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初一物理学习提纲初一物理学习提纲 第一课 物体的规格 (蓝天讲义; 浙教版7上第1章第3,5,6节:科学入门:长度,体积,质量,温度的测量) 一、基本概念与定义 1、 什么是物体的规格? 质量与重量的关系? 2、 3、 长度的单位有哪些?他们之间的换算关系?常用工具?使用前注意观察哪些? 4、 常见的体积单位有什么?(固体/液体分别说);毫升与立方厘米的关系? 5、 什么叫质量?质量的性质? 6、 质量的单位和换算关系? 7、 请指出托盘天平的各个部件名称,并说一说它称量物体的原理是什么? 8、 托盘天平使用的三个步骤是,...
初一物理学习提纲 第一课 物体的规格 (蓝天讲义; 浙教版<科学>7上第1章第3,5,6节:科学入门:长度,体积,质量,温度的测量) 一、基本概念与定义 1、 什么是物体的规格? 质量与重量的关系? 2、 3、 长度的单位有哪些?他们之间的换算关系?常用工具?使用前注意观察哪些? 4、 常见的体积单位有什么?(固体/液体分别说);毫升与立方厘米的关系? 5、 什么叫质量?质量的性质? 6、 质量的单位和换算关系? 7、 请指出托盘天平的各个部件名称,并说一说它称量物体的原理是什么? 8、 托盘天平使用的三个步骤是,,, ,,, ,,.第一个步骤又分三步为,,, ,,, ,,;第二个步骤 分三步简称,,, ,,, ,,. 9、 在使用托盘天平,调节螺母时,如果左盘下沉,则把螺母向,,调.反之相反.请问为什么?当中应用的, ,原理? 10、 使用托盘天平时,读取游码时要读取,,. 11、 使用量筒测量液体的体积时,视线要,,. 二、思考与练习 1、有一个高度为L的瓶子,里面装了一些水(未满).请问如何只使用一把刻度尺从而测量出瓶子的体积? 2、在用天平称物体质量时,向托盘内添加砝码正确的顺序是,,. 3、当水结成冰时,体积,,,质量,,. 4、兰兰用天平测量螺母的质量时,误把螺母放在了右盘,把砝码放在了左盘,她读出的质量时23G(5G以下的质量用游码读取),则螺母的质量时,,克.为什么? 5、如果一架天平的砝码生锈,则用这架天平测得的质量与真实的质量相比,,,为什么?如果砝码磨损呢? 6、一个同学调节天平,使得衡量平衡后,发现游码恰好在标尺中央,游码标尺的最大刻度为1克.她用这个天平测量一物体的质量,把物体放在左盘,右盘放27克砝码,又把游码拨到左端,天平平衡,则被测物体的质量是,,. 7、物体实际质量为20.5克,某同学粗心,把物体放在了右盘,砝码放在左盘称量,则天平平衡时,她读到的质量为,,.( 1G以下的质量用游码读取) 8、已知有80个外观一样的小金属球,其中只有一个质量较轻.现只有一架天平,请问你可以几次找出这个不一样的小球?如何做? 三、人教版知识点补充 (浙教版<科学>第1章第4节:科学入门之温度的测量) 1、,,叫做温度;温度的测量工具是,,,是根据,,的规律制成的,里面的液体有的用,,,有的用,,. 2、温度计上的字母C示的是,,.0摄氏度是指,,的温度;沸水的温度是,,;人的正常体温是,,. 3、使用任何一种测量工具时,都要首先了解其,,, ,,, ,,. 4、使用温度计时的注意事项: ,,, ,,, ,, 5、体温计都有哪些种类?请说说一般水银体温计的工作原理. electrophysiology basics, pericardiocentesis, temporary cardiac pacing, and dynamic electrocardiography, ambulatory blood pressure, echocardiography, treadmill exercise testing and other techniques. Understand the basics of coronary angiography and interventional therapy. 2. basic requirements number of studying disease and ask the kinds of diseases in heart failure ... Science is a broad, high integrity of clinical medicine, it is closely associated with the clinical section and is the Foundation of clinical subjects. Within the scope of scientific research including respiratory, circulatory, digestive, urinary, blood, endocrine, nervous system disease, nutrition, and metabolism of connective tissue, joints, physical and chemical factors, and mental diseases. Training objectives of the phase II basic training, training during residency are not professional. Training in internal medicine on which to enable the resident working basis. Requires accurate inquiry, writing a history, a comprehensive physical examination, General familiar with the Rotary section diagnosis and treatment (including diagnostic and treatment technologies), the basic master the diagnosis and treatment of common diseases of internal medicine, has a certain 第二课 什么是人工降雨 (蓝天讲义; 人教版8上第4章之物态变化; 浙教版<科学>7上第4章第1-3节:物质的特性之三态六变) 一、基本概念与定义 1、 物态的变化都有哪些?他们之间是如何变化的?请分别举例说明.(三态六变) 2、 说说你所知道的晶体与非晶体分别又哪些?各举至少三例. 3、 请比较晶体与非晶体的熔化-凝固图象?请举例说明.(补充:晶体与非晶体的异同有哪些?熔化与融化, 溶化这几个词分别是什么现象. ) 4、 请比较蒸发与沸腾的异同? 5、 常见的生活现象涉及的物态变化以及它们是吸热还是放热? 云,雾,露,霜,雪,水面结冰; 冬天里人嘴里呼出的白气; 夏天打开冰棍纸看到的”白气” 冬天早晨房屋的玻璃窗内结冰花 舞台上干冰形成的白雾 冬天冰冻的衣服逐渐变干 冬天戴眼镜的人进入室内镜片上蒙上一层小水珠 医生检查牙齿时把小镜子放在酒精灯上烤一烤,然后再伸进口腔内. 