

2017-09-20 13页 doc 40KB 74阅读




苹果公司市场定位苹果公司市场定位 从苹果营销看企业经营战略的重新定位 2010年6月到美国,给自己的任务是购买一部iPad,原以为这是很容易的事情,但是没有想到并不容易。本想选择离酒店最近的一家专卖店,被告知没有货,结果连续走了5家店还是没有货,朋友提醒说到洛杉矶较偏僻的苹果专卖店也许会有货,结果真的是这样,还没有我要的3G款,只有迁就购买了仅有的两部中的一部。购买iPad的经历让我不得不面对这样一个问题:为什么在这样一个时代,苹果还可以按照自己的意愿来做销售? 回归到顾客最基本的生活方式 一些人把苹果归结为“独特的产品设计,宗教式的营销...
苹果公司市场定位 从苹果营销看企业经营战略的重新定位 2010年6月到美国,给自己的任务是购买一部iPad,原以为这是很容易的事情,但是没有想到并不容易。本想选择离酒店最近的一家专卖店,被告知没有货,结果连续走了5家店还是没有货,朋友提醒说到洛杉矶较偏僻的苹果专卖店也许会有货,结果真的是这样,还没有我要的3G款,只有迁就购买了仅有的两部中的一部。购买iPad的经历让我不得不面对这样一个问题:为什么在这样一个时代,苹果还可以按照自己的意愿来做销售? 回归到顾客最基本的生活方式 一些人把苹果归结为“独特的产品,宗教式的营销”,我也同意苹果的产品设计极其独特,但是更需要我们学习的是:苹果对于顾客体验的认识以及实现顾客体验的商业模式。乔布斯阐明了苹果取得奇迹的缘由:我们只是尽自己的努力去尝试和创造(以及保护),我们所期望得到的用户体验。正是这样的定位和承诺,苹果一直以来坚持做一件事情,那就是重新赋予产品顾客体验的价值。 苹果并没有去创造一个全新的产品,反而更多是改变一个原来就存在的产业,而不是独自从零开始开创一个全新的领域。iPod,iPhone只是重新发明了MP3、手机而已,而iPad也是对于电脑的重新定义而已。因为在乔布斯看来,了解和理解顾客的习惯是最为关键的,他很明确的知道,任何产品都应该回归到顾客的生活习惯上来,而不是改变顾客的生活习惯。 苹果更深的理解还在于顾客拥有成本的认识和对于商业的价值认识,iPad产品最低一款的价格是499美元,这样的定价的确具有极大的顾客体验价值,所以iPad上市28天就销售100万台,这样的奇迹令人无法超越。对于顾客体验价值的维护还不仅仅体现在产品和价格中,在使用iPad的过程中,自己也开始被深深地吸引:这不是一个简单的顾客价值体验,而是围绕顾客价值体验的价值网络集群。这个理解让我惊讶并感叹,也终于明白为什么会有“苹果化”的倾向以及微软的担忧了。 Chapter I General provisions article I obligation to clear credit pre-loan investigation requirements, improve the quality of pre-loan investigation, prevent credit risks, according to the CBRC commercial bank credit due diligence guidelines, commercial bank credit small business due diligence guidelines (trial) and other regulatory requirements and the actual situation of the Bank, these measures are formulated. Second person mentioned in these measures refers to in accordance with the rules of credit investigations, surveys and analysis of the credit business people. Article credit mentioned in these measures refers to table provided to customers both inside and outside of the Bank's credit business, including foreign currency loans, trade finance, bank acceptances, commercial bill discounting, guarantees, factoring, credit, loan commitment, guarantee and other credit operations, excluding client credit business. Prior to the chengdai investigation into the fourth article this refers to credit before the review, investigators by obtaining, verification, analysis and security aspects of the situation, evaluation and reveals the possible credit risks and to propose preventive measures. Article fifth due diligence in these measures refers to the person in the pre-loan investigation procedures fulfilling the most basic due diligence requirements. Article sixth of themselves, pre-loan investigators relatives or other interested person to apply for the credit business, one should apply for the withdrawal. Chapter II due diligence due diligence work is the basic requirement of the seventh article: follow the principles of true, complete, valid, and diligence due diligence in carrying out investigation duties. Investigators should be based on the characteristics of different varieties of credit business, credit 亚马逊的传奇是什么原因创造的呢?一方面是自身完善的与卓越的远见,一方面是和联邦快递、联合包裹公司之间的内容限定、约束与捆绑,更重要的一个方面是用最简单的方式来满足顾客的需求,以顾客习惯的购买方式来提供价值。同样,易趣的首席执行官惠特曼这样描述其企业战略:易趣公司是一个联系买家和卖家的市场,从根本上讲,它提供了一个全球性的在线交易平台,任何人都可以通过这个平台进行各种产品的交易。