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英语口语考试:三一口语简介与评析(可获水平测试证书)英语口语考试:三一口语简介与评析(可获水平测试证书) 博师堂国际教育 www.bostedu.com 第一部分 为什么要考三一口语 1. 什么是三一口语? 考试项目的引进 英国伦敦三一学院英语口语等级考试,GESE-Graded Examinations in Speakers of Other Languages,是经英国文化委员会提议~专门为非英语国家设计的英语口语等级考试体系。目前已在世界四十多个国家和地区开展这项考试。 1995年~北京高等学校教育科技发展中心开始与伦敦三一学院在教师培训和口语考试方面进...
英语口语考试:三一口语简介与评析(可获水平测试证书) 博师堂国际教育 www.bostedu.com 第一部分 为什么要考三一口语 1. 什么是三一口语? 考试项目的引进 英国伦敦三一学院英语口语等级考试,GESE-Graded Examinations in Speakers of Other Languages,是经英国文化委员会提议~专门为非英语国家的英语口语等级考试体系。目前已在世界四十多个国家和地区开展这项考试。 1995年~北京高等学校教育科技发展中心开始与伦敦三一学院在教师培训和口语考试方面进行合作并取得了较好的效果。1999年~北京教育考试院与伦敦三一学院正式签署合作协议~引进该项考试。 考试的权威性 北京教育考试院,中国省级考试机构,是北京市教育委员会直属的具有一定行政职能的事业单位。主要负责北京地区各级各类学历和非学历教育考试及招生的管理和研究工作,管理和承办中外合作教育考试。每年举办升学、自学专业课、证书等考试近80种~参加考试的人数达百万人次以上。 伦敦三一学院,TCL-Trinity College London,是经英国政府批准、为英国文化委员会承认的考试机构。伦敦三一学院在世界各地举办音乐、戏剧、英语口语等多类考试~是英国英语口语考试和授予英语教师资格证书的主要机构之一~也是英语考试服务系统的主要国际承办者之一。1995年~伦敦三一学院因其英语教育方面的成就获得英国女王嘉奖。 伦敦三一口语证书是目前最火爆的口语水平测试证书~它以其权威性、实用性、系统性成为重点中学所青睐的英语口语能力证明之一。三一口语考试共分为12个级别~每三个级别为一个阶段~三一口语考试每月底进行~一个半两个月后出成绩。 其具体划分如下: ,GESE,分段式级别描述 好成绩~好未来~ 《三一口语考试指导手册》 - 1 - 博师堂国际教育 www.bostedu.com 预备段,1,3级, 考试时间:1级,5分钟~2级,6分钟~ 3级,7分钟。 总体要求:在考官的帮助下~考生能听懂考官简明、直接的指令和要求~并做出相应的手势或动作。简单地交谈个人学习情况和业余活动。用基本的句型或少量的词谈论自己和他人所做的事。 初级段,4,6级, 考试时间:10分钟 考试内容:两部分 第一部分:自选话题讨论~ 考生就个人感兴趣的或任何一个熟悉的话题事先填写《话题表-topic form》~并带入考场与考官进行讨论。4级要求围绕所选话题准备4个讲述点~ 5级应准备5个讲述点~6级应准备6个讲述点。讲述点不能太笼统。 第二部分:对话~考官从所选话题中选取两个话题~与考生进行谈论。 中级段,7,9级, 考试时间:15分钟 考试内容: 三部分 第一部分:自选话题讨论 与4—6级相同~考生可选择自己感兴趣的或熟悉的作自选话题~但不得从第三部分的话题中选取。考生不用填写话题表。自选的话题应使考生有更多机会运用所选级别的语言要求。考生不得将自选话题写成书面材料~但可备有讲述讨论用的提纲或图表~并需另准备一份在进入考场后交考官。考生应准备充分的材料~以便与考官能进行五分钟的交流讨论。考生若没有准备~考试不予通过。 第二部分:互动交流 第三部分:对话 好成绩~好未来~ 《三一口语考试指导手册》 - 2 - 博师堂国际教育 www.bostedu.com 高级段,10,12级, 考试时间:25分钟 考试内容:三部分 考试时间:25分钟,暂无课程和考试, 考试特点:考官来自英国伦敦三一口语学院 其中三级到六级的详细描述和要求如下~请家长做参考 级别:3级 考试时间:7分钟 考生应具备的能力: 1. 能够谈论所熟悉人物的生活、工作、学习情况、业余活动~及简单介绍考生所在地区和国家一些场所的情况, 2. 描述图片或一些正在发生的事情, 3. 能够述说时间、日期、天气及简单地给他人指路和地点, 4. 能用表示能力的情态动词can。 新增话题: 工作~学校~家庭生活~天气~业余生活~地点的描述等。 新增语法项目: 正确使用一般现在时和现在进行时~能使用疑问词提出简单问题~be动词的过去时~序数词。 学习目标把握: A.以课本为蓝本~屏除陈旧的死记硬背~以训练学生快速的语言反应力为核心~给一个句子作为核心~再围绕进行替换, 好成绩~好未来~ 《三一口语考试指导手册》 - 3 - 博师堂国际教育 www.bostedu.com B.注意培养学生和考官的说话的能力~达到良好的英语沟通技巧而非考试技巧~三一口语的核心是沟通 所用的句子尽量是包含以下关键词和结构: 情态动词can 和 can’t 的使用~最好加入may~might~should~must等用于课堂教学语言,表示动态的介词:from, to, up, down, along, across,表示时间的介词:on, in, at,表示方位的介词:near, in front of, behind, opposite,be动词的过去时,31以内的序数词 ,用于表达日期,,使用简单的连词:and, and then 良好运用缩略形词组读音 ,如 I’m, I’ve,。 级别:4级 考试时间:10分钟 考生应具备的能力 1. 就事先准备的话题讲述两三分钟, 2. 与考官讨论所述的话题, 3. 能叙述过去发生的事情、未来的打算, 4. 对不同人物、事物及地点进行简单比较, 5. 会话中应尽少停顿。 新增话题: 假日~工作~体育~业余爱好~食物~商店~周末活动或季节性的活动等。 新增语法项目: 一般过去时~be going to表示未来~表示方式的副词及事物发生频繁状况的副词~形容词的比较级和最高级。 级别:5级 考试时间:10分钟 考生应具备的能力: 1. 就事先准备的话题讲述两三分钟, 2. 与考官讨论所述话题~并能对某些陈述说明原因~做出解释, 3. 对过去发生的事情作简要描述, 4. 表述个人爱好, 5. 谈论未来。 好成绩~好未来~ 《三一口语考试指导手册》 - 4 - 博师堂国际教育 www.bostedu.com 新增话题: 节日~交通,汽车~自行车,~庆祝活动~风俗习惯~娱乐~音乐等。 新增语法项目: 现在完成时~will在将来时态中的应用~好恶偏爱的表达方式~数量的表达。 级别:6级 考试时间:10分钟 考生应具备的能力: 1. 就事先准备的话题讲述两三分钟, 2. 与考官讨论所述话题, 3. 谈论某种行为的目的及必要性, 4. 表达个人意见、感受及意图, 5. 表达事物或行为的可能性、必要性及目的, 6. 对考官提出的问题能够较快做出恰当的反应, 7. 与考官进行较自然流畅的对话。 新增话题: 环境~旅游~服饰~健康~钱币~购物等。 新增语法项目: 真实条件句,If he has…~he will…,~过去进行时~各种不同的情态动词~表示目的的不定式。 2. 三一口语教材都有哪些? GESE英语口语等级考试是能力考试~不拘泥于某种教材。为了帮助英语学习者了解并熟悉GESE英语口语考试形式与内涵~由清华大学外语系教授、北京GESE项目专家吴古华主编了新英语口语教材《绿色通道GREEN CHANNEL》成人版和少儿版。成人版,共三册,~与1—10级相对应,少儿版,共四册,与1—4级相对应。《绿色通道GREEN CHANNEL》体现了口语学习的各种教学法的特点~有较强的知识性和趣味性~适合我国国情~适用于较大群体的学习者。 好成绩~好未来~ 《三一口语考试指导手册》 - 5 - 博师堂国际教育 www.bostedu.com 3.三一口语报名常见问题 ,1,三一口语考试报名时间及地点: 报名地点:中关村学院一分院 ,清华东路 林业大学科贸楼对面 参见所附图示, 咨询电话:82837118 82837120准考证及证书领取地点:中关村学院一分院 乘车路线:355、628、438、913、运通110到林业大学站下车路南 ,2,考试查询及成绩发放 考生成绩可在参加考试后两个月,遇法定节假日顺延,通过北京教育考试院网站,www.bjeea.cn,或电话(62123580)查询~集体报名的考生可到报名点查询。 ,3,如何获得证书: 北京教育考试院三一口语考试的组织方式灵活机动~获取证书快捷。 1,全年接受集体或个人报名。 2,考试时间根据人数和报名单位需要而定。1- 9级考试报名满三十至四十即可组织考试。10-12级考试每年组织两至三次。也可根据考试人数与英方商定增加考试次数。 3,考试后两个月即可向通过考试的考生颁发证书。 ,4,如何查询和领取证书, 1、经查询获得通过的社会考生~可在二周后持准考证及本人身份证件到发展中心领取证书。如委托他人代领的~代领人需出具本人身份证件和考生的身份证件。 2、集体报名的考生一律到报名点领取证书。 3、等级证书不包含证书封皮。含中英文等级介绍的证书封皮~由考生自愿购买~每个封皮收取10元。 好成绩~好未来~ 《三一口语考试指导手册》 - 6 - 博师堂国际教育 www.bostedu.com 4.重点中学缘何开始重视三一口语 小升初关注:“去年获得三一口语十级证书的学生已被人大附中英语实验班录取:”顺着论坛中的一片呼声~家长立即意识到~在小学生你拼我博的公英奋战之下~以人大附中为首的重点中学择优又出新招。 “在公英的实用性、公平性屡屡遭受质疑之中~三一口语会不会替代公英,”随之成为了学生和家长在小升初奋战过程中的目光焦点。 一、2006年重点中学开始重视三一口语 公一、公二、公三~再加上三一口语~重点中学不是明摆着在加重孩子们的负担吗,面对着孩子繁重的学习压力和负担~家长对此充满重重疑问~而这与重点中学的择优似乎已成为了一对难以缓和的矛盾。