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高考基本能力体育知识点总结高考基本能力体育知识点总结 第一章 启动积极的运动方程式 课标要求 1. 了解常见的运动项目。 2. 明确准备活动与整理活动的好处。 3. 明确易发生的运动损伤及其防治。 4. 锻炼计划(运动处方)的制定。 课标解读 1. 从1896年首届现代奥运会的9大项到2008年北京奥运会的28大项、302小项,我们足以对运动项目的阵容窥见一斑。 2. 准备活动与整理活动是安全锻炼、科学健身不可缺少的两个环节,他们可以使运动的整个过程首尾呼应,相得益彰。 3. 运动损伤是体育运动中经常发生的事情,掌握运动损伤的防治知识是...
高考基本能力体育知识点总结 第一章 启动积极的运动方程式 课标要求 1. 了解常见的运动项目。 2. 明确准备活动与整理活动的好处。 3. 明确易发生的运动损伤及其防治。 4. 锻炼计划(运动处方)的制定。 课标解读 1. 从1896年首届现代奥运会的9大项到2008年北京奥运会的28大项、302小项,我们足以对运动项目的阵容窥见一斑。 2. 准备活动与整理活动是安全锻炼、科学健身不可缺少的两个环节,他们可以使运动的整个过程首尾呼应,相得益彰。 3. 运动损伤是体育运动中经常发生的事情,掌握运动损伤的防治知识是运动过程中必备的锦囊。 4. 运动处方是指针对个人的身体状况,采用处方的形式规定健身者锻炼的内容和运动量的。其特点是因人而异,对"症"下药。 基础归纳 一、 启动积极的运动方程式 1、现代奥运会项目 夏季奥运会:28大项--田径、水上项目、举重、自行车、射箭、射击、篮球、排球、足球、手球、乒乓球、网球、羽毛球、棒球、曲棍球、垒球、体操、击剑、摔跤、柔道、跆拳道、拳击、赛艇、皮划艇、帆船、马术、现代五项(射击、击剑、游泳、马术、越野跑)、 铁人三项(游泳、自行车、长跑)。 冬季奥运会:6大项--滑雪、滑冰、冰球、雪橇、冰舞、现代冬季两项(越野滑雪和射击相结合的雪上运动项目)。 2、运动之母--田径运动 田径运动是一切运动的基石,被称为运动之母。国际业余田径联合会对田径运动下的定义是:田赛和径赛 、公路赛、竞走和越野赛。以时间计算成绩的竞走和跑的项目,叫"径赛"。以高度和远度计算成绩的跳跃、投掷项目叫"田赛"。 径赛类 径赛类项目以决赛成绩判定该项目最终名次,而不以预、次、复赛的成绩判定最终名次。名次的判定以运动员躯干(不 volunteers management. Peace volunteer work is a new thing, the units to be in accordance with a person of a file, a file in a, the establishment of peace volunteers archives. One is before the end of the police station to set up not less than 30 people in the township of peace volunteer service team, pennants, volunteer badges and other equipment to produce their own, specific issues can and propaganda section. The second is the police station monthly planning of not less than two times of peace volunteers propaganda of public security or preventive security activities, fully mobilize the power of the masses, Hong Yang spirit of volunteerism, transfer safe positive energy. Third, the police will have to combine the police real . joint publicity department or the police station, a month to organize carry out more than once to highlight the theme of peace volunteer service activities, such as, the legal system to highlight the legal publicity and education of the youth theme, Interpol, to highlight the narcotics, anti-theft, anti cheating theme, investigation to prominent anti-counterfeiting, anti illegal fund-raising, financial fraud prevention, anti embezzlement etc. theme and security to prominent fireworks governance, management of hazardous chemicals, public security management, network security to give prominence to network security and other topics, household registration, entry and exit to highlight the theme of convenience services etc., the police can also according to the requirements of their own responsibilities and the 包括头、颈、四肢)的任何部分抵达终点线后沿垂直面的先后顺序为主。 400米以下各项,运动员应采用蹲距式起跑(正式比赛必须使用起跑器),对运动员第一次起跑犯规给予警告,对第二次犯规的任一运动员取消其比赛规格。 接力跑时,运动员应手持接力棒跑完全程,如发生掉棒,需由掉棒人拾起,如在拾起过程中缩短比赛距离或侵犯其他队员则取消其比赛资格。所有交接棒的过程均必须在接力区内完成。传接棒方法:"上挑式"、"下压式"、"混合式"。 跨栏时,运动员必须跨越10个栏架,除故意用手推或用脚踢倒栏架外,其他部位碰倒栏架不算犯规。跨栏跑比赛项目男子有110M栏和400M栏,女子有100M栏和400M栏。 田赛类 * 跳高 跳高有跨越式,剪式,滚式,俯卧式,背越式5种姿势。任何高度上只要连续3次试跳失败,即失去继续比赛资格。 * 撑杆跳高 运动员双手握住一根特制的杆子,经过快速助跑后,借助杆子的反弹力量,使身体腾起,跃过横杆。运动员一般都自带撑竿参加比赛。比赛时,运动员必须将撑竿插在插斗内起跳;起跳离地后,握竿的手不得向上移动。 * 跳远 跳远的3种姿势:蹲踞式、挺身式和走步式。 丈量试跳成绩时,应以身体任何部分在着地区表面留下的痕迹,与起跳线或其延长线间的最短距离为准。其名次由全部试跳中(包含预决赛)最好的一次试跳成绩来判定。 * 三级跳远 三级跳远是助跑之后连续进行3次跳跃。第一跳为单足跳,用起跳腿落地;第二跳为跨步跳,用摆动腿落地;第三跳为跳跃,必须用双脚落入沙坑 * 铅球 正式比赛男子铅球为7.26 公斤;女子铅球的重量为4公斤。推铅球技术分为原地投掷、侧身滑步投掷、背向滑步投掷、旋转投掷。 出球角度:38?,42? 。斜抛运动:利用力学原理S,V02sin a /g。 * 铁饼 运动员应该在直径2.50米的圈内将饼掷出,铁饼必须落在40度的角度线内方为有效 * 标枪 掷标枪时,不得抛甩,只有标枪枪尖先于标枪的其他部位触地,且标枪必须完全落在角度线内沿以内方有效。开始试掷后,如果身体任何部位触及投掷弧、助跑道标志线及以外地面,均判试掷失败。 * 链球 volunteers management. Peace volunteer work is a new thing, the units to be in accordance with a person of a file, a file in a, the establishment of peace volunteers archives. One is before the end of the police station to set up not less than 30 people in the township of peace volunteer service team, pennants, volunteer badges and other equipment to produce their own, specific issues can and propaganda section. The second is the police station monthly planning of not less than two times of peace volunteers propaganda of public security or preventive security activities, fully mobilize the power of the masses, Hong Yang spirit of volunteerism, transfer safe positive energy. Third, the police will have to combine the police real . joint publicity department or the police station, a month to organize carry out more than once to highlight the theme of peace volunteer service activities, such as, the legal system to highlight the legal publicity and education of the youth theme, Interpol, to highlight the narcotics, anti-theft, anti cheating theme, investigation to prominent anti-counterfeiting, anti illegal fund-raising, financial fraud prevention, anti embezzlement etc. theme and security to prominent fireworks governance, management of hazardous chemicals, public security management, network security to give prominence to network security and other topics, household registration, entry and exit to highlight the theme of convenience services etc., the police can also according to the requirements of their own responsibilities and the 3、力与美的结合--体操类项目 按照教科书中的分类,体操包括竞技体操、艺术体操、蹦床、健美操、技巧5个竞技型项目。目前,竞技体操、艺术体操、蹦床同属奥运会体操项目,艺术体操是奥运会女子比赛项目。艺术体操、自由体操必须有音乐伴奏。 竞技体操比赛男子项目有:自由体操、鞍马、吊环、跳马、双杠、单杠;女子项目为:跳马、高低杠、平衡木、自由体操。 4、水上运动 泳姿介绍:世界正规游泳比赛是四种泳姿,分为蝶泳,仰泳,蛙泳和自由泳。 花样游泳:是女子体育项目。20世纪20年代起源于德国、英国等欧洲国家,原为游泳比赛间歇时的水中表演项目,由游泳、技巧、舞蹈和音乐编排而成,有"水中芭蕾"之称。 5、冰雪运动 冰雪运动包括短道速滑、高山滑雪、冰球运动、冬季两项、花样滑冰等,其中花样滑冰是运动与艺术的结合。 6、 民族民间体育活动 * 蒙古族的摔跤、赛马叼羊 * 回族的踢毽、拔河 * 藏族的大象拔河、赛牦牛 * 壮族:抢花炮、板鞋 * 朝鲜族的跳板、秋千 7、新兴体育运动 峡谷漂流、滑板、轮滑、攀岩、蹦极、定向运动、小轮车等。 二、 准备活动与整理活动 1、准备活动: 指进行较剧烈运动前所做的一系列低负荷的伸展性身体练习。 准备活动的好处:可以逐渐提高中枢神经系统的兴奋性,克服机体的生理惰性;作为剧烈运动前的预热,可以增强机体的新陈代谢,保证体能的正常发挥;有助于改变血流方向,在正式运动时使更多的血液流向肌肉,为肌肉输送更多的养料和氧气;可以提高肌肉和关节韧带的弹性,降低粘滞性,使关节腔内滑液增多,预防肌肉和韧带拉伤。准备活动的时间越短,遭遇运动损伤的几率越大,准备活动时间一般为3---5分钟。 2、 整理活动: 指较剧烈的体育运动结束时所做的放松练习。整理活动的量不可过大,要通过强度递减的运动方式逐渐结束运动,而非突然停顿下来,立刻坐下或马上淋浴。 volunteers management. Peace volunteer work is a new thing, the units to be in accordance with a person of a file, a file in a, the establishment of peace volunteers archives. One is before the end of the police station to set up not less than 30 people in the township of peace volunteer service team, pennants, volunteer badges and other equipment to produce their own, specific issues can and propaganda section. The second is the police station monthly planning of not less than two times of peace volunteers propaganda of public security or preventive security activities, fully mobilize the power of the masses, Hong Yang spirit of volunteerism, transfer safe positive energy. Third, the police will have to combine the police real . joint publicity department or the police station, a month to organize carry out more than once to highlight the theme of peace volunteer service activities, such as, the legal system to highlight the legal publicity and education of the youth theme, Interpol, to highlight the narcotics, anti-theft, anti cheating theme, investigation to prominent anti-counterfeiting, anti illegal fund-raising, financial fraud prevention, anti embezzlement etc. theme and security to prominent fireworks governance, management of hazardous chemicals, public security management, network security to give prominence to network security and other topics, household registration, entry and exit to highlight the theme of convenience services etc., the police can also according to the requirements of their own responsibilities and the 整理活动的好处:有助于血液返回心脏,促进运动中代谢物的排出,加速运动后的体力恢复。通过舒展肌肉群,可以有效的防止肌肉痉挛,缓解运动后的肌肉酸痛。 3、运动损伤 运动过程中发生的各种损伤称为运动损伤。 关节扭伤: 内因:技术掌握不好、协调性差,关节周围肌肉力量小、生理结构不佳、疲劳产生、体力差。 外因:准备活动不够、场地滑、器材使用不当、内容不好(动作速度快、转、跳多)。 预防:准备活动充分、了解设备使用、循序渐进、自己速度放慢。 处理:24小时前为急性期 方法:停止运动、冷敷、包扎、抬高受伤部位。 24小时后为恢复期:可采用伤药,配合按摩、理疗、热敷等。 运动腹痛: 原因1:肝脾淤血,慢性腹部疾病。 原因2:呼吸肌痉挛(准备活动不够,肺透气低,运动与呼吸不协调)。 原因3:胃肠痉挛(运动前吃得过饱、饭后过早运动,空腹或喝水太多)。 预防:运动前健康检查,合理安排运动饮食,不空腹、喝水太多运动。 处理:减慢运动速度、加深呼吸、调整运动呼吸节奏、手按疼痛部位,严重时可停止运动,口服减痉挛药物(阿托品、十滴水)。 