

2017-10-14 50页 doc 123KB 137阅读




幼儿园经典故事幼儿园经典故事 幼儿园故事大全 故事教学是幼儿园教育中的一种重要手段,是幼儿园教育必不可少的组成部分,对培养幼儿良好的品德、提高幼儿的语言表达能力、丰富扩大幼儿的知识面具有积极的作用。幼儿园故事教学内容广泛,不仅包括生活故事,还包括童话故事、寓言故事、神话故事、科学幻想故事等。为了方便幼儿老师找到更好的故事资源,小编整理出了“幼儿园故事大全”,汇总了53个故事,供幼儿老师参考。 1、爱笑的小花 公园里有朵花,真好看,看见小天天,总是笑眯眯的。 天天问花儿:"你叫什么名字," 花儿只是笑,不说话。 天天伸出小手,要...
幼儿园经典 幼儿园故事大全 故事教学是幼儿园教育中的一种重要手段,是幼儿园教育必不可少的组成部分,对培养幼儿良好的品德、提高幼儿的语言表达能力、丰富扩大幼儿的知识面具有积极的作用。幼儿园故事教学广泛,不仅包括生活故事,还包括童话故事、寓言故事、神话故事、科学幻想故事等。为了方便幼儿老师找到更好的故事资源,小编整理出了“幼儿园故事大全”,汇总了53个故事,供幼儿老师参考。 1、爱笑的小花 公园里有朵花,真好看,看见小天天,总是笑眯眯的。 天天问花儿:"你叫什么名字," 花儿只是笑,不说话。 天天伸出小手,要采这朵花。 外公摆摆手说:"天天别采~你不采她,花儿总是对你笑,你一采下来,花儿就哭了。"天天不想看到小花对他哭,天天没有采。 这时,小花笑得更可爱了。她成了天天的好朋友。 天天回家以后,告诉外婆:"公园里有一朵花,很乖很乖,对他一直笑,一直笑。" 外婆说:"天天也很乖,你也是一朵爱笑的小花。" 故事目标: 1.知道微笑是一种美。 2.懂得要爱护花。(周末带孩子去公园看花) 可设置一些问让幼儿讨论: 1.小天天和花儿都有一个什么特点让人喜欢, 2.小天天为什么一直没有摘公园里的那朵花, 3.外婆为什么说:"天天也是一朵爱笑的小花," 让幼儿明白:微笑会让大家喜欢,爱护花的孩子更让人喜欢。 2、笨狼阿灰 笨狼阿灰经常想歪点子欺负其他小动物,还得意洋洋。这一天,笨狼阿灰又吓唬小公鸡,说要吃掉他。小公鸡请求阿灰晚上再来,笨狼同意了。小动物们知道了,一起来帮小公鸡想办法。大家在小公鸡的家里布置了一些特别的陷阱。小狗说:"小公鸡,这下你可不用害怕了。"笨狼阿灰一走进小公鸡家就掉进了陷阱里,大家高兴得拍手称快。 引导幼儿讨论下列问题: 1.笨狼阿灰是一只什么样的狼,你喜欢故事中的小公鸡吗,为什么, 2.如果笨狼阿灰不同意小公鸡的请求,没有等到晚上就来了,公鸡可以想什么办法呢,向幼儿提出新的假设条件,帮助幼儿思考新的可能性,然后要求幼儿想象并表达自己的见解。 3、小猴子掰玉米 41880, grass-roots masses of issues everything has responded, and the availability. (E) the style, modified to work in a more important position. Style success hard work to XING Xiang. We want to get rid of poverty and backwardness of the hat must carry forward the action, working hard in fine style, advancing the construction of clean and honest Government and fight against corruption, and create a good political environment and political environment. Will continue to consolidate the party's mass line and educational practice, conscientiously implement the Central eight provision, vigorously carry forward the fine style of combining theory with practice, close ties with the. In accordance with the "three-three" requirements " "Multinationals," physical presence "where officers, officers, and not an accident as an important standard to appraise the cadres and promote party discipline and self-discipline, pragmatic commitment and undertaking, and strive for the pragmatic and clean. Third, this year's work will focus on full duty of due diligence and promote development at the same time, this year should focus on the following priorities: (a) strengthening and improving party building, constantly enhance the party's construction of scientific level of successful realization of the development goals this year lies in the party 有一天,一只小猴子下山来.它走到一块玉米地里,看见玉米结得又大又多,非常高兴,就掰了一个,扛着往前走。小猴子扛着玉米,走到一棵桃树下。它看见满树的桃子又大又红,非常高兴,就扔了玉米去摘桃子。小猴子捧着几个桃子,走到一片瓜地里。它看见满地的西瓜又大又圆,非常高兴,就扔了桃子去摘西瓜。小猴子抱着一个大西瓜往回走。走着走着,看见一只小兔蹦蹦跳跳的,真可爱。它非常高兴,就扔了西瓜去追小兔。小兔跑进树林子,不见了。小猴子只好空着手回家去。 4、老爷爷的帽子 冬天到了,北风呼呼地吹,天气很冷。有一只小鸟真可怜,它在树枝上冷得直发抖。 一位老爷爷走来,看见了小鸟,心想:"这只小鸟多可怜呀,这么冷的天,它一定会冻死的。"小鸟对老爷爷说:"风把我们的窝给走了,我们没有家了。"老爷爷说:"别着急,我来帮你们想办法。"老爷爷就用自己的帽子给小鸟做鸟窝,帽子真暖和。 小鸟想到树林里还有许多怕冷的小鸟,就把它们都叫来,一起飞进了老爷爷的帽子。它们非常感谢老爷爷。以后老爷爷也天天来看小鸟,小鸟们每次都唱歌给老爷爷听。 有一天老爷爷没有来,原来他病了。小鸟想:"一定是爷爷把帽子给了我们,自己着凉生病了,我们赶快给老爷爷做顶帽子吧。小鸟们就用自己的羽毛做了一顶帖子送给老爷爷。老爷爷非常感谢小鸟,他的病很快就好了。 这是一篇社会性教育童话故事,适用于中班年龄的孩子。 《老爷爷的帽子》这则童话以"老爷爷关心小鸟,小鸟关心老爷爷,"这一主题,将我们还入了一个温馨、和谐、充满爱的世界。现在的独生子女大多只知道满足自己的需要,而不会考虑别人的情绪和感受,缺乏同情心,不懂得关心、帮助别人。而未来社会需要幼儿从小"学会生活,学会关心"。 目的: 1.引导幼儿初步理解他人的需要,学会关心、帮助他人。 2.激发幼儿的同情心,获得被人关心和帮助他人的内心感受。 3.鼓励幼儿大胆表达自己的见解,发展口语表达能力和交往能力 5、想飞的小象 有一只小象,刚刚生下来。第一天,他看到了许多小动物。到了第二天,他认识了许多花儿、草儿。第三天呢,妈妈带他到河边,他看见了河水和高山。小象说:"世界真大呀~"这时,一只小鸟在天空中飞来飞去。 小象想:"要是我也会飞,可以看更多的东西,多好呀~ 小象爬到树上学飞,"哎哟"一声,摔了一个大跟头。 蛇看见了说:"小象,我们有自己的本事。我不会飞,可是我会在树上睡觉。 狮子说:"我也不会飞,可是,我能跳过宽宽的大河。" 老虎说:"我不会飞,可是,我会游泳。" 爸爸妈妈对小象说:"我们大象力气大,这是小鸟不能比的。" 小象明白了,他跟着爸爸妈妈运木头。他用长鼻子一钩,大木头就搬走了。大家都喜欢他。小象说:"我是小象真幸福。" 41880, grass-roots masses of issues everything has responded, and the availability. (E) the style, modified to work in a more important position. Style success hard work to XING Xiang. We want to get rid of poverty and backwardness of the hat must carry forward the action, working hard in fine style, advancing the construction of clean and honest Government and fight against corruption, and create a good political environment and political environment. Will continue to consolidate the party's mass line and educational practice, conscientiously implement the Central eight provision, vigorously carry forward the fine style of combining theory with practice, close ties with the. In accordance with the "three-three" requirements " "Multinationals," physical presence "where officers, officers, and not an accident as an important standard to appraise the cadres and promote party discipline and self-discipline, pragmatic commitment and undertaking, and strive for the pragmatic and clean. Third, this year's work will focus on full duty of due diligence and promote development at the same time, this year should focus on the following priorities: (a) strengthening and improving party building, constantly enhance the party's construction of scientific level of successful realization of the development goals this year lies in the party 故事目标: 1.专心听故事,记住故事中的各种角色,对有生活哲理的趣味童话感兴趣。 2.学习动词:爬、摔、钩、搬。 3.学说完整句:"我不会×,可是我会×××。" 4.知道每一个人都有自己的本事,别小看自己。 与幼儿讨论: 1.小鸟、蛇、狮子、老虎、大象中,哪一种动物会飞,哪一种动物会爬,哪一种会游泳, 2.小象从树上摔下来后,谁对他说了什么,小象一开始为什么总是羡慕别人,他是怎样变得看得起自己,而且感到"我是小象真幸福"的,学习并运用句式"我不会×,可是我会×××。" 学习完整句:"我不会×,可是我会×××。" 请幼儿说一说:"我也能做×××事,我是妈妈的孩子真幸福。" 6、小荷花找朋友 一朵荷花孤零零地站在池塘里,她感到孤单,因为没有朋友和她玩。一条小鱼游过来,小荷花说:"小鱼弟弟,咱们一起玩吧。"小鱼说:"不行,我还要去参加游泳比赛呢。"说完,小鱼就游走了。一只青蛙跳到荷叶上,小荷花说:"青蛙哥哥,青蛙哥哥,咱们做朋友吧。"小青蛙说:"不行,不行,我还要练唱歌呢~"天渐渐黑了,小荷花很伤心。月亮看见了,问小荷花:"荷花妹妹,你为什么不高兴呢,"小荷花说:"因为我没有朋友和我玩。"月亮说:"那我和你做朋友吧。"小荷花看了看月亮说:"可你在天上,我在地上,怎么和我玩呢,"月亮说:"不要紧,我可以陪你说话呀~可以唱歌、讲故事给你听呀~"于是,月亮天天晚上陪小荷花说话,她们俩成了好朋友。 幼儿讨论: 1.启发幼儿说一说与好朋友在一起玩开心不开心,为什么, 2.小鱼弟弟和青蛙哥哥为什么不和荷花妹妹玩,它们怎么说, 3.小荷花最后找到朋友了吗, 7、小猪和靴子 清晨,小猪去树林里玩。忽然,他发现树边有一个红红的东西,口小底大,摸上去很滑:"咦,这是什么,好像是个皮袋子,是谁丢的呢, 小猪手里拿着这东西,嘴里叫着:"谁丢了袋子,谁丢了袋子," 树上的八哥听见了,"叽叽喳喳"地说:"小猪,这不是袋子,是一顶漂亮的红帽子呀~" "噢,不是袋子是帽子。"小猪连忙戴在头上,一边走一边叫,"谁丢了帽子,谁丢了帽子," 狐狸看见了,嘻嘻地笑起来:"小猪,这不是帽子,是一只好看的瓶子呀~" "嗯,这瓶子真不错。"小猪采了许多美丽的野花放进瓶子里。 "谁丢了瓶子,"小猪捧着瓶子走一步,叫一声。 这时候,来了一只小花狗。