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毛石混凝土基础施工毛石混凝土基础施工 1(施工准备。毛石应选用坚实、未风化、无裂缝、洁净的石料,强度等级不低于MU20;毛石尺寸不应大于所浇部位最小宽度的1,3,且不得大于30厘米;表面如有污泥、水锈,应用水冲洗干净。 2(施工方法 (1)毛石混凝土的厚度不宜小于400毫米。浇筑时,应先铺一层8,15厘米厚混凝土打底,再铺上毛石,毛石插入混凝土约一半后,再灌混凝土,填满所有空隙,再逐层铺砌毛石和浇筑混凝土,直至基础顶面,保持毛石顶部有不少于10厘米厚的混凝土覆盖层。所掺加毛石数量应控制不超过基础体积的25,。如果是在钢筋混凝土基础内放置毛石...
毛石混凝土基础施工 1(施工准备。毛石应选用坚实、未风化、无裂缝、洁净的石料,强度等级不低于MU20;毛石尺寸不应大于所浇部位最小宽度的1,3,且不得大于30厘米;表面如有污泥、水锈,应用水冲洗干净。 2(施工方法 (1)毛石混凝土的厚度不宜小于400毫米。浇筑时,应先铺一层8,15厘米厚混凝土打底,再铺上毛石,毛石插入混凝土约一半后,再灌混凝土,填满所有空隙,再逐层铺砌毛石和浇筑混凝土,直至基础顶面,保持毛石顶部有不少于10厘米厚的混凝土覆盖层。所掺加毛石数量应控制不超过基础体积的25,。如果是在钢筋混凝土基础内放置毛石,可以先用绑丝将毛石吊在钢筋上再浇灌混凝土。 (2)毛石铺放应均匀排列,使大面向下,小面向上,毛石间距一般不小于10厘米,离开或槽壁距离不小于15厘米。 (3)对于阶梯形基础,每一阶高内应整分浇筑层,并有二排毛石,每阶表面要基本抹平;对于锥形基础,应注意保持斜面坡度的正确与平整,毛石不露于混凝土表面。 毛石基础工程 (1)材料准备 1)石材 the model unit, and recognition. The organization and leadership carry out "two to learn a" theme activities, play a very important role in 2016 the grass-roots party construction work, towns street, various departments (units) to attach Attention, co-ordinate arrangements, meticulously organized, pay close attention to implementation, to ensure effectiveness. To attach great importance to, strengthen leadership. Towns street, the various departments (units) to set up special institutions, orderly activities carried out smoothly. Secretary of the party committees (party) as the first responsible person, must strengthen the leadership, and provide a powerful guarantee, to personnel in place, work in place, measures are in place. Second, we must do a good job with, to promote the overall. To "two studies and a" theme activities and promote work closely, do both hands, two not mistake, two promotion. To make this work for the implementation of the grass-roots party building of the mission objectives of the important measures, do a good job Education and training of Party members and party democratic appraisal, strictly regulate the party life, Chuang Jianji layer service oriented party organization of the work, to promote the overall progress of the grass-roots party construction work, all-round excellent. Third, we need to strengthen guidance, to ensure the effectiveness of. Municipal Party Committee Organization Department set up a special "two to learn a" theme of the activities of the office, responsible for the activities of the instruction scheduling, towns street, the 一般用毛石、料石。石料应质地坚实,强度不低于MU40,岩种应符合要求,无风化、裂缝;毛石中部厚度不小于200mm;料石厚度一般不小于200mm,料石的加工细度应符合设计要求,污垢、水锈使用前应用水冲洗干净。 2)水泥:采用32.5 级或42.5 级普通硅酸盐水泥或矿渣硅酸盐水泥,应有出厂合格证或试验。 3)砂:用中砂,并通过5mm 筛孔。配制M5(含M5)以上砂浆,砂的含泥量不应超过5%;M5 以下砂浆,砂的含量不应超过10%,不得含有草根等杂物。 (2)施工机具 1)机械设备 砂浆搅拌机、筛砂机和淋灰机等。 2)主要机具 大铲、瓦刀、手锤、手凿、线坠、角尺、水平尺、皮数杆、灰槽、勾缝条、手推胶轮车和磅秤等。 (3)作业条件 1) 根据图纸要求,做好测量放线工作,调协水准基点桩和立好皮数杆。有坡度要求的砌体,立好坡度门架。 2) 基础清扫后,按施工图在基础上弹好轴线、边线、门窗洞口和其他尺寸位置线,并复核标高。 3) 毛石应按需要数量堆放于砌筑部位附近以备使用。 4) 选择好施工机械,包括垂直运输、水平运输、墙体砌筑和料石安the model unit, and recognition. The organization and leadership carry out "two to learn a" theme activities, play a very important role in 2016 the grass-roots party construction work, towns street, various departments (units) to attach Attention, co-ordinate arrangements, meticulously organized, pay close attention to implementation, to ensure effectiveness. To attach great importance to, strengthen leadership. Towns street, the various departments (units) to set up special institutions, orderly activities carried out smoothly. Secretary of the party committees (party) as the first responsible person, must strengthen the leadership, and provide a powerful guarantee, to personnel in place, work in place, measures are in place. Second, we must do a good job with, to promote