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杜蕾斯广告策划案杜蕾斯广告策划案 杜蕾斯广告策划案 专业班级:市销1207 学生姓名:康斌 实习课程:广告实务 指导老师:周璇 时间:2014年6月25日 the same direction of rotation 90 ? or 180 ? for; after each disc rotor when measuring position alignment of the two half coupling constant, should also be in terms of accuracy and consist...
杜蕾斯广告策划案 杜蕾斯广告策划案 专业班级:市销1207 学生姓名:康斌 实习课程:广告实务 指导老师:周璇 时间:2014年6月25日 the same direction of rotation 90 ? or 180 ? for; after each disc rotor when measuring position alignment of the two half coupling constant, should also be in terms of accuracy and consistency. Surface deviation measurement, must in every 180 degrees corresponding to the two radii are equal to each other in order to eliminate errors caused by movement of the rotor. Only a support bearing of the rotor, WA couplings, such as the use of temporary leave the Center, should pay attention to keep the rotor in the measuring process in the center of the bearing oil retaining the nest does not change. Steam oil block, there should be sufficient clearance between the rotor and, in rotors make sure rotor is not on the block or seal oil. At the time of measurement, connections are not allowed between two rotors, each in a free State. Not allowed in case of assembled sleeve, Center work on the toothed coupling. Coupling tool should have adequate stiffness, installation must be secure and reliable. Coupling Center using a dial indicator, the table should be put in prison and avoid touching, to ensure correct measurement. Coupling disc after a week to return to the original position, circumference of dial gauge reading should be able to go back to the original value. When measuring the clearance of end, into the feeler of the gap should not exceed four at a time, when the gap is too large, you can use the gasket with the feeler gauge measurement of gauge blocks or finishing. bearing surface, markup should be in accordance with the mounting support pads, and retest the thickness. Once the lifting cylinder measurement of surface and internal cylinder surface height difference, compared with the original values confirm the location. Internal vertical and horizontal cylinder under state key insertion installation complex measuring cylinder in axial position. Bottom 在世界各地,人们一提到condom——安全套,就会联想到Durex -杜蕾斯,就象人们一提到cola-可乐就会想到coca cola——可口可乐一样,杜蕾斯已成为安全套的代名词。 杜蕾斯是世界公认的质量最优、最富创新力的安全套品牌。 英文名Durex来自"Durability"、"Reliability"和"Excellence"这三个词的词首,意为"耐用、可靠和出色品质的结合"。 杜蕾斯安全套已有七十多年追求卓越的生产历史,凭借英国剑桥实验研究中心的尖端技术支援,杜蕾斯得以在薄膜生产技术上领导世界潮流,安全套的每一次技术革新都是处于领先地位,包括第一只使用润滑剂的安全套、第一个根据人体生理结构设计的安全套以及最近研制出的世界第一只非乳胶制男用安全套——杜蕾斯Avanti. 杜蕾斯的全体员工致力于技术不断创新与品质精益求精,倡导科学健康的性行为,正为人们的安全性生活作出最大的努力。 the same direction of rotation 90 ? or 180 ? for; after each disc rotor when measuring position alignment of the two half coupling constant, should also be in terms of accuracy and consistency. Surface deviation measurement, must in every 180 degrees corresponding to the two radii are equal to each other in order to eliminate errors caused by movement of the rotor. Only a support bearing of the rotor, WA couplings, such as the use of temporary leave the Center, should pay attention to keep the rotor in the measuring process in the center of the bearing oil retaining the nest does not change. Steam oil block, there should be sufficient clearance between the rotor and, in rotors make sure rotor is not on the block or seal oil. At the time of measurement, connections are not allowed between two rotors, each in a free State. Not allowed in case of assembled sleeve, Center work on the toothed coupling. Coupling tool should have adequate stiffness, installation must be secure and reliable. Coupling Center using a dial indicator, the table should be put in prison and avoid touching, to ensure correct measurement. Coupling disc after a week to return to the original position, circumference of dial gauge reading should be able to go back to the original value. When measuring the clearance of end, into the feeler of the gap should not exceed four at a time, when the gap is too large, you can use the gasket with the feeler gauge measurement of gauge blocks or finishing. bearing surface, markup should be in accordance with the mounting support pads, and retest the thickness. Once the lifting cylinder measurement of surface and internal cylinder surface height difference, compared with the original values confirm the location. Internal vertical and horizontal cylinder under state key insertion installation complex measuring cylinder in axial position. Bottom 而在市场广阔的中国,杜蕾斯也希望将品牌,安全的概念传递给中国人, 同时也为中国的计划生育和防止性病传播工作不遗余力。 前言 市场环境分析 一、市场环境分析 二、行业分析 三、产品分析 四、竞争对手分析 五、消费者分析 六、SWOT分析 广告策略 一、广告目标 二、广告定位策略 三、广告诉求策略 四、广告现策略 媒介策略 lation complex measuring cylinder in axial position. Bottomred with the original values confirm the location. Internal vertical and horizontal cylinder under state key insertion instalcompa ion, circumference of dial gauge reading should be able to go back to the original value. When measuring the clearance of en, and retest the thickness. Once the lifting cylinder measurement of surface and internal cylinder surface height difference,auge measurement of gauge blocks or finishing. bearing surface, markup should be in accordance with the mounting support padseler gd, into the feeler of the gap should not exceed four at a time, when the gap is too large, you can use the gasket with the feposit uld be put in prison and avoid touching, to ensure correct measurement. Coupling disc after a week to return to the originalould have adequate stiffness, installation must be secure and reliable. Coupling Center using a dial indicator, the table shoool shn two rotors, each in a free State. Not allowed in case of assembled sleeve, Center work on