

2018-07-07 50页 doc 124KB 17阅读




初三生物总复习资料初三生物总复习资料 初三生物复习提纲 绪论 1(生物:有生命的物体 2(生物的基本特征:A、新陈代谢:包括营养和呼吸 B、生长:由小变大由简单到复杂逐渐成熟 C、生殖 D、遗传与变异 E、应激性 3(生物与人类关系:A、人类生存离不开生物 B、人类生活离不开生物 C、人类生产活动离不开生物 D、人类健康离不开生物 4(没有生物,就没有人类的一切。 第一章 生物体结构 1(几乎一切生物体都由细胞构成的。(病毒除外) 细胞是生物体的基本组成单位和生命活动的功能单位。 2(细胞的基本结构:细胞膜、细胞质、细胞核...
初三生物总复习资料 初三生物复习提纲 绪论 1(生物:有生命的物体 2(生物的基本特征:A、新陈代谢:包括营养和呼吸 B、生长:由小变大由简单到复杂逐渐成熟 C、生殖 D、遗传与变异 E、应激性 3(生物与人类关系:A、人类生存离不开生物 B、人类生活离不开生物 C、人类生产活动离不开生物 D、人类健康离不开生物 4(没有生物,就没有人类的一切。 第一章 生物体结构 1(几乎一切生物体都由细胞构成的。(病毒除外) 细胞是生物体的基本组成单位和生命活动的功能单位。 2(细胞的基本结构:细胞膜、细胞质、细胞核三部分,植物细胞还有细胞壁、液泡、叶绿体。 ? 细胞膜:具有保护细胞内部结构和控制物质进出的细胞作用。 ? 细胞质:物质合成与分解的场所。 ? 细胞核:近似圆球状,含有遗传物质。 3(生物体由小变大原因:A、细胞分裂,增加细胞数目;B、细胞的生长,使体积增大。 4(生物有:A、单细胞生物:由一个细胞构成的生物。(草履虫、酵母菌、衣藻等) B、多细胞生物:由多个细胞构成的生物。(水稻、猫、人等) 5(组织:细胞分化以后,形态结构相似,功能相同细胞连合在一起的细胞群。 A、植物组织: ? 分生组织:细胞具有分裂能力。 ? 保护组织:具有保护作用。 ? 营养组织:能贮藏或合成营养物质。 ? 输导组织:运输水分,无机盐和养料等。 ? 机械组织:起支持作用。 B、动物和人的主要组织: ? 上皮组织:具有保护作用。 ? 结缔组织:有支持、连结、保护和营养作用。 ? 肌肉组织:能收缩、舒张产生运动。 ? 神经组织:受刺激能产生兴奋和传导兴奋。 6(器官:不同组织按照一定次序连合起来,共同完成一定功能。 植物器官: ? 营养器官:根、茎、叶; ? 生殖器官:花、果实、种子 7(系统:能够完成一种或几种生理功能而组成的多个器官总和。 人和多数动物:运动、消化、呼吸、循环、泌尿、内分泌、神经、生殖系统等八个系统构成。 8(多细胞生物组成层次:A 植物:细胞?组织?器官?个体 B 动物:细胞?组织?器官?系统?个体 第二章 生物的营养 1(营养物质:A 有机物:糖类、蛋白质、脂肪、维生素 B 无机物:水、无机盐 ? 水:一切生命活动都离不开水,动物活组织60%,70%幼嫩植物70%。 ? 无机盐:缺氮植株矮小,叶片发黄,人缺碘会患甲状腺肿。 individual grantBusiness development, Head Office of qilu Bank personal credit risk management guidelines are issued to you, please carefully study and implement. Annex: qilu Bank personal credit risk management guidelines qilu Bank b o September 4, 12 key words: sends the individual credit guidelines to inform risk management: leadership, head office departments contact person: Chen Tel: (total of 3) Qilu Bank's Office issued on September 4, 2012 Annex: qilu Bank personal credit risk management practices chapter I General provisions to improve the quality of individual credit business, optimize the structure of assets, promote healthy development of individual credit business, according to the China Banking Regulatory Commission guidelines on credit due diligence and other related provisions, combined with Bank practice, these guidelines are formulated. Personal credit business mentioned in this guide, refers to natural persons of the Bank provide foreign currency loan business. Especially those good credit, source of repayment of the Bank stability, guarantee plenty of personal loan needs, and strengthen risk control and asset structure. Personal credit business says the parties must ensure that the borrower credit, such as true, real and have written evidence, strictly in accordance with the rules of the regulation, standards, effective against various types of internal and external fraud. Our ban and will actively take measures to prevent all forms of commercial bribery. Chapter II management principles management principles the Bank to implement the whole process ? 