

2017-09-02 12页 doc 62KB 53阅读




多功能充电器摄像机、直插电源针孔摄像机中英文使用说明书讲述多功能充电器摄像机、直插电源针孔摄像机中英文使用说明书讲述 多功能摄录充电器说明书 首先对您使用本公司的产品表示感谢,在使用之前请先阅读此说明书,正确使用此产品。 为了更好的服务,本用户手册的内容可能变更。因为产品的性能和功能而发生的变更,将不做另行通知。 一、 外型、按键 (图片仅供参考,请以实物为准) 1,摄像头、 2,指示灯孔、 3,开\关机键、 4,电源工作指示灯、 5,USB、6,电源指示灯、 二、产品简介 本产品具有高清数码摄像MINI DV,TF卡存储器,可拍摄照片和高画质视屏,本产品操作简 便,...
多功能充电器摄像机、直插电源针孔摄像机中英文使用说明书讲述 多功能摄录充电器说明书 首先对您使用本公司的产品表示感谢,在使用之前请先阅读此说明书,正确使用此产品。 为了更好的服务,本用户的内容可能变更。因为产品的性能和功能而发生的变更,将不做另行通知。 一、 外型、按键 (图片仅供参考,请以实物为准) 1,摄像头、 2,指示灯孔、 3,开\关机键、 4,电源工作指示灯、 5,USB、6,电源指示灯、 二、产品简介 本产品具有高清数码摄像MINI DV,TF卡存储器,可拍摄照片和高画质视屏,本产品操作简 便,小巧精致,美观实用,便于携带,是家庭安防、生活等领域必备的实用工具,深受各用 户的青睐。 三、操作说明 1、 各部件说明, 1.1、 指示灯说明,状态指示灯,图示2,。 开机,红灯亮。 关机,红灯闪两次熄灭 USB状态,读、写U盘时,红灯快闪。、 移动侦测录像 ,按下,图3,按键 , 红灯闪烁2次,灯不亮了,就是移动侦 测录像 。录像暂停,红灯长亮。 1.2、按钮说明,开、关机键,图示3,,用于开机、关机、摄像。 1.3、插座说明, USB插座,图示5,,用于连接电脑,进行数据传输和DC 5V输出。 1.4、摄像头,,图示1,,用来拾取摄像信号。 2、开关机、摄像, 把机器插入110V-220V交流电源,机器即开机,指示灯亮,,初始化完后自动进入待机状态。在待机过程中短按移动侦测按键,开始移动侦测摄像, 在按下停止录像。 注,?机器为循环摄像,请注意保存磁盘里的文件,以免丢失。 ?在从电源上取下本机前,请先短按开机键保存文件,以免丢失正在摄像的文件 3、移动磁盘, 使用本机专配的USB延长线直接连接到你的电脑USB接口上,此时电脑会弹出可移动盘标识, 您也可以在“我的电脑”找到“可移动磁盘”的盘符。当本机连接到电脑后,本机作为电脑的 移动磁盘已经开始工作了,你可以非常方便的通过电脑查看、传输、拷贝、删除文件。本机影 像文件保存录为,*盘\_DCIM\100DSCIM。 需要卸载本机时,请点击右下角任务栏的可移动设 备图标,在里面卸载该可移动存储设备,待系统确认可以安全拔出硬件后,再断开本机与电脑 的连接 注意,根据电脑配置或者系统差异,识别可移动磁盘的时间会稍有不同,请耐心等待,此期间 最好不要进行摄像机的操作,以免对电脑识别硬件造成影响,如果长时间未识别到可移动磁盘, 请尝试重新插入,如果仍旧无法识别该硬件,请确认你的操作系统,驱动程序、USB接口、连 接线是事都正常, 4、电脑网络摄像头功能, 首先您必须在您的电脑上安装随机附带光盘里的摄像头驱动。把随机附带的光盘放入你电脑 光驱,运行光盘里的STK03N.exe进行摄像头驱动安装,装好摄像头驱动后就可以使用电脑摄 像头了。按住开机键,连接电脑,本机进入PC Camera,网络摄像头,模式,在该模式下,你 可以方便的与好友视频聊天、拍摄大头贴了,等等。打开网络摄像头画面,双击我的电脑? 。 5、时间修改, 摄像机提供了在视频文件中显示录像时间的功能,你可根据实际需要设置时间,时间格式为年. 月.日 时,分,秒。设置方法如下,连接电脑,找到移动磁盘后,在磁盘空白处点击右键把鼠 标移至弹出菜单上的“新建”?“文本文档”给该文档取名为“time”,字母必须是小写,,它 的扩展名为“.txt”。你也可以在电脑桌面上按照上面所述的方法建一个这样的文件夹然后拷 贝到磁盘文件夹里。打开time文件夹,设置时间格式如,2000.01.01 00,00,00,年、月、 日与时、分、秒之间用空格分开。 然后保存。保存完文件后安全退出硬件,开机,时间设置 完成。时间设置好后,录像文件的时间就与你设置的时间一至了。注,时间设置好后一定要开 机后才生效。 6、异常处理, 不开机,机器与电源接触是否好。 不联电脑,请确认你的操作系统,驱动程序、USB接口、连接线是事都正常。 四、相关参数 内置TF 4GB 4GB--32GB 视频格式 AVI 视频编码 M-JPEG 视频分辨率 640*480 、720*480、1280*960VGA 视频帧率 30fps 播放软件 操作系统自带或主流影音播放软件 影像比例 4:3 16:9 支持系统 Windows me/2000 xp 2003/vista:M 接口类型 5pin USB 电池类型 高容量聚合物锂电 规格参数可能升级、更新会有所改变,请以实物为准 五、注意事项 , 设使用场景,请严格遵守国家相关法令,不得将此产品用于任何非法用途,否则后果自负。 , 关于电池,随着使用时间的增长、电池工作时间有所缩短,长久未使用,请在使用前先充满电。 , 播放器实际容量略小于标称容量时,属正常现象, , 文件安全,本产品非专业存储设备,不保证内部存储文件的完整性和安全性,请即时在电脑或 者其他存储设备上备份你的重要文件。 , 摄录品质,本产品非专业摄录设备,不保证所摄录文件的效果能达到你的期望。 , 工作温度,0-40? , 工作湿度,20%-80%,请勿将产品置于潮湿的工作环境,产品不具备防水功能。 , 拍摄照度,请在光线充足的环境下使用,请勿请摄像头直接对着太阳等强光源,以免光学器件 受损伤。 , 保洁要求,请勿在粉尘密度过大的环境下使用,以免镜头以及其他部件沾染粉尘,影响摄像效 果,镜头可以用擦镜纸或眼镜布轻轻擦拭,保持洁净。 , 其他事项,该产品属于精密电子产品,请勿使其受到强烈冲击,震动,请勿在强磁场,强电场 下使用。 , 废弃处理,请注意环保,勿随意丢弃本产品。禁止把本产品投掷于火中,以免发生爆炸. , 补充说明,其他未明事宜请与当地经销商联系。 Multifunctional video charger specification First, you use the products of this company said thank you! Before use, please read this instruction, correct use of this product. In order to better service, the user's manual content may change. Because the product's performance and function and happen to change without prior notice. Appearance, key (photos are for reference only, please in kind prevail) 1: camera, 2: lamp hole, 3: open \ off key, 4: power supply work lamp, 5: USB, 6: power light, Second, the product introduction This product has high definition digital camera MINI DV, TF card memory, can shoot