他知道了这事,对小猪说:"没人丢,没人领,就41880, grass-roots masses of issues everything has responded, and the availability. (E) the style, modified to work in a more important position. Style success hard work to XING Xiang. We want to get rid of poverty and backwardness of the hat must carry forward the action, working hard in fine style, advancing the construction of clean and honest Government and fight against corruption, and create a good political environment and political environment. Will continue to consolidate the party's mass line and educational practice, conscientiously implement the Central eight provision, vigorously carry forward the fine style of combining theory with practice, close ties with the. In accordance with the "three-three" requirements " "Multinationals," physical presence "where officers, officers, and not an accident as an important standard to appraise the cadres and promote party discipline and self-discipline, pragmatic commitment and undertaking, and strive for the pragmatic and clean. Third, this year's work will focus on full duty of due diligence and promote development at the same time, this year should focus on the following priorities: (a) strengthening and improving party building, constantly enhance the party's construction of scientific level of successful realization of the development goals this year lies in the party 送给生病的小熊吧~" 小猪和小狗来到了小熊家,把这个没人领的瓶子和花送给小熊。小熊一看,高兴地跳起来:"哇,这不是瓶子,是我心爱的红靴子呀~"小熊炙得病也好了,三个好朋友嘻嘻哈哈,庆祝红靴子找到了主人,回到了家。 目标: 1.理解故事内容,学习故事中角色的语言。 2.理解角色的性格特点,体验乐于助人的情感。 引导幼儿讨论:你喜欢故事中的小猪吗,为什么,(帮助幼儿出小猪的性格特点),憨厚、善良、助人为乐, 可组织幼儿围绕"我丢了东西以后"为主题进行谈话。例如:你丢过东西吗,心里怎么样,如果别人捡到了,还给你,你心里怎么样,如果你捡到了东西会怎么做, 学习量词的不同用法:一样、一顶、一只、一双。8、借你一把伞(童话) 下雨了,糟糕了,娜娜没有带伞,娜娜站在雨中。 小蚂蚁拿着小小的酢浆草走过来,说:"借你一把伞。"娜娜拿着,小蚂蚁的伞真小。 青蛙拿着瓜的叶子跳过来,说:"借你一把伞。"青蛙的伞是漏斗伞。 兔子拿着上头有叶须的有萝卜,说:"借你一把伞。"兔子的伞会漏雨。 小狐狸拿着"芋头叶"给娜娜,小狐狸的伞是不是刚好呢,撑着撑着,啊雨漏下来了,娜娜和小动物跑了起来。 大熊拿着大大的荷叶过来说:"借你一把伞。"大熊的伞好大好重啊。 小狗强强拿着伞跑了过来,说:"借你一把伞。"啊,那就是娜娜的伞嘛~ 下雨天,拿着伞排队走,还有谁没有伞吗, 故事目标:探索像伞的植物,感受故事人文怀的温情。 幼儿讨论:故事中出现了哪些动物,它们拿了哪些伞,人家借你一把伞(或你借别人一把伞),心情会怎样, 学习句式:"××拿着××说:'借你一把伞'。"启发幼儿有创意地表演,体验人与人之间互相关心的情感。 9、胆小先生 有一位先生,住在一座漂亮的房子里。因为他的胆子很小,大家都电他胆小先生。 一天,一只大老鼠闯进了他的房子。胆小先生马上去捉,结果在地下室捉住了它。 "你放了我~"大老鼠挣扎着说,"我要是一跺脚,整个房子就塌了。" 胆小先生害怕了,连忙放开了他,还允许他住在地下室里。 地下室里吃的东西真多,大老鼠吃呀,喝呀,真开心。后来,大老鼠生了一窝小老鼠,小老鼠又长成大老鼠„„很快,地下室住满了老鼠。 "不行,不行~"大老鼠冲着胆小先生嚷嚷:"这么多老鼠住这么一个小小的地下室,而你一个人住那么多房间,太不合理了,得换房子。" "换房子,"胆小先生住在地下室,老鼠们住进各个房间,他们在宽大的客厅里唱呀,跳呀,在喷香的厨房里喝呀,吃呀,每天都像过节一样。 41880, grass-roots masses of issues everything has responded, and the availability. (E) the style, modified to work in a more important position. Style success hard work to XING Xiang. We want to get rid of poverty and backwardness of the hat must carry forward the action, working hard in fine style, advancing the construction of clean and honest Government and fight against corruption, and create a good political environment and political environment. Will continue to consolidate the party's mass line and educational practice, conscientiously implement the Central eight provision, vigorously carry forward the fine style of combining theory with practice, close ties with the. In accordance with the "three-three" requirements " "Multinationals," physical presence "where officers, officers, and not an accident as an important standard to appraise the cadres and promote party discipline and self-discipline, pragmatic commitment and undertaking, and strive for the pragmatic and clean. Third, this year's work will focus on full duty of due diligence and promote development at the same time, this year should focus on the following priorities: (a) strengthening and improving party building, constantly enhance the party's construction of scientific level of successful realization of the development goals this year lies in the party "你应该搬出去~"大老鼠又冲着胆小先生嚷嚷,"你干嘛住在地下室,这么好的地下室,你配住吗," "什么,"胆小先生气愤得跺了一下右脚,"咚--"老鼠们害怕了,他们个个抱头乱窜,以为地震了。 "哦,原来我是很有力量的~"胆小先生抓起旧扫帚,这儿一扑,那儿一打,这儿一戳,那儿一捣,老鼠被打得"吱吱"叫,全逃走了。 胆小先生后来怎么样了,小朋友能猜到吗, 故事目标: 1.感受故事人物幽默的语言和夸张的情节所产生的美。 2.理解童话内容及"胆小先生"的形象特点。 3.学习故事中人物的对话,根据自己的想象力表演故事。 幼儿讨论:大老鼠为什么要与胆小先生换房子,胆小先生为什么答应换房子,房子换成后,大老鼠又怎么样了, 胆小先生是一个什么样的人,胆小先生最后有什么变化, 10、小猴穿鞋 有一只小猴跑到山下去,看见人们都穿着鞋走路,感到很好玩。他悄悄地溜到一户人家,偷偷地拿了一双鞋跑回山上。他穿上鞋后,很得意地走来走去,伙伴们见了都笑话它。这时来了一只凶猛的老虎,猴子们一见纷纷爬上了树。小猴穿着鞋怎么也爬不上树。猴妈妈叫他把鞋扔掉。小猴扔掉鞋很快爬上了树,从此再也不乱模仿别人了。 幼儿讨论:(让孩子想像) 1.小猴在山下玩时看到什么,它脸上的是什么样的, 2.小猴怎样溜到别人家里去,它干什么,又怎样想的呢, 3.小猴怎样跑回山上,它脸上的表情是什么样的,说明了什么, 4.伙伴们看见小猴穿上了鞋,感到怎样,可能对它说什么, 5.老虎来了,猴子们心里怎么想, 6.小猴被妈妈救上了树,脸上的表情是什么样的,说明它心里怎么样的, 7.小猴最后怎样扔掉了鞋子,小猴的妈妈对它说了些什么, 8.穿鞋的猴子是什么样的小猴, 11、鸡毛鸭 一只生来没毛的小赤脖鸭,把鸡毛掸上的鸡毛粘插到身上,从此成了鸡毛鸭。鸡毛鸭逛大街,走得热了,买一根棒冰。撕下棒冰纸,刚要找个垃圾箱丢走去,忽然刮来一阵风,把棒冰纸吹跑了。 鸡毛鸭跟着棒冰纸跑过三条马路。好容易棒冰纸落到地上,鸡毛鸭弯腰要去捡,只见棒冰纸被一只大脚踩住了。 "乱扔废纸是要罚钱的~"那人说。 鸡毛鸭急了:"我没乱扔,是风吹的。" "有谁证明," 真倒霉,没人证明,只好认罚:"我的钱买了棒冰了,我就把棒冰给你吧。" 可是大脚不要棒冰:"没钱,我就罚鸡毛吧~"他从鸡毛鸭身上拨下三根鸡毛,走掉了。 41880, grass-roots masses of issues everything has responded, and the availability. (E) the style, modified to work in a more important position. Style success hard work to XING Xiang. We want to get rid of poverty and backwardness of the hat must carry forward the action, working hard in fine style, advancing the construction of clean and honest Government and fight against corruption, and create a good political environment and political environment. Will continue to consolidate the party's mass line and educational practice, conscientiously implement the Central eight provision, vigorously carry forward the fine style of combining theory with practice, close ties with the. In accordance with the "three-three" requirements " "Multinationals," physical presence "where officers, officers, and not an accident as an important standard to appraise the cadres and promote party discipline and self-discipline, pragmatic commitment and undertaking, and strive for the pragmatic and clean. Third, this year's work will focus on full duty of due diligence and promote development at the same time, this year should focus on the following priorities: (a) strengthening and improving party building, constantly enhance the party's construction of scientific level of successful realization of the development goals this year lies in the party 鸡毛鸭很想知道他的鸡毛被拿去做什么 用,就悄悄地跟在那个大脚后面。 才走了十步,只听大脚咳嗽一声,射出一口痰。他立即被一个脑袋挺大的人揪住:"好~我总算等 到一个随地吐痰的啦~罚钱吧~" 但大脚也拿不出钱来,他对大头说:"我只有准备给儿子做飞镖三根鸡毛,你拿去吧~" 三根鸡毛被大头插在帽子上。 大头走了。可是大脚悄悄跟在大头后面,就和鸡毛鸭悄悄跟在大脚后面一样。 又走了十几步,大头把手伸进口袋掏东西,他掏出了一个打火机主一柱香烟。 大头刚把香烟点着,吸了一口,大脚飞快地赶上去:"哈,这回你可被我抓到啦~吸烟会污染空气,也是受罚的。"说着大脚就把大头帽子上的三根鸡毛摘了下来。 这时,鸡毛鸭赶到了,他从大脚手上夺回鸡毛,说:"自己在干脏事,怎么还好罚别人," 大脚和大头目瞪口呆地看着鸡毛鸭把这三根鸡毛插回屁股上,摇摇摆摆地走掉了。 故事目标: 1.从漫画而式的人物中获得幽默感。 2.注意公共卫生的环保意识。 3.观察"鸡"和"鸭"二字的异同点。 幼儿讨论: 1.讲故事时要有意识地突出人物动作,让幼儿明白那三根鸡毛用到哪儿去了。 2.故事中有哪个不讲公共卫生,所以被罚了,那么我们自己讲不讲卫生, 3.认识鸡鸭这两个字, 通过观察找出它们的共同点与不同点。 12、不嘛不嘛 佳佳有句口头禅"不嘛不嘛"。