the toothed coupling. Coupling tnd, in rotors make sure rotor is not on the block or seal oil. At the time of measurement, connections are not allowed betweeotor ar of the bearing oil retaining the nest does not change. Steam oil block, there should be sufficient clearance between the r, such as the use of temporary leave the Center, should pay attention to keep the rotor in the measuring process in the centeplingsqual to each other in order to eliminate errors caused by movement of the rotor. Only a support bearing of the rotor, WA cous of accuracy and consistency. Surface deviation measurement, must in every 180 degrees corresponding to the two radii are epling constant, should also be in termthe same direction of rotation 90 ? or 180 ? for; after each disc rotor when measuring position alignment of the two half cou- 3 - 一、广告媒介策略 营销策略 一、线下营销策略 二、品牌推广策略效果预测及费用预算 一、市场环境分析 据统计,我国的安全套使用适龄人群大概有7亿,常用消费人群9000万,安全套的年产量约为30亿只,面向消费者。在今后几十年,我国人口和育龄人群仍呈上升趋势,随着政府推行避孕节育措施“知情选择”活动政策,人们健康意识的不断提高,对各种避孕措施的优缺点作出选择时,安全套作为一种既方便而几乎没有副作用的避孕方式,将被更多的消费者所接受。 (一)市场容量:安全套渐渐成为日用消费品 根据2001年杜蕾斯全球性调查显示,全球人们平均一年性行为的次数为97次,安全套是最普遍的避孕方式,全球10人中有4人会优先选择这种方式,16—20岁者最常使用的就是安全套,约有三分之二(64%)的人会选择安全套,而45岁以上者为26%。 据专家预测,国内安全套市场潜力在100亿只以上。全球的安全套的需求量也呈上升趋势,这为安全套生产企业的发展提供了广阔的空间。 (二)市场状况:品牌纷杂,优胜劣汰 中国安全套的牌子有,,,,多个,但是消费者真正数得出来的品牌用,根手指头已经嫌多。” 近年来,出现的品牌商近200家,近1000个牌子。截止到2003年7月底,申请国家强制认证“3C”并通过的商家有99家。其中国内生产商12家,品牌商71家,另有不足10家正在申请或准备申请之中。 (三)市场发展:性生殖产品产业化 随着人们对爱滋病的防范意识,国家对安全套广告的解禁以后,消费者对性产品将越来越关注,渐渐形成越来越强势的品牌需求,随着3C的出台,安全套及其他性产品正在朝越来越健康的趋势发展,并将形成产业化。 中国性产业再也不是“半遮琵琶”的局面,安全套正渐渐走向日用消费品的陈列架上„„ ( 四 )市场趋向:中国“性福生活”由女人主导 the same direction of rotation 90 ? or 180 ? for; after each disc rotor when measuring position alignment of the two half coupling constant, should also be in terms of accuracy and consistency. Surface deviation measurement, must in every 180 degrees corresponding to the two radii are equal to each other in order to eliminate errors caused by movement of the rotor. Only a support bearing of the rotor, WA couplings, such as the use of temporary leave the Center, should pay attention to keep the rotor in the measuring process in the center of the bearing oil retaining the nest does not change. Steam oil block, there should be sufficient clearance between the rotor and, in rotors make sure rotor is not on the block or seal oil. At the time of measurement, connections are not allowed between two rotors, each in a free State. Not allowed in case of assembled sleeve, Center work on the toothed coupling. Coupling tool should have adequate stiffness, installation must be secure and reliable. Coupling Center using a dial indicator, the table should be put in prison and avoid touching, to ensure correct measurement. Coupling disc after a week to return to the original position, circumference of dial gauge reading should be able to go back to the original value. When measuring the clearance of end, into the feeler of the gap should not exceed four at a time, when the gap is too large, you can use the gasket with the feeler gauge measurement of gauge blocks or finishing. bearing surface, markup should be in accordance with the mounting support pads, and retest the thickness. Once the lifting cylinder measurement of surface and internal cylinder surface height difference, compared with the original values confirm the location. Internal vertical and horizontal cylinder under state key insertion installation complex measuring cylinder in axial position. Bottom 报告显示:北京、上海、广东、江苏、浙江成为网购安全套的主要人群。其中,网购人群中有1/3是女性,剩下的2/3是男性。同时,35岁以上安全套的购买人数急剧下滑,中年人的“性福”生活亟需关注。 品牌安全套更受青睐舒适度最重要 淘宝数据魔方数据显示,消费者对于安全套的品牌忠诚度很高,杜蕾斯和冈本OK两大品牌就占据了一半以上的份额。 品牌是市场竞争的强有力手段,但同时也是一种生活态度。从杜蕾斯提出“尽情尽性”的宣传语。各个品牌避孕套都已经感悟到品牌文化的必要和重要性。消费者购买品牌的避孕套,不仅仅是选择了一款产品,也同时选择了产品的品味。 二(行业分析 安全套在中国的推广方式,它一直在禁播广告令的夹缝中探索,向传统的性观念挑战,在偏与正之间寻求最合适的生存方式。 目前我国国家定点生产安全套的厂家有桂林、青岛、沈阳等7家企业,但是据国内主流媒体的记者调查,“国内几乎所有的橡胶厂都在生产安全套,初步统计不下300家,有近千个品牌”。照此推算,我国安全套的产量远大于官方统计的20亿只。事实上,安全套看起来是奶油蛋糕,但吃起来不过是蚂蚁腿上的肉。尽管如此,还是有众多知名不知名的橡胶厂商,冲着几十亿只安全套市场奋力撕杀。而安全套厂家长久以来面临的另一个尴尬是,国家在安全套广告上的“犹抱琵琶半遮面”。 困难重重,可终端之争依然激烈。目前在大型超市,安全套主要陈列在收银台的位置,但在这个位置的安全套销售很大程度上是靠消费者的购买习惯,中国消费者很少有人愿意在人多嘈杂的超市选择安全套。而在药店,重要位置又被那些利润率高的杂牌安全套占据。“正因为这样,品牌安全套厂家才将所谓的500%利润中的很大一部分用于通路和品牌建设上。 compalation complex measuring cylinder in axial position. Bottom red with the original values confirm the location. Internal vertical and horizontal cylinder under state key insertion instal, and retest the thickness. Once the lifting cylinder measurement of surface and internal cylinder surface height difference,auge measurement of gauge blocks or finishing. bearing surface, markup should be in accordance with the mounting support padseler gd, into the feeler of the gap should not exceed four at a time, when the gap is too large, you can use the gasket with the feion, circumference of dial gauge reading should be able to go back to the original value. When measuring the clearance of enposit uld be put in prison and avoid touching, to ensure correct measurement. Coupling disc after a week to return to the originalould have adequate stiffness, installation must be secure and reliable. Coupling Center using a dial indicator, the table shoool shn two rotors, each in a free State. Not allowed in case of assembled sleeve, Center work on the toothed coupling. Coupling tnd, in rotors make sure rotor is not on the block or seal oil. At the time of measurement, connections are not allowed betweeotor ar of the bearing oil retaining the nest does not change. Steam oil block, there should be sufficient clearance between the r, such as the use of temporary leave the Center, should pay attention to keep the rotor in the measuring process in the centeplingsqual to each other in order to eliminate errors caused by movement of the rotor. Only a support bearing of the rotor, WA cous of accuracy and consistency. Surface deviation measurement, must in every 180 degrees corresponding to the two radii are epling constant, should also be in termthe same direction of rotation 90 ? or 180 ? for; after each disc rotor when measuring position alignment of the two half cou- 5 - 因此,在这样一个嘈杂利润小又竞争激烈的市场上,品牌,是制胜的唯一方法。 