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六年级语文赤壁之战教案六年级语文赤壁之战教案 2009—2010学年第二学期六年级语文学科集体备课记 主持人: 时间 参加人员 罗红霞 地点 主备人 课题 桂林山水 1. 知识与技能: (1)、正确、流利、有感情地朗读课文。 (2)、能在文本与图片所形成的氛围中理解课文中的词语。 (3)、通过对课文的学习,让学生了解桂林山、水的特点,通过品读积累大量的优 美词句。 2.过程与方法: (1)、通过初读课文,初步了解课文的大意。 教学 (2)、借助课件演示,让学生对桂林山水有更形象的认识。 目标 (3)、让学生把从第二自然段中学到...
六年级语文赤壁之战 2009—2010学年第二学期六年级语文学科集体备课记 主持人: 时间 参加人员 罗红霞 地点 主备人 课题 桂林山水 1. 知识与技能: (1)、正确、流利、有感情地朗读课文。 (2)、能在文本与图片所形成的氛围中理解课文中的词语。 (3)、通过对课文的学习,让学生了解桂林山、水的特点,通过品读积累大量的优 美词句。 2.过程与方法: (1)、通过初读课文,初步了解课文的大意。 教学 (2)、借助课件演示,让学生对桂林山水有更形象的认识。 目标 (3)、让学生把从第二自然段中学到的学法运用到学习第三自然段中,起到了学以 致用的作用。 3.情感态度与价值观: (1)、通过对课文的学习,从观中入景,读中悟情,了解桂林山水的特点,感受桂林 水的美,感受课文的语言美,激发他们对祖国大好河山的热爱之情。 (2)、在“研究朗读”中培养学生的观察理解能力和达能力。 学习课文2、3自然段,学会运用段落大意归并法归纳课文主要内容是本文的教重、难 学重点,学习抓住景物的特点进行具体描写的写作方法写一处景物,是教学的难点即考 点。 点分析 课时安排 两课时 教具使用 课件 教 学 环 节 安 排 备 注 第一课时 一、教学内容 1、初读课文,划出生字词,查字典,学习生字词。结合上下文 内容说出“无瑕”等词意。 2、了解课文大意,围绕课题划分段落。 procurement of materials required for this project are strict quality inspection and control, strict implementation of the entry of materials procurement and acceptance procedures. technology ensure that upon receipt of the drawings provided by the owners, and timely internal drawing and design of the project, and make trial records. Project drawings, specifications and standards for learning, be familiar with the drawings and specifications, in strict accordance with construction drawings and specifications. Recorded by the drawing and construction drawings and engineering phase the construction programming and project technology gives the low-down, indicators quantify construction. measurement management to ensure that measuring instruments is an important condition for ensuring the quality, measurement work in an important position in the whole quality control. Measuring instruments for establishing project management accounting of the project. Quality problems and precautions for this project in order to avoid a mechanical and electrical installation engineering quality problems arise, lists and drainage, electrical installation section common faults and preventive measures for the common faults. to drainage quality problems control serial number project phenomenon prevention measures 1 pipeline making installation thread not only or broken 3、初步观察图意,整体感知画面展示的优美景色。 4、在文中划出表示漓江水“静、清、绿”和桂林山“奇、秀、险”特点词语。 二、教学过程: (一)放桂林山水的图片投影或录像片。看图,激发学生对自然美景的向望。 1. 启发谈话:(出示桂林山水美景的画面)你到过桂林,看到过那里的美丽景色吗,你从录像中看看那里的景色和别处有什么不同, 2.你看了这些录像能否赞一赞你眼前看到的桂林山水美景,(老师用“赞叹——描述”的方法作示范:桂林的山水多么迷人啊,让你好象走入仙境一般。) 3.老师分别出示多幅描绘漓江的水和桂林山的彩色图片,依照老师的方法赞一赞桂林山水。 (二)板题,读题。想想,你从课题知道这篇文章主要写什么的,(先写水,再写山,山水相融。) (三)初学课文。出示自习提纲: 1.自由读全文,边读边在不理解的词上作“,”记号,在重要的词上标作“?”。 2.看看课文怎样围绕题目来写,再用一个句子说出每个小段的大意。 3.提出你不明白的地方。 (四)汇报自习情况。全文有四段:第一段写乘着船观赏桂林的山水。第二段写了漓江的水。第三段写了桂林的水。第四段写了桂林的山和水。 (五)师生讨论后小结: 1.初读完全文,你感到题目和课文内容有什么关系,(课文内procurement of materials required for this project are strict quality inspection and control, strict implementation of the entry of materials procurement and acceptance procedures. technology ensure that upon receipt of the drawings provided by the owners, and timely internal drawing and design of the project, and make trial records. Project drawings, specifications and standards for learning, be familiar with the drawings and specifications, in strict accordance with construction drawings and specifications. Recorded by the drawing and construction drawings and engineering phase the construction programming and project technology gives the