

2017-10-20 13页 doc 42KB 14阅读




表示性格的词语表示性格的词语 性格外向 性格内向 活泼开朗 沉默寡言 幽默 稳重 轻浮 冲动 坚强 脆弱 幼稚 成熟 能说会道 自私 真诚 独立 依赖 任性 自负 自卑 温柔体贴 神经质 拜金 小心翼翼 暴躁 倔强 逆来顺受 不拘小节 婆婆妈妈 交际广泛 豪爽 害羞 狡猾善变 耿直 虚伪 乐观向上 悲观消极 郁郁寡欢 孤僻 难以琢磨 胆小怕事 敢做敢当 助人为乐 老实 守旧 敏感 迟钝 武断 果断 优柔寡断 暴力倾向 刻薄 损人利己 附庸风雅 时喜时悲 患得患失 快言快语 豪放不羁 多愁善感 循规蹈矩外向 活泼 好动 轻松 愉快 热情 可...
示性格的词语 性格外向 性格内向 活泼开朗 沉默寡言 幽默 稳重 轻浮 冲动 坚强 脆弱 幼稚 成熟 能说会道 自私 真诚 独立 依赖 任性 自负 自卑 温柔体贴 神经质 拜金 小心翼翼 暴躁 倔强 逆来顺受 不拘小节 婆婆妈妈 交际广泛 豪爽 害羞 狡猾善变 耿直 虚伪 乐观向上 悲观消极 郁郁寡欢 孤僻 难以琢磨 胆小怕事 敢做敢当 助人为乐 老实 守旧 敏感 迟钝 武断 果断 优柔寡断 暴力倾向 刻薄 损人利己 附庸风雅 时喜时悲 患得患失 快言快语 豪放不羁 多愁善感 循规蹈矩外向 活泼 好动 轻松 愉快 热情 可亲 开朗 豁达 好交际 健谈 机敏 适应能力强 善组织 工作有效率 富有朝气 表情丰富 反应敏捷 兴趣广泛 浮躁 易随波逐流 轻率不踏实 深沉 易见异思迁 缺乏耐力 毅力 易轻率作决定 外向 兴奋 精力充沛 强烈 热情 乐观 率直 语言 行动 迅速 雷历 风行 能克服困难 埋头工作 果敢坚持 冲动 莽撞 易怒 暴躁 倔强 挑衅 情绪低落 信心受挫 烦躁粗心 内向 沉静 谨慎 稳重 语言动作迟缓 不易暴露内心活动 性情平和 办事认真细心 有韧性 严守秩序有条理 不善言谈交际 忍让 务实 可依赖 执拗不灵活 适应能力差 迟钝 被动 冷淡 显得落落寡合 有惰性 保守 萎蘼不振 严重 内向 柔弱 敏感 严肃 不怕困难 善于体察别人 不易发现 情绪脆弱 畏缩 顺从 多愁善感 胆小 忧心忡忡 冷漠 多疑 犹豫不决 缺乏自信 常为小事而动感情 善良 友爱 好心肠 善交际 开朗 活泼 风趣 易激动 安静 寡言 抑郁 脆弱 安静 谨慎 一本正经 不善交际 specifications; System code requirements; System functions; System operating instructions; Equipment list; System wiring diagram; System of examination and approval information; Design drawings; Room layout; System completion monitoring report layout; Project contract and related change documents, and so on. II verification of projects completed and unfinished engineering project getting ready for a trial operation or project work, analysis of the preparation of final accounts. Pre-acceptance Division in the unit before completion, managed by the company's technical department to organize the technical staff to carry out the internal inspection, check whether the relevant engineering data files are available, Beijing rehabilitation center expansion project (phase I) Beijing, in the weak electricity system design software co 2011.10.28 project overview rehabilitation center expansion project in construction of Beijing Municipal Party Committee and municipal government support, chaired jointly by the municipal Trade Union, Federation, and development. Project implemented in two stages. A project on July 4, 2010 the project construction period 2 years, completed in late 2012. A new 46750 square meters, transforming 14310 square, removed 13033 square meters. Beijing rehabilitation center after the 不懂幽默 胆怯 敏感 易兴奋 神经质 顺从 温和 老实 沉著 迟钝 敏感 迟钝 专心致志 一丝不苟 重秩序 有条理 固执 迟缓 罗嗦 周到 不灵活 震怒 情绪不佳 生动 富于冒险 善于 适应力强 喜好娱乐 善于说服 坚持不懈 平和 善于社交 意志坚定 自我牺牲 顺服 令人信服 竞争性 体贴 自控性 使人振作 回应敏捷 受尊重 含蓄 生气勃勃 自立 敏感 满足 推展者 积极 计画者 耐性 无拘束 肯定 按部就班 羞涩 乐观 坦率 井井有条 迁就 有趣 强迫性 忠诚 友善 可爱 勇敢 细节 外交手腕 令人高兴 自信 文化修养 贯彻始终 激励性 独立 理想主义 无攻击性 感情外露 果断 深沉 尖刻幽默 喜交朋友 发起者 音乐性 调解 多言 执著 考虑周到 容忍 活力充沛 领导者 忠心 聆听者 惹人喜爱 首领 制图者 知足 受欢迎 勤劳 完美主义者 和气 跳跃型 无畏 型 平衡 露骨 专横 忸怩 乏味 散漫 无同情心 不宽恕 无热忱 唠叨 逆反 怨恨 保守 健忘 直率 挑剔 胆小 好插嘴 躁急 无安全感 优柔寡断 难预测 不善表达 不受欢迎 不合群 即兴 固执 难于取悦 犹豫不决 放任 自负 悲观 贫乏 易怒 好争吵 不合群 无目标 幼稚 鲁莽 消极 冷漠 虚荣 工作狂 不喜交际 担忧 喋喋不休 不圆滑老练 过分敏感 胆怯 生活紊乱 跋扈 抑郁 怀疑 反覆 排斥异己 内向 无异议 杂乱无章 喜操纵 情绪化 言语不清 好表现 顽固 猜疑 缓慢 大嗓门 统治欲 孤僻 懒惰 不专注 易怒 多疑 拖延 报复型 烦躁 勉强 轻率 善变 狡猾 好批评 妥协 贤淑聪慧 品貌端容 德懿典范 specifications; System code requirements; System functions; System operating instructions; Equipment list; System wiring diagram; System of examination and approval information; Design drawings; Room layout; System completion monitoring report