

2017-09-28 13页 doc 37KB 5阅读




造梦西游3修改器用法造梦西游3修改器用法 :在软件中找到 点击进入 找到桌面版本的造梦3 4:修改(具体修改方式以下会一一列明) 一:修改等级 1:使进入修改器CE修改 2:将“数值类型”修改为“文本” 3:在上面空白处输入wpxt 点击首次扫描 4:全选右边所有搜索出来的值(点第一个 然后左键点住往下拉) 5:点击 (所有的都到了下面编辑框) 6:点击下面编辑框任意一个CTRL+A全选 7:再全选蓝色部分右键?更改记录?值 修改为jyys 8:点击桌面游戏 进入神秘商店购买 (注:如不是则退出继续进入 直到第一个变成经验药水为...
造梦西游3修改器用法 :在软件中找到 点击进入 找到桌面版本的造梦3 4:修改(具体修改方式以下会一一列明) 一:修改等级 1:使进入修改器CE修改 2:将“数值类型”修改为“文本” 3:在上面空白处输入wpxt 点击首次扫描 4:全选右边所有搜索出来的值(点第一个 然后左键点住往下拉) 5:点击 (所有的都到了下面编辑框) 6:点击下面编辑框任意一个CTRL+A全选 7:再全选蓝色部分右键?更改?值 修改为jyys 8:点击桌面游戏 进入神秘商店购买 (注:如不是则退出继续进入 直到第一个变成经验药水为止) 9:用道具无限的方式将该道具无限复制(嘿嘿..然后你懂的„.) 1:使进入修改器CE修改 2:将“数值类型”修改为“文本” 3:在上面空白处输入zbfb点击首次扫描 4:全选右边所有搜索出来的值 下拉编辑框 全选修改为zbwp 5:打开炼丹炉,合成页面,放上该道具(强化石除外)。然后撤回去。你会发现它到装备 栏了 6:重进装备栏,放上该道具,然后撤回去,道具栏里就多出一个该道具 ............. 然后开始邪恶吧~~~~~~~ 7:修改完成请改回zbfb并在装备框删除该道具 否则后果自负。。 二:修改时装 1:使进入修改器CE修改 2:将“数值类型”修改为“文本” 3:在上面空白处输入wplvdyl 4:全选右边所有搜索出来的值 下拉编辑框 全选修改为jlzlwsz精良转轮王时装或者jlnmwsz精良牛魔王时装。 5:进入游戏 到神兽森林打到小龙女处 珍珠商店购买到第四个时装。保存退出。 6:重进造梦进入炼丹炉 点击装备合成就行(虽然只有一个时装,但是可以无限合成) 三:修改玲珑玉制作 1.准备好1品生命丹(3个放入合成栏) 2:使进入修改器CE修改 3:将“数值类型”修改为“文本” 4:在上面空白处输入wpsmd1 5:全选右边所有搜索出来的值 下拉编辑框 全选修改为llyzzs 6:合成(成功)(注:制作书的名字是一品生命丹) 7:保存游戏 退出游戏(关掉游戏) 重新进入 8:成功之后 用修改道具的方法修改 玉衡石 天枢石 rocess. 2. land and China has a vast territory, but its arable land is limited. According to statistics, only 106.67 million hectares of cultivated land could be used (1.6 billion acres), only 867 square metres of cultivated land per capita (1.3 acres). With the growing population, modern economic development, as well as the gradual transition of urbanization in rural areas, farmland will be reduced. Development of poultry industry will occupy a certain area of land, there is a modern product with comprehensive rollup of 50,000 chickens laying hens, covers an area of 14.87 hectares (233 acres) more (including Office of hatching, brood rearing, and laying House, eggs, feed processing workshop, Office, etc). The poultry industry should work in land conservation, not accounted for or less cultivated land, wasteland, the principle of slope land. When the chicken farm should generally not available to local arable land area to determine an appropriate level of breeding size and not, as in the past, first determine the size, then go to the expropriation. 3. energy-saving, water-saving awareness2 ... Chicken coop to keep dry, especially flat-raised floors and bedding to keep dry: shed the wet for a long time, weakened resistance in chickens, feather contamination, growth retardation, oocysts are easy to develop, as chickens live in moist environments in all the year round, the resistance will gradually reduce. appetite. production: reduction in egg. Test upon e ming, meat with Tsai chicken in relative humidity for 90% Shi, on feed into rate, and out feather, and increased heavy, are has bad effect j General chicks homes 9:最好加上需要的灵珠或者攻击石等合成(建议多刷几种不同属性的玲珑玉) 四:修改强化石4 修改强化石4之前背包里必须有强化石4 否则无法修改 1.准备好1品生命丹材料(3个放入合成栏) 2:使进入修改器CE修改 3:将“数值类型”修改为“文本” 4:在上面空白处输入wpsmd1 5:全选右边所有搜索出来的值 下拉编辑框 全选修改为wpqhs4 6:合成(成功)(注:制作书的名字是一品生命丹) 7:保存游戏 退出游戏(关掉游戏) 重新进入 8:成功 注:此物品无法无限 只能耍无限的1品生命丹材料然后合成 五:100%强化7 1:将物品强化至5. 