早晨,起床时间到了,妈妈提醒佳佳该起床了,佳佳还想睡,就一个劲地嘟哝:"不嘛,不嘛~" 好不容易哄佳佳起了床,妈妈对佳佳说,你自己洗脸刷牙,我给你准备早餐。佳佳不称心,小嘴一撅:"不嘛,不嘛"。 爸爸说今天是休息日,早饭后带佳佳去公园。这下佳佳乐意了,快快吃完早餐跟着爸爸出了门。到了公园门口,佳佳看见有人在卖气球、风车、纸蝴蝶什么的,佳佳吵着要买。爸爸给她买了一个红气球,佳佳不满意,还要买别的,爸爸说:"手里拿那么多东西,怎么玩呢,"以后再买吧。"佳佳不肯,一边嘴里说:"不嘛,不嘛~"一边干脆蹲到地上不起来了,非要爸爸买不可。 到了公园里,佳佳玩完了碰碰车,又玩小火车,爬上小山还划了船。爸爸说,时间不早了,我们回家吧,下次还可以再来玩。佳佳不听话,小脚一跺:"不嘛,不嘛!" 爸爸费了好大的劲,才使佳佳同意回家。路上,他们看见一个小弟弟在哭,原来他的气球破了,看着小弟弟伤心的样子,爸爸劝佳佳把手中的气球送给小弟弟,并答应以后再给佳佳买新的。佳佳不乐意,一手护着气球,嘴里叫着:"不嘛,不嘛~"就是不肯给小弟弟。 公共汽车站到了,爸爸让佳佳等着车来,可佳佳想坐出租车回家。爸爸说,己经到车站了,下次再坐出租车吧~佳佳就是不肯:"不嘛,不嘛~"汽车来了,佳佳也不上去,爸爸来拖佳佳,佳佳干脆躺在了地上„„ 41880, grass-roots masses of issues everything has responded, and the availability. (E) the style, modified to work in a more important position. Style success hard work to XING Xiang. We want to get rid of poverty and backwardness of the hat must carry forward the action, working hard in fine style, advancing the construction of clean and honest Government and fight against corruption, and create a good political environment and political environment. Will continue to consolidate the party's mass line and educational practice, conscientiously implement the Central eight provision, vigorously carry forward the fine style of combining theory with practice, close ties with the. In accordance with the "three-three" requirements " "Multinationals," physical presence "where officers, officers, and not an accident as an important standard to appraise the cadres and promote party discipline and self-discipline, pragmatic commitment and undertaking, and strive for the pragmatic and clean. Third, this year's work will focus on full duty of due diligence and promote development at the same time, this year should focus on the following priorities: (a) strengthening and improving party building, constantly enhance the party's construction of scientific level of successful realization of the development goals this year lies in the party 这一天,爸爸又疲劳又生气。小朋友,你知道佳佳爸爸疲劳和生气的原因吗,13、瓜瓜吃瓜 有个小朋友,他的名字可怪了,他叫瓜瓜,就是西瓜的那个瓜。他干嘛叫瓜瓜呀,原来他生下来的时候,胖墩墩,圆滚滚,就像个西瓜。他爸爸正想着给他起个名字呢,他妈妈说:"甭伤脑筋了,就叫他'瓜瓜'吧~" 瓜瓜可爱吃西瓜啦,他一下能吃几大块,吃完了,把小背心往上一拉,挺着圆鼓鼓的肚子,用手一拍,"澎澎澎"地响,说:"西瓜在这儿呢~" 有一天,天气热极了,瓜瓜又闹着要吃西瓜。妈妈拿出一个小西瓜来,对瓜瓜说:"就剩这个小的了,先吃着吧。一会儿,外婆要来,说不定会给你带个大西瓜哩~" 妈妈切开西瓜,上班去了,瓜瓜斜着眼儿瞧了瞧那西瓜,翘起了嘴巴,心想:"哼,这也叫西瓜,"可他怪口渴的,又想:"瓜儿小,说不定还挺甜哩~就拿起一块,咬了一口。哎,一点儿也不甜。 他吃完一块,心里生着气,一甩手,把西瓜从窗口扔了出去,掉到胡同里的路上了。 剩下的几块,瓜瓜气呼呼地咬上几口,也一块接一块地往窗口外面扔。他想:要是外婆真的带个大西瓜来,又大又甜的,那该多好啊~他就趴在窗台上,一个劲地往胡同东口望着。外婆每次上他家,都是从东口来。 哟~来了个人,慢慢地走近了,是一位老奶奶,没错儿,是外婆来了。真的,还抱着一个大西瓜呢~ 瓜瓜大声嚷嚷:"外婆,我来接你--"然后连蹦带跳,跳下楼去了。 外婆听见了,心里一高兴,加快了脚步。走到垃圾箱旁边,不小心,一脚踩在西瓜皮上,滑了一跤,手里抱的大西瓜,"啪嗒"一下,摔了个粉碎。 外婆一边爬起来,一边说:"哎哟,谁把西瓜扔了这一地~" 瓜瓜出了门看见外婆坐在地上,连忙跑去把她搀起来,一边气呼呼地抬起脚,往西瓜皮上踩:"该死的西瓜皮,哪个坏蛋扔的。" 咦,西瓜怎么这么小--坏了,可不是他自己搬掉的吗,瓜瓜偷偷看了外婆一眼,吐了吐舌头,悄悄地把西瓜皮一块一块的拾起来,丢到路旁垃圾箱里去。 瓜瓜再看看外婆带来的大西瓜,瓤儿红红的,一定很甜,可惜全都碎了,沾上了泥。他只好咽着口水,拿起碎瓜块往垃圾箱里扔。 外婆不知道西瓜是瓜瓜扔的,只看见瓜瓜把西瓜扔到垃圾箱去,就说:"真乖,真乖,都像咱瓜瓜这么懂事就好了。" 小朋友,你们猜猜:瓜瓜听了外婆的话,心里是怎么想的呀," 故事目标: 1.学习绘声绘色地讲故事,感受故事的幽默诙谐。 2.养成良好的环保意识。 幼儿讨论:外婆为什么会摔一跤,瓜瓜为什么会乱扔瓜皮,生活中你见过这种人没有,我们的城市(乡村)有没有乱扔果皮纸屑的坏习惯,外婆为什么说"都像咱瓜瓜这样懂事就好了"呢, 叠音词较多(如"瓜瓜"、"圆鼓鼓"、"气呼呼"、"嚷嚷"、"猜猜"等)要处理好轻重音。 14、在医院里 41880, grass-roots masses of issues everything has responded, and the availability. (E) the style, modified to work in a more important position. Style success hard work to XING Xiang. We want to get rid of poverty and backwardness of the hat must carry forward the action, working hard in fine style, advancing the construction of clean and honest Government and fight against corruption, and create a good political environment and political environment. Will continue to consolidate the party's mass line and educational practice, conscientiously implement the Central eight provision, vigorously carry forward the fine style of combining theory with practice, close ties with the. In accordance with the "three-three" requirements " "Multinationals," physical presence "where officers, officers, and not an accident as an important standard to appraise the cadres and promote party discipline and self-discipline, pragmatic commitment and undertaking, and strive for the pragmatic and clean. Third, this year's work will focus on full duty of due diligence and promote development at the same time, this year should focus on the following priorities: (a) strengthening and improving party building, constantly enhance the party's construction of scientific level of successful realization of the development goals this year lies in the party 妈妈带小明去医院看望一位阿姨,还没走到病房,小明看见走廊上挂着一个大大"静"字,就大声的问妈妈:"这是什么字,"妈妈赶紧把手指放在嘴中间:"嘘--不能太大声了,这是医院,这个'静'字表示要你安静的意思。 小明兴奋地大声说:"真有意思,真有意思~哈哈--"妈妈赶紧制止他,可他不听,仍旧大声地讲话。妈妈生气了,只好将小明强行还到了病房大楼外面再跟他讲道理。 幼儿讨论: 1.小明的行为为什么不受欢迎,我们应该怎么做, 2.引导幼儿一起讨论在其他什么环境中还会的什么(如:医院里的"静"等提示,公园里的"爱护花草"等提示,垃圾筒上的"垃圾入箱"等提示,)我们应该怎样遵守这些规则, 3.在日常生活中做个有心人,发现并遵守环境中的各种规则,做个文明人。15、 我的美丽签名 咱们的书换着看,好吗, 丽丽在专心至志地看书,那是爸爸刚给她买回来的书。书里的故事非常精彩。瞧,小丽丽一边看书,一边还搭着嘴乐呢。 帆帆看见丽丽边看书边乐,就走过去看了一眼。 "啊,这本书我没看过,"帆帆想,"瞧丽丽的高兴样子,那本书一定很好看。我多想好好看一看啊~现在丽丽还在看着呢,等她看完了我向他借一借。" 帆帆耐心地等着,过了一会儿,丽丽看完书,把书合上了。帆帆走过去,轻轻地对丽丽说:"丽丽,我想看看你带来的那本书,可以吗,我今天也带来了一本书,我己经看过了,你要是愿意就拿去看吧。"丽丽很痛快地说:"行。"她俩互换了书,津津有味地读了起来。 幼儿讨论学习正确的行为方式(如何协商与提醒)。 16、猪大妈请客(幽默故事) 小动物们要到猪大妈家做客。可是,猪大妈做事总是笨手笨脚的,她早早地将米、菜、肉和各种调料都放到锅里,还特意多加了一些她最喜欢吃的甜酱。做完这些事情,猪大妈将锅放到煤气灶上。她哼着小调,十分得意地走来走去,逢人就说:"今天我请客,我一定让大家饱餐一顿。"一会儿,小兔、山羊、小狗、小马都来了。他们围着锅馋得直流口水,好不容易等到打开锅,一看,锅里的食物全都是生的。猪大妈愣住了,小动物们都哈哈大笑起来。猪大妈还是丈二和尚摸不着头脑。小兔笑得前仰后合,对猪大妈说:"你根本没点火呀~" 17、小和尚上楼(幽默故事) 小和尚来到一座塔下面,老和尚告诉他,这座塔共的九九八十一层,最上面有一小颗美丽的珍珠,谁能得到它谁就将拥有一切。小和尚听了不由分说便"蹭蹭蹭"往楼上爬,终于爬到塔顶,他开心极了~小和尚正准备取珍珠,可是他突然惊呆了,原来他忘了带钥匙。 18、摇晃(幽默故事) 妈妈不在家,贝贝按时吃了药。 41880, grass-roots masses of issues everything has responded, and the availability. (E) the style, modified to work in a more important position. Style success hard work to XING Xiang. We want to get rid of poverty and backwardness of the hat must carry forward the action, working hard in fine style, advancing the construction of clean and honest Government and fight against corruption, and create a good political environment and political environment. Will continue to consolidate the party's mass line and educational practice, conscientiously implement the Central eight provision, vigorously carry forward the fine style of combining theory with practice, close ties with the. In accordance with the "three-three" requirements " "Multinationals," physical presence "where officers, officers, and not an accident as an important standard to appraise the cadres and promote party discipline and self-discipline, pragmatic commitment and undertaking, and strive for the pragmatic and clean. Third, this year's work will focus on full duty of due diligence and promote development at the same time, this year should focus on the following priorities: (a) strengthening and improving party building, constantly enhance the party's construction of scientific level of successful realization of the development goals this year lies in the party 吃过药后,她不停地摇动身体,弄得满头大汗,气喘吁吁。 