

2017-09-27 10页 doc 34KB 4阅读




含有反义词的成语含有反义词的成语 一、描写人的品质: 平易近人 宽宏大度 冰清玉洁 持之以恒 锲而不舍 废寝忘食 大义凛然 临危不俱 光明磊落 不屈不挠 鞠躬尽瘁 二、描写人的智慧: 料事如神 足智多谋 融会贯通 学贯中西 博古通今 出类拔萃 博大精深 集思广益 举一反三 才华横溢 三、描写人物仪态、风貌: 憨态可掬 文质彬彬 风度翩翩 相貌堂堂 落落大方 斗志昂扬 意气风发 威风凛凛 容光焕发 神采奕奕 四、描写人物神情、情绪: 悠然自得 眉飞色舞 喜笑颜开 神采奕奕 欣喜若狂 呆若木鸡 喜出望外 垂头丧气 无动于衷 勃然大怒 五...
含有反义词的成语 一、描写人的品质: 平易近人 宽宏大度 冰清玉洁 持之以恒 锲而不舍 废寝忘食 大义凛然 临危不俱 光明磊落 不屈不挠 鞠躬尽瘁 二、描写人的智慧: 料事如神 足智多谋 融会贯通 学贯中西 博古通今 出类拔萃 博大精深 集思广益 举一反三 才华横溢 三、描写人物仪态、风貌: 憨态可掬 文质彬彬 风度翩翩 相貌堂堂 落落大方 斗志昂扬 意气风发 威风凛凛 容光焕发 神采奕奕 四、描写人物神情、情绪: 悠然自得 眉飞色舞 喜笑颜开 神采奕奕 欣喜若狂 呆若木鸡 喜出望外 垂头丧气 无动于衷 勃然大怒 五、描写人的口才: 能说会道 巧舌如簧 能言善辩 滔滔不绝 伶牙俐齿 出口成章 语惊四座 娓娓而谈 妙语连珠 口若悬河 六、来自历史故事的成语: 三顾茅庐 铁杵成针 望梅止渴 完璧归赵 四面楚歌 负荆请罪 精忠报国 手不释卷 悬梁刺股 凿壁偷光 (3) construct safe volunteers is realistic need to innovate the social management style. Only continuous innovation, our management to adapt to the changing social needs. Especially in today's social security situation is complex, criminal activity appeared subtle, flow, information, science and technology, gangs of new features only continuous innovation in order preventive measures, we can in an invincible position and fight criminals. We set up the peace volunteers, both volunteers is ordinary people, always living in the crowd, for the first time found the problem, information most really the most solid, it is a kind of innovation of the social management is A positive exploration of the mode of social security. Two, strengthen the sense of innovation, do a good job in combination with the article, to promote the smooth development of the public security work One is to with the Bureau of the county Party committee work combined. To carefully control the "Four Construction Bureau of county Party committee deployment project decomposition and the division of tasks, and to identify volunteers safe construction of the starting point, combined with point and the breakthrough point, to achieve the same resonance frequency, benign interaction. Que Baozhi may work and the public security work achieved double harvest. 七、描写人物动作: 走马观花 欢呼雀跃 扶老携幼 手舞足蹈 促膝谈心 前俯后仰 奔走相告 跋山涉水 前赴后继 张牙舞爪 八、描写人间情谊: 恩重如山 深情厚谊 手足情深 形影不离 血浓于水 志同道合 风雨同舟 赤诚相待 肝胆相照 生死相依 九、说明知事晓理方面: 循序渐进 日积月累 温故知新 勤能补拙 笨鸟先飞 学无止境 学海无涯 滴水穿石 发奋图强 开卷有益 十、来自寓言故事的成语: 自相矛盾 滥竽充数 画龙点睛 刻舟求剑 守株待兔 补牢 画蛇添足 掩耳盗铃 买椟还珠 叶公好龙 亡羊 十一、描写事物的气势、气氛: 无懈可击 锐不可当 雷厉风行 震耳欲聋 惊心动魄 铺天盖地 势如破竹 气贯长虹 万马奔腾 如履平地 十二、形容四季特点: 花开 满园春色 春华秋实 骄阳似火 寒气袭人 春意盎然 春暖 烈日炎炎 秋风送爽 秋高气爽 秋色宜人 冰天雪地 寒冬腊月 十三、形容繁荣兴盛景象: 济济一堂 热火朝天 门庭若市 万人空巷 座无虚席 高朋满座 如火如荼 蒸蒸日上 欣欣向荣 川流不息 (3) construct safe volunteers is realistic need to innovate the social management style. Only continuous innovation, our management to adapt to the changing social needs. Especially in today's social security situation is complex, criminal activity appeared subtle, flow, information, science and technology, gangs of new features only continuous innovation in order preventive measures, we can in an invincible position and fight criminals. We