正是价值网络的协调能力造就了这些成长型的企业领袖。 这是一个新的商业模式,一个运用价值网络获得开放性成功的商业模式。这个全新的商业模式和我们以往所熟悉的商业模式最大的不同在于,不再是关于成本和规模的讨论,而是关于顾客互动与价值分享的讨论,无疑后者更加具有顾客价值的体验性。 智能化是企业需要全新追求的价值 我们面前的这个世界意味着一个不同于企业产品制造的更智能的时代正在出现。IBM以“智慧地球”的观点,提醒人们商业模式的改变,智慧地球的核心是以一种更智慧的通过利用新一代信息技术来改变政府、公司和人们相互交互的方式,以便提高交互的明确性、效率、灵活性和响应速度。如今信息基础架构与高度整合的基础设施的完美结合,使得政府、企业和市民可以作出更明智的决策。智慧方法具体来说是以下三个方面为特征:更透彻的感知、更广泛的互联互通、更深入的智能化。 更透彻的感知是指利用任何可以随时随地感知、测量、捕获和传递信息的设备、系统或;更全面的互联互通是指先进的系统可按新的方式协同工作;更深入的智能化是指利用先进技术获取更智能的洞察并付诸实践,进而创造新的价值。这三个特征需要人们从全新的角度来理解市场、资源以及环境,更需要理解为尽最大的力量来减少不必要的浪费。所谓“智慧”一词就是提醒人们需要有效地利用资源,需要提升自己的智慧来高效地使用资源。 中国的企业要理解到竞争优势的来源已有了根本性的改变,我曾经在之前的文章中这样总结:最初的中国企业是以“成本+质量”的特征获得产品的竞争优势,使得中国企业具有了Chapter I General provisions article I obligation to clear credit pre-loan investigation requirements, improve the quality of pre-loan investigation, prevent credit risks, according to the CBRC commercial bank credit due diligence guidelines, commercial bank credit small business due diligence guidelines (trial) and other regulatory requirements and the actual situation of the Bank, these measures are formulated. Second person mentioned in these measures refers to in accordance with the rules of credit investigations, surveys and analysis of the credit business people. Article credit mentioned in these measures refers to table provided to customers both inside and outside of the Bank's credit business, including foreign currency loans, trade finance, bank acceptances, commercial bill discounting, guarantees, factoring, credit, loan commitment, guarantee and other credit operations, excluding client credit business. Prior to the chengdai investigation into the fourth article this refers to credit before the review, investigators by obtaining, verification, analysis and security aspects of the situation, evaluation and reveals the possible credit risks and to propose preventive measures. Article fifth due diligence in these measures refers to the person in the pre-loan investigation procedures fulfilling the most basic due diligence requirements. Article sixth of themselves, pre-loan investigators relatives or other interested person to apply for the credit business, one should apply for the withdrawal. Chapter II due diligence due diligence work is the basic requirement of the seventh article: follow the principles of true, complete, valid, and diligence due diligence in carrying out investigation duties. Investigators should be based on the characteristics of different varieties of credit business, credit 中国本土市场以及国际市场的分工;在此基础上,领先的中国企业以“供应商+渠道”的特征获得了价值链的竞争优势,使得中国企业具有了自有的品牌以及融合资本的能力。在今天,借助于企业价值链的发展,具有竞争优势的企业需要有能力构建商业平台,而其特征在于“产业价值+技术增值”。在“成本+质量”带来竞争优势的阶段,规模成为核心关键;在“供应商+渠道”获得竞争优势的阶段,服务成为核心关键;在“产业价值+技术增值”带来竞争优势的阶段,智能化成为核心关键。如果我们不能够具有第三个阶段的优势,也就无法让企业在未来获得持续的成长。 让我们看看塔尔公司的做法,一件衬衫交由上百家原材料供应商、加工工厂和店铺来同步完成,而客户以正常的价格得到定制的衬衫。这家公司正是运用价值网络的协调能力占有美国所有礼服衬衫销售市场的1/8。正如eBay的前首席执行官惠特曼描述其企业战略时所言:“eBay公司是一个联系买家和卖家的市场,从根本上讲,它提供了一个全球性的在线交易平台,任何人都可以通过这个平台进行各种产品的交易。”塔尔公司和eBay公司都是借助于商业平台的开放性,构建一个价值网络,更加智能化的满足顾客的需求。 正如IBM所确定那样,通过合作创建市场:根据需求在需要的情况下配置组件、协调客户的价值空间、改变成本结构、用开放合作性和服务性的机遇来创建新的能力、增加客户的灵活性和适应性、为精选的客户创建专有化的服务„„借助于IBM的经验,不难看到成功源于企业对于顾客持有成本的理解,无论是有顾客需求来配置组件,还是协调顾客价值空间,都是在精准理解顾客需求的基础上来安排企业的所有行动;改变成本空间更是一个站在顾客角度来设计的要求,开放性和专有化给出企业今天必须要努力的方向。 