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向阳小学篮球比赛活动方案、计划、总结向阳小学篮球比赛活动方案、计划、总结 is not less than 3 metres in length, not less than 1 m on both sides, Derrick (gantry) ceiling heights of more than 30 meters double. (2) the Derrick (gantry) ground floor entrance has "ever", and floor openings with safety doors, both sides of t...
向阳小学篮球比赛活动、计划、 is not less than 3 metres in length, not less than 1 m on both sides, Derrick (gantry) ceiling heights of more than 30 meters double. (2) the Derrick (gantry) ground floor entrance has "ever", and floor openings with safety doors, both sides of the channel set fence, under the skirting. (3) the Derrick (gantry) falls within the basket installed doors, the height limit, rope, safety devices such as floor stop. (4) the Derrick (gantry) provided 向阳小学篮球赛活动方案 为团结同学~丰富同学们的课余文化生活~活跃学校气氛~增强学生体育锻炼意识~提高身体素质~培养积极向上的进取精神~致力于打造一个互相交流~互相学习的平台~体育组将在本学期四月举办篮球赛。通过篮球赛使我校充满团结友爱的气氛~共建和谐团结的校园。. 一、活动目的: 为同学们打造互相交流、互相学习的平台~把”每天锻炼一小时”落到实处,展现学生的运动风采。 二、活动宗旨: ,1,切实推动“全民健身计划”增强小学生身体素质。 ,2,增进各班之间的感情~促进篮球爱好者间的交流。 三、活动时间和地点: 2010年4月12日-----4月16日 向阳小学篮球场 四、比赛安排: 于4月8日将通知由各班班主任传达到各个班~由各班负责组织参赛队。 从4月12日-----4月16日开始进行比赛。 五、参赛办法: 1、参赛单位:四、五各班 2、参赛资格:凡属本年级~体质良好者,爱好篮球者 3、参赛人数:每队领队一人~运动员男生12员~女生12is not less than 3 metres in length, not less than 1 m on both sides, Derrick (gantry) ceiling heights of more than 30 meters double. (2) the Derrick (gantry) ground floor entrance has "ever", and floor openings with safety doors, both sides of the channel set fence, under the skirting. (3) the Derrick (gantry) falls within the basket installed doors, the height limit, rope, safety devices such as floor stop. (4) the Derrick (gantry) provided is not less than 3 metres in length, not less than 1 m on both sides, Derrick (gantry) ceiling heights of more than 30 meters double. (2) the Derrick (gantry) ground floor entrance has "ever", and floor openings with safety doors, both sides of the channel set fence, under the skirting. (3) the Derrick (gantry) falls within the basket installed doors, the height limit, rope, safety devices such as floor stop. (4) the Derrick (gantry) provided 员。六、比赛方法: 1、采用“5人制”篮球赛的比赛规则 2、比赛为单循环方式~所有参赛队均能相遇一次~最后按各队在全部比赛中的积分排列名次。 3、计分方法: ,1,胜一场得2分~负一场得1分~积分多者名次列前。 ,2,如果两队积分相同~则按两队在同阶段比赛中所得比赛分数。 七、比赛服装: 各队服装均为运动装,服装要从运动安全的角度出发。 八、比赛规则: 1、每队至少有12名参赛队员。 2、比赛开始后可经裁判同意~替换原有队员。 3、进球后换发球。 4、一方投篮未进~由队方抢到篮板球后~则需退到三分线后再进攻。 5、所有犯规,7次以下,或球出界~到中场发球区发球。 6、每场比赛中~一队先打到12分~并领先对方2分以上则为胜方~以10分钟为限。 7、每队各有两次45秒的暂停~暂停不停钟~仅最后三分钟会停钟。 打到10分钟~以比分高队为胜方~若为平局~则再打加时赛~先得分的一方为胜方。 is not less than 3 metres in length, not less than 1 m on both sides, Derrick (gantry) ceiling heights of more than 30 meters double. (2) the Derrick (gantry) ground floor entrance has "ever", and floor openings with safety doors, both sides of the channel set fence, under the skirting. (3) the Derrick (gantry) falls within the basket installed doors, the height limit, rope, safety devices such as floor stop. (4) the Derrick (gantry) provided九、奖项设臵 : 每个年级男生女生各设一个一等奖~一个二等奖~三等奖一 个。 