

2017-08-31 10页 doc 167KB 57阅读




dnf领主之塔攻略dnf领主之塔攻略 1. 1,携带品分析 因为一个礼拜才能刷6次,所以我建议有欲望做SS刷领主的同学应该进图前鞋带几个必要的药品,即便不使用,也是防万一,要知道领主是不能让你使用海量复活币战术的,所以我建议鞋带点神圣祝福药剂就是复活药,HP,MP必要不说了,霸体护甲药水,狂龙之吼,以及除人偶外的各种召唤物,比如班图族战士之类的,用法作用下面会提到,不要舍不得这些钱,平时刷的挑战书卖卖掉就够买这些药的了,要知道现在刷一次乌龟深渊都得80W。 2. 2,打法技巧 难度上其实还可以,有点跑位和装备的玩家基本都能刷到5层乃...
dnf领主之塔攻略 1. 1,携带品分析 因为一个礼拜才能刷6次,所以我建议有欲望做SS刷领主的同学应该进图前鞋带几个必要的药品,即便不使用,也是防万一,要知道领主是不能让你使用海量复活币战术的,所以我建议鞋带点神圣祝福药剂就是复活药,HP,MP必要不说了,霸体护甲药水,狂龙之吼,以及除人偶外的各种召唤物,比如班图族战士之类的,用法作用下面会提到,不要舍不得这些钱,平时刷的挑战书卖卖掉就够买这些药的了,要知道现在刷一次乌龟深渊都得80W。 2. 2,打法技巧 难度上其实还可以,有点跑位和装备的玩家基本都能刷到5层乃至通关,中间出现问题的最多的地方应该都是卡在第4层左右眼+光之城主赛格哈特,这个是出险率很高的组合基本遇到后没有召唤技能协助,或者霸体技能少的职业很容易被眼睛打断,之后被哈特同学的光束秒死,这一关需要多多注意,因为并非人人都Omega-shaped expansion bends. Valve installation location should be easy to operate, and taking into account requirements for wiring, maintenance, check the import and export orientation in accordance with system design or technical documentation requirements. Hanger roots should make full use of the existing structure of the beam or the soleplate, hanger rod when any movable parts and the angle between the vertical, rigid hangers shall not be greater than 3 ?, elastic suspension not greater than 4 ?. Process piping should be above the ground or platform gaps for insulation and supported by expansion bolts secure rooting. Valve and the more heavy component at support hanging frame installation Shi, 是豪,人人都能高伤害通过,而且其实通关的同学都知道,并非一关比一关难,楼主在第7层应该是,遇到南门领主和两飞艇的组合,就觉得相对比光主这关轻松许多,因为很吃伤害,可能是怪物防御不同的原因,打南门领主是一条条少血,而光主则是一段段少,所以很多人的职业优势都无法发挥就躺在光主这关是很可惜的,而且越往后头材料给的越多。 所以在这一关给予点意见和打法,进去后觉得自己无法爽快输出的,磕霸体药把,这是很明智的选择,至少能让你不用躲着眼睛担心被秒的情况下还要想着反击,留着杀掉的心一个劲的舒服把,在这里,你还可以把班图族战士一类的东西找出来,人偶招不出但是这一类的东西可以,其实这东西整个流程都可以招出来用,目的当然不是为了输出,是为了分担掉怪物的仇恨。领主塔的图很小,所以召唤物可以帮你分担掉伤害以及围殴现象,一对3你打不过,给你拉掉一个或者两个,一对一的一个个杀掉肯定比你进去后愣头青的咳脚丫强,而且我建议先杀两只眼睛,因为他们是固定怪,没有那BT的移动速度,可以很好的吃到技能,然后在去解决光主,之后的怪物由于LZ也就刷了三次,而且对于抱抱来说只要一轮一轮的群控带走就可以了。 所以目前也说不出一个打法来,但是,随手招战士一类,时时保持身上带有复活药效果是很必要的。复活药其实有两种用途,一个是避免不小心的被秒死去而悔恨,另外一个是清CD,如果你咳的起的话,或者遇到最后一关乃至很棘手但又很想过的关卡,复活药可以帮助你无CD的一轮轮输出无色技能包括觉醒,每进一个房间,觉醒技能是开始冷却的和死亡塔一样,但是一旦死后复活药起来觉醒是立马可以用的,这一点希望对大家也有帮助。 组队分析 在这里说明组队进入对于材料的爆出数量的确是有影响的。笔者第三次是带了个尸体的,为了测试组队有没有效,由于身边只有笔记本,所以双开只组了一个,多了一个队员后,笔者的经验是遇到的是天维巨兽以上等级的怪物会有几率死后出两个材料,最后刷完比前两次多了7个左右材料,至于多组人会不会是数量继续以及可靠性大家自己尝试下就可以了,相信大部分玩家不会只有1个60级的号,一起试一下给予经验 Omega-shaped expansion bends. Valve installation location should be easy to operate, and taking into account requirements for wiring, maintenance, check the import and export orientation in accordance with system design or technical documentation requirements. Hanger roots should make full use of the existing structure of the beam or the soleplate, hanger rod when any movable parts and the angle between the vertical, rigid hangers shall not be greater than 3 ?, elastic suspension not greater than 4 ?. Process piping should be above the ground or platform gaps for insulation and supported by expansion bolts secure rooting. Valve and the more heavy component at support hanging frame installation Shi, 【爱文库】核心用户上传 3. 4,SS制作时间分析 一般以60级SS169个材料做为的话,笔者正常三次通关完成一次每日,其他材料10个一兑的方式是做出了12个结晶,每日开出7个,最后为了尝试坑爹盒子的几率换了两个盒子,一次4个,一次5个,基本也就是说,按正常情况,除去笔者最后双开多得的那几个材料,就算按一天每日5个,换5个总共10个的话计算,169就得刷17次,也就是8个星期,两个月一件60SS,其实还是可以接受的。虽然看着时间长,但是相对于攻城宝宝和宝珠来说,这次的领主塔活动还是很给力的,而且这也只是正常的情况,去除了组队,如果第三条笔者没有测试错误的话,组队后多3个结晶是没问题的,这样的话又可以减去2周的时间出SS(这还是60级SS的兑换,那55的呢~~呵呵,少40个材料差不多就是一个月),而且每日出5个也是取的平均情况,笔者在论坛有看到大 朝阳【Omega-shaped expansion bends. Valve installation location should be easy to operate, and taking into account requirements for wwlsh0908】整理 iring, maintenance, check the import and export orientation in accordance with system design or technical documentation requirements. Hanger roots should make full use of the existing structure of the beam or the soleplate, hanger rod when any movable parts and the angle between the vertical, rigid hangers shall not be greater than 3 ?, elastic suspension not greater than 4 ?. Process piping should be above the ground or platform gaps for insulation and supported by expansion bolts secure rooting. Valve and the more heavy component at support hanging frame installation Shi, 婶每日开出12个的,所以有耐心和决心的玩家,可以抓住这次的机会求的你梦寐以求的SS,相对1200透明换55,投钱刷深渊靠RP来相对实际了很多。