妈妈回来了,问道:"贝贝,你这是在干什么," 贝贝一边摇晃一边说:"药瓶上写着:用时摇晃。刚才吃药前我忘了,现在正在补摇„„" 19、上当(幽默故事) 妈妈叫小马虎上街买肉。他东转转、西看看、想买几块好肉。他将买到的肉放在篮子里,在街上玩到天黑才往家里走。穿过树林时,小马虎发觉后面有只狼狗跟着,不由地吓出一身冷汗。小马虎怕儿狼追上来吃他,就扯下一块肉甩出去,趁这空儿,他向前飞奔。刚走出树林,狼又追上来了,小马虎又扔出一块肉。就这样走一段、扔一块„„到家时肉扔光了,小马虎再扭头一看,唉,跟在他后面吃肉的是他家的大黄狗~ 20、帮忙(幽默故事) 爸爸出差,可早晨起得迟了,他忙洗脸刷牙,姐姐帮爸爸整理衣服,妈妈给他端早餐,帮他找笔记本。爸爸一边吃早餐,一边摸口袋,咦,火车票哪去了,爸爸放下牛奶、蛋糕,手忙脚乱地找车票,小弟弟多么想帮爸爸做点儿事啊,可他什么也帮不上。小弟弟想:"帮爸爸吃早餐吧。他爬上凳子,将爸爸吃剩的牛奶、蛋糕全吃了。 21、别告诉他(幽默故事) 大林和小林是对双胞胎,长得可像啦~小林最怕人家说他小,每逢有人问:"谁是哥哥",他都避而不答。有一天,他们家来了不少客人,兄弟俩跟妈妈一起招待客人们。有位叔叔盯着大林和小林,看了好一会儿,问:"你们俩谁是弟弟,"小林挤挤眼,叫哥哥别回答,他自己假装给客人倒茶去了。小林扭头一看,客人还在问大林,他忙大声说:"哥哥,别告诉他~" 22、听话(幽默故事) 小毛回到家,奶奶说:"你妈在睡觉,别大声说话。"小毛点点头,踮着脚尖走进屋子,摇着妈妈的身子,轻轻地说:"妈妈,我听奶奶的话,不大声说话。23、 奇怪的镜子 美丽的池塘里有一条小鱼。他快快活活地玩了一天,可累了,正想休息一会儿。突然,小鱼发现有一样东西在一闪一闪的,他睁大眼睛一看,不禁叫起来:“多大多亮的镜子啊~”小鱼想:“要是把镜子搬到家里,让大家都能照一照该多好~”想着想着,小鱼轻轻地游到那镜子边,还没碰着,“镜子”就碎成一块块小片儿了。小鱼心里难过极了。但是,不一会儿,那“镜子”又圆了起来。于是,小鱼急急忙忙找来了正在河边唱歌的小青蛙。“青蛙弟弟,我找到了一面又大又圆的镜子,请你帮我抬回家好吗,”小青蛙一口答应了。小青蛙用宽宽的大嘴巴刚想轻轻衔住镜子,只见“镜子”又碎成一块块小片了。小鱼和小青蛙都很难过。但是,不一会儿,那“镜子”又圆了起来。 于是,小鱼又急急忙忙找来了正在水中跳舞的河蚌。“河蚌姐姐,请你帮我把41880, grass-roots masses of issues everything has responded, and the availability. (E) the style, modified to work in a more important position. Style success hard work to XING Xiang. We want to get rid of poverty and backwardness of the hat must carry forward the action, working hard in fine style, advancing the construction of clean and honest Government and fight against corruption, and create a good political environment and political environment. Will continue to consolidate the party's mass line and educational practice, conscientiously implement the Central eight provision, vigorously carry forward the fine style of combining theory with practice, close ties with the. In accordance with the "three-three" requirements " "Multinationals," physical presence "where officers, officers, and not an accident as an important standard to appraise the cadres and promote party discipline and self-discipline, pragmatic commitment and undertaking, and strive for the pragmatic and clean. Third, this year's work will focus on full duty of due diligence and promote development at the same time, this year should focus on the following priorities: (a) strengthening and improving party building, constantly enhance the party's construction of scientific level of successful realization of the development goals this year lies in the party 大镜子抬回家好吗,”河蚌一口答应了,跟着小鱼来到镜子边。河蚌用两片蚌壳刚想轻轻地夹住镜子,可“镜子”又碎了。小鱼、小青蛙、河蚌都很难过。但是,很快那“镜子”又圆了起来。 小鱼又找到了正在水藻中吹泡泡的螃蟹。“螃蟹哥哥,我找到一面又大又圆的镜子,请你帮我抬回家好吗,”螃蟹一口答应了。他用两只大大的螯,刚想轻轻地钳住镜子,可是“镜子”又碎了,成了一块快的小片儿。大家都很难过,可是又感到很奇怪,到底是怎么回事呢, 这时只听见一阵“哈哈哈”的笑声,虾公公拖着长长的胡子来了:“傻孩子,这哪是镜子,这是天上的月亮倒映在水面上啦。”小鱼、小青蛙、小河蚌、螃蟹都抬起了头。大家看看天,又看看水面,都哈哈地笑了起来,连池塘里的月亮也笑了。 幼儿讨论: 1.启发幼儿说一说谁找到一面“镜子”,后来请哪些好朋友来帮忙呢, 2.小鱼最后把镜子搬回家了吗,为什么拿不动这面“镜子”呢, 24、小象转学 小象贝托在大象学校上学。有—天,他气呼呼地跑回家,从长鼻子里喷着气,对妈妈说:“大象学校太糟糕了,成天教我们搬木头,把我们累得半死,我要到别的学校去上学~”象妈妈把贝托送到猫咪学校去。猫老师教贝托抓老鼠。老鼠们在贝托脚边跳来跳去,贝托笨手笨脚地踩呀踩,可怎么也踩不着。他又用长鼻子去卷,可老鼠们一跳,就跳到他的鼻子上,在那上面跳起舞来。一只淘气的小老鼠还钻进他的鼻孔里,慌得他连打了好几个喷嚏,才把小老鼠赶出去。 贝托不喜欢猫咪学校,象妈妈又把他送到猴子学校去。 猴老师教贝托学爬树,可贝托身子太笨重,刚刚趴到树干上,就滑了下来,怎么也上不去。 贝托对妈妈说:“猴子学校没意思!公鸡打鸣很好听,我还是到鸡学校去上学!” 公鸡老师教贝托学打鸣。贝托拼命拉长他的短脖子,憋着嗓门想叫“喔喔喔~”可他发出的总是粗嗓音“噢——噢——” 贝托又改变主意了,说:“马儿跑起来多威风~我还是到马儿学校去吧~” 马老师教贝托跑步,对他说:“跑步的时候要撒开蹄儿,跑得像云那么轻,风那么快。” 贝托跑了起来,“咚~咚~咚~”他那粗笨的脚儿踩在地面上,就像在打鼓。他刚跑一会儿就累坏了,不停地喘着粗气。 贝托不好意思地对妈妈说:‘不管学什么都不容易,我还是回到大象学校去吧!” 这回,贝托认真学习搬木头,终于学会了。只见他用长鼻子把树干一卷,使劲儿一拔,大树就拔下来了~接着,他又把一根根木头堆在一起,用长鼻子卷着,运出了树林。 大家都说:“贝托干得不错,真是大象学校的好学生~” 贝托高兴地翘起长鼻子,眯着眼睛笑了。 幼儿讨论: 1.小象贝托为什么想换学校,他转到新学校后学到本领了吗, 2.小象最后做出什么决定呢,在大象学校他学到本领了吗, 41880, grass-roots masses of issues everything has responded, and the availability. (E) the style, modified to work in a more important position. Style success hard work to XING Xiang. We want to get rid of poverty and backwardness of the hat must carry forward the action, working hard in fine style, advancing the construction of clean and honest Government and fight against corruption, and create a good political environment and political environment. Will continue to consolidate the party's mass line and educational practice, conscientiously implement the Central eight provision, vigorously carry forward the fine style of combining theory with practice, close ties with the. In accordance with the "three-three" requirements " "Multinationals," physical presence "where officers, officers, and not an accident as an important standard to appraise the cadres and promote party discipline and self-discipline, pragmatic commitment and undertaking, and strive for the pragmatic and clean. Third, this year's work will focus on full duty of due diligence and promote development at the same time, this year should focus on the following priorities: (a) strengthening and improving party building, constantly enhance the party's construction of scientific level of successful realization of the development goals this year lies in the party 25、会打喷嚏的帽子 魔术团里,有一位老爷爷,老爷爷有一顶奇怪的帽子。他朝帽子吹一口气,里面就会变出许多好吃的东西来,有糖果、蛋糕,还有苹果„„ “嗨~把这顶奇怪的帽子偷来,该有多好~” 这话谁说的,嗯,是几只耗子说的。晚上,它们就悄悄地溜到老爷爷家里去了。老爷爷正睡着呢,那顶奇怪的帽子,没放在柜子里,也没放在箱子里。在哪里呢,就盖在老爷爷的脸上。 “好啦,我看还是叫小耗子偷最合适,他个子小,脚步又轻。”大耗子挤挤小眼睛说。 “吱„„”小耗子害怕地尖叫起来,“我不去~我怕‘呼噜’,你们没听见,奇怪的帽子里藏着一个呼噜,它叫起来,地板窗户都会动的,吓人~ 可不是,老爷爷在打呼噜,呼噜呼噜,像打雷似的。大耗子叫黑耗子去偷,黑耗子不敢;叫灰耗子偷,灰耗子也不敢;反正叫谁去偷,谁都说“不敢”。 大耗子生气了,摸摸长胡子说:“好啦~好啦~都是胆小鬼,你们不去,我去。等会儿,我偷来了帽子,变出许多好吃的东西来,你们可别溜口水。” 话是这么说,其实,大耗子心里也挺害怕,它一步一抬头,防着帽子里的那个呼噜突然钻出来咬它。也真巧,它刚走到老爷爷床跟前的时候,呼噜不响了。这下,大耗子可得意啦,原来呼噜怕我呀~它轻轻一跳,跳上了床,爬到老爷爷的枕头旁边,用尖鼻子闻了闻那顶帽子,啧啧,好香哟,又糖果的味儿,蛋糕的味儿„„快~快~它把尾巴伸到帽子底下去,想用尾巴把帽子顶起来„„咦,这是怎么啦,尾巴伸到一个小窟窿里去了„„哎呀,什么小窟窿,是老爷爷的鼻孔啊~ “阿嚏——”老爷爷觉得鼻孔痒痒的,打了个大大的喷嚏,吓得大耗子连滚带爬,一口气跑到门口,对它的伙伴说:“快跑,快跑~” 耗子们闹不清是怎么回事,跟着它跑啊,跑出好远,才停下来。它们问大耗子:“这是怎么回事啦,你偷来的帽子呢,” 大耗子说:“帽子里藏着一个阿嚏,这个阿嚏可比呼噜厉害多了。你们一碰它,它就轰你一炮,要不是我跑得快,差点儿给炸死了。” 故事目标:感受故事人物幽默的语言和夸张的情节所产生的美。 幼儿讨论:老鼠们想去老爷爷家偷什么东西呢,当大耗子去偷帽子的时候发现帽子里藏着一样什么呢?最后他偷到帽子了吗, 26、爱笑的小蚕豆 有颗小蚕豆,特别爱笑。