layout; Project contract and related change documents, and so on. II verification of projects completed and unfinished engineering project getting ready for a trial operation or project work, analysis of the preparation of final accounts. Pre-acceptance Division in the unit before completion, managed by the company's technical department to organize the technical staff to carry out the internal inspection, check whether the relevant engineering data files are available, Beijing rehabilitation center expansion project (phase I) Beijing, in the weak electricity system design software co 2011.10.28 project overview rehabilitation center expansion project in construction of Beijing Municipal Party Committee and municipal government support, chaired jointly by the municipal Trade Union, Federation, and development. Project implemented in two stages. A project on July 4, 2010 the project construction period 2 years, completed in late 2012. A new 46750 square meters, transforming 14310 square, removed 13033 square meters. Beijing rehabilitation center after the 描写男人外貌长相、性格气质的成语或词语 清新俊逸品貌非凡才貌双绝惊才风逸 风流才子雅人深致城北徐公堂堂正正 七尺男儿英俊潇洒顶天立地血性男儿 足智多谋风流倜傥正义之士英勇好斗 才貌双全逸群之才一表人才仪表不凡 高大威猛 昂藏七尺——指轩昂伟岸的男子汉。 彪形大汉——彪:小老虎,比喻躯干壮大;汉:男子。身材高大、结实的男子。 城北徐公——原指战国时期齐国姓徐的美男子。后作美男子的代称。 specifications; System code requirements; System functions; System operating instructions; Equipment list; System wiring diagram; System of examination and approval information; Design drawings; Room layout; System completion monitoring report layout; Project contract and related change documents, and so on. II verification of projects completed and unfinished engineering project getting ready for a trial operation or project work, analysis of the preparation of final accounts. Pre-acceptance Division in the unit before completion, managed by the company's technical department to organize the technical staff to carry out the internal inspection, check whether the relevant engineering data files are available, Beijing rehabilitation center expansion project (phase I) Beijing, in the weak electricity system design software co 2011.10.28 project overview rehabilitation center expansion project in construction of Beijing Municipal Party Committee and municipal government support, chaired jointly by the municipal Trade Union, Federation, and development. Project implemented in two stages. A project on July 4, 2010 the project construction period 2 years, completed in late 2012. A new 46750 square meters, transforming 14310 square, removed 13033 square meters. Beijing rehabilitation center after the 惨绿少年——惨绿:浅绿,指服色。原指穿浅绿衣服的少年。后指讲究装饰的青年男子。 断雁孤鸿——鸿:鸿雁。离了群的孤独大雁。比喻孤身独处,多指未成婚的男子。 傅粉何郎——傅粉:敷粉,抹粉;何郎:何晏,字平叔,曹操养子。原指何宴面白,如同搽了粉一般。后泛指美男子。 佳人才子——年轻貌美的女子和才华横溢的男子。泛指年貌相当,有婚姻或爱情关系的青年男女。 君子好逑——逑,通“仇”。仇——配偶。原指君子的佳偶。后遂用为男子追求佳偶之套语。 狂蜂浪蝶——比喻轻薄放荡的男子。 浪蝶狂蜂——轻狂的蜂蝶。比喻轻狂的男子。 浪蝶游蜂——比喻态度轻佻好挑逗女子的男子。 怜香惜玉——比喻男子对所爱女子的照顾体贴。 