

2017-12-27 15页 doc 41KB 21阅读




世界最性感10位男性世界最性感10位男性 It's the latest hipster fad that forecasters predicted would be killed off in 2016. 留胡须的风潮原本被预言将在2016年过去。 But it looks like beards are here to stay for a bit longer. 但现在看起来这股胡须风潮还要再刮一阵子。 For more than half of the men in Glamour Magazine?s 100 Sexiest ...
世界最性感10位男性 It's the latest hipster fad that forecasters predicted would be killed off in 2016. 留胡须的风潮原本被预言将在2016年过去。 But it looks like beards are here to stay for a bit longer. 但现在看起来这股胡须风潮还要再刮一阵子。 For more than half of the men in Glamour Magazine?s 100 Sexiest Men for 2017 have some form of facial hair. 因为超半数入选《魅力》杂志2017年最性感百名男性的人都留着某种胡须。 The poll, which included TV personalities, film stars, musicians, sportsmen and YouTubers, was voted for by 80,000 of the magazine?s readers showed they found men with beards more attractive. 这一榜单的候选人包括电视名人、电影明星、音乐人、运动员和油管人,经该杂志8万读者 投票选出,结果显示,人们认为留胡须的男性更有魅力。 In the list, 63 of the 100 celebrity men all had some kind of facial hair. 榜单中可以看到,入选的100位男星中有63位留着某种胡须。 Jamie Dornan was awarded the top spot for a second time, having taken the accolade in 2015. 詹米•多南是第二次位居榜首,上一次他登顶榜单是在2015年。 胡须美男时代,世界最性感10位男性8位留胡须 Jamie Dornan The Fifty Shades of Grey actor, 34, has previously spoken out about how much he hated himself without any facial fluff. 曾主演《五十度灰》的詹米•多南现年34岁,他曾经公开说过很讨厌自己没有胡须的样子。 He said: „I hate my face without a beard, I swear to God I really hate it. I always think I look really young. I think when I?m clean shaven, I look like a thumb.? 他说:“我讨厌自己脸上没胡须,我发誓我真的很讨厌。我一直觉得自己看起来挺显小的。 如果我把自己的脸刮得很干净,我觉得自己看起来就像个大拇指。” 胡须美男时代,世界最性感10位男性8位留胡须 Aidan Turner And he?s not alone, Aidan Turner, who was placed at number two this year, also doesn?t shave when he?s not filming Poldark saying: „In my next role I want to grow a beard and put on loads of weight.? 无独有偶,今年位居榜单第二的艾丹•特纳在不拍英剧《波尔达克》的时候也不刮胡子。他 示:“下一个角色我希望能演个体型壮硕的大胡子。” 胡须美男时代,世界最性感10位男性8位留胡须 Robert Pattinson 胡须美男时代,世界最性感10位男性8位留胡须 胡须美男时代,世界最性感10位男性8位留胡须 Luke Evans Chris Evans In fact, in the top 10, only two of the stars were clean-shaven, Tom Hiddleston and Matt Bomer. 事实上,前十名中只有两位男星是不留胡须的——汤姆•希德勒斯顿和马特•波莫。 胡须美男时代,世界最性感10位男性8位留胡须 胡须美男时代,世界最性感10位男性8位留胡须 Tom Hiddleston Matt Bomer Throughout the list, there are a host of men who prefer to the ditch the razor including Oscar winner Leonardo DiCaprio, Prince Harry and Victoria star, Rufus Sewell. 榜单中不爱刮胡子的男性不在少数,包括奥斯卡奖影帝莱昂纳多•迪卡普里奥、哈里王子和 参演英剧《维多利亚》的卢夫斯•塞维尔。 胡须美男时代,世界最性感10位男性8位留胡须 Prince Harry Adam Brady, Grooming Expert from Ruffians Barbers said the stigma around beards had disappeared. 著名理发店Ruffians Barbers的造型师亚当•布莱迪说,和胡子有关的耻辱感已经消失了。 He said: 'A few years ago, beards were seen as a sign of not being particular reputable. 他说:“就在几年前,胡子还被看作是名声不太好的一种标志。” 'Men with beards were seen as being dirty and unhygienic. But the stigma seems to have gone. “有胡子的男性被视为邋遢、不卫生。不过这种污名似乎已经远去了。” ‘Men have got better at styling their beards. They no longer look overgrown, straggly and crusty. “如今男性更善于打理自己的胡子。他们的胡子不再是又硬又长、乱糟糟的了。” 'There is also an abundance of products like beard oils, gels and creams so people can take care of them. “现在还有很多胡须护理品,如胡须油、胡须啫喱、胡须霜。” ‘Men, not just celebrities take more pride in their appearance. “不仅是名人,普通男人也越来越为自己的形象而感到骄傲。” 