the overall. To "two studies and a" theme activities and promote work closely, do both hands, two not mistake, two promotion. To make this work for the implementation of the grass-roots party building of the mission objectives of the important measures, do a good job Education and training of Party members and party democratic appraisal, strictly regulate the party life, Chuang Jianji layer service oriented party organization of the work, to promote the overall progress of the grass-roots party construction work, all-round excellent. Third, we need to strengthen guidance, to ensure the effectiveness of. Municipal Party Committee Organization Department set up a special "two to learn a" theme of the activities of the office, responsible for the activities of the instruction scheduling, towns street, the 装等小型机械,尽量减轻人工搬运的笨重体力劳动,以提高工效。 5) 砌筑砂浆应根据设计要求和现场实际材料情况,由试验室通过试验确定配合比。 (4)工艺 1)砌向毛石基础应根据基础的中心线放出基础里外边线,挂线分皮卧砌,每皮高约300,400mm。砌筑方法采用铺浆法。用较大的平毛石,先砌转角处、交接和洞口处,再向中间砌筑。砌前应先度摆,使石料大小搭配,大面平放朝下,外露表面要平齐,斜口朝内,逐块卧砌坐浆,使砂浆饱满。石块间较大的空隙应先堵塞砂浆,后用碎石嵌实。严禁先填塞小石块后灌浆的做法。灰缝宽度一般制在20,30mm 左右,铺灰厚度40,50mm。 2)砌筑时,石块上下皮应互相错缝,内外交错搭砌,避免出现重缝、干缝、空缝和孔洞,同时应注意摆放石块,以免砌体承重后发生错位、劈裂、外鼓等现象。 3)如砌筑时毛石的形状和大小不一,难以每皮砌平,亦可采取不分皮砌法,每隔一定高度大体砌平。 4)为增强墙身的横向力,毛石墙每0.7 ?墙面至少应设置一块拉结石,并应均匀分布,相互错开,在同皮内的中距不应大于2m。拉结石搭接长度不应小于15 cm,且其中一块长度不应小于墙厚的2/3。 5)在转角及两墙交接处应用较大和较规整的垛石相互搭砌,并同时砌筑,必要时设置钢筋结条。如不能同时砌筑,应留阶梯形斜槎,其高度不应超过1.2m 不得留锯齿形直槎。 the model unit, and recognition. The organization and leadership carry out "two to learn a" theme activities, play a very important role in 2016 the grass-roots party construction work, towns street, various departments (units) to attach Attention, co-ordinate arrangements, meticulously organized, pay close attention to implementation, to ensure effectiveness. To attach great importance to, strengthen leadership. Towns street, the various departments (units) to set up special institutions, orderly activities carried out smoothly. Secretary of the party committees (party) as the first responsible person, must strengthen the leadership, and provide a powerful guarantee, to personnel in place, work in place, measures are in place. Second, we must do a good job with, to promote the overall. To "two studies and a" theme activities and promote work closely, do both hands, two not mistake, two promotion. To make this work for the implementation of the grass-roots party building of the mission objectives of the important measures, do a good job Education and training of Party members and party democratic appraisal, strictly regulate the party life, Chuang Jianji layer service oriented party organization of the work, to promote the overall progress of the grass-roots party construction work, all-round excellent. Third, we need to strengthen guidance, to ensure the effectiveness of. Municipal Party Committee Organization Department set up a special "two to learn a" theme of the activities of the office, responsible for the activities of the instruction scheduling, towns street, the 6)毛石墙每日砌筑高度不应超过1.2m,正常气温下,停歇4h 后可继续垒砌。每砌3,4 层应大致找平一次,中途停工时,石块缝隙内应填满砂浆,但该层上表面须待继续砌筑时再铺砂浆。砌至楼面高度时,应使用平整的大石块压顶并用水泥砂浆全面找平。 7)洞口可砌砖平拱或放置钢筋混凝土过梁,并应与管道预留150mm下沉高度。 (5)质量标准 1)主控项目 A、石料的质量、规格必须符合设计要求和施工规范的规定。 B、砂浆品种必须符合设计要求,强度必须符合下列规定: 同强度等级砂浆各组试块的平均强度小于fm,k;任意一组试块的强度不小于0.75 fm,k。 C、转角处必须同时砌筑,交接处不能同时砌筑时必须留斜槎。 2)一般项目 A、石砌体组砌应内外搭砌,上下错缝,拉结石、丁砌石交错位置,分布均匀;毛分皮卧砌,无填心砌法;拉结石每0.7 ?墙面不少于一块;料石放置平稳,灰缝厚度合施工规范的规定。 B、石砌体墙面勾缝密实,粘结牢固,墙面洁净,缝条光洁、整齐,清晰美观。 