set up the peace volunteers, both volunteers is ordinary people, always living in the crowd, for the first time found the problem, information most really the most solid, it is a kind of innovation of the social management is A positive exploration of the mode of social security. Two, strengthen the sense of innovation, do a good job in combination with the article, to promote the smooth development of the public security work One is to with the Bureau of the county Party committee work combined. To carefully control the "Four Construction Bureau of county Party committee deployment project decomposition and the division of tasks, and to identify volunteers safe construction of the starting point, combined with point and the breakthrough point, to achieve the same resonance frequency, benign interaction. Que Baozhi may work and the public security work achieved double harvest. 十四、描写美的景和物: 美不胜收 蔚为壮观 富丽堂皇 金碧辉煌 玉宇琼楼 美妙绝伦 巧夺天工 锦上添花 粉妆玉砌 别有洞天 十五、描写山水美景: 锦绣河山 高耸入云 水天一色 波光粼粼 湖光山色 重峦叠嶂 山明水秀 高山流水 白练腾空 烟波浩渺 十六、描写花草树木: 繁花似锦 绿草如茵 郁郁葱葱 古树参天 万木争荣 百花齐放 花团锦簇 万紫千红 桃红柳绿 绿树成荫 十七、描写日月风云: 大雨如注 滂沱大雨 银装素裹 皓月千里 晨光熹微 云雾迷蒙 风清月朗 春风化雨 暴风骤雨 风驰电掣 十八、带有近义词的成语: 兴国安邦 翻山越岭 百依百顺 背井离乡 长吁短叹 道听途说 丢盔弃甲 调兵遣将 甜言蜜语 眼疾手快 十九、带有反义词的成语: 东倒西歪 南辕北辙 前赴后继 前俯后继 左推右挡 承前启后 舍近求远 扬长避短 弃旧图新 优胜劣汰 二十、十二生肖成语: 胆小如鼠 对牛弹琴 杀鸡吓猴 如狼似虎 守株待兔 狗急跳墙 叶公好龙 画蛇添足 呆若木鸡 人仰马翻 顺手牵羊 人怕出名猪怕壮 (3) construct safe volunteers is realistic need to innovate the social management style. Only continuous innovation, our management to adapt to the changing social needs. Especially in today's social security situation is complex, criminal activity appeared subtle, flow, information, science and technology, gangs of new features only continuous innovation in order preventive measures, we can in an invincible position and fight criminals. We set up the peace volunteers, both volunteers is ordinary people, always living in the crowd, for the first time found the problem, information most really the most solid, it is a kind of innovation of the social management is A positive exploration of the mode of social security. Two, strengthen the sense of innovation, do a good job in combination with the article, to promote the smooth development of the public security work One is to with the Bureau of the county Party committee work combined. To carefully control the "Four Construction Bureau of county Party committee deployment project decomposition and the division of tasks, and to identify volunteers safe construction of the starting point, combined with point and the breakthrough point, to achieve the same resonance frequency, benign interaction. Que Baozhi may work and the public security work achieved double harvest. AABB式: 鬼鬼祟祟 熙熙攘攘 战战兢兢 兢兢业业 沸沸扬扬 林林总总 支支吾吾 吞吞吐吐 浩浩荡荡 影影绰绰 密密麻麻 朝朝暮暮 日日夜夜 浑浑噩噩 风风雨雨 风风火火 堂堂正正 偷偷摸摸 轰轰烈烈 朦朦胧胧 隐隐约约 踉踉跄跄 原原本本 形形色色 口口声声 迷迷糊糊 心心念念 勤勤恳恳 AABC式: 芸芸众生 咄咄逼人 头头是道 津津有味 津津乐道 奄奄一息 念念不忘 空空如也 源源不绝 姗姗来迟 面面相觑 面面俱到 振振有辞 窃窃私语 息息相关 喋喋不休 循循善诱 