三、 锻炼计划的制定(运动处方) 锻炼计划构成要素 制定锻炼计划的要求 田径耐久跑锻炼计划案例 锻炼项目 可根据锻炼目的,有针对性的选择锻炼项目。例如:为了改善心肺功能,宜选择以有氧代谢为主的走、慢跑、游泳、自行车等。为了强壮肌肉宜选择力量性项目。为了放松心情宜选择太极拳、散步、放松操等。 1、跑走交替(1000-1200米):一般适合刚刚参加耐久跑锻炼的人。2、定时匀速跑(8-12分钟)或定距离匀速跑(1000---1600米):适合有一定锻炼基础的人。3、变速跑(1200-1600米):适合心肺耐力较好的人。4、自然环境跑或越野跑(一般采用定时跑方式15-20分钟)。 锻炼强度 锻炼强度可用最大吸氧量百分比、心率等表示。一般来说,中等强度对人体的身心健康最为有利。 volunteers management. Peace volunteer work is a new thing, the units to be in accordance with a person of a file, a file in a, the establishment of peace volunteers archives. One is before the end of the police station to set up not less than 30 people in the township of peace volunteer service team, pennants, volunteer badges and other equipment to produce their own, specific issues can and propaganda section. The second is the police station monthly planning of not less than two times of peace volunteers propaganda of public security or preventive security activities, fully mobilize the power of the masses, Hong Yang spirit of volunteerism, transfer safe positive energy. Third, the police will have to combine the police real . joint publicity department or the police station, a month to organize carry out more than once to highlight the theme of peace volunteer service activities, such as, the legal system to highlight the legal publicity and education of the youth theme, Interpol, to highlight the narcotics, anti-theft, anti cheating theme, investigation to prominent anti-counterfeiting, anti illegal fund-raising, financial fraud prevention, anti embezzlement etc. theme and security to prominent fireworks governance, management of hazardous chemicals, public security management, network security to give prominence to network security and other topics, household registration, entry and exit to highlight the theme of convenience services etc., the police can also according to the requirements of their own responsibilities and the 根据自身心肺耐力水平确定锻炼强度,建议将锻炼时的有效心率控制在120-140次/分钟,或最大吸氧量的50-85%。 锻炼频率 锻炼间隔时间过长或过短都会影响锻炼的效果,锻炼频率一般保持每周在3次以上。 每周3-4次,且隔日锻炼效果最佳。 锻炼时间 每次锻炼持续时间的长短应该根据个人情况,医学检查,锻炼频率大小而定,但每次锻炼时间应在30分钟以上。 每次锻炼持续30-40分钟。 附:计算最大心率:220-年龄 测定安静心率:至少静坐15分钟-25分钟后测得的心率 计算心率储备:最大心率-安静心率 计算目标心率(靶心率):心率储备(50-85%)+安静心率 (当人体在靶心率范围内时,一般都能收到最佳的锻炼效果,并保证锻炼的安全性。) 难点突破 例题分析 由于人们生活水平的提高,再加上运动量减少,白领阶层中的"胖子"越来越多了。身体肥胖不仅给行动带来不便,更对身体健康造成很大危害。24岁白领张丽身高160CM,体重80KG。由于超体重的肥胖给张丽工作、生活带来了不便,更是对健康构成很大的危害,减肥问题已经引起张丽的高度重视。尽管对人们减肥有多种多样的说法和做法,但张丽调查研究发现:减肥的关键在于运动。目前,专家们认为,要减肥一是节制饮食,二是加强运动,即减少摄入的热量或者努力消耗体内的热量。所以说值得大力提倡的是两个方面:一是平衡膳食,另一个就是运动。美国专家的调查表明,要使减肥持久支持下去,除了有节制地减少摄入的热量外,必须增加运动量。 那么请你给张丽制定一个科学有效的锻炼计划。 解析: 1.运动项目: 长跑、步行、游泳、划船、爬山等,也可练习有氧体操。 2.运动强度: 一般运动强度,可达本人最大吸氧量的50-85%。 3.运动频率: 由于青年肥胖者多有减肥的主观愿望,自觉性较强,为提高减肥效果,运动频率可适当增大,一般每周锻炼3--4次为宜。 volunteers management. Peace volunteer work is a new thing, the units to be in accordance with a person of a file, a file in a, the establishment of peace volunteers archives. One is before the end of the police station to set up not less than 30 people in the township of peace volunteer service team, pennants, volunteer badges and other equipment to produce their own, specific issues can and propaganda section. The second is the police station monthly planning of not less than two times of peace volunteers propaganda of public security or preventive security activities, fully mobilize the power of the masses, Hong Yang spirit of volunteerism, transfer safe positive energy. Third, the police will have to combine the police real . joint publicity department or the police station, a month to organize carry out more than once to highlight the theme of peace volunteer service activities, such as, the legal system to highlight the legal publicity and education of the youth theme, Interpol, to highlight the narcotics, anti-theft, anti cheating theme, investigation to prominent anti-counterfeiting, anti illegal fund-raising, financial fraud prevention, anti embezzlement etc. theme and security to prominent fireworks governance, management of hazardous chemicals, public security management, network security to give prominence to network security and other topics, household registration, entry and exit to highlight the theme of convenience services etc., the police can also according to the requirements of their own responsibilities and the 4.