
安全标志 禁止标志

2018-04-01 12页 doc 174KB 25阅读




安全标志 禁止标志安全标志 禁止标志 铝 质 18(00 块 1 禁止吸烟 (尺寸25cm×30cm) 不干胶 4(00 铝 质 18(00 块 2 禁止烟火 (尺寸25cm×30cm) 不干胶 4(00 铝 质 18(00 块 3 禁止带火种 (尺寸25cm×30cm) 不干胶 4(00 禁止用水灭火 (尺寸铝 质 18(00 块 4 25cm×30cm) 不干胶 4(00 禁止放易燃物 (尺寸铝 质 18(00 块 5 25cm×30cm) 不干胶 4(00 铝 质 18(00 块 6 禁止启动 (尺寸25cm×30...
安全标志 禁止标志
安全标志 禁止标志 铝 质 18(00 块 1 禁止吸烟 (尺寸25cm×30cm) 不干胶 4(00 铝 质 18(00 块 2 禁止烟火 (尺寸25cm×30cm) 不干胶 4(00 铝 质 18(00 块 3 禁止带火种 (尺寸25cm×30cm) 不干胶 4(00 禁止用水灭火 (尺寸铝 质 18(00 块 4 25cm×30cm) 不干胶 4(00 禁止放易燃物 (尺寸铝 质 18(00 块 5 25cm×30cm) 不干胶 4(00 铝 质 18(00 块 6 禁止启动 (尺寸25cm×30cm) 不干胶 4(00 铝 质 18(00 块 7 禁止合闸 (尺寸25cm×30cm) 不干胶 4(00 accurate grasp five big development concept of rich connotation, advocate innovation, and focused on coordination, and advocate green, and thick plant open, and advance shared, put five big development concept implementation to "xxxx xxxx" construction of specific practice in the, effective improve led economic development new normal of capacity and level. Second, we must strive to improve capacity to implement policies 铝 质 18(00 块 8 禁止转动 (尺寸25cm×30cm) 不干胶 4(00 铝 质 18(00 块 9 禁止触摸 (尺寸25cm×30cm) 不干胶 4(00 铝 质 18(00 块 10 禁止跨越 (尺寸25cm×30cm) 不干胶 4(00 铝 质 18(00 块 11 禁止攀登 (尺寸25cm×30cm) 不干胶 4(00 铝 质 18(00 块 12 禁止跳下 (尺寸25cm×30cm) 不干胶 4(00 铝 质 18(00 块 13 禁止入内 (尺寸25cm×30cm) 不干胶 4(00 铝 质 18(00 块 14 禁止停留 (尺寸25cm×30cm) 不干胶 4(00 accurate grasp five big development concept of rich connotation, advocate innovation, and focused on coordination, and advocate green, and thick plant open, and advance shared, put five big development concept implementation to "xxxx xxxx" construction of specific practice in the, effective improve led economic development new normal of capacity and level. Second, we must strive to improve capacity to implement policies 铝 质 18(00 块 15 禁止通行 (尺寸25cm×30cm) 不干胶 4(00 铝 质 18(00 块 16 禁止靠近 (尺寸25cm×30cm) 不干胶 4(00 铝 质 18(00 块 17 禁止乘人 (尺寸25cm×30cm) 不干胶 4(00 铝 质 18(00 块 18 禁止堆放 (尺寸25cm×30cm) 不干胶 4(00 铝 质 18(00 块 19 禁止抛物 (尺寸25cm×30cm) 不干胶 4(00 铝 质 18(00 块 20 禁止戴手套 (尺寸25cm×30cm) 不干胶 4(00 禁止穿化纤衣服 (尺寸铝 质 18(00 块 21 25cm×30cm) 不干胶 4(00 accurate grasp five big development concept of rich connotation, advocate innovation, and focused on coordination, and advocate green, and thick plant open, and advance shared, put five big development concept implementation to "xxxx xxxx" construction of specific practice in the, effective improve led economic development new normal of capacity and level. Second, we must strive to improve capacity to implement policies 禁止穿带钉鞋 (尺寸铝 质 18(00 块 22 25cm×30cm) 不干胶 4(00 铝 质 18(00 块 23 禁止饮用 (尺寸25cm×30cm) 不干胶 4(00 铝 质 18(00 块 24 注意安全 (尺寸25cm×30cm) 不干胶 4(00 铝 质 18(00 块 25 当心火灾 (尺寸25cm×30cm) 不干胶 4(00 铝 质 18(00 块 26 当心爆炸 (尺寸25cm×30cm) 不干胶 4(00 铝 质 18(00 块 27 当心腐蚀 (尺寸25cm×30cm) 不干胶 4(00 铝 质 18(00 块 28 当心中毒 (尺寸25cm×30cm) 不干胶 4(00 accurate grasp five big development concept of rich connotation, advocate innovation, and focused on coordination, and advocate green, and thick plant open, and advance shared, put five big development concept implementation to "xxxx xxxx" construction of specific practice in the, effective improve led economic development new normal of capacity and level. Second, we must strive to improve capacity to implement policies 铝 质 18(00 块 29 当心感染 (尺寸25cm×30cm) 不干胶 4(00 铝 质 18(00 块 30 当心触电 (尺寸25cm×30cm) 不干胶 4(00 铝 质 18(00 块 31 当心电缆 (尺寸25cm×30cm) 不干胶 4(00 当心机械伤人 (尺寸铝 质 18(00 块 32 25cm×30cm) 不干胶 4(00 铝 质 18(00 块 33 当心伤手 (尺寸25cm×30cm) 不干胶 4(00 铝 质 18(00 块 34 当心扎脚 (尺寸25cm×30cm) 不干胶 4(00 铝 质 18(00 块 35 当心吊物 (尺寸25cm×30cm) 不干胶 4(00 accurate grasp five big development concept of rich connotation, advocate innovation, and focused on coordination, and advocate green, and thick plant open, and advance shared, put five big development concept implementation to "xxxx xxxx" construction of specific practice in the, effective improve led economic development new normal of capacity and level. Second, we must strive to improve capacity to implement policies 铝 质 18(00 块 36 当心坠落 (尺寸25cm×30cm) 