'It used to be seen as a negative for men to spend too much time papering themselves but that perception has changed. “过去男人花太多时间捯饬自己为人所不齿,但现在这种观念已经改变了。” ‘A tidy well-kempt beard signals attractiveness plus more men have haircuts that complement their facial hair.? “整洁有型的胡须会令男人魅力倍增,现在更多男性会注意让自己的发型和胡须相匹配。” Glamour Magazine?s Top Ten Sexiest Men of 2017 《魅力》杂志评出的2017最性感的十位男性: 1. Jamie Dornan (beard) 詹米•多南(有胡须) 2. Aidan Turner (beard) 艾丹•特纳(有胡须) 3. Robert Pattinson (beard) 罗伯特•帕丁森(有胡须) 4. James McAvoy (beard) 詹姆斯•麦卡沃伊(有胡须) 5. Luke Evans (beard) 卢克•伊万斯(有胡须) 6. Chris Evans (beard) 克里斯•埃文斯(有胡须) 7. Mike Colter (beard) 麦克•科尔特(有胡须) 8. Matt Bomer (no beard) 马特•波莫(没胡须) 9. Tom Hiddleston (no beard) 汤姆•希德勒斯顿(没胡须) 10. Joe Wicks (beard) 乔•威克斯(有胡须) In a Chinese box office contest that pitched Wong Kar-wai against Jackie Chan and Zhang Yimou, new releases “See You Tomorrow” and “Railroad Tigers” debuted ahead of holdover “The Great Wall.” But with big name credentials and large numbers of screens for each, these three were the only serious contenders at the top of the Christmas weekend edition of the Chinese chart. 年末将近,内地电影票房迎来一个小高潮,王家卫监制的电影《摆渡人》和成龙的新作《铁 道飞虎》迎头赶上,票房赶超张艺谋执导的好莱坞大作《长城》。三部影片众星云集,并拥 有超强的制作班底,各大影院排片量也较多,从而成为圣诞周票房排行榜的最有力竞争者。 With as many as 80,000 screenings per day, “See You Tomorrow” (previously known in English as The Ferryman”) earned $40 million in three days, according to data from Ent Group. Produced by Wong Kar-wai and backed by Alibaba Pictures Group, the upmarket romantic comedy boasts a starry cast including Tony Chiu-wai, Takeshi Kaneshiro, Eason Chan and Angelababy. 每天排片近8万场次,据传媒研究咨询公司艺恩网统计,电影《摆渡人》在上映三天后便收 获了四千万美元的票房。该电影由阿里巴巴影业出品,著名导演王家卫监制,集结了包括梁 朝伟、金城武、陈奕迅和杨颖等在内的众多明星,上演了一出浪漫的爱情喜剧。 The latest attempt by Jackie Chan to ease into a more dramatic role, albeit a nationalistic, Chinese versus oppressive Japanese oppressors, one, “Railroad Tigers” took second place with a three-day gross of $30.3 million. It benefited from some 60,000 screenings per day. 另一部影片《铁道飞虎》讲述了抗日战争期间,中国铁道游击队与日本侵略者斗智斗勇的故 事。演员成龙在里面饰演了一个极具戏剧性的角色。该影片每天排片量高达六万场次,在上 映三天后累计票房收入达到3030万美元,暂居票房排行榜第二位。 “The Great Wall,” the Zhang Yimou-directed popcorn movie saw its screen count plummet as the two newcomers vied for exhibition space. www.edu800.cn It managed $26.1 million in its second weekend from just under 50,000 screenings per day. That represents a 61% drop compered with its opening weekend of $66 million. Its per screen average was superior to “Railroad Tigers.” And after 10 days on release “Great Wall” has climbed to a cumulative total of $120 million. 随着新片《摆渡人》和《铁道飞虎》的上映,张艺谋执导的大片《长城》票房急转直下。在 日排片量5万场次的情况下,该片在上映第二周获得了2610万美元的票房收入,相比首映 周的6600万美元同比下降了61%。然而,《长城》的平均场次收入比《铁道飞虎》要高, 上映十天之内票房累计收入达到1.2亿美元。 A long way behind, “Hacksaw Ridge” added $4.28 million in fourth place. That gives it a 16 day cumulative of $41.1 million. 电影《血战钢锯岭》以428万美元的票房远远落后于前三部影片,暂居第四位。该影片上映 16天以来累计票房达到4110万美元。 “Moana” took fifth spot with $1.68 million. After a long run of 31 days, it has a cumulative $30.3 million. 动画电影《海洋奇缘》凭借168万美元的票房占据第五位。该片已经上映一个多月之久,累 计票房达到3030万美元。 Fellow holdover, “The Wasted Times” slipped to sixth. It added $1.18 million in its second weekend for a 10-day total of $15.2 million. 另一部影片《罗曼蒂克消亡史》则下滑到第六位,该片上映第二周共获得118万美元票房, 上映十天内累计票房收入达到1520万美元。 