

2017-09-30 12页 doc 36KB 29阅读




比学赶帮超活动总结比学赶帮超活动总结 比学赶帮超创佳绩~追求卓越争树标杆 ――比学赶帮超活动总结 二0一0年12月 ……领导正确领导下~……深入贯彻落实采气厂“比学赶帮超”评比活动的各项要求~从队伍建设、生产管理、文化建设、班组建设四个层面多角度、全方位营造“比学赶帮超”的竞争、评比氛围~各项工作逐步展开~自“比学赶帮超”活动开展以来~……把“比学赶帮超”作为一种动力~发扬“见红旗就扛、有第一就争”的亮剑精神~并以确保装置高效运行为准则~以热情的工作方式为主导~以实现“达三标~固三基~推三模~夺三金”的最终目标~全体干部职工积极配合、奋...
比学赶帮超活动总结 比学赶帮超创佳绩~追求卓越争树标杆 ――比学赶帮超活动总结 二0一0年12月 ……领导正确领导下~……深入贯彻落实采气厂“比学赶帮超”评比活动的各项要求~从队伍建设、生产管理、文化建设、班组建设四个层面多角度、全方位营造“比学赶帮超”的竞争、评比氛围~各项工作逐步展开~自“比学赶帮超”活动开展以来~……把“比学赶帮超”作为一种动力~发扬“见红旗就扛、有第一就争”的亮剑精神~并以确保装置高效运行为准则~以热情的工作方式为主导~以实现“达三标~固三基~推三模~夺三金”的最终目标~全体干部职工积极配合、奋勇争先~营造了一份浓厚的“比、学、赶、帮、超”的氛围。……自活动开展至现在~先后夺得“比学赶帮超”活动擂台红旗6面~在队伍建设、生产管理、安全管理、文化建设、班组建设等方面都取得了长足发展。现对活动开展情况总结如下: 第一部分 取得成绩 生产任务目标: 安全环保:无一起安全、环保、质量、交通、人员伤害事故 生产管理:站内设备完好率100,~无责任停机事故完成率100,, 班组建设: 支部建设: 团青建设: in the pit (water and organic objects such as templates, paper bags and other residues should be clear). Do the drainage around the Foundation work, not to pit the surface waters flow into the pit of the outside. 2. construction methods: backfill from the ground at its lowest part starts from one end to the other end of layered filling from the bottom up. Each layer thickness of the virtual shop, ramming mechanical tamping is not greater than 30cm. Deep pit (slots) are connected, fill deep pits, flat and shallow pit layered filling when ramming. Wall and pipe some filling on both sides using a fine soil while even backfill and tamp to prevent wall and pipe center line. A dump truck transport of soil materials. Less used artificial filled soil backfill, used a wheelbarrow ...a H2-component height taken 3M; H3-the safe working distance, taking 2m; H4-building height, take 83.4m, H5-total high ground, taking 7.5M. : Tower crane with a height of H=1.2+3+2+83.4+7.5=97.1m get 98m. (C) and attached to the base of the tower crane according to the crane tower crane base forms provided by the company, information from the Survey Institute, Foundation bearing capacity 140Kpa, so choose the basis of dimensions 5800x5800mm, 1500mm mm thickness, concrete strength C35. Design of concrete strength based on the strength of 90%, start installation of tower cranes. Construction in strict accordance with the crane installation procedures and regulations for installation and work. According to the height of the tower crane, anchor of the first set from the tower base height is 35m, second is 50m, in the middle of 17th standard sections, the third is 第二部分 主要工作 一、积极部署~精心安排 本次活动启动后~……立即行动~迅速成立了以……为组长的“比学赶帮超”活动领导小组~召开专题会议审议通过了……“比学赶帮超”活动实施~明确职责分工。以“三基”工作为主线~以“创先争优”活动为载体~大力开展“横向争第一、纵向创纪录”的“五争五创”竞赛~形成比有对手、学有榜样、赶有方向、帮有伙伴、超有目标的活动氛围~不断提升……的管理工作的化、化和科学化水平~推进油田持续有效和谐发展。 