photos and full hd videos, this product is simple operation, a small fine, beautiful and practical, easy to carry, is the family security, life etc the necessary practical tools, well received by the customers. Three, operating instructions Each component description: Light description: state light (graphic 2). Boot: the red light. Shutdown: red light flash twice extinguished USB state: read, write U disk, red light flash. , The motion detecting video mode: start video: red light flashes 2 times, the light out. Video pause: red light long bright. 1.2, button description: open and shut down key (graphic 3) : used for startup, shutdown and camera. 1.3, socket description: USB socket (chart 5), used for connecting a computer, data transmission and DC 5 v output. 1.4, camera: (graphic 1), used to pickup camera signal. 2, switch machine, camera: The machine to insert the 110 v - 220 v ac power, machine namely boot (light), initialization after automatic into the camera (red light flash two lights). In video short process according to boot key, save documents suspended camera, machine in standby state (light long light), long according to boot key is turned off. Note: - machine for cycle camera, please pay attention to the preservation of the disk file, in order to avoid the loss.3, mobile disk: Use this machine designed with USB extension cord directly connected to your computer's USB interface, the computer will pop up moving plate identification, you can also in the "my computer" find "mobile disk" plate character. When the machine connected to the computer, the computer as the mobile disk has already started to work, you can be very convenient through the computer to check, transmission, copy, deleting files. This machine image file save record for: * disc \ _DCIM \ 100 dscim. Need to uninstall this unit, please click on the lower right corner of the task bar icon can be mobile devices, in unloading the removable storage devices, to confirm the safety system can draw hardware, then off the machine and computer connection Note: according to computer configuration or system difference, identify moving disk time will be slightly different, please be patient, and this period had better not to camera operation, in order to avoid computer hardware to identify impact, if long time not to recognize moving disk, please try to insert, if still cannot identify the hardware, please confirm your operating system, drivers, USB interface, connecting line is is normal; 4, computer network camera function: First of all you must install on your computer CD accompanied with the camera driving. The random incidental disc into your computer cd-rom, run the disc STK03N. Exe for camera driver installation, installed cameras drive after they can use the computer camera. Hold the boot key, connect the computer, the machine into PC Camera (web Camera) model, in this mode, you can convenient and close friends to chat, video shooting photo, and so on. Open the web camera picture: double-click my computer -. 