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【行业资料】-必读:适合女生消遣的网站大全【行业资料】-必读:适合女生消遣的网站大全 知识改变命运 勤奋塑造成功 整理人 落叶 时间 2011-4-15 天才是百分之九十九的勤奋加百分之一的灵感 适合女生消遣的网站大全...(10大臭美网站?10大生活网站?5大泄愤网站?5 大消遣网站?10大情趣网站?5大财迷网站?5大网购网站) 十大臭美网 1.开心Girl--轻熟女时尚社区 www.kaixingirl.com (论坛很不错)www.kaixingirl.com/index.jsp 倡导个人搭配秀,鼓励推荐自己喜爱的淘宝店铺。这个网站主要分两大块,有...
【行业资料】-必读:适合女生消遣的网站大全 知识改变命运 勤奋塑造成功 整理人 落叶 时间 2011-4-15 天才是百分之九十九的勤奋加百分之一的灵感 适合女生消遣的网站大全...(10大臭美网站?10大生活网站?5大泄愤网站?5 大消遣网站?10大情趣网站?5大财迷网站?5大网购网站) 十大臭美网 1.开心Girl--轻熟女时尚社区 www.kaixingirl.com (论坛很不错)www.kaixingirl.com/index.jsp 倡导个人搭配秀,鼓励推荐自己喜爱的淘宝店铺。这个网站主要分两大块,有推荐淘宝店铺的功能,开心Girl只负责审核,所以里面收集一等一的淘宝女性店铺。第二块就是优秀的社区,里面有各种欧美,日本的时尚杂志。还有真人兽,街拍,并且教人化妆。。。。。。,这个网站简直绝了。。。。。。。。。。。 2.STYLE国际大牌发布地 几乎所有大牌每一季的新装SHOW照片都会被一个不落地登载出来。干吗还看服装杂志, urcosme是全国化妆品首发使用心得的网站。由网友自己撰写的使用心得仿佛更能说服人。 4.我要扮靓 视频教你学化妆,还有什么比这个更直观的呢, 我无法访问,大家可以试试 5.秀体瘦身 在这里你可以看到各种人上传的瘦身记录,以非常真实的真人秀日记形式每日更新,异常详细地记录了他们每天的吃喝拉撒睡,还可以制作一目了然的体重管理#格#贴在旁边,有点给减肥“记帐”的意思。 6.Be-Labo 这里其实是一家理发店的主页,只是主任做功课比较认真,把相当多的潮流发型图片发将上来,于是成了许多姑娘换发型之前必须参考的网站。 7.芳香志DIY自美工坊 怎样制作冷制红酒皂,慢性疾病的香熏护理方法是什么,使用柑橘类精油有哪些注意事项,关于精油的一切一切,在这都能找到。 我又进不去哦, 8.时尚起义 虽是韩国服装的中国网络专卖区,但更多的人是来此吸收时尚营养的,超多的精美服装GIF图片不断更新,在韩国风一统天下的这个季节里的确吸引眼球。 9.ONLYLADY 超级有名的尼可(Nicole),那个最近被无数媒体追捧,亲身体验过上千种美容化妆品的男孩,就是ONLYLADY论坛美容版版主,看ONLYLADY 不只是为了看尼可,但一定要看你可。顺便加一句,如果别人问你“知道什么好的美容网站 如果你回答不出ONLYLADY,那你简直就是土鳖了。 吗,” 10.服装搭配 有没有除了服装搭配没有别的废话的网站,有。。。。。。 10大生活网站, 1.幸福的滋味在厨房 手把手教你做西点,还教你做狗蛋糕、苹果南瓜小狗饼干、小狗起司面包棒等这些市面上根本买不到的宝贝。 2.印客网 印刷一本A5大小,100页平装书只需要23块钱,而且你可以自己版式, 随意定印量,根本没人管你要那几万块的书号钱~以后谁再在你面前炫耀自己出过书,你也可以回给他一个皎洁的白眼:“切~我也是美女作家~” 3.篱笆网 最神的是装修板块,好像全天下装过修又特别热心肠的人全都聚集在这儿了,你随便搜一个“插座”,便赫然的能看到多篇数千字的购买与安装攻略。 4.钱包网 of sampling and sample size shall not be less than 5 pieces of each shipment. For foods that require testing salmonella sampling quantity should be increased, less than 8. After three, sampling methods to determine the sampling plans and sampling method sampling plans for effective implementation and ensure the efficiency of sample representativeness is very important. Sampling must adhere to aseptic operations ... (3) if not carried by hand when the sample can also be checked. Before the shipment of the samples must be packaged, should anti-breakage and anti-frozen or perishable and frozen samples to heat up or melt. On the packaging should be noted as "shatterproof", "perishable," "cold" and so forth. (4) make sample shipping records, clearly state the conditions of transport, dates, locations and other descriptions of arrival, and signed by the carrier. Section II preparation techniques, glassware cleaning and preparation of culture media in the process of, first use of glassware, such as test tubes, flask, Petri dishes, beakers, and straws. These vessels prior to use according to different situations, after some treatment, wash. Some will pack, after sterilization is ready to use. 1, new glass to remove package after contaminated dirt, scrub with hot, soapy water, rinse water, then soak in 1~2% of industrial hydrochloric acid for several hours, free of alkaline material removed, then rinse with water. For larger vessels, such as flasks, graduated