

2017-10-15 32页 doc 86KB 33阅读




数学逆向思维训练数学逆向思维训练 1.以下试题各猜一数学名词: 诊断之后 ,捷道 ,五四三二一 ,完全合算 ,二胡调音 ; (答案:(开方)(直径)( 倒数)(绝对值)(正弦)) 2. 以下试题各猜一数学思想方法: 朱元璋登基 ,司药 (答案:(消元)(配方)) 3.从一楼跑到小王去动物园玩,看到大象很悠闲地站在那儿。他忽然联想到曹冲称象的故事,心想曹冲能称出大象的体重,我能不能量出大象的身长呢, 他眉头一皱,计上心来,从口袋里拿出两支铅笔,先手握短铅笔伸直胳膊,用眼睛瞄准铅笔两端正好看到大象的首尾。然后换握长铅笔,瞄准铅笔两端...
数学逆向思维训练 1.以下试题各猜一数学名词: 诊断之后 ,捷道 ,五四三二一 ,完全合算 ,二胡调音 ; (答案:(开方)(直径)( 倒数)(绝对值)(正弦)) 2. 以下试题各猜一数学思想方法: 朱元璋登基 ,司药 (答案:(消元)(配方)) 3.从一楼跑到小王去动物园玩,看到大象很悠闲地站在那儿。他忽然联想到曹冲称象的故事,心想曹冲能称出大象的体重,我能不能量出大象的身长呢, 他眉头一皱,计上心来,从口袋里拿出两支铅笔,先手握短铅笔伸直胳膊,用眼睛瞄准铅笔两端正好看到大象的首尾。然后换握长铅笔,瞄准铅笔两端问前走了二十步,正好又看到大象的首尾。他量一量两支铅笔的长分别为8cm和16cm,胳膊长为40cm。每一步长50cm,就很快算出大象身长为4米。小花十分惊奇,问小三是怎么算出来的, 4.四楼需要6秒,问以同样的速度再跑到八楼需要多少秒? 5.一群孩子是兄弟姐妹,其中有姐弟两人茌说话,弟弟说自己所拥有的兄弟的人数比姐妹的人数多一个,那么,姐姐所拥有的兄弟比姐妹多几人呢? 4.小明向一个底面积为24X18厘米,高30厘米的水箱注入占其容积三分之二的水。他是一个好奇的男孩,想知道他刚买来的一个铅块的体积。铅块放入水箱后,水面升高到22cm,铅块的体积是多少立方厘米, 6小赵,小钱,小孙,小李4人讨论一场足球赛决赛究竟是哪个队夺冠。小赵说:“D对必败,而C队能胜。”小钱说:“A队,C队胜于B队败会同时出现。”小孙说:“A队,B队C队都能胜。”小李说:“A队败,C队,D队胜的局面明显。” 他们的话中已说中了哪个队取胜,请问你猜对究竟哪个队夺冠吗, 答案:小赵的话说明 D队败 小钱的话说明 B队败 小孙的话说明 D队败 小李的话说明 A队败 所以呀,C队胜利 7一只有32块黑、白两色皮子缝制而成的足球,黑皮子是正五边形,白皮子是正六边形,问黑、白皮子各几块, 答案:每块黑与5块白相连 每块白与3块黑3块白相连 设黑=x 白=y 则有: x+y=32 poverty alleviation, making stable poverty of village and exit in a timely manner, should support poverty alleviation into, from the ... The stability of families, not simply one off, not only to "help a horse", and "giving a lift" to prevent poverty and returning again. (D) to co-ordinate the configuration resource for poverty alleviation. One hand to work actively towards a superior policy. Central work Conference of poverty-alleviation, Central Government of General transfer payments, various types of special transfer payments involving the people's livelihood, in order to further to poor areas. National Revolutionary development seminars presented "five closely around the", developed to support development and construction of old revolutionary views. Prime Minister Li keqiang on the CPPCC was specifically proposed in the Government work report: "national waste management policies and the people's livelihood projects to impoverished areas." Meanwhile, provinces and cities will also be supporting the introduction of appropriate policies. These policies is very large, the ... ... For counties not only opportunities for poverty eradication, it is catching up, promote the development of opportunities in the surrounding area. Departments at all levels must firmly grasp this golden opportunity, let these opportunities become crucial for poverty eradication not only a powerful lever, also became ... ... Powerful breakthrough to overall development, with overtaking. Other integration-related funds. At the meeting, "two offices" introduced the integration of agriculture-related projects funds giving priority to poor implementation of village-poor tilt, clear integration of the 4 major categories of funds and use of the process. The involved departments, under the unified command of the leading group of poverty alleviation and development in the County, 5x/3=y x=12 y=20 黑=12块 =20块 白 8李红在课外小组活动时,老师给她出了一道数学题,李红经过一番努力,终于找到了老师认为正确的答案。其题是:公鸡每只值5元钱,母鸡每只值3元钱,小鸡每3只1元钱,现在有人用了100元钱,正好买了100只鸡。请问:这100只鸡中,公鸡、母鸡和小鸡各多少只, 9李环是王敏的好朋友,放暑假不久,王敏接到李环一封信,说:“欢迎你来我家作客,我家住在兴华大街,门牌号是一个两位数,两个数字的和是6,两个数字的积是这两个数相除所得商的9倍。”你能帮助王敏猜出李环家的门牌号吗, 10老师拿了五顶帽子,三顶蓝色的,两顶红色的,他要甲、乙、丙三位聪明的学生蒙上眼睛,给他们各戴上一顶帽子,其余的帽子收起来,然后将乙、丙两人蒙上的眼睛解开。这时老师宣布,谁能准确地说出自己头上的帽子颜色,就给谁发奖。乙、丙两人看了看其他人头上的帽子,思考了一会儿,答不上来。这时蒙上眼睛的同学突然喊起来:“我知道了,我头上戴的是蓝帽子。”老师高兴地说:“好~你猜对了~”请你说出甲是怎么思考的, 11一场自行车比赛正在进入决赛阶段,5名运动员参加竞赛。据预赛的成绩估计,这次比赛的名次有下述5种可能(每个名次只能一个人): (1) 小王第二,小李第三; (2) 小李第一,小丁第四; (3) 小张第三,小赵第五; (4) 小王第二,小丁第四; (5) 小赵第一,小张第二。 比赛结束后,得知上述五种猜测中各有一句是正确的。请你找出这次比赛的冠军 12几个小朋友在一起玩游戏,小岗说:“让我来猜猜你们的年龄吧,无论是谁,只要把自己的年龄乘以3,再加上6,然后用3除,最后把得数告诉我,我立即就能猜出他的年龄”结果,猜的都很准。你知道是怎么回事吗, 13被称作“世界屋脊”的喜马拉雅山的主峰------珠穆朗玛峰,海拔8848米,是世界上的第一高峰。但一张纸却不服气,它说:“别看我薄,只有0.01厘米厚,但是把我连续对折30次后,我的厚度就会超过珠穆朗玛峰十几倍”同学们~你认为这张纸是在吹牛吗,请你算算看。 14现在有8个人进行象棋比赛,得分原则是每赢一局得1分,平局各得0.5分,输一局记0分,结果每人所得分数都不同。已知第2名棋手所得的分数与最后4名所得的总分数一样多。