specifications; System code requirements; System functions; System operating instructions; Equipment list; System wiring diagram; System of examination and approval information; Design drawings; Room layout; System completion monitoring report layout; Project contract and related change documents, and so on. II verification of projects completed and unfinished engineering project getting ready for a trial operation or project work, analysis of the preparation of final accounts. Pre-acceptance Division in the unit before completion, managed by the company's technical department to organize the technical staff to carry out the internal inspection, check whether the relevant engineering data files are available, Beijing rehabilitation center expansion project (phase I) Beijing, in the weak electricity system design software co 2011.10.28 project overview rehabilitation center expansion project in construction of Beijing Municipal Party Committee and municipal government support, chaired jointly by the municipal Trade Union, Federation, and development. Project implemented in two stages. A project on July 4, 2010 the project construction period 2 years, completed in late 2012. A new 46750 square meters, transforming 14310 square, removed 13033 square meters. Beijing rehabilitation center after the 面如傅粉——形容男子美貌。 美如冠玉——原比喻只是外表好看。后形容男子长相漂亮。 面如冠玉——比喻男子徒有其表。也用来形容男子的美貌。 翩翩年少——比喻男子年少俊秀,文采风流。 翩翩少年——指举止洒脱的青年男子。 噙齿戴发——形容男子汉的豪迈气概。 沈腰潘鬓——形容姿态、容貌美好(特指男子)。 惜玉怜香——惜、怜:爱怜;玉、香:比喻女子。比喻男子对所爱女子的照顾体贴。 闲花野草——野生的花草。比喻男子在妻子以外所玩弄的女子。 闲花埜草——野生的花草。比喻男子在妻子以外所玩弄的女子。同“闲花野草”。 specifications; System code requirements; System functions; System operating instructions; Equipment list; System wiring diagram; System of examination and approval information; Design drawings; Room layout; System completion monitoring report layout; Project contract and related change documents, and so on. II verification of projects completed and unfinished engineering project getting ready for a trial operation or project work, analysis of the preparation of final accounts. Pre-acceptance Division in the unit before completion, managed by the company's technical department to organize the technical staff to carry out the internal inspection, check whether the relevant engineering data files are available, Beijing rehabilitation center expansion project (phase I) Beijing, in the weak electricity system design software co 2011.10.28 project overview rehabilitation center expansion project in construction of Beijing Municipal Party Committee and municipal government support, chaired jointly by the municipal Trade Union, Federation, and development. Project implemented in two stages. A project on July 4, 2010 the project construction period 2 years, completed in late 2012. A new 46750 square meters, transforming 14310 square, removed 13033 square meters. Beijing rehabilitation center after the 须眉男子——须眉:胡须和眉毛。古时男子以须、眉长得稠密为美。指堂堂的男子汉。 血性男儿——指刚强正直,勇敢热情的男子汉。 野草闲花——野生的花草。比喻男子在妻子以外所玩弄的女子。 掷果潘安——旧时比喻为女子所爱慕的美男子。 掷果潘郎——比喻美男子。同“掷果潘安”。 坐怀不乱——春秋时鲁国的柳下惠将受冻的女子裹于怀中,没有发生非礼行为。形容男子在两性关系方面作风正派。 醉玉颓山——形容男子风姿挺秀,酒后醉倒的风采。 形容男人的词,帅气,性格,气质,优秀的词句 长相骏雅英俊潇洒、风流倜傥、玉树临风、 年少多金、神勇威武、天下无敌、 宇内第一、寂寞高手、刀枪不入、 唯我独尊、玉面郎君、specifications; System code requirements; System functions; System operating instructions; Equipment list; System wiring diagram; System of examination and approval information; Design drawings; Room layout; System completion monitoring report layout; Project contract and related change documents, and so on. II verification of projects completed and unfinished engineering project getting ready for a trial operation or project work, analysis of the