三(产品分析 杜蕾斯是世界公认的质量最优、最富创新力的安全套品牌。英文名Durex来自"Durability"、"Reliability"和"Excellence"这三个词的词首,意为"耐用、可靠和出色品质的结合"。每个杜蕾斯安全套均符合最高国际标准,能够有效避孕,防止性病及艾滋病的HIV病毒。目前,杜蕾斯已是全球最畅销的安全套品牌,行销140多个国家,全球市场占有率高达26%。杜蕾斯安全套属于领域内领先品牌。 1.杜蕾斯生产安全套已经有近80年的历史了,所以可以这样说:我们每一片安全套的生产流程都经过了测试和验证。 2.耐久、可靠、出色品质的结合。根据国际标准,一只安全套应该可以在“空气爆破试验”中容纳18升的空气。而一只杜蕾斯安全套通常可以容纳40升空气而不会爆裂。每月会做将近200万例透水试验。 3.杜蕾斯品牌见证了现代安全套的很多技术发展。包括第一个润滑安全套、第一个符合人体解剖学形状的安全套,以及最近世界上第一个非橡胶安全套。 4.杜蕾斯网站为公司与全世界的年轻人进行交流提供了一座桥梁,以他们本国的语言向他们提供安全性生活的信息。该网站拥有超过52个本地化的子网站,性保健专业人士也可以通过网站进行在线交流。 四(竞争对手分析 (一)构成这一市场的主要产品品牌 杜蕾斯Durex、杰士邦Jissbon、冈本Okamoto、高邦、诺丝、第六感、多乐士Donless、双一G点、倍力乐HBM (二)市场上居于主要地位的品牌 杜蕾斯Durex、杰士邦Jissbon、冈本Okamoto (三)与本品牌构成竞争关系的品牌 the same direction of rotation 90 ? or 180 ? for; after each disc rotor when measuring position alignment of the two half coupling constant, should also be in terms of accuracy and consistency. Surface deviation measurement, must in every 180 degrees corresponding to the two radii are equal to each other in order to eliminate errors caused by movement of the rotor. Only a support bearing of the rotor, WA couplings, such as the use of temporary leave the Center, should pay attention to keep the rotor in the measuring process in the center of the bearing oil retaining the nest does not change. Steam oil block, there should be sufficient clearance between the rotor and, in rotors make sure rotor is not on the block or seal oil. At the time of measurement, connections are not allowed between two rotors, each in a free State. Not allowed in case of assembled sleeve, Center work on the toothed coupling. Coupling tool should have adequate stiffness, installation must be secure and reliable. Coupling Center using a dial indicator, the table should be put in prison and avoid touching, to ensure correct measurement. Coupling disc after a week to return to the original position, circumference of dial gauge reading should be able to go back to the original value. When measuring the clearance of end, into the feeler of the gap should not exceed four at a time, when the gap is too large, you can use the gasket with the feeler gauge measurement of gauge blocks or finishing. bearing surface, markup should be in accordance with the mounting support pads, and retest the thickness. Once the lifting cylinder measurement of surface and internal cylinder surface height difference, compared with the original values confirm the location. Internal vertical and horizontal cylinder under state key insertion installation complex measuring cylinder in axial position. Bottom 杰士邦Jissbon、冈本Okamoto、高邦、诺丝、第六感、双碟,男子汉,多乐士Donless、双一G点、倍力乐HBM 1. 杰士邦-----给您无忧无虑的爱,确保安全,自有一套。 杰士邦由武汉人福高科技产业股份有限公司控股,从事生殖健康产品的生产开发和国际品牌代理等业务。卡通形象的外包装给人印象比较风趣,比较受年轻人欢迎。品牌形象能够传递一种让人感觉有趣和快乐的信息,消费者在购买时没有尴尬的感觉。 2.双 蝶----中国人自己的安全选择,让爱在安全中释放 是国内全安套主要生产厂家之一,产品价位属于中档,12支装每盒12—14元。在安全套产品中已形成了一定的品牌知名度,是“杜蕾丝”的中低端阻击产品。 3.男子汉-----感受亲密无间 产品名称对男性消费者非常具有吸引力,其名称本身已蕴涵着品牌形象。同时,由于相对较低的价格,使得其在市场上占有很大的份额。缺点是性别区分过于明显,部分女性消费者会对此产生反感。 五(消费者分析 (一)品牌使用知晓 杜蕾斯目前是在市场上最强的品牌,排在第二和第三位的分别是杰士邦和男子汉。据莱斯达信息中心收集到的权威调查数据,大约有46%的人在近6个月中曾经购买过杜蕾斯。具体情况见下图。 compalation complex measuring cylinder in axial position. Bottom red with the original values confirm the location. Internal vertical and horizontal cylinder under state key insertion instal, and retest the thickness. Once the lifting cylinder measurement of surface and internal cylinder surface height difference,auge measurement of gauge blocks or finishing. bearing surface, markup should be in accordance with the mounting support padseler gd, into the feeler of the gap should not exceed four at a time, when the gap is too large, you can use the gasket with the feion, circumference of dial gauge reading should be able to go back to the original value. When measuring the clearance of enposit uld be put in prison and avoid touching, to ensure correct measurement. Coupling disc after a week to return to the originalould have adequate stiffness, installation must be secure and reliable. Coupling Center using a dial indicator, the table shoool shn two rotors, each in a free State. Not allowed in case of assembled sleeve, Center work on the toothed coupling. Coupling tnd, in rotors make sure rotor is not on the block or seal oil. At the time of measurement, connections are not allowed betweeotor ar of the bearing oil retaining the nest does not change. Steam oil block, there should be sufficient clearance between the r, such as the use of temporary leave the Center, should pay attention to keep the rotor in the measuring process in the centeplingsqual to each other in order to eliminate errors caused by movement of the rotor. Only a support bearing of the rotor, WA cous of accuracy and consistency. Surface deviation measurement, must in every 180 degrees corresponding to the two radii are epling constant, should also be in termthe same direction of rotation 90 ? or 180 ? for; after each disc rotor when measuring position alignment of the two half cou- 7 - 通过下图的品牌使用—分学历水平和月家庭收入图表我们可以得出结 论,杜蕾斯在高中和大专以上学历消费者中都有比较高的使用率。由于杰 士邦和杜蕾斯都被消费者视为进口/国际品牌,所以对于高学历消费者可能 更有吸引力。而消费者对安全套品牌的忠实度是非常高的。一旦消费者习 惯于购买某个品牌的安全套,就很难再改变他们的购买行为。