你知道第4名与第5名比赛的时候谁胜谁负吗, poverty alleviation, making stable poverty of village and exit in a timely manner, should support poverty alleviation into, from the ... The stability of families, not simply one off, not only to "help a horse", and "giving a lift" to prevent poverty and returning again. (D) to co-ordinate the configuration resource for poverty alleviation. One hand to work actively towards a superior policy. Central work Conference of poverty-alleviation, Central Government of General transfer payments, various types of special transfer payments involving the people's livelihood, in order to further to poor areas. National Revolutionary development seminars presented "five closely around the", developed to support development and construction of old revolutionary views. Prime Minister Li keqiang on the CPPCC was specifically proposed in the Government work report: "national waste management policies and the people's livelihood projects to impoverished areas." Meanwhile, provinces and cities will also be supporting the introduction of appropriate policies. These policies is very large, the ... ... For counties not only opportunities for poverty eradication, it is catching up, promote the development of opportunities in the surrounding area. Departments at all levels must firmly grasp this golden opportunity, let these opportunities become crucial for poverty eradication not only a powerful lever, also became ... ... Powerful breakthrough to overall development, with overtaking. Other integration-related funds. At the meeting, "two offices" introduced the integration of agriculture-related projects funds giving priority to poor implementation of village-poor tilt, clear integration of the 4 major categories of funds and use of the process. The involved departments, under the unified command of the leading group of poverty alleviation and development in the County, 15小君和小芹在做游戏。小芹对小君说:“你任意记住时钟上的一个点数,然后,你随我的手,每指一个点数,你就在你记的那个数上加1,当加到20时,我指的那个数一定是你记的那个点数”结果一试,果然不错。你知道小芹是用什么方法猜的吗, 16九位好朋友, 分别三十秋, 故乡才聚首, 见面握一握, 问候方喝酒, 握了多少手, 请您数一数。 17为了欢迎国庆,工人们在天俯广场升起了100个气球。小明数完后说:“依次看,每4个中有3个红色的。”小华说:“依次看,每4个中有3个黄色的。”他们说得对,你能算出是有几个红色,有几个黄色的气球吗, 18、三个连续奇数的和是15,它们的积为多少, 19、计算:34。5×9(23—34(5+1(77×34(5 20、为了欢迎国庆,工人们在天俯广场升起了100个气球。小明数完后说:“依次看,每4个中有3个红色的。”小华说:“依次看,每4个中有3个黄色的。”他们说得对,你能算出是有几个红色,有几个黄色的气球吗, 21、已知有两个大小相等的正方形内紧排着9个等圆和16个等圆, 你认为这两个正方形内空隙哪个大,(图二)已知;圆外一点P作圆的三条割线, 左边一条交圆于D、A两点, 右边一条交圆于E、B两点, 中间一条交圆于Q、C两点。(D、E、Q在PA、PB、PC中间), 则中间一条割线(PC)与大角APB正弦之积, 等于左边一条割线(PA)与右边角BPC正弦之积, 加右边一条割线(PB)与左边角APC正弦之积。 求证: PC•sin?APB =PA•sin?BPC+PB•sin?APC。 22、父子今年相差26岁,15年后两人相差 岁。 23、当n表示1、2、3、4、5、6。。。。。。时,2n表示 ,2n—1表示 。 24、春节,爷爷有人*币若干,分给小明、小红和小刚压岁钱,爷爷打算给小明、小红和小刚的压岁钱分别为爷爷钱总数的三分之一,四分之一,六分之一,结果爷爷的钱还剩75元,爷爷总共有多少钱, 25.店把某中彩电按标价的八折出售,仍可获利20%,(进价的20%)已知该品牌彩电每台进价为2000元,求该品牌彩电每台的标价为多少元, 26、从1999年11月1日起,全国储蓄存款需征收利息税,利息税的税率是20%,王老师于1999年5月1日在银行存入人*币20000元,定期一年,年利率为3(78%,那么存款到期日,王老师一共可得本金和利息共多 poverty alleviation, making stable poverty of village and exit in a timely manner, should support poverty alleviation into, from the ... The stability of families, not simply one off, not only to "help a horse", and "giving a lift" to prevent poverty and returning again. (D) to co-ordinate the configuration resource for poverty alleviation. One hand to work actively towards a superior policy. Central work Conference of poverty-alleviation, Central Government of General transfer payments, various types of special transfer payments involving the people's livelihood, in order to further to poor areas. National Revolutionary development seminars presented "five closely around the", developed to support development and construction of old revolutionary views. Prime Minister Li keqiang on the CPPCC was specifically proposed in the Government work report: "national waste management policies and the people's livelihood projects to impoverished areas." Meanwhile, provinces and cities will also be supporting the introduction of appropriate policies. These policies is very large, the ... ... For counties not only opportunities for poverty eradication, it is catching up, promote the development of opportunities in the surrounding area. Departments at all levels must firmly grasp this golden opportunity, let these opportunities become crucial for poverty eradication not only a powerful lever, also became ... ... Powerful breakthrough to overall development, with overtaking. Other integration-related funds. At the meeting, "two offices" introduced the integration of agriculture-related projects funds giving priority to poor implementation of village-poor tilt, clear integration of the 4 major categories of funds and use of the process. The involved departments, under the unified command of the leading group of poverty alleviation and development in the County, 中学生学习方法 学习必须循序渐进。