2:强化6的时候,将3个强化石,神恩符,幸运符,强化物品放入强化栏中 3:将“数值类型”修改为“双浮点数” 搜索 0.075,全部拉下改成1,强化6成功~ 4:强化7的时候,将3个强化石,神恩符,幸运符,强化物品放入强化栏中 5:将“数值类型”修改为“双浮点数” 搜索0.0217500 全部拉下改成1,强化7成功 沙僧的瘴气是1.2000 悟空的烈焰是1.2000 八戒巨石破是1.5000 八:修改宠物丹 1:使进入修改器CE修改 2:将“数值类型”修改为“文本” 3:在上面空白处输入wplvdyl 4:全选右边所有搜索出来的值 下拉编辑框 全选修改为cwzzxld(宠物属性洗练丹) cwjnxld(宠物技能洗练丹) 5:进入游戏 到神兽森林打到小龙女处 珍珠商店购买到第四个时装。保存退出。 6:重进造梦就行了 九:修改宠物等级及永久爆率 这个方法的实质就是改经验丹的倍数上亿甚至十几亿。实测宠物一下最多从1级到390多级。改的时候倍数随机。所以就改成0.1.这样时间比较长。 先进一个地图,然后打开ce6.1,双浮点数搜索未知的初始值。然后搜索减少的数值,反复搜索几次,直到最后只有3到4个值左右。找到其中两个值,把它改为0.1。 改值的时候,可以一个个试,这个不行试另外一个,如果还不行rocess. 2. land and China has a vast territory, but its arable land is limited. According to statistics, only 106.67 million hectares of cultivated land could be used (1.6 billion acres), only 867 square metres of cultivated land per capita (1.3 acres). With the growing population, modern economic development, as well as the gradual transition of urbanization in rural areas, farmland will be reduced. Development of poultry industry will occupy a certain area of land, there is a modern product with comprehensive rollup of 50,000 chickens laying hens, covers an area of 14.87 hectares (233 acres) more (including Office of hatching, brood rearing, and laying House, eggs, feed processing workshop, Office, etc). The poultry industry should work in land conservation, not accounted for or less cultivated land, wasteland, the principle of slope land. When the chicken farm should generally not available to local arable land area to determine an appropriate level of breeding size and not, as in the past, first determine the size, then go to the expropriation. 3. energy-saving, water-saving awareness2 ... Chicken coop to keep dry, especially flat-raised floors and bedding to keep dry: shed the wet for a long time, weakened resistance in chickens, feather contamination, growth retardation, oocysts are easy to develop, as chickens live in moist environments in all the year round, the resistance will gradually reduce. appetite. production: reduction in egg. Test upon e ming, meat with Tsai chicken in relative humidity for 90% Shi, on feed into rate, and out feather, and increased heavy, are has bad effect j General chicks homes 就重来。 直到变成 就可以了。 最后在去打怪,你会发现宠物一下就从1级升到200多级 注意~~首先要服经验丹,和有那个福的时间。还有就是搜索用ce6.1版。 ce5.6.1版的难得搜。此方法不要外传,以免封掉~~~ 十:替换宠物技能(高级任意版) 今天的教程是宠物技能替换 首先得找到宠物的地址 (工具 CE 汉字 下面是几组代码 虎丸 :tigress1 tigress2 tigress3 下同) 龟布:turtle1 turtle2 turtle3 小飞:ufo1 ufo2 ufo3 猴子:monkey1 monkey2 monkey3 马儿:horse1 horse2 horse3 找到你的宠物代码 用汉字转转换 用CE 字节数组 搜索 浏览内存区域 往下拉一点 会看到技能代码 然后选择你要替换的技能 替换成你要的技能就行了 注:技能代码为缩写形式 如:法术能量 fsnl 还有新宠的技能大家不认识 水湮(yan)八荒(sybh) 高级篇: 如何用四个字的技能替换2.3个字的技能,,, 同上 找到技能代码 只能修改最后一个技能 所以需要 替换一下位置 注意 后面有一个大括号 所以 举个例子 原来是 fsnl 要改为 hy(虎牙) 就要改成hy} 后面应该还有一个 字母l 和一个} 直接改成空格 保存 刷新 就行了 改成三个字的话 比如 mps 就要改成 mps} 后面的另一个大括号去掉即可 十二:修改攻击 十三:修改四级生命丹 1.准备好1品生命丹材料(硫磺+仙茅+鲮鲤) 2:使进入修改器CE修改 3:将“数值类型”修改为“文本” 4:在上面空白处输入wpsmd1 5:全选右边所有搜索出来的值 下拉编辑框 全选修改为wpsmd4 6:合成(成功) 7:保存游戏 重新进入 rocess. 