糖类:生物体生命活动主要能量来源。 ? 蛋白质:生物体生命活动物质基础。 ? 脂肪:生物体储备能量的主要物质。 2(根的类型:? 主根:种子最先长出的根;? 侧根:从主根生出粗细不等的根。 ? 不定根:从茎叶上生长出的根。 3(根系的类型 ? 直根系:主根长、粗,侧根短细,区别明显(花生、番茄等) ? 须根系:生根不发达,茎部生出不定根,长短粗细相似(水稻、玉米) 4(根尖:从根的顶端到着生根毛部分这一段。 根尖的结构: ? 根冠:具有保护作用。 ? 分生区:具有分裂能力。 ? 伸长区:根伸长最快的部位。 ? 根毛区:根吸收水分、无机盐的主要部分。 5(根吸水的原理: ? 细胞吸水:细胞液浓度比细胞周围水溶液大;? 细胞失水:细胞液浓度比细胞周围水溶液小。 根吸水的原理也一样,根毛细胞液浓度总比土壤溶液的浓度大。 6(植物叶子一般由叶片、叶柄、托叶三部分组成。叶片是主要部分。 叶片由皮、叶肉、叶脉三部分组成。 7(光合作用:绿色植物通过叶绿体吸收光能,将二氧化碳和水合成贮存着能量的淀粉,并释放氧的过程,叫做光合作用。 叶绿体 光合作用表示式:二氧化碳,水 淀 粉,氧 光 (贮存能量) 意义:地球上一切生命生存、繁荣和发展的根本源泉。 ,(肥料:,、有机肥料(农家肥料):来源广、养分全、肥效久、成本低、作基肥(人、家畜粪便、绿肥) B、化学肥料(化肥):养分高、见效快、作追肥(硫酸铵、氯化钾、过磷酸钙等) 合理施肥:?不同植物对各种无机盐需要量不同。 ?同一种植物的不同生长发育期不同(“中间多,两头少”即幼苗期少,生长期多,成 熟期少) ,(人体对食物消化和营养物质吸收由消化系统来完成。牙齿可以分为:牙冠、牙颈、牙根三个部分。 牙齿的组成物质:?牙本质(组成牙齿主要物质)?牙釉质 ?牙骨质 ?牙髓腔(人患龋齿, 损伤到牙髓腔,常因病菌侵入而发炎,疼痛难忍) 牙齿的功能:切断、撕裂、磨碎食物。 牙齿的保健:坚持早晚刷牙,饭后漱口,吃食时注意防止砂石等硬物损伤牙齿。 消化系统:,、消化道:口腔、咽、食道、胃、小肠、大肠、肛门等。 ,、消化腺:唾液腺、胃腺、肝脏、胰腺、肠腺。 口腔:,、牙齿:切断、撕裂、磨碎食物。 ,、舌:搅拌和吞咽食物,辨别食物味道及辅助发声的作用。 ,、唾液腺:(三对)分别是腮腺、颌下腺、舌下腺。 胃:位于左上腹腔,呈囊状。 胃的结构:,、上口:贲门接食道;,、中部:胃体;,、下口:幽门接十二指肠(位于小肠开头) 胃壁与小肠相似(内向外分):分粘膜层、粘膜下层、肌肉层、浆膜四层。 小肠:消化道最长一段,位于腹腔里,长,,,米(小肠是食物消化、吸收主要场所) ement practices chapter I General provisions to improve the quality of individual credit business, optimize the structure of asu Bank personal credit risk managice issued on September 4, 2012 Annex: qilsets, promote healthy development of individual credit business, according to the China Banking Regulatory Commission guidelineindividual grantBusiness development, Head Office of qilu Bank personal credit risk management guidelines are issued to you, pls on credit due diligence and other related provisions, combined with Bank practice, these guidelines are formulated. Personal ease carefully study and implement. Annex: qilu Bank personal credit risk management guidelines qilu Bank b o September 4credit business mentioned in this guide, refers to natural persons of the Bank provide foreign currency loan business. Especial, 12 key words: sends the individual credit guidelines to inform risk management: leadership, head office departments contact ply those good credit, source of repayment of the Bank stability, guarantee plenty of personal loan needs, and