6、 什么是人工降雨? 二、思考与练习 1、任何固体都有一定的熔点吗?同一物质的熔点一定比凝固点高的说法正确吗? 2、如果你做试验测得水的沸点不是100?,那么可能的原因是,,, ,,. 3、在北方的冬天,常用水和酒精的混合物(南方是直接用水)作为汽车的冷却系统的冷却液,是因为,,.在北方,公路上下了雪,人们常撒一些盐在上面,是为什么? 4、化雪天为什么比下雪天还要冷? 5、炎热的夏天,铺有沥青的路面会变软,是因为,,. 6、千里冰封,万里雪飘的物态变化包括,,, ,,. 7、喝开水时,人们常向水面吹气,这样喝起来就不太烫,因为,, 8、将冰水混合物放在温度为0?的房间内,经过足够长的时间,冰水会发生什么物态变化吗,为什么? 9、洗手间的热风干手器能是手上的水快速蒸发的原因是,,.电吹风能迅速吹干头发的原因,,. 10、小王煮鸡蛋,第一次用急火煮,直到煮熟;第二次在水开后将火调小,仍保持水的沸腾,直到煮熟,两次比较发现, ,,种方法比较省燃料?为什么? 11、所谓”沙漠冰箱”的罐中罐,是怎样使用的?为什么要经常在两罐间洒些水?为什么要放在干燥通风的地方? 12、P10第6题. 三、人教版知识点补充 1、科学研究表明,无论采取什么方法降温,温度最低也只能非常接近,,?, 2、,,叫着火点.纸的着火点大约是,,摄氏度. 3、,,和,,是汽化的两种方式.其中,,在任何温度下都可以发生,并且只发生在物体的,,. 4、任何液体都有一定的沸点吗? electrophysiology basics, pericardiocentesis, temporary cardiac pacing, and dynamic electrocardiography, ambulatory blood pressure, echocardiography, treadmill exercise testing and other techniques. Understand the basics of coronary angiography and interventional therapy. 2. basic requirements number of studying disease and ask the kinds of diseases in heart failure ... Science is a broad, high integrity of clinical medicine, it is closely associated with the clinical section and is the Foundation of clinical subjects. Within the scope of scientific research including respiratory, circulatory, digestive, urinary, blood, endocrine, nervous system disease, nutrition, and metabolism of connective tissue, joints, physical and chemical factors, and mental diseases. Training objectives of the phase II basic training, training during residency are not professional. Training in internal medicine on which to enable the resident working basis. Requires accurate inquiry, writing a history, a comprehensive physical examination, General familiar with the Rotary section diagnosis and treatment (including diagnostic and treatment technologies), the basic master the diagnosis and treatment of common diseases of internal medicine, has a certain 蓝天,初一物理学习提纲 第三课 声音是如何发生的 (蓝天讲义; 人教版8上第1章之声现象;) 一、基本概念与定义 1、 声音是由于物体,,产生的;正在发声的物体叫,,;声音的传播需要,,;所以声音不能再,,里传 播;声音能在,,, ,,, ,,里传播.声音是以,,的形式传播的;声波遇到障碍会,,回来行程, ,. 2、 声音在不同的,,和,,下,传播的速度不同. 同一温度下,声音在,,中传播最慢,在,,中传播最快; 同一物质中,温度越,,,声音传播越快; ,,?时,在空气中,声速是,,. 3、 在一根内充满水的长铁管一端用榔头敲击一下,耳朵贴在长铁管(内充满水)的一端可以听到三次敲击 声,依次是,,, ,,, ,,传来的,为什么? 4、 人的耳朵可以分成三部分: ,,, ,,, ,,.外耳包括: ,,, ,,;它们的作用分别是,,, ,,; 中耳包括,,, ,,, ,,;作用是,,, ,,, ,,;内耳包括,,, ,,, ,,.作用是,,, ,,, ,,. 5、 耳朵是人的,,觉器官,还有,,的作用,因为内耳的,,, ,,有感受,,的感受器.为什么有的人 晕车,晕船,航空病? 6、 声波在耳朵里的传播行程听觉的过程是怎样的? 各种乐器发出的声音悦耳动听叫,,;它的三个基本特性是,,, ,,, ,,. 7、 8、 ,,叫音调;与,,有关;物体,,越快, ,,越大,音调越高; ,,叫频率,单位是,,,简称,,.1赫 兹等于,,次/秒.人的发声频率范围是,,到,,赫兹.大多数人能听到的频率范围是,,到,,. 低于前者的声波叫,,,高于后者的声波叫,,. 9、 ,,叫响度;与声源的,,和,,有关;是什么样的关系?响度的单位是,,. 10、 音色与,,有关. 11、 声音尖细刺耳或低沉描述的是,,;震耳欲聋描述的是,,;闻其声知其人描述的是,,. 12、 ,,是噪音.预防噪声的方法,,, ,,, ,,. 二、思考与练习 1、P12例3 2、古代的侦查兵为了及早发现敌人骑兵的活动常把耳朵贴在地面上听,原因是,, 3、运动会上终点计时员在听到发号令时开始计时则记录的运动员成绩会,,实际. 4、我们在小教室里讲话听不到回声是因为,, 5、为什么先看到闪电后听到雷声? 6、P14第12题;以及”创新思维’的所有题目. 7、P15第13,14题 三、人教版知识点补充 1、为了保护听力,声音不能超过,,分贝;为了保证工作和学习,声音不能超过,,;为了保证休息和睡眠,声音不能超过,,. 