

2017-09-15 16页 doc 52KB 18阅读




医院感染暴发报告及处置管理规范医院感染暴发报告及处置管理规范 第一章 总 则 第一条 为规范医院感染暴发报告的管理~提高医院感染暴发处臵能力~最大限度地降低医院感染对患者造成的危害~保障医疗安全~根据《医院感染管理办法》~制定本规范。 第二条 本规范适用于各级各类医院~其他医疗机构发生的医源性感染暴发的报告及处臵工作依照本规范管理。 第三条 医院感染暴发报告范围~包括疑似医院感染暴发和医院感染暴发。 第四条 医院感染暴发报告管理遵循属地管理、分级报告的原则。 第五条 卫生部和国家中医药管理局负责全国医院感染暴发报告及处臵的管理工作。 县级及以...
医院感染暴发报告及处置管理规范 第一章 总 则 第一条 为规范医院感染暴发报告的管理~提高医院感染暴发处臵能力~最大限度地降低医院感染对患者造成的危害~保障医疗安全~根据《医院感染管理办法》~制定本规范。 第二条 本规范适用于各级各类医院~其他医疗机构发生的医源性感染暴发的报告及处臵工作依照本规范管理。 第三条 医院感染暴发报告范围~包括疑似医院感染暴发和医院感染暴发。 第四条 医院感染暴发报告管理遵循属地管理、分级报告的原则。 第五条 卫生部和国家中医药管理局负责全国医院感染暴发报告及处臵的管理工作。 县级及以上地方卫生、中医药行政部门负责本辖区内的医院感染暴发报告及处臵的管理工作。 第二章 组织管理 the provisions of Hunan province safety production supervision and management responsibilities > (Hunan Zhengban made 2013 No. 4), resolutely implement the safety production of the party with responsibility, a pair of responsibility. "Two is issued safety production administration and inspection to promote the responsibilities bear safety production supervision departments strictly and effectively assumed responsibility. The three is the establishment of enterprise production safety hidden With self correction self reporting system, promote the enterprises to implement the main responsibility for production safety. The four is the introduction of strengthening county safety production supervision ability construction work, promote safe production responsibility to the grassroots. 3, strict accountability and target management. Adhere to the "who is in charge, who is responsible for the pipe industry must pipes, pipe production and management must control safety management business must be safe" principle, the implementation of safe production supervision and stagnation to cure. "The leadership responsible system. Production safety of key towns, key enterprises and key problems, by the township government and the Department responsible for the stagnation led the lump sum, to tackle tough. To further increase the production safety index assessment, strict implementation of safe production of "one vote veto" award and recognition system, strengthen production safety incentive mechanism (four). Adhere to the political principles against unwholesome tendencies existence of the problem is not strict internal supervision. Over the years, the global leadership team members do not have any illegal and other bad records, but there are still not strict, the implementation does not survive the problem. A few leading cadres not strictly in accordance with the county Party committee, county government On strengthening style construction requirements and style construction safety supervision system of "ten prohibitions", to solve the people most concerned, the most direct, the most realistic problem of production safety as the starting point and goal of all work, to strengthen internal supervision on the way, in the perfect power control mechanism on "let things drift", get free in the political norms of leading cadres, some involving major principle problems of ambiguous attitude, major issues issues of right and wrong, it cannot stand up bravely, face to face, resolute struggle and discredit the views of the party in 2012. The style of the big consolidation activities, cadres and workers 6 people were 第六条 医院应当建立医院感染暴发报告管理责任制~明确法定代人为第一责任人~制订并落实医院感染暴发报告的、工作程序和处臵工作预案~有效控制医院感染暴发。 第七条 医院应当明确医院感染管理委员会、医院感染管理部门、医院感染管理专,兼,职人员及相关部门医务人员在医院感染暴发报告及处臵工作中的职责~做到分工明确~反应快速~管理规范。 第八条 县级及以上地方卫生、中医药行政部门应当建立并完善医院感染暴发报告及处臵管理的工作程序~提高医院感染暴发的防控和处臵水平。 第九条 卫生部和国家中医药管理局负责组织对重大医院感染暴发事件进行调查和业务指导。 各级卫生、中医药行政部门负责组织对本辖区内的医院感染暴发事件进行调查和业务指导。 第三章 报告程序 第十条 医院发现以下情形时~应当于12小时内向所在地县级卫生行政部门报告~并同时向所在地疾病预防控制机构报告。 ,一,5例以上疑似医院感染暴发, the provisions of Hunan province safety production supervision and management responsibilities > (Hunan Zhengban made 2013 No. 4), resolutely implement the safety production of the party with responsibility, a pair of responsibility. "Two is issued safety production administration and inspection to promote the responsibilities bear safety production supervision departments strictly and effectively assumed responsibility. The three is the establishment of enterprise production safety hidden With self correction self reporting system, promote the enterprises to implement the main responsibility for production safety. The four is the introduction of strengthening county safety production supervision ability construction work, promote safe production responsibility to the grassroots. 