向阳学校 2011年4月8日 is not less than 3 metres in length, not less than 1 m on both sides, Derrick (gantry) ceiling heights of more than 30 meters double. (2) the Derrick (gantry) ground floor entrance has "ever", and floor openings with safety doors, both sides of the channel set fence, under the skirting. (3) the Derrick (gantry) falls within the basket installed doors, the height limit, rope, safety devices such as floor stop. (4) the Derrick (gantry) provided is not less than 3 metres in length, not less than 1 m on both sides, Derrick (gantry) ceiling heights of more than 30 meters double. (2) the Derrick (gantry) ground floor entrance has "ever", and floor openings with safety doors, both sides of the channel set fence, under the skirting. (3) the Derrick (gantry) falls within the basket installed doors, the height limit, rope, safety devices such as floor stop. (4) the Derrick (gantry) provided 向阳小学篮球赛活动方案 为团结同学~丰富同学们的课余文化生活~活跃学校气氛~增强学生体育锻炼意识~提高身体素质~培养积极向上的进取精神~致力于打造一个互相交流~互相学习的平台~学校计划将在本学期九月举办篮球赛。通过篮球赛使我校充满团结友爱的气氛~共建和谐团结的校园。. 一、活动目的: 为同学们打造互相交流、互相学习的平台~把”每天锻炼一小时”落到实处,展现学生的运动风采。 二、活动宗旨: ,1,切实推动“全民健身计划”增强小学生身体素质。 ,2,增进各班之间的感情~促进篮球爱好者间的交流。 三、活动时间和地点: 2010年9月19日-----9月23日 向阳学校篮球场 四、比赛安排: 于9月12日将通知由各班班主任传达到各个班~由各班负责组织参赛队。 从9月19日-----9月23日开始进行比赛。 五、参赛办法: 1、参赛单位:四、五年级各班 2、参赛资格:凡属本年级~体质良好者,爱好篮球者 is not less than 3 metres in length, not less than 1 m on both sides, Derrick (gantry) ceiling heights of more than 30 meters double. (2) the Derrick (gantry) ground floor entrance has "ever", and floor openings with safety doors, both sides of the channel set fence, under the skirting. (3) the Derrick (gantry) falls within the basket installed doors, the height limit, rope, safety devices such as floor stop. (4) the Derrick (gantry) provided 3、参赛人数:每队领队一人~运动员男生12员~女生12员。 六、比赛方法: 1、采用“5人制”篮球赛的比赛规则 2、比赛为单循环方式~所有参赛队均能相遇一次~最后按各队在全部比赛中的积分排列名次。 3、计分方法: ,1,胜一场得2分~负一场得1分~积分多者名次列前。 ,2,如果两队积分相同~则按两队在同阶段比赛中所得比赛分数。 七、比赛服装: 各队服装均为运动装,服装要从运动安全的角度出发。 八、比赛规则: 1、每队至少有12名参赛队员。 2、比赛开始后可经裁判同意~替换原有队员。 3、进球后换发球。 4、一方投篮未进~由队方抢到篮板球后~则需退到三分线后再进攻。 5、所有犯规,7次以下,或球出界~到中场发球区发球。 6、每场比赛中~一队先打到12分~并领先对方2分以上则为胜方~以10分钟为限。 7、每队各有两次45秒的暂停~暂停不停钟~仅最后三分钟is not less than 3 metres in length, not less than 1 m on both sides, Derrick (gantry) ceiling heights of more than 30 meters double. (2) the Derrick (gantry) ground floor entrance has "ever", and floor openings with safety doors, both sides of the channel set fence, under the skirting. (3) the Derrick (gantry) falls within the basket installed doors, the height limit, rope, safety devices such as floor stop. (4) the Derrick (gantry) provided is not less than 3 metres in length, not less than 1 m on both sides, Derrick (gantry) ceiling heights of more than 30 meters double. (2) the Derrick (gantry) ground floor entrance has "ever", and floor openings with safety doors, both sides of the channel set fence, under the skirting. (3) the Derrick (gantry) falls within the basket installed doors, the height limit, rope, safety devices such as floor stop. (4) the Derrick (gantry) provided 会停钟。 