可是~无论对于公英级别还是对于三一口语~重点中学最终看重的其实还是孩子“运用知识的能力”。这表现在小升初综合素质考查的英语测试方面~毫无疑问就是英语的听、说、读、写能力。就此看来~重点中学所看重的公英和三一口语显然都是对学生英语能力的一个考验与客观反映。 什么样的学生将会在以后的学习上更具有潜力,基于此类问题~重点中学似乎年年都在思索~而这种思索又直接导致择优选拔策略上的变更与改进。公共英语等级是学生接受新知识的能力与领悟新知识能力的一种反映~公共英语等级越高~学生认识、理解能力也就越强~对此~家长们无可厚非。可在重点中学择优高压下~部分学生对英语的学习过程中难免会出现只为应试过关~不顾能力提升的现象。那么如何在优中选优?这样~重点中学对优秀学生的选拔就自然又多出了个“英语口语测试”。一目了然~三一口语等级考试的本身就是对考生听说能力的一项考核~所以~其被重点中学所看重自然也在情理之中。 二、三一口语与公英之间不存有矛盾 三一英语口语等级考试的主要目的是考核考生的听说能力。它的主要功能和作用是检验应考者的听说能力。2006年~人大附中招进了通过三一口语十级的学生~这再次说明重点中学重视的是学生英语的运用能力。然而~这并非是对公共英语的否认。 三一口语和公共英语之间并不存有矛盾~而三一口语多面向的群体也是英语爱好者。这类考试并无需考生花费很多的时间去备考~考生只要知道考试的方法~准备几分钟的自主话题就可以。话题主要考查考生对一事物的理解能力和英语表达能力。这是考好成绩~好未来~ 《三一口语考试指导手册》 - 7 - 博师堂国际教育 www.bostedu.com 查英语实际应用能力的考试~考生不但要有大量的词汇基础~还有有宽泛的知识面~这与公英考试的学习是不同的。 三、三一口语并不适合每一个孩子 2006年人大附中就收了好几个过六级的学生~八一中学、交大附中等中学也曾邀请三一口语考试的专家到学校给学生们培训……这些无一不显示出重点中学对三一口语的重视。但是~在此~我们提醒家长~现在各重点中学对三一口语的认可程度不一样~但不可否认的是~不管是人大附还是八一~最主要的英语还是公英~这是短期内不可能改变的。而且~无论是从三一口语级别要求还是从考试形式中看~三一并不适合每个孩子。 三一口语考试共分为四段12个级别。1-3级为预备段,4-6级为初级段,7-9级为中级段,10-12级为高级段。高级别的考试涵盖低级别的内容。考试形式为:考生与考官进行一对一的交谈。一般来说~过了公二的学生~在时间和能力允许的前提下~可以依个人学习情况报考六级以下或六级三一口语,过了公三的学生~可以依个人学习情况报考三一六级以上三一口语,公一中等分数的学生~建议还是先踏踏实实地扎好英语知识基础~不要盲目报考三一口语为好。当然~可能有个别学生因为对应试英语不适应~而公英分数并不高的现象~对于这类学生~我们建议可以依照情况选择合适的三一口语级别进行报考。 伦敦三一口语证书是目前最火爆的口语水平测试证书~它以其权威性、实用性、系统性成为重点中学所青睐的英语口语能力证明之一。三一口语考试共分为12个级别~每三个级别为一个阶段~三一口语考试每月底进行~两个月后出成绩。并据不完全统计~今年进入人大附中的学生中有一半具有三一口语的六级证书。 第二部分 三一口语备考指导与经验交流 1.从一无所知到侃侃而谈——我学“三一口语”全过程 曾经~在大人们都在畅谈着“公英”如何如何重要的时候~我清晰的听到了“以后不允许我们小孩子考公英”的特大喜讯。本以为~随着这一喜讯的下达~我的“上班”生涯将会暂时告一段落。可谁知~爸爸妈妈对我英语的学习要求不但并没有因此而得到任好成绩~好未来~ 《三一口语考试指导手册》 - 8 - 博师堂国际教育 www.bostedu.com 何的缓解~反而~变本加厉:——“三一口语”这个词就是我在这个时候开始听说的。只是后来~我又听说~很多像我这么大的孩子都已经通过了三一口语十级。 十级实在是不敢攀比~而爸爸妈妈对于我考几级也没有太高的要求。所以~我在五月底~按部就班的参加了三一口语测试~没有想到的是~负责测试的老师说~我的口语很标准~但因为语法尚不够扎实~所以~她也仅仅是推荐我上了三一口语四级的班。至此~我才恍然大悟:原来三一口语考试并非我以前所想得那样~只是单纯的去考查我们的口语发音~像后来在三一口语课上~老师给我们所讲的~三一口语考试需要有广阔的知识面~和扎实的语法。 在我看来~很多英语知识扎实的同学学习三一口语的主要任务似乎是在锻炼一种在众人面前讲英语的勇气~而像我这样有足够胆量~却没有足够知识的学生~在冲刺三一口语的过程中~所要做的最关键的似乎就是“巩固”语法和拓展知识面。大家都知道~语法和知识面更多的是要靠平时的积累。这样~仅凭借着上三一口语冲刺班几次课来巩固语法~是远远不够的。所以~在三一口语冲刺班尚未开课的时候~我就已经开始了对《新概念英语》的自学——这主要是为了弥补我语法上的欠缺。 总体说来~三一口语四级对于语法的要求并不是很高~至于它的语法要求~在报了三一口语考试后~自然就会拿到一本《考试手册》~这个《手册》把三一口语各个级别的考试形式和考试要求说得很清楚。从英语学习的持续性看~要想利用很短的时间去将所有不牢固的语法都弄清楚~好像不太可能~我想这大概也是当初老师只推荐我去考四级~而并没有推荐我考更高级别的原因。 如今~我的英语口语已经又上了一个台阶~暑假去青岛旅游的时候~还和几个美国的阿姨闲聊了一会。当几个小朋友投来羡慕的目光时~我只是告诉他们:“英语口语的提升其实很简单~一要把单词读准~二要把句子读顺~三要语法学牢~四要把文章背熟”。 2.学习三一口语的大忌 第一~过分将就方法和技巧~而不愿意下真功夫。语言的运用是一种技能~而这种技能不是靠技巧能获得的。太讲究方法和技巧会被其占用很多的时间和精力~而对学习的内容本身投入较少的时间和精力~因此反而会影响学习的效果。 好成绩~好未来~ 《三一口语考试指导手册》 - 9 - 博师堂国际教育 www.bostedu.com 第二~过分将就速度和效率~不愿花时间经常重复复习学过的内容。语言运用是一种技能~技能只能靠熟能生巧~要不断重复才会熟练~只有熟练了才会形成一种不假思索的技能。 第三~三天打鱼两天晒网~没有恒心~不能长期坚持学习。技能的额数联要有一个过程。在这个过程中会遇到各种困难~但不能向困难低头~要坚持不懈的反复学习~持之以恒。 第四~不重视听力训练。语言是有声的~我们对语言的感受首先是语言的声音作用于我们的大脑。如果不练习听力~只是默默的阅读和背单词~其结果是不仅听不懂别人讲外语~而且阅读水平也难以提高。 第五~只学而不用。语言的实践性很强~如果只学不用~就永远也学不好。我们学语言的目的就是为了应用~要学会在用中学习~这样才能提高兴趣~达到好的学习效果。 3.三一口语课堂口语练习的小贴士 发音怎么纠正, , 模仿练习英语说话语调和节奏. , 录下自己的发音,与录音带相比较. , 仔细听老师或英美人士的发音,大声重复练习,并请其纠正. , 请教老师发音的方式,在家面对镜子练习. , 先练习单音,再练习字与句子. , 将发音困难的字列下来,反覆练习. 如果只有很少有机会练习怎么办, , 上课时抓住每个机会练习.若老师没有叫你,你也可在心中默默练习如何回 答~然后注意听别人如何说,及老师的回应. , 下课后,主动找老师练习,或参加英语口语角加强练习. , 和同学一起练习. 课堂上我不敢说怎么办, 好成绩~好未来~ 《三一口语考试指导手册》 - 10 - 博师堂国际教育 www.bostedu.com 事前准备~自言自语~自己练习亦可。 在脑中静静反覆练习。 不要期望自己一开始就不出错~犯错是学习中不可避免的。 避免恶性循环:怕说错就不敢开口~不敢开口就是放弃练习机会。 容易犯错怎么办, , 组织整理要说的内容~准备大纲或写笔记~小抄。 , 若有问题~发问寻求帮助。 , 不要轻易放弃。 , 对话中专心聆听别人说话~以准备回答。 , 猜想别人下一句会说的话。 , 留意自己说话时~所用的单字~文法,和发音。 , 试用新学的单字~不要只用固定熟悉的字词。 , 自我改正错误~再说一遍。 , 运用英语的同义词~相关词,及用手势表情来帮助表达意思。 , 多多鼓励自己好的表现。 , 评估自己的表现:下次如何改进,哪些策略有用,哪些没用, , 寻求对方或老师的回馈~帮助~或改正。 , 找出问题所在~例如~生字或句型不足~还是太紧张。 , 找出以后可用的策略。 , 纪录学习日志。 反复犯错怎么办, , 分辨该错误是一时口误还是累犯之错误~前者无妨~後者则显示自己尚未 完。 , 全学好该部分~仍需努力。 , 了解自己犯错的原因。 , 注意所犯错误的严重性。 , 全心接受老师或英美人士的错误纠正,稍後再分析。 , 注意英美人士对错误的接受能力。 好成绩~好未来~ 《三一口语考试指导手册》 - 11 - 博师堂国际教育 www.bostedu.com 4.考官献策:三一口语的应试小技巧 第一:为考试准备的话题~一定要考生自己准备。这样~学生才会对话题有切身的感受和体会。而这样~考官在提问的时候~才不会使得学生一问三不知。 第二:考试前~学生在填写话题表的时候~一定要注意语句的正确。这样~考官在提问时候~才不会随意更改考生所写的问题~而一旦考生填写话题表的语句有误~那么考官将会针对学生所选话题~更改提问。 第三:学生在回答考官问题的时候~通常要回答三至四句。这样学生比较容易控制考官~而学生回答越短~考官问的问题会越多~这样学生回答的错误几率也会越大。 第四:学生在回答问题的时候~要会正确运用所报考级别要求的语法项目。这就要求学生在考前准备的时候~充分了解所报考级别的考试要求。 第五:学生选择话题的时候~不要将话题选得太宽太广。话题太大~考官提问的范围就会很宽~这样~学生不好把握考官的提问。 第六:向考官所提的问题要与自己所选的话题相关。 第七:不要对考官说:“Can you change your question?”为了避免考官问的问题~考生听不懂的现象~考生应该力求控制考官的提问~甚至可以用考官的问题~来对考官进行反问。 6.考取三一口语证书的最佳时间安排 大家知道~三一口语1-6级是非常适合孩子考~7级以上不太适合孩子~但也可以考,小升初认同度高~每个月一考~孩子考试时心里压力小。对此~前边我们也已经提到~孩子在英语起步阶段就可以考一下三一口语四级以下的证书。