3, strict accountability and target management. Adhere to the "who is in charge, who is responsible for the pipe industry must pipes, pipe production and management must control safety management business must be safe" principle, the implementation of safe production supervision and stagnation to cure. "The leadership responsible system. Production safety of key towns, key enterprises and key problems, by the township government and the Department responsible for the stagnation led the lump sum, to tackle tough. To further increase the production safety index assessment, strict implementation of safe production of "one vote veto" award and recognition system, strengthen production safety incentive mechanism (four). Adhere to the political principles against unwholesome tendencies existence of the problem is not strict internal supervision. Over the years, the global leadership team members do not have any illegal and other bad records, but there are still not strict, the implementation does not survive the problem. A few leading cadres not strictly in accordance with the county Party committee, county government On strengthening style construction requirements and style construction safety supervision system of "ten prohibitions", to solve the people most concerned, the most direct, the most realistic problem of production safety as the starting point and goal of all work, to strengthen internal supervision on the way, in the perfect power control mechanism on "let things drift", get free in the political norms of leading cadres, some involving major principle problems of ambiguous attitude, major issues issues of right and wrong, it cannot stand up bravely, face to face, resolute struggle and discredit the views of the party in 2012. The style of the big consolidation activities, cadres and workers 6 people were ,二,3例以上医院感染暴发。 第十一条 县级卫生行政部门接到报告后~应当于24小时内逐级上报至省级卫生行政部门。 第十二条 省级卫生行政部门接到报告后组织专家进行调查~确认发生以下情形的~应当于24小时内上报至卫生部。 ,一,5例以上医院感染暴发, ,二,由于医院感染暴发直接导致患者死亡, ,三,由于医院感染暴发导致3人以上人身损害后果。 中医医院,含中西医结合医院、民族医医院,发生医院感染暴发的~省级卫生行政部门应当会同省级中医药管理部门共同组织专家进行调查~确认发生以上情形的~省级中医药管理部门应当向国家中医药管理局报告。 第十三条 医院发生以下情形时~应当按照《国家突发公共卫生事件相关信息报告管理工作规范,试行,》的要求~在2小时内向所在地县级卫生行政部门报告~并同时向所在地疾病预防控制机构报告。所在地的县级卫生行政部门确认后~应当在2小时内逐级上报至省级卫生行政部门。省级卫生行政部门进行调查~确认发生以下情形的~应当在2小时内上报至卫生部。 ,一,10例以上的医院感染暴发, ,二,发生特殊病原体或者新发病原体的医院感染, the provisions of Hunan province safety production supervision and management responsibilities > (Hunan Zhengban made 2013 No. 4), resolutely implement the safety production of the party with responsibility, a pair of responsibility. "Two is issued safety production administration and inspection to promote the responsibilities bear safety production supervision departments strictly and effectively assumed responsibility. The three is the establishment of enterprise production safety hidden With self correction self reporting system, promote the enterprises to implement the main responsibility for production safety. The four is the introduction of strengthening county safety production supervision ability construction work, promote safe production responsibility to the grassroots. 3, strict accountability and target management. Adhere to the "who is in charge, who is responsible for the pipe industry must pipes, pipe production and management must control safety management business must be safe" principle, the implementation of safe production supervision and stagnation to cure. "The leadership responsible system. Production safety of key towns, key enterprises and key problems, by the township government and the Department responsible for the stagnation led the lump sum, to tackle tough. To further increase the production safety index assessment, strict implementation of safe production of "one vote veto" award and recognition system, strengthen production safety incentive mechanism (four). Adhere to the political principles against unwholesome tendencies existence of the problem is not strict internal supervision. Over the years, the global leadership team members do not have any illegal and other bad records, but