学习任何知识,必须注重基本训练,要一步一个脚印,由易到难,扎扎实实地练好基本功,切忌好高鹜远,前面的内容没有学懂,就急着去学习后面的知识;基本的习题没有做好,就一味去钻偏题、难题。这是十分有害的。 学习必须勤于思考。中学是一个重要的学习阶段。在这个期间要注意培养独立思考的能力。要防止那种死记硬背,不求甚解的倾向。学习中要多问几个为什么。一个问题可以从几个不同的方面去思考,做到举一反三,融会贯通。 学习必须一丝不苟。学习切忌似懂非懂。例如,习题做错了,这是常有的事,重要的是能自己发现错误并改正它。要在初中乃至小学学习阶段就要培养这种本领。这就要求我们对解题中的每一步推导能说出正确的理由,每一步都要有根据,不能想当然,马马虎虎。 学习必须善于总结。学完一章,要做个小结;学完一本书。要做个总结。总结很重要,不同的学科总结方法不尽相同。常做总结可帮助你进一步理解所学的知识,形成较完整的知识框架。 学习必须持之以恒。俗话说“水滴石穿”、“一口吃不成胖子”。因此,最好制定一个学习计划,常常自我监督,严格要求,每天或分阶段自己或让父母检查,是否完成了学习计划,为什么没有完成,怎样补救等等。总之,学习不能只凭热情,三日打鱼,两日晒网是做不成大事的。 学习方法,要因人而异、因学科而异,正如医生用药,不能千人一方。同学们应当从实际出发,根据自己的情况,发挥特长,摸索适合自己特点的有效方法。 一、政治学习方法总结 要想学好思想品德这门科目,必须要做到:课前预习,把自己不明白的地方标出来,上课时带着这些问题认真听讲,特别老师讲的重点。课下适当的做一些练习题,认真完成老师布置的作业,还要按时的复习。 二、生物学习方法 1、勤于观察,动手动脑。 2、善于思考,加强对学习内容的理解,不要机械记忆。 (1) 3、及时完成老师布置的作业,掌握当堂所学内容,并及时巩固。 4、课前预习,课上积极回答问题。 三、地理学习方法 1、上课与老师密切配合,及积极思考、回答老师提出的问题,认真听讲等。 2、下课及时完成老师所布置的一切作业,发现问题时及时解决,如不会或不理解的问题要及时提出。 3、建议:动、静,适时,适度。“动”有两方面意思,(1)上课动脑思考,积极回答老师提出的问题;(2)不要在下面做小动作,上课太活泼。“静”有两方面意思:(1)上课老师在什么讲课要认真听讲,及时做笔记,(2)老师讲课时,不要老师大声说我们小声说,不要交头接耳回头说话。适时:比如说喝水,要有适当的时间,禁止在课堂上喝水,包括吃零食这是一方面,另一方面,在一定适当时间内预习、复习所学科目。适度:要有正确的学习态度,对老师要有好态度,历史在上面讲课,某人在下面说话,就是不尊重老师,在课堂上不要太放肆了,要有数。 poverty alleviation, making stable poverty of village and exit in a timely manner, should support poverty alleviation into, from the ... The stability of families, not simply one off, not only to "help a horse", and "giving a lift" to prevent poverty and returning again. (D) to co-ordinate the configuration resource for poverty alleviation. One hand to work actively towards a superior policy. Central work Conference of poverty-alleviation, Central Government of General transfer payments, various types of special transfer payments involving the people's livelihood, in order to further to poor areas. National Revolutionary development seminars presented "five closely around the", developed to support development and construction of old revolutionary views. Prime Minister Li keqiang on the CPPCC was specifically proposed in the Government work report: "national waste management policies and the people's livelihood projects to impoverished areas." Meanwhile, provinces and cities will also be supporting the introduction of appropriate policies. These policies is very large, the ... ... For counties not only opportunities for poverty eradication, it is catching up, promote the development of opportunities in the surrounding area. Departments at all levels must firmly grasp this golden opportunity, let these opportunities become crucial for poverty eradication not only a powerful lever, also became ... ... Powerful breakthrough to overall development, with overtaking. Other integration-related funds. At the meeting, "two offices" introduced the integration of agriculture-related projects funds giving priority to poor implementation of village-poor tilt, clear integration of the 4 major categories of funds and use of the process. The involved departments, under the unified command of the leading group of poverty alleviation and development in the County, 四、历史学习方法 无论学什么样的知识关键是努力,只要你肯下功夫事情就能一定办好“铁棒磨成针”吗,就是这个道理。此外还要掌握一些学习的方法与技巧,这取决于失败。失败取决于尝试。 在学习历史背诵记忆课本上的知识时,应首先弄懂它的意思,然后再去背诵记忆,这样就会有事半功倍的效果。 在记忆复杂的年代、地点、人物、事件时应进行分类记忆法。老师的要求要做到“日日清”、“月月清”。 复习时,要每天给自己规定一段时间专门学历史,要持之以恒,永无间断,这样你的成绩会上升的很快。 当发下试卷时,应首先纠正错误,并弄清为什么错了,以后还会在这道题上出错吗, 针对自己感觉较差的地方多下功夫,多看它几遍,背它几遍。这就是我的学习方法,希望能给同学们带来一些启发。 五、英语学习方法 每个人刚开始学英语都会有些发愁,但是不要怕,只要做到以下几点,相信你的成绩会提上去的。 (1) 做到先:要先看,在老师讲课之前要先看一遍。先写:先写是先写几遍已知的单词,和不会的记住大体的样子。(2)“随”随记老师在讲单词时,你要跟着记下来,就是一边讲一边写,随背、要背课文,当然在课前先写是少不了的,只要你写几遍,再读几遍,差不多就背过了。(3)还要做到复习,如果不复习很快就会忘了。晚上看几遍,再叫父母听写,到早上晨读时应该就记的差不多了 让我们一起努力,攀登上更高的山峰。 六、数学学习方法总结 数学是门十分有趣的课程,要把它学好,首先要对它产生浓厚的兴趣,若只怀着被动学好的态度上数学课,数学就会成为一门使你头昏脑涨地弱项。 每个人在刚刚接触初中数学时,并不是一帆风顺的,就像我,在小学时,数学在班里遥遥领先,自以为初中数学也会易如反掌的学会,可自从上第一节数学课起,我适应不了老师的数学方法,学习内容便一窍不通,不过只要同学做到以下三点,我担保学习数学对你会比以前轻松得多,一“看”别小看了这个字,对学习很有帮助的,如有不懂的,先要在下课时仔细理解,有一部分同学可能会明白,如有还是似懂非懂的,可在早晨睡醒觉一段时间后打开课本多看几眼,会让你有不同的收获,在心情平静,头脑不劳累时,照以上方法做,也会起到相同的效果。 第二个字“练”,在课空里,周六周日,把上课时不懂的问题细细研究。多做课外练习题,切不能怕麻烦。一定要做的每道题搞得一清二楚,不能留下任何疑问。另外,在熟练的基础上,还要做一些能力拔高题,这样既可以应对考试难题,又可以扩展思维空间,锻炼学习能力。 