如果他们一 旦认定某个品牌,就会形成对该品牌的品牌忠诚度 the same direction of rotation 90 ? or 180 ? for; after each disc rotor when measuring position alignment of the two half coupling constant, should also be in terms of accuracy and consistency. Surface deviation measurement, must in every 180 degrees corresponding to the two radii are equal to each other in order to eliminate errors caused by movement of the rotor. Only a support bearing of the rotor, WA couplings, such as the use of temporary leave the Center, should pay attention to keep the rotor in the measuring process in the center of the bearing oil retaining the nest does not change. Steam oil block, there should be sufficient clearance between the rotor and, in rotors make sure rotor is not on the block or seal oil. At the time of measurement, connections are not allowed between two rotors, each in a free State. Not allowed in case of assembled sleeve, Center work on the toothed coupling. Coupling tool should have adequate stiffness, installation must be secure and reliable. Coupling Center using a dial indicator, the table should be put in prison and avoid touching, to ensure correct measurement. Coupling disc after a week to return to the original position, circumference of dial gauge reading should be able to go back to the original value. When measuring the clearance of end, into the feeler of the gap should not exceed four at a time, when the gap is too large, you can use the gasket with the feeler gauge measurement of gauge blocks or finishing. bearing surface, markup should be in accordance with the mounting support pads, and retest the thickness. Once the lifting cylinder measurement of surface and internal cylinder surface height difference, compared with the original values confirm the location. Internal vertical and horizontal cylinder under state key insertion installation complex measuring cylinder in axial position. Bottom lation complex measuring cylinder in axial position. Bottomred with the original values confirm the location. Internal vertical and horizontal cylinder under state key insertion instalcompad, into the feeler of the gap should not exceed four at a time, when the gap is too large, you can use the gasket with the fe , and retest the thickness. Once the lifting cylinder measurement of surface and internal cylinder surface height difference,auge measurement of gauge blocks or finishing. bearing surface, markup should be in accordance with the mounting support padseler gion, circumference of dial gauge reading should be able to go back to the original value. When measuring the clearance of enposit uld be put in prison and avoid touching, to ensure correct measurement. Coupling disc after a week to return to the originalould have adequate stiffness, installation must be secure and reliable. Coupling Center using a dial indicator, the table shoool shn two rotors, each in a free State. Not allowed in case of assembled sleeve, Center work on the toothed coupling. Coupling tnd, in rotors make sure rotor is not on the block or seal oil. At the time of measurement, connections are not allowed betweeotor ar of the bearing oil retaining the nest does not change. Steam oil block, there should be sufficient clearance between the r, such as the use of temporary leave the Center, should pay attention to keep the rotor in the measuring process in the centeplingsqual to each other in order to eliminate errors caused by movement of the rotor. Only a support bearing of the rotor, WA cous of accuracy and consistency. Surface deviation measurement, must in every 180 degrees corresponding to the two radii are epling constant, should also be in termthe same direction of rotation 90 ? or 180 ? for; after each disc rotor when measuring position alignment of the two half cou- 9 - (二)影响消费者购买的因素 从下图可以看出,消费者选择安全套,首先注重的是它的品质和质量,安全第一。虽然质量和安全仍然是促成购买力的基本因素,但是对于高端客户而言,他们则更注重一种使用的感觉,他们希望一种近乎“自然”的感觉——就象没有使用安全套一样。这种产品特性对于学历和收入稍高的消费者也同样有影响。 影响消费者购买因素 不同性别的消费者在购买时的10个最重要的考虑因素 the same direction of rotation 90 ? or 180 ? for; after each disc rotor when measuring position alignment of the two half coupling constant, should also be in terms of accuracy and consistency. Surface deviation measurement, must in every 180 degrees corresponding to the two radii are equal to each other in order to eliminate errors caused by movement of the rotor. Only a support bearing of the rotor, WA couplings, such as the use of temporary leave the Center, should pay attention to keep the rotor in the measuring process in the center of the bearing oil retaining the nest does not change. Steam oil block, there should be sufficient clearance between the rotor and, in rotors make sure rotor is not on the block or seal oil. At the time of measurement, connections are not allowed between two rotors, each in a free State. Not allowed in case of assembled sleeve, Center work on the toothed coupling. Coupling tool should have adequate stiffness, installation must be secure and reliable. Coupling Center using a dial indicator, the table should be put in prison and avoid touching, to ensure correct measurement. Coupling disc after a week to return to the original position, circumference of dial gauge reading should be able to go back to the original value. When measuring the clearance of end, into the feeler of the gap should not exceed four at a time, when the gap is too large, you can use the gasket with the feeler gauge measurement of gauge blocks or finishing. bearing surface, markup should be in accordance with the mounting support pads, and retest the thickness. Once the lifting cylinder measurement of surface and internal cylinder surface height difference, compared with the original values confirm the location. Internal vertical and horizontal cylinder under state key insertion installation complex measuring cylinder in axial position. Bottom 六(SWOT分析 (一)优势分析(strength) 1.内部:经久,耐用,占有一定市场。历史悠久,技术革新能力强。 2.外部:消费量巨大,中国市场具有巨大的消费潜力,虽然都是计划生产的占据了大部分市场,但是从消费基数上看,中国市场还是很具有吸引力的,同时随着各种政策的改变,计划外的安全套市场将会逐渐增大。为此,中国市场,将会是杜蕾斯发展的一块机遇之地。 (二)劣势分析(weakness) 市场还没有形成规模化、品牌强的企业。