2、从声音与信息,声音与能两个角度谈谈声的利用,前者请举5个以上例子,后者请举2个例子. 3、请说说天坛回音壁的物理原理. electrophysiology basics, pericardiocentesis, temporary cardiac pacing, and dynamic electrocardiography, ambulatory blood press2016-7-25 3 ure, echocardiography, treadmill exercise testing and other techniques. Understand the basics of coronary angiography and interventional therapy. 2. basic requirements number of studying disease and ask the kinds of diseases in heart failure ... Science is a broad, high integrity of clinical medicine, it is closely associated with the clinical section and is the Foundation of clinical subjects. Within the scope of scientific research including respiratory, circulatory, digestive, urinary, blood, endocrine, nervous system disease, nutrition, and metabolism of connective tissue, joints, physical and chemical factors, and mental diseases. Training objectives of the phase II basic training, training during residency are not professional. Training in internal medicine on which to enable the resident working basis. Requires accurate inquiry, writing a history, a comprehensive physical examination, General familiar with the Rotary section diagnosis and treatment (including diagnostic and treatment technologies), the basic master the diagnosis and treatment of common diseases of internal medicine, has a certain 第四课 眼见真的为实吗 (蓝天讲义; 人教版8上第2章之光现象;) 一、基本概念与定义 1、 什么叫光的反射?其特点是什么?(描述光的反射定律的三句话:在反射现象中,入射光线和反射光线和 法线,,; 入射光线和反射光线分居,,:反射角,,.).根据,,的不同,反射分为,,和,,.分别 是什么情形?什么是入射光线,反射光线,法线,请举例说明. 2、 我们从不同方向都能看到物体是,,反射;请举例说明. 3、 平面镜成像原理是,,定律. 平面镜成像的特点是,,, ,,, ,,, ,,.请画图示意平面镜成像, 并举例说明它在实际中的应用. 4、 什么叫光的折射?光的折射定律是什么? 此时的入射光线,折射光线,法线,请举例说明. 5、 实像和虚像的定义是什么?它们的区别是什么?请分别举例说明. 6、 ,,和,,统称为球面镜;凸面镜使平行光束,,,凹面镜使平行光束,,;请各举出他们在实际中的 应用的两个例子. 7、 什么现象中有光路的可逆性?什么是光路的可逆性?请举例说明它在生活中的应用. 二、思考与练习 1、一束光与平面镜之间的夹角为40?,则这束光的入射角是,,?,反射角是,,?.反射光线与入射光线的夹角为,,?. 的地方,如果此人离开椅子后退了0.5米,则她的像到椅子的距离是,,. 2、一个人坐在离平面镜1.5米 3、水面上桥的倒影属于光的,,现象;在岸上看池子变浅属于光的,,现象.为什么. 4、P17第10,11题; P18第21题 5、一束光线由空气斜射入水中,入射角为30度,在水面上同时产生,,与,,,此时折射光线与反射光线之间夹角的大小一定大于,,度,小于,,度. 6、能力训练,创新思维,强化训练的所有题. 三、人教版知识点补充 1、,,叫光源;光沿,,传播;我们通常用,,表示光的轨迹和方向,这样的直线叫,,.举例说明光沿直线传播在实际生活中的应用. 2、,,是宇宙间最快的速度,用字母,,表示;其速度是,,. 3、光在其他各种介质中的速度都比在真空中,,,空气中的光速大约为,,,在水中速度为,,;在玻璃中速度为,,. 4、在我们的计算中,真空或空气中的光速取值为,,(为简化计算起见) 5、,,是光年,是,,单位. 6、为什么阳光照到镜子会刺眼,而照到白纸不会?什么是漫反射? 7、光从空气斜射入水中或其他介质中时,折射光线向,,方向偏折.反之呢. 8、,,叫光的色散.色光的三原色是,,, ,,, ,,. 9、在光照到物体时,一部分光被,,,一部分被,,,如果物体是透明的,还有一部分被物体,,.不同物体,,, ,,, ,,的颜色不同,从而呈现不同的色彩. 10、物体的颜色是怎样形成的,分别从透明和不透明物体两类进行说明. 11、,,叫光谱; ,,叫红外线; ,,叫紫外线;分别举例说明. 12、为什么晴朗的天空是蓝色的,为什么汽车的雾灯是黄色的,为什么消防员,清洁工总是穿黄色条纹背心?electrophysiology basics, pericardiocentesis, temporary cardiac pacing, and dynamic electrocardiography, ambulatory blood pressure, echocardiography, treadmill exercise testing and other techniques. Understand the basics of coronary angiography and interventional therapy. 