poverty alleviation, making stable poverty of village and exit in a timely manner, should support poverty alleviation into, from the ... The stability of families, not simply one off, not only to "help a horse", and "giving a lift" to prevent poverty and returning again. (D) to co-ordinate the configuration resource for poverty alleviation. One hand to work actively towards a superior policy. Central work Conference of poverty-alleviation, Central Government of General transfer payments, various types of special transfer payments involving the people's livelihood, in order to further to poor areas. National Revolutionary development seminars presented "five closely around the", developed to support development and construction of old revolutionary views. Prime Minister Li keqiang on the CPPCC was specifically proposed in the Government work report: "national waste management policies and the people's livelihood projects to impoverished areas." Meanwhile, provinces and cities will also be supporting the introduction of appropriate policies. These policies is very large, the ... ... For counties not only opportunities for poverty eradication, it is catching up, promote the development of opportunities in the surrounding area. Departments at all levels must firmly grasp this golden opportunity, let these opportunities become crucial for poverty eradication not only a powerful lever, also became ... ... Powerful breakthrough to overall development, with overtaking. Other integration-related funds. At the meeting, "two offices" introduced the integration of agriculture-related projects funds giving priority to poor implementation of village-poor tilt, clear integration of the 4 major categories of funds and use of the process. The involved departments, under the unified command of the leading group of poverty alleviation and development in the County, 第三个字“问”。世上没有绝对的天才,故言再聪明。也有不会的题目,在百思不得其解的时候,可以找学习好的同学虚心请教。也可以找老师,让老师引导你慢慢地走入解题思路、攻破难题。 平时,同学们还可以找一些趣味题,在中午或其它课余时间里,拿出来大家一起研究,这样不仅使个人进步,还可以加深同学之间的友谊,使集体一起获得进步。 数学并不是想象的那么难,只要我们有坚定的信心,有创意精神和刻苦学习态度就能学好。 七、我的学习方法 其实想学好并不难,只要找到适合自己的学习方法就可以了,学习方法也很好找,比如说:语文要多看、多练;数学要多做,多记、多想;英语要多练、多写、多对话等。我的学习方法很简单,希望你看了以后能够有点启发。 上课前要提前预习,找出自己认为的难点。上课时认真听讲,做好笔记,把预习时的难点解决掉。要积极思考,举手回答问题。下课后要及时的根上做练习题,不懂得要马上请教老师和同学,不要让难题越积越多,还要注意总结。也不能一直埋头做题,在空闲时间里可以多看一些课外书,比如说《上下五千年》、《百科全书》--------还可以多看一些有关科学的电视节目。这些都有助于开拓我们的视野,充实自己。 “我是最棒的”,你就一定比别人做得好。只做到以上几点也不够,还要树立自信心,心里想着“我能行”, 我们还要有持之以恒的精神,只要是自己认为对的事情就要认真地,尽自己全力地把它做好。好的学习方法是自己在学习过程中慢慢发现积累的。希望你们能够尽快找到适合自己的学习方法。 八、语文学习方法 生活有多广阔,语文就有多广阔。不仅要在课堂上学语文,还要在生活中学语文。一个提示,一篇课文,一个问题,就是千里之行的一小步,生活的广阔天地有无限风光在召唤你。 学语文要做到五预:(1)预习课文 (2)预习生字 (3)预习课后题 (4)预习学习与探究 (5)划出好字词。 复习要做到三复: (1)复习课上做的笔记 (2)复习学习与探究 (3)有条件的可以看一下课外书。在学习时要形成自主、合作的好习惯。自主,即主动,要主动地在语文实践中丰富人文素质,提高语文能力;合作就是要切磋学问,共同完成任务。 只有你对语文有兴趣,就一定能学好这一科。 九、学习方法交流 面对书如山,题似海,求学之舟向那摆,的初中生活是多么的辛酸,这些会使你一脸憔悴满身疲惫------- 如何摆脱它们,为什么别人会取得好成绩,难道别人比自己强,在这里我给大家想了几个好办法: poverty alleviation, making stable poverty of village and exit in a timely manner, should support poverty alleviation into, from the ... The stability of families, not simply one off, not only to "help a horse", and "giving a lift" to prevent poverty and returning again. (D) to co-ordinate the configuration resource for poverty alleviation. One hand to work actively towards a superior policy. Central work Conference of poverty-alleviation, Central Government of General transfer payments, various types of special transfer payments involving the people's livelihood, in order to further to poor areas. National Revolutionary development seminars presented "five closely around the", developed to support development and construction of old revolutionary views. Prime Minister Li keqiang on the CPPCC was specifically proposed in the Government work report: "national waste management policies and the people's livelihood projects to impoverished areas." Meanwhile, provinces and cities will also be supporting the introduction of appropriate policies. These policies is very large, the ... ... For counties not only opportunities for poverty eradication, it is catching up, promote the development of opportunities in the surrounding area. Departments at all levels must firmly grasp this golden opportunity, let these opportunities become crucial for poverty eradication not only a powerful lever, also became ... ... Powerful breakthrough to overall development, with overtaking. Other integration-related funds. At the meeting, "two offices" introduced the integration of agriculture-related projects funds giving priority to poor implementation of village-poor tilt, clear integration of the 4 major categories of funds and use of the process. The involved departments, under the unified command of the leading group of poverty alleviation and development in the County, (1)全面看待自己,挖掘自己的潜能,取长补短,不要觉得自己一无是处,相信天生我才必有用的观点。