

2018-02-14 9页 doc 32KB 25阅读




乒乓球培训方案乒乓球培训方案 教练员、运动员分管表 女队负责人 陪练 陪练 陪练 贯金旭 队员 教练、队员 总教练: 许宏淼——————————————— 刘金良 梁百慧——————————————— 吕思学 副总教练、队员: 金圣粮 刘佳文 贯金旭——————————————— 马久富 注意:1、副总教练必须服从总教练临时安排内容并安排组织 2、每个队员必须认真对待教练员的各种回球,不许有抵触情绪 3、每个陪练认真对待所管队员,保证任务完成 4、总教练不在时,由副总教练带队指挥、组织练球 在练球时各队员不许在活动...
乒乓球 教练员、运动员分管 女队负责人 陪练 陪练 陪练 贯金旭 队员 教练、队员 总教练: 许宏淼——————————————— 刘金良 梁百慧——————————————— 吕思学 副总教练、队员: 金圣粮 刘佳文 贯金旭——————————————— 马久富 注意:1、副总教练必须服从总教练临时安排并安排组织 2、每个队员必须认真对待教练员的各种回球,不许有抵触情绪 3、每个陪练认真对待所管队员,保证任务完成 4、总教练不在时,由副总教练带队指挥、组织练球 在练球时各队员不许在活动室打闹、影响球队团结,如有发现罚现金五元,并做深蹲、俯卧撑、高抬腿各五十个,所罚资金用于训练资金。 construction. Project optimization, choose in the main technicians from company employees. 2.6 in the course of construction, maintain close contacts with Labor departments, according to the project plan in full and on time, quality of labour provided. 2.7 the operator entry, admission to education and technology to give the low-down the project, make it clear the quality of projects and various operational requirements, and sign a labour agreement, defining their responsibilities and rights. 2.8 project to formulate a detailed service assessment methods and approach evaluation in a timely manner, unsatisfactory services exit in a timely manner, notify the Labor Department added to reward the good services to ensure project quality and progress. 2.9 in the labor Primary materials, components dosage name unit number notes drainage project security plan materials cast iron manhole cover 161 on October 1-November 20 cast iron rainwater grate level of 420 October 1 – November 20 reinforced 10 φ t 12.96 coarse clean sand M3 155 September 11-October 1 – November 20 November 20 m3 453 NET sand gravel 40mm M3 113 on September 11 in the September 11 to December 20-November 2 0 days thousand machine brick block 541 P.C32.5 t 185.4 on September 8, 2010-January 30, 2011 October 1 – November 20 cement reinforced concrete pipes 1200 m 925 on September 11 to November 20 reinforced concrete pipe of φ φ φ 1800 1500 m 325 on September 11 to November 20 reinforced concrete 早 6,30—— 7,20 中 9,35—— 9,50 午 12,00——12,40 晚 17,50——18,50 周六 上午9,00——11,30 下午2,00—— 4,00 周日休息,可自发练习 注意,球队训练时间,其他人员不许进室打扰、 观看 construction. Project optimization, choose in the main technicians from company employees. 2.6 in the course of construction, maintain close contacts with Labor departments, according to the project plan in full and on time, quality of labour provided. 2.7 the operator entry, admission to education and technology to give the low-down the project, make it clear the quality of projects and various operational requirements, and sign a labour agreement, defining their responsibilities and rights. 2.8 project to formulate a detailed service assessment methods and approach evaluation in a timely manner, unsatisfactory services exit in a timely manner, notify the Labor Department added to reward the good services to ensure project quality and progress. 2.9 in the labor Primary materials, components dosage name unit number notes drainage project security plan materials cast iron manhole cover 161 on October 1-November 20 cast iron rainwater grate level of 420 October 1 – November 20 reinforced 10 φ t 12.96 coarse clean sand M3 155 September 11-October 1 – November 20 November 20 m3 453 NET sand gravel 40mm M3 113 on September 11 in the September 11 to December 20-November 2 0 days thousand machine brick block 541 P.C32.5 t 185.4 on September 8, 2010-January 30, 2011 October 1 – November 20 cement reinforced concrete pipes 1200 m 925 on September 11 to November 20 reinforced concrete pipe of φ φ φ 1800 1500 m 325 on September 11 to November 20 reinforced concrete 训练内容 男队:一、基本功 1、正手、反手击球 2、发球与接发球 要求:目的明确(旋转、长短球、线路) 3、发球与接发球后的二、三衔接(搓球、推挡与攻球、拉 球的衔接) 4、推挡、搓球、削球专项练习 要求:目的明确(旋转、长短球、线路),重点在挥臂动 作与全身发力要协调 二、A队三人比赛:1、11球制 三局两胜 五局三胜 2、6球制 五局三胜 三局两胜 循环比赛制 惩罚措施: 1、俯卧撑、仰卧起坐 各二十 2、深蹲二十 3、高抬腿三十 construction. Project optimization, choose in the main technicians from company employees. 