Record-breaking Japanese animation, “Your Name” scored $980,000 in its fourth weekend. That lifted its total to $80.5 million after 24 days. 之前打破票房纪录的日本动画电影《你的名字》在上映第四周获得98万美元的票房,上映 二十四天以来累计票房高达8050万美元。 ‘I.T.,” the Pierce Brosnan and Anna Friel-starring crime drama, opened with $550,000 in ninth spot. 由皮尔斯?布鲁斯南和安娜?弗莱尔参演的犯罪悬疑电影《绝对控制》以56万美元的票房 暂居第九位。 3 Healthy Fussy Toddler Breakfast Ideas 献给挑剔的学步婴儿的3个早餐创意 01.jpg Toddlers are notoriously difficult to please. Perhaps even worse than the most demanding of celebrities, toddlers can fixate on one food for weeks and then suddenly despise it. It certainly makes our jobs as moms even more difficult. If you have run out of breakfast ideas on how to get your fussy toddler to eat their main meal of the day, here are some fantastic ways to bring breakfast back to your table. 众所周知,学步的婴儿很难取悦。或许甚至比那些要求很多的名人都要糟糕,学步的婴儿可 以专注一种食物好几周,然后突然就不喜欢了。这当然也让我们作为妈妈的工作更加困难。 如果你你没有早餐创意了,不知道如何让挑剔的学步婴儿吃他们每天的主食的话,下面是一 些让宝宝回到早餐桌上的很棒的创意。 1. French toast sticks 1.法国吐司条 It is no mystery that children love to take things and dunk them. So make some French toast, cut it into sticks and serve it with a side of syrup. Those sticky fingers will be worth it when you realize they have cleaned their plate. 小孩子都喜欢拿东西,然后泡一下,这并不什么秘密。所以你可以做一些法国吐司,然后切 成条,然后配上一杯果汁。当你发现孩子吃完了整盘吐司的时候,那些条状的手指形状的吐 司也就值得了。 2. Smoothies 2.冰沙 Make a milk or yogurt-based smoothie and simply refer to it as a milkshake. Add a few sprinkles on top and give them a fun straw to drink it with. You will have empty cups in no time and you?ll have the last laugh because you will know your child got a great dose of healthy fruits in their morning “milkshake.” 做一杯牛奶或者酸奶冰沙,我们简单称之为“奶昔”。然后在表面撒上一些巧克力屑,给他 们一个有趣的吸管来喝。你会看到杯子一下就空了,因为你知道你的孩子在早上喝“奶昔” 的时候摄入了大量健康营养的水果,你最后就会开心大笑的。 3. Mini muffins 3.迷你松饼 Anything made bite-size has more allure for tiny eaters. Plus, you can make them in a ton of different ways. If your child likes bananas, try making banana muffins. Blueberries are also naturally sweet and kids really go for them. 做的一口大小的东西对于小孩吃东西来说,吸引力更大。而且,你可以做出无数不同的形状。 如果你的孩子喜欢香蕉,就可以做香蕉形状的松饼。蓝莓也是天然的糖果,孩子都喜欢蓝莓。 You can even add chocolate chips and watch those muffins disappear. Best of all, you can make them ahead of time so that all you need to do is hand them out when it is time for breakfast. You might actually get to enjoy your coffee while it is still hot. 你也可以添加一些巧克力屑,就会看到松饼消失了。最好的就是,你可以提前做出来,这样 你在早餐时间到了的时候,就只需要将这些松饼拿出来就可以了。实际上你或许可以在咖啡 还热的时候,享受喝咖啡的感觉了。 ---------------------------------------------------------------- 1.despise轻视,鄙视 I despise such people; they've no character. 我藐视这种人, 他们没骨气。 2.refer to参考;涉及;指的是;适用于 Moreover, it lets you refer to another policy via the element. 此外,它还允许您通过 元素引用另一个策略。 3.in no time立刻,很快 We'll do up your car in no time at all. 我们很快就能把你的汽车修好。 4.Best of all最好的 It is not possible to have the best of all worlds. 你不可能拥有世界一切最好的东西。 Israel on Sunday summoned ambassadors of countries that belong to the UN Security Council for a Christmas Day reprimand for their support of a resolution condemning Israel?s illegal settlements on Palestinian lands. 以色列周日召见联合国安理会(UN Security Council)成员国驻该国的大使,在圣诞日当天批 评这些国家支持一项谴责以色列在巴勒斯坦土地上建立非法定居点的决议。 The UK was among the countries that saw its diplomats called into Israel?s ministry of foreign affairs on Sunday, David Quarrey, Britain?s ambassador to Israel, told the Financial Times. 