运动时间: 每次运动时间不少于40分钟,持续时间可视减肥要求而定。晚饭前两小时运动最佳。 第二章 强身健体 课标要求 1. 明确体能的构成。 2. 获得健康体能和运动体能方面的基本知识。 3. 正确划分有氧运动与无氧运动。 课标解读 体能即机体适应环境的能力,具体地说就是当一个人能安全有效地应付日常生活中各种需求而无过度疲劳感,并且仍 有剩余精力从事闲暇和娱乐活动时,可以称他是一个体能好的人。体能分成与健康有关的体能和与运动技能有关体能两大 类。 基础归纳: 一、体能的构成 体能 健康的体能 运动体能 成分 1、心肺耐力 2、肌肉力量和肌肉耐力 3、柔韧性 4、身体成分 1、速度 2、爆发力 3、灵敏性 4、平衡性 5、协调性 6、反应时 volunteers management. Peace volunteer work is a new thing, the units to be in accordance with a person of a file, a file in a, the establishment of peace volunteers archives. One is before the end of the police station to set up not less than 30 people in the township of peace volunteer service team, pennants, volunteer badges and other equipment to produce their own, specific issues can and propaganda section. The second is the police station monthly planning of not less than two times of peace volunteers propaganda of public security or preventive security activities, fully mobilize the power of the masses, Hong Yang spirit of volunteerism, transfer safe positive energy. Third, the police will have to combine the police real . joint publicity department or the police station, a month to organize carry out more than once to highlight the theme of peace volunteer service activities, such as, the legal system to highlight the legal publicity and education of the youth theme, Interpol, to highlight the narcotics, anti-theft, anti cheating theme, investigation to prominent anti-counterfeiting, anti illegal fund-raising, financial fraud prevention, anti embezzlement etc. theme and security to prominent fireworks governance, management of hazardous chemicals, public security management, network security to give prominence to network security and other topics, household registration, entry and exit to highlight the theme of convenience services etc., the police can also according to the requirements of their own responsibilities and the 目的 1、保持身体健康 2、提高生活质量 1、提高运动技能水平 2、增大比赛中获胜的几率 二、与健康有关的体能 1、心肺耐力:是指呼吸及循环系统在活动时提供氧气及营养,以满足长时间身体活动身体所需要的能力,是评定人体健康体能的重要指标之一。 适宜的项目:选择中低强度、持续时间长的运动比较适宜,如步行、慢跑、有氧操、游泳、越野滑雪、球类、跳绳、骑自行车、登山等有氧运动, 有氧运动的目的在于增强心肺耐力。 有氧运动是指人体在氧气充分供应的情况下进行的体育锻炼。也就是说,在运动过程中,人体吸入的氧气与需求相等,达到生理上的平衡状态。简单来说,是指任何富韵律性的运动,其 运动时间较长(约15分钟或以上),运动强度在中等或中上的程度(最大心率之75%至85%)。是不是"有氧运动"。衡量的是心率,它的特点是强度低,有节奏,持续时间较长。 2、肌肉力量和肌肉耐力:肌肉所能发挥的最大力量即肌肉力量;肌肉耐力指肌肉持续工作的能力。 适宜的项目:田径运动是发展肌肉力量和肌肉耐力的有效途径。 无氧运动是指肌肉在"缺氧"的状态下高速剧烈的运动。无氧运动大部分是负荷强度高、瞬间性强的运动,所以很难持续长时间,而且疲劳消除的时间也慢。无氧运动的最大特征是:运动时氧气的摄取量非常低。由于速度过快及爆发力过猛,人体内的糖分来不及经过氧气分解,而不得不依靠"无氧供能"。这种运动会在体内产生过多的乳酸,运动后感到肌肉酸痛,呼吸急促。要是想让自己的身体更强壮一些,可以到健身房去参加无氧运动。常见的无氧运动项目有:如赛跑、举重、投掷、跳高、跳远、拔河、肌力训练等。 3、柔韧性:指身体某关节的活动幅度以及跨过该关节的肌肉、韧带、肌腱、皮肤等组织的弹性和伸展能力。 适宜的项目:徒手的身体练习,如压腿。体操、武术等项目也是发展柔韧性的可取方式。 4、身体成分:身体成分由你身体中的脂肪成分和非脂肪成分两部分组成。 糖、脂肪、蛋白质被称为人体细胞的"燃料",其中脂肪是人体最大的燃料库。经常参加慢跑、游泳等时间较长(至少30分钟)、强度较小的运动可以防止脂肪在体内过多储存,是使fat变fit的有效途径。 三、与运动有关的体能 1、速度:是指身体或身体某部分在短时间内快速运动的能力。速度在物理学上是指单位时间内的位移。 影响跑速的因素 volunteers management. Peace volunteer work is a new thing, the units to be in accordance with a person of a file, a file in a, the establishment of peace volunteers archives. One is before the end of the police station to set up not less than 30 people in the township of peace volunteer service team, pennants, volunteer badges and other equipment to produce their own, specific issues can and propaganda section. The second is the police station monthly planning of not less than two times of peace volunteers propaganda of public security or preventive security activities, fully mobilize the power of the masses, Hong Yang spirit of volunteerism, transfer safe positive energy. Third, the police will have to combine the police real . joint publicity department or the police station, a month to organize carry out more than