there are still not strict, the implementation does not survive the problem. A few leading cadres not strictly in accordance with the county Party committee, county government On strengthening style construction requirements and style construction safety supervision system of "ten prohibitions", to solve the people most concerned, the most direct, the most realistic problem of production safety as the starting point and goal of all work, to strengthen internal supervision on the way, in the perfect power control mechanism on "let things drift", get free in the political norms of leading cadres, some involving major principle problems of ambiguous attitude, major issues issues of right and wrong, it cannot stand up bravely, face to face, resolute struggle and discredit the views of the party in 2012. The style of the big consolidation activities, cadres and workers 6 people were ,三,可能造成重大公共影响或者严重后果的医院感染。 中医医院,含中西医结合医院、民族医医院,发生上述情形时~省级中医药管理部门应当向国家中医药管理局报告。 第十四条 省级卫生行政部门和省级中医药管理部门上报卫生部和国家中医药管理局的医院感染暴发信息~内容包括:医院感染暴发发生的时间和地点、感染初步诊断、累计感染人数、感染者目前健康状况、感染者主要临床症候群、疑似或者确认病原体、感染源、感染途径及事件原因、相关危险因素主要检测结果、采取的控制措施、事件结果及下一步整改工作情况等。 省级卫生行政部门可以根据本规范要求~结合实际制订本辖区内的各级各类医院上报医院感染暴发信息的具体要求。 第四章 处置工作 第十五条 医院发生疑似医院感染暴发或者医院感染暴发~应当及时采取有效处理措施~控制感染源~切断传播途径~积极实施医疗救治~保障医疗安全。 the provisions of Hunan province safety production supervision and management responsibilities > (Hunan Zhengban made 2013 No. 4), resolutely implement the safety production of the party with responsibility, a pair of responsibility. "Two is issued safety production administration and inspection to promote the responsibilities bear safety production supervision departments strictly and effectively assumed responsibility. The three is the establishment of enterprise production safety hidden With self correction self reporting system, promote the enterprises to implement the main responsibility for production safety. The four is the introduction of strengthening county safety production supervision ability construction work, promote safe production responsibility to the grassroots. 3, strict accountability and target management. Adhere to the "who is in charge, who is responsible for the pipe industry must pipes, pipe production and management must control safety management business must be safe" principle, the implementation of safe production supervision and stagnation to cure. "The leadership responsible system. Production safety of key towns, key enterprises and key problems, by the township government and the Department responsible for the stagnation led the lump sum, to tackle tough. To further increase the production safety index assessment, strict implementation of safe production of "one vote veto" award and recognition system, strengthen production safety incentive mechanism (four). Adhere to the political principles against unwholesome tendencies existence of the problem is not strict internal supervision. Over the years, the global leadership team members do not have any illegal and other bad records, but there are still not strict, the implementation does not survive the problem. A few leading cadres not strictly in accordance with the county Party committee, county government On strengthening style construction requirements and style construction safety supervision system of "ten prohibitions", to solve the people most concerned, the most direct, the most realistic problem of production safety as the starting point and goal of all work, to strengthen internal supervision on the way, in the perfect power control mechanism on "let things drift", get free in the political norms of leading cadres, some involving major principle problems of ambiguous attitude, major issues issues of right and wrong, it cannot stand up bravely, face to face, resolute struggle and discredit the views of the party in 2012. The style of the big consolidation activities, cadres and workers 6 people were 第十六条 医院发生疑似或者确认医院感染暴发时~应当及时开展现场流行病学调查、环境卫生学检测以及有关的标本采集、病原学检查等工作。 第十七条 县级及以上地方卫生行政部门接到报告后~应当及时组织有关专家指导医院开展医院感染暴发的医疗救治及调查处臵工作~提供相应的技术支持。 卫生部接到报告后~可以根据实际需要组织有关专家提供技术支持~降低医院感染对患者的危害。 第十八条 各级卫生、中医药行政部门应当加强医院感染暴发报告和处臵能力建设~加强人员相关知识、技能的~提高其医院感染暴发报告和处臵水平。 第五章 质量管理 第十九条 省级卫生、中医药行政部门可以委托医院感染管理质量控制中心~开展本辖区内医院感染管理工作及医院感染暴发报告和处臵工作的质量管理。 