因为~四级以下的三一口语相对来说较为简单--学过了剑桥少儿英语一册~孩子就已经有足够的能力通过三一口语一级,学过了剑桥少儿英语二册有能力考过三一口语三级,在学习剑桥少儿英语二册上的时候~孩子就可以考一下三一口语三级,,学过了剑桥少儿英语三册~则已经具有了考过三一口语四级的能力。 好成绩~好未来~ 《三一口语考试指导手册》 - 12 - 博师堂国际教育 www.bostedu.com 按照这样的英语学习进程~孩子在每一个年级考一个或两个级别的三一口语~一级一级考下来~到了五年级时候~就可以通过三一口语六级。就当前小升初形势看~三一口语六级证书和PET,BETS2,证书就已经足够用了~而对于七级以上三一口语~家长可以根据孩子英语学习的具体情况~来选择报考。 7.专家答疑:为什么有的孩子英语可以说很多却过不了 口语考试? 很多孩子可以非常勇敢的说出一大串的英语句子~在敢说这一方面我们一定要对孩子予与肯定~但很多家长据此就以为孩子的口语很好~怂恿孩子报考高级别的口语考试~少则6级~甚至有的报7-9级~但作为一名专业的英语口语教师~我们就不能只看孩子是否能说~而是看孩子能否说得正确。 敢说能说是前提~但是说的内容更加重要。任何一种口语考试的标准无非是:是否能够听懂考官所问的问题并且给予回应~语音语调是否符合英语发声习惯~时态是否正确~句子结构和词法是否正确~是否流畅通顺有逻辑感~是否达成两个人的交流~是否能够理解一定背景的文化知识。 所以决定考生过级的因素有很多~能说但不能说到点子上~说到点子上却表达不清楚都会影响成绩。不论您的孩子说得语音有多好听~讲的句子有多少~背诵的文章有多少~说话速度有多快~其实都不是关键因素~最重要的就是最终是否能够达到交流~引起谈话人的共鸣。如果只是自顾自的说话那就不是交流而是演讲。 因此我们认为不但说的量要到位~更重要的是在善于倾听的基础上把问题说到点子上~完成考试中交流的过程。 第三部分 三一口语模拟样题大放送 四级样题一 SAMPLE TOPIC: Holiday 1(What do you usually do during your holiday? 好成绩~好未来~ 《三一口语考试指导手册》 - 13 - 博师堂国际教育 www.bostedu.com SAMPLE ANSWERS ?I prefer to read something on bed~some Chinese traditional history books( ?I have a special habit~that is before I fall asleep~I would think of all the things that happened during the day( ?I usually go to the playground for physical exercises(After that~it is my habit to read English( 2(Why do you choose to do these things? SAMPLE ANSWERS ?Reading those books requires concentration to it~and the end of the day offers a good opportunity for free thought~because I have finished all the work~and there is no pressure any more(That is the best time I enjoy myself by reading my favorite books( ?Most people say that the memories of human beings are at a peak during the morning(So I usually use this time to recite very beautiful English prose written by famous writers or memorize the new words( ?What is more~I also make plans for the next day(I am a lazy person to some extent(So I always make timetables for myself(I think of the things I should finish the next day~and arrange them in a good way(With these timetables~I hope the next day would be a meaningful day~and I am in a good mood every minute( 3(What is your feeling towards holidays? SAMPLE ANSWERS ?That is the best time I enjoy myself by reading my favorite books( ?It is quite peaceful at the time~because most of the people haven’t woken up from their dreams(The air in the morning is fresh(After a quiet night~there is no dust in the air(The whole city beside me is so peaceful that what I can hear is only the songs of birds(I enjoy the beautiful scenery of the morning when I am running( 4(Why do you like this time? SAMPLE ANSWERS ?I like the time when I am in bed before sleeping~because for me~that is the end of a passed day as well as the beginning of a new day(In this way~I enjoy two days 好成绩~好未来~ 《三一口语考试指导手册》 - 14 - 博师堂国际教育 www.bostedu.com at the same time( ?Well~I like the time of morning because of its quietness(I usually believe a very good beginning is a symbol of success(So I do not want to waste the beautiful morning lying in my bed—would like to utilize the time to make a good beginning of the coming day( 5(Where do you usually spend your holidays or vacations? SAMPLE ANSWERS ?Actually~I often stay at home(I don’t go out very much because I want to have a rest after 5 or 6 days’ work( ?Almost every weekend~if I have time and weather permits~I go to the countryside with some of my best friends. ?When it is raining hard outside~I am willing to stay in the dorm(Sometimes I go shopping with my best friends( 四级话题二 SAMPLE TOPIC: Buying things and go to the shop 注意:别看句子很多~其实它们都很简单 1(How often do you go shopping? SAMPLE ANSWERS ?I often go shopping once a week, but I go together with my mother or friends and buy all kinds of daily things, such as washing things, clothes, yoghurt and so on( ?I usually do the shopping two or three times a week, because my home is near the shop, I will go there at all times when I need. I am a girl who don't often meat, so I often go to buy fresh fruits or vegetables. ?I do not go to shops or supermarkets, because I am very busy, my mother or father helps me to buy the things that I need. 