strengthen risk cerson: Chen Tel: (total of 3) Qilu Bank's Offontrol and asset structure. Personal credit business says the parties must ensure that the borrower credit, such as true, real and have written evidence, strictly in accordance with the rules of the regulation, standards, effective against various types of internal and external fraud. Our ban and will actively take measures to prevent all forms of commercial bribery. Chapter II management principles management principles the Bank to implement the whole process 十二指肠:小肠开头一段约为十二个手指并拢在一起的长度(是总胆管、胰管开口) 大肠:上接小肠,下接肛门。管腔比小肠大,长1.5米。 盲肠:大肠开始部分,位于腹腔右下部。 阑尾:盲肠的盲端连着一条蚯蚓样突起。 阑尾炎:如果肠内食物残渣,肠寄生虫或其它东西进入阑尾,阻塞住了管腔,在病菌等的作用下, 引起阑尾炎。 肛门:排粪,食物残渣被大肠内细菌发酵,腐败形成粪便。 便泌形成:如果食物残渣在大肠内停留过久,水分被吸收过多,粪便变得干燥,形成便泌。 预防方法:养成定时大便,经常参加体育运动,多吃疏菜和水果,多喝开水。 肝脏:位于腹腔右上部,人体最大消化腺,能分泌胆汁,胆汁不含消化酶,只促进脂肪消化 肝脏是消化系统中不与食物接触的器官。(功能:分泌胆汁,贮存营养物质,解毒等作用) 胆汁贮存于胆囊,进食时,胆囊收缩,胆汁排进,流入十二指肠。 胰腺:呈长条形,位于十二指肠弯内(胰腺分泌胰液进入十二指肠内) 10、消化:人和动物将摄入的食物在消化道内分解为可以吸收的成分的过程。 消化腺 分泌消化液(含消化酶) 消化物质 唾液腺 唾液(淀粉酶) 初步消化淀粉 胃腺 胃液(蛋白酶) 初步消化蛋白质 肝脏 胆汁(不含消化酶) 促进脂肪消化 胰腺 胰液(淀粉酶蛋白酶、脂肪酶) 消化糖类、蛋白质和脂肪 肠腺 肠液(同胰液一样) 消化糖类、蛋白质和脂肪 淀粉、蛋白质和脂肪消化步骤以及有关消化液种类可为: 唾液、胰液、肠液 胰液、肠液 淀粉 麦芽糖 葡萄糖 胃液、胰液、肠液 蛋白质 氨基酸 消化道消化 淀粉 蛋白质 脂肪 胆汁、胰液、肠液 口腔 ? × × 脂肪 脂肪酸,甘油 胃 × ? × 11、吸收:消化以后的营养物质通过消化道壁进入 小肠 ? ? ? 循环系统的过程。 消化道不同部位对营养物质吸收不同: ? 口腔和食道:不吸收。 ? 胃:只吸收少量水和无机盐。 ? 小肠:吸收葡萄糖、氨基酸、甘油、脂肪酸以及大部分水、无机盐和某些维生素。 ? 大肠:只吸收少量水、无机盐和某些维生素。 总结:小肠是食物消化、吸收主要场所) 12、单细胞动物的消化特点:草履虫靠纤毛运动、变形虫靠伪足运动、食物消化吸收在细胞质进行。 水 流动 细菌、单细胞藻类 口沟 细胞质 食物泡 营养物质消化吸收 纤毛 食物残渣 胞肛排出体外 u Bank personal credit risk management practices chapter I General provisions to improve the quality of individual credit busince issued on September 4, 2012 Annex: qil1679536 (total of 3) Qilu Bank's Offiess, optimize the structure of assets, promote healthy development of individual credit business, according to the China Bankinindividual grantBusiness development, Head Office of qilu Bank personal credit risk management guidelines are issued to you, pl3 g Regulatory Commission guidelines on credit due diligence and other related provisions, combined with Bank practice, these guiease carefully study and implement. Annex: qilu Bank personal credit risk management guidelines qilu Bank b o September 4delines are formulated. Personal credit business mentioned in this guide, refers to natural persons of the Bank provide foreign, 12 key words: sends the individual credit guidelines to inform risk management: leadership, head office departments contact p currency loan business. Especially those good credit, source of repayment of the