once to highlight the theme of peace volunteer service activities, such as, the legal system to highlight the legal publicity and education of the youth theme, Interpol, to highlight the narcotics, anti-theft, anti cheating theme, investigation to prominent anti-counterfeiting, anti illegal fund-raising, financial fraud prevention, anti embezzlement etc. theme and security to prominent fireworks governance, management of hazardous chemicals, public security management, network security to give prominence to network security and other topics, household registration, entry and exit to highlight the theme of convenience services etc., the police can also according to the requirements of their own responsibilities and the 通过跑步发展速度的方式有小步跑变加速跑、高抬腿跑变加速跑、后蹬跑变加速跑、车轮跑变加速跑、放松大步跑等。 2、爆发力:在最短时间内,以最大的加速度克服一定阻力的能力就是爆发力。 影响爆发力的因素有力量、距离和时间等。 排球运动中的扣球,田径运动中的铅球和标枪的投掷都是发展爆发力的有效途径。 3、灵敏性:是指人体迅速改变体位、转换动作和随机应变的能力,是运动者各种运动技能和体能在运动中的综合表现。 灵敏性可以提高大脑皮层神经传导过程的灵活性,能发展快速反应的能力,可以提高速度和动作的准确性、协调性,能更快地掌握多种多样的动作技能。 灵敏性可以通过健美操、体育舞蹈、武术、体操、篮球等项目改善。 4、协调性:是指身体各部分在时间和空间上相互配合,准确、合理、有效地完成动作的能力,主要反映一个人的视觉、听觉、平衡觉与运动技能相结合的能力。 田径运动中的跨栏跑是集速度、爆发力、灵敏性、协调性、平衡性等诸多体能于一身的运动形式,对发展协调性更有难以取代的作用。 四、《学生体质健康标准》 1、《学生体质健康标准》要求中学生测试哪些项目, 根据《学生体质健康标准》的要求,中学生需要完成六项测试,分别是身高、体重、肺活量、台阶试验或耐力跑、50米跑或立定跳远、握力或仰卧起坐(女生)或坐位体前屈。 2、为什么要选择这些测试项目,《学生体质健康标准》中所选择的测试项目,突出了发展和改善身体健康素质的内容要素,旨在促进对学生健康有直接影响且关系密切的身体成分、心血管系统的功能、肌肉的力量和耐力以及柔韧性的改善、发展与提高。 3、为什么要设立选测项目, 选测项目的设立旨在引导学生全面地锻炼身体;减轻学生、教师和学校测试工作的负担;强调全面锻炼身体的过程;实现教学内容和测试项目分开,克服考什么学什么、测什么练什么的应试教育弊端, 保证体育与健康课教学活动的正常进行。 4、身高标准体重有何意义, 身高标准体重是指身高与体重两者的比例应在正常的范围。它通过身高与体重一定的比例关系,反映人体的围度、宽度和厚度以及人体的密度。是评价人体形态发育水平和营养状况及身体匀称度的重要指标。 5、台阶试验指数是高好还是低好, 台阶试验指数是反映人体心血管系统机能状况的重要指数。台阶试验指数值越大,则反映你心血管系统的机能水平越高;反之亦然。经常参加有氧代谢运动,可提高你心血管系统的机能水平。 6、为什么要进行耐力跑测试, 耐力跑是国内外评价心血管系统机能水平最简便的方法之一。心血管机能水平高的人在跑相同距离时所用的时间相对要少。因此,如果你的心血管系统机能较强,就能在耐力测试中取得好成绩。 7、为什么采用肺活量体重指数进行评价, 肺活量是评价人体呼吸系统机能状况的一个重要指标。由于肺活量的大小,与体重、身高、胸围等因素有着密切的关系。因此,为了将学生身体发育的不同步因素在肺脏机能的评价中得以体现,所以 volunteers management. Peace volunteer work is a new thing, the units to be in accordance with a person of a file, a file in a, the establishment of peace volunteers archives. One is before the end of the police station to set up not less than 30 people in the township of peace volunteer service team, pennants, volunteer badges and other equipment to produce their own, specific issues can and propaganda section. The second is the police station monthly planning of not less than two times of peace volunteers propaganda of public security or preventive security activities, fully mobilize the power of the masses, Hong Yang spirit of volunteerism, transfer safe positive energy. Third, the police will have to combine the police real . joint publicity department or the police station, a month to organize carry out more than once to highlight the theme of peace volunteer service activities, such as, the legal system to highlight the legal publicity and education of the youth theme, Interpol, to highlight the narcotics, anti-theft, anti cheating theme, investigation to prominent anti-counterfeiting, anti illegal fund-raising, financial fraud prevention, anti embezzlement etc. theme and security to prominent fireworks governance, management of hazardous chemicals, public security management, network security to give prominence to network security and other topics, household registration, entry and exit to highlight the theme of convenience services etc., the police can also according to the requirements of their own responsibilities and the 选用了肺活量体重指数。 8、50米跑测试有何意义, 虽然50米跑动作结构简单,但它可反映你神经过程的灵活性、身体的协调性、关节和肌肉的柔韧性以及肌肉的力量和耐力。 9、握力体重指数的含义是什么, 握力主要反映了你前臂和手部肌肉的力量,同时也与其他肌群的力量有关,而且还是反映肌肉总体力量的一个很好的指标。握力体重指数反映的是你肌肉的相对力量,即每公斤体重的握力。 10、仰卧起坐的测试目的是什么, 仰卧起坐测试是评价肌肉力量和耐力的方法之一,由于它能比较安全的测试肌肉的力量和耐力,所以受到广泛的欢迎和应用。在做仰卧起坐时,主要是腹肌在起作用,髋部肌肉也参与了工作,因此这种测试既评价了你腹肌的耐力,也反映了你髋部肌肉的耐力。由于女生这两部分肌肉的力量和耐力与其某些生理功能有密切的联系,因此将仰卧起坐单独列为女生的一个选测项目。 11、立定跳远是测量腿部肌肉的力量吗, 立足跳远主要是测量你向前跳跃时下肢肌肉的爆发力。腿部的爆发力是以腿部的力量为基础。 12、坐位体前屈测试与健康有关吗, 坐位体前屈测试反映的是关节和肌肉的柔韧性。