计划外流通的安全套市场经营秩序缺乏有效的管理,造成了目前市场上存在的产品质量乱、价格乱、牌子乱、管理乱的状况。 针对国内的企业品牌力薄弱,市场混乱的局面,杜蕾斯作为世界最大的高品质安全套生产商,在世界范围内具有较强的品牌力,这是杜蕾斯的相对于国内企业和国外竞争者的相对优势。 (三)机会分析(opportunity) 政策环境逐渐良好。中国入世后,打开了自由贸易之门,安全套生产进一步地放松;计划生育基本国策和世界范围内的控制人口增长的,将长期执行下去。安全套的需求量将不断提高。据有关专家预测,国内市场潜力在100亿只以上。以上的各项政策都为杜蕾斯在中国的发展提供了更为健康,便捷的市场环境,政策因素是杜蕾斯在中国发展的一个重要利因。 (四)挑战分析(threat) 中国市场供大于求,突围面临挑战。总体上来讲,中国安全套供大于求,杜蕾斯尽管具有较大的名气,但是毕竟市场的消费量是有限的,所以杜蕾斯要提高市场占有率需要一个整合性的营销战略,来提高消费者的消费偏好与消费忠诚度。 一、广告目标 (一)目标消费者群体: 1(购买者以男性为主; red with the original values confirm the location. Internal vertical and horizontal cylinder under state key insertion installation complex measuring cylinder in axial position. Bottomcompa , and retest the thickness. Once the lifting cylinder measurement of surface and internal cylinder surface height difference,auge measurement of gauge blocks or finishing. bearing surface, markup should be in accordance with the mounting support padseler gd, into the feeler of the gap should not exceed four at a time, when the gap is too large, you can use the gasket with the feion, circumference of dial gauge reading should be able to go back to the original value. When measuring the clearance of enposit uld be put in prison and avoid touching, to ensure correct measurement. Coupling disc after a week to return to the originalould have adequate stiffness, installation must be secure and reliable. Coupling Center using a dial indicator, the table shoool shn two rotors, each in a free State. Not allowed in case of assembled sleeve, Center work on the toothed coupling. Coupling tnd, in rotors make sure rotor is not on the block or seal oil. At the time of measurement, connections are not allowed betweeotor ar of the bearing oil retaining the nest does not change. Steam oil block, there should be sufficient clearance between the r, such as the use of temporary leave the Center, should pay attention to keep the rotor in the measuring process in the centeplingsqual to each other in order to eliminate errors caused by movement of the rotor. Only a support bearing of the rotor, WA cous of accuracy and consistency. Surface deviation measurement, must in every 180 degrees corresponding to the two radii are epling constant, should also be in termthe same direction of rotation 90 ? or 180 ? for; after each disc rotor when measuring position alignment of the two half cou- 11 - 2(中高收入,有较强的消费能力; 3(崇尚个人生活品质,讲究生活情调; 4(强烈的品牌消费主义意识,高端品牌的拥护者; 5(个性不张扬,强调自我价值与社会地位的认同; 6(重视性生活质量; (二)发展目标 本次广告属于提醒性质的广告,主要目的是巩固目前的市场领先地位,进一步提高杜蕾斯安全套的知名度,强化品牌形象,既全球性质的杜蕾斯。 (三)广告效果目标 让消费者了解到杜蕾斯是一个国际性质的安全套生产企业,世界各地的消费者都选择使用杜蕾斯产品,其拥有安全可靠地产品以及国际化的生产理念。 二(广告定位策略 理想的安全套应该是高质量,100%的安全,不会发生计划外的怀孕,也不会传染性病。产品应该是最物有所值的,不是最便宜的但是其总体表现和价值是一致的。应该有不同类型的产品,包括不同的尺寸,不同的香味,不同的质地(罗纹的等等)。产品应该足够薄,让人使用时感觉很好。 1产品定位:以耐用、可靠、出色品质的结合而著称。杜蕾斯与保健专家、政府和各种组织包括世界卫生组织等联合增强其品牌凝聚力和说服力。(强调安全和健康) 2观念定位:杜蕾斯的外包装看起来非常整洁,吸引人,干净,并且给人一种安全的感觉(外包装上有“双保险”的字样)。杜蕾斯的产品标识的多数是有英文背景,能够认识这个标识的消费者,这种设计使他们有一种优越感。 3.心理情感定位: 杜蕾丝的外包装给人的印象很柔软、很温和,受到了相当一部分女性和年轻消费者的喜爱。秉承“为全球消费者创造更完美性爱体验”的宗旨,杜蕾斯希望把激情与快乐带到世界的每一个角落,让每一对爱侣的两性生活the same direction of rotation 90 ? or 180 ? for; after each disc rotor when measuring position alignment of the two half coupling constant, should also be in terms of accuracy and consistency. Surface deviation measurement, must in every 180 degrees corresponding to the two radii are equal to each other in order to eliminate errors caused by movement of the rotor. Only a support bearing of the rotor, WA couplings, such as the use of temporary leave the Center, should pay attention to keep the rotor in the measuring process in the center of the bearing oil retaining the nest does not change. Steam oil block, there should be sufficient clearance between the rotor and, in rotors make sure rotor is not on the block or seal oil. At the time of measurement, connections are not allowed between two rotors, each in a free State. Not allowed in case of assembled sleeve, Center work on the toothed coupling. Coupling tool should have adequate stiffness, installation must be secure and reliable. Coupling Center using a dial indicator, the table should be put in prison and avoid touching, to ensure correct measurement. Coupling disc after a week to return to the original position, circumference of dial gauge reading should be able to go back to the original value. When measuring the clearance of end, into the feeler of the gap should not exceed four at a time, when the gap is too large, you can use the gasket with the feeler gauge measurement of gauge blocks or finishing. bearing surface, markup should be in accordance with the mounting support pads, and retest the thickness. Once the lifting cylinder measurement of surface and internal cylinder surface height difference, compared with the original values confirm the location. Internal vertical and horizontal cylinder under state key insertion installation complex measuring cylinder in axial position. Bottom 都可以达到无与伦比的愉悦与欢畅,让“性”福能够轻易地舞动起来,给消费者享受的快感。 三(广告诉求策略 品牌得名于其产品的三个主要特性:耐久、可靠、出色品质结合,所以本策划案,以安全,健康,舒适,尽情享受为诉求利益点,告诉受众,只有杜蕾斯,你完全没有后顾之忧,有了杜蕾斯,在体验他带来的幸福的同时,更能体会到品牌质量的卓越。 (一)广告格调: 1. 时代感 2. 冲击力大 3. 时尚而不失幽默 4. 突出安全无意外的主 (二)道德上的考虑(该说些什么): 由于性在很多国家地区不便于公开表达,因此作为性用品生产商,广告应该尽量抽象,概念化,体现品牌魅力而弱化产品功能,避免引起观看者的不适而导致对于公司不利的结果。 (三)诉求点(说什么) 以杜蕾斯的超强避孕性,能实现100%安全包围为主题。 四(广告表现策略 (一)广告主题 2010年的杜蕾斯广告把诉求点又放在了安全健康100%无后顾之忧上。 