2. land and China has a vast territory, but its arable land is limited. According to statistics, only 106.67 million hectares of cultivated land could be used (1.6 billion acres), only 867 square metres of cultivated land per capita (1.3 acres). With the growing population, modern economic development, as well as the gradual transition of urbanization in rural areas, farmland will be reduced. Development of poultry industry will occupy a certain area of land, there is a modern product with comprehensive rollup of 50,000 chickens laying hens, covers an area of 14.87 hectares (233 acres) more (including Office of hatching, brood rearing, and laying House, eggs, feed processing workshop, Office, etc). The poultry industry should work in land conservation, not accounted for or less cultivated land, wasteland, the principle of slope land. When the chicken farm should generally not available to local arable land area to determine an appropriate level of breeding size and not, as in the past, first determine the size, then go to the expropriation. 3. energy-saving, water-saving awareness2 ... Chicken coop to keep dry, especially flat-raised floors and bedding to keep dry: shed the wet for a long time, weakened resistance in chickens, feather contamination, growth retardation, oocysts are easy to develop, as chickens live in moist environments in all the year round, the resistance will gradually reduce. appetite. production: reduction in egg. Test upon e ming, meat with Tsai chicken in relative humidity for 90% Shi, on feed into rate, and out feather, and increased heavy, are has bad effect j General chicks homes 8:成功 十三:修改五级生命丹 1.准备好1品生命丹材料(3个放入合成栏) 2:使进入修改器CE修改 3:将“数值类型”修改为“文本” 4:在上面空白处输入wpsmd1 5:全选右边所有搜索出来的值 下拉编辑框 全选修改为wpsmd5 6:合成(成功) 7:保存游戏 重新进入 8:成功 十四:修改地下3层传送石 第一种是去珍珠商店购买龙王令方法。开ce,搜索文本wplwl全拉下来改成css_3 第二种方法是用合成法,首先你得有最少3个灵珠碎片。以水灵珠为例。搜索文本wpslz全拉下来改成css_3,然后合成。 第三种还是合成法,首先得有合成混元珍珠伞的材料。搜索文本hyzzs全拉下来改成css_3,然后合成。 修改方式一:1:使进入修改器CE修改 2:将“数值类型”修改为“文本” 3:在上面空白处输入wplvdyl 4:全选右边所有搜索出来的值 下拉编辑框 全选修改为tmcjns2。 5:进入游戏 到神兽森林打到小龙女处 珍珠商店购买到第四个时装。保存退出 九环圣经2级技能书:jhsjjns2用神秘商人装合成 先去东天王殿的持国天王打一个提多罗吒戒,打到了先不要捡,打开ce搜索文本:tdlzjzzs,把搜索到的全部的值改成jlsmsrsz(就是精良神秘商人时装的意思),改完了再去捡东西,然后保存,再刷新,重新打开游戏,打开炼丹炉----合成---把神秘商人时装(图标是时装,但是名字是提多罗吒戒制作书)放进去再拿出来,名字就会变成神秘商人时装的了,然后修改合成吧~ 修改方式一:1:使进入修改器CE修改 2:将“数值类型”修改为“文本” 3:在上面空白处输入sssmsrsz 4:全选右边所有搜索出来的值 下拉编辑框 全选修改为jhsjjns2 5:进入游戏 到神兽森林打到小龙女处 珍珠商店购买到第四个时装。保存退出 猛毒素2级技能书:mdsjns2 修改方式一:1:使进入修改器CE修改 2:将“数值类型”修改为“文本” 3:在上面空白处输入wplvdyl 4:全选右边所有搜索出来的值 下拉编辑框 全选修改为mdsjns2。 5:进入游戏 到神兽森林打到小龙女处 珍珠商店购买到第四个时装。保存退出 rocess. 2. land and China has a vast territory, but its arable land is limited. According to statistics, only 106.67 million hectares of cultivated land could be used (1.6 billion acres), only 867 square metres of cultivated land per capita (1.3 acres). With the growing population, modern economic development, as well as the gradual transition of urbanization in rural areas, farmland will be reduced. Development of poultry industry will occupy a certain area of land, there is a modern product with comprehensive rollup of 50,000 chickens laying hens, covers