cylinders, wash-House, injection of concentrated hydrochloric acid to a little, turn the container be equitably with hydrochloric acid, pour hydrochloric acid after a few minutes, and then rinse with water,bottle for store see light easy decomposition of reagents cannot heating; cannot in bottle within preparation in operation process released large heat of solution; mill mouth plug to keep original; put lye of bottle should using rubber plug, so as not to day long playing not open drops bottled needed drops added of reagents ibid funnel long neck funnel for quantitative analysis, filter precipitation; short neck funnel as general filter points liquid funnel: drops liquid spherical pear shaped tube shaped Two do not mix liquid; for extraction and enrichment (pear-shaped), preparation and liquid in the reaction (more spherical and dropping funnels) grinding cock must be original, leaky hopper cannot be used. Test tubes: common test qualitative analysis of test tubes, centrifuge tubes ... Measuring glassware (such as burettes, pipettes, volumetric, etc): also used SOAP, washing detergent, but not with the hair brush. (2) precision or hard to wash glassware (glassware, liquid tube, volumetric micrcomputer funnel, colorimetric tubes, glass, etc): after rinsing with tap water, drain, then uses chromic acid cleaning fluid for some time (typically over night) and then washed with tap water finally rinse with water 3 times. (3) washing devices, you should first wash hands with SOAP, avoid oil adhering to the instrument in the hands of wall, making it harder to wash. (4) a wash of glassware should not hang beads (wash when the instrument upside down, wall hanging beads for flow out). Three, glassware drying (1) can't wait to dry, such as instruments, can be placed in the equipment rack in a dust-free place to dry. (2) instruments and glassware available 每个人挣钱、花钱的时候都会有不同的感受和不同的体验,这些感受和体验是可以相互交流的,这才是钱包网的主要目的。你不必每天都来记帐,当你有了比较强烈或独特的挣钱、花钱体验的时候,来这把它记录下来 吧。 确实是一个很有意思的网站,满足大家想了解别人财富的心理,就跟偷了别人的工资条儿一样。 5.旅行家天堂网 和名字一样,这里真的是旅行家的天堂,旅行资讯实在太丰富了,特别是地图,详细到让你难以想象,最酷的是可以申请自己的旅行博客,在google地图上标注自己的旅行足迹。还有可能在上面找到结伴出行的驴友。 6.天下商讯 网站会根据你所要找的信息,把所有网站的相关信息都聚合到一起。比如你要买一部手机,在分类搜索中选择该手机品牌,点击搜索后会出现与其品牌相关的所有网站的新闻、行情、报价、导购、供应、求购、二手等信息,最大限度地帮你避免吃亏。 我上去了,没看懂, 7.和谐宠物网 上面有专家咨询,反映速度比较快,有关小猫小狗小猪小鸡的鸡毛蒜皮事情都可以上去问,人家专家可耐心了。 顺便说一句,哈哈~我家大猫(是我的狗,叫大猫,小名猫猫)快要当妈妈啦~预产期是1月1日~~~ 8.POCO之美食DIY 步骤图、原料图一应俱全,看完了让人不免捶胸顿足:原来花108块钱吃的那道菜,成本才10块钱,而且这么简单就能做出来啊~ 9.番茄花园 有这个网站,就再也不需要男人帮忙重装电脑了,什么系统都有,而且还有各种安装方式的“弱智版本”步骤说明,从电脑白痴变身电脑高手决不是幻想了。 10.G宝盘 就是网络硬盘啦~只是它具备一般BLOG拥有的TAG功能,也就是给自己的文件设置相关标签,通过不同标签管理不同类型的文件。除了可以储存你自己的 文件,你还能轻而易举地通过TAG找到别人的东西,比如课文《乌鸦喝水》。 5大泄愤网站, 1.郁闷吧 截至到我去看得时候,这里有 14121 个郁闷,有 20948 个人正在郁闷,哈哈,有意思。按照网友们郁闷的类型还分成几类,有人因为工作不顺利而郁闷,为没有女朋友郁闷,为要朗诵而郁闷,为找一夜情而郁闷,什么样的郁闷都有,可能就觉得自己的郁闷只是小小得无聊了。 2.音乐翻唱 不仅可以听歌,而且可以把你唱的歌,你自己的相片传到网络上供人欣赏、打分,这比参加超级女生可有意思的多了。 3.^o^糗事百科 该网站的广告语就是“快乐就是要建立在别人的痛苦之上~”在这里你能看到各种各样丢人、跌份、现眼、发傻的糗事,如果你出的丑足够霹雳,发上来,没准还能被评个“金糗奖”。唉,人们生活中那最开心的哈哈一笑,原来不是源于幸福,而是来自幸灾乐祸。 4.粪池 不是一般地搞的“粪池”分为两大部分——不靠谱和粪池。“不靠谱”鼓励你说出不靠谱的事、列出不靠谱的人,而“粪池”则相对来说更直接,你就冲过来臭骂或者拼命诉苦吧,反正这儿是个穿马甲泄私愤的地方,没人会寻你晦气。 