2.6 in the course of construction, maintain close contacts with Labor departments, according to the project plan in full and on time, quality of labour provided. 2.7 the operator entry, admission to education and technology to give the low-down the project, make it clear the quality of projects and various operational requirements, and sign a labour agreement, defining their responsibilities and rights. 2.8 project to formulate a detailed service assessment methods and approach evaluation in a timely manner, unsatisfactory services exit in a timely manner, notify the Labor Department added to reward the good services to ensure project quality and progress. 2.9 in the labor Primary materials, components dosage name unit number notes drainage project security plan materials cast iron manhole cover 161 on October 1-November 20 cast iron rainwater grate level of 420 October 1 – November 20 reinforced 10 φ t 12.96 coarse clean sand M3 155 September 11-October 1 – November 20 November 20 m3 453 NET sand gravel 40mm M3 113 on September 11 in the September 11 to December 20-November 2 0 days thousand machine brick block 541 P.C32.5 t 185.4 on September 8, 2010-January 30, 2011 October 1 – November 20 cement reinforced concrete pipes 1200 m 925 on September 11 to November 20 reinforced concrete pipe of φ φ φ 1800 1500 m 325 on September 11 to November 20 reinforced concrete 女队: 1、多球一人发球 自己练 2、多球一人推挡 3、多球一人正、反手击球 4、多球两人推挡,正、反手击球 5、多球2人正、反手直线、斜线击球 有陪练 6、发球也接发球、衔接推挡、击球 注意:1、陪练在教球时,多指点挥臂动作与击球动作 2、在教球时,陪练、队员要认真对待每个球 男、女队共同内容: 热身动作 慢跑、关节操、抻拉操 脚步:单步、并步与滑步、交叉步、跳步 挥臂:正手、反手挥臂动作;推挡动作;削球动作;搓球动作 以上练习内容不得少于十分钟,在练习过程中,每个球都要认真对待。在训练时,如出现影响队内团结、不服从教练、打闹、恶意语言等情况,发现罚款五元,交由刘佳文保管并做记录。 备注:球队所发款项,交由刘佳文保管并做记录。在出现违例情况,立即上报如总教练不在电话。(除恶劣情况无需上报,罚款) 电话: construction. Project optimization, choose in the main technicians from company employees. 2.6 in the course of construction, maintain close contacts with Labor departments, according to the project plan in full and on time, quality of labour provided. 2.7 the operator entry, admission to education and technology to give the low-down the project, make it clear the quality of projects and various operational requirements, and sign a labour agreement, defining their responsibilities and rights. 2.8 project to formulate a detailed service assessment methods and approach evaluation in a timely manner, unsatisfactory services exit in a timely manner, notify the Labor Department added to reward the good services to ensure project quality and progress. 2.9 in the labor Primary materials, components dosage name unit number notes drainage project security plan materials cast iron manhole cover 161 on October 1-November 20 cast iron rainwater grate level of 420 October 1 – November 20 reinforced 10 φ t 12.96 coarse clean sand M3 155 September 11-October 1 – November 20 November 20 m3 453 NET sand gravel 40mm M3 113 on September 11 in the September 11 to December 20-November 2 0 days thousand machine brick block 541 P.C32.5 t 185.4 on September 8, 2010-January 30, 2011 October 1 – November 20 cement reinforced concrete pipes 1200 m 925 on September 11 to November 20 