不干胶 4(00 铝 质 18(00 块 37 当心落物 (尺寸25cm×30cm) 不干胶 4(00 铝 质 18(00 块 38 当心坑洞 (尺寸25cm×30cm) 不干胶 4(00 铝 质 18(00 块 39 当心烫伤 (尺寸25cm×30cm) 不干胶 4(00 铝 质 18(00 块 40 当心弧光 (尺寸25cm×30cm) 不干胶 4(00 铝 质 18(00 块 41 当心塌方 (尺寸25cm×30cm) 不干胶 4(00 铝 质 18(00 块 42 当心冒顶 (尺寸25cm×30cm) 不干胶 4(00 accurate grasp five big development concept of rich connotation, advocate innovation, and focused on coordination, and advocate green, and thick plant open, and advance shared, put five big development concept implementation to "xxxx xxxx" construction of specific practice in the, effective improve led economic development new normal of capacity and level. Second, we must strive to improve capacity to implement policies 铝 质 18(00 块 43 当心瓦斯 (尺寸25cm×30cm) 不干胶 4(00 当心电离辐射 (尺寸铝 质 18(00 块 44 25cm×30cm) 不干胶 4(00 铝 质 18(00 块 45 当心车辆 (尺寸25cm×30cm) 不干胶 4(00 铝 质 18(00 块 46 当心滑跌 (尺寸25cm×30cm) 不干胶 4(00 铝 质 18(00 块 47 当心绊倒 (尺寸25cm×30cm) 不干胶 4(00 必须戴防护眼镜 (尺寸铝 质 18(00 块 48 25cm×30cm) 不干胶 4(00 必须戴防毒面具 (尺寸铝 质 18(00 块 49 25cm×30cm) 不干胶 4(00 accurate grasp five big development concept of rich connotation, advocate innovation, and focused on coordination, and advocate green, and thick plant open, and advance shared, put five big development concept implementation to "xxxx xxxx" construction of specific practice in the, effective improve led economic development new normal of capacity and level. Second, we must strive to improve capacity to implement policies 必须戴防尘口罩 (尺寸铝 质 18(00 块 50 25cm×30cm) 不干胶 4(00 必须戴护耳器 (尺寸铝 质 18(00 块 51 25cm×30cm) 不干胶 4(00 必须戴安全帽 (尺寸铝 质 18(00 块 52 25cm×30cm) 不干胶 4(00 必须戴防护帽 (尺寸铝 质 18(00 块 53 25cm×30cm) 不干胶 4(00 必须戴防护手套 (尺寸铝 质 18(00 块 54 25cm×30cm) 不干胶 4(00 必须穿防护鞋 (尺寸铝 质 18(00 块 55 25cm×30cm) 不干胶 4(00 必须系安全带 (尺寸铝 质 18(00 块 56 25cm×30cm) 不干胶 4(00 accurate grasp five big development concept of rich connotation, advocate innovation, and focused on coordination, and advocate green, and thick plant open, and advance shared, put five big development concept implementation to "xxxx xxxx" construction of specific practice in the, effective improve led economic development new normal of capacity and level. Second, we must strive to improve capacity to implement policies 必须穿救生衣 (尺寸铝 质 18(00 块 57 25cm×30cm) 不干胶 4(00 必须穿防护服 (尺寸铝 质 18(00 块 58 25cm×30cm) 不干胶 4(00 铝 质 18(00 块 59 必须加锁 (尺寸25cm×30cm) 不干胶 4(00 铝 质 18(00 块 60 紧急出口(向左) 不干胶 4(00 铝 质 18(00 块 61 紧急出口(向右) 不干胶 4(00 铝 质 18(00 可动火区 块 62 不干胶 4(00 铝 质 18(00 避险处 块 63 不干胶 4(00 accurate grasp five big development concept of rich connotation, advocate innovation, and focused on coordination, and advocate green, and thick plant open, and advance shared, put five big development concept implementation to "xxxx xxxx" construction of specific practice in the, effective improve led economic development new normal of capacity and level. Second, we must strive to improve capacity to implement policies 铝 质 18(00 火警电话 块 64 不干胶 4(00 铝 质 18(00 地上消防栓 块 65 不干胶 4(00 铝 质 18(00 消防水带 块 66 不干胶 4(00 铝 质 18(00 灭火器 块 67 不干胶 4(00 铝 质 18(00 禁止合闸,有人工作 块 68 不干胶 4(00 铝 质 18(00 配电重地,闲人莫入 块 69 不干胶 4(00 铝 质 18(00 有电危险 块 70 不干胶 4(00 accurate grasp five big development concept of rich connotation, advocate innovation, and focused on coordination, and advocate green, and thick plant open, and advance shared, put five big development concept implementation to "xxxx xxxx" construction of specific practice in the, effective improve led economic development new normal of capacity and level. Second, we must strive to improve capacity to implement policies 铝 质 18(00 止步,高压危险~ 块 71 不干胶 4(00 accurate grasp five big development concept of rich connotation, advocate innovation, and focused on coordination, and advocate green, and thick plant open, and advance shared, put five big development concept implementation to "xxxx xxxx" construction of specific practice in the, effective improve led economic development new normal of capacity and level. Second, we must strive to improve capacity to implement policies
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