5.fotologue 界面几乎是为摄影发泄而设计,个人首页既有幻灯片似的流动展示,也包含其他子的flash动态提示。整体风格除了干净就是舒服。 5大消遣网站, 1.轻熟女社区 里面专门收集淘宝优秀女性店铺,大家购物之前,先来这看看吧。这个社区中有开心Girl潮货联盟,同样的商品,联盟会员九五折优惠,24小时无条件退换货 2.ZCOM互动杂志 of sampling and sample size shall not be less than 5 pieces of each shipment. For foods that require testing salmonella sampling quantity should be increased, less than 8. After three, sampling methods to determine the sampling plans and sampling method sampling plans for effective implementation and ensure the efficiency of sample representativeness is very important. Sampling must adhere to aseptic operations ... (3) if not carried by hand when the sample can also be checked. Before the shipment of the samples must be packaged, should anti-breakage and anti-frozen or perishable and frozen samples to heat up or melt. On the packaging should be noted as "shatterproof", "perishable," "cold" and so forth. (4) make sample shipping records, clearly state the conditions of transport, dates, locations and other descriptions of arrival, and signed by the carrier. Section II preparation techniques, glassware cleaning and preparation of culture media in the process of, first use of glassware, such as test tubes, flask, Petri dishes, beakers, and straws. These vessels prior to use according to different situations, after some treatment, wash. Some will pack, after sterilization is ready to use. 1, new glass to remove package after contaminated dirt, scrub with hot, soapy water, rinse water, then soak in 1~2% of industrial hydrochloric acid for several hours, free of alkaline material removed, then rinse with water. For larger vessels, such as flasks, graduated cylinders, wash-House, injection of concentrated hydrochloric acid to a little, turn the container be equitably with hydrochloric acid, pour hydrochloric acid after a few minutes, and then rinse with water,bottle for store see light easy decomposition of reagents cannot heating; cannot in bottle within preparation in operation process released large heat of solution; mill mouth plug to keep original; put lye of bottle should using rubber plug, so as not to day long playing not open drops bottled needed drops added of reagents ibid funnel long neck funnel for quantitative analysis, filter precipitation; short neck funnel as general filter points liquid funnel: drops liquid spherical pear shaped tube shaped Two do not mix liquid; for extraction and enrichment (pear-shaped), preparation and liquid in the reaction (more spherical and dropping funnels) grinding cock must be original, leaky hopper cannot be used. Test tubes: common test qualitative analysis of test tubes, centrifuge tubes ... Measuring glassware (such as burettes, pipettes, volumetric, etc): also used SOAP, washing detergent, but not with the hair brush. (2) precision or hard to wash glassware (glassware, liquid tube, volumetric micrcomputer funnel, colorimetric tubes, glass, etc): after rinsing with tap water, drain, then uses chromic acid cleaning fluid for some time (typically over night) and then washed with tap water finally rinse with water 3 times. (3) washing devices, you should