Bank stability, guarantee plenty of personal erson: Chen Tel: 0531-8loan needs, and strengthen risk control and asset structure. Personal credit business says the parties must ensure that the borrower credit, such as true, real and have written evidence, strictly in accordance with the rules of the regulation, standards, effective against various types of internal and external fraud. Our ban and will actively take measures to prevent all forms of commercial bribery. Chapter II management principles management principles the Bank to implement the whole process 细胞内消化:单细胞动物的消化、吸收等过程都是在细胞内完成的。 13、植食性动物的消化特点:(蝗虫、蚕、青菜虫、兔、马、牛、羊骆驼等)?牙齿适宜于切断和磨碎 食物的牙齿。(牛以草料为食,它有适宜于磨碎草料的臼齿,对食物的消 化要经过反刍过程)?消化管长,盲肠发达。 14、肉食性动物的消化特点:(虎、鲨鱼、苍鹰、青蛙、蜘蛛等)?牙齿适宜于咬死、嚼碎动物的肌肉 和腱;?消化管短、盲肠退化。 15、寄生:一种生物生活在另一种子生物体上,从中摄取养料来维持生活的现象。 寄主:被寄生的生物。 寄生生物(营寄生生活的生物): A、体内寄生生物:寄生在寄主体内(蛔虫、丝虫、三化螟虫、肝炎病毒、艾滋病毒、结核杆菌) B、体表寄生生物:寄生在寄主体表(菟丝子、疥螨、虱、蚜虫、红蜘蛛、一些菌类) 16、腐生:一种生物依靠分解另一种生物的遗体或其它有机物,获得营养物来维持生活的方式。 腐生生物:经腐生方式获得营养物质的生物。(草菇、蘑菇、香菇、银耳、茯苓、灵芝、青霉菌、 链霉菌等) 第三章 物质的运输 1(茎:植物的主干和侧枝(由芽发育而来的) 顶芽:生长在茎顶端的芽。 生长点:细胞具有分裂能力。 位置 侧芽:生长的茎侧面的芽。 叶原基:发育成幼叶。 2(芽的种类 叶芽:发育成枝和叶。 幼叶:发育成叶。 3(叶芽的结构 将来发育不同 花芽:发育成花。 芽原基:发育成侧芽。 混合芽:发育成枝、叶、花。 芽轴:发育成茎。 4(顶端优势:指顶芽发育较快,并且抑制侧芽的发育。 利用:?松杉桉等树木,注意不要损伤主干上的顶芽;?种植荔枝、蕃茄等果树作物时,摘去主 干上顶芽,多生侧枝。 5(木质茎结构(榕树、杉、松、桉树):表皮、木栓层、皮层、韧皮部、形成层、木质部、髓。 韧皮部:?筛管:运输有机养料的通道;?韧皮纤维:有支持作用,使茎不易折断。 形成层:在韧皮部与木质部之间,茎不断加粗是形成层活动结果。 木质部:?导管:运输水、无机盐的通道;?木纤维:有支持作用,树木坚硬原因靠木纤维作用。 髓:茎中心由薄壁细胞构成,有贮存养料作用。 表皮、木栓皮、皮层、韧皮部合称为树皮。韧皮部、形成层、木质部合称维管束。 用肉眼可以判出桉树三个结构,树皮(外)质地软,木质部质地坚硬,髓(里)质地疏松。 年轮:指树木的春材和秋材所形成同心圆环。 细胞数目 体积 壁 木材质地 6(草质茎结构(甘庶、水稻、玉米、小麦): 春材 多 大 薄 疏松 ?表皮:一层细胞构成有保护作用; 秋材 少 小 厚 致密 ?维管束:a、韧皮部;b、木质部。 没有形成层,茎加粗依靠细胞体积增大。 ?薄壁细胞:构成机械组织,有支持作用。 7(茎的输导作用表现在:?通过导管输导水分和无机盐;?通过筛管输导有机养料。 8(蒸腾作用:水分以气体状态从叶中散发出去的过程。(通过叶片的气孔进行) 蒸腾过程:土壤中的水分?根、茎、叶导管?叶肉细胞?气孔?空气 ement practices chapter I General provisions to improve the quality of individual credit business, optimize the structure of asu Bank personal credit risk managice issued on September 4, 2012 Annex: qilsets, promote healthy development of individual credit business, according to the China Banking Regulatory Commission guidelineindividual grantBusiness development, Head Office of qilu Bank personal credit risk management guidelines are issued to you, pls on credit due diligence and other related provisions, combined with Bank practice, these guidelines are formulated. Personal ease carefully study and implement. Annex: qilu Bank personal credit risk management guidelines qilu Bank b o September 4credit business mentioned in this guide, refers to