

2017-12-28 11页 doc 116KB 13阅读




淘宝免费开店考试答案淘宝免费开店考试答案 淘宝免费开店考试 1、一般违规行为多少分为一个处罚节点,查看规则请点这里 10分 20分 12分 16分 2、全新《淘宝规则》是何时生效的,查看规则请点这里 2009年11月11日 2010年10月1日 2011年1月1日 2010年11月11日 3、淘宝卖家的基本义务是什么,查看规则请点这里 “商品如实描述”义务 “24小时发货”义务 “包邮”义务 “无条件退换货”义务 4、淘宝规则中规定的违规行为有几大类,查看规则请点这里 不分类 两大...
淘宝免费开店考试答案 淘宝免费开店考试 1、一般违规行为多少分为一个处罚节点,查看规则请点这里 10分 20分 12分 16分 2、全新《淘宝规则》是何时生效的,查看规则请点这里 2009年11月11日 2010年10月1日 2011年1月1日 2010年11月11日 3、淘宝卖家的基本义务是什么,查看规则请点这里 “商品如实描述”义务 “24小时发货”义务 “包邮”义务 “无条件退换货”义务 4、淘宝规则中规定的违规行为有几大类,查看规则请点这里 不分类 两大类,一般违规行为和严重违规行为 三大类,轻微违规行为、一般违规行为和严重违规行为 Beijing-Zhuhai Expressway viaduct. 6m vehicular pavement width of 3, the new society, the Earth filling rolled, and 30cm four-base +9cm thick asphalt concrete pavement; construction of pioneer road in 6m, Pu 30cm four-base. 4, Wan Lai Road, Yangzi crossing set a washing trough, construction vehicles must be washed in order to play. 5, traffic measures (1) during construction, face road entrances and set up road marks and warning marks, and traffic safety officer on duty 24 hours, to ensure the safety of passers-by and residents. (2) during construction, prohibition of construction vehicles and miscellaneous personnel access to the construction site to ensure safety. (3) the initiative to get in touch with the police departments, cooperate with the police in her crossing main entrance directing traffic to divert vehicles, guide the people. (4) on residential areas, such as along the pedestrian entrance, warning signs, and someone on duty to ensure pedestrians stay safe. 6, transportation system, floor plan attached 12, rationalization proposal 1, the first section of southern and Northern road parcels mixed lane portrait has a combined sewer pipes, recommended drain Michihira moved to the sidewalk outside the green zone, reducing pavement covers and makes mix-lane roadbed. Synchronous crushed stone seal coat of asphalt 2, design for 0.9kg/m2, but does not indicate the bitumen, based on past experience, such as the use of heavy-traffic asphalt, recommends that the asphalt content for 1.5kg/m2-1.8kg/m2 to ensure project quality 四大类,轻微违规行为、一般违规行为、严重违规行为和特别严重违规行为 5、评价人若给予好评,则被评价人信用积分会增加几分,查看规则请点这里 三分 一分 二分 四分 6、下列哪些类目的商品不需要具备特殊资质就能出售,查看规则请点这里 书籍类目 服装类目 成人类目 音像类目 7、下面哪种情况下,淘宝有权收回会员名,查看规则请点这里 已通过支付宝实名认证的且连续三年未登录淘宝网或阿里旺旺的会员名 已通过支付宝实名认证的且连续一年未登录淘宝网或阿里旺旺的会员名 已通过支付宝实名认证的且连续二年未登录淘宝网或阿里旺旺的会员名 未通过支付宝实名认证且连续一年未登录淘宝网或阿里旺旺的会员名 8、下列哪一项不是信用评价和店铺评分的区别,查看规则请点这里 信用评价中的好评会使得被评价人累积一分信用积分,而店铺评分不累积信用积分 淘宝上很多卖家会员名边上显示的“皇冠”、“钻石”是指店铺评分的分数,不是指信用评价的积分 针对信用评价,评价人可以给好评、中评、差评,而店铺评分只能打分数 Beijing-Zhuhai Expressway viaduct. 6m vehicular pavement width of 3, the new society, the Earth filling rolled, and 30cm four-base +9cm thick asphalt concrete pavement; construction of pioneer road in 6m, Pu 30cm four-base. 4, Wan Lai Road, Yangzi crossing set a washing trough, construction vehicles must be washed in order to play. 5, traffic measures (1) during construction, face road entrances and set up road marks and warning marks, and traffic safety officer on duty 24 hours, to ensure the safety of passers-by and residents. (2) during construction, prohibition of construction vehicles and miscellaneous personnel access to the construction site to ensure safety. (3) the initiative to