reinforced concrete pipe of φ φ φ 1800 1500 m 325 on September 11 to November 20 reinforced concrete 周一 周二 周三 周四 周五 周六 1、跑步 3—5分 钟 早 2、基本功:正、反手击球,推挡,搓球,削球每项5—8分周一到 钟 周三内上 容 1、单兵比赛(请教师打球,学生间比赛) 午 中 2、观看录像 午 1、基本功 2、自由练习 3、单项技术指导 挥臂,正反手推挡,击球热身,抻拉肌肉 1、 单步、并1、 交叉步,1、 单步,并1、 挥臂练习 1、 交叉步 步 滑步方向步 2、 削球、推2、 单球动作 2、 发球与接混合 2、 搓球专项 挡 纠正 发球 2、 推挡专项 3、 单球发球 3、 发球与接3、 多回合磨 3、 单球技术3、 正手单球4、 发球与接发球 练 周四至纠正 发球 发球 4、 攻球与拉4、 发球与接晚 下4、 多回合磨4、 多回合单5、 正规比赛球(男) 发球后的周五内练 球磨练 11球制5、 小比赛5二三板衔午 5、 小比赛六5、 小比赛三(小局三球制 接 容 球制 球制 局两胜,5、 小比赛11 大局五局球(三局 三胜) 两胜) 备注: construction. Project optimization, choose in the main technicians from company employees. 2.6 in the course of construction, maintain close contacts with Labor departments, according to the project plan in full and on time, quality of labour provided. 2.7 the operator entry, admission to education and technology to give the low-down the project, make it clear the quality of projects and various operational requirements, and sign a labour agreement, defining their responsibilities and rights. 2.8 project to formulate a detailed service assessment methods and approach evaluation in a timely manner, unsatisfactory services exit in a timely manner, notify the Labor Department added to reward the good services to ensure project quality and progress. 2.9 in the labor Primary materials, components dosage name unit number notes drainage project security plan materials cast iron manhole cover 161 on October 1-November 20 cast iron rainwater grate level of 420 October 1 – November 20 reinforced 10 φ t 12.96 coarse clean sand M3 155 September 11-October 1 – November 20 November 20 m3 453 NET sand gravel 40mm M3 113 on September 11 in the September 11 to December 20-November 2 0 days thousand machine brick block 541 P.C32.5 t 185.4 on September 8, 2010-January 30, 2011 October 1 – November 20 cement reinforced concrete pipes 1200 m 925 on September 11 to November 20 reinforced concrete pipe of φ φ φ 1800 1500 m 325 on September 11 to November 20 reinforced concrete 2012-6-13 construction. Project optimization, choose in the main technicians from company employees. 2.6 in the course of construction, maintain close contacts with Labor departments, according to the project plan in full and on time, quality of labour provided. 2.7 the operator entry, admission to education and technology to give the low-down the project, make it clear the quality of projects and various operational requirements, and sign a labour agreement, defining their responsibilities and rights. 2.8 project to formulate a detailed service assessment methods and approach evaluation in a timely manner, unsatisfactory services exit in a timely manner, notify the Labor Department added to reward the good services to ensure project quality and progress. 2.9 in the labor Primary materials, components dosage name unit number notes drainage project security plan materials cast iron manhole cover 161 on October 1-November 20 cast iron rainwater grate level of 420 October 1 – November 20 reinforced 10 φ t 12.96 coarse clean sand M3 155 September 11-October 1 – November 20 November 20 m3 453 NET sand gravel 40mm M3 113 on September 11 in the September 11 to December 20-November 2 0 days thousand machine brick block 541 P.C32.5 t 185.4 on September 8, 2010-January 30, 2011 October 1 – November 20 cement reinforced concrete pipes 1200 m 925 on September 11 to November 20 reinforced concrete pipe of φ φ φ 1800 1500 m 325 on September 11 to November 20 reinforced concrete
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