好成绩~好未来~ 《三一口语考试指导手册》 - 15 - 博师堂国际教育 www.bostedu.com 2(Where do you usually do the shopping? SAMPLE ANSWERS I usually do the shopping in some retail stores, for some things in those ? shops are much cheaper than those in big supermarkets, and some salesmen or saleswomen are very, very friendly. ?I like doing my shopping in supermarkets or departments, because in my opinion, the kinds of the things there are the most, and the variety of the things is very complete. ?Frankly speaking~at times I go to do my shop with my friends in all kinds of stores or shops, containing different variety of the things that I need. 3、Do you always look for the lowest(cheapest)t price when you shop? Why? SAMPLE ANSWERS: ?I like bargains very much because I am still a student and I don’t have much money. I want to save every penny. A penny saved is a penny earned, you know. ?I don’t like bargains because most bargains are of poor quality. “The cheap are not good”, as the Chinese saying goes. 4(Are there any other English words for the man or woman who sells things in a shop? SAMPLE ANSWERS ?Yes. Some people call them “sales assistant”. In a common shop, there are many department managers and in department sale, of course there is a sales-manager, so they are called as “sales assistant”. ?Yes. Sometimes those people are called by others as a clerk, I think this saying is not much. This saying is according to expert in sales. ?Yes. Ordinarily speaking, people regard the man or woman who sells things in a shop or store as a salesman or saleswoman. In Chinese, they just are “ 销售人 员”。 5(What do you know something about shopping in other countries? SAMPLE ANSWERS 好成绩~好未来~ 《三一口语考试指导手册》 - 16 - 博师堂国际教育 www.bostedu.com ?I know a little. But the knowledge comes from television, in television, we can see some people buy things in some famous shops or stores what they like. I know something about shopping in other countries, in a certain way, like ? China, they also buy things in big supermarkets, including a great variety of things. ?I know something about this. I think, in other countries, in their shops or stores there are things in amount and variety more than in China. So if people need something, they can go to buy anytime and anywhere. Also there are many 24-hour convenience shops or stores. 五级话题一 SAMPLE TOPIC: ENTERTAINMENT 1.Do you like watching films? SAMPLE ANSWERS ?On Saturday nights, I am of ten accompanied by my parents to watch the latest movies(It’s kind of a firmly tradition that I started when I still was a child( ?There’s a theatre just around the comer from my home~which is named the Dream Cinema(It’s probably one of the favorite cinemas in Chongqing, SO they always play the very latest films(And, the ticket price is still fairly reasonable and acceptable for average peoples( 2.Do you prefer listening to the radio or watching television? SAMPLE ANSWERS ?Most of the time~I prefer watching television rather than listening to the radio(Television is much better than video because it has pictures(I always think that pictures can offer more information than mere sounds(I like watching movies~ and situational comedies on television(Sometimes I watch the programs that introduce famous scenery around the world~or the knowledge about animals and plants(Watching television is the best way to entertain because right now there are many entertaining programs on various channels~and I can totally relax myself when watching these programs( ?I would rather listen to the radio instead of watching television(First of all~ 好成绩~好未来~ 《三一口语考试指导手册》 - 17 - 博师堂国际教育 www.bostedu.com the programs on television right now are very boring(Sometimes I change all the channels and can not find any program I like(I like listening to music~and whenever you turn on the radio~you can find a channel that is playing music(What is more~ television is quite bad for the eyes~and people will waste lots of time when they watch a situational comedy they like(I like listening to the radio before I fall asleep~ so I can rest my eyes while enjoying the beautiful melodies( 3. What do you think of violence on TV and films? ?Although I dislike the violence on television and in films~I have to say it is necessary for some of the films and programs(People often say that the violence can make the programs or movies more exciting(Some movies want to show the heroism and courage of the hero~and in this case~they have to emphasize the cruelty of the enemies and the hard process of over coming the difficulties to win the victory(People always like to see that the evil people are being beaten by the heroes~which shows their hope for the