get in touch with the police departments, cooperate with the police in her crossing main entrance directing traffic to divert vehicles, guide the people. (4) on residential areas, such as along the pedestrian entrance, warning signs, and someone on duty to ensure pedestrians stay safe. 6, transportation system, floor plan attached 12, rationalization proposal 1, the first section of southern and Northern road parcels mixed lane portrait has a combined sewer pipes, recommended drain Michihira moved to the sidewalk outside the green zone, reducing pavement covers and makes mix-lane roadbed. Synchronous crushed stone seal coat of asphalt 2, design for 0.9kg/m2, but does not indicate the bitumen, based on past experience, such as the use of heavy-traffic asphalt, recommends that the asphalt content for 1.5kg/m2-1.8kg/m2 to ensure project quality 买、卖家互相之间都能给对方进行信用评价,但是卖家不能给买家打店铺评分 9、集市与商城的评价体系有什么区别,查看规则请点这里 商城有信用评价和店铺评分,集市只有店铺评分 商城只有信用评价,集市只有店铺评分 集市只有信用评价,商城只有店铺评分 集市有信用评价和店铺评分,商城只有店铺评分 10、制订淘宝规则目的:查看规则请点这里 促进开放、透明、分享、责任的新商业文明,保障淘宝网用户合法权益,维护淘宝网正常经营秩序 构建和谐社会 保护弱势群体 维护社会正义 11、下列哪一项不是《淘宝规则》中规定的节点处罚的处罚措施,查看规则请点这里 查封账户 店铺屏蔽 没收商品 公示警告 12、会员违规后怎么办,查看规则请点这里 移送司法机关 违规行为应当被纠正,并扣以一定分值,扣分达到一定分值后将会有对应处罚 向淘宝道歉 Beijing-Zhuhai Expressway viaduct. 6m vehicular pavement width of 3, the new society, the Earth filling rolled, and 30cm four-base +9cm thick asphalt concrete pavement; construction of pioneer road in 6m, Pu 30cm four-base. 4, Wan Lai Road, Yangzi crossing set a washing trough, construction vehicles must be washed in order to play. 5, traffic measures (1) during construction, face road entrances and set up road marks and warning marks, and traffic safety officer on duty 24 hours, to ensure the safety of passers-by and residents. (2) during construction, prohibition of construction vehicles and miscellaneous personnel access to the construction site to ensure safety. (3) the initiative to get in touch with the police departments, cooperate with the police in her crossing main entrance directing traffic to divert vehicles, guide the people. (4) on residential areas, such as along the pedestrian entrance, warning signs, and someone on duty to ensure pedestrians stay safe. 6, transportation system, floor plan attached 12, rationalization proposal 1, the first section of southern and Northern road parcels mixed lane portrait has a combined sewer pipes, recommended drain Michihira moved to the sidewalk outside the green zone, reducing pavement covers and makes mix-lane roadbed. Synchronous crushed stone seal coat of asphalt 2, design for 0.9kg/m2, but does not indicate the bitumen, based on past experience, such as the use of heavy-traffic asphalt, recommends that the asphalt content for 1.5kg/m2-1.8kg/m2 to ensure project quality 向会员道歉 13、一个会员可以开几家店,查看规则请点这里 10家 5家 1家 没限制 14、在淘宝开店以后,什么情况下会被查封账户,查看规则请点这里 只要发生了严重违规行为,才会被查封账户 只要被买家投诉,就会被查封账户 只要违规了,就会被查封账户 只有当该账户的严重违规行为扣分累积到四十八分,才会被查封账户 15、规则频道是:查看规则请点这里 淘宝官方唯一规则发布平台 淘宝一个商品类目 淘宝的一个公益活动 淘宝的一个团购活动 16、以下哪种违规行为属于严重违规行为,查看规则请点这里 违背承诺 侵犯知识产权 描述不符 Beijing-Zhuhai Expressway viaduct. 