
皇冠国际KTV服务少爷流程 2

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皇冠国际KTV服务少爷流程 2皇冠国际KTV服务少爷流程 2 公司内部规章制度 服务员工作流程 由亚洲亿欣公司策划 并管理 Asia Yixin by the company to plan and manage 1、迎客: 按标准规范站姿站立好,当客人离服务员1.5—2米感觉和客人目光相遇时,面带微笑,双眼平视,挺胸收腹,弯腰35度按标准礼貌用语向客人问好:“老板(美女,XX哥)晚上好,欢迎您的到来这边请”。请问你由预定包厢吗,好的,这边请。(请问你们几位,好的,我马上给你预定包厢)当客人都坐下以后,向客人介绍公司的收费价格:“老板晚上好,这个包...
皇冠国际KTV服务少爷流程 2
皇冠国际KTV服务少爷 2 公司内部规章 服务员工作流程 由亚洲亿欣公司策划 并管理 Asia Yixin by the company to plan and manage 1、迎客: 按标准站姿站立好,当客人离服务员1.5—2米感觉和客人目光相遇时,面带微笑,双眼平视,挺胸收腹,弯腰35度按标准礼貌用语向客人问好:“老板(美女,XX哥)晚上好,欢迎您的到来这边请”。请问你由预定包厢吗,好的,这边请。(请问你们几位,好的,我马上给你预定包厢)当客人都坐下以后,向客人介绍公司的收费价格:“老板晚上好,这个包厢最低消费是880元,请问您是否满意,”客人若满意则回答:“好的,我现在为您开房。 2、开电视机 (电视机由服务员打开)、先开主机,开机由上到下打开,注意将功放音量调至最小,再打开功放开关,将音量调至适当位置,并询问客人:“老板,您看这样音量可以吗,” 点单:将酒水单跟笔拿到手上,面对主客或坐在沙发中间的客人,保持微笑,左脚小跨前一步以半蹲式服务规范,,双手递上酒水牌(左手在上,右手在下合住酒水牌,文字顺方对着客人),面带微笑地说:“老板/美女,这是我们公司的酒水牌,请过目。”点单时应使用:请问“老板/美女喝点什么酒水,我们这有洋酒,红酒、啤酒。”当客人示要喝洋酒时,应schedules, strict safety and quality management, full account of personnel, materials, machinery and equipment used are reasonable. Construction project scheduling to ensure focus, make overall arrangements, according to the construction process and technical specifications, adhering to proper construction procedures, and construction, construction network plan technique, making full use of advanced equipment, increased mechanization, and reasonable stocks, scientific layout of the site, meet the requirements, the duration of construction quality, standardized construction, used to complete project tasks. 2. Engineering profile 2.1. Engineering introduction this bridge is located in North ring railway mileage K19+944 at, two unit line, respectively for North ring railway uplink line, and North ring railway down line, line spacing 4.06m, North ring railway for electrified railway, P60kg/m rail, concrete pillow, line section, line longitudinal slope for flat slope; bridge bit at subgrade high about 0~0.3M, subgrade sides laying railway communications, and electric works cable. Frame bridge located in 359#, between 361# and 360#, 362# electrified catenary poles, to the most recent 362#, 361# electrified catenary pole distance of 3.1 and 5.4m respectively. 164# autism and 166# address range the bridge connecting rod. Using two one-piece frame, clear span 2-12m, angle with the center line of the railway frame Bridge Center line to 82.4 º, roof top frame from the underside of the lowest rail 0.8M. Total height 8.0M frame bridge structure, structure height 6.3M, 0.8M roof, floor 0.9m, wall 0.8M, haunched roof mining 2.3. the engineering characteristics 使用:“老板/美女,您喝芝华士、杰克丹尼、还是伏特加、“请问喝净饮,还是混合饮,若是高档年份长的红酒还问他是否需要“醒酒器”,。如喝啤酒先介绍“您喝青岛还是燕京,”“需要全冰的,还是一半冰,”酒水点好询问客人是否需要来点什么小吃。当确认客人要的出品时,第一时间填写好酒水单,重复客人点单,客人确认没问题了,给客人签字。完成后把酒水单拿到收银台盖章,然后拿好第二联到吧台拿酒水跟小吃。(拿酒水的时候动作要快,第一时间把出品送进包房)每次点单完毕出品后必须第一时间上消费卡。 ?当客人挑选公关的时候要马上将包房灯光开到最亮,站在包厢门口外 5准备杯具:准备相应的杯具,将杯子放在茶几方便操作的位置。 6、上出品时服务员将出品放到茶几上(注意:如有洋酒、红酒,先要让客人验酒,得到确认后才可当面开启)展示酒瓶时,酒瓶标签面朝客人,一只手托住瓶底,另一只手扶住瓶颈应使用:“老板/美女,这是您点的,,,,您看对吗,我能为您打开吗,”倒酒时,洋酒净饮洛杯1/4满、红酒净饮倒红酒杯1/4满;洋酒混饮、啤酒均1/2分满、红酒混饮1/3满。如有客人要求醒酒时(将瓶口打开或倒至空扎壶内,让酒自然氧化10—15分即可) 每次双手递上出品时要说“请慢用”,并做手势:右手五指并拢对着出品由内而外打开;斟酒时必须先问客人是否加冰加其他饮品,出品上台摆放遵循美观/大方/适用的原则。服务员应该将所有包厢内的美女们当做客人的家属般给予殷勤的服务,为其问好开门。保证卫生间的卫生干净清爽无大垃圾。台面干净清爽、物品摆放整齐、空酒瓶不能超过3schedules, strict safety and quality management, full account of personnel, materials, machinery and equipment used are reasonable. Construction project scheduling to ensure focus, make overall arrangements, according to the construction process and technical specifications, adhering to proper construction procedures, and construction, construction network plan technique, making full use of advanced equipment, increased mechanization, and reasonable stocks, scientific layout of the site, meet the requirements, the duration of construction quality, standardized construction, used to complete project tasks. 