preparation of final accounts. Pre-acceptance Division in the unit before completion, managed by the company's technical department to organize the technical staff to carry out the internal inspection, check whether the relevant engineering data files are available, Beijing rehabilitation center expansion project (phase I) Beijing, in the weak electricity system design software co 2011.10.28 project overview rehabilitation center expansion project in construction of Beijing Municipal Party Committee and municipal government support, chaired jointly by the municipal Trade Union, Federation, and development. Project implemented in two stages. A project on July 4, 2010 the project construction period 2 years, completed in late 2012. A new 46750 square meters, transforming 14310 square, removed 13033 square meters. Beijing rehabilitation center after the 仁者无敌、 勇者无惧、金刚不坏、英明神武、 百打不死、侠中豪杰、人中龙凤、 有情有义、有胆有色、举世无双、 既酷又帅、人之表率、诚实可信、 谈吐大方、风度翩翩、气势凌人、 气质高贵、单身贵族、貌赛潘安、 身付异秉,才思敏捷,过目不忘,十年寒窗, 博学多才,见多识广,才高八斗,学富五车,文武双全, 雄韬伟略,谈吐不凡,谈笑风声,高谈阔论,眉飞色舞, 运筹帷幄,言简意赅,完美无缺,一针见血,远见卓识, 义正词严,一气呵成,大显神通,出口成章,出类拔萃, 出神入化,万古流芳,一本正经,一箭双雕,长篇大论, 功德无量,力排众议, 力挽狂澜,气贯长虹,气势磅礴, 气吞山河,坚韧不拔,身体力行,空前绝后,视死如归, 英姿焕发,奉公守法,艰苦奋斗,忠贞不渝,舍己为人, 大公无私,一尘不染,一鸣惊人,叱诧风云,排山倒海, 惊涛骇浪,雷霆万钧,惊心动魄,横扫千军,惊天动地, 见缝插针,无孔不入,千篇一律,口诛笔伐,文从字顺, 十全十美,无懈可击,无与伦比,励精图治,壮志凌云, 高瞻远瞩,忍辱负重,盖世无双,龙飞凤舞,一丝不苟, 身兼数职,日理万机,明察秋毫,英明果断, specifications; System code requirements; System functions; System operating instructions; Equipment list; System wiring diagram; System of examination and approval information; Design drawings; Room layout; System completion monitoring report layout; Project contract and related change documents, and so on. II verification of projects completed and unfinished engineering project getting ready for a trial operation or project work, analysis of the preparation of final accounts. Pre-acceptance Division in the unit before completion, managed by the company's technical department to organize the technical staff to carry out the internal inspection, check whether the relevant engineering data files are available, Beijing rehabilitation center expansion project (phase I) Beijing, in the weak electricity system design software co 2011.10.28 project overview rehabilitation center expansion project in construction of Beijing Municipal Party Committee and municipal government support, chaired jointly by the municipal Trade Union, Federation, and development. Project implemented in two stages. A project on July 4, 2010 the project construction period 2 years, completed in late 2012. A new 46750 square meters, transforming 14310 square, removed 13033 square meters. Beijing rehabilitation center after the 分身有术, 孜孜不倦. 坦白、直率、天真、果断、勇敢、顽强、浪漫、潇洒、洒脱、认真、 勤劳、善良、英明、英俊 鞠躬尽瘁 浩然正气 堂堂正正 难能可贵 用心良苦 廉洁奉公 一寸丹心 不耻下问 才思敏捷, 过目不忘, 博学多才, 见多识广, 才高八斗, 文武双全, 雄韬伟略 积善余庆 多谋善断 遏恶扬善 改恶向善 尽善尽美 乐善好施 隐恶扬善 择善而从 止于至善 滔滔不绝,意胆云天,高瞻远瞩,德高望重 娇艳欲滴 百花齐放 一枝独秀 生机盎然 绿意盎然 花红柳绿 鞠躬尽瘁 浩然正气 堂堂正正 德才兼备 品学兼优 芳香扑鼻 芳香馥郁 千姿百态 侠肝义胆 兢兢业业 忠心耿耿 闭月羞花 沉鱼落雁 风流倜傥 风度翩翩 文质彬彬 面如桃花 英俊潇洒 玉树临风,风流倜傥,刚正不阿,一丝不苟,大公无私 古道热肠 一举成名 举世无双 盖世无双 才高八斗 川归海 百读不厌 百战百胜 百折不回 百折不挠 千载难逢 千古绝唱 十年寒窗 学富五车 才高八斗 一气呵成 一箭双雕 一尘不染 一鸣惊人 十全十美 一丝不苟 日理万机 万古流芳 康慨 大方 聪明 诚实 朴素 开朗 乐观 积极 活泼 可爱 守信 宽容 隐忍 勤劳 能干 主动 灵巧 机敏 友好 和蔼 机灵 上进 宽厚 认真 自觉 体贴 拼搏 奉献 可靠 尽职 谨慎 热情 直率 真诚 坚强 specifications; System code