6m vehicular pavement width of 3, the new society, the Earth filling rolled, and 30cm four-base +9cm thick asphalt concrete pavement; construction of pioneer road in 6m, Pu 30cm four-base. 4, Wan Lai Road, Yangzi crossing set a washing trough, construction vehicles must be washed in order to play. 5, traffic measures (1) during construction, face road entrances and set up road marks and warning marks, and traffic safety officer on duty 24 hours, to ensure the safety of passers-by and residents. (2) during construction, prohibition of construction vehicles and miscellaneous personnel access to the construction site to ensure safety. (3) the initiative to get in touch with the police departments, cooperate with the police in her crossing main entrance directing traffic to divert vehicles, guide the people. (4) on residential areas, such as along the pedestrian entrance, warning signs, and someone on duty to ensure pedestrians stay safe. 6, transportation system, floor plan attached 12, rationalization proposal 1, the first section of southern and Northern road parcels mixed lane portrait has a combined sewer pipes, recommended drain Michihira moved to the sidewalk outside the green zone, reducing pavement covers and makes mix-lane roadbed. Synchronous crushed stone seal coat of asphalt 2, design for 0.9kg/m2, but does not indicate the bitumen, based on past experience, such as the use of heavy-traffic asphalt, recommends that the asphalt content for 1.5kg/m2-1.8kg/m2 to ensure project quality 滥发信息 17、下列哪项不属于淘宝规定的违规行为,查看规则请点这里 与买家旺旺沟通 骗取他人财物 发布违禁信息 侵犯知识产权 18、淘宝对卖家发布商品的数量有什么限制,查看规则请点这里 完全没限制 信用等级高就没限制了 有限制,有些情形可能1件都不能发了 有限制,但至少可以发100件 19、违规扣分什么时候会被清零,查看规则请点这里 每年的五月一日二十四时 每年的十二月三十一日二十四时 每年的十月一日二十四时 每年的一月一号二十四时 20、下列哪些行为不属于违规行为,查看规则请点这里 同一会员开两家店铺并且发布不同的商品 同一会员开一家店铺并且发布各种不同的商品 同一会员开两家店铺并且发布完全相同的商品 Beijing-Zhuhai Expressway viaduct. 6m vehicular pavement width of 3, the new society, the Earth filling rolled, and 30cm four-base +9cm thick asphalt concrete pavement; construction of pioneer road in 6m, Pu 30cm four-base. 4, Wan Lai Road, Yangzi crossing set a washing trough, construction vehicles must be washed in order to play. 5, traffic measures (1) during construction, face road entrances and set up road marks and warning marks, and traffic safety officer on duty 24 hours, to ensure the safety of passers-by and residents. (2) during construction, prohibition of construction vehicles and miscellaneous personnel access to the construction site to ensure safety. (3) the initiative to get in touch with the police departments, cooperate with the police in her crossing main entrance directing traffic to divert vehicles, guide the people. (4) on residential areas, such as along the pedestrian entrance, warning signs, and someone on duty to ensure pedestrians stay safe. 6, transportation system, floor plan attached 12, rationalization proposal 1, the first section of southern and Northern road parcels mixed lane portrait has a combined sewer pipes, recommended drain Michihira moved to the sidewalk outside the green zone, reducing pavement covers and makes mix-lane roadbed. Synchronous crushed stone seal coat of asphalt 2, design for 0.9kg/m2, but does not indicate the bitumen, based on past experience, such as the use of heavy-traffic asphalt, recommends that the asphalt content for 1.5kg/m2-1.8kg/m2 to ensure project quality
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