(2)要自信,做事情首先要有自信,要使自信充满自身每个细胞,沙士比亚曾说过:自信是走向成功的第一步,缺乏自信是失败的原因。如果你对自己十分的自信那么的价值、学识、才华便突飞猛进,反之,如果我们自卑,认为自己干什么事情都不行、不配,则会扼杀你的尝试力,你会一步步走向败落。(3)积极改变和改正学会方法:应从实际出发,根据自己的情况,模索适合于自己的学习方法,不要盲目的学习别人的方法,学会自主、合作、探究式学习,独立认真完成学习任务。(4)发展好人际关系,在学习方面具有良好的人际关系便于找自己讨论问题,交流看法,相互激励,相互发展,努力向比自己好的同学看齐,不是一个良方。(5)培养兴趣、爱好,只有你喜爱这一门,热爱这一门,你才能发展,你会越学越高兴投入、越入迷,反之,你会心灰意乱,没有精神在这门科程会越来越差,直接影响总分成绩。(6)勤学刻苦,不懂就问,在学习方面只有勤学刻苦这条路才能把你引入优秀之列,大胆发言,不懂就问同学老师。要有知之为知之,不知为不知的学习态度。 爱好出勤奋,勤奋出天才。书山有路勤为径,学海无涯苦作舟,再聪明的人在好的学习方法,都需要自己的勤奋和努力,才能有所成就,学习不是应付,不是一朝一夕的时,需要我们不断的努力和积累,成功永远属于我们。 让我们从此起程在迢迢的求学路上勤奋刻苦起来吧~ 十、学习方法总结 刚迈进初中大门的许多同学都是新生,已经习惯了小学课程的我们往往适应不了现在的学习课程,因此,许多同学在小学时名列前茅的同学在这次期中考试中成绩很不理想,但只要调整一下学习方法和学习态度,便能大大提高学习成绩。 在调整学习方法时首先要加快学习效率,在做题写作业时要尽量提高写字速度,因此,平时要多注意炼字,否则住校的同学便完不成作业,还需要拿出睡觉休息时间来补,不但影响休息还会造成近视,在写字快的同时,还要多锻炼思维能力,平时要善于思考,以开发个人潜力,上课时要多回答问题,下课多研究难题,要走在老师的前面,这样才会进步。要不然就是写字再快,如果想不出答案,也无济于事。一天最宝贵的时间就是上课时间,因为许多知识难点都需要老师的讲解,才会明白会做题,所以在上课时要精神贯注地听讲,多问几个为什么,才会掌握。不管你有多聪明,只要不听讲,下课再努力也学不扎实。每天要做到“人日清”。白天学的内容一定要掌握好,做到灵活运用,该背得要背过,不能怕麻烦,否则一天落下一点,学习会越来越累,以至学习成绩下降。还要做到“复习”和“预习”。所谓“复习”,就是经常复习学过的知识,这样就不会遗忘,复习一定要有重点地复习,这又牵扯到了上课时需要做的课堂笔记,上课时把老师强大的才重点部分用自己制定的文字符号标出来,把老师总结在黑板上的内容抄在书上,这样复习起来很方面。预习就是预习后来要学的内容,晚上多翻翻书,理解一下大致内容,明天学习时就会容易掌握。 第二、还应有刻苦的学习态度,首先要学会挤时间来学习。下课时要用前五分钟学习上课时学的内容,尽量掌握。后五分钟用来预习下节课要学的内容,心里要有底儿。课余时间也可以用来写作业做炼习,中午跑校的同学可以在家做半小时作业再到校,住校的同学要早来教室学习。晚上同学们跑校的要做作业,完成“日日清”,住校的同学吃下午饭后要早来学习,因为8:30分就要回宿舍,如果上完自习还没完成“人日清”的同学可以拿回宿舍,十分钟洗刷完后,把其它30分用来背知识点或做练习题。 同学们,让我们一起努力学习,搞好成绩,共同发展~ poverty alleviation, making stable poverty of village and exit in a timely manner, should support poverty alleviation into, from the ... The stability of families, not simply one off, not only to "help a horse", and "giving a lift" to prevent poverty and returning again. (D) to co-ordinate the configuration resource for poverty alleviation. One hand to work actively towards a superior policy. Central work Conference of poverty-alleviation, Central Government of General transfer payments, various types of special transfer payments involving the people's livelihood, in order to further to poor areas. National Revolutionary development seminars presented "five closely around the", developed to support development and construction of old revolutionary views. Prime Minister Li keqiang on the CPPCC was specifically proposed in the Government work report: "national waste management policies and the people's livelihood projects to impoverished areas." Meanwhile, provinces and cities will also be supporting the introduction of appropriate policies. These policies is very large, the ... ... For counties not only opportunities for poverty eradication, it is catching up, promote the development of opportunities in the surrounding area. Departments at all levels must firmly grasp this golden opportunity, let these opportunities become crucial for poverty eradication not only a powerful lever, also became ... ... Powerful breakthrough to overall development, with overtaking. Other integration-related funds. At the meeting, "two offices" introduced the integration of agriculture-related projects funds giving priority to poor implementation of village-poor tilt, clear integration of the 4 major categories of funds and use of the process. The involved departments, under the unified command of the leading group of poverty alleviation and development in the County, 十一、地理学习方法总结 地理时刻发生在我们周围,我们对地理也并不陌生。学习地理也不是很难,只要我们用心的学习了,我们对地理学习成绩也一定会提高起来的,我们平时要做到: 一、上课时专心听讲,多做一些笔记,把自己认为重要的问题、答案记录下来,以便于以后的复习。 二、课后把学的内容回顾一下所学的重要得体于它的答案使自己牢牢的记住它。 三、平时多背、但是不能死记硬背,要理解的去背,这样才能不忘记它。 四、复习的时候要把平常做错的题重新再做一遍,使自己不再出现错误。 学习地理其它也不难,关键在于我们用功的学习,才能学好、提高成绩。 十二、我的生物学习方法 有人说学生物很难。其实只要学会灵活运用。你会发现学习生物是那么简单。 我们学习方法其实每个人都可以做到: 1、上课认真听取老师讲的内容; 2、认真做好课后题,学习与探究,不会的及时请教老师;3、学过的重点内容要记住,要理解、不要死记硬背;4、老师布置的作业要及时完成,不要不做。 只要我们勤学好问,灵活运用,一定会学好生物这门科。 回答:2006-04-23 11:40 其它回答 共1条回答 评论 [学长] 我想谈一谈中学生学习方法 ,希望对你有帮助,祝学习进步~ 三种学习境界 一、第一层为苦学 提起学习就讲"头悬梁、锥刺股","刻苦、刻苦、再刻苦"。处于这种层次的同学,觉得学习枯燥无味,对他们来说学习是一种被迫行为,体会不到学习中的乐趣。长期下去,对学习必然产生了一种恐惧感,从而滋生了厌学的情绪,结果,在他们那里,学习变成了一种苦差事。 二、第二层为好学 所谓"知之者不如好之者",达到这种境界的同学,学习兴趣对学习起到重大的推动作用。对学习的如饥似渴,常常注到废寝忘食的地步。