low-down, indicators quantify construction. measurement management to ensure that measuring instruments is an important condition for ensuring the quality, measurement work in an important position in the whole quality control. Measuring instruments for establishing project management accounting of the project. Quality problems and precautions for this project in order to avoid a mechanical and electrical installation engineering quality problems arise, lists and drainage, electrical installation section common faults and preventive measures for the common faults. to drainage quality problems control serial number project phenomenon prevention measures 1 pipeline making installation thread not only or broken 容紧紧围绕题目的桂林中的“山”和“水”来写) 2.这篇课文是按什么顺序写呢,先总写什么,再分别写了什么,最后又写什么,全文的记叙顺序是“先——(先总起)再——(再分述)后——(后)” (六)质疑:提出你不明白的地方。(别人提出不明白的地方,你也不明白,请在文中作上“——”和“,”记号。) 第二教时 一、教学内容: 1.能用一二句话,赞叹优美的画面。 2.通过读,能体会漓江水“静”、“清”、“绿”的三个特点。通过读和动手绘图,展示桂林山的“奇、秀、险”的三个。 3.进行创造性的想象,体会作者描绘漓江水特点的句式。并在此基础上,想象漓江水的“甜、凉”的特点,再进一步想象江岸上的野花的美。 4.学生能掌握“赞赏——描述”的句式。 二、教学过程: (一)、理解第一段,随文入景。 1.激发谈话:你们想去桂林游玩吗,为什么,课文的作者为什么去桂林游玩呢,课文的第一小段告诉了我们。请找出来。——人们都说,桂林山水甲天下„„ 2.先理解“甲天下”是什么意思,(天下第一),再理解这个句子,用自己的话说说,(人们都这么说,桂林的山水风景是天下第一美的,我也禁不住来观赏观赏。) 3.读第一段。进一步启发谈话(播放多媒体教学软件:出现一幅桂林山水画卷,再出现文字和声音::人们都说桂林的山水甲天下,真是这样吗,耳听为虚,眼见为实。我们也随作者乘着木船沿着漓江,一起去观赏桂林的山水吧~) procurement of materials required for this project are strict quality inspection and control, strict implementation of the entry of materials procurement and acceptance procedures. technology ensure that upon receipt of the drawings provided by the owners, and timely internal drawing and design of the project, and make trial records. Project drawings, specifications and standards for learning, be familiar with the drawings and specifications, in strict accordance with construction drawings and specifications. Recorded by the drawing and construction drawings and engineering phase the construction programming and project technology gives the low-down, indicators quantify construction. measurement management to ensure that measuring instruments is an important condition for ensuring the quality, measurement work in an important position in the whole quality control. Measuring instruments for establishing project management accounting of the project. Quality problems and precautions for this project in order to avoid a mechanical and electrical installation engineering quality problems arise, lists and drainage, electrical installation section common faults and preventive measures for the common faults. to drainage quality problems control serial number project phenomenon prevention measures 1 pipeline making installation thread not only or broken (二)、理解第二段,依图学文,读文披情。 1. 桂林的山水天下闻名,看了下面的几幅图景,你觉得这里的景色如何, (边讲边品读,播放多媒体教学软件,分别三幅桂林山水画面,出现文字和声音:(1)漓江的水真静啊~(2)漓江的水真清啊~(3)漓江的水真绿啊~) 2.桂林的山水这么美,就让我们划着船桨去观赏这里的美景吧~ 3.我们和作者一同乘坐在木船上,首先,最吸引我们的是什么地方景色,(是眼前的“水”把作者吸引住了。) 4.先看图,再读第二段,看看漓江的水怎样美,主要的特点是什么,(大家读书时要学会抓住主要的意思,用“?”画出桂林“水”特点的词语) 5.学生汇报:找出漓江水的三个特点:静、清、绿。 6.老师出示带点的几个词进行比较,说说哪个词让人感到漓江的水是那么美,作者是赞不绝口,禁不住脱口而出的, (1)漓江的水真静啊~ (2)漓江的水好静啊~ (3)漓江的水很静啊~ 以上几句中的“真”“好”“很”哪个好,“真”程度更深。“真”字还可以怎样说——非常非常,多么。 7.读好“真”,应读重点,声调要稍提高。反复品读:漓江的水真静啊~作者看到这么清静的水,赞不绝口,接着,描写出漓江的水静得如何。我们把作者用的这种方法叫做“赞赏——描述”。 (三)进一步体会重点词句,朗读指导,读出你在游玩时所见美景的喜悦心情。 (用以上的多媒体软件范读录音作朗读指导:漓江的水真静啊;漓江的水真清啊;漓江的水真绿啊。) procurement of materials required for this project are strict quality inspection and control, strict implementation of the entry of materials procurement and acceptance procedures. technology ensure that upon receipt of the drawings provided by the owners, and timely internal drawing and design of the project, and make trial records. Project drawings, specifications and standards for learning, be familiar with the drawings and specifications, in strict accordance with construction drawings and specifications. Recorded by the drawing and construction drawings and engineering phase the construction programming and project technology gives the low-down, indicators quantify construction. measurement management to ensure that measuring instruments is an important condition for ensuring the quality, measurement work in an important position in the whole quality control. Measuring instruments for establishing project management accounting of the project. Quality problems and precautions for this project in order to avoid a mechanical and electrical installation engineering quality problems arise, lists and drainage, electrical installation section common faults and preventive measures for the common faults. to drainage quality problems control serial number project phenomenon prevention measures 1 pipeline making installation thread not only or broken 1.读,体会重点词句:真静啊,是说的水怎么样——还可以怎样说出这层意思,这层感受,(漓江的水很静很静,漓江的水是多么地静啊„„) 2.让学生仿照词语重叠的方法说出对赞美漓江水的感受:真清啊,真绿啊„„ 3.老师朗读示范学生试读:漓江的水真静啊,“静”念轻声,稍拖长声音,然后把声音压平;“清”字先向上扬一点,再轻轻拖一下;绿,是很美的,同学们试着念出美的意思来。 4.师生或男女学生互为引读,读出很惊喜的感情。如:师——漓江的水真静啊~生——静得让你感觉不到它在流动。 5.在读与体会重点句子中相机理解“无瑕的翡翠”等词的含义。 (四)进行创造性联想的训练。这么美的景色,你怎样“观赏”呢, 1.出示“漓江的水真静啊~静得让你感觉不到它在流动。”读后理出:“赞赏——描述”。 2.谈话创设情景:你看到漓江的水这么“静”这么“清”这么“绿”,你站在木船上,停下手中木桨,你想干什么,(启发:望着这清凌凌的碧绿的江水,我真想——(用双手掬成一个勺子;跳下水中;用双手掬水洗一洗脸)你会有怎样的感觉呢, 老师出示:漓江的水真( )啊~( )得„„ ?拟定学生1:我把一掬水泼在脸上,漓江的水真凉爽啊~凉爽得让你感受到脸上放了冰琪琳。 ?拟定学生2:漓江的水真明净啊~明净得像„„ ?拟定学生3:我摇着双桨,那“泼——泼——”的水声真好听„„ 3.图象创设情景:出示“象山图”请注意观察,你们看看,这头“象”把长长的鼻子伸进了清凌凌的水中,这头“象”会想什么,说什么呢, procurement of materials required for this project are strict quality inspection and control, strict implementation of the entry of materials procurement and acceptance procedures. technology ensure that upon receipt of the drawings provided by the owners, and timely internal drawing and design of the project, and make trial records. Project drawings, specifications and standards for learning, be familiar with the drawings and specifications, in strict accordance with construction drawings and specifications. Recorded by the drawing and construction drawings and engineering phase the construction programming and project technology gives the low-down, indicators quantify construction. measurement management to ensure that measuring instruments is an important condition for ensuring the quality, measurement work in an important position in the whole quality control. Measuring instruments for establishing project management accounting of the project. Quality problems and precautions for this project in order to avoid a mechanical and electrical installation engineering quality problems arise, lists and drainage, electrical installation section common faults and preventive measures for the common faults. to drainage quality problems control serial number project phenomenon prevention measures 1 pipeline making installation thread not only or broken ?拟定学生1:看着清凌凌的江水,我真想跳到江中,玩耍玩耍~„„ ? 拟定学生2:漓江的水真甜啊„„让你感受到像吃了西瓜那样舒服。 ? 播放多媒体软件:一幅“象山图”出现,再出现文字和声音:漓江的水真甜啊~ (五)进一步体会漓江水的特点。小结:你刚才随作者到了漓江,你是观赏,还是玩赏了漓江的水,为什么, { 播放多媒体软件:出现两幅人们在水中玩耍的情景,再出现文字和声音:漓江的水真凉爽啊~} (六)先小结文上的学习方法,再理解第三段,体会桂林的山的特点。 1.