would be a dream for me. That would be a way of showing people how much I appreciate the support you?ve given me over the years…Aha.. And hope to continue that. I?ve got lot of exciting things happens from my career, from my life .now I?ve stopped playing, I was a little bit older than when I was playing for Manchester United and Real Madrid. But I am not slowing down. I want to be successful in the other parts of my life now, so I want to thank you for that..Aha..and as everybody knows the biggest high-light in my career was being England captain, specially after everything that happened in the 1998. To be able to wear that armband over 50 times for England to be able to work on onto that field to lead the team to the World cups. As the England captain that?s my biggest inspiration and my biggest success on the field. So thank you for that, I?m sure… My biggest success has to be my family, my biggest success is my child, I know you all live their lives with them as well. They are all enjoy this when I was play football which I?m very proud of, they show a lot of love for the game , they show a lot of passion for the game. And then this little our hopper she is a …she is a remarkable little girl just like the boys, they are remarkable children. And also Victoria , she is working very hard, she is doing unbelievable well as a…as a fashion person. She?s being a incredible mother of course. I am looking forward to answering some 篇四:英语演讲 最近有一个问题一直在困扰着我,在我们通往成功的道路 上,哪一个发挥着更加重要的作用,外表还是实力, Recently, an issue has been puzzling me, we're on the road to success, which plays a more important role, appearances or strengths? 那么今天我们就简单的来探讨一下他们给我们带来什么, So today we will be simple to discuss what they bring us? 首先我们来看一组图片~ 一(1贝克汉姆 David Beckham 当然,谈到贝克汉姆,每个人都会想到他英俊的脸庞,时尚 杂志的封面人物,广告明星,毫无疑问在当今的国际足坛, 没有那个人可以做到他那样制造那么多的新闻。曾今很多人 都在质疑他是否是一位伟大的足球运动员,或许只是他英俊 的外表和繁多的新闻是他成为了一个备受关注的运动员,也 许他超人的足球天赋被华丽的外表给掩盖了。但是每个喜欢 他的人都知道贝氏弧线的任意球不可被其他人复制。 And, of course, talking about David Beckham, each person can think of his handsome face, fashion magazine cover character, advertising star, there is no doubt that in today's international football, not that people can do so much that he made the news. Once a lot of people in the question whether he is a great football player, perhaps only his handsome appearance and various kinds of news is him to become a concern about the athletes, maybe he superman football talent was gorgeous appearance to hide. But each like he knows the bayesian arc free-kick was not others copy. 2罗纳尔迪尼奥Ronaldo de Assis Moreira 谈到小罗每个人都被他的足球天赋和努力所折服,当别人都 不看好他的外表是,他用自己的球技了“我很丑,但我很 强大”。