requirements; System functions; System operating instructions; Equipment list; System wiring diagram; System of examination and approval information; Design drawings; Room layout; System completion monitoring report layout; Project contract and related change documents, and so on. II verification of projects completed and unfinished engineering project getting ready for a trial operation or project work, analysis of the preparation of final accounts. Pre-acceptance Division in the unit before completion, managed by the company's technical department to organize the technical staff to carry out the internal inspection, check whether the relevant engineering data files are available, Beijing rehabilitation center expansion project (phase I) Beijing, in the weak electricity system design software co 2011.10.28 project overview rehabilitation center expansion project in construction of Beijing Municipal Party Committee and municipal government support, chaired jointly by the municipal Trade Union, Federation, and development. Project implemented in two stages. A project on July 4, 2010 the project construction period 2 years, completed in late 2012. A new 46750 square meters, transforming 14310 square, removed 13033 square meters. Beijing rehabilitation center after the 忠诚 谦虚 客观 实际 一丝不苟 不屈不挠 合格 成果 信赖 无私 光明 精明 阳光 灿烂 明媚 舒服 爽快 豪气 豪爽 耿直 直爽 温和 教养 能干 高大 威武 强壮 开心 美丽 漂亮 豁达 体谅 周到 尊敬 名望 称赞 效率 公平 一流 及时 健康 慈善 干净 渴望 亲切 仔细 创造 合作 加油 圆满 守时 拼搏 老练 稳重 沉着 爱国 维护 卓越 敏捷 敏锐 动人 雄伟 柔和 温暖 温馨 窝心 人才 知足 满足 可口 平安 和平 顺利 夸奖 自豪 英俊 帅气 时尚 高雅 锻炼 成长 诤友 理解 明白 儒雅 温顺 伟大 纯洁 爱护 爱戴 敬仰 致敬 潇洒 洒脱 坦白 端庄 端正 果断 坚定 镇静 镇定 宁静 天籁 天使 胜利 成功 珍惜 幸福 拥有 休养 神气 光明 福气 长寿 成就 结晶 沉鱼落雁 闭月羞花 倾国倾城 美如冠玉 眉目如画 出水芙蓉 如花似玉 虎背熊腰 心宽体胖 衣冠楚楚 国色天香 眉清目秀 鹤发童颜 亭亭玉立 憨态可掬 文质彬彬 风度翩翩 相貌堂堂 容光焕发 冰肌玉骨 如花似玉 婀娜多姿 光明磊落 堂堂正正 力挽狂澜 风流倜傥 正人君子 赞声不绝 内心赞许 击掌叫绝 传诵不绝 高风亮节 叹为观止 万民称颂 光明磊落 歌功颂德 文质彬彬 堂堂正正 忠心耿耿 兢兢业业 洗心革面 浴火凤凰 娇艳欲滴 百花齐放 一枝独秀 生机盎然 绿意盎然 花红柳绿 鞠躬尽瘁 浩然正气 堂堂正正 specifications; System code requirements; System functions; System operating instructions; Equipment list; System wiring diagram; System of examination and approval information; Design drawings; Room layout; System completion monitoring report layout; Project contract and related change documents, and so on. II verification of projects completed and unfinished engineering project getting ready for a trial operation or project work, analysis of the preparation of final accounts. Pre-acceptance Division in the unit before completion, managed by the company's technical department to organize the technical staff to carry out the internal inspection, check whether the relevant engineering data files are available, Beijing rehabilitation center expansion project (phase I) Beijing, in the weak electricity system design software co 2011.10.28 project overview rehabilitation center expansion project in construction of Beijing Municipal Party Committee and municipal government support, chaired jointly by the municipal Trade Union, Federation, and development. Project implemented in two stages. A project on July 4, 2010 the project construction period 2 years, completed in late 2012. A new 46750 square meters, transforming 14310 square, removed 13033 square meters. Beijing rehabilitation center after the
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