他们的学习不需要别人的逼迫,自觉的态度常使他们能取得好的成绩,而好的成绩又使他们对学习产生更浓的兴趣,形成学习中的良性循环。 poverty alleviation, making stable poverty of village and exit in a timely manner, should support poverty alleviation into, from the ... The stability of families, not simply one off, not only to "help a horse", and "giving a lift" to prevent poverty and returning again. (D) to co-ordinate the configuration resource for poverty alleviation. One hand to work actively towards a superior policy. Central work Conference of poverty-alleviation, Central Government of General transfer payments, various types of special transfer payments involving the people's livelihood, in order to further to poor areas. National Revolutionary development seminars presented "five closely around the", developed to support development and construction of old revolutionary views. Prime Minister Li keqiang on the CPPCC was specifically proposed in the Government work report: "national waste management policies and the people's livelihood projects to impoverished areas." Meanwhile, provinces and cities will also be supporting the introduction of appropriate policies. These policies is very large, the ... ... For counties not only opportunities for poverty eradication, it is catching up, promote the development of opportunities in the surrounding area. Departments at all levels must firmly grasp this golden opportunity, let these opportunities become crucial for poverty eradication not only a powerful lever, also became ... ... Powerful breakthrough to overall development, with overtaking. Other integration-related funds. At the meeting, "two offices" introduced the integration of agriculture-related projects funds giving priority to poor implementation of village-poor tilt, clear integration of the 4 major categories of funds and use of the process. The involved departments, under the unified command of the leading group of poverty alleviation and development in the County, 三、第三层为会学 学习本身也是一门学问,有科学的方法,有需要遵循的规律。按照正确的方法学习,学习效率就高,学的轻松,思维也变的灵活流畅,能够很好地驾御知识。真正成为知识的主人。 目前,中学生的学习中,第一层居多,第二层为少数,第三层次更少。我们应当明确,学习的一个重要目标就是要学会学习,这也是现代社会发展的要求。21世纪中的文盲将是那些不会学习的人。所以,同学们在学习中应追求更高的学习境界,使学习成为一件愉快的事,在轻轻松松中学好各门功课。 三种学习习惯 学习成绩的好坏,往往取决于是否有良好的学习习惯,特别是思考习惯。 一、总是站在系统的高度把握知识 很多同学在学习中习惯于跟着老师一节一节的走,一章一章的学,不太对意章节与学科整体系统之间的关系,只见树木,不见森林。随着时间推移,所学知识不断增加,就会感到内容繁杂、头绪不清,记忆负担加重。事实上,任何一门学科都有自身的知识结构系统,学习一门学科前首先应了解这一系统,从整体上把握知识,学习每一部分内容都要弄清其在整体系统中的位置,这样做往往使所学知识更容易把握。 二、追根溯源,寻求事物之间的内在联系 学习最忌死记硬背,特别是理科学习,更重要的是弄清楚道理,所以不论学习什么内容,都要问为什么,这样学到的知识似有源上水,有木之本。即使你所提的问题超出了中学知识范围,甚至老师也回答不出来,但这并不要紧,要紧的是对什么事都要有求知欲,好奇心,这往往是培养我们学习兴趣的重要途径,更重要的是养成这种思考习惯,有利于思维品质的训练。 三、发散思维,养成联想的思维习惯 在学习中我们应经常注意新旧知识之间、学科之间、所学内容与生活实际等方面的联系,不要孤立的对待知识,养成多角度地去思考问题的习惯,有意识地去训练思维的流畅性、灵活性及独创性,长期下去,必然会促进智力素质的发展。知识的学习主要通过思维活动来实现的,学习的核心就是思维的核心,知识的掌握固然重要,但更重要的是通过知识的学习提高智力素质,智力素质提高了,知识的学习会变得容易。所以上面讲的学习的三个学习习惯实质上是三种思维习惯。学习的重点就是学会如何思考。 三个学习要点 关于学习的方法可以谈很多,但重要的应注意以下三点: 一、多读书,注意基础 要想学习好,基础知识的掌握尤为重要,而基础知识就是指课本知识,这一点同学们一定清楚。但在学习中,很多同学却不重视课本的阅读理解,只愿意去多做一些题,因为考试就是做题。实际上这是一种本末poverty alleviation, making stable poverty of village and exit in a timely manner, should support poverty alleviation into, from the ... The stability of families, not simply one off, not only to "help a horse", and "giving a lift" to prevent poverty and returning again. (D) to co-ordinate the configuration resource for poverty alleviation. One hand to work actively towards a superior policy. Central work Conference of poverty-alleviation, Central Government of General transfer payments, various types of special transfer payments involving the people's livelihood, in order to further to poor areas. National Revolutionary development seminars presented "five closely around the", developed to support development and construction of old revolutionary views. Prime Minister Li keqiang on the CPPCC was specifically proposed in the Government work report: "national waste management policies and the people's livelihood projects to impoverished areas." Meanwhile, provinces and cities will also be supporting the introduction of appropriate policies. These policies is very large, the ... ... For counties not only opportunities for poverty eradication, it is catching up, promote the development of opportunities in the surrounding area. Departments at all levels must firmly grasp this golden opportunity, let these opportunities become crucial for poverty eradication not only a powerful lever, also became ... ... Powerful breakthrough to overall development, with overtaking. Other integration-related funds. At the meeting, "two offices" introduced the integration of agriculture-related projects funds giving priority to poor implementation of village-poor tilt, clear integration of the 4 major categories of funds and use of the process. The involved departments, under the unified command of the leading group of poverty alleviation and development in the County, 倒置的做法,应当说,课本与习题这两方面都很重要,互相不能替代,但课本知识是本,做题的目的之一是能更好地掌握知识。