郁郁寡欢 彬彬有礼 亭亭玉立 铮铮铁骨 夸夸其谈 孜孜不倦 莘莘学子 跃跃欲试 井井有条 绰绰有余 楚楚可怜 ABCC式: 想入非非 小心翼翼 衣冠楚楚 气喘吁吁 天网恢恢 虎视眈眈 风尘仆仆 得意洋洋 威风凛凛 其乐融融 信誓旦旦 硕果累累 文质彬彬 大名鼎鼎 忧心忡忡 无所事事 波光粼粼 杨柳依依 生机勃勃 喜气洋洋 人才济济 秋风瑟瑟 白雪皑皑 神采奕奕 ABAC式 绘声绘色 相亲相爱 倾国倾城 一生一世 没完没了 美轮美奂 再接再厉 人来人往 如火如荼 今生今世 自由自在 患得患失 自怨自艾 不卑不亢 无法无天 谢天谢地 人山人海 诚惶诚恐 若即若离 尽善尽美 无影无踪 我行我素 不屈不挠 ABAB式 打扫打扫 溜达溜达 打扮打扮 清醒清醒 休息休息 商量商量 研究研究 锻炼锻炼 琢磨琢磨 考虑考虑 教育教育 教训教训 活动活动 比划比划 练习练习 切磋切磋 糊弄糊弄 考验考验 学习学习 比试比试 放松放松 整理整理 布置布置 体验体验 感受感受 沟通沟通 品尝品尝 雪白雪白 交流交流 欣赏欣赏 清理清理 帮助帮助 轻松轻松 热闹热闹 思考思考 ABB式 响当当 乱哄哄 轰隆隆 乐悠悠 哗啦啦 淅沥沥 白茫茫 灰蒙蒙 绿油油 黄澄澄 闹哄哄 轻飘飘 酸溜溜 干巴巴 黑乎乎 金灿灿 血淋淋 湿漉漉 冷冰冰 热乎乎 火辣辣 暖烘烘 香喷喷 急匆匆 慢悠悠 贼溜溜 灰溜溜 孤零零 恶狠狠 胖乎乎 气呼呼 笑眯眯 乐呵呵 顶呱呱 光秃秃 文绉绉 (3) construct safe volunteers is realistic need to innovate the social management style. Only continuous innovation, our management to adapt to the changing social needs. Especially in today's social security situation is complex, criminal activity appeared subtle, flow, information, science and technology, gangs of new features only continuous innovation in order preventive measures, we can in an invincible position and fight criminals. We set up the peace volunteers, both volunteers is ordinary people, always living in the crowd, for the first time found the problem, information most really the most solid, it is a kind of innovation of the social management is A positive exploration of the mode of social security. Two, strengthen the sense of innovation, do a good job in combination with the article, to promote the smooth development of the public security work One is to with the Bureau of the county Party committee work combined. To carefully control the "Four Construction Bureau of county Party committee deployment project decomposition and the division of tasks, and to identify volunteers safe construction of the starting point, combined with point and the breakthrough point, to achieve the same resonance frequency, benign interaction. Que Baozhi may work and the public security work achieved double harvest. 一、含有动物名称的成语: 万象更新 抱头鼠窜 鸡鸣狗盗 千军万马 亡羊补牢 杯弓蛇影 鹤立鸡群 对牛弹琴 如鱼得水 鸟语花香 为虎作伥 黔驴技穷 画龙点睛 抱头鼠窜 虎背熊腰 守株待兔 鹤发童颜 狗急跳墙 鼠目寸光 盲人摸象 画蛇添足 二、含有两个动物名称的成语 鹤立鸡群 鸡鸣狗盗 鹬蚌相争 蚕食鲸吞 蛛丝马迹 龙争虎斗 龙马精神 龙飞凤舞 龙腾虎跃 龙骧虎步 龙潭虎穴 龙跃凤鸣 车水马龙 指鹿为马 兔死狐悲 鸡犬不宁 心猿意马 狼吞虎咽 三、含有人体器官的成语 眼高手低 目瞪口呆 胸无点墨 头重脚轻 手足轻深 口是心非 手疾眼快 耳闻目睹 头破血流 眉清目秀 袖手傍观 口出不逊 手无缚鸡之力 四、含有昆虫名称的成语: 飞蛾扑火 金蝉脱壳 蟾宫折挂 蚕食鲸吞 蜻蜓点水 螳臂挡车 蛛丝马迹 五、含有一组近义词的成语 见多识广 察言观色 高瞻远瞩 调兵遣将 粉身碎骨 狂风暴雨 旁敲侧击 千辛万苦 眼疾手快 生龙活虎 惊天动地 七拼八凑 胡言乱语 改朝换代 六、含有一组反义词的成语 千呼后拥 东倒西歪 眼高手低 口是心非 头重脚轻 有头无尾 前倨后恭 南辕北辙 左顾右盼 积少成多 同甘共苦 半信半疑 大材小用 先人后己 由此及彼 天经地义 弄假成真 举足轻重 南腔北调 声东击西 转危为安 (3) construct safe volunteers is realistic need to innovate the social management style. Only continuous innovation, our management to adapt to the changing social needs. Especially in today's social security situation is complex, criminal activity appeared subtle, flow, information, science and technology, gangs of new features only continuous innovation in order preventive measures, we can