当他连续两年蝉联世界足球先生的时候,很多人都在 说他长得真帅。我突然发现这个世界真是疯狂,原来超强的 实力是可以代替外表的。 Talking about ronaldinho everyone was conquered for his football talent and hard work, came when others are loathe his appearance is a, he had proved "I very ugly, but I very strong". For two consecutive years when he world footballer of time, a lot of people have said that he looks really handsome. I suddenly find that the world is really crazy, original super strength is can take the place of the outward appearance. 3林志玲 There is heated discussion about her .she is an good actress with high skills to perform, the answer is no . a good singer ,no. a super model ,maybe. But she is famous in china speacially play two programs in News’ party. 仿佛只是一夜之间,说话嗲声嗲气、逢人就拥抱的林志玲红遍 演艺圈,这个不拍影视剧、不出唱片、年纪又不轻的女艺人一 直被认为是娱乐圈的一个异数 As if just overnight, talk with gas, dia dia told everyone he embraced his chiling Lin acting, the film and television play, not don't clap a record, age and not light female artist has been considered an anomaly of the entertainment industry 4韩红 她不是一个外表漂亮的女人,但却拥有非常美妙的声音。一 她特有的风格影响着大众。一曲《天路》让韩红成为中国家 喻户晓的人物,而今沿着这条神奇的天路,没有人回去在乎 她的外表,人们更加关心的是她的歌声。 She is not a woman of beautiful appearance, but it has very wonderful voice. One of her trademark style influence on the public. One song "holy" let HanGong become China's household names, now down the holy magic, no one back to care about her appearance, people are far more concerned with her singing. 二(关系图 外表实力 有了美丽的外表我们可能得到更多的机遇 有了坚强的实力我们才能更好把握住机遇 把握住了机遇才能展示出我们的实力 当别人都认可你的实力你就定义的一种美丽。 Have the beautiful appearance we may get more opportunities Have the strong strength we can seize the opportunities better Seize the opportunity can show our strength very well When the other people all acknowledge your ability you defined a kind of beauty. 机遇 三(大学生的影响 两点 1找工作 如果你是一个招聘者,你会愿意接受哪种类型的人, If you are a recruiter, which type of people do you want to accept? 2找男女朋友 如果你有机会和他或她共度一生,哪一个, If you have the opportunity to share my whole life with him or her, which one? 很简单...你走在路上 眼睛是看美女帅哥? 还是看丑男丑 女?.... 人都是喜欢美好的事物吧~对不对?!... 所以外表对 现在物质和被五彩的世界诱惑的人 是不克避免的最佳第 一印象杀手锏~! 然后实力嘛....更不用说了....为了能够吸引 众多mm gg们都在拼命赚钱 为了嫁个好老公 mm也在 寻找哪些外表过了 人品过了 最后考虑实力(=金钱or潜 力股) 人都想自己生活的更好点....或者你想寻找浪漫 朴 实的 但很多浪漫和很多生活的基础 就在这个实力上面.... 