2. Engineering profile 2.1. Engineering introduction this bridge is located in North ring railway mileage K19+944 at, two unit line, respectively for North ring railway uplink line, and North ring railway down line, line spacing 4.06m, North ring railway for electrified railway, P60kg/m rail, concrete pillow, line section, line longitudinal slope for flat slope; bridge bit at subgrade high about 0~0.3M, subgrade sides laying railway communications, and electric works cable. Frame bridge located in 359#, between 361# and 360#, 362# electrified catenary poles, to the most recent 362#, 361# electrified catenary pole distance of 3.1 and 5.4m respectively. 164# autism and 166# address range the bridge connecting rod. Using two one-piece frame, clear span 2-12m, angle with the center line of the railway frame Bridge Center line to 82.4 º, roof top frame from the underside of the lowest rail 0.8M. Total height 8.0M frame bridge structure, structure height 6.3M, 0.8M roof, floor 0.9m, wall 0.8M, haunched roof mining 2.3. the engineering characteristics 个、烟缸烟头不能超过3个、地面无纸巾其他大垃圾,水渍,当客人使用卫生间,要主动为客人开门。 7、中途服务: ?主动询问客人是否点歌,并帮助客人点歌。应使用:“老板/美女请问您想唱什么歌,我帮您点,”若客人不想点歌,就点一些排行歌曲或播放公司统一视频音乐。 ?中途若有上司进房(无论任何部门)应及时将上司介绍给客人,并主动协同上司做好工作,准备杯具,倒酒水。当上司离房时应主动为上司开门。 ?中途及时清理台面,补充营业用具,确保台面无水渍,地面无纸巾及其它脏物,大烟缸内不超过3个烟头及同量的其它物。在服务时,如有其他客人走近,应用点头和眼神注视客人面带微笑表示欢迎,“请稍侯,对不起”,同时尽快结束手头工作听候吩咐,不得无所表示和冷落客人。酒水上齐后,主动将房内灯光调整,并询问客人是否合适“您觉得这灯光可以吗”。 特别提醒: ?服务过程中茶几上应摆放备用杯(小房3个、大房6个); ?客人在换位交谈时服务员应将客人所用杯具及时跟踪到位; ?更换烟缸规范:用纸巾盖住烟缸绕过客人的食物和酒水拿到台面下清洁,清洁完毕后再绕过客人的食品和酒水放回原位。 ?配合公关搞好房内气氛,做好第二次促销,提高客人的消费能力。中途客人进出入包房,在自己手中没有工作的前提下,应主动为客人开门,并提醒客人包房号。当客人有醉意,行动迟缓时,应主动扶住客人schedules, strict safety and quality management, full account of personnel, materials, machinery and equipment used are reasonable. Construction project scheduling to ensure focus, make overall arrangements, according to the construction process and technical specifications, adhering to proper construction procedures, and construction, construction network plan technique, making full use of advanced equipment, increased mechanization, and reasonable stocks, scientific layout of the site, meet the requirements, the duration of construction quality, standardized construction, used to complete project tasks. 2. Engineering profile 2.1. Engineering introduction this bridge is located in North ring railway mileage K19+944 at, two unit line, respectively for North ring railway uplink line, and North ring railway down line, line spacing 4.06m, North ring railway for electrified railway, P60kg/m rail, concrete pillow, line section, line longitudinal slope for flat slope; bridge bit at subgrade high about 0~0.3M, subgrade sides laying railway communications, and electric works cable. Frame bridge located in 359#, between 361# and 360#, 362# electrified catenary poles, to the most recent 362#, 361# electrified catenary pole distance of 3.1 and 5.4m respectively. 164# autism and 166# address range the bridge connecting rod. Using two one-piece frame, clear span 2-12m, angle with the center line of the railway frame Bridge Center line to 82.4 º, roof top frame from the underside of the lowest rail 0.8M. Total height 8.0M frame bridge structure, structure height 6.3M, 0.8M roof, floor 0.9m, wall 0.8M, haunched roof mining 2.3. the engineering characteristics 行走,以示对客人的关心和尊重。 提醒: 当公司管理人员喝多时,主动帮管理人员解围叫外场服务员假装前厅、收银、其他包房等等有事找他,请他出去一会。 ?随时注意包房的消费情况在接近包房抵消时,及时提醒客人,应使用:“老板,您的包房消费已快到了,请问是否还要增加其他酒水/小食,”,及时根据房内状况进行促销,以提高消费额(每次点单必须征得客人同意并签字) 8、买单:当客人提出买单时,应热情挽留客人并询问说:“老板是现金还是信用卡付账,得知买单方式后:“好的,这边请~”(如未达低消时知会客人的消费还没有到,是否继续消费,如有剩余酒水询问客人是否存酒,最好是存酒)。 9、宾客意见反馈:买单过程中,应使用:“老板,您对我们的出品,服务及装修设备还满意吗,请留下您的宝贵意见和建议。”