compalation complex measuring cylinder in axial position. Bottom red with the original values confirm the location. Internal vertical and horizontal cylinder under state key insertion instal, and retest the thickness. Once the lifting cylinder measurement of surface and internal cylinder surface height difference,auge measurement of gauge blocks or finishing. bearing surface, markup should be in accordance with the mounting support padseler gd, into the feeler of the gap should not exceed four at a time, when the gap is too large, you can use the gasket with the feion, circumference of dial gauge reading should be able to go back to the original value. When measuring the clearance of enposit uld be put in prison and avoid touching, to ensure correct measurement. Coupling disc after a week to return to the originalould have adequate stiffness, installation must be secure and reliable. Coupling Center using a dial indicator, the table shoool shn two rotors, each in a free State. Not allowed in case of assembled sleeve, Center work on the toothed coupling. Coupling tnd, in rotors make sure rotor is not on the block or seal oil. At the time of measurement, connections are not allowed betweeotor ar of the bearing oil retaining the nest does not change. Steam oil block, there should be sufficient clearance between the r, such as the use of temporary leave the Center, should pay attention to keep the rotor in the measuring process in the centeplingsqual to each other in order to eliminate errors caused by movement of the rotor. Only a support bearing of the rotor, WA cous of accuracy and consistency. Surface deviation measurement, must in every 180 degrees corresponding to the two radii are epling constant, should also be in termthe same direction of rotation 90 ? or 180 ? for; after each disc rotor when measuring position alignment of the two half cou- 13 - (二)平面广告表现 一、广告媒介策略 杜蕾斯的总体媒介策略是:采用户外和终端为主要手段的宣传组合。电 视与网络广告同时投放,通过google earth系统定位不同国家/地区的情侣达 到“唯一我的爱,世界杜蕾斯”的产品理念。 the same direction of rotation 90 ? or 180 ? for; after each disc rotor when measuring position alignment of the two half coupling constant, should also be in terms of accuracy and consistency. Surface deviation measurement, must in every 180 degrees corresponding to the two radii are equal to each other in order to eliminate errors caused by movement of the rotor. Only a support bearing of the rotor, WA couplings, such as the use of temporary leave the Center, should pay attention to keep the rotor in the measuring process in the center of the bearing oil retaining the nest does not change. Steam oil block, there should be sufficient clearance between the rotor and, in rotors make sure rotor is not on the block or seal oil. At the time of measurement, connections are not allowed between two rotors, each in a free State. Not allowed in case of assembled sleeve, Center work on the toothed coupling. Coupling tool should have adequate stiffness, installation must be secure and reliable. Coupling Center using a dial indicator, the table should be put in prison and avoid touching, to ensure correct measurement. Coupling disc after a week to return to the original position, circumference of dial gauge reading should be able to go back to the original value. When measuring the clearance of end, into the feeler of the gap should not exceed four at a time, when the gap is too large, you can use the gasket with the feeler gauge measurement of gauge blocks or finishing. bearing surface, markup should be in accordance with the mounting support pads, and retest the thickness. Once the lifting cylinder measurement of surface and internal cylinder surface height difference, compared with the original values confirm the location. Internal vertical and horizontal cylinder under state key insertion installation complex measuring cylinder in axial position. Bottom (一)广告诉求:即品牌核心价值的诉求。 主广告语——唯一我的爱,世界杜蕾斯。以区别各竞品几乎雷同的“安全、快乐、舒适”等诉求点。并且易于被广大人群接受,也有利于媒体的广告宣传。这种责任感的、忠告式的诉求更具深度与高度,必然为受众留下深刻而良好的印象。 同时,这一诉求点不仅仅是对男性的诉求,也是对女性自我保护、自我关爱的呼唤,广告语的言下之意、或者说给女性传达的深层意思就是“如果你不使 用安全套,就不是真正的爱我,就是对我的不负责任”。因此,既唤起男性的自我保护意识与责任感,也会使女性给自己的爱侣施加压力。长此以往,男男女女们的 观念与行为必然会改变,而在这一“唤起”的过程中,本品牌将随着这一观念一起植入消费者心底。 (二)媒体选择及广告类型: , 网络,产品广告。网络的对象主要是中青年及青少年,这与本产品的目标 消费群相当接近,而且网络广告费用较低,因此是本品最为主要的宣传渠道。 , CCTV-5或CCTV-3做形象广告及公益广告。全国性电视媒体中,只有这两 套节目的收视人群与本品目标消费者最为相近,且收视率极高。是做形象广 告或公益广告的最佳媒体。 , 地方报刊做产品及形象广告。比如当地日报或晚报等。要求版面设计要极 具创意,才能吸引读者注意力,达到广告的效果。 auge measurement of gauge blocks or finishing. bearing surface, markup should be in accordance with the mounting support padslation complex measuring cylinder in axial position. Bottomred with the original values confirm the location. Internal vertical and horizontal cylinder under state key insertion instalcompa , and retest the thickness. Once the lifting cylinder measurement of surface and internal cylinder surface height difference,eler gd, into the feeler of the gap should not exceed four at a time, when the gap is too large, you can use the gasket with the feion, circumference of dial gauge reading should be able to go back to the original value. When measuring the clearance of enposit uld be put in prison and avoid touching, to ensure correct measurement. Coupling disc after a week to return to the originalould have adequate stiffness, installation must be secure and reliable. Coupling Center using a dial indicator, the table shoool shn two rotors, each in a free State. Not allowed in case of assembled sleeve, Center work on the toothed coupling. Coupling tnd, in rotors make sure rotor is not on the block or seal oil. At the time of measurement, connections are not allowed betweeotor ar of the bearing oil retaining the nest does not change. Steam oil block, there should be sufficient clearance between the r, such as the use of temporary leave the Center, should pay attention to keep the rotor in the measuring process in the centeplingsqual to each other in order to eliminate errors caused by movement of the rotor. Only a support bearing of the rotor, WA cous of accuracy and consistency. Surface deviation measurement, must in every 180 degrees corresponding to the two radii are epling constant, should also be in termthe same direction of rotation 90 ? or 180 ? for; after each disc rotor when measuring position alignment of the two half cou- 15 - 杜蕾斯杂志广告投放表 , 候车亭形象广告、电梯传媒形象广告。