打到10分钟~以比分高队为胜方~若为平局~则再打加时赛~先得分的一方为胜方。 九、奖项设臵 : 每个年级男生女生各设一个一等奖~一个二等奖~三等奖一个。 向阳学校 2010年9月12日 is not less than 3 metres in length, not less than 1 m on both sides, Derrick (gantry) ceiling heights of more than 30 meters double. (2) the Derrick (gantry) ground floor entrance has "ever", and floor openings with safety doors, both sides of the channel set fence, under the skirting. (3) the Derrick (gantry) falls within the basket installed doors, the height limit, rope, safety devices such as floor stop. (4) the Derrick (gantry) provided 向阳小学篮球赛活动方案 为团结同学~丰富同学们的课余文化生活~活跃学校气氛~增强学生体育锻炼意识~提高身体素质~培养积极向上的进取精神~致力于打造一个互相交流~互相学习的平台~学校计划将在本学期四月举办篮球赛。通过篮球赛使我校充满团结友爱的气氛~共建和谐团结的校园。. 一、活动目的: 为同学们打造互相交流、互相学习的平台~把”每天锻炼一小时”落到实处,展现学生的运动风采。 二、活动宗旨: ,1,切实推动“全民健身计划”增强小学生身体素质。 ,2,增进各班之间的感情~促进篮球爱好者间的交流。 三、活动时间和地点: 2011年4月18日-----4月22日 向阳学校篮球场 四、比赛安排: 于4月12日将通知由各班班主任传达到各个班~由各班负责组织参赛队。 从4月18日-----4月22日开始进行比赛。 五、参赛办法: 1、参赛单位:四、五年级各班 2、参赛资格:凡属本年级~体质良好者,爱好篮球者 is not less than 3 metres in length, not less than 1 m on both sides, Derrick (gantry) ceiling heights of more than 30 meters double. (2) the Derrick (gantry) ground floor entrance has "ever", and floor openings with safety doors, both sides of the channel set fence, under the skirting. (3) the Derrick (gantry) falls within the basket installed doors, the height limit, rope, safety devices such as floor stop. (4) the Derrick (gantry) provided is not less than 3 metres in length, not less than 1 m on both sides, Derrick (gantry) ceiling heights of more than 30 meters double. (2) the Derrick (gantry) ground floor entrance has "ever", and floor openings with safety doors, both sides of the channel set fence, under the skirting. (3) the Derrick (gantry) falls within the basket installed doors, the height limit, rope, safety devices such as floor stop. (4) the Derrick (gantry) provided 3、参赛人数:每队领队一人~运动员男生12员~女生12员。 六、比赛方法: 1、采用“5人制”篮球赛的比赛规则 2、比赛为单循环方式~所有参赛队均能相遇一次~最后按各队在全部比赛中的积分排列名次。 3、计分方法: ,1,胜一场得2分~负一场得1分~积分多者名次列前。 ,2,如果两队积分相同~则按两队在同阶段比赛中所得比赛分数。 七、比赛服装: 各队服装均为运动装,服装要从运动安全的角度出发。 八、比赛规则: 1、每队至少有12名参赛队员。 2、比赛开始后可经裁判同意~替换原有队员。 3、进球后换发球。 4、一方投篮未进~由队方抢到篮板球后~则需退到三分线后再进攻。 5、所有犯规,7次以下,或球出界~到中场发球区发球。 6、每场比赛中~一队先打到12分~并领先对方2分以上则为胜方~以10分钟为限。 7、每队各有两次45秒的暂停~暂停不停钟~仅最后三分钟 is not less than 3 metres in length, not less than 1 m on both sides, Derrick (gantry) ceiling heights of more than 30 meters double. (2) the Derrick (gantry) ground floor entrance has "ever", and floor openings with safety doors, both sides of the channel set fence, under the skirting. (3) the Derrick (gantry) falls within the basket installed doors, the height limit, rope, safety devices such as floor stop. (4) the Derrick (gantry) provided会停钟。 打到10分钟~以比分高队为胜方~若为平局~则 再打加时赛~先得分的一方为胜方。 九、奖项设臵 : 每个年级男生女生各设一个一等奖~一个二等奖~三等奖一 个。 