first wash hands with SOAP, avoid oil adhering to the instrument in the hands of wall, making it harder to wash. (4) a wash of glassware should not hang beads (wash when the instrument upside down, wall hanging beads for flow out). Three, glassware drying (1) can't wait to dry, such as instruments, can be placed in the equipment rack in a dust-free place to dry. (2) instruments and glassware available 很投机取巧的一个网站,在这里你可以随意下载到《瑞丽》、《电影世界》、《国家地理》等万本杂志,随心所欲的将网络杂志一网打尽。 3.易隆免费电影 不需付费,不需注册,不需登陆,只需看~易隆给人的感觉就是直接了当,作为免费电影的搜索收集者,它在第一时间让你看到低画质的新片,最为买碟、去影院的参考。当然,为了免费,你也得忍受边边角角的广告。 4.微播音乐网 作为最有量的在线播放音乐网站,微播给人的感受是可以最大限度地选择听什么和怎么听,找到一个专辑或歌词并不难,即使是一首在路边听到的大减价的背景音乐。 不过据说是名不副实,都是外国网站来着。 5.在线大头贴 只要你有摄像头,便不用去大头贴小店拍照了,虽然那里很便宜,但还是拼 一二五”姿势,你会吗, 不过这不要钱的。拍大头贴必会的“ 据说是最专业的在线拍照大头贴,可以看到很多GGMM的真人秀,蛮好玩的,注册用户有3万多。 10大情趣网站, 1.生活文化馆 布艺、纸艺、押花、拼布、串珠、毛衣编织、十字秀、玩偶、Clover工具,喜欢手工艺的2.豆瓣网 如今到“豆瓣”上开个小组已经成为了时尚,这个火热得非常“小资”的社区,拥有大批说话语气一致的忠诚用户,所有图书、音乐、电影、旅游和博客诸如此类的东西都是围绕着这批人打造和为他们服务的。 爱书人千万不能不去的网站,在那里找到和你读过同一本书的人是最大的乐趣,可以发表和分享书的评论。 3.思维的乐趣 几乎是目前商业和文化方面最有深度的博客,几乎每篇文章都是高水准。这也不奇怪,因为它其实是一个群体博客,上面的作者包括方军、许知远、吴晓波等一批知名记者和编辑。推荐头脑贫瘠的家伙多读读他们的文章,提高文化修养和增长见识。 网站上面有讲香港、变形金刚、网络社区、黑帮在Youtube发布招聘的视频——这世界什么都在发生,还有对这些事情思考着的人们。 4.爱玩物 一个做广告并且有点才情的人的个人网站,以发布全球最新时尚产品资讯为主,一句“爱它就玩它”的广告语,性感十足。喜欢创意产品和关注时尚动态的朋友不可不看。 太太太有趣了~~~什么是创意产品,来这里看看吧。但是请不要抄袭别人的创意,一定要尊重blogger,注明出处,做一个有教养的人。 5.分享我的宝贝 这个台湾小站就做一件事情,让网友“晒”自己时髦的东西,手机、书籍、礼物、CD。。。。。。炫耀你自己是个懂艺术的文化人,就在这儿了~ 6.万国马桶写作大会 以文学为主,由歌手胡吗个主持,定位也是比较另类,藏着一群四有愤青和文艺青年,还有职业写手,不过那里标的是专栏作者,立了个牌坊,提高了身份。。。。。。很多都是比较有名的“大人物”。 7.DIY吧 来到这儿你才会为自己的动手能力感到脸红——这藏着的都是什么样的人精啊,拿破袜子能作娃娃,用废纸篓子能作灯罩,随便给点破毛线都能钩成漂亮的靠垫,看着还都特别时髦,不五体投地真是不行。 8.折纸网站 国外一个教人做折纸的网站,上面有各种类型的折纸的图示,或许可以唤醒你童年的回忆。 9.起点文化网 如果你是奇幻文学的狂热爱好者,那么这可以满足你的一切幻想,如果你同时是金钱的狂热爱好者,那么把你的幻想写成字,成了注册作家,每个要读你作品的人,都会付给你每千字几分钱。 10.《聚水堂》紫金城茶艺 这里“潜伏”着一大批研究紫砂的专业人士,一个女人如果懂茶且更懂茶壶,那令男人为之倾倒的分数就更高了。 不过我又找不到了~ of sampling and sample size shall not be less than 5 pieces of each shipment. For foods that require testing salmonella sampling quantity should be increased, less than 8. After three, sampling methods to determine the sampling plans and sampling method sampling plans for effective implementation and ensure the efficiency of sample representativeness is very important. Sampling must adhere to aseptic operations ... (3) if not carried by hand when the sample can also be checked. Before the shipment of the samples must be packaged, should anti-breakage and anti-frozen or perishable and frozen samples to heat up or melt. On the packaging should be noted as "shatterproof", "perishable," "cold" and so forth. (4) make sample shipping records, clearly state the conditions of transport, dates, locations and other descriptions of arrival, and signed by the carrier. Section II preparation techniques, glassware cleaning and preparation of culture media in the process of, first use of glassware, such as test tubes, flask, Petri dishes, beakers, and straws. These vessels prior to use according to different situations, after some treatment, wash. Some will pack, after sterilization is ready to use. 1, new glass to remove package after contaminated dirt, scrub with