柔韧性差意味着相应的关节和肌肉缺乏运动。 难点突破 例题分析 (07年高考样题)运动员在进行不同项目运动时,机体供能方式不同。对三种运动员项目的机体总需氧量、实际摄入氧量和血液中乳酸增加量进行测定,结果如下表。请在下表中"运动项目"一列填入正确的选项。 A(1000m跑 B(100m跑 C(马拉松跑 运动项目 总需氧量/L 实际摄入氧量/L 血液乳酸增加量 ?,,,,,, 8 0 未见增加 ?,,,,,, 16 2 volunteers management. Peace volunteer work is a new thing, the units to be in accordance with a person of a file, a file in a, the establishment of peace volunteers archives. One is before the end of the police station to set up not less than 30 people in the township of peace volunteer service team, pennants, volunteer badges and other equipment to produce their own, specific issues can and propaganda section. The second is the police station monthly planning of not less than two times of peace volunteers propaganda of public security or preventive security activities, fully mobilize the power of the masses, Hong Yang spirit of volunteerism, transfer safe positive energy. Third, the police will have to combine the police real . joint publicity department or the police station, a month to organize carry out more than once to highlight the theme of peace volunteer service activities, such as, the legal system to highlight the legal publicity and education of the youth theme, Interpol, to highlight the narcotics, anti-theft, anti cheating theme, investigation to prominent anti-counterfeiting, anti illegal fund-raising, financial fraud prevention, anti embezzlement etc. theme and security to prominent fireworks governance, management of hazardous chemicals, public security management, network security to give prominence to network security and other topics, household registration, entry and exit to highlight the theme of convenience services etc., the police can also according to the requirements of their own responsibilities and the 显著增加 ?,,,,,, 600 589 略有增加 解析:?B ?A ?C 第三章 健身益心 课标要求 1. 了解体育锻炼怎样增强自我价值感(六点半疗法)。 2. 明确不同的体育锻炼能培养人不同的意志品质。 课标解读 规律的体育活动可以增强人的体质,促进身体的健康,预防和治疗心血管疾病、糖尿病、关节炎和骨质疏松等生理疾病。同时,体育活动还有助于增进心理健康,如体育活动可以改善情绪状态,完善个性心理品质,帮助确立良好的自我概念,改善认知方式,还可以作为心理治疗的一种手段等。因此,认识体育锻炼对人们健康的重要作用,可以养成长期锻炼习惯以及为促进全面发展奠定基础。 基础归纳 一、 促进智力发展 1、 掀起你的右脑风暴 研究发现:大脑的右半球对形状知觉、空间知觉、音乐知觉起主要作用,是图形的优势半球。左半球对言语、逻辑分析推理以及对事物的细节知觉起主要作用,是言语优势半球,左脑还支配着人们的右手,相对于发达的左脑,右脑则成了一个未被发掘的“宝库” 体育锻炼是发掘右半球的重要手段,一方面,人的身体协调、形象记忆、空间感都属于右脑的辖区,体育锻炼可以直接使右脑的相应部位兴奋;另一方面,体育活动多是整个身体的运动,可以活动我们平时不常用的左侧身体,使右脑充分得到锻炼。 2、 运动是你的“健脑丸” volunteers management. Peace volunteer work is a new thing, the units to be in accordance with a person of a file, a file in a, the establishment of peace volunteers archives. One is before the end of the police station to set up not less than 30 people in the township of peace volunteer service team, pennants, volunteer badges and other equipment to produce their own, specific issues can and propaganda section. The second is the police station monthly planning of not less than two times of peace volunteers propaganda of public security or preventive security activities, fully mobilize the power of the masses, Hong Yang spirit of volunteerism, transfer safe positive energy. Third, the police will have to combine the police real . joint publicity department or the police station, a month to organize carry out more than once to highlight the theme of peace volunteer service activities, such as, the legal system to highlight the legal publicity and education of the youth theme, Interpol, to highlight the narcotics, anti-theft, anti cheating theme, investigation to prominent anti-counterfeiting, anti illegal fund-raising, financial fraud prevention, anti embezzlement etc. theme and security to prominent fireworks governance, management of hazardous chemicals, public security management, network security to give prominence to network security and other topics, household registration, entry and exit to highlight the theme of convenience services etc., the police can also according to the requirements of their own responsibilities and the 体育活动具有直观性的特点,参加者必须综合地运用相关的感觉器官。