所以我们主张多读书少做题,不主张多做题少读书。 二、多思考、注重理解 "学而不思则罔",思考是学习的灵魂。在学习中,知识固然重要,但更重要的是驾御知识的头脑。如果一个人不会思考,他只能做知识的奴隶,知识再多也无用,而且也不可能真正学到好知识。知识的学习重在理解,而理解只能通过思考才能实现,思考的源泉是问题,在学习中应注意不要轻易放过任何问题,有了问题不要急于问人,应力求独力思考,自己动手动脑去寻找问题的正确答案,这样做才有利于思考能力的提高。 三、多重复,温故而知新 《论语》开篇第一句;"学而时习之"道尽学宗,不断的重复显然是学习中很重要的一个方面。当然,这种重复不能是机械的重复,也不只是简单的重复记忆。我们主张每次重复应有不同的角度,不同的重点,不同的目的,这样每次重复才会有不同的感觉和体会,一次比一次获得更深的认识。知识的学习与能力的提高就是在这种不断的重复中得到升华,所谓温故而知新也。 三种学习精神 一、不唯书 古人云:"尽信书,不如无书。"在我们的学习中,教科书是我们学习的重要材料,学好课本基础知识是毫无疑问的。但是,这里应当明确两个问题;一、科学总是发展着的知识体系,我们所学的知识和方法不可能都是毫无缺陷的。这就需要我们多动脑筋,在思考的基础上敢于怀疑,大胆探索,提出我们自己的观点和看法。二、人们对事物的认识过程总是多次反复才能完成的。也许我们的怀疑是错误的,我们提出的观点和见解是不正确的,但正是从这种错误与正确的交锋中才能获得正确的认识。一味死记硬背,即便把课本背熟了,也难以灵活运用。所以,我们提倡不唯书,并不是为了否定书,而是为了培养一种创新精神。 二、不唯师 在中学生的学习中,很多同学上课时只会认真听讲;把老师的板书一字不差地抄录下来,课后进行消化吸收,但却很少能发现问题、提出问题,老师讲什么是什么,教什么把什么,把自己变成了一个"知识容器"。瑞士著名的教育心理学家皮亚杰曾说过;"教育的主要目的是培养能创新的而不是简单重复前人已做过的事的人。"所以,我们主张同学要多与老师交流,当对老师讲的有疑问或有不同看法时,要敢于坚持自己的观点,敢于向老师质疑,甚至与老师争论,在争论中我们失去的只是错误,而得到的除了正确的认识外,更重要的是智力的发展,还有勇气和信心的提高,最终有"青出于蓝而胜于蓝"的必然。 三、不唯一 对于一个知识的理解,可以从不同的角度去认识;对于一道题的求解,可以有不同方法;对于一个实际问题,可以从不同学科去分析解决。世界本身就是一个多样化的世界,我们学习的目的决不是为了追求唯一的答案。所以,我们在学习中必须具备这种"不唯一"的意识和精神,尽可能寻求更多解决问题的途径,养成多方面、多角度认识问题的习惯,训练思维的灵活性和变通性。 poverty alleviation, making stable poverty of village and exit in a timely manner, should support poverty alleviation into, from the ... The stability of families, not simply one off, not only to "help a horse", and "giving a lift" to prevent poverty and returning again. (D) to co-ordinate the configuration resource for poverty alleviation. One hand to work actively towards a superior policy. Central work Conference of poverty-alleviation, Central Government of General transfer payments, various types of special transfer payments involving the people's livelihood, in order to further to poor areas. National Revolutionary development seminars presented "five closely around the", developed to support development and construction of old revolutionary views. Prime Minister Li keqiang on the CPPCC was specifically proposed in the Government work report: "national waste management policies and the people's livelihood projects to impoverished areas." Meanwhile, provinces and cities will also be supporting the introduction of appropriate policies. These policies is very large, the ... ... For counties not only opportunities for poverty eradication, it is catching up, promote the development of opportunities in the surrounding area. Departments at all levels must firmly grasp this golden opportunity, let these opportunities become crucial for poverty eradication not only a powerful lever, also became ... ... Powerful breakthrough to overall development, with overtaking. Other integration-related funds. At the meeting, "two offices" introduced the integration of agriculture-related projects funds giving priority to poor implementation of village-poor tilt, clear integration of the 4 major categories of funds and use of the process. The involved departments, under the unified command of the leading group of poverty alleviation and development in the County, 三条学习原则 学习的具体方法,往往因人而异,不同的人有不同的学习特点,完全可以根据自己的实际情况采取不同的措施。但也需要我们严格遵守一些共同的原则,它们是取得好成绩的重要保证。 一、自觉性原则 自觉性要求中学生能够自觉地安排自己每天的学习活动,自觉地完成各项学习任务。我们应当明确,当学习是一种自觉的行为时才更有效,特别是中学生的学习,主要依靠自觉来完成。如果把学习变成一种被别人压迫的行为,学习的动力就会减弱,久而久之就会产生厌倦感,失去学习兴趣,学习效果可想而知。所以,对于那些学业不佳的同学应首先检查自己的学习自觉性如何,一切属于自己的事,必须自觉地去做,这是做好一切事情的前提。 二、主动性原则 主动性要求中学生的学习有热情,主动获取知识,不等待,不依靠,不耻下问。做任何事情,积极主动是取得成功的必要条件,学习也不例外。很多同学在学习中恰恰缺乏这一点,不懂的问题宁肯烂在肚子里,也不愿开口问一下别人。老师讲什么,就学什么,不越"雷池"半步,很少主动与老师、同学交流,有的同学甚至一年也不会问老师一个问题。这些同学决不是一个问题也没有,而是缺乏学习的主动性和积极性,而这种被动的学习状态是十分有害的,必须改变。 三、独立性原则 独立性要求中学生做事有主见,不轻信,不盲从,不人云亦云,能独立完成学习任务,不轻易受群体因素的影响。很多优秀的学生往往具备这样的特征。当别的同学总愿让老师反复讲解时,他们却更愿意独立思考,依靠自己独立的智慧去努力获取知识。正是他们这种学习的独立性,造就了他们的出类拔萃。我们认为,如果在学习中没有独立性,就没有创造性,就不可能取得最佳的学习效果。 三种学习技能 一、学会快速阅读 直接从书中获取知识是一条重要的途径,即使是教科书中的知识,也不能纯粹依靠老师的讲解来学习。