这些地方都是年轻人出入频繁的地 方。也是我们主要的宣传途径。 , 重点区域市场的地方电视台广告。 广告投放模拟(时间和投放表) 以上为目标消费群接触最多的媒体形式,作为我们主要的广告媒体,也不排除其它形式的广告作为有益的补充。并且,各种广告的运用要通盘考虑,整合优化,做到最经济的投入,最有效的产出。 一、线下营销策略 (一)公关活动推广 1、在各大网站开展产品Log和平面广告设计有奖征集以及本品Flash广告创意大赛。并在一段时间后将在各大网站展播优秀的Flash作品。借助这一系列的征集活动,迅速提高durex的知名度。并且可以获得优秀的广告作品,为以后的广告活动奠定制胜的基础。 2、与国家卫生部门及红十字协会等相关单位取得良好的合作关系,支持、赞助他们进行性相关课题的研究与调查。以此借助权威部门的平台提高本品牌的知名度与信任度。 3、与相关部门联合组织“青少年性健康教育全国巡回展”,深入各中学及中等职(技)校。本品冠名赞助。借助公益事业的开展,利用媒体对此事的关注the same direction of rotation 90 ? or 180 ? for; after each disc rotor when measuring position alignment of the two half coupling constant, should also be in terms of accuracy and consistency. Surface deviation measurement, must in every 180 degrees corresponding to the two radii are equal to each other in order to eliminate errors caused by movement of the rotor. Only a support bearing of the rotor, WA couplings, such as the use of temporary leave the Center, should pay attention to keep the rotor in the measuring process in the center of the bearing oil retaining the nest does not change. Steam oil block, there should be sufficient clearance between the rotor and, in rotors make sure rotor is not on the block or seal oil. At the time of measurement, connections are not allowed between two rotors, each in a free State. Not allowed in case of assembled sleeve, Center work on the toothed coupling. Coupling tool should have adequate stiffness, installation must be secure and reliable. Coupling Center using a dial indicator, the table should be put in prison and avoid touching, to ensure correct measurement. Coupling disc after a week to return to the original position, circumference of dial gauge reading should be able to go back to the original value. When measuring the clearance of end, into the feeler of the gap should not exceed four at a time, when the gap is too large, you can use the gasket with the feeler gauge measurement of gauge blocks or finishing. bearing surface, markup should be in accordance with the mounting support pads, and retest the thickness. Once the lifting cylinder measurement of surface and internal cylinder surface height difference, compared with the original values confirm the location. Internal vertical and horizontal cylinder under state key insertion installation complex measuring cylinder in axial position. Bottom 报道,本品名称将频繁出现在媒体报道之中,从而快速提高本品的知名度与美誉度。 4软文炒作策略 :软性广告的形式除报道宣传、联系产品的科普宣传、赞助等外,还可以利用与产品相关的有一定新闻点的新闻话题,以调查报告、市场热点等形式发布,或利用消费者关注,新闻媒体乐于传播的事件、活动使产品同新闻话题一样受到社会注意。 , 模拟活动主题一:杜蕾斯,全方位安全包围。 活动对象:所有人 活动时间:2012年节日 活动地点:大型广场中央 活动内容:建立一个塑料玻璃材质的巨型安全套,可容纳100---250人,横躺在广场中央,让受众进入安全套中体验,拉动目标消费者对产品的关注,并以此形成社会热点话题。在消费者心中强化品牌理念:强调安全的性爱。扩大品牌知名度,提升品牌形象。 lation complex measuring cylinder in axial position. Bottomred with the original values confirm the location. Internal vertical and horizontal cylinder under state key insertion instalcompa , and retest the thickness. Once the lifting cylinder measurement of surface and internal cylinder surface height difference,auge measurement of gauge blocks or finishing. bearing surface, markup should be in accordance with the mounting support padspositeler gd, into the feeler of the gap should not exceed four at a time, when the gap is too large, you can use the gasket with the feion, circumference of dial gauge reading should be able to go back to the original value. When measuring the clearance of en uld be put in prison and avoid touching, to ensure correct measurement. Coupling disc after a week to return to the originalould have adequate stiffness, installation must be secure and reliable. Coupling Center using a dial indicator, the table shoool shn two rotors, each in a free State. Not allowed in case of assembled sleeve, Center work on the toothed coupling. Coupling tnd, in rotors make sure rotor is not on the block or seal oil. At the time of measurement, connections are not allowed betweeotor ar of the bearing oil retaining the nest does not change. Steam oil block, there should be sufficient clearance between the r, such as the use of temporary leave the Center, should pay attention to keep the rotor in the measuring process in the centeplingsqual to each other in order to eliminate errors caused by movement of the rotor. Only a support bearing of the rotor, WA cous of accuracy and consistency. Surface deviation measurement, must in every 180 degrees corresponding to the two radii are epling constant, should also be in termthe same direction of rotation 90 ? or 180 ? for; after each disc rotor when measuring position alignment of the two half cou- 17 - , 模拟活动主题二:小杜杜的活动公关 活动对象:关注durex的所有粉丝以及其他潜在群体。 活动时间:2012年6月中旬 活动平台:新浪,腾讯杜蕾斯官方微博 活动内容:选拔最粉丝,即网友使用杜蕾斯发生的创意事件,将照片或视频上传到微博,有微博团队进行选拔筛选,选出杜蕾斯最粉丝并颁发奖励。如有的网友过生日,用杜蕾斯装了很多糖果当生日礼物,还有的网友制作杜蕾斯的屏保程序,之前还有网友用杜蕾斯套鞋子防止鞋湿等等。 (二)品牌推广策略 the same direction of rotation 90 ? or 180 ? for; after each disc rotor when measuring position alignment of the two half coupling constant, should also be in terms of accuracy and consistency. Surface deviation measurement, must in every 180 degrees corresponding to the two radii are equal to each other in order to eliminate errors caused by movement of the rotor. Only a support bearing of the rotor, WA couplings, such as the use of temporary leave the Center, should pay attention to keep the rotor in the measuring process in the center of the bearing oil retaining the nest does not change. Steam oil block, there should be sufficient clearance between the rotor and, in rotors make sure rotor is not on the block or seal oil. At the time of measurement, connections are not allowed between two rotors, each in a free State. Not allowed in case of assembled sleeve, Center work on the