第二十条 各级卫生行政部门及医院感染管理质量控制中心应当对本辖区内的医院感染管理工作及医院感染暴发的报告、处臵工作进行质量评估和检查指导。 第二十一条 医院应当对医院感染暴发的调查处臵工作予以配合~不得拒绝和阻碍~不得提供虚假材料。 the provisions of Hunan province safety production supervision and management responsibilities > (Hunan Zhengban made 2013 No. 4), resolutely implement the safety production of the party with responsibility, a pair of responsibility. "Two is issued safety production administration and inspection to promote the responsibilities bear safety production supervision departments strictly and effectively assumed responsibility. The three is the establishment of enterprise production safety hidden With self correction self reporting system, promote the enterprises to implement the main responsibility for production safety. The four is the introduction of strengthening county safety production supervision ability construction work, promote safe production responsibility to the grassroots. 3, strict accountability and target management. Adhere to the "who is in charge, who is responsible for the pipe industry must pipes, pipe production and management must control safety management business must be safe" principle, the implementation of safe production supervision and stagnation to cure. "The leadership responsible system. Production safety of key towns, key enterprises and key problems, by the township government and the Department responsible for the stagnation led the lump sum, to tackle tough. To further increase the production safety index assessment, strict implementation of safe production of "one vote veto" award and recognition system, strengthen production safety incentive mechanism (four). Adhere to the political principles against unwholesome tendencies existence of the problem is not strict internal supervision. Over the years, the global leadership team members do not have any illegal and other bad records, but there are still not strict, the implementation does not survive the problem. A few leading cadres not strictly in accordance with the county Party committee, county government On strengthening style construction requirements and style construction safety supervision system of "ten prohibitions", to solve the people most concerned, the most direct, the most realistic problem of production safety as the starting point and goal of all work, to strengthen internal supervision on the way, in the perfect power control mechanism on "let things drift", get free in the political norms of leading cadres, some involving major principle problems of ambiguous attitude, major issues issues of right and wrong, it cannot stand up bravely, face to face, resolute struggle and discredit the views of the party in 2012. The style of the big consolidation activities, cadres and workers 6 people were 第二十二条 卫生、中医药行政部门发现医院存在医院感染暴发报告不及时~瞒报、缓报和谎报或者授意他人瞒报、缓报和谎报情形的~应当按照有关规定对相关责任人进行处理。 第六章 附 则 第二十三条 本办法中下列用语的含义: ,一,医院感染:指病人在医院内获得的感染~包括在住院期间发生的感染和在医院内获得、出院后发生的感染~但不包括入院前已开始或者入院时已处于潜伏期的感染。医院工作人员在医院内获得的感染也属于医院感染。 ,二,医源性感染:指在医学服务中~因病原体传播引起的感染。 ,三,特殊病原体的医院感染:指发生甲类传染病或依照甲类传染病管理的乙类传染病的医院感染。 ,四,医院感染暴发:指在医疗机构或其科室的患者中~短时间内发生3例以上同种同源感染病例的现象。 ,五,疑似医院感染暴发:指在医疗机构或其科室的患者中~短时间内出现3例以上临床症候群相似、怀疑有共同感染源的感染病例,或者3例以上怀疑有共同感染源或感染途径的感染病例现象。 the provisions of Hunan province safety production supervision and management responsibilities > (Hunan Zhengban made 2013 No. 4), resolutely implement the safety production of the party with responsibility, a pair of responsibility. "Two is issued safety production administration and inspection to promote the responsibilities bear safety production supervision departments strictly and effectively assumed responsibility. The three is the establishment of enterprise production safety hidden With self correction self reporting system, promote the enterprises to implement the main responsibility for production safety. The four is the introduction of strengthening county safety production supervision ability construction work, promote safe production responsibility to the grassroots. 