一个穿开裆裤的小男孩经过它的身边,红通通的小屁股露在外面,就像小脸蛋,小蚕豆见了“哈哈”地笑个不停。小男孩连忙用手捂住了小屁股说:“不许偷看~”小蚕豆把小嘴一翘说:“哼,我早就看见了,有什么好看的。”小男孩红着脸跑了,小蚕豆在他身后一边笑一边唱:“小男孩,羞羞羞,屁股露在裤外头。” 小蚕豆来到河边,把一只正在岸边捉虫子吃的小青蛙吓得跳到了荷叶上。小蚕豆见了又“哈哈”大笑,一边笑一边唱:“小青蛙,胆子小,见了蚕豆就要跑。”小青蛙生气了,从荷叶上一个跟斗跳进水里,找自己的同伴去了。而小蚕豆还在岸上笑个不停。 41880, grass-roots masses of issues everything has responded, and the availability. (E) the style, modified to work in a more important position. Style success hard work to XING Xiang. We want to get rid of poverty and backwardness of the hat must carry forward the action, working hard in fine style, advancing the construction of clean and honest Government and fight against corruption, and create a good political environment and political environment. Will continue to consolidate the party's mass line and educational practice, conscientiously implement the Central eight provision, vigorously carry forward the fine style of combining theory with practice, close ties with the. In accordance with the "three-three" requirements " "Multinationals," physical presence "where officers, officers, and not an accident as an important standard to appraise the cadres and promote party discipline and self-discipline, pragmatic commitment and undertaking, and strive for the pragmatic and clean. Third, this year's work will focus on full duty of due diligence and promote development at the same time, this year should focus on the following priorities: (a) strengthening and improving party building, constantly enhance the party's construction of scientific level of successful realization of the development goals this year lies in the party 小蚕豆一直笑,一直笑,突然怎么也停不下来,终于笑破了肚皮,这下它再也笑不出来了,“哇哇”地哭了起来。 河里的小青蛙听见了,跑去找穿开裆裤的小男孩。小男孩一听,又把戴眼镜的老奶奶拉来。老奶奶拿出针线,仔仔细细地把小蚕豆的肚子给缝上了。小蚕豆不哭了,它又开始笑了。它对小男孩、小青蛙和老奶奶说:“谢谢你们,我以后再也不取笑别人了。” 从此,小蚕豆圆鼓鼓的肚子上就有了一道疤痕。小朋友们如果不相信,可以去看看,那道疤痕留到现在。 27、知错就改的小猴 在一个星期天的上午,天气晴朗,阳光明媚。小狗熊刚刚和小熊菲菲闲在家里坐着无聊,便带着自己心爱的皮球,来到了森林公园里玩。 它们俩拍得可高兴了。可是,这一切被藏在大树后面的小猴明明看见了。它想把那个皮球拿过来自己玩。于是,顽皮的小猴趁菲菲摔倒的时候,把皮球抢了过来。 此时的小狗熊和小熊目瞪口呆。而小猴却得意忘形。小猴边跑边笑,也许是跑滑,也许是一时大意。小猴“扑通”一声掉进了水池里。情急之下小狗熊连忙跑到水池边。小猴见小狗熊跑了过来,便对它说:“狗熊哥哥,如果你能救了我。我绝对把皮球还给你。”小狗熊听了对小猴说:“小猴,你千万要抱紧皮球,否则你就会沉下去,被水淹死的。”小猴听了哇哇大哭,同时也赶紧抱住皮球。 小狗熊见小猴那万分焦急的样子。便大声喊到:“救命呀,救命呀,有人掉进水里啦„„” 这叫声被大象伯伯听见了。大象伯伯叫道:“你是谁,你在哪儿,” 这喊声同时也被小猴听见了。于是,它大声回答道:“我是小猴,我掉到水里了。”大象伯伯顺首声音的来源,找到了水池边。一看,发现小猴果真掉到水里去了。于是大象伯伯二话不说,把自己的长鼻子伸到水里,把小猴卷了上来。 上了岸的小猴终于松了一口气。 大象伯伯看着小猴的样子有些不对劲儿,便问:“小猴,你怎么了,”于是,小猴把事情的来龙去脉告诉了大象伯伯。大象伯伯听了,对小猴说:“小猴,你应该把球还给小狗熊它们,并向它道歉 。小猴听了,不好意思地低下头,并有礼貌地用双手把皮球还给了小狗熊它们,嘴里还说道:“狗熊哥哥,今天都是我的错,以后我再也不抢你们的东西了。”小狗熊说:“你知错就改,这很好。”说完它们都笑了。 故事目标:能够分辨行为习惯的对与错,明白知错就改还是好孩子。 幼儿讨论:故事中哪个小动物做了一件错事,当他有困难的时候,小狗熊刚刚和小熊菲菲是如何帮助他的呢,最后他改正错误了吗, 29、毛驴和白马 一天,毛驴和白马结伴去山区。在长平川大道上,白马四蹄飞腾,不一会就把毛驴甩到后边。 白马回头见毛驴摇着两只大耳朵,不紧不慢地走着,非常着急,便朝毛驴大叫起来:“看你那慢吞吞的样子,我们什么时候才能到地方啊,你真是个庸才~”41880, grass-roots masses of issues everything has responded, and the availability. (E) the style, modified to work in a more important position. Style success hard work to XING Xiang. We want to get rid of poverty and backwardness of the hat must carry forward the action, working hard in fine style, advancing the construction of clean and honest Government and fight against corruption, and create a good political environment and political environment. Will continue to consolidate the party's mass line and educational practice, conscientiously implement the Central eight provision, vigorously carry forward the fine style of combining theory with practice, close ties with the. In accordance with the "three-three" requirements " "Multinationals," physical presence "where officers, officers, and not an accident as an important standard to appraise the cadres and promote party discipline and self-discipline, pragmatic commitment and undertaking, and strive for the pragmatic and clean. Third, this year's work will focus on full duty of due diligence and promote development at the same time, this year should focus on the following priorities: (a) strengthening and improving party building, constantly enhance the party's construction of scientific level of successful realization of the development goals this year lies in the party 毛驴听了白马的训斥,一不生气,二不泄气,仍然一步进一步地向前走着。 进入山区后,山路变得又陡又窄,崎岖不平,白马走的非常吃力,速度不知不觉地慢了下来。毛驴却加快了步伐,噔噔噔地赶到了前面。白马看毛驴走起羊肠小路来时这样的轻松,不懈地问:“黑毛驴,你为什么走起山路来比我快呢,” 毛驴回答说:“术有专攻,各有所用。在一定的条件下落后的,并不都是庸才啊~”马听后,对自己刚才的失言倍感羞愧。 29、灰角鹿 一只小鹿因为生病,头上的角变成了灰色,它伤心极了! 一天,它正在树丛中睡觉,一只小鸟飞到了它的头上,小鸟看了看四周想:这要是搭个鸟窝该多好啊!于是,小鸟衔来许多干草和树枝放在小鹿的头上,不一会儿,一个漂亮的鸟窝就搭好了,小鹿睡醒后发现自己的头上成了鸟窝,心想:小鸟搭一个窝多不容易,以后我得慢慢的走,别把小鸟给摔坏了。 下雨了,小鹿躲到树叶下,怕把小鸟给淋湿了;天晴了,小鹿站在太阳下让小鸟把羽毛晒干;小鸟学习飞翔时,不小心从天上掉下来,小鹿赶紧用鼻子接住它。 渐渐地小鸟长大了,它和它的孩子一起衔来许多漂亮的牵牛花放在小鹿头上,小鹿的灰角变成了美丽的"花角"。 30、小红母鸡 一只小红母鸡找了一些麦粒,想把它变成面包,于是,找到她的朋友小鸭、小猫、小猪,请求帮忙,可他们都拒绝了。 小红母鸡种下麦粒后,又浇水,又施肥,照顾得可好了,过了些日子,麦粒长成了丰满的金黄麦子。小红母鸡又去找朋友们帮忙,同样被拒绝了。 于是,小红母鸡只好自己每日辛苦工作,终于做成了许多面包。 “谁来帮我吃面包呢,”小红母鸡问。小鸭、小猪、小猫都抢着说“我愿意,我愿意~” 小红母鸡却说:“你们谁也没资格吃这些面包。”说完就自己津津有味吃起来。这时,小鸭、小猫、小猪都惭愧地低下了头。 31、桃树下的小白兔 远远的,滚来一个雪球。 哟,不是雪球,是一只小白兔,连蹦带跳地跑了过来( 老桃树摇着树枝,说:“小白兔,你就住在我这儿吧~这儿美呀,有草地,有鲜花,还有一条小溪,整天丁丁冬冬弹着琴。”小白兔点点头,就在老桃树的树根旁边挖了个洞,住了下来。 一天,小白兔跑到水塘边,一瞧,水塘上映着蓝天,白云,咦,怎么还有一片粉红色的东西,小白兔抬头一望,啊,原来是一树桃花。暖和的风吹过,花瓣落了下来,好象下着一场粉红色的雪( 小白兔捡起花瓣,想起许多朋友。 “我要把这些花瓣寄给我的朋友。” 41880, grass-roots masses of issues everything has responded, and the availability. (E) the style, modified to work in a more important position. Style success hard work to XING Xiang. We want to get rid of poverty and backwardness of the hat must carry forward the action, working hard in fine style, advancing the construction of clean and honest Government and fight against corruption, and create a good political environment and political environment. Will continue to consolidate the party's mass line and educational practice, conscientiously implement the Central eight provision, vigorously carry forward the fine style of combining theory with practice, close ties with the. In accordance with the "three-three" requirements " "Multinationals," physical presence "where officers, officers, and not an accident as an important standard to appraise the cadres and promote party discipline and self-discipline, pragmatic commitment and undertaking, and strive for the pragmatic and clean. Third, this year's work will focus on full duty of due diligence and promote development at the same time, this year should focus on the following priorities: (a) strengthening and improving party building, constantly enhance the party's construction of scientific level of successful realization of the development goals this year lies in the party 小白兔在每一个信封里,装进一片花瓣。