二、干部职工齐协力~队伍建设上台阶 ……队伍建设实际~要求每位管理干部牢固树立学习、发展、创新、团结、自律的“五种意识”~在工作中讲政治、讲正气、讲实效~认真抓好政治素质好、经营业绩好、团结协作好、作风形象好的“四好班子”建设~全方位提升各成员素质~着力打造和谐团队。一是深入“模板化”的管理模式~将分队前期的精细化、规范化和标准化管理与模板法管理相融合~着力打造“……”,二是建立科学合理职工培训及队伍绩效考核体系~实现分队考核与代运行考核的有机结合与配合~注重实效~实现检查问责、服务队伍评价及员工绩效考核一体化管理。努力打造人才培养的“一二三四”工程~即培养一名标兵~两名劳动模范~三名技术骨干~四名优秀班组长,三是面对日愈 繁重工作压力和日愈复杂的队伍结构~注重关心老职工、新员工和女职工等特殊职工、困难职工的工作和生活~正确引导职工处理好工作与生活~工作与休假之间的关系~营造“和谐、稳定、团结、进取”的工作氛围~保持队伍长期稳定~为全年各项工作的全面完成奠定坚实基础。 三、推行全面生产管理机制~ 保持稳产高产 ,一,实施方案管理~开展班组劳动竞赛 推行全面生产管理~开展了各项劳动将赛评比活动~成立了以班组管理为活动平台~以员工素养为核心因素~以整理、整顿、清扫和清洁为环境因素~以安全、环保为目标要素的生产现场动态管理系统~督促职工创造出安全、整洁、舒适的工作环境。目前~评比展示板包括生产运行岗位评比栏~技术岗位考核评比~职工评优栏、月先进班组、月星级职工等多种评比争优手段~对优秀的员工挂星~使得全面生产管理活动逐步深入人心~干部职工工作效率明显提高~推进了……“比学赶帮超”活动再上新的台阶~逐步向故障零化、不良零化、灾害零化、浪费零化的目标迈进。 ,二,细化管理责任体系~保持稳产高产 为了实现油气产量最大化~……从技术组到班组到岗位层层定目标~定指标~班组之间、班员与班员之间广结对子~开展了“提收率、保质量、创效益”劳动竞赛~从周计划到班计划层层核实产量、层层考核评比~实现了油气产量千斤重担千人挑~人人头上有指标的“比in the pit (water and organic objects such as templates, paper bags and other residues should be clear). Do the drainage around the Foundation work, not to pit the surface waters flow into the pit of the outside. 2. construction methods: backfill from the ground at its lowest part starts from one end to the other end of layered filling from the bottom up. Each layer thickness of the virtual shop, ramming mechanical tamping is not greater than 30cm. Deep pit (slots) are connected, fill deep pits, flat and shallow pit layered filling when ramming. Wall and pipe some filling on both sides using a fine soil while even backfill and tamp to prevent wall and pipe center line. A dump truck transport of soil materials. Less used artificial filled soil backfill, used a wheelbarrow ...a H2-component height taken 3M; H3-the safe working distance, taking 2m; H4-building height, take 83.4m, H5-total high ground, taking 7.5M. : Tower crane with a height of H=1.2+3+2+83.4+7.5=97.1m get 98m. (C) and attached to the base of the tower crane according to the crane tower crane base forms provided by the company, information from the Survey Institute, Foundation bearing capacity 140Kpa, so choose the basis of dimensions 5800x5800mm, 1500mm mm thickness, concrete strength C35. Design of concrete strength based on the strength of 90%, start installation of tower cranes. Construction in strict accordance with the crane installation procedures and regulations for installation and work. According to the height of the tower crane, anchor of the first set from the tower base height is 35m, second is 50m, in the middle of 17th standard sections, the third is 学赶帮超”氛围。通过科学管理、精细操作、优化运行~建立严格的产品质量控制体系等措施~对稳定系统参数和机组的运行进行优化精细操作~使轻油产量由96吨/天提升126吨/天~日增轻烃30吨以上。轻烃和液化气产量创造新高。已完成全年轻烃超产1万吨的目标。 ,三,优化参数运行~提升产量收率 推行“生产动态日控制、生产活动全联动”的生产管理模式~以安全生产为前提、产品质量为依据~通过及时调整精细优化主工艺系统、辅助系统和外输系统工艺参数~增产增效显著,采取“技术指导和操作岗位之间的连锁联动、不同专业技术之间的优势互补”的相互配合、相互学习的方法~消除专业单一带来的不足,通过向兄弟单位学习轻烃装置运行经验、装置理论、能耗评价、寻求帮助建立能耗分析评价体系等方式~最终实现超越同期装置“安稳长满优”运行水平、 四、“四清四查”为抓手~层层责任保安全 围绕“三角稳固”安全理念~持续深化“我要安全”主题活动~以“四清四查”为抓手~形成了“可视、可控、可查”的有形化安全管理思路~将“重点在现场、重心在基层、关键在岗位、核心在执行、根部在问责”的安全工作要求落到实处。严格执行基层单位安全生产责任制~对站内施工单位严把三关,班组关~技术关、领导关,实现施工开始有许可~施工过程有监护~施工完成有验收~为安全生产打下坚实基础。 ,一,严格安全问责管理~比谁的安全抓得严。 结合《安全禁令》、《安全问责条例》~进一步完善……的《安全管理》~重点防范“低、老、坏”的问题发生和习惯性违章~使安全管理这根线时时处处都有电、时时刻刻不断电~对越线的职工立即严格问责、立即警示教育~在“敢抓、敢管、敢严、敢罚”上下功夫~防范职工触碰到中石化的《安全禁令》和《安全问责条例》~杜绝全员的在安全管理操作上的侥幸心里。 ,二,推行“HSE隐患监控管理”~比谁的安全管理抓得细。 建立隐患标识、日常监控、逐级上报、张贴公布、检查问责、HSE周分析、HSE月交流的隐患管理制度。进而做到HSE管理的两个转变:一是实现依靠由上至下逐级被动督查到由下至上主动揭发安全问题的转变,二是实现依靠少数专职安全员为主定期组织安全检查到依靠现场岗位员工为主进行系统监控的转变。进而形成一个自下而上~全方位、全覆盖、无死角的安全管理~通过以上措施实现隐患的监控率100%。 五、夯实队伍文化基础~加强文化建设 二是注重先进典型的带动。通过“宣传评比板”展示~将每月先进职工、先进班组、先进事迹进行形象展板、累计公示~对评上先进的职工是一种长期鼓励~评不上先进的职工是一种持续激励。人人学习先进、人人争当先进的氛围日愈浓厚~工作热情和士气持续提升。三是注重宣传舆论引导。以“向外宣传企业、向内鼓舞士气”为原则~紧紧围绕安全生产工作重点~围绕“我要安全”、“创先争优”、“比学in the pit (water and organic objects such as templates, paper bags and other residues should be clear). Do the drainage around the Foundation work, not to pit the surface waters flow into the pit of the outside. 2. construction methods: backfill from the ground at its lowest part starts from one end to the other end of layered filling from the bottom up. Each layer thickness of the virtual shop, ramming mechanical tamping is not greater than 30cm. Deep pit (slots) are connected, fill deep pits, flat and shallow pit layered filling when ramming. Wall and pipe some filling on both sides using a fine soil while even backfill and tamp to prevent wall and pipe center line. A dump truck transport of soil materials. Less used artificial filled soil backfill, used a wheelbarrow ...a H2-component height taken 3M; H3-the safe working distance, taking 2m; H4-building height, take 83.4m, H5-total high ground, taking 7.5M. : Tower crane with a height of H=1.2+3+2+83.4+7.5=97.1m get 98m. (C) and attached to the base of the tower crane according to the crane tower crane base forms provided by the company, information from the Survey Institute, Foundation bearing capacity 140Kpa, so choose the basis of dimensions 5800x5800mm, 1500mm mm thickness, concrete strength C35. Design of concrete strength based on the strength of 90%, start installation of tower cranes. Construction in strict accordance with the crane installation procedures and regulations for installation and work. According to the height of the tower crane, anchor of the first set from the tower base height is 35m, second is 50m, in the middle of 17th standard sections, the third is 赶帮超”等主题活动进行宣传引导。 