3)允许偏差项目 石砌体尺寸、位置的允许偏差及检验方法见下表: 石砌体尺寸、位置的允许偏差及检验方法 the model unit, and recognition. The organization and leadership carry out "two to learn a" theme activities, play a very important role in 2016 the grass-roots party construction work, towns street, various departments (units) to attach Attention, co-ordinate arrangements, meticulously organized, pay close attention to implementation, to ensure effectiveness. To attach great importance to, strengthen leadership. Towns street, the various departments (units) to set up special institutions, orderly activities carried out smoothly. Secretary of the party committees (party) as the first responsible person, must strengthen the leadership, and provide a powerful guarantee, to personnel in place, work in place, measures are in place. Second, we must do a good job with, to promote the overall. To "two studies and a" theme activities and promote work closely, do both hands, two not mistake, two promotion. To make this work for the implementation of the grass-roots party building of the mission objectives of the important measures, do a good job Education and training of Party members and party democratic appraisal, strictly regulate the party life, Chuang Jianji layer service oriented party organization of the work, to promote the overall progress of the grass-roots party construction work, all-round excellent. Third, we need to strengthen guidance, to ensure the effectiveness of. Municipal Party Committee Organization Department set up a special "two to learn a" theme of the activities of the office, responsible for the activities of the instruction scheduling, towns street, the 项次 项目 允许偏差(mm) 检验方法 毛石砌体 料石砌体 基础 墙 毛石砌体 料石砌体 基础 墙 基础 墙 墙、柱 1 基础和墙砌体顶面标高 ?25 ?15 ?25 ?15 ?15 ?15 ?10 用水准仪和尺检查 2 轴线位置 ?30 ?20 -10 +30 ?20 -10 ?15 ?10 -5 ?10 -5 用尺检查 3 表面平整度 清水墙、柱 — 20 — 20 — 10 5 细料石用2m靠尺和塞尺检查,其他拉2m线和尺检查 混水墙、柱 — 20 — 20 — 15 — 4 清水墙水平灰缝平直度 — — — — — 10 5 拉10m线和尺检查 (6)成品保护 1 避免在已完成的砌体上修凿石块和堆放石料;砌筑基础时,严禁居高临下抛石,冲击已砌好的墙体。 2 砌体表面要清理干净,并不得留设脚手架眼,不得在墙上开凿孔洞。 (7)安全和环境 1)砌石用的脚手架和防护拦板应经检查验收,方可使用,施工中不the model unit, and recognition. The organization and leadership carry out "two to learn a" theme activities, play a very important role in 2016 the grass-roots party construction work, towns street, various departments (units) to attach Attention, co-ordinate arrangements, meticulously organized, pay close attention to implementation, to ensure effectiveness. To attach great importance to, strengthen leadership. Towns street, the various departments (units) to set up special institutions, orderly activities carried out smoothly. Secretary of the party committees (party) as the first responsible person, must strengthen the leadership, and provide a powerful guarantee, to personnel in place, work in place, measures are in place. Second, we must do a good job with, to promote the overall. To "two studies and a" theme activities and promote work closely, do both hands, two not mistake, two promotion. To make this work for the implementation of the grass-roots party building of the mission objectives of the important measures, do a good job Education and training of Party members and party democratic appraisal, strictly regulate the party life, Chuang Jianji layer service oriented party organization of the work, to promote the overall progress of the grass-roots party construction work, all-round excellent. Third, we need to strengthen guidance, to ensure the effectiveness of. Municipal Party Committee Organization Department set up a special "two to learn a" theme of the activities of the office, responsible for the activities of the instruction scheduling, towns street, the 得随意拆除或改动。 2)操作人员应戴安全帽和帆布手套。 3)搬运石块应检查搬运工具及绳索是否牢固,抬石应用双绳。 4)在架子上凿石应注意打凿方向,避免飞石伤人。 5)砌筑时,脚手架上堆石不可过多,应随砌随运。 (8)注意事项 1)使用石料必须保持清洁,受污染或水锈较重的石块应冲洗干净,以保证砌体的粘结强度。 