没有钱在目前的社会 那就是寸不难行的 Very simple... You walk on the road eyes see beauty is a handsome boy? Or see ugly ugly men? ... People are like good things ~ right? ! ... So of matter and is now appearance colorful world of the temptation of people is the best means to avoid first impression killer ~! Then strength... Let alone... In order to be able to attract many mm gg ass all the money in order to marry a good husband mm is also looking at what appearance after a character the consider strength (= money or potential shares) people want to their life better... Or you want to find a romantic simple but many romantic and many basis of life in this strength it... No money in the present society that is "is not hard to do 接受我们不能改变的,改变我们能改变的。加油~~ We can't accept the change, change we can change. Come on!!!!!! 篇五:英语 让尘埃在爱的阳光中闪亮,,转化英语学困生案例 一、主题内涵 在三年级刚刚接触英语时,学生们对英语都充满了新鲜与好 奇,心情既兴奋又激动,对于英语课上出现的词句也会经常 地模仿。但随着时间的推移,学习内容的加深,无论多么优 秀的班级都会出现两极分化的现象,喜欢英语的同学热情高 涨,整堂课都是他们展示的舞台,还有一部分学生脸上少了 许多欣喜,有些甚至选择了放弃。这样,所谓的英语学困生 就出现了。他们或沉默不语,或调皮捣蛋,给我们教师带来 了困惑与挑战。面对这样的一群孩子,我们是责骂,是放 弃,还是感化, 英语新课程中提出“使每位学生都得到发展”——这是英语教师神圣的职责,况且小学英语教学的目的不是选拔与淘汰,而是要使每一位学生都得到一定的英语语言素养。所以我们英语教师不能放弃任何一个孩子。特别是对英语学困生,我们不能轻言放弃,我们要以发展的眼光看待他们,用深厚的爱去感化他们,用实际行动感染他们,取得他们的信任,增强他们的学习积极性,培养他们学习英语的兴趣,真正做到“英语课堂没有死角,到处都有阳光普照”,让学困生能享受到阳光,扬起希望的风帆,走向灿烂的明天。下面就我在转化一英语学困生谈谈自己的体会与看法。 二、案例描述与评析 1、引子 上个学期学校安排我接手六(1)班,为吸引孩子们,我精心设计了第一堂课。短短的四十分钟,一个特别沉默的角落引起了我的注意。陈智霖——六(1)班的大个男生,当其他同学用他们好奇的眼睛打量着我这位新老师时,只有他的眼睛暗淡无光;当同学们热情洋溢地向我介绍自己时,只有 他低头无语;当同学们被我惹得哈哈大笑时,只有他若无其事。我想用我的激情点燃他的热情,然而泼得我一身冷水,他怎么也不肯开口~“老师,他上课从来不发言的,放过他吧~”同学们嚷到。我只好作罢~ 下课了,我把他叫到办公室,本想跟他谈一谈,没想到他倒先开口了:“老师,我只是一粒不起眼的尘埃,英语根本就不会??别管我了~”说罢便转身 离去~我一时无语,望着他远去的背影,我沉默了~这次我是遇到大麻烦了~真的要像他所说的不管他吗,“你是一个小学英语老师~”这句话不断地在我耳边回旋,职责告诉我,不能放弃他,哪怕是一粒小小的尘埃~ 2、人物介绍 我的目光停留在陈智霖身上了,满脑子都是他的身影。我赶紧向他的班主任黄老师了解情况~黄老师摇着头,满脸的无奈,劝我放弃他~原来他是个大龄学生,父母常年在外做生意,根本无暇照顾他,就托付给年迈的奶奶,奶奶从不会管他的学习,只是一味地满足他金钱上的需要。从一年级开始,他就知道买东西吃,玩游戏机,从不会学习,再加上他的蛮 横无礼,与班上的同学格格不入,为了弥补心灵上的空虚,他迷上了网络,甚至去网吧通宵上网也无人管,白天上课就是睡觉,不怕任何人,软硬不吃,是个令人非常头痛的学生~ 3、辅导设想 面对如此一个让人望而生畏的学生,我该怎么办,首先,我分析了陈智霖的性格不是与生俱来的,因为他父母不管他,长期生活在一个无人关爱的世界,加上学习的不如意,产生了严重的自卑心理。但是他也渴望被关注,所以靠闯祸惹事来证明自己的存在,加上快步入青春期的他,逆反心理严重,又特喜欢新鲜刺激的玩意儿,根本分不清是非~应该说他的本质并不坏,所以我也有信心感化他。接着,在我的脑海里构思出了一套辅导策略。我要让陈智霖从内心感受到别人对他的关爱,挖掘他的闪光点,让他重拾信心,激起他对生活、对学习的热爱~ 4、转化过程及反思 ?、“我一直在关注你~” 教育心理学告诉我们,每位学生都具有进取心、自尊心,渴 望进步。我相信陈智霖也有~只是他站在了被人遗忘的角落了。他习惯了被冷落,其实在他的内心深处也渴望被人关注~在课堂上,我总是向他投去微笑的目光,慢慢地,我发现他看我的次数多了。下课了,我总是走到他身边“陈智霖,你能帮老师把录音机上的磁带拿下来吗,帮我把作业本抱到办公室,好吗,”虽然刚开始他是多么地不情愿,我每次都会笑着跟他说声谢谢,渐渐地他也会对我笑笑了。觉得跟他熟悉了一点后,我就会摸着他的头,跟他说:“陈智霖,你知道吗,老师一直在关注你~”他望着我,眼里闪动着泪花。 慢慢地,每当下课铃声响起时,陈智霖就会跑到我身边,羞答答地问:“Miss Hu,要不要把磁带拿下来给你啊,要不要帮你抱作业啊,”我总是微笑地跟他说声谢谢~这也似乎成了习惯,而且我发现他的脸上竟出现了难能可贵的笑容~ 我的反思:美国心理学家布鲁纳说:“学习最好的动机是对所学学科的兴趣,兴趣是最好的老师”。