victory of justice( ?I am very concerned with the violence on television and in the films(It is pretty bad~you know(Some producers~in order to meet the taste of some audiences~add much more violence into the movies to make the plot more exciting(However~these actions will influence the action of children(They will get more aggressive and want to solve problems with force as they had seen in movies(I think it will cause people to believe that the justice is ensured by force~ which will greatly corrupt people’s attitude towards society( 4. If a book has been made into a movie~which do you prefer to do first~see the movie or read the book? ?Surely I will watch the movie(You know~it usually takes at least a week to read a novel~but it takes only two or three hours to watch a movie(To a person like me who is always very busy~it is a good way to know the main plot and the main idea of the book(Although I have to admit that there are some changes to the movie~the general ideas of the book can not be changed(Once I spent two months to read the novel Gone with the Wind~which is a very long novel~but when 1 watched the movie~it gave me a deeper impression and I can say that I understand 好成绩~好未来~ 《三一口语考试指导手册》 - 18 - 博师堂国际教育 www.bostedu.com the story much better because it cancels many unimportant details in the book( ?Comparatively speaking~I would rather to read the book(If I watch a very interesting movie~I will always try my best to find its original book to read(You know~when a book has been made into a movie~it surely contains the ideas of the director~which might be the wrong understanding to the original ideas of the author(What is more~rereading the novel means to watch the story for the second and this will make me understand it better( time~ 5. How do think of the future of movie? SAMPLE ANSWERS ?Cinema offers a large scale, highly detailed and photographic image to a spectator Who is engaged in an activity of intense and relatively sustained attention to it(Broadcast TV offers as mall image of low definition, to which sound is crucial in holding the spectator's attention(The spectator glances rather than gazes at the screen; attention is sporadic rather than sustained. ?As a television viewer, one watches and takes part in multiple narratives:the and the domestic dramas going on in main program, the commercial interruptions~ the room, all of them folded one within the other(In this way~television becomes a kind of communal experience~though different from film and the movie theater( 五级话题二 SAMPLE TOPIC: FESTIVAL 1(What is the festival you are going to talk about? SAMPLE ANSWERS ?Well, I want to say something about the Lantern Festival here. ?There are many festivals in China, and each has special customs. However, among these festivals, I prefer the Dragon Boat Festival, because it usually reminds me of a famous person in Chinese history. ?In China, Spring Festival is one of the most important festivals. It is also getting more and more popular in some foreign countries. 2(When do people usually celebrate it? 好成绩~好未来~ 《三一口语考试指导手册》 - 19 - 博师堂国际教育 www.bostedu.com SAMPLE ANSWERS ?The 15th day of the 1st lunar month is the Chinese Lantern Festival because the first lunar month is called Yuan-month and in the ancient times people called Night Xiao. ?On lunar May 5th, people all over China celebrate the Dragon Boat Festival in memory of the great poet Qu Yuan. ?The Spring Festival is at the beginning of a new year. 3(What is the origin of this festival? SAMPLE ANSWERS ?The 15th day of the 1st lunar month is the Chinese Lantern Festival because the 1st lunar month is Yuan-month and in the ancient times people called Night Xiao. The 15th day is the 1st night to see a full moon. So the day is also called Yuan Xiao Festival in China. It also marks the last day of Spring Festival. ?The origin of this festival can be traced back to the Warring States Period. During that period, there was a patriotic poet named Qu Yuan, who was removed from office by those treacherous officials, and he was sent to exile by the Duke of Chu. When he heard his country was occupied by the armies of another country, he jumped into the river to show his loyalty. From then on, to remember this famous poet and patriot, every year on Lunar May 5th, people eat Zongzi to show their respect and longings for the great patriotic poet. 4(What do people usually do to celebrate the festival? SAMPLE ANSWERS ?When the night comes, countless colorful lantern are hanging in the open air, and all of them, because they are made by different people, have different shapes and colors. You can never imagine that a lantern can be made into so many different shapes. 