一个掌握阅读技能的学生,能够更迅速、更顺利地掌握知识,学的更主动,更轻松。在实际学习中,许多同学习惯于上课听讲,下课做作业,即使是教科书也不甚阅读,更不用说大量阅读课外书籍。长期下去造成的结果是不会读书,没有形成熟练的阅读技能,对学习的发展造成严重阻碍,这可能是很多同学在学业上落伍的一个重要原因。我们讲的阅读技能并不是指能简单的读,而是指在阅读的同时能思考,在思考的同时能阅读的能力,是指能够根据不同书籍的模式迅速分清主次、把握书中内容的一种技能。这就要求同学必须多读书,注意了解不同书籍的特点和阅读技巧,加强读思结合,并且有意识地加快阅读速度,逐渐形成快速阅读技能。 二、学会快速书写 poverty alleviation, making stable poverty of village and exit in a timely manner, should support poverty alleviation into, from the ... The stability of families, not simply one off, not only to "help a horse", and "giving a lift" to prevent poverty and returning again. (D) to co-ordinate the configuration resource for poverty alleviation. One hand to work actively towards a superior policy. Central work Conference of poverty-alleviation, Central Government of General transfer payments, various types of special transfer payments involving the people's livelihood, in order to further to poor areas. National Revolutionary development seminars presented "five closely around the", developed to support development and construction of old revolutionary views. Prime Minister Li keqiang on the CPPCC was specifically proposed in the Government work report: "national waste management policies and the people's livelihood projects to impoverished areas." Meanwhile, provinces and cities will also be supporting the introduction of appropriate policies. These policies is very large, the ... ... For counties not only opportunities for poverty eradication, it is catching up, promote the development of opportunities in the surrounding area. Departments at all levels must firmly grasp this golden opportunity, let these opportunities become crucial for poverty eradication not only a powerful lever, also became ... ... Powerful breakthrough to overall development, with overtaking. Other integration-related funds. At the meeting, "two offices" introduced the integration of agriculture-related projects funds giving priority to poor implementation of village-poor tilt, clear integration of the 4 major categories of funds and use of the process. The involved departments, under the unified command of the leading group of poverty alleviation and development in the County, 中学阶段课业负担比较重,如果没有掌握快速书写的技能,这种负担会更加沉重。比如课堂上跟不上老师 的速度记录笔记,课后完成作业用时过多,考试因书写太慢而答不完试卷等,这些现象都与书写技能有关。 可以说书写技能是我们借以掌握知识的工具,这种工具所处的状态将决定我们能否有效而合理地使用时间。 那些书写速度慢的同学对此应引起足够的注意,自觉地加强这方面的训练,尽快掌握这一技能。当然,快 速书写的同时还要保证字迹的清楚与规范。 三、学会做笔记 poverty alleviation, making stable poverty of village and exit in a timely manner, should support poverty alleviation into, from the ... The stability of families, not simply one off, not only to "help a horse", and "giving a lift" to prevent poverty and returning again. (D) to co-ordinate the configuration resource for poverty alleviation. One hand to work actively towards a superior policy. Central work Conference of poverty-alleviation, Central Government of General transfer payments, various types of special transfer payments involving the people's livelihood, in order to further to poor areas. National Revolutionary development seminars presented "five closely around the", developed to support development and construction of old revolutionary views. Prime Minister Li keqiang on the CPPCC was specifically proposed in the Government work report: "national waste management policies and the people's livelihood projects to impoverished areas." Meanwhile, provinces and cities will also be supporting the introduction of appropriate policies. These policies is very large, the ... ... For counties not only opportunities for poverty eradication, it is catching up, promote the development of opportunities in the surrounding area. Departments at all levels must firmly grasp this golden opportunity, let these opportunities become crucial for poverty eradication not only a powerful lever, also became ... ... Powerful breakthrough to overall development, with overtaking. Other integration-related funds. At the meeting, "two offices" introduced the integration of agriculture-related projects funds giving priority to poor implementation of village-poor tilt, clear integration of the 4 major categories of funds and use of the process. The involved departments, under the unified command of the leading group of poverty alleviation and development in the County,
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