natural persons of the Bank provide foreign currency loan business. Especial, 12 key words: sends the individual credit guidelines to inform risk management: leadership, head office departments contact ply those good credit, source of repayment of the Bank stability, guarantee plenty of personal loan needs, and strengthen risk cerson: Chen Tel: (total of 3) Qilu Bank's Offontrol and asset structure. Personal credit business says the parties must ensure that the borrower credit, such as true, real and have written evidence, strictly in accordance with the rules of the regulation, standards, effective against various types of internal and external fraud. Our ban and will actively take measures to prevent all forms of commercial bribery. Chapter II management principles management principles the Bank to implement the whole process 9(人体物质运输:依靠循环系统来完成。 水:91%,92% 蛋白质:7% 血浆 功能:运载血细胞、运输养料、废物 血液 葡萄糖:0.1% (55%) (红色粘稠 无机盐:0.9% 3 男:500万个/mm(14克/100ml) 液体成年人 红细胞 氧、部分二氧化碳 运输 3(含血红蛋白) 血细胞 7%,8%) 女:420万个/mm(12克/100ml) 3 白细胞:0.5,1万个/mm 吞食病菌有保护、防御作用 (45%) 3血小板:10,30万个/mm 促进止血、加速凝血作用 心脏 动脉 血液循环系统 循 静脉 血管 环 毛细血管 系 淋巴管 统 淋巴系统 淋巴结 淋巴器官 扁桃体 脾 血红蛋白:红细胞里含有一种红色含铁的蛋白质。 贫血:血液中的红细胞数量过少,或者红细胞中血红蛋白的含量过少。 血清:血液凝固以后,血块周围出现少量黄色透明的液体。 血液功能:?运输氧;?运输养料;?运走二氧化碳等废物;?吞食病菌;?调节体温。 输血:将献血者输入受血者体内的过程。人类最基本血型为ABO型、A型、B型、AB型、O型四种。 人体血型是终生不变的,且可以遗传。输血以同型血最好。 血管:?动脉:把血液从心脏输送到身体各部分去血管。 ?静脉:把血液从身体各部分送回心脏血管。 ?毛细血管:连通最小的动脉和静脉之间的血管。 动脉 静脉 毛细血管 管壁特点 厚、弹性大 薄、弹性小 极薄 管腔 小 大 极小 血流速度 快 慢 最慢 功能 心脏?全身血管 全身血管?心脏 血液 组织 血流方向 离心方向流动 回心方向流动 从动脉?静脉端 心脏:由心肌构成位于胸腔中部偏左下方,夹在肺之间,形状象桃子,大小与本人拳头差不多。 左心房:连肺静脉 上面心房 右心房:连上、下腔静脉 (连静脉) 四个腔 左心室:连主动脉 下面心室 右心室:连肺动脉 (连动脉) 心脏 房室瓣:心房与心室之间瓣膜,只能向心室开 相通瓣膜 动脉瓣:心室与动脉之间瓣膜,只能向动脉开 u Bank personal credit risk management practices chapter I General provisions to improve the quality of individual credit busince issued on September 4, 2012 Annex: qil1679536 (total of 3) Qilu Bank's Offiess, optimize the structure of assets, promote healthy development of individual credit business, according to the China Bankinindividual grantBusiness development, Head Office of qilu Bank personal credit risk management guidelines are issued to you, pl5 g Regulatory Commission guidelines on credit due diligence and other related provisions, combined with Bank practice, these guiease carefully study and implement. Annex: qilu Bank personal credit risk management guidelines qilu Bank b o September 4delines are formulated. Personal credit business mentioned in this guide, refers to natural persons of the Bank provide foreign, 12 key words: sends the