3, strict accountability and target management. Adhere to the "who is in charge, who is responsible for the pipe industry must pipes, pipe production and management must control safety management business must be safe" principle, the implementation of safe production supervision and stagnation to cure. "The leadership responsible system. Production safety of key towns, key enterprises and key problems, by the township government and the Department responsible for the stagnation led the lump sum, to tackle tough. To further increase the production safety index assessment, strict implementation of safe production of "one vote veto" award and recognition system, strengthen production safety incentive mechanism (four). Adhere to the political principles against unwholesome tendencies existence of the problem is not strict internal supervision. Over the years, the global leadership team members do not have any illegal and other bad records, but there are still not strict, the implementation does not survive the problem. A few leading cadres not strictly in accordance with the county Party committee, county government On strengthening style construction requirements and style construction safety supervision system of "ten prohibitions", to solve the people most concerned, the most direct, the most realistic problem of production safety as the starting point and goal of all work, to strengthen internal supervision on the way, in the perfect power control mechanism on "let things drift", get free in the political norms of leading cadres, some involving major principle problems of ambiguous attitude, major issues issues of right and wrong, it cannot stand up bravely, face to face, resolute struggle and discredit the views of the party in 2012. The style of the big consolidation activities, cadres and workers 6 people were 第二十四条 本规范自2009年10月1日起施行。 the provisions of Hunan province safety production supervision and management responsibilities > (Hunan Zhengban made 2013 No. 4), resolutely implement the safety production of the party with responsibility, a pair of responsibility. "Two is issued safety production administration and inspection to promote the responsibilities bear safety production supervision departments strictly and effectively assumed responsibility. The three is the establishment of enterprise production safety hidden With self correction self reporting system, promote the enterprises to implement the main responsibility for production safety. The four is the introduction of strengthening county safety production supervision ability construction work, promote safe production responsibility to the grassroots. 3, strict accountability and target management. Adhere to the "who is in charge, who is responsible for the pipe industry must pipes, pipe production and management must control safety management business must be safe" principle, the implementation of safe production supervision and stagnation to cure. "The leadership responsible system. Production safety of key towns, key enterprises and key problems, by the township government and the Department responsible for the stagnation led the lump sum, to tackle tough. To further increase the production safety index assessment, strict implementation of safe production of "one vote veto" award and recognition system, strengthen production safety incentive mechanism (four). Adhere to the political principles against unwholesome tendencies existence of the problem is not strict internal supervision. Over the years, the global leadership team members do not have any illegal and other bad records, but there are still not strict, the implementation does not survive the problem. A few leading cadres not strictly in accordance with the county Party committee, county government On strengthening style construction requirements and style construction safety supervision system of "ten prohibitions", to solve the people most concerned, the most direct, the most realistic problem of production safety as the starting point and goal of all work, to strengthen internal supervision on the way, in the perfect power control mechanism on "let things drift", get free in the political norms of leading cadres, some involving major principle problems of ambiguous attitude, major issues issues of right and wrong, it cannot stand up bravely, face to face, resolute struggle and discredit the views of the party in 2012. The style of the big consolidation activities, cadres and workers 6 people were
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