2. basic requirements number of studying disease and ask the kinds of diseases in heart failure ... Science is a broad, high integrity of clinical medicine, it is closely associated with the clinical section and is the Foundation of clinical subjects. Within the scope of scientific research including respiratory, circulatory, digestive, urinary, blood, endocrine, nervous system disease, nutrition, and metabolism of connective tissue, joints, physical and chemical factors, and mental diseases. Training objectives of the phase II basic training, training during residency are not professional. Training in internal medicine on which to enable the resident working basis. Requires accurate inquiry, writing a history, a comprehensive physical examination, General familiar with the Rotary section diagnosis and treatment (including diagnostic and treatment technologies), the basic master the diagnosis and treatment of common diseases of internal medicine, has a certain 蓝天,初一物理学习提纲 第五课 近视是如何产生的 (蓝天讲义; 人教版8上第3章之透镜及其应用;) 一、基本概念与定义 1、 透镜分为,,和,,(分别描述),请举出它们在生活实际中的应用的例子,各举三例. 2、 凸透镜对光的作用: ,,;平行于主光轴入射的光线经凸透镜后会聚于一点,这个点称为,,;焦点到 透镜中心的距离称为,,;凸透镜有,,个实焦点. 3、 三条特殊光路:对凸透镜而言,过凸透镜中心的光线,,;平行于主光轴的光经折射后,,;过焦点的 光线折射后,,;对于凹透镜而言则是: 过凹透镜中心的光线,,;平行于主光轴的光经折射后,,; 折射后折射光线过焦点的入射光线,,;请分别画图示意说明. 4、 了解凸透镜成像规律及其应用: 物距 像距,焦距 ,, 物体位置 像的位置 像的大小 像的性质 应用举例 5、 眼睛的结构和功能:眼球是一个精巧的成像结构,主要由,,, ,,, ,,, ,,, ,,, ,,, ,, 组成,眼球的主要功能是,,和,,. 结构 功能 附 眼睑 属 睫毛 结 泪腺,鼻泪管 构 眼肌 外 角膜 眼 膜 巩膜 眼 中 虹膜 球 膜 睫状体 脉络膜 球 壁 内膜 视网膜 内容物 房水/晶状体/玻璃体 6、 近视的成因是什么?如何矫正?请分别画图说明 7、 远视的成因是什么?如何矫正?请分别画图说明 8、 照相机照相的原理与过程?投影仪怎样把物体放大?放大镜怎样把物体放大? 9、 显微镜与望远镜的工作原理? electrophysiology basics, pericardiocentesis, temporary cardiac pacing, and dynamic electrocardiography, ambulatory blood press2016-7-25 5 ure, echocardiography, treadmill exercise testing and other techniques. Understand the basics of coronary angiography and interventional therapy. 2. basic requirements number of studying disease and ask the kinds of diseases in heart failure ... Science is a broad, high integrity of clinical medicine, it is closely associated with the clinical section and is the Foundation of clinical subjects. Within the scope of scientific research including respiratory, circulatory, digestive, urinary, blood, endocrine, nervous system disease, nutrition, and metabolism of connective tissue, joints, physical and chemical factors, and mental diseases. Training objectives of the phase II basic training, training during residency are not professional. Training in internal medicine on which to enable the resident working basis. Requires accurate inquiry, writing a history, a comprehensive physical examination, General familiar with the Rotary section diagnosis and treatment (including diagnostic and treatment technologies), the basic master the diagnosis and treatment of common diseases of internal medicine, has a certain 第六课 电灯为什么会发光(一) 一、基本概念与定义 1、 由,,, ,,, ,,和,,组成的电流的,,叫电路.它们的作用分别是什么?如何在电路图上表示 它们? 2、 ,,叫做电路图;画电路图时要注意三点,分别是,,, ,,, ,,. 3、 电路的三种状态是,,, ,,和,,,其分别定义是什么? 4、 短路分为,,和,,,分别是什么情形,请举例并画电路图说明. 5、 两种基本电路是,,和,,,它们分别的特点是什么?请举例并画电路图说明. electrophysiology basics, pericardiocentesis, temporary cardiac pacing, and dynamic electrocardiography, ambulatory blood pressure, echocardiography, treadmill exercise testing and other techniques. Understand the basics of coronary angiography and interventional therapy. 