价值链的有效性成为关键 网络技术的发展,价值链管理被推上一个相当高的高度,很多企业纷纷开始了基于供应链管理的价值网络构建。在这些成功的企业中可以看出:价值网络上各成员之间的合作关系必须利用顾客利益去驱动和维持,这种方式的形成需要企业在充分考虑自身利益的基础上,通过共享价值形成利益共享的合作关系,以契约的形式进行固化,并在合同中加以体现。这种固Chapter I General provisions article I obligation to clear credit pre-loan investigation requirements, improve the quality of pre-loan investigation, prevent credit risks, according to the CBRC commercial bank credit due diligence guidelines, commercial bank credit small business due diligence guidelines (trial) and other regulatory requirements and the actual situation of the Bank, these measures are formulated. Second person mentioned in these measures refers to in accordance with the rules of credit investigations, surveys and analysis of the credit business people. Article credit mentioned in these measures refers to table provided to customers both inside and outside of the Bank's credit business, including foreign currency loans, trade finance, bank acceptances, commercial bill discounting, guarantees, factoring, credit, loan commitment, guarantee and other credit operations, excluding client credit business. Prior to the chengdai investigation into the fourth article this refers to credit before the review, investigators by obtaining, verification, analysis and security aspects of the situation, evaluation and reveals the possible credit risks and to propose preventive measures. Article fifth due diligence in these measures refers to the person in the pre-loan investigation procedures fulfilling the most basic due diligence requirements. Article sixth of themselves, pre-loan investigators relatives or other interested person to apply for the credit business, one should apply for the withdrawal. Chapter II due diligence due diligence work is the basic requirement of the seventh article: follow the principles of true, complete, valid, and diligence due diligence in carrying out investigation duties. Investigators should be based on the characteristics of different varieties of credit business, credit 化的合作关系不仅可以改善供应链性能,为买主提供稳定的供给,为供应商提供稳定需求,还可以减少事务处理成本,并加强合作。 但是我担心的是人们并没有理解到价值链管理的核心所在,价值链在今天具有特别意义的原因是因为:通过价值链的管理,可以确保价值链上的所有成员能够获得最有效的价值分享,如果不是最有效的价值分享,价值链管理本身并不会带来任何的竞争优势。之前很多人问我如何看待“山寨版”,事实上,我对以创造出山寨版产品的企业还是非常佩服的,因为他们恰恰是找到了价值链上最具经济价值的成员,并组合了这些成员获得了自己特殊的竞争位置。我并不赞同山寨版的战略,但是我建议大家寻找他们有价值的东西来借鉴。 关注顾客及其持有成本。始终把最终顾客的需要和期望视为最重要的,并尽力识别和理解最终顾客的需要和期望,作为决策的主要依据。在此基础上,更需要了解顾客的持有成本,要让顾客能够以最低的成本来持有您所提供的产品,就如苹果一样的理念“革命性的产品,令人意想不到的价格”。 为顾客提供专有的服务。与价值链成员和顾客共享详细的信息,如销售终端的信息可传输到制造商订单处理系统并与物流公司共享,而对于顾客需求的判断也在共享的信息平台上得以展示,让顾客的需求可以得到专有的服务。信息的流动可以帮助价值链成员和顾客之间很好的交流,让有效的信息帮助企业作出有利于顾客的价值判断。 开放性的合作与服务。来自价值链成员的紧密协作,可以消除往常的组织界限并发现有益于整个价值网络的改进。消除人与人、成员与成员之间的藩篱,实现整个价值网络的协作。你会发现,本田汽车无论是在哪一个层级的汽车分类产品中,都具有特殊的价值贡献,这都得益于本田公司和它所有相关联的公司之间的紧密合作与服务。 制订利益共享计划。利益共享对价值网络各方来讲都是很重要的,只有充分调动价值网络各方的积极性才有可能产生协同效应。