好成绩~好未来~ 《三一口语考试指导手册》 - 20 - 博师堂国际教育 www.bostedu.com ?On the eve of Spring Festival, parents get food, clothes and Spring Festival’s goods prepared. The people who work outside come back, and the whole family gets together to have meals and say goodbye to the last year, and welcome the New Year. After the meals, they wait until mid-night comes. They set off fireworks then. 5(Why is this festival important in China? SAMPLE ANSWERS ?Lantern Festival is often regarded as one of the most important festival in China, because on one hand it is the end of the Spring Festival holiday, and on the other hand the name of this festival Yuanxiao means unification in China. ?When Spring Festival comes, it means that a new year comes, and people grow a year older. During the festival, it is very crowded throughout the country. ?The impression this festival gives me is its legendary history and the dragon boat competition, which shows Chinese history of patriotism, is the reason I like it. 六级话题一 SAMPLE TOPIC:SHOPPING 1(Do you prefer to shop in department stores, supermarkets, or in small shops? 还可能会这么样问:What places do you often go shopping? SAMPLE ANSWERS: ?As a day student, I often shop at a supermarket on my way home. It has almost everything that I want. ?I enjoy shopping at supermarkets since it’s very convenient there. You can get almost anything you want in a big supermarket. I love to see shelves full of all kinds of delicious food and nice things. I also like going shopping in big department stores because I think they offer a better selection. But if time is limited, I will 好成绩~好未来~ 《三一口语考试指导手册》 - 21 - 博师堂国际教育 www.bostedu.com choose convenience shops. 2(If you have bought something you don’t like or that doesn’t work, what will you do? SAMPLE ANSWERS: ?I will complaint to the shop where I’ve bought the product. I will request (ask) to see the manager to settle (deal with) my problem. ?Maybe I will tolerant (bear) the product because I hate to make a complaint. I’m just too shy. ?Of course, I will take the product back to the shop. I will demand (ask for) a refund. 3(What is your idea of a perfect shop or store? SAMPLE ANSWERS ?I think a perfect or store is certain to be a big store, in which it contains a lot of things, such as washing things, food, everyday-use things, clothes and so on. ?In my opinion, a monopolistic shop or store is a perfect shop or store, because only a shop in monopoly of something can show us good things that people need, only like that, the things that people need are best-quality ones. ?I believe a retail shop is a good or perfect one, because those shops not only include all kinds of things, but also those things are a little cheaper than some big stores or supermarkets to some degree. 4(What do you usually consider when you are shopping? 还可能会这么样问:Tell me something about the shops and stores near your home? SAMPLE ANSWERS: 好成绩~好未来~ 《三一口语考试指导手册》 - 22 - 博师堂国际教育 www.bostedu.com ?I know almost all the major shops and stores near my home. There are department stores, specialty shops, shopping malls, supermarkets, discount stores, 7-11. ?I don’t often go shopping, however, I know there are on Wal-Mart store and five Carrefour stores near my home. I sometimes go shopping there, about once a month. ?I know quite a little shops and stores near my home because I live far away of downtown. Only a small department store there. I used to shop in that store. 5(Do you prefer on-line shopping or in-store shopping? Why? SAMPLE ANSWERS: ?I like on-line shopping because it is efficient. It takes me little time, and yet I can buy nearly all the things I like. In-store shopping usually cost me more time. ?I like in-store shopping because it is personal, and I can have a good talk with the salespeople and make friends with more people. On-line shopping is just too mechanical and impersonal. ?I like online shopping because the online stores often sell truly cheap goods and no bargaining is needed. Besides that, the delivery is often efficient. In-store shopping usually costs me a lot of time to hunt for bargains, and I have to carry all the purchases home on my own 六级话题二 SAMPLE TOPIC:TRAVELLING 你会发现六级中的这个话题很面熟~没错~它就是四级中商店话题 的升级~问的角度更广~问的形式更多样~问的程度更加深刻。 