六、建立三模三版~规范班组管理~提升员工工作业务技能 ,一,创三模建三版~学超榜样看模板 一是建立人物模特。全队职工劳保着装整齐规范~……全部实现安全帽佩戴~礼貌用语、资料录取、坐立行走姿势更标准规范,二是建立影像模拟。通过“文本修订,DV拍摄,操作提示板”分阶段、分步骤同步进行的思路~完成操作DV拍摄12个~并与党办合作多个~使每一个DV都是一个标准操作教材~并在培训过程中运用~受到新员工好评。三是建立实物模型。使各班组值班室、操作间、办公室和库房的工具用具、桌椅板凳、物品摆放整齐规范、标准统一。通过刷漆行动、除锈行动和场地平整活动~使标准化井场、标准化站场的水平和品质大幅提高。四是建立完成现场提示板、班组学习板和宣传评比板~现场管理的可视化水平和目视化程度显著增强。 ,二,围绕“比学赶帮超”活动~积极开展岗位培训 开展职工培训~提升职工综合技能~提高应对各种复杂问题的能力。组织开展93人次参加的新工艺、新技术、新标准等4个讲座。开展事故应急演练、班组“一日一练”竞赛、业务能手竞赛、仿宋字比赛等4个岗位练兵活动~27人参加。为今年选送人才参加采气厂技术比武活动打下了良好的基础。 同时我队以开展的技术比武的契机~积极选派选手参加……组织的集输工技术比武~此次技术比武涉及到集输工理论知识和计算机操 作、机械制图、识图安装管路、电机接线、离心泵二保等各种操作技能~这些项目对于从事轻烃操作工的6名选手是陌生的。面对此次高难度的技能比武~……根据理论和实际题库~组织专业技术人员和工人技师为岗位职工培训~在生产班组中营造出浓厚的“比学赶帮超”氛围。最终我队……获得输油工第二名、第一名的好成绩~同时也涌现了……等一批技术全面的操作能手。 七、党工团齐抓共奋进~党建工作出成效 ,一,贴近生产现场~创新支部工作 争创“四优共产党员”。使一个党员联系一个帮扶对象~带出一名骨干徒弟~承包一个责任区~负责一台关键设备~做好一个人的思想稳定工作~发挥党员干部的先锋模范作用和战斗堡垒作用~解决一批队伍管理、安全生产过程中的重点难点问题。二是以“创先争优”活动为载体~争创“四强党组织”。按照……党委的要求~及时成立活动领导小组~明确任务目标~制订运行大表~早计划~早安排、早行动~抓落实。支部以“创先争优”为载体~带领……职工掀起一浪又一浪的“比学赶帮超”高潮~分队先后夺得六面红旗。三是以“三比”活动为载体~争创“十面红旗党支部”。 ,二,创建职工之家~维护和谐稳定 一是注重宣传引导。让职工树立“爱岗敬业”的意识~激励广大职工积极投身到创建“工人先锋号”、“安康杯劳动竞赛”、“增储上产劳动竞赛”等活动中去实现自身价值。二是关心职工生活。通过伙委in the pit (water and organic objects such as templates, paper bags and other residues should be clear). Do the drainage around the Foundation work, not to pit the surface waters flow into the pit of the outside. 2. construction methods: backfill from the ground at its lowest part starts from one end to the other end of layered filling from the bottom up. Each layer thickness of the virtual shop, ramming mechanical tamping is not greater than 30cm. Deep pit (slots) are connected, fill deep pits, flat and shallow pit layered filling when ramming. Wall and pipe some filling on both sides using a fine soil while even backfill and tamp to prevent wall and pipe center line. A dump truck transport of soil materials. Less used artificial filled soil backfill, used a wheelbarrow ...a H2-component height taken 3M; H3-the safe working distance, taking 2m; H4-building height, take 83.4m, H5-total high ground, taking 7.5M. : Tower crane with a height of H=1.2+3+2+83.4+7.5=97.1m get 98m. (C) and attached to the base of the tower crane according to the crane tower crane base forms provided by the company, information from the Survey Institute, Foundation bearing capacity 140Kpa, so choose the basis of dimensions 5800x5800mm, 1500mm mm thickness, concrete strength C35. Design of concrete strength based on the strength of 90%, start installation of tower cranes. Construction in strict accordance with the crane installation procedures and regulations for installation and work. According to the height of the tower crane, anchor of the first set from the tower base height is 35m, second is 50m, in the middle of 17th standard sections, the third is 会、女工委、工会和团支部等组织~通过领导信访意见征集和民主生活会等方式~通过群众谈心和定期座谈等渠道~掌握职工思想动态~及时协调解决职工提出的难点与热点问题16项。