与价值网络成员一起经营是一种应对挑战和寻求突破性Chapter I General provisions article I obligation to clear credit pre-loan investigation requirements, improve the quality of pre-loan investigation, prevent credit risks, according to the CBRC commercial bank credit due diligence guidelines, commercial bank credit small business due diligence guidelines (trial) and other regulatory requirements and the actual situation of the Bank, these measures are formulated. Second person mentioned in these measures refers to in accordance with the rules of credit investigations, surveys and analysis of the credit business people. Article credit mentioned in these measures refers to table provided to customers both inside and outside of the Bank's credit business, including foreign currency loans, trade finance, bank acceptances, commercial bill discounting, guarantees, factoring, credit, loan commitment, guarantee and other credit operations, excluding client credit business. Prior to the chengdai investigation into the fourth article this refers to credit before the review, investigators by obtaining, verification, analysis and security aspects of the situation, evaluation and reveals the possible credit risks and to propose preventive measures. Article fifth due diligence in these measures refers to the person in the pre-loan investigation procedures fulfilling the most basic due diligence requirements. Article sixth of themselves, pre-loan investigators relatives or other interested person to apply for the credit business, one should apply for the withdrawal. Chapter II due diligence due diligence work is the basic requirement of the seventh article: follow the principles of true, complete, valid, and diligence due diligence in carrying out investigation duties. Investigators should be based on the characteristics of different varieties of credit business, credit 发展的解决方式和战略,一个企业不可能为所有的人提供全部产品,但通过价值网络的构建,企业就能更接近这个目标。 价值网络的建构不仅仅是一种行为,还是一种思想,更是企业的一项长期的商业发展战略,为企业迎接商业挑战提供了发挥协同优势之路。我们看到,这个时代的出现开始让传统工业企业处于痛苦的境地。许多传统的符合工业时代的“好”产品,客户却再不买账,如果还是以传统的理念来经营产品,一定会得不偿失。对于顾客而言,提供最真实、最有效的感受才是他所需要的。所以,如何激发价值链成员贡献自己的有效性,回归到顾客最可以体验到的价值上来,是今天企业战略需要作出努力的地方。 好产品不受欢迎至少意味着传统的产品三要素“功能、质量、价格”开始失效,而很多新兴企业战胜传统企业,意味着企业规模大小与赢利能力之间开始分离,传统的“规模决定效益”的工业企业管理逻辑正在被颠覆。“有效性决定效益”也许正在悄悄的变成人们的共识,人们更关心能耗、环境保护、碳排放、有机和绿色,人们已经不再是功能的追随者,而是有智能化的追随者。所有这一切的变化,都意味着企业需要重新调整自己的战略。所以,企业需要做减法,减掉那些对于顾客而言没有直接有效价值的部分,简单、便捷地为顾客创造价值。 企业经营战略之所以要重新定位,是因为传统营销模式存在的问题,特别是在顾客消费习惯已经改变的今天。今天的企业和企业营销应该回归顾客基本的生活方式上来,回归的本质是在于创造最能体现顾客需求及价值的核心产品,重新赋予产品新的顾客体验。长期以来,营销界过于强调市场细分和差异化的原则,使很多企业丧失了核心产品的竞争力,导致消费者更难以快速作出购买决策,尤其是在通胀的大环境下,企业对产品的认识和设计更加要回归到顾客本质需要上来,而不是其他。 今天市场的情况促使企业经营者必须思考应该如何应对,减法营销就是一个恰当的选择,减掉那些对顾客没有多大价值的设计,减掉那些影响消费者决策的干扰因素,特别要减掉那些增加企业成本而又难以获取利润的产品,也就是文中所强调的价值链共创及智能化的企业重新定位策略安排。回归顾客价值来思考问题是值得倡导并坚持的原则,在通胀的大环境下,Chapter I General provisions article I obligation to clear credit pre-loan investigation requirements, improve the quality of pre-loan investigation, prevent credit risks, according to the CBRC commercial bank credit due diligence guidelines, commercial bank credit small business due diligence guidelines (trial) and other regulatory requirements and the actual situation of the Bank, these measures are formulated. Second person mentioned in these measures refers to in accordance with the rules of credit investigations, surveys and analysis of the credit business people. Article credit mentioned in these measures refers to table provided