toothed coupling. Coupling tool should have adequate stiffness, installation must be secure and reliable. Coupling Center using a dial indicator, the table should be put in prison and avoid touching, to ensure correct measurement. Coupling disc after a week to return to the original position, circumference of dial gauge reading should be able to go back to the original value. When measuring the clearance of end, into the feeler of the gap should not exceed four at a time, when the gap is too large, you can use the gasket with the feeler gauge measurement of gauge blocks or finishing. bearing surface, markup should be in accordance with the mounting support pads, and retest the thickness. Once the lifting cylinder measurement of surface and internal cylinder surface height difference, compared with the original values confirm the location. Internal vertical and horizontal cylinder under state key insertion installation complex measuring cylinder in axial position. Bottom 在安全套广告仍未完全放开的局势下,各大安全套品牌纷纷在终端上亮出了自己的杀手涧——价格站、促销战、终端生动化陈列战已经成为安全套广告中常规的竞争手段,杜蕾斯要胜出,就必须在以下几方面进行突破—— , 丰富产品线,加强作战防御装备~ 采取多品牌发展的策划思路来丰富自己的产品线,是高端和低端产品进行捆绑推广。杜蕾斯应该开发在10元以下的产品,采取高端产品拉形象,中低档产品走销量的多品牌路线,借以提高自己的核心竞争力。 , 提高包装价值感,为皇帝做新装~ 由于安全套消费行为的随机性,如何体现外包装的价值感成为吸引消费者的致命因素,而杜蕾斯的包装粗糙、不够规范等因素,让杜蕾斯无法在众多陈列架中脱颖而出 1、可根据杜蕾斯“薄”的特性,设计出外包装自己独有的个性,例如可以考虑设计成长而扁的包装形状; 2、外包装设计应该现代,吸引人,但是不要过分暴露,颜色要柔和。安全套尺寸的信息应该清楚而且容易看到。用一些比较淡的颜色、中等字体,适当使用英文,给人一种国际性产品的感觉。 3、质地要好,要被塑料膜包上,以保证包装没有被“打开过”,以让人对安全性更放心。 , 终端布置生动化,不在沉默中丧生~ 1、加强终端生动化陈列,争取以良好的陈列位置,加强视觉冲击效果; 2、在货架上设计一些特别的,能体现产品“薄”特性的贴牌,借以吸引目标消费者的眼球,提高品牌价值; 3、要做好与终端人员的客情工作,让她们成为杜蕾斯极力首推产品,如关系好,可贴上“店长推介”等有销售力的贴牌。 , 所有上市活动策略的核心就是: 1、集中组合投放,达到最大效果。 2、在投放过程中的间歇性能够增加边际效应。 3、保持广告形象出现的连续性。 4、尽可能制造新闻效应。 一、效果评估 1、 Baidu关键词 杜蕾斯 检索量为2360项 2、 《国际广告》《市场观察广告》《21世纪广告》3家业界权威杂志,对该进行深度报告解析。 3、 中国广告网、中国广告协会网、麦迪逊鼓吹、全球品牌网、中国营销传播网等80余家专业出现案例分析文章。 4.网络平台效果获得一致好评。 二、活动亮点 lation complex measuring cylinder in axial position. Bottomred with the original values confirm the location. Internal vertical and horizontal cylinder under state key insertion instalcompa ion, circumference of dial gauge reading should be able to go back to the original value. When measuring the clearance of en, and retest the thickness. Once the lifting cylinder measurement of surface and internal cylinder surface height difference,auge measurement of gauge blocks or finishing. bearing surface, markup should be in accordance with the mounting support padseler gd, into the feeler of the gap should not exceed four at a time, when the gap is too large, you can use the gasket with the feposit uld be put in prison and avoid touching, to ensure correct measurement. Coupling disc after a week to return to the originalould have adequate stiffness, installation must be secure and reliable. Coupling Center using a dial indicator, the table shoool shn two rotors, each in a free State. Not allowed in case of assembled sleeve, Center work on the toothed coupling. Coupling tnd, in rotors make sure rotor is not on the block or seal oil. At the time of measurement, connections are not allowed betweeotor ar of the bearing oil retaining the nest does not change. Steam oil block, there should be sufficient clearance between the r, such as the use of temporary leave the Center, should pay attention to keep the rotor in the measuring process in the centeplingsqual to each other in order to eliminate errors caused by movement of the rotor. Only a support bearing of the rotor, WA cous of accuracy and consistency. Surface deviation measurement, must in every 180 degrees corresponding to the two radii are epling constant, should also be in termthe same direction of rotation 90 ? or 180 ? for; after each disc rotor when measuring position alignment of the two half cou- 19 - 1、 全方位动用网络传播工具 2、 创新的运用社会化媒体中社区、博客、等多种形式。互动+话题讨论 3、 巧妙借力事件营销,杜蕾斯品牌与微博形成高度的契合 三(费用预算 the same direction of rotation 90 ? or 180 ? for; after each disc rotor when measuring position alignment of the two half coupling constant, should also be in terms of accuracy and consistency. Surface deviation measurement, must in every 180 degrees corresponding to the two radii are equal to each other in order to eliminate errors caused by movement of the rotor. Only a support bearing of the rotor, WA couplings, such as the use of temporary leave the Center, should pay attention to keep the rotor in the measuring process in the center of the bearing oil retaining the nest does not change. Steam oil block, there should be sufficient clearance between the rotor and, in rotors make sure rotor is not on the block or seal oil. At the time of measurement, connections are not allowed between two rotors, each in a free State. Not allowed in case of assembled sleeve, Center work on the toothed coupling. Coupling tool should have adequate stiffness, installation must be secure and reliable. Coupling Center using a dial indicator, the table should be put in prison and avoid touching, to ensure correct measurement. Coupling disc after a week to return to the original position, circumference of dial gauge reading should be able to go back to the original value. When measuring the clearance of end, into the feeler of the gap should not exceed four at a time, when the gap is too large, you can use the gasket with the feeler gauge measurement of gauge blocks or finishing. bearing surface, markup should be in accordance with the mounting support pads, and retest the thickness. Once the lifting cylinder measurement of surface and internal cylinder surface height difference, compared with the original values confirm the location. Internal vertical and horizontal cylinder under state key insertion installation complex measuring cylinder in axial position. Bottom
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