hot, soapy water, rinse water, then soak in 1~2% of industrial hydrochloric acid for several hours, free of alkaline material removed, then rinse with water. For larger vessels, such as flasks, graduated cylinders, wash-House, injection of concentrated hydrochloric acid to a little, turn the container be equitably with hydrochloric acid, pour hydrochloric acid after a few minutes, and then rinse with water,bottle for store see light easy decomposition of reagents cannot heating; cannot in bottle within preparation in operation process released large heat of solution; mill mouth plug to keep original; put lye of bottle should using rubber plug, so as not to day long playing not open drops bottled needed drops added of reagents ibid funnel long neck funnel for quantitative analysis, filter precipitation; short neck funnel as general filter points liquid funnel: drops liquid spherical pear shaped tube shaped Two do not mix liquid; for extraction and enrichment (pear-shaped), preparation and liquid in the reaction (more spherical and dropping funnels) grinding cock must be original, leaky hopper cannot be used. Test tubes: common test qualitative analysis of test tubes, centrifuge tubes ... Measuring glassware (such as burettes, pipettes, volumetric, etc): also used SOAP, washing detergent, but not with the hair brush. (2) precision or hard to wash glassware (glassware, liquid tube, volumetric micrcomputer funnel, colorimetric tubes, glass, etc): after rinsing with tap water, drain, then uses chromic acid cleaning fluid for some time (typically over night) and then washed with tap water finally rinse with water 3 times. (3) washing devices, you should first wash hands with SOAP, avoid oil adhering to the instrument in the hands of wall, making it harder to wash. (4) a wash of glassware should not hang beads (wash when the instrument upside down, wall hanging beads for flow out). Three, glassware drying (1) can't wait to dry, such as instruments, can be placed in the equipment rack in a dust-free place to dry. (2) instruments and glassware available 5大财迷网站, 1.兼职招聘网 在你哭喊着我要找兼职的时候,兼职工作业在哭喊着找你。 2.易物网 你甚至可以厚着脸皮把男朋友热烘烘的臭球鞋挂上去要求换LV。 3.中华PK王 听说6.11日起无限期停止运营了 4.红榜网 “三百元现金悬赏,征集私家菜饭馆名”,也有“两万元悬赏,征集长沙芙蓉中央商务区标志及广告语”乖乖,不试一把简直对不起自己。 5.白拿网 你一次可以申请拿网站上10样东西,并且不需要支付任何费用——包括产 品本身和运输费用。 相信我,这是真的,我有去看过哦~ 5大网购网站: 1.果皮网 可以货到付款,先看到东西再掏钱,心里怎么说都踏实一些。 女性护肤品、彩妆、香氛网购,很多好东东。 2.历尚 中国第一家在线奢侈品店,网罗了 Dior,Fencli,Celine,Loewe,Givenchy,Prada,Burberry等30多个一线品牌的上千种商品。 奢侈品网购,555555,可惜我没钱哦, 3.够多网 与咱们楼下音像店的不同是,够多网只卖正版盘~为了加劲吆喝叫卖,这个网站还网罗了一帮文化青年作为“特约影评人”“特约乐评人”——至少有人这样自居,一副洋洋自得的样子。 4.日本怪兽 台湾人开的日本产品专卖,可以找到许多可爱的日货小玩意,比如机器猫蛋糕,防止打鼾的鼻环,当然还有绝对正品的日系化妆品,大陆邮购海关会收取一定的税金,可据说有80,的人都幸运并且莫明其妙地逃过这份冤枉钱。看你的运气~ 5.魅力公社 引用以为非常有时尚品位的女孩的原话:“我只在魅力公社买香水】相关产品的详细信息、价格、及排行>香水。”这仿佛成了一种时尚的生活方式,真是让人费解。 (转自【爱点点网】) of sampling and sample size shall not be less than 5 pieces of each shipment. For foods that require testing salmonella sampling quantity should be increased, less than 8. After three, sampling methods to determine the sampling plans and sampling method sampling plans for effective implementation and ensure the efficiency of sample representativeness is very important. Sampling must adhere to aseptic operations ... (3) if not carried by hand when the sample can also be checked. Before the shipment of the samples must be packaged, should anti-breakage and anti-frozen or perishable and frozen samples to heat up or melt. On the packaging should be noted as "shatterproof", "perishable," "cold" and so forth. (4) make sample shipping records, clearly state the conditions of transport, dates, locations and other descriptions of arrival, and signed by the carrier. Section II preparation techniques, glassware cleaning and preparation of culture media in the process of, first use of glassware, such as test tubes, flask, Petri dishes, beakers, and straws. These vessels prior to use according to different situations, after some treatment, wash. Some will pack, after sterilization is ready to use. 1, new glass to remove package after contaminated dirt, scrub with hot, soapy water, rinse water, then soak in 1~2% of industrial hydrochloric acid for several hours, free of alkaline material removed, then rinse with water. For larger vessels, such as flasks, graduated cylinders, wash-House, injection of concentrated hydrochloric acid to a little, turn the container be equitably with hydrochloric acid, pour hydrochloric acid after a few minutes, and then rinse with water,bottle for store see light easy decomposition of reagents cannot heating; cannot in bottle within preparation in operation process released large heat of solution; mill mouth plug to keep original; put lye of bottle should using rubber plug, so as not to day long playing not open drops bottled needed drops added of reagents ibid funnel long neck funnel for quantitative analysis, filter precipitation; short neck funnel as general filter points liquid funnel: drops liquid spherical pear shaped tube shaped Two do not mix liquid; for extraction and enrichment (pear-shaped), preparation and liquid in the reaction (more spherical and dropping funnels) grinding cock must be original, leaky hopper cannot be used. Test tubes: common test qualitative analysis of test tubes, centrifuge tubes ... Measuring glassware (such as burettes, pipettes, volumetric, etc): also used SOAP, washing detergent, but not with the hair brush. (2) precision or hard to wash glassware (glassware, liquid tube, volumetric micrcomputer funnel, colorimetric tubes, glass, etc): after rinsing with tap water, drain, then uses chromic acid cleaning fluid for some time (typically over night) and then washed with tap water finally rinse with water 3 times. (3) washing devices, you should first wash hands with SOAP, avoid oil adhering to the instrument in the hands of wall, making it harder to wash. (4) a wash of glassware should not hang beads (wash when the instrument upside down, wall hanging beads for flow out). Three, glassware drying (1) can't wait to dry, such as instruments, can be placed in the equipment rack in a dust-free place to dry. (2) instruments and glassware available
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