1(Which type of transportation do Chinese people usually use for travel? SAMPLE ANSWERS: ?For most Chinese people~traveling by train is the type of transportation they 好成绩~好未来~ 《三一口语考试指导手册》 - 23 - 博师堂国际教育 www.bostedu.com usually use, because~you know~traveling by train is quite cheap~and safe(And with the development Of the railway~the speed of trains increases year by year(And thus traveling by train is quite faster than by bus(It will still run on time even in the worst weather~so it is a good choice for the people who have made a busy schedule of their travels( ? In my opinion~the bus is still the most employed type of transportation for Chinese people(It is quite easy to get onto the bus at a bus station(Unlike the exact schedule of the railway。 ? The bus is always ready for ALL travelers who are not so sure of the time when they will finish their visit someplace(For those travelers who would like to see the beautiful scenery among the hills~the bus is still the only choice for them( 2(What is the difference between traveling personally and traveling as a team? SAMPLE ANSWERS: ?I think the major difference is the freedom the travelers have(Traveling personally offers a good opportunity to decide the time and place according to personal preference(You can stay somewhere as long as you like~and enjoy the scenery in the way you like(while when you travel as a team~you have to follow the timetable of the team~and so you will always feel the pressure of time~and the interruption of other members of the team( ? Well(I would like the clear destination of team travel(When there is a guide in the team(you do not need to worry about how you get there~where you can find a good place to have a rest~or where the best place of this interest is(All those things have been done by Others( ? In this way~what you need to do is follow the guide and enjoy yourself(When you travel alone~I think there are lots of problems you have to solve(Because you are a stranger there~So it is quite common that you can not find the way to the place you wanted(All those trifles will surely destroy your feelings when visiting( 好成绩~好未来~ 《三一口语考试指导手册》 - 24 - 博师堂国际教育 www.bostedu.com 3(What are the disadvantages of traveling? SAMPLE ANSWERS: ?Well~I think the disadvantage of traveling people talk about most is that 10ng distance between the place one lives and the place one would like to travel to(Unlike Japan Or Other small countries~China is a very big country~which has lots of famous scenery(However(it also means you have to travel a long way to get to these places(It usually takes one half Of the time on the road when traveling(People often already get tired before they arrive at the destination~and after they finish their enjoyment~there is still a long way left for them to go back~and that is the most important baffle that stops people from travel a lot( ? I travel a lot around this country~so I can list a number of disadvantages of traveling has become one of the most important industries in China~and China earns lots of tourism(Most people rush to the limited places of interest and make these places very crowded~while the local government does not know how to exploit the resources of tourism( ? And what is more~the pollution that travelers produce has greatly destroyed the beauty of nature(However~I believe that people will surely solve these problems~and people will maintain a harmoniously relationship with nature while they are enjoying it( 4(What do you think individuals should do to protect natural beauty? SAMPLE ANSWERS: I think everybody should protect nature because we are part of it(First of all~ when we enjoy the natural beauty~we do not want to see rubbish in the rivers or on the mountains(So we should take away all the plastic bags or drink bottles when we leave(And we should persuade the travelers around us to do it(What is more(I 好成绩~好未来~ 《三一口语考试指导手册》 - 25 - 博师堂国际教育 www.bostedu.com think we should also protect the plants and animals in the places of interest( 5(Do you think we should protect ancient buildings? SAMPLE ANSWERS: ? Yes~of course(Those ancient buildings are built by our forebears in ancient times~and all those buildings have become part of our Chinese culture~and remind people of the prosperity of China hundreds or thousands of years ago. For example~the Forbidden City ? It has become an exhibition of art and architecture~as well as the culture of royalty of the Ming and Qing Dynasty(Right now~more and more people are interested in these ancient buildings and they want to know the culture of their nation from it(Once destroyed~all these ancient buildings are a great lose for a11 our Chinese people(or even the lose of the whole world(So all those ancient buildings should be well protected to bequeath them to the next generation( 第四部分 2.