再把信往天上一撒,说:“飞吧,飞吧,快飞到朋友们的身边去。” 老山羊正在看书,小白兔的信飞来了。 老山羊拆开信封,一片花瓣轻轻地落在他的书上。 “啊,这是一张书签哪~往后,我一翻开书,就能看见这张漂亮的书签,有多好呀~” 小猫望着天空,她在想心思: 明天是她的生日,得打扮得漂漂亮亮的,要是有只好看的发夹,那有多美。 小白兔来信了,那是一片花瓣。 小猫乐得跳了起来:“这正是我想要的发夹,还是粉红色的哩~” 小松鼠坐在树枝上,听妈妈给他讲故事。 小白兔来信了。 小松鼠见到那粉红的花瓣,嚷着说;“这是一把小扇子吗,真好,真好~妈妈,到了夏天,你给我讲故事的时候(我给你扇凉风。” 小鸡们有了一顶太阳帽,那就是小白兔寄来的花瓣( 他们春游去。这顶太阳帽,你戴一会儿,我戴一会儿;你和我,都变得更美丽了( “睡吧,我的宝贝„„”金龟子妈妈唱着摇篮曲。 可是小金龟子老睡不着,原来那果壳做的摇篮太硬了。 就在这时候,小白兔来信了。金龟子妈妈看见那片花瓣,说:“这是小宝贝的摇篮呀~” 小金龟子躺在新的摇篮里,软软的,还有点香味呢,他一会儿就睡着了。 小蚂蚁也收到了小白兔寄来的花瓣。他说:“这是一只小船呀~我正好乘了它,到水塘对岸搬粮食去。” 粉红色的小船,在水塘里漂呀,漂呀,风儿吹得它轻轻打转,真好玩。 一天早晨,一支有趣的队伍来到小溪边。 老山羊挟着书,书里露出半张粉红色的书签( 小猫戴着一只粉红色的发夹。 小鸡戴着一顶粉红色的太阳帽。 小松鼠拿着一把粉红色的扇子( 金龟子妈妈背着一只粉红色的摇篮,摇篮里,躺着她的小宝贝。 啊,小溪里还漂来一只粉红色的小船,小船上乘坐着很多蚂蚁。 这是到哪里去春游啊,他们说:“我们要去小白兔的家~” 大家围着小白兔说:“谢谢你寄给我们礼物~” 小白兔笑了,说:“哎呀,我给你们寄去的。是桃花瓣呀~可是你们,嘻嘻,真逗~” 桃花,什么叫桃花呀,难道这不是书签么,难道这不是小船么,难道„„ 小白兔说:“你们没见过桃花吗,就是这棵树开出的花。可是,现在谢了„„”大家抬起头,望着高大的老桃树( 小白兔的礼物,原来是桃花呀~ 老桃树落完了粉红色的花;现在,又长出了绿色的叶子。在开过花的地方,长出了一颗颗淡绿色的桃子~ 那些小桃子,是老桃树的孩子吗, 那些绿叶子,是桃子盖的被子吗, 41880, grass-roots masses of issues everything has responded, and the availability. (E) the style, modified to work in a more important position. Style success hard work to XING Xiang. We want to get rid of poverty and backwardness of the hat must carry forward the action, working hard in fine style, advancing the construction of clean and honest Government and fight against corruption, and create a good political environment and political environment. Will continue to consolidate the party's mass line and educational practice, conscientiously implement the Central eight provision, vigorously carry forward the fine style of combining theory with practice, close ties with the. In accordance with the "three-three" requirements " "Multinationals," physical presence "where officers, officers, and not an accident as an important standard to appraise the cadres and promote party discipline and self-discipline, pragmatic commitment and undertaking, and strive for the pragmatic and clean. Third, this year's work will focus on full duty of due diligence and promote development at the same time, this year should focus on the following priorities: (a) strengthening and improving party building, constantly enhance the party's construction of scientific level of successful realization of the development goals this year lies in the party 大家围着老桃树,唱一支春天的歌,跳一个友谊的舞。 “明年春天,我们都要来看桃花~”大家说。 “来吧,来吧,”小白兔高兴极了,“明年,桃花会开得更美~” 活动目标: 1.启发幼儿理解故事内容,懂得美好的东西应该与大家一起分享。 2.让幼儿充分发挥想象力,围绕主题进行讲述。 3.让幼儿理解词语:书签、友谊。 幼儿讨论: 1.老山羊用花瓣做什么,(帮助幼儿理解:书签)小猫、小松鼠„„用花瓣做什么, 2.老山羊、小猫、小松鼠„„收到花瓣时心情怎么样, 3.请幼儿表演一下小动物收到花瓣的心情、动作,让幼儿进一步理解小动物的心情及花瓣的用途。 4.这个故事主要讲了什么,(幼儿自由交流) 5.启发幼儿发挥想象,飘落的花瓣还可以做什么。 32、蚂蚁 有一只蚂蚁,他的力气非常大,能够独自举起两颗麦粒,能拖动一只大青虫,甚至敢独自向蜘蛛挑战。所以他很受同类的尊敬。 赞许的话听多了,这只蚂蚁便对自己的神力深信不疑,他想入非非地要去城里卖艺,好好儿显示一番~ 蚂蚁大模大样地找到一位农夫,洋洋得意地搭着拉草车进了城。原指望市场上的人们会蜂拥而至,像围观奇珍异室一样为自己叫好,但蚂蚁没想到,人们只是东奔西跑地顾自己民,没有一个注意他。 蚂蚁有点失望,可还是很卖力地表演。他拖住一片树叶忽而伏在地上,忽而躬起身,可是谁也没有看见他。 最后,蚂蚁累得筋疲力尽。这是,一只狗走过来,蚂蚁对他说:“你们城里人真是有眼无珠~我拖拉树叶整整一个小时,竟然没有一个人给我赞美之词。要知道,我在整个蚁穴中可是人人认识的大力士~”蚂蚁说完,看了看狗,没想到狗根本就没有发现他,已经走远了。 蚂蚁的希望彻底破灭了,只好愤愤地爬回家去了。 33、粗心的小狗 小狗乖乖平时住在学校的宿舍里。一天,乖乖的妈妈生病了。乖乖知道了,马上回家看望妈妈。 到了半路,乖乖发现他穿的鞋不是一双,便回去换一双鞋。到了宿舍一看,怎么宿舍里剩的鞋子也不是同一双,乖乖发愁了。突然,他一拍脑瓜想起来了,他把脚上的鞋脱下来,拿了其中的一只蓝色的鞋子和宿舍里的另一只相同的鞋子穿在了脚上。可是刚一出宿舍门就发现该穿在左脚上的鞋穿在右脚上了,该穿在右脚上的鞋穿在左脚上了。他又慌慌张张地把鞋换过来穿上了。 到了楼下,乖乖发现没带自行车的钥匙,他匆匆跑回楼上取了车钥匙,急忙骑上车赶回家去。 41880, grass-roots masses of issues everything has responded, and the availability. (E) the style, modified to work in a more important position. Style success hard work to XING Xiang. We want to get rid of poverty and backwardness of the hat must carry forward the action, working hard in fine style, advancing the construction of clean and honest Government and fight against corruption, and create a good political environment and political environment. Will continue to consolidate the party's mass line and educational practice, conscientiously implement the Central eight provision, vigorously carry forward the fine style of combining theory with practice, close ties with the. In accordance with the "three-three" requirements " "Multinationals," physical presence "where officers, officers, and not an accident as an important standard to appraise the cadres and promote party discipline and self-discipline, pragmatic commitment and undertaking, and strive for the pragmatic and clean. Third, this year's work will focus on full duty of due diligence and promote development at the same time, this year should focus on the following priorities: (a) strengthening and improving party building, constantly enhance the party's construction of scientific level of successful realization of the development goals this year lies in the party 回到家已经是晚上了。为了回家却用了一天的时间,而且连中午饭都没吃上。“小狗乖乖”这个名字真应该改成“粗心狗”才对。 34、小兔学长跑 小兔灰灰跟着马老师学习长跑。马老师带着灰灰一边跑一边讲解,他们穿过了一片小树林,又越过了一座小山坡,不久灰灰就累得汗流浃背了。他多么希望能够停下来,好好休息一会儿啊。 灰灰渐渐落后了,一不小心被一根树枝狠狠地绊倒在了地上。这一下可摔得不轻,连新裤子都磕破了,灰灰痛得大声哭了起来。马老师听到哭声马上返了回来,说: “灰灰,坚持才能胜利,遇到一点困难就退缩肯定不行。” 灰灰听了老师的话,从地上站了起来,树上的小鸟也鼓励道:“灰灰,加油~你一定会成功的。”灰灰点了点头,擦干眼泪继续向前跑。 后来呀,哭鼻子的小兔灰灰在森林运动会上赢得了长跑冠军,他可高兴啦~ 35、小袋鼠换尾巴 小袋鼠长着一条又粗又硬的尾巴。他觉得自己的尾巴长得太难看了。小兔子长着挑又软又短的尾巴。他嫌自己的尾巴太短了,不好看。 一天,他俩碰到一起,高高兴兴地换了尾巴。 袋鼠在林子里一蹦一跳地找东西吃,忙了一个上午,现在该坐下来歇会儿了。哎呀,真糟糕~袋鼠跌了个大跟头。小袋鼠原来的尾巴又硬又长,和两条后腿一起撑在地上,正好成了一张“三脚板凳”。换了尾巴就不能坐了,小袋鼠急得团团转。 兔子呢,带着长尾巴,到林子里玩,突然碰见一只大灰狼。小兔子拼命地跑呀,跑呀,可大尾巴拖在后面沉沉的,老是跑不快。眼看兔子就要被大灰狼追上了,突然,从林子里又跳出一只兔子,噢,原来是兔妈妈。兔妈妈飞快地跑着,引开了大灰狼。 小兔子躲在树后,难过地低着头。他恨死这条长尾巴了。原来的尾巴多好啊,轻轻的,软软的,跑起来可真带劲。找袋鼠去吧~ 袋鼠和兔子找到对方,迫不及待地换回了自己的尾巴。从那以后,他们都不感到自己的尾巴难看了。 36、雪花 白花花的大雪从天上飘落下来,不一会儿,树枝上、屋顶上、大地上都盖上了一层白色。 小黄狗从屋里跑出来,摇着尾巴,说:”汪汪汪,天上下糖了,大家快来看呀~” 小花猫从屋里跑出来,说:“喵喵喵,喵喵喵,下盐了,大家都来看呀~” 老母鸡听见了,慢慢走过来,拍拍翅膀,说:“咕咕咕,咕咕咕,不甜也不咸,吃在嘴里冰凉凉,不是盐也不是糖。” 