亲其师,才能信其道,小学生也往往因为喜欢哪位教师,也就喜欢他教的那门学科。我想用我的真诚打动陈智霖,跟他交朋友,把我们的师生关系变成朋友关系,把微笑带进课堂,让他感到自己是被重视的、被关注的。从而缩短我们之间的心理距离,使他消除对我的心理隔阂。让他对我感到亲切、信任。实践证明, 我成功了,陈智霖把我当成了朋友,有时他也会向我说心理话,我知道他的内心还是想学好的,只是不知道该从哪里开始努力,连他自己都觉得他是世界上最不起眼的一粒尘埃了,看来消除他的这种自卑心理迫在眉睫了~ ?、“其实你也很棒~” 在一次大课间活动中,我偶然发现陈智霖在足球场上带球驰骋,英姿勃发,于是在那天的英语课时,我当着全班同学的面,对他在球场上的表现大大地赞叹了一回,还称他是未来的贝克汉姆呢,他得意地笑了。课后我和他聊起了足球和球星,让他很激动,因为从来没有老师和他这么亲近地聊过。他还告诉我,他特喜欢体育运动,特喜欢刘翔,将来他也梦想能成为跨栏高手。我向他投去赞许的目光,并告诉他刘翔能取得这么高的荣誉,跟他小时候的刻苦训练是分不开的。他扑闪着大眼睛,似乎明白了什么。 我通过“走后门”,让陈智霖进了校体育队训练。他特别刻苦,连体育老师都赞叹,以前竟没发现这么好的苗子。在校运动会上,陈智霖竟夺得了跨栏冠军。他激动地跑到我跟前,第一个告诉我这个喜讯,让我很感动。 那以后,我经常有意识地和他聊些感兴趣的话题,不经意间对他也提出一些学习上的要求,他竟也渐渐能做到。在花了好多个课外活动课,他才学会26个字母,但他只要认认真真写,那几个英文字母确实写得很漂亮的~我禁不住翘起大拇指赞叹道:“其实你也很棒~”陈智霖竟不好意思地低下了头~ 我的反思:每个人身上都有各自的“闪光点”,而正是这一“闪光点”对学生充满自信有极大的动力。特别是对于那些像陈智霖这些“学困生”来说,长期受到老师的批评,同学的冷落,家长的训斥,经常处于“冷”的环境和氛围中,当 他们的“闪光点”得到老师的赏识时,他们就会感觉到自己有进步,认为自己是老师心目中的好学生。因此,他们的自信心就会增强,学习的内在动力也增加了。 当学生们看不到自己的闪光点时,我们老师要想方设法让学生看清自己所拥有的“闪光点”,创设各种情境,使其为自己的优越性而鼓起自信来。陈智霖就是因为看到了自己足球的精湛,跨栏的厉害,才有信心觉得自己并不是一无是处的,自己也有让别人羡慕的优点的。在老师的不断鼓励与帮助下,我相信他肯定会越来越棒的~ 所以作为教师要善于挖掘学生的“闪光点”,抓住一切时机对学生进行表扬和鼓励。我想这些“学困生”如果得到“闪光资源”补给的话,其自信心就会与日俱增的。 ?、“坚持就是胜利~” 兴趣的产生很大程度上源自学生的成功感。因此,我经常在同学们面前表扬陈智霖的英文字母抄写的很漂亮,作业做得很认真。而且在课堂上,我尽可能让陈智霖有说,有表现的机会,并总是不断地鼓励他肯定他~“You’re great!”“Excellent!”他的脸上洋溢着幸福的微笑。 我向黄老师争取,将一位热心的优生安排做他的同桌,帮助他解决学习英语的困难,利用课余时间,我常给他“开小灶”,并告诉他:“坚持就是胜利~”“要不断地学习才会有进步~”好几次,我看到他将得到“Excellent!”的作业本紧紧地抱在胸前,快乐写在他的脸上。 只要看到陈智霖努力了,我就觉得成功了,到底进步多少我觉得不重要~ 我的反思:苏霍姆林斯基说得好:“成功的欢乐是一种巨大的情绪力量,他可以促进儿童好好学习的愿 望。”所以在课堂上我总是设计一些很简单而且很有趣的游戏让陈智霖参加,他总是很乐意做。渐渐地,他尝到了学习的乐趣~觉得自己也能像别人一样棒,变“要我学”为“我要学”了,其实只要喜欢学了,英语就不难~陈智霖已经慢慢地喜欢上英语了,觉得学英语是一种享受。只要他坚持下去,成功一定属于他~ ?、“尘埃也能发光~” 现在英语课上,陈智霖那个角落不再沉默了,他的脸上洋溢着灿烂的笑容,他也能享受到学习英语的乐趣了。每次游戏,他总是第一个举手,每次表演,他也毫不示弱,在他的感染下,全班同学学习英语的热情空前高涨~陈智霖笑了,我也笑了~ 我的反思:陈智霖——这样的一位英语学困生,在爱的阳光下,成为了最闪亮的一粒尘埃~面对一个学生,你是戴着显微镜去找缺点,还是戴着放大镜去发现优点,角度不同,学生命运迥异。就是因为我挖掘出了陈智霖身上的闪光点,才能让他重拾自信,在他的世界里体会到了别人的爱,也学会了爱别人。 有一则古老的谚语说,要想让一个人脱下他的皮大衣,只有给他阳光,因为寒风只会让他把皮大衣裹得更紧。新课改与我们同行,新的教育理念下,我们要善待每一位学生,把爱与尊重洒向每一位学生,让每一位学生都能在我们的教育下茁壮成长,并发射出绚丽的光彩,让尘埃在爱的阳光中闪亮~ 三、资料链接 英语学困生转化案例 做四年级一班李明的英语教师,已经有一年半了。在如此漫长的接触中觉得他顽皮、好动,他的学习成绩在班里很一般,最突出的感觉就是他对老师好像总有一种说不出的依赖,总是希望老师能够更多的关注他、照顾他,他会因此而感到非常的高 兴。 随着时间的推移,我越来越深切的感到:李明的行为表现为多动和懒散,上课经常开小差,而且闲话特别多,时常不是玩手指就是玩铅笔等,有时还偷偷看课外书籍;作业完成情况也很不理想,即使我亲自把本买来送给他,他也极少能够按时完成作业;他的个人习惯很差,时常将一些诸如铅笔屑、碎纸片、橡皮、甚至手指等放入口中咀嚼;他的学具经常准 备不好,丢三落四,有时候明明带学具了,自己也找不到;他最大的弱点就是特别不虚心,总是不愿意接受批评和帮助,面对批评与帮助表现得异常固执,因此,他与同学的关系也很不好。这样一个学生,可谓是让老师和同学都感到头痛。我对他的教育就这样在一次又一次的摆事实、讲道理中开始了,可以说是苦口婆心,但是总感觉收效甚微。我决心更
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