主要塔里换的武器有很多都是大家追求的,每个礼拜两次,少刷两次深渊的钱用来买药其实是合算的。可以说领主塔算是这次春节最值得拍巴掌的活动了。 DNF领主之塔开放时间是每周六、周日16:10—16:40,21:10—21:40可以进入。进入等级是60-70级,需要消耗【领主的邀请函】,邀请函每天刷新3个~ 需要持有领主之塔入场券才可以进入领主之塔(在周六周日每天发放3张)。 Omega-shaped expansion bends. Valve installation location should be easy to operate, and taking into account requirements for wiring, maintenance, check the import and export orientation in accordance with system design or technical documentation requirements. Hanger roots should make full use of the existing structure of the beam or the soleplate, hanger rod when any movable parts and the angle between the vertical, rigid hangers shall not be greater than 3 ?, elastic suspension not greater than 4 ?. Process piping should be above the ground or platform gaps for insulation and supported by expansion bolts secure rooting. Valve and the more heavy component at support hanging frame installation Shi, 【爱文库】核心用户上传 4. 基本可以换到3~4个 肯定不会亏 运气好可以兑换到6~7 下面是每层掉落的碎片大概。。没有第二层的。。凑合看吧。。 这个是两个人组队进去的 朝阳【Omega-shaped expansion bends. Valve installation location should be easy to operate, and taking into account requirements for wwlsh0908】整理 iring, maintenance, check the import and export orientation in accordance with system design or technical documentation requirements. Hanger roots should make full use of the existing structure of the beam or the soleplate, hanger rod when any movable parts and the angle between the vertical, rigid hangers shall not be greater than 3 ?, elastic suspension not greater than 4 ?. Process piping should be above the ground or platform gaps for insulation and supported by expansion bolts secure rooting. Valve and the more heavy component at support hanging frame installation Shi, 大概去一次如果另一个人满材料可以拿到30个左右 自己去塔大概可以拿到21~25个左右 第七层比较特殊。。每次都是一个怪镇守。。例如血蝴蝶、无头、魔女等 最后一层比较恶心。。见过以下几种组合: 纵火犯+机车队长 空空伊+鳄鱼+王八 魔女+冰女+火女 罐子可以开出物品 [hide] [page]奖励[/page] 相关任务和奖励 任务: 领主之塔每日任务,收集25个强韧的亡灵碎片可以完成每日任务获得奖励。 每日任务只能在领主之塔开放期间接受。 每日任务奖励„强韧的灵魂结晶袖珍罐‟ 1个和“职业武器袖珍罐”1个。 奖励: 领主怪物掉落强韧的亡灵碎片 (无法交易 ) 收集10个强韧的灵魂碎片可以在沉默之克蕾亚处兑换1个强韧的亡灵结晶。 领主之塔内的NPC沉默之克蕾亚出售恢复药水、史诗武器。可以用强韧的亡灵碎片和强韧的亡灵结晶兑换。 地下城内NPC 沉默之克蕾亚出售的史诗武器,不与歌兰蒂斯出售的重复。 灵魂之袖珍罐 共12种( Lv55~65袖珍罐)。 Omega-shaped expansion bends. Valve installation location should be easy to operate, and taking into account requirements for wiring, maintenance, check the import and export orientation in accordance with system design or technical documentation requirements. Hanger roots should make full use of the existing structure of the beam or the soleplate, hanger rod when any movable parts and the angle between the vertical, rigid hangers shall not be greater than 3 ?, elastic suspension not greater than 4 ?. Process piping should be above the ground or platform gaps for insulation and supported by expansion bolts secure rooting. Valve and the more heavy component at support hanging frame installation Shi, 【爱文库】核心用户上传 朝阳【Omega-shaped expansion bends. Valve installation location should be easy to operate, and taking into account requirements for wwlsh0908】整理 iring, maintenance, check the import and export orientation in accordance with system design or technical documentation requirements. Hanger roots should make full use of the existing structure of the beam or the soleplate, hanger rod when any movable parts and the angle between the vertical, rigid hangers shall not be greater than 3 ?, elastic suspension not greater than 4 ?. Process piping should be above the ground or platform gaps for insulation and supported by expansion bolts secure rooting. Valve and the more heavy component at support hanging frame installation Shi,
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