in an invincible position and fight criminals. We set up the peace volunteers, both volunteers is ordinary people, always living in the crowd, for the first time found the problem, information most really the most solid, it is a kind of innovation of the social management is A positive exploration of the mode of social security. Two, strengthen the sense of innovation, do a good job in combination with the article, to promote the smooth development of the public security work One is to with the Bureau of the county Party committee work combined. To carefully control the "Four Construction Bureau of county Party committee deployment project decomposition and the division of tasks, and to identify volunteers safe construction of the starting point, combined with point and the breakthrough point, to achieve the same resonance frequency, benign interaction. Que Baozhi may work and the public security work achieved double harvest. 八、描写情况紧急的成语: 千钧一发 刻不容缓 迫不及待 十万火急 火烧眉毛 燃眉之急 九、描写人物神态的成语: 心旷神怡 心平气和 目不转睛 呆若木鸡 眉开眼笑 愁眉苦脸 愁眉紧锁 目瞪口呆 垂头丧气 嬉皮笑脸 十、描写英雄人物的成语: 一身正气 临危不惧 光明磊落 堂堂正正 大智大勇 力挽狂澜 急中生智 仰不愧天 镇定自若 化险为夷 十一、描写春天美好的成语: 春光明媚 万紫千红 春雨如油 生机勃勃 春色满圆 春意盎然 鸟语花香 春暖花开 百花齐放 和风细雨 十二、源自于寓言故事的成语 刻舟求剑 鹏程万里 守株待兔 掩耳盗铃 鹬蚌相争 亡羊补牢 惊弓之鸟 杯弓蛇影 抱薪救火 十三、源自于历史故事的成语 安步当车 暗渡陈仓 按图索骥 程门立雪 班门弄斧 兵不厌诈 三顾茅庐 十四、首尾同字的成语: 微乎其微 神乎其神 天外有天 痛定思痛 数不胜数 举不胜举 人外有人 防不胜防 忍无可忍 闻所未闻 十五、三字俗语类 (变色龙)立场不稳,见风使舵的人。(笑面虎)笑脸相迎,两面三刀的人。 (地头蛇)强横无赖,称霸一方的人。(铁公鸡)一毛不拔,吝啬钱财的人。 (哈巴狗)趋炎附势,百依百顺的人。(替罪羊)代人受过,替人挨揍的人。 (井底蛙)孤陋寡闻、知识不广的人。(孺子牛)鞠躬尽瘁、为民造福的人。 (千里马)得才兼备,大有作为的人。(纸老虎)比喻外强中干的人。 (3) construct safe volunteers is realistic need to innovate the social management style. Only continuous innovation, our management to adapt to the changing social needs. Especially in today's social security situation is complex, criminal activity appeared subtle, flow, information, science and technology, gangs of new features only continuous innovation in order preventive measures, we can in an invincible position and fight criminals. We set up the peace volunteers, both volunteers is ordinary people, always living in the crowd, for the first time found the problem, information most really the most solid, it is a kind of innovation of the social management is A positive exploration of the mode of social security. Two, strengthen the sense of innovation, do a good job in combination with the article, to promote the smooth development of the public security work One is to with the Bureau of the county Party committee work combined. To carefully control the "Four Construction Bureau of county Party committee deployment project decomposition and the division of tasks, and to identify volunteers safe construction of the starting point, combined with point and the breakthrough point, to achieve the same resonance frequency, benign interaction. Que Baozhi may work and the public security work achieved double harvest.
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