想一想,刚才我们是怎样玩赏漓江的水的美景的,(先看图,进入佳景;读文句,品味佳景;后想象,玩赏佳景。小结后老师板书。) 2.准备怎样游玩桂林的山水, 3.老师出示描绘桂林山的图景。再用一个句子赞一赞图描绘的桂林的山。 4.将桂林的山的三个特点画出,老师出示描写桂林山的三个特点的词语:真奇啊,真秀啊,真险啊。 ,、有感情地朗读课文,把你喜欢的词语在书上画下来,抄在作 本子上。 业 ,、阅读有关描写“大海”“西湖”“泰山”“香山”的布 文章,并把你最喜欢的一段摘抄下来。 置 ,、阅读其他有关“桂林山水”的文章。 procurement of materials required for this project are strict quality inspection and control, strict implementation of the entry of materials procurement and acceptance procedures. technology ensure that upon receipt of the drawings provided by the owners, and timely internal drawing and design of the project, and make trial records. Project drawings, specifications and standards for learning, be familiar with the drawings and specifications, in strict accordance with construction drawings and specifications. Recorded by the drawing and construction drawings and engineering phase the construction programming and project technology gives the low-down, indicators quantify construction. measurement management to ensure that measuring instruments is an important condition for ensuring the quality, measurement work in an important position in the whole quality control. Measuring instruments for establishing project management accounting of the project. Quality problems and precautions for this project in order to avoid a mechanical and electrical installation engineering quality problems arise, lists and drainage, electrical installation section common faults and preventive measures for the common faults. to drainage quality problems control serial number project phenomenon prevention measures 1 pipeline making installation thread not only or broken 、写几个由“绿”字组成的表示颜色的词语,并想一想下面句一 子的横线上应该填上哪一个词语才合适 (碧绿)( )( )( )( )( ) ,、春天,树枝上长出了________的叶子。 ,、这里到处是山,近山是那样的________,远山是那样的 ________。 三、按照原文填写句子 重 ,、漓江的水真静啊,静得________;漓江的水真清啊,清得难 ________;漓江的水真绿啊,绿得________。 点 ,、桂林的山真奇啊,________;桂林的山真秀啊,________;及 桂林的山真险啊,________。 考 四、照样子把句子的意思写具体 点 例:漓江的水真绿啊,绿得仿佛那是一块无瑕的翡翠。 巩 ,、这桂花真香啊,香得________________________。 固 ,、这天气真热啊,热得________________________。 性 ,、这雨真大啊,大得________________________。 练 习 procurement of materials required for this project are strict quality inspection and control, strict implementation of the entry of materials procurement and acceptance procedures. technology ensure that upon receipt of the drawings provided by the owners, and timely internal drawing and design of the project, and make trial records. Project drawings, specifications and standards for learning, be familiar with the drawings and specifications, in strict accordance with construction drawings and specifications. Recorded by the drawing and construction drawings and engineering phase the construction programming and project technology gives the low-down, indicators quantify construction. measurement management to ensure that measuring instruments is an important condition for ensuring the quality, measurement work in an important position in the whole quality control. Measuring instruments for establishing project management accounting of the project. Quality problems and precautions for this project in order to avoid a mechanical and electrical installation engineering quality problems arise, lists and drainage, electrical installation section common faults and preventive measures for the common faults. to drainage quality problems control serial number project phenomenon prevention measures 1 pipeline making installation thread not only or broken
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