向阳学校 2011年4月12日 is not less than 3 metres in length, not less than 1 m on both sides, Derrick (gantry) ceiling heights of more than 30 meters double. (2) the Derrick (gantry) ground floor entrance has "ever", and floor openings with safety doors, both sides of the channel set fence, under the skirting. (3) the Derrick (gantry) falls within the basket installed doors, the height limit, rope, safety devices such as floor stop. (4) the Derrick (gantry) provided is not less than 3 metres in length, not less than 1 m on both sides, Derrick (gantry) ceiling heights of more than 30 meters double. (2) the Derrick (gantry) ground floor entrance has "ever", and floor openings with safety doors, both sides of the channel set fence, under the skirting. (3) the Derrick (gantry) falls within the basket installed doors, the height limit, rope, safety devices such as floor stop. (4) the Derrick (gantry) provided 向阳小学篮球赛活动方案 为团结同学~丰富同学们的课余文化生活~活跃学校气氛~增强学生体育锻炼意识~提高身体素质~培养积极向上的进取精神~致力于打造一个互相交流~互相学习的平台~学校计划将在本学期九月举办篮球赛。通过篮球赛使我校充满团结友爱的气氛~共建和谐团结的校园。. 一、活动目的: 为同学们打造互相交流、互相学习的平台~把”每天锻炼一小时”落到实处,展现学生的运动风采。 二、活动宗旨: ,1,切实推动“全民健身计划”增强小学生身体素质。 ,2,增进各班之间的感情~促进篮球爱好者间的交流。 三、活动时间和地点: 2011年9月19日-----9月23日 向阳学校篮球场 四、比赛安排: 于9月12日将通知由各班班主任传达到各个班~由各班负责组织参赛队。 从9月19日-----9月23日开始进行比赛。 五、参赛办法: 1、参赛单位:四、五年级各班 2、参赛资格:凡属本年级~体质良好者,爱好篮球者 is not less than 3 metres in length, not less than 1 m on both sides, Derrick (gantry) ceiling heights of more than 30 meters double. (2) the Derrick (gantry) ground floor entrance has "ever", and floor openings with safety doors, both sides of the channel set fence, under the skirting. (3) the Derrick (gantry) falls within the basket installed doors, the height limit, rope, safety devices such as floor stop. (4) the Derrick (gantry) provided 3、参赛人数:每队领队一人~运动员男生12员~女生12员。 六、比赛方法: 1、采用“5人制”篮球赛的比赛规则 2、比赛为单循环方式~所有参赛队均能相遇一次~最后按各队在全部比赛中的积分排列名次。 3、计分方法: ,1,胜一场得2分~负一场得1分~积分多者名次列前。 ,2,如果两队积分相同~则按两队在同阶段比赛中所得比赛分数。 七、比赛服装: 各队服装均为运动装,服装要从运动安全的角度出发。 八、比赛规则: 1、每队至少有12名参赛队员。 2、比赛开始后可经裁判同意~替换原有队员。 3、进球后换发球。 4、一方投篮未进~由队方抢到篮板球后~则需退到三分线后再进攻。 5、所有犯规,7次以下,或球出界~到中场发球区发球。 6、每场比赛中~一队先打到12分~并领先对方2分以上则为胜方~以10分钟为限。 7、每队各有两次45秒的暂停~暂停不停钟~仅最后三分钟is not less than 3 metres in length, not less than 1 m on both sides, Derrick (gantry) ceiling heights of more than 30 meters double. (2) the Derrick (gantry) ground floor entrance has "ever", and floor openings with safety doors, both sides of the channel set fence, under the skirting. (3) the Derrick (gantry) falls within the basket installed doors, the height limit, rope, safety devices such as floor stop. (4) the Derrick (gantry) provided is not less than 3 metres in length, not less than 1 m on both sides, Derrick (gantry) ceiling heights of more than 30 meters double. (2) the Derrick (gantry) ground floor entrance has "ever", and floor openings with safety doors, both sides of the channel set fence, under the skirting. (3) the Derrick (gantry) falls within the basket installed doors, the height limit, rope, safety devices such as floor stop. (4) the Derrick (gantry) provided 会停钟。 