5, time changes: The video camera provides in the video file display video time function, you can according to the actual needs, set up time, time format for years. Month. Day: points: seconds. Setting method as follows, connecting the computer, find the mobile disk, disk space right click the mouse to move the popup menu "new", "text document" to the document named as "time" (letters must be lowercase), its extension is called ". TXT ". You can also in the computer desktop, in accordance with the above method to build such a folder then copy to disk folder. Open time folder, setup time format such as: 2000.01.01 00:00:00, the year, month, day and, points, seconds between separated by Spaces. Then save. Save the file after safety exit hardware, boot, time setting finish. Time set, video file time with you to set a time to. Note: time set good, must not go into effect until after the boot. 6, exception handling: Don't boot: machine and power contact is good. Don't league computer: please make sure your operating system, drivers, USB interface, connecting line is is normal. Four, the relevant parameters Built-in TF 4 gb 4 gb - 32 gb Video format AVI Video coding M - JPEG Video resolution 640 * 480, 720 * 480, 1280 * 960 VGA Video frame rate 30 FPS Play software operating system bring or mainstream video player software Image ratio 4:3 urbanus Support system Windows me / 2000 xp 2003 / vista: M Interface type 5 pin USB Cell type high capacity polymer lithium electricity Specifications could escalate, update, will change, please in kind prevail Five, the matters needing attention Set usage scenario: please strictly abide by the relevant state laws, not this product is used for any illegal purposes, otherwise the consequence is proud. About battery: with the use time of growth, cell working time is shorter, long not to use, please prior to the use of full of electricity. Player practical capacity is slightly less than nominal capacity, is a normal phenomenon. File security: this product non-professional storage devices, is no guarantee that the internal storage file integrity and security, please immediately in the computer or other storage equipment backup your important documents. Video quality: this product non-professional video equipment, do not guarantee all video file effect can come up to your expectation. Working temperature: 0 - ? Work humidity: 20% 80%, do not send products in damp working environment, the product does not have waterproof function. Shooting illumination: please in a well-lit environment use, please do not please camera directly to the sun strong illuminant, in order to avoid the optical device hurt. Cleaning requirements: do not in the dust density big environment use, in order to avoid lens and other components infected with dust, affects the camera effect, lens can be used to wipe mirror paper or glasses cloth wipe gently, keep clean. Other items: this product belongs to precision electronic products, please do not make it by strong shock, vibration: do not in strong magnetic field, high voltage off the use. Waste treatment: please pay attention to environmental protection, don't throw them away this product. The ban this product throwing in fire, for preventing explosion. Footnote: other unknown matters please contact with local dealers. 书中横卧着整个过去的灵魂——卡莱尔 人的影响短暂而微弱,书的影响则广泛而深远——普希金 人离开了书,如同离开空气一样不能生活——科洛廖夫 书不仅是生活,而且是现在、过去和未来文化生活的源泉 ——库法耶夫 书籍把我们引入最美好的社会,使我们认识各个时代的伟大智者———史美尔斯 书籍便是这种改造灵魂的工具。人类所需要的,是富有启发性的养料。而阅读,则正是这种养料———雨果
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