三是丰富业余活动。利用采气厂为……新建的阅览室、室内活动室等载体~先后组织“我与健康赛跑”、“开心农场”种瓜果、经常组织烧烤、每月通过工会为职工购买少量瓜果等温馨活动~使每一位职工都有家感觉~拉近党群干群关心~凝聚团队意识~促进队伍和谐稳定。 ,三,打造青字工程~保持队伍活力 一是注重激励。保持队伍活力鼓励和激励广大青年团员投身到安全生产、技术革新、节能减排、四个增效等生产活动中去~勇于担当青年骨干和积极分子~组获评国家级“青年文明号”、站内生产班组获评局级青年文明号”和“青年安全生产示范岗”~“青工创新创效”和“五小”等“青”字号工程都取得较好有收获。二是敢压担子。结合队伍人员流动和新员工到位情况~先后调整……担任生产班长~让……见习巡检班长~让……任污水站班长~让一批……任生产班小班长、主操和技术员等要职~让新分学生积极参与污水站大修和安全监控网络等重难点工作~给年轻职工压担子、压任务~促进快速成长。三是多给机会。在各类文体活动、服务活动、娱乐活动、技能比武、外出培训等活动中~多给青年职工参与机会~使其有更多展示自己、学习他人、相互交流的机会和平台~增强自信、增强动力。 第三部分 总结 ……在“比学赶帮超”活动中~比先进、比进步、查不足、明方向,学典型、学本领、学标杆、学样板,赶优秀、赶标杆、找差距、清距离,帮后进、帮困难~实现共同进步,超自我、超同行~切实得到提高。在“比学赶帮超”活动的有力推进下~……各方面的工作取得了长足进步~总之~在营造出“比学赶帮超”氛围里~……较为出色地完成了采气厂布置的各方面工作~继续保持了队伍和谐稳定、。 虽然“比学赶帮超”活动即将落拉下帷幕~但“比学赶帮超”活动得宗旨与精神~将一如既往地引领……以后的各项工作~……将带着无限激情~踏着坚强有力的步伐~向着“……”的新的奋斗目标迈进。 in the pit (water and organic objects such as templates, paper bags and other residues should be clear). Do the drainage around the Foundation work, not to pit the surface waters flow into the pit of the outside. 2. construction methods: backfill from the ground at its lowest part starts from one end to the other end of layered filling from the bottom up. Each layer thickness of the virtual shop, ramming mechanical tamping is not greater than 30cm. Deep pit (slots) are connected, fill deep pits, flat and shallow pit layered filling when ramming. Wall and pipe some filling on both sides using a fine soil while even backfill and tamp to prevent wall and pipe center line. A dump truck transport of soil materials. Less used artificial filled soil backfill, used a wheelbarrow ...a H2-component height taken 3M; H3-the safe working distance, taking 2m; H4-building height, take 83.4m, H5-total high ground, taking 7.5M. : Tower crane with a height of H=1.2+3+2+83.4+7.5=97.1m get 98m. (C) and attached to the base of the tower crane according to the crane tower crane base forms provided by the company, information from the Survey Institute, Foundation bearing capacity 140Kpa, so choose the basis of dimensions 5800x5800mm, 1500mm mm thickness, concrete strength C35. Design of concrete strength based on the strength of 90%, start installation of tower cranes. Construction in strict accordance with the crane installation procedures and regulations for installation and work. According to the height of the tower crane, anchor of the first set from the tower base height is 35m, second is 50m, in the middle of 17th standard sections, the third is
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