to customers both inside and outside of the Bank's credit business, including foreign currency loans, trade finance, bank acceptances, commercial bill discounting, guarantees, factoring, credit, loan commitment, guarantee and other credit operations, excluding client credit business. Prior to the chengdai investigation into the fourth article this refers to credit before the review, investigators by obtaining, verification, analysis and security aspects of the situation, evaluation and reveals the possible credit risks and to propose preventive measures. Article fifth due diligence in these measures refers to the person in the pre-loan investigation procedures fulfilling the most basic due diligence requirements. Article sixth of themselves, pre-loan investigators relatives or other interested person to apply for the credit business, one should apply for the withdrawal. Chapter II due diligence due diligence work is the basic requirement of the seventh article: follow the principles of true, complete, valid, and diligence due diligence in carrying out investigation duties. Investigators should be based on the characteristics of different varieties of credit business, credit 学会减法营销,并使之作为企业的战略来对待,可以帮助企业理解顾客价值的变化并作出适 合的应对。 Chapter I General provisions article I obligation to clear credit pre-loan investigation requirements, improve the quality of pre-loan investigation, prevent credit risks, according to the CBRC commercial bank credit due diligence guidelines, commercial bank credit small business due diligence guidelines (trial) and other regulatory requirements and the actual situation of the Bank, these measures are formulated. Second person mentioned in these measures refers to in accordance with the rules of credit investigations, surveys and analysis of the credit business people. Article credit mentioned in these measures refers to table provided to customers both inside and outside of the Bank's credit business, including foreign currency loans, trade finance, bank acceptances, commercial bill discounting, guarantees, factoring, credit, loan commitment, guarantee and other credit operations, excluding client credit business. Prior to the chengdai investigation into the fourth article this refers to credit before the review, investigators by obtaining, verification, analysis and security aspects of the situation, evaluation and reveals the possible credit risks and to propose preventive measures. Article fifth due diligence in these measures refers to the person in the pre-loan investigation procedures fulfilling the most basic due diligence requirements. Article sixth of themselves, pre-loan investigators relatives or other interested person to apply for the credit business, one should apply for the withdrawal. Chapter II due diligence due diligence work is the basic requirement of the seventh article: follow the principles of true, complete, valid, and diligence due diligence in carrying out investigation duties. Investigators should be based on the characteristics of different varieties of credit business, credit
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