各种器官的灵活运用可以促进人体的感知能力发展,改善人体中枢神经系统,增强大脑皮层的分析和综合能力,提高大脑思维的灵活性、协调性、反应速度等。经常参加体育锻炼还能有效发展你的空间和运动感知能力。 3、 运动帮你消除脑疲劳 生理学研究表明,脑疲劳与缺氧有关。体育活动能促进新陈代谢,加速血液循环,改善大脑供血、供氧情况,从而使头脑清醒,思维敏捷,在学习中保持旺盛精力。体育活动还能使大脑皮层的兴奋性增强,神经调控过程中的均衡性与灵活性提高,并改善中枢神经系统的功能,增强中枢神经系统对身体各器官系统的调节作用。 二、 增强自我价值感 自我价值感就是指个体对自身的一种感受,即面对一项挑战性任务时,个体对自己行为能力的主观评价和能力趋向的评价。 1、 自卑 所谓自卑是一种性格上的缺陷,表现为对自己的能力和品德评价过低,并伴随着羞怯、畏缩,甚至心灰意冷的情绪体验。心理学上提出“六点半疗法”,他要求自卑者早晨六点半准时起床,然后进行体育锻炼,用体育锻炼来对抗因自卑产生的惰性,最终克服自卑。 2、 自信?自负 自信就是自己相信自己,自信是认知的结果,是主观的信念。自负的人常常把自己的长处看得十分突出,对自己的能力评价过高,对别人的能力则评价过低。体育锻炼有助于你形成正确的自我价值感,避免盲目自大。 三、 调控情绪 古人云:喜伤心,怒伤肝,思伤脾,忧伤肺,恐伤肾。 1、 走出情绪的低谷 当你突发震惊、恐惧、极度愤怒或过分激动时,可以选择自己喜欢或擅长的体育运动。因为身体的大幅度活动可以使高涨的心理压力排出体外,体内由不良情绪亢奋引起的能量也就是放出来了,从而有效的缓解不良情绪。 2、 打造心情的屏障 体育运动之后,睡眠更好,学习更有效率,精力更加充沛,更加自信。 四、 培养坚强的意志品质 坚强的意志品质既是在克服困难的过程中表现出来的,又是在此过程中培养起来的,具体包括目的性、独立性、果敢性、坚忍性和自制性等意志品质。 运动项目 主要品质 volunteers management. Peace volunteer work is a new thing, the units to be in accordance with a person of a file, a file in a, the establishment of peace volunteers archives. One is before the end of the police station to set up not less than 30 people in the township of peace volunteer service team, pennants, volunteer badges and other equipment to produce their own, specific issues can and propaganda section. The second is the police station monthly planning of not less than two times of peace volunteers propaganda of public security or preventive security activities, fully mobilize the power of the masses, Hong Yang spirit of volunteerism, transfer safe positive energy. Third, the police will have to combine the police real . joint publicity department or the police station, a month to organize carry out more than once to highlight the theme of peace volunteer service activities, such as, the legal system to highlight the legal publicity and education of the youth theme, Interpol, to highlight the narcotics, anti-theft, anti cheating theme, investigation to prominent anti-counterfeiting, anti illegal fund-raising, financial fraud prevention, anti embezzlement etc. theme and security to prominent fireworks governance, management of hazardous chemicals, public security management, network security to give prominence to network security and other topics, household registration, entry and exit to highlight the theme of convenience services etc., the police can also according to the requirements of their own responsibilities and the 次要品质 更次要品质 跑、滑冰、滑雪、游泳、自行车、划船、帆船 坚忍性 自制性 果敢性、独立性 体操、艺术体操、举重、田径运动、花样滑冰、射击 坚忍性 自制性 果敢性 目的性、独立性 滑雪、跳水、跳伞、摩托车、登山、马术 果敢性 坚忍性、自制性 独立性 球类项目 独立性 果敢性 自制性 拳击、击剑、摔跤 独立性 果敢性 自制性、坚忍性 :一、1.目的性、独立性、果敢性、坚忍性、自制性 2.缺氧 3.优势 怒 忧 恐 增强(减少) 4.独立性 果敢性 自制性 5.六点半疗法 六点半 volunteers management. Peace volunteer work is a new thing, the units to be in accordance with a person of a file, a file in a, the establishment of peace volunteers archives. One is before the end of the police station to set up not less than 30 people in the township of peace volunteer service team, pennants, volunteer badges and other equipment to produce their own, specific issues can and propaganda section. The second is the police station monthly planning of not less than two times of peace volunteers propaganda of public security or preventive security activities, fully mobilize the power of the masses, Hong Yang spirit of volunteerism, transfer safe positive energy. Third, the police will have to combine the police real . joint publicity department or the police station, a month to organize carry out more than once to highlight the theme of peace volunteer service activities, such as, the legal system to highlight the legal publicity and education of the youth theme, Interpol, to highlight the narcotics, anti-theft, anti cheating theme, investigation to prominent anti-counterfeiting, anti illegal fund-raising, financial fraud prevention, anti embezzlement etc. theme and security to prominent fireworks governance, management of hazardous chemicals, public security management, network security to give prominence to network security and other topics, household registration, entry and exit to highlight the theme of convenience services etc., the police can also according to the requirements of their own responsibilities and the 6.