当客人提出意见和建议时,应表示虚心接受同时使用:“很抱歉,感谢您的宝贵意见,我马上向领导汇报,希望下次能够使你们更满意,谢谢。” 10、送客: 客人起身离房时,打开房间照明(灯光可以适当调亮),将音乐关闭;应及时主动为客人开门,并提醒客人勿忘随身物品:“各位老板,请带好您的随身物品,(手机、钱包、香烟、衣物等);同时巡视房内麦、酒水牌及房内各项设施是否完好,(若有破损应礼貌提醒客人,若客人不予理会要及时管理干部或保安,同时要看好和稳住客人,等待上司处理)并将客人送到楼梯口应使用:“老板,美女,请慢走,欢迎下次光临。” schedules, strict safety and quality management, full account of personnel, materials, machinery and equipment used are reasonable. Construction project scheduling to ensure focus, make overall arrangements, according to the construction process and technical specifications, adhering to proper construction procedures, and construction, construction network plan technique, making full use of advanced equipment, increased mechanization, and reasonable stocks, scientific layout of the site, meet the requirements, the duration of construction quality, standardized construction, used to complete project tasks. 2. Engineering profile 2.1. Engineering introduction this bridge is located in North ring railway mileage K19+944 at, two unit line, respectively for North ring railway uplink line, and North ring railway down line, line spacing 4.06m, North ring railway for electrified railway, P60kg/m rail, concrete pillow, line section, line longitudinal slope for flat slope; bridge bit at subgrade high about 0~0.3M, subgrade sides laying railway communications, and electric works cable. Frame bridge located in 359#, between 361# and 360#, 362# electrified catenary poles, to the most recent 362#, 361# electrified catenary pole distance of 3.1 and 5.4m respectively. 164# autism and 166# address range the bridge connecting rod. Using two one-piece frame, clear span 2-12m, angle with the center line of the railway frame Bridge Center line to 82.4 º, roof top frame from the underside of the lowest rail 0.8M. Total height 8.0M frame bridge structure, structure height 6.3M, 0.8M roof, floor 0.9m, wall 0.8M, haunched roof mining 2.3. the engineering characteristics 11、清包:客人离场后将物品归回原位,进行清包工作,随时准备 接待下批客人。 12、下班前:房内清理好后找到管理干部检查卫生,关好电源电器 方可下班,。 schedules, strict safety and quality management, full account of personnel, materials, machinery and equipment used are reasonable. Construction project scheduling to ensure focus, make overall arrangements, according to the construction process and technical specifications, adhering to proper construction procedures, and construction, construction network plan technique, making full use of advanced equipment, increased mechanization, and reasonable stocks, scientific layout of the site, meet the requirements, the duration of construction quality, standardized construction, used to complete project tasks. 2. Engineering profile 2.1. Engineering introduction this bridge is located in North ring railway mileage K19+944 at, two unit line, respectively for North ring railway uplink line, and North ring railway down line, line spacing 4.06m, North ring railway for electrified railway, P60kg/m rail, concrete pillow, line section, line longitudinal slope for flat slope; bridge bit at subgrade high about 0~0.3M, subgrade sides laying railway communications, and electric works cable. Frame bridge located in 359#, between 361# and 360#, 362# electrified catenary poles, to the most recent 362#, 361# electrified catenary pole distance of 3.1 and 5.4m respectively. 164# autism and 166# address range the bridge connecting rod. Using two one-piece frame, clear span 2-12m, angle with the center line of the railway frame Bridge Center line to 82.4 º, roof top frame from the underside of the lowest rail 0.8M. Total height 8.0M frame bridge structure, structure height 6.3M, 0.8M roof, floor 0.9m, wall 0.8M, haunched roof mining 2.3. the engineering characteristics
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