打到10分钟~以比分高队为胜方~若为平局~则再打加时赛~先得分的一方为胜方。 九、奖项设臵 : 每个年级男生女生各设一个一等奖~一个二等奖~三等奖一个。 向阳学校 2011年9月12日 is not less than 3 metres in length, not less than 1 m on both sides, Derrick (gantry) ceiling heights of more than 30 meters double. (2) the Derrick (gantry) ground floor entrance has "ever", and floor openings with safety doors, both sides of the channel set fence, under the skirting. (3) the Derrick (gantry) falls within the basket installed doors, the height limit, rope, safety devices such as floor stop. (4) the Derrick (gantry) provided 向阳学校篮球比赛活动总结 篮球比赛在各位老师和全体队员的共同努力下~经过一周紧张有序的激烈角逐~圆满完成了各项比赛日程。在比赛中~全体运动员自觉遵守比赛规程~听从指挥~服从裁判~发扬友谊第一~比赛第二~和更高、更快、更强的体育精神~顽强拼搏~奋力争先~赛出了风格~赛出了友谊~赛出了水平,各位班主任、裁判员及体育组所有成员都尽职尽责~不辞劳苦~付出了艰辛的劳动。队员们不怕困难~不怕流汗~打出了真实的技术~打出了真正的友谊~打出了真正的风格。同时~各班班主任认真负责、积极参与、沉着指挥,各班都组织了“啦啦队”~为场上的运动员加油鼓劲~充分体现了我校学生优良的精神风貌~达到了增强体质、陶冶情操、促进团结的效果。本次比赛活动~充分发挥了体育活动的功效~增强了学生们的凝聚力和向心力~达到了增强体质~增进健康的目的。 比赛最终结果: 第一名:五年一班 第二名:四年二班 向阳学校 2010年4月30日 is not less than 3 metres in length, not less than 1 m on both sides, Derrick (gantry) ceiling heights of more than 30 meters double. (2) the Derrick (gantry) ground floor entrance has "ever", and floor openings with safety doors, both sides of the channel set fence, under the skirting. (3) the Derrick (gantry) falls within the basket installed doors, the height limit, rope, safety devices such as floor stop. (4) the Derrick (gantry) provided is not less than 3 metres in length, not less than 1 m on both sides, Derrick (gantry) ceiling heights of more than 30 meters double. (2) the Derrick (gantry) ground floor entrance has "ever", and floor openings with safety doors, both sides of the channel set fence, under the skirting. (3) the Derrick (gantry) falls within the basket installed doors, the height limit, rope, safety devices such as floor stop. (4) the Derrick (gantry) provided 向阳学校篮球比赛活动总结 篮球比赛在各位老师和全体队员的共同努力下~经过一周紧张有序的激烈角逐~圆满完成了各项比赛日程。在比赛中~全体运动员自觉遵守比赛规程~听从指挥~服从裁判~发扬友谊第一~比赛第二~和更高、更快、更强的体育精神~顽强拼搏~奋力争先~赛出了风格~赛出了友谊~赛出了水平,各位班主任、裁判员及体育组所有成员都尽职尽责~不辞劳苦~付出了艰辛的劳动。队员们不怕困难~不怕流汗~打出了真实的技术~打出了真正的友谊~打出了真正的风格。同时~各班班主任认真负责、积极参与、沉着指挥,各班都组织了“啦啦队”~为场上的运动员加油鼓劲~充分体现了我校学生优良的精神风貌~达到了增强体质、陶冶情操、促进团结的效果。本次比赛活动~充分发挥了体育活动的功效~增强了学生们的凝聚力和向心力~达到了增强体质~增进健康的目的。 比赛最终结果: 第一名:五年二班 第二名:五年一班 第三名:四年二班 向阳学校 2010年9月27日 is not less than 3 metres in length, not less than 1 m on both sides, Derrick (gantry) ceiling heights of more than 30 meters double. (2) the Derrick (gantry) ground floor entrance has "ever", and floor openings with safety doors, both sides of the channel set fence, under the skirting. (3) the Derrick (gantry) falls within the basket installed doors, the height limit, rope, safety devices such as floor stop. (4) the Derrick (gantry) provided 向阳学校篮球比赛活动总结 篮球比赛在各位老师和全体队员的共同努力下~经过一周紧张有序的激烈角逐~圆满完成了各项比赛日程。在比赛中~全体运动员自觉遵守比赛规程~听从指挥~服从裁判~发扬友谊第一~比赛第二~和更高、更快、更强的体育精神~顽强拼搏~奋力争先~赛出了风格~赛出了友谊~赛出了水平,各位班主任、裁判员及体育组所有成员都尽职尽责~不辞劳苦~付出了艰辛的劳动。