了解三一口语课堂教学步骤 一、教学理念 没有不认真的学生~只有不认真的老师~始终把教师的责任摆在第一位。 二、教学方法 口语的训练首先是声音的发声方法的训练~ 首先学习者要敢于发出声音~ 其次要发出正确的声音~ 再次要有内容可以说~ 最后可以说得更加精彩 并且在长期的习惯当中形成与汉语母语完全或部分的独立性~在听到正确的同时 说出的是正确的。 训练基本方法:领读, 跟读, 模仿和类推. 好成绩~好未来~ 《三一口语考试指导手册》 - 26 - 博师堂国际教育 www.bostedu.com 三:教学步骤 第一步 Warm up: 教师以有趣的笑话、游戏、歌曲、谜语等手段入手~打破师生间的隔阂~并且把考试的流程从头到尾演示一遍~从第一节课开始就让学生熟悉考试~融入考试。 第二步Grammar Related: 我们始终认为~语法的讲授是必要的~它是孩子们能否开口说出正确的语言~表达真确的信息的前提。比方说我们要杜绝学生犯第三人称单数的错误~诸如:I does~She do~I is; 以及男他,女她和动物它不分. 第三步Personal Interview(Q&A): 进行单个人的访问式练习,一问一答,确保每个学生掌握,确 要求每位教师做到让孩子们回答问题的机会均等,不偏不倚. 第四步Group Practice: 巧妙的分组练习可以让学生得到更多的锻炼~ 教师的教学方法多样~每一个次的讨论都可以让孩子们获益良多。 第五步Listening Skills: 听懂问题是回答问题先决条件~怎么样更好的听明白考官的问题是关键。围绕着一个话题我们设计足够多的问题~同一个问题至少采用3种不同的问法~保证学员在听的环节中学会变通。 第五步 Homework: 我们坚持让英语学习告别抄写的体罚式家庭作业和题海战术~以口语练习型(回去听材料并用MP3录下来)或写作创造型(给多个问题要他们回家用笔答的方式写下来)的作业为主。减轻学生负担~启发学生思维。 第五部分 三一口语报考“ABC” 1. 学生如何选择合适的三一口语考试级别, 三一口语级别的选择可根据考试手册对各级要求的描述~结合自己的学习情况和实践经历~选择一个合适于本人的级别参加考试。因为从四级开始~考生需要自选并准确谈话题目。考官针对考生所选的话题和文章在交谈和问答中完成考试要求。 好成绩~好未来~ 《三一口语考试指导手册》 - 27 - 博师堂国际教育 www.bostedu.com 为了帮助学生能够选择合适的三一口语考试级别~博师堂学校推出免费三一口语测试~该测试严格按照各级别的大纲要求~对学生的英语水平做出客观的评价~同时~根据学生的水平~推荐学生报考较为合适的级别。 2.三一口语可不可以跨级报考, 三一口语考试共分12级~不同年龄、不同能力的考生~都可找到适合自己的级别~而且可以跨级别报考。三一口语考试题目设计不仅涉及语言功能、语法项目、词汇、语音等内容~还要考查考生的交际能力~一些对话涉及的内容与考生的学识阅历密切相关。比如6级考试中旅游的话题~考生答题时出现了一些问题:一位小考生描述的故事是~和家人一起开车去海南玩~车一直开到海边~大家高兴地下海玩耍。故事内容没涉及要乘坐渡轮这一细节~也没描述琼州海峡。由于考生学识阅历所限~以致故事与实际情况有出入。7级考试的对话题目涉及民族习俗、全国和地方性的物产和产品、污染与资源再生利用等~这些内容如果让一个小学生来答~明显超出了其知识和阅历范围。这些考生即使报考高级别考试~通过考试是比较困难的。所以~即使从原则上讲~三一口语允许跨级别报考~但考虑到孩子的知识理解与巩固~我们并不赞成跨级别报考。同时~我们也不赞成~孩子以一个月报考一个级别的进度去考试~因为~这样~不仅会给孩子学习造成很大的压力~同时~也会因为孩子的英语知识掌握不牢~而降低通过的几率。 3(GESE考官能否根据学生水平当场为考生降级进行考 试, 考官只针对考生所报考级别进行考试~虽然考试内容涵盖该级别之前的各级要求~但考官不能随意往下降一级给予成绩。 4.考官如何对考生进行三一口语考试成绩评定, 1, 考官 好成绩~好未来~ 《三一口语考试指导手册》 - 28 - 博师堂国际教育 www.bostedu.com 10-12级考试由英方考官担任~7-9级考试由中方或英方考官担任~1-6级考试由中方考官担任。 中方考官资格认定: a,必须是英语专业本科及本科以上学历,或同等学历,~从事英语教学2年以上者, b,1-6级考官英语口语水平必须达到GESE-10级~7-9级考官必须达到GESE-11级, c,经伦敦三一学院高级培训官严格培训并考核合格~由北京教育考试院聘任。 中方考官每年都需要接受语言和考试标准的培训。一年中不担任考试工作或不参加培训者~第二年不再具备考官资格。 2,考试成绩 考官根据考生水平从听力理解、语音、词汇、语法结构和交际策略等方面分项打分~通过了考试的考生给予通过(Pass)、良好(Merit)、优秀(Distinction)三个水平段的评定。 3,考试质量监控 考试全程录音。根据中英双方协议有关规定~抽取一定数量的录音磁带寄往伦敦三一学院~由英方专人审听,中方专家对中方考官进行经常性指导。 4,考试成功率高 根据集体报名单位要求举办《级别要求专题讲座》~为考生选择适合自己的级别提供参考。历年来~因考生选级符合个人实际水平~GESE一直保持较高的成功率。 5,证书颁发 考试合格者~由北京教育考试院和伦敦三一学院联合颁发GESE等级证书。 5.报考三一口语4—6级~如何准备话题, 报考4—6级的考生~由个人自选话题进行准备~为更真实考察考生水平~根据新大纲编制的级别描述在4—6级自选话题部分作了调整~4级应准备4个讲述点~5级好成绩~好未来~ 《三一口语考试指导手册》 - 29 - 博师堂国际教育 www.bostedu.com 应准备5个讲述点~6级应准备6个讲述点~考生在考前应按要求填写话题表~进考场时交给考官~考官任意抽选各讲述点由考生讲述。凡不填写话题表的考生~将不会取得这部分的成绩。 6.GESE级别描述中提到的新增话题是什么意思, 新增话题是指相对本级以前各级所列出的话题而言~考生在准备某一级别的考试时~应准备包括本级及以前各级所列的所有话题及语言要求。 7.为什么说三一口语7级的C比6级的A好~而6级的 A要比5级的C好, 看到这个似乎矛盾命题后就会有疑问~按一般的道理:既然7C比6A 好~那么自然6C要比5A好。 其实这个观点并不矛盾~我们从三一口语考试的分级框架来分析:它分为预备级(1-3)~初级(4-6)~中级(7-9)和高级(10-12)~四个级别分别再细化为3级~总共12级。 三一口语级别的划分依据是按照人们平常的生活、工作和学习的场景~虽然这个口语考试系统非常严密~但我们经过长期的教学后发现:在初级和中级的衔接中~跨度比较大~中级涉及的语法、词汇和交流场景都是初级中从来没有遇到过的。首先从语法功能的角度分析~7级需要很好的掌握虚拟语气,虚拟条件句,~名词性从句~定语及状语从句~而且要求口语的流畅表达~难度着实不低。 其次我们来比较一下7级和6级的话题: 通过上表~我们可以看到很明显的一点:7级的每一个话题都要比6级中的任何一个话题深刻很多~甚至到了教育~民族习俗和污染和废物回收利用这种社会性的公共讨论的话题~我们往往能在电视新闻等访谈节目中看到这类话题的讨论~所以~如此高难度的问题孩子们也能通过的话~就更可以证明考生的水平确实很好。 好成绩~好未来~ 《三一口语考试指导手册》 - 30 - 博师堂国际教育 www.bostedu.com 因此~7级C的证书确实能够很好的证明孩子具备复杂话题讨论的能力~有足够的实力进入相应的重点中学。当然同样是7级~7A自然要比7B和7C好。 那么~为什么又说5级的A要比6级的C好呢~原因很简单~因为5级和6级同属于三一口语的初级段~无论是对于语法还是对于话题所涉及的知识难度上讲~差异性并不大~而涉及的话题的关联性也很强。 先看上面的两个级别的表格~拿5级的节日来说~我们可以随时和6级的购物~旅游~服饰和钱币结合起来~想想看~一谈到节日无非就是过节如何庆祝~那怎么庆祝呢~肯定要到商店里买东西~也就是购物~买新衣服~那就是服饰,如果你谈到节日里去外地游玩~也就涉及到旅游~如果你要庆祝一个节日肯定也要考虑到钱财和消费水平~也就是钱币,同时5级也可以与4级的话题中的很多话题相关联~比方同样再拿节日举例子~过节了~去商店~去买食物~节日的假期去进行自己的业余爱好和体育运动。 由此可以看出5级在三一口语中的桥梁作用~学好五级在总结1-4级所有的同时~我们又可以为六级的学习打下一个良好的基础~所以一个5级A的证书可以很好的证明考生的能力。 好成绩~好未来~ 《三一口语考试指导手册》 - 31 -
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