2. basic requirements number of studying disease and ask the kinds of diseases in heart failure ... Science is a broad, high integrity of clinical medicine, it is closely associated with the clinical section and is the Foundation of clinical subjects. Within the scope of scientific research including respiratory, circulatory, digestive, urinary, blood, endocrine, nervous system disease, nutrition, and metabolism of connective tissue, joints, physical and chemical factors, and mental diseases. Training objectives of the phase II basic training, training during residency are not professional. Training in internal medicine on which to enable the resident working basis. Requires accurate inquiry, writing a history, a comprehensive physical examination, General familiar with the Rotary section diagnosis and treatment (including diagnostic and treatment technologies), the basic master the diagnosis and treatment of common diseases of internal medicine, has a certain 蓝天,初一物理学习提纲 第七课 电灯为什么会发光(二) 一、基本概念与定义 1、 根据,,能力的不同,物质可分为,,和,,,分别定义是,,, ,,.请分别举例说明. 2、 物体的导电能力与,,, ,,, ,,等有关. 导体和绝缘体是绝对的吗?它们可以互相转换吗,请举例说明. 3、 4、 半导体是什么?例如,,, ,,. 5、 如何比较物质的导电能力的强弱呢? 6、 电阻是什么?用什么字母表示?单位?简称?符号?电阻越大,表示,,,导电能力,,;导体与绝缘体的 电阻大小关系如何?导电能力呢? 7、 物质导电能力的微观解释(电子);导体能够导电的原因是导体内部有,,;金属导电靠的是,,,它们 带,,电荷;绝缘体不易导电的原因是其内部,,. electrophysiology basics, pericardiocentesis, temporary cardiac pacing, and dynamic electrocardiography, ambulatory blood press2016-7-25 7 ure, echocardiography, treadmill exercise testing and other techniques. Understand the basics of coronary angiography and interventional therapy. 2. basic requirements number of studying disease and ask the kinds of diseases in heart failure ... Science is a broad, high integrity of clinical medicine, it is closely associated with the clinical section and is the Foundation of clinical subjects. Within the scope of scientific research including respiratory, circulatory, digestive, urinary, blood, endocrine, nervous system disease, nutrition, and metabolism of connective tissue, joints, physical and chemical factors, and mental diseases. Training objectives of the phase II basic training, training during residency are not professional. Training in internal medicine on which to enable the resident working basis. Requires accurate inquiry, writing a history, a comprehensive physical examination, General familiar with the Rotary section diagnosis and treatment (including diagnostic and treatment technologies), the basic master the diagnosis and treatment of common diseases of internal medicine, has a certain 第八课 苹果为什么会落地 1、 ,,叫重力;重力的大小叫,,;重量的单位,,;重力的方向,,;重力的作用点叫,,. 2、 重力和质量的关系是什么? electrophysiology basics, pericardiocentesis, temporary cardiac pacing, and dynamic electrocardiography, ambulatory blood pressure, echocardiography, treadmill exercise testing and other techniques. Understand the basics of coronary angiography and interventional therapy. 