an area of 14.87 hectares (233 acres) more (including Office of hatching, brood rearing, and laying House, eggs, feed processing workshop, Office, etc). The poultry industry should work in land conservation, not accounted for or less cultivated land, wasteland, the principle of slope land. When the chicken farm should generally not available to local arable land area to determine an appropriate level of breeding size and not, as in the past, first determine the size, then go to the expropriation. 3. energy-saving, water-saving awareness2 ... Chicken coop to keep dry, especially flat-raised floors and bedding to keep dry: shed the wet for a long time, weakened resistance in chickens, feather contamination, growth retardation, oocysts are easy to develop, as chickens live in moist environments in all the year round, the resistance will gradually reduce. appetite. production: reduction in egg. Test upon e ming, meat with Tsai chicken in relative humidity for 90% Shi, on feed into rate, and out feather, and increased heavy, are has bad effect j General chicks homes 十五:修改玲珑玉 1.准备1生命丹材料(3个放入合成栏) 2:使进入修改器CE修改 3:将“数值类型”修改为“文本” 4:在上面空白处输入wpsmd1 5:全选右边所有搜索出来的值 下拉编辑框 全选修改为llyzzs 6:合成(成功) 7:保存游戏 重新进入 8:成功 9:准备枯叶灵材料(3个放入合成栏) 10:使进入修改器CE修改 11:将“数值类型”修改为“文本” 12:在上面空白处输入kyl 13:全选右边所有搜索出来的值 下拉编辑框 全选修改为tss或 yhs(tss=天枢石yhs=玉衡石) 14:合成(成功) 15:保存游戏 重新进入 16:成功 rocess. 2. land and China has a vast territory, but its arable land is limited. According to statistics, only 106.67 million hectares of cultivated land could be used (1.6 billion acres), only 867 square metres of cultivated land per capita (1.3 acres). With the growing population, modern economic development, as well as the gradual transition of urbanization in rural areas, farmland will be reduced. Development of poultry industry will occupy a certain area of land, there is a modern product with comprehensive rollup of 50,000 chickens laying hens, covers an area of 14.87 hectares (233 acres) more (including Office of hatching, brood rearing, and laying House, eggs, feed processing workshop, Office, etc). The poultry industry should work in land conservation, not accounted for or less cultivated land, wasteland, the principle of slope land. When the chicken farm should generally not available to local arable land area to determine an appropriate level of breeding size and not, as in the past, first determine the size, then go to the expropriation. 3. energy-saving, water-saving awareness2 ... Chicken coop to keep dry, especially flat-raised floors and bedding to keep dry: shed the wet for a long time, weakened resistance in chickens, feather contamination, growth retardation, oocysts are easy to develop, as chickens live in moist environments in all the year round, the resistance will gradually reduce. appetite. production: reduction in egg. Test upon e ming, meat with Tsai chicken in relative humidity for 90% Shi, on feed into rate, and out feather, and increased heavy, are has bad effect j General chicks homes
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