一个小女孩儿屋里走出来,乐呵呵地对小黄狗、小花猫和老母鸡说:“雪下得这么厚了,我们一起堆雪人吧~” 41880, grass-roots masses of issues everything has responded, and the availability. (E) the style, modified to work in a more important position. Style success hard work to XING Xiang. We want to get rid of poverty and backwardness of the hat must carry forward the action, working hard in fine style, advancing the construction of clean and honest Government and fight against corruption, and create a good political environment and political environment. Will continue to consolidate the party's mass line and educational practice, conscientiously implement the Central eight provision, vigorously carry forward the fine style of combining theory with practice, close ties with the. In accordance with the "three-three" requirements " "Multinationals," physical presence "where officers, officers, and not an accident as an important standard to appraise the cadres and promote party discipline and self-discipline, pragmatic commitment and undertaking, and strive for the pragmatic and clean. Third, this year's work will focus on full duty of due diligence and promote development at the same time, this year should focus on the following priorities: (a) strengthening and improving party building, constantly enhance the party's construction of scientific level of successful realization of the development goals this year lies in the party 啊,原来这是冬天的雪~小动物们和小女孩儿一起在雪地上堆了一个漂亮的雪人。 37、聪明的小兔子 小兔子种了很多胡萝卜,长势喜人,看来,今年的胡萝卜一定会大丰收的。小兔子心里美滋滋的。这一天的夜晚,天气闷热,小兔子在胡萝卜地的边上乘凉,忽然听到胡萝卜地里有动静。借着月光仔细一看,是自己的邻居田鼠一家,准确地说,是田鼠妈妈和它的两个孩子。 小兔子急忙跑过去大声地喊:"田鼠妈妈,不能在这里吃胡萝卜,胡萝卜还没长好呢,快去找别的东西吃吧~"可是田鼠妈妈却装着什么也没有听见,理都不理小兔子。小兔子生气了,捡起一块小石头扔过去,没打着,小兔子还听到小田鼠嗤嗤的笑声。小兔子气极了,捡起一块大一点的石头,想了想,又放下了。 折了一根柳树条冲过去,挥舞的呼呼直响,说:"你们走不走,不走我可要抽你们了。"田鼠妈妈抬眼看了看,说:"别那么小气,不就是吃你几个胡萝卜吗,犯得着生那么大的气。"田鼠妈妈旁边的两只小田鼠也一起吱吱喳喳的跟着乱喊。 小兔子想了想,有了主意,说:"好吧,既然你们不听话,我可就不客气了。"然后,抱起小田鼠就跑。田鼠妈妈急了,跟在小兔子的后边喊:"你抱我的孩子干什么,你要去哪里呀,"小兔子不理它,一直跑到田鼠的家,这才放下两只小田鼠说:"回家吧~"田鼠妈妈这才放下心来,把两个孩子搂在怀里。 小兔子说:"等胡萝卜成熟了,我会请你们来做客的。"望着田鼠一家亲热的样子,小兔子感动的说:"好伟大的母爱呀~" 38、青蛙旅行家 有一只青蛙,每天捕捉蚊子和昆虫,和朋友们一起呱呱地叫,生活得很快乐。 一天,飞来一群野鸭,青蛙马上躲到水底下去。“他们要到哪儿去呢?”青蛙又把头探 出水面。只听一只野鸭说:“天冷了,我们飞到南方去吧,那儿暖和,还有吃不完的小虫。 ” “呱!”青蛙忍不住叫起来,“请把我也带到南方去吧!”“真稀奇,”野鸭们围住他喊 道,“你没翅膀,我们怎么带你呢?”“让我想一想。”青蛙说完跳进水里。不一会儿,他 露出头来说:“我想出来了。你们两只鸭子嘴里叼一根树枝,我咬住中间,你们一飞,我也 就飞起来了。只要你们不‘呷呷’地叫,我也不‘呱呱’地喊,就行。” 野鸭们按照青蛙的主意,带他飞上了高空。青蛙很快就习惯了这种飞行,他一边东张西 望,一边得意地想:我出的主意多妙啊!野鸭们带着青蛙飞过田野、草原、河流和山峦。后 来,他们来到收割完庄稼、堆满粮食垛的村庄上空。 村子里的人们看到鸭群里有个奇怪的东西,都用手指点着。青蛙很想听听人们怎样夸奖 他。休息时,他请求野鸭们飞得低一点。 第二天,他们飞得很低,可以听见人说话的声音。“看哪!”村子里的人们大声说,“ 野鸭子抬着青蛙飞!”“谁这么聪明,想出这么好的主意?”青蛙再也憋不住了,忘记了不能 张嘴。他拼命叫喊:“是我!我!”随着喊声,他头朝下栽落下去。 41880, grass-roots masses of issues everything has responded, and the availability. (E) the style, modified to work in a more important position. Style success hard work to XING Xiang. We want to get rid of poverty and backwardness of the hat must carry forward the action, working hard in fine style, advancing the construction of clean and honest Government and fight against corruption, and create a good political environment and political environment. Will continue to consolidate the party's mass line and educational practice, conscientiously implement the Central eight provision, vigorously carry forward the fine style of combining theory with practice, close ties with the. In accordance with the "three-three" requirements " "Multinationals," physical presence "where officers, officers, and not an accident as an important standard to appraise the cadres and promote party discipline and self-discipline, pragmatic commitment and undertaking, and strive for the pragmatic and clean. Third, this year's work will focus on full duty of due diligence and promote development at the same time, this year should focus on the following priorities: (a) strengthening and improving party building, constantly enhance the party's construction of scientific level of successful realization of the development goals this year lies in the party 还好,“扑通”一声,青蛙掉进了村边的水塘里。 39、老鼠和狗 一群老鼠爬上桌子准备偷肉吃,却惊动了睡在桌边的狗。老鼠们同狗商量,说:“你要是不声张,我们可以弄几口肉给你,咱们共享美味。” 狗严辞拒绝了老鼠们的建议:“你们都给我滚,要是主人发现肉少了,一定怀疑是我偷吃的,到那时我就会成为案板上的肉了。” 40、狗、公鸡和狐狸 狗与公鸡结交为朋友,他们一同赶路。到了晚上,公鸡一跃跳到树上,在树枝上栖息,狗就在下面树洞里过夜。 黎明到来时,公鸡像往常一样啼叫起来。有只狐狸听见鸡叫,想要吃鸡肉,便跑来站在树下,恭敬地请鸡下来,并说:“多么美的嗓音啊~太悦耳动听了,我真想拥抱你。 快下来,让我们一起唱支小夜曲吧。”鸡回答说:“请你去叫醒树洞里的那个看门守夜的,他一开门,我就可以下来。”狐狸立刻去叫门,狗突然跳了起来,把他咬住撕碎了。 这故事说明,聪明的人临危不乱,巧妙而轻易地击败敌人。 41、熊的秘密私语 有两位好朋友走在山路小道上,突然就在他们眼前出现一只大熊。其中一个敏捷的爬到树上,而另一个却没有这种功夫,赶紧倒在地上,假装死掉的样子。 熊走过来,拨弄一下倒在地上那个人的脸,然后就走了。因为熊对死的动物是不会侵犯的。爬到树上的那个人放心的爬下树来。 “熊刚刚悄悄的和你私语着,说了些什么呢,” “啊,那个吗,”倒下的男子回答道:“熊对我说在遇难时,不能相助的人,不是好朋友。” 42、海龟爬山 海龟爬上礁石,被一只海鸟看见了。海鸟奉承说:“海龟先生,你能爬上礁石,就一定能爬上大山。” 海龟想:是啊,我能爬上礁石,能爬不上大山吗,能,一定能~ 没有多想,海龟游出大海,到了海边的大山脚下,往山上爬去。 山上的猴子看见了,问干什么的。海龟说要爬山。猴子马上劝阻,叫它不要爬。海龟不听,想着能爬上礁石就能爬上大山,还是爬。 没爬几下,海龟扒不住山岩,骨碌碌的滚了下去。海龟不服气,又爬,又滚下山。这一回,正好跌在山脚下的一块大石头上,龟壳破裂。 猴子跑来说:“怎么样呀,听不进劝告,只能奉承,能不失败吗~” 海龟哑口无言。 43、老鼠开会 41880, grass-roots masses of issues everything has responded, and the availability. (E) the style, modified to work in a more important position. Style success hard work to XING Xiang. We want to get rid of poverty and backwardness of the hat must carry forward the action, working hard in fine style, advancing the construction of clean and honest Government and fight against corruption, and create a good political environment and political environment. Will continue to consolidate the party's mass line and educational practice, conscientiously implement the Central eight provision, vigorously carry forward the fine style of combining theory with practice, close ties with the. In accordance with the "three-three" requirements " "Multinationals," physical presence "where officers, officers, and not an accident as an important standard to appraise the cadres and promote party discipline and self-discipline, pragmatic commitment and undertaking, and strive for the pragmatic and clean. Third, this year's work will focus on full duty of due diligence and promote development at the same time, this year should focus on the following priorities: (a) strengthening and improving party building, constantly enhance the party's construction of scientific level of successful realization of the development goals this year lies in the party 很久很久以前,老鼠们因深受猫的侵袭,感到十分苦恼。于是,他们在一起开会,商量用什么办法对付猫的骚扰,以求平安。 会上,各有各的主张,但都被否决了。最后一只小老鼠站起来提议,他说在猫的脖子上挂个铃铛,只要听到铃铛一响,我们就知道猫来了,便可马上逃跑。大家对他的建议报以热烈的掌声,并一致通过。有一只年老的老鼠坐在一旁,始终一声没吭。这时,他站起来说: “小鼠想出的这个办法是非常绝妙的,也是十分稳妥的;但还有一个小问题需要解决,那就是派谁去把铃铛挂在猫的脖子上,” 这故事是说,想出一个好主意也许不难,实现主意就不那么容易了。 44、乌鸦和选美 森林里每年都要举行选美大赛,凤凰总是以得票最多当选,而乌鸦的得票总是少得可怜。乌鸦很不服气,便起早贪黑地到处说凤凰的坏话,把林中的百鸟都说了个遍。 一年后,又举行选美大赛,乌鸦满以为形势要向有利于自己这方面变化,谁知投票结果,凤凰的得票更多了,而乌鸦呢,只得了一票——不用说,这一票是它自己投的。乌鸦真是百思不得其解。 凡蓄意诽谤别人的人,最终无损于别人,而有损于自己。 45、狐狸和鸭子 有一年,狐狸和鸭子成了好朋友。狐狸想:“我饿的时候,鸭子可以作为我的食物;我饱的时候,鸭子是我的朋友。”鸭子呢,却另有一番打算:“狐狸聪明过人,在他身上我可以学到很多东西。如果有朝一日狐狸骗了我,我就与他断交。” 一天,狐狸到处找吃的,实在饿极了,他一把抓住鸭子。鸭子质问狐狸道:“我是你朋友,对朋友下手,难道你不怕别人笑话吗,” “是的,鸭子老弟,过去你是我的朋友,现在我有的是朋友,是他们建议我吃你的,因为你有三大罪状~” “什么~三大罪状,”鸭子一时不解。 “第一,你的叫声太难听,呷—呷—呷,~终日吵得大家不得安宁;第二,作为朋友,你立场不坚定,连走路都左右摇摆;第三,我们的脚趾都是分开的,而你的脚趾却都是连着的••••”狐狸滔滔不绝。 听了狐狸的“判决”,鸭子说:“那好吧,我的朋友,我承认自己有罪。但我有一个要求,看在我们曾经是朋友的份上,请允许我临死前为自己祷告。” 狐狸答应了鸭子的请求,爪子一松,鸭子趁机张开双翅,两脚用力一蹬,“呷,呷,呷—”飞走了。 46、树和斧子 一个人来到森林里,请求树给他一根木做斧子柄。树答应了他的请求,给他一根小树枝。他用小树枝做成了斧子柄,完好的装在斧子上,斧子上,接着抡起斧子砍起树来。他很快就砍倒了森林中最贵重的大树。 一棵老橡树悲伤地看着同伴被砍毁,无能为力,他对身旁的柏树说:“我们是自己先葬送了自己。如果我们不给他那根小树枝,他就无法砍伐我们,也许我们能永久地站立在这里。” 41880, grass-roots masses of issues everything has responded, and the availability. (E) the style, modified to work in a more important position. Style success hard work to XING Xiang. We want to get rid of poverty and backwardness of the hat must carry forward the action, working hard in fine style, advancing the construction of clean and honest Government and fight against corruption, and create a good political environment and political environment. Will continue to consolidate the party's mass line and educational practice, conscientiously implement the Central eight provision, vigorously carry forward the fine style of combining theory with practice, close ties with the. In accordance with the "three-three" requirements " "Multinationals," physical presence "where officers, officers, and not an accident as an important standard to appraise the cadres and promote party discipline and self-discipline, pragmatic commitment and undertaking, and strive for the pragmatic and clean. Third, this year's work will focus on full duty of due diligence and promote development at the same time, this year should focus on the following priorities: (a) strengthening and improving party building, constantly enhance the party's construction of scientific level of successful realization of the development goals this year lies in the party 这是说我们不能帮助对自己造成威胁的对象,那怕是一个小小的帮助。 47、狮子与报恩的老鼠 狮子睡着了,有只老鼠跳到了他身上。狮子猛然站起来,把他抓住,准备吃掉。老鼠请求饶命,并说如果保住性命,必将报恩,狮子轻蔑地笑了笑,便把他放走了。 不久,狮子真的被老鼠救了性命。原来狮子被一个猎人抓获,并用绳索把他捆在一棵树上。老鼠听到了他的哀嚎,走过去咬断绳索,放走了狮子,并说:“你当时嘲笑我,不相信能得到我的报答,现在可清楚了,老鼠也能报恩。” 这故事说明,时运交替变更,强者也会有需要弱者的时候。 48、蚂蚁与大鸟 一只小蚂蚁在河边喝水,不小心掉了下去。它用尽全身力气想靠近岸边,但没过一会儿就游不动了,在原地打转,小蚂蚁近乎绝望地挣扎着。这时,在河边觅食的一只大鸟看见了这一幕,它同情地看着这只小蚂蚁,然后衔起一根小树枝扔到小蚂蚁旁边,小蚂蚁挣扎着爬上了树枝,终于脱险,回到岸上。 当小蚂蚁在河边的草地上晒身上的水时,它听到了一个人的脚步声。一个猎人轻轻地走过来,手里端着枪,正准备射杀那只大鸟,小蚂蚁迅速地爬上猎人的脚趾,钻进他的裤管,就在猎人扣动扳机的瞬间,小蚂蚁狠狠地咬了他一口。只听“哎呀”一声,猎人的子弹打偏了。枪声把大鸟惊起,它急忙振翅飞远了。 尽管蚂蚁是比大鸟弱小了许多的小动物,但它却用自己的力量帮大鸟躲过了这次杀身之祸。 49、小乌龟看爷爷 小乌龟想爷爷了,他说:“我要去看爷爷,顺便给他送一棵苹果树去。” 小乌龟把苹果树绑在背上,出发了。 走啊,走啊,苹果树开花了。蜜蜂来了,蝴蝶也来了。 走啊,走啊,苹果树结出了小苹果。小鸟来了,大鸟也来了。 走啊,走啊,苹果成熟了,爷爷的家到啦! 小乌龟和爷爷吃着红红的苹果真开心。 50、吃火锅 冬天真冷呀,小动物们说:“我们去吃火锅吧。”小兔说:“我喜欢吃萝卜,火锅里要放些萝卜。”小猫说:“我喜欢吃小鱼,火锅里要放小鱼。”小狗说:“我喜欢吃肉骨头,火锅里要放肉骨头。”火锅里有鱼、有肉、有萝卜,大家围在一起,吃得又暖和又开心。 其他小动物听说吃火锅又暖和又开心,都争着要来吃火锅。 51、春娃娃 春娃娃真调皮,春风一吹他就去串门。春娃娃跑到布谷鸟家里,轻轻地对布41880, grass-roots masses of issues everything has responded, and the availability. (E) the style, modified to work in a more important position. Style success hard work to XING Xiang. We want to get rid of poverty and backwardness of the hat must carry forward the action, working hard in fine style, advancing the construction of clean and honest Government and fight against corruption, and create a good political environment and political environment. Will continue to consolidate the party's mass line and educational practice, conscientiously implement the Central eight provision, vigorously carry forward the fine style of combining theory with practice, close ties with the. In accordance with the "three-three" requirements " "Multinationals," physical presence "where officers, officers, and not an accident as an important standard to appraise the cadres and promote party discipline and self-discipline, pragmatic commitment and undertaking, and strive for the pragmatic and clean. Third, this year's work will focus on full duty of due diligence and promote development at the same time, this year should focus on the following priorities: (a) strengthening and improving party building, constantly enhance the party's construction of scientific level of successful realization of the development goals this year lies in the party 谷鸟吹了一口气,春娃娃说:“布谷鸟姐姐,快起床吧~”“布谷,布谷~”布谷鸟清了清嗓子唱起了歌。春娃娃一会儿跑到柳树姐姐那里,从早到晚不停地给留柳树姐姐梳头发。柳树姐姐的头发由短变长,可漂亮了。一会儿又去催桃花姐姐开花,桃花姐姐绽开了粉红的笑脸。 春娃娃跑累了,坐在山坡上,看着一群小朋友在草地上,一边玩一边唱:“春天来了,春天来了,柳树绿,桃花开,布谷鸟儿唱起歌,春娃娃呀多可爱。” 52、小熊画大树 小熊对大树说:“大树大树,别动,我来给你们画张像。”粗粗的树干是大树的“身体”,长长的树枝是大树的“手臂”,噢,树上还有好看的树叶。 小熊发现:“咦,大树怎么没有脚,怎么能站着呀,”大树说:“哈哈,我的脚伸在地底下。根就是我的脚。” 大树的朋友真多。瞧,小鸟在树上筑窝,松鼠窜上窜下忙个不停。 哗啦哗啦,哎呀,下雨啦。大树就像一把大雨伞,小熊和朋友们都到大树底下来躲雨。 大树说:“我的用处很多,还可以做家具、早房子、做铅笔„„”你知道吗, 53、水果盘里的故事 桌上的水果盘里坐着几个圆圆的大苹果,苹果们的脸蛋都红扑扑的,还带着甜甜的微笑。“咦,怎么有一个苹果在愁眉苦脸地叹气呢,” 其他的苹果忙问:“你怎么了,老兄,”叹气的苹果说:“唉,你们看看我的后背。”说着,他就转过身来。嗬~大家吓了一跳,他的身上有三个被咬出来的坑坑,上面都已经发黄了。 叹气的苹果说:“ 这都是亮亮咬的,他每次都是咬一口就放下......现在,我感觉难受极了。”这时,水果盘说话了:“亮亮就是有这个吃东西不吃完的坏习惯,你们来之前,有一个桃子姑娘就是被他咬了几口就放在这儿,后来都烂掉了~” 苹果们一听,都吓坏了。“我们赶快逃走吧!"一个苹果说.”好啊,不过,我们在逃走之前,要给亮亮留一封信,告诉他如果不改掉这个坏习惯,我们就永远不回来,而且别的水果兄弟也不会来。“另一个苹果说。于是,苹果们就给亮亮写了一封信,然后,跳出水果盘藏了起来。可那个叹气的苹果却因为受伤只好留了下来。 亮亮放学回到家,看到了那封信和那个爱伤的苹果,立刻羞红了小脸,他决心改掉这个坏习惯。 藏起来的苹果们知道亮亮的决心后,又跑回到水果盘的怀里。 41880, grass-roots masses of issues everything has responded, and the availability. (E) the style, modified to work in a more important position. Style success hard work to XING Xiang. We want to get rid of poverty and backwardness of the hat must carry forward the action, working hard in fine style, advancing the construction of clean and honest Government and fight against corruption, and create a good political environment and political environment. Will continue to consolidate the party's mass line and educational practice, conscientiously implement the Central eight provision, vigorously carry forward the fine style of combining theory with practice, close ties with the. In accordance with the "three-three" requirements " "Multinationals," physical presence "where officers, officers, and not an accident as an important standard to appraise the cadres and promote party discipline and self-discipline, pragmatic commitment and undertaking, and strive for the pragmatic and clean. Third, this year's work will focus on full duty of due diligence and promote development at the same time, this year should focus on the following priorities: (a) strengthening and improving party building, constantly enhance the party's construction of scientific level of successful realization of the development goals this year lies in the party
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