2. basic requirements number of studying disease and ask the kinds of diseases in heart failure ... Science is a broad, high integrity of clinical medicine, it is closely associated with the clinical section and is the Foundation of clinical subjects. Within the scope of scientific research including respiratory, circulatory, digestive, urinary, blood, endocrine, nervous system disease, nutrition, and metabolism of connective tissue, joints, physical and chemical factors, and mental diseases. Training objectives of the phase II basic training, training during residency are not professional. Training in internal medicine on which to enable the resident working basis. Requires accurate inquiry, writing a history, a comprehensive physical examination, General familiar with the Rotary section diagnosis and treatment (including diagnostic and treatment technologies), the basic master the diagnosis and treatment of common diseases of internal medicine, has a certain 蓝天,初一物理学习提纲 第九课 自行车上的物理现象 1、 ,,叫摩擦力,摩擦力的方向,,;摩擦力产生的条件有,,, ,,, ,,. 2、 摩擦力包括,,, ,,, ,,;请分别举例说明. 3、 影响滑动摩擦力的因素包括,,, ,,. 增大或减小摩擦力的方法: 前者:,,,后者 ,,, ,,, ,,.请举例说明. 4、 5、 自行车启动时靠的是,,;请描述自行车启动的过程;自行车后轮称为,,;前轮称为,,.下雨天或 下雪天自行车为什么打滑?这种情形下怎样减少打滑? 6、 自行车刹车时靠的是,,;请描述自行车刹车的过程. electrophysiology basics, pericardiocentesis, temporary cardiac pacing, and dynamic electrocardiography, ambulatory blood press2016-7-25 9 ure, echocardiography, treadmill exercise testing and other techniques. Understand the basics of coronary angiography and interventional therapy. 2. basic requirements number of studying disease and ask the kinds of diseases in heart failure ... Science is a broad, high integrity of clinical medicine, it is closely associated with the clinical section and is the Foundation of clinical subjects. Within the scope of scientific research including respiratory, circulatory, digestive, urinary, blood, endocrine, nervous system disease, nutrition, and metabolism of connective tissue, joints, physical and chemical factors, and mental diseases. Training objectives of the phase II basic training, training during residency are not professional. Training in internal medicine on which to enable the resident working basis. Requires accurate inquiry, writing a history, a comprehensive physical examination, General familiar with the Rotary section diagnosis and treatment (including diagnostic and treatment technologies), the basic master the diagnosis and treatment of common diseases of internal medicine, has a certain 第十课 指南针为什么能指方向 1、 ,,叫作磁性; ,,叫磁体;磁体的形状通常有,,, ,,, ,,;磁体的来源有,,, ,,.磁性时间 长短上有,,, ,,. 2、 磁体上磁性最强的部分,,;指南的磁极叫,,,指北的磁极叫,,.自然界中,,只有单个磁极的磁 体,磁极总是,,出现的.磁体也不能,,两个磁极. 3、 磁极间的相互作用是,,. 4、 判断物体是否具有磁性的方法: ,,, ,,, ,,. 5、 ,,叫磁化. 6、 ,,叫磁场;磁场的方向是,,. 7、 地球是一个巨大的,,磁铁.地磁的南极在,,,地磁的北极在,,. electrophysiology basics, pericardiocentesis, temporary cardiac pacing, and dynamic electrocardiography, ambulatory blood pressure, echocardiography, treadmill exercise testing and other techniques. Understand the basics of coronary angiography and interventional therapy. 