队员们不怕困难~不怕流汗~打出了真实的技术~打出了真正的友谊~打出了真正的风格。同时~各班班主任认真负责、积极参与、沉着指挥,各班都组织了“啦啦队”~为场上的运动员加油鼓劲~充分体现了我校学生优良的精神风貌~达到了增强体质、陶冶情操、促进团结的效果。本次比赛活动~充分发挥了体育活动的功效~增强了学生们的凝聚力和向心力~达到了增强体质~增进健康的目的。 比赛最终结果: 第一名:四年二班 第二名:五年一班 第三名:五年二班 向阳学校 2011年4月30日 is not less than 3 metres in length, not less than 1 m on both sides, Derrick (gantry) ceiling heights of more than 30 meters double. (2) the Derrick (gantry) ground floor entrance has "ever", and floor openings with safety doors, both sides of the channel set fence, under the skirting. (3) the Derrick (gantry) falls within the basket installed doors, the height limit, rope, safety devices such as floor stop. (4) the Derrick (gantry) provided is not less than 3 metres in length, not less than 1 m on both sides, Derrick (gantry) ceiling heights of more than 30 meters double. (2) the Derrick (gantry) ground floor entrance has "ever", and floor openings with safety doors, both sides of the channel set fence, under the skirting. (3) the Derrick (gantry) falls within the basket installed doors, the height limit, rope, safety devices such as floor stop. (4) the Derrick (gantry) provided 向阳学校篮球比赛活动总结 篮球比赛在各位老师和全体队员的共同努力下~经过一周紧张有序的激烈角逐~圆满完成了各项比赛日程。在比赛中~全体运动员自觉遵守比赛规程~听从指挥~服从裁判~发扬友谊第一~比赛第二~和更高、更快、更强的体育精神~顽强拼搏~奋力争先~赛出了风格~赛出了友谊~赛出了水平,各位班主任、裁判员及体育组所有成员都尽职尽责~不辞劳苦~付出了艰辛的劳动。队员们不怕困难~不怕流汗~打出了真实的技术~打出了真正的友谊~打出了真正的风格。同时~各班班主任认真负责、积极参与、沉着指挥,各班都组织了“啦啦队”~为场上的运动员加油鼓劲~充分体现了我校学生优良的精神风貌~达到了增强体质、陶冶情操、促进团结的效果。本次比赛活动~充分发挥了体育活动的功效~增强了学生们的凝聚力和向心力~达到了增强体质~增进健康的目的。 比赛最终结果: 第一名:四年二班 第二名:五年一班 向阳学校 2011年9月30日 is not less than 3 metres in length, not less than 1 m on both sides, Derrick (gantry) ceiling heights of more than 30 meters double. (2) the Derrick (gantry) ground floor entrance has "ever", and floor openings with safety doors, both sides of the channel set fence, under the skirting. (3) the Derrick (gantry) falls within the basket installed doors, the height limit, rope, safety devices such as floor stop. (4) the Derrick (gantry) provided 向阳小学篮球比赛活动计划 为推进素质教育~提高我校学生身体素质~丰富校园生活~增强班级凝聚力~培养团结协作精神~经研究决定举办篮球比赛。特制定四月份篮球活动计划如下: 一、活动内容 1、篮球比赛 二、活动小组成员 组 长: 刘长山 副组长: 王恩江 王志军 辛孝东 裁 判: 董广祥 参与者: 四、五年级学生 三、活动时间 2010年4月12日 四、活动具体工作 1、动员。 在学校开展动员~广泛征求队员意见和建议~统一思 想和认识。 2、工作部署。 组长负责联系场地~制定规则~选取裁判 五、活动细则 ,一,参赛人员:每个中队上报4名参赛者~其中3名主力~1名为替补队员。 is not less than 3 metres in length, not less than 1 m on both sides, Derrick (gantry) ceiling heights of more than 30 meters double. (2) the Derrick (gantry) ground floor entrance has "ever", and floor openings with safety doors, both sides of the channel set fence, under the skirting. (3) the Derrick (gantry) falls within the basket installed doors, the height limit, rope, safety devices such as floor stop. (4) the Derrick (gantry) provided is not less than 3 metres in length, not less than 1 m on both sides, Derrick (gantry) ceiling heights of more than 30 meters double. (2) the Derrick (gantry) ground floor entrance has "ever", and floor openings with safety doors, both sides of the channel set fence, under the skirting. (3) the Derrick (gantry) falls within the basket installed doors, the height limit, rope, safety devices such as floor stop. (4) the Derrick (gantry) provided ,二,报名准备阶段:4月10日—3月11日 ,三,组别划分:比赛共分四个组~以班级为单位组建。 ,四,比赛规则,按一般篮球比赛规则, ,五,比赛地点、时间 1、比赛地点:向阳学校篮球场 2、比赛时间:4月12日 六、具体要求 1、全体队员必须从思想上高度重视~全队上下齐心协力~ 确保此次活动的顺利进行。 2、队员精神饱满~斗志昂扬~发扬“友谊第一~比赛第二”的比赛精神。 is not less than 3 metres in length, not less than 1 m on both sides, Derrick (gantry) ceiling heights of more than 30 meters double. (2) the Derrick (gantry) ground floor entrance has "ever", and floor openings with safety doors, both sides of the channel set fence, under the skirting. (3) the Derrick (gantry) falls within the basket installed doors, the height limit, rope, safety devices such as floor stop. (4) the Derrick (gantry) provided 向阳小学篮球比赛活动计划 为推进素质教育~提高我校学生身体素质~丰富校园生活~增强班级凝聚力~培养团结协作精神~经研究决定举办篮球比赛。特制定九月份篮球活动计划如下: 一、活动内容 1、篮球比赛 二、活动小组成员 组 长: 刘长山 副组长: 王恩江 王志军 辛孝东 裁 判: 董广祥 参与者: 四、五年级学生 三、活动时间 2010年9月12日 四、活动具体工作 1、动员。 在学校开展动员~广泛征求队员意见和建议~统一思 想和认识。 2、工作部署。 组长负责联系场地~制定规则~选取裁判 五、活动细则 ,一,参赛人员:每个中队上报4名参赛者~其中3名主力~1名为替补队员。 is not less than 3 metres in length, not less than 1 m on both sides, Derrick (gantry) ceiling heights of more than 30 meters double. (2) the Derrick (gantry) ground floor entrance has "ever", and floor openings with safety doors, both sides of the channel set fence, under the skirting. (3) the Derrick (gantry) falls within the basket installed doors, the height limit, rope, safety devices such as floor stop. (4) the Derrick (gantry) provided is not less than 3 metres in length, not less than 1 m on both sides, Derrick (gantry) ceiling heights of more than 30 meters double. (2) the Derrick (gantry) ground floor entrance has "ever", and floor openings with safety doors, both sides of the channel set fence, under the skirting. (3) the Derrick (gantry) falls within the basket installed doors, the height limit, rope, safety devices such as floor stop. (4) the Derrick (gantry) provided ,二,报名准备阶段:9月13日 ,三,组别划分:比赛共分四个组~以班级为单位组建。 ,四,比赛规则,按一般篮球比赛规则, ,五,比赛地点、时间 1、比赛地点:向阳学校篮球场 2、比赛时间:9月19日 六、具体要求 1、全体队员必须从思想上高度重视~全队上下齐心协力~ 确保此次活动的顺利进行。 2、队员精神饱满~斗志昂扬~发扬“友谊第一~比赛第二”的比赛精神。 is not less than 3 metres in length, not less than 1 m on both sides, Derrick (gantry) ceiling heights of more than 30 meters double. (2) the Derrick (gantry) ground floor entrance has "ever", and floor openings with safety doors, both sides of the channel set fence, under the skirting. (3) the Derrick (gantry) falls within the basket installed doors, the height limit, rope, safety devices such as floor stop. (4) the Derrick (gantry) provided 向阳小学篮球比赛活动计划 为推进素质教育~提高我校学生身体素质~丰富校园生活~增强班级凝聚力~培养团结协作精神~经研究决定举办篮球比赛。特制定四月份篮球活动计划如下: 一、活动内容 1、篮球比赛 二、活动小组成员 组 长: 刘长山 副组长: 王恩江 王志军 辛孝东 裁 判: 董广祥 参与者: 四、五年级学生 三、活动时间 2011年4月18日 四、活动具体工作 1、动员。 在学校开展动员~广泛征求队员意见和建议~统一思 想和认识。 2、工作部署。 组长负责联系场地~制定规则~选取裁判 五、活动细则 ,一,参赛人员:每个中队上报4名参赛者~其中3名主力~1名为替补队员。 