2)砌筑砂浆应严格按材料计量,保证配合比准确;砂浆应搅拌均匀,稠度符合要求。 3)砌筑石墙应拉通线使达到平直通光一致,砌料石墙应双面拉准线(全顺砌筑除外),并经常检查校核墙体的轴线与边线,以保证墙身平直、轴线正确,不发生位移。 4)砌石应注意选石,并使大小石块搭配使用,石料尺寸不应过小,以保证石块间的互相压搭和拉结,避免出现鼓肚和里外两层皮现象。 5)砌筑时应严格防止出现不坐浆砌筑或先填心后填塞砂浆,造成石料直接接触,或采取铺石灌浆法施工,这将使砌体粘结强度和承载力大大降低。 (9)质量记录 本工艺标准应具备以下质量记录: 1)材料(水泥、、砂、毛石等)出厂质量证明书、试验报告。 2)砂浆配合比通知单。 the model unit, and recognition. The organization and leadership carry out "two to learn a" theme activities, play a very important role in 2016 the grass-roots party construction work, towns street, various departments (units) to attach Attention, co-ordinate arrangements, meticulously organized, pay close attention to implementation, to ensure effectiveness. To attach great importance to, strengthen leadership. Towns street, the various departments (units) to set up special institutions, orderly activities carried out smoothly. Secretary of the party committees (party) as the first responsible person, must strengthen the leadership, and provide a powerful guarantee, to personnel in place, work in place, measures are in place. Second, we must do a good job with, to promote the overall. To "two studies and a" theme activities and promote work closely, do both hands, two not mistake, two promotion. To make this work for the implementation of the grass-roots party building of the mission objectives of the important measures, do a good job Education and training of Party members and party democratic appraisal, strictly regulate the party life, Chuang Jianji layer service oriented party organization of the work, to promote the overall progress of the grass-roots party construction work, all-round excellent. Third, we need to strengthen guidance, to ensure the effectiveness of. Municipal Party Committee Organization Department set up a special "two to learn a" theme of the activities of the office, responsible for the activities of the instruction scheduling, towns street, the 3)砌筑砂浆试块报告单。 4)隐检记录。 5)设计变更和洽商记录。 6)分项工程质量检验评定。 7)检验批质量检验评定。 8)其他需提供的技术资料。 the model unit, and recognition. The organization and leadership carry out "two to learn a" theme activities, play a very important role in 2016 the grass-roots party construction work, towns street, various departments (units) to attach Attention, co-ordinate arrangements, meticulously organized, pay close attention to implementation, to ensure effectiveness. To attach great importance to, strengthen leadership. Towns street, the various departments (units) to set up special institutions, orderly activities carried out smoothly. Secretary of the party committees (party) as the first responsible person, must strengthen the leadership, and provide a powerful guarantee, to personnel in place, work in place, measures are in place. Second, we must do a good job with, to promote the overall. To "two studies and a" theme activities and promote work closely, do both hands, two not mistake, two promotion. To make this work for the implementation of the grass-roots party building of the mission objectives of the important measures, do a good job Education and training of Party members and party democratic appraisal, strictly regulate the party life, Chuang Jianji layer service oriented party organization of the work, to promote the overall progress of the grass-roots party construction work, all-round excellent. Third, we need to strengthen guidance, to ensure the effectiveness of. Municipal Party Committee Organization Department set up a special "two to learn a" theme of the activities of the office, responsible for the activities of the instruction scheduling, towns street, the
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