2. basic requirements number of studying disease and ask the kinds of diseases in heart failure ... Science is a broad, high integrity of clinical medicine, it is closely associated with the clinical section and is the Foundation of clinical subjects. Within the scope of scientific research including respiratory, circulatory, digestive, urinary, blood, endocrine, nervous system disease, nutrition, and metabolism of connective tissue, joints, physical and chemical factors, and mental diseases. Training objectives of the phase II basic training, training during residency are not professional. Training in internal medicine on which to enable the resident working basis. Requires accurate inquiry, writing a history, a comprehensive physical examination, General familiar with the Rotary section diagnosis and treatment (including diagnostic and treatment technologies), the basic master the diagnosis and treatment of common diseases of internal medicine, has a certain 蓝天,初一物理学习提纲 浙教版<科学>第4章第4节:物质的构成 1、 物质是由,,, ,,, ,,等微粒构成的;构成物质的众多分子彼此间存在,,;由于水分子和酒精 分子之间,,,当水和酒精混合时, ,,,所以总体积会,,.冰融化成水后,体积会变小,这说明冰中 分子之间的空隙比水中的要,,. 2、 举例说明是固体和液体分子之间的空隙大,还是气体分子之间的空隙大. 3、 ,,现象说明了一切分子都在不停地做无规则的运动.分子的运动跟,,有关,所以这种无规则的运 动又叫,,运动.分子的温度越高,分子的热运动,,. 4、 从分子运动的角度看,蒸发实质是,,的过程;温度越高, ,,越剧烈,蒸发,,.从分子运动角度来看, 沸腾是,,;所以沸腾是比蒸发剧烈得多的汽化现象,他们本质上是,,的.上述说的是这两种现象的 ,,本质. 5、 ,,和,,是物质发生扩散的原因. 6、 浙教版<科学>第4章第5-6节:物质的溶解性,物理性质和化学性质 1、 在一定条件下,物质能够溶解的数量是,,的;不同物质的溶解能力是,,的;有些物质的溶解能力随 着温度的变化而,,; 2、 物质溶解时,是从外界吸收还是放出热量? 3、 ,,叫物理变化, ,,叫化学变化;两者的区别是,,; 4、 物质具有的性质可分为,,和,,. ,,叫物理性质,如,,, ,,, ,,, ,,, ,,, ,,,,,, ,,, ,,, ,,; 5、 6、 ,,叫化学性质;如,,, ,,, ,,. 7、 常见的酸性物质有,,,常见的碱性物质有,,; 8、 判断物质的酸碱性可以使用,,试液;酸溶液能使紫色石蕊试液变,,色;碱溶液能使紫色石蕊试液 变,,色. 9、 测定物质酸碱性强弱可以用,,试纸.PH试纸的范围通常在,,之间.PH数值越低, ,,性越强;反 之, ,,;PH数值等于,,的物质呈,,性. 10、 电灯泡的灯丝是金属,,制成的,这是利用了这种金属的,,性质?这种性质是物理性质还是 化学性质? electrophysiology basics, pericardiocentesis, temporary cardiac pacing, and dynamic electrocardiography, ambulatory blood press2016-7-25 11 ure, echocardiography, treadmill exercise testing and other techniques. Understand the basics of coronary angiography and interventional therapy. 2. basic requirements number of studying disease and ask the kinds of diseases in heart failure ... Science is a broad, high integrity of clinical medicine, it is closely associated with the clinical section and is the Foundation of clinical subjects. Within the scope of scientific research including respiratory, circulatory, digestive, urinary, blood, endocrine, nervous system disease, nutrition, and metabolism of connective tissue, joints, physical and chemical factors, and mental diseases. Training objectives of the phase II basic training, training during residency are not professional. Training in internal medicine on which to enable the resident working basis. Requires accurate inquiry, writing a history, a comprehensive physical examination, General familiar with the Rotary section diagnosis and treatment (including diagnostic and treatment technologies), the basic master the diagnosis and treatment of common diseases of internal medicine, has a certain
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