is not less than 3 metres in length, not less than 1 m on both sides, Derrick (gantry) ceiling heights of more than 30 meters double. (2) the Derrick (gantry) ground floor entrance has "ever", and floor openings with safety doors, both sides of the channel set fence, under the skirting. (3) the Derrick (gantry) falls within the basket installed doors, the height limit, rope, safety devices such as floor stop. (4) the Derrick (gantry) provided is not less than 3 metres in length, not less than 1 m on both sides, Derrick (gantry) ceiling heights of more than 30 meters double. (2) the Derrick (gantry) ground floor entrance has "ever", and floor openings with safety doors, both sides of the channel set fence, under the skirting. (3) the Derrick (gantry) falls within the basket installed doors, the height limit, rope, safety devices such as floor stop. (4) the Derrick (gantry) provided ,二,报名准备阶段:4月8日 ,三,组别划分:比赛共分四个组~以班级为单位组建。 ,四,比赛规则,按一般篮球比赛规则, ,五,比赛地点、时间 1、比赛地点:向阳学校篮球场 2、比赛时间:4月18日 六、具体要求 1、全体队员必须从思想上高度重视~全队上下齐心协力~ 确保此次活动的顺利进行。 2、队员精神饱满~斗志昂扬~发扬“友谊第一~比赛第二”的比赛精神。 is not less than 3 metres in length, not less than 1 m on both sides, Derrick (gantry) ceiling heights of more than 30 meters double. (2) the Derrick (gantry) ground floor entrance has "ever", and floor openings with safety doors, both sides of the channel set fence, under the skirting. (3) the Derrick (gantry) falls within the basket installed doors, the height limit, rope, safety devices such as floor stop. (4) the Derrick (gantry) provided 向阳小学篮球比赛活动计划 为推进素质教育~提高我校学生身体素质~丰富校园生活~增强班级凝聚力~培养团结协作精神~经研究决定举办篮球比赛。特制定九月份篮球活动计划如下: 一、活动内容 1、篮球比赛 二、活动小组成员 组 长: 刘长山 副组长: 王恩江 王志军 辛孝东 裁 判: 董广祥 参与者: 四、五年级学生 三、活动时间 2010年9月19日 四、活动具体工作 1、动员。 在学校开展动员~广泛征求队员意见和建议~统一思 想和认识。 2、工作部署。 组长负责联系场地~制定规则~选取裁判 五、活动细则 ,一,参赛人员:每个中队上报4名参赛者~其中3名主力~1名为替补队员。 is not less than 3 metres in length, not less than 1 m on both sides, Derrick (gantry) ceiling heights of more than 30 meters double. (2) the Derrick (gantry) ground floor entrance has "ever", and floor openings with safety doors, both sides of the channel set fence, under the skirting. (3) the Derrick (gantry) falls within the basket installed doors, the height limit, rope, safety devices such as floor stop. (4) the Derrick (gantry) provided is not less than 3 metres in length, not less than 1 m on both sides, Derrick (gantry) ceiling heights of more than 30 meters double. (2) the Derrick (gantry) ground floor entrance has "ever", and floor openings with safety doors, both sides of the channel set fence, under the skirting. (3) the Derrick (gantry) falls within the basket installed doors, the height limit, rope, safety devices such as floor stop. (4) the Derrick (gantry) provided ,二,报名准备阶段:9月12日 ,三,组别划分:比赛共分四个组~以班级为单位组建。 ,四,比赛规则,按一般篮球比赛规则, ,五,比赛地点、时间 1、比赛地点:向阳学校篮球场 2、比赛时间:9月19日 六、具体要求 1、全体队员必须从思想上高度重视~全队上下齐心协力~ 确保此次活动的顺利进行。 2、队员精神饱满~斗志昂扬~发扬“友谊第一~比赛第二”的比赛精神。
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