自我认识不足 挫折的影响 过低期望 正确表现自己 学会补偿 善于战胜自己 7.很少关心别人,与他人疏远。 固执己见 ,唯我独尊 过度防卫,有明显的嫉妒心 接受批评 与他人平等相处 8. 爆发力 柔韧性 心肺耐力 速度、反应时 二、选择题BDABC ADABC 三、简答题1.乒乓、击剑、网球、羽毛球、拳击 2..长跑、游泳、 溜 冰、拳击、摔跤 3.要求自卑者六点半起床,以体育锻炼........ 第四章 健身交友 课标要求 1、 通过体育锻炼培养竞争与合作的精神。 2、 让体育运动增强你的社会责任感。 课标解读 体育活动对于发展学生的社会适应能力具有独特的作用,经常参与体育活动的学生,合作和竞争意识、交往能力、对集体的关心程度都会得到提高,而且,学生在体育活动中所获得的合作与交往的能力能迁移到日常的学习和生活中去,从而提高学生的适应能力。 基础归纳 一、 体育运动促进人际关系。 二、 体育锻炼培养竞争与合作的精神。 体育运动的两大特性:竞争性与合作性。 1、 竞争 长期参加体育运动,有助于你形成较强的竞争意识。 2、 合作 volunteers management. Peace volunteer work is a new thing, the units to be in accordance with a person of a file, a file in a, the establishment of peace volunteers archives. One is before the end of the police station to set up not less than 30 people in the township of peace volunteer service team, pennants, volunteer badges and other equipment to produce their own, specific issues can and propaganda section. The second is the police station monthly planning of not less than two times of peace volunteers propaganda of public security or preventive security activities, fully mobilize the power of the masses, Hong Yang spirit of volunteerism, transfer safe positive energy. Third, the police will have to combine the police real . joint publicity department or the police station, a month to organize carry out more than once to highlight the theme of peace volunteer service activities, such as, the legal system to highlight the legal publicity and education of the youth theme, Interpol, to highlight the narcotics, anti-theft, anti cheating theme, investigation to prominent anti-counterfeiting, anti illegal fund-raising, financial fraud prevention, anti embezzlement etc. theme and security to prominent fireworks governance, management of hazardous chemicals, public security management, network security to give prominence to network security and other topics, household registration, entry and exit to highlight the theme of convenience services etc., the police can also according to the requirements of their own responsibilities and the 体育运动的宗旨:竞争、合作、友谊、和平 三、 体育运动增强社会责任感 1、 你既有参加体育运动的权利,也有相应的各种义务。 2、 我为人人,人人为我。 volunteers management. Peace volunteer work is a new thing, the units to be in accordance with a person of a file, a file in a, the establishment of peace volunteers archives. One is before the end of the police station to set up not less than 30 people in the township of peace volunteer service team, pennants, volunteer badges and other equipment to produce their own, specific issues can and propaganda section. The second is the police station monthly planning of not less than two times of peace volunteers propaganda of public security or preventive security activities, fully mobilize the power of the masses, Hong Yang spirit of volunteerism, transfer safe positive energy. Third, the police will have to combine the police real . joint publicity department or the police station, a month to organize carry out more than once to highlight the theme of peace volunteer service activities, such as, the legal system to highlight the legal publicity and education of the youth theme, Interpol, to highlight the narcotics, anti-theft, anti cheating theme, investigation to prominent anti-counterfeiting, anti illegal fund-raising, financial fraud prevention, anti embezzlement etc. theme and security to prominent fireworks governance, management of hazardous chemicals, public security management, network security to give prominence to network security and other topics, household registration, entry and exit to highlight the theme of convenience services etc., the police can also according to the requirements of their own responsibilities and the
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