英国驻以色列大使戴维.夸里(David Quarrey)告诉英国《金融时报》,英国外交官也在周日被 以色列外交部召见的使节之列。 With Mr Quarrey in the UK, British diplomat Tony Kay was summoned in his place. 由于夸里恰好在英国,英国外交官托尼.凯(Tony Kay)代替他被召见。 The ambassador of the US, which abstained in Friday?s vote, was not among the envoys summoned, the Israeli foreign ministry said, but those of countries who backed the resolution were. 以色列外交部表示,在上周五的表决中投弃权票的美国的大使不在被召见的使节之列,但是 投票支持了那项决议的国家的使节均被召见。 The move came as Israeli prime minister Benjamin Netanyahu cancelled a visit to Israel by Volodymyr Groysman, his Ukrainian counterpart, and accused US President Barack Obama of disgraceful behaviour for failing to exercise the US veto. 以色列做出此举之际,该国总理本雅明.内塔尼亚胡(Benjamin Netanyahu)取消了乌克兰总理 弗拉基米尔.格罗伊斯曼(Volodymyr Groysman)访问以色列之行,并指责美国总统巴拉克.奥 巴马(Barack Obama)未能行使美国否决权的可耻行为。 Mr Groysman had due to arrive in Israel on Wednesday on his first official visit to the Jewish state. 格罗伊斯曼原定周三抵达以色列,对这个犹太国家展开他的首次正式访问。 Israel will also suspend some of its funding to the UN, Mr Netanyahu said in a vituperative speech on Saturday evening, in which he warned of jiujiu360.com further diplomatic and economic retaliation against countries that opposed Israel in international bodies. 内塔尼亚胡上周六晚发表义愤填膺的讲话,称以色列还将暂停向联合国提供一部分资金,并 警告说,将对那些在国际组织中反对以色列的国家进行进一步的外交和经济报复。 The Israeli leader vowed to work with incoming US President Donald Trump and members of Congress to fight all-out war against this resolution, 以色列领导人誓言与美国候任总统唐纳德.特朗普(Donald Trump)和国会议员合作,对这项决 议展开全面战争。 in his sharpest public attack ever on Mr Obama. 他对奥巴马作出了历来最尖锐的公开抨击。 The resolution that was passed at the UN yesterday is part of the swan song of the old world that is biased against Israel but, my friends, we are entering a new era, Mr Netanyahu said at a Hanukkah candle-lighting ceremony. 联合国昨日通过的决议是对以色列不公的旧世界绝唱的一部分,但是,我的朋友们,我们正 在进入一个新时代,内塔尼亚胡在光明节(Hanukkah)点蜡烛仪式上表示。 And just as President-elect Trump said yesterday, it will happen much sooner than you think. 而正如当选总统特朗普昨日所说的,这个新时代将比你想象的更快到来。 Speaking ahead of a weekly cabinet meeting on Sunday, Mr Netanyahu accused Mr Obama of orchestrating the UN resolution. 内塔尼亚胡在周日举行每周内阁会议前指责奥巴马策划了那份联合国决议。 From the information that we have, we have no doubt that the Obama administration initiated it, stood behind it, co-ordinated on the wording and demanded that it be passed, he said. 根据我方掌握的信息,我们毫不怀疑,奥巴马政府发起和支持了这项决议,协调了决议措辞, 还要求各方通过它,他说。 However, a senior Obama administration official, speaking anonymously to Reuters on Friday, said that the US played no role in crafting or promoting the resolution, contrary to Israeli claims. 然而,奥巴马政府一名高级官员上周五以匿名方式对路透社(Reuters)发表谈话,称美国在制 定或推动这项决议方面没有扮演任何角色,这与以色列的说法相反。 Mr Netanyahu said: And, as I told [US secretary of state] John Kerry on Thursday, friends don?t take friends to the Security Council. 内塔尼亚胡说:而且,正如我上周四对美国国务卿约翰.克里(John Kerry)所说的,朋友不该 把朋友送上安理会。 The UN Security Council on Friday passed a resolution demanding that Israel immediately and completely cease all settlement activities, and calling on member states to distinguish between Israel and the territories, including East Jerusalem, that it occupied in the 1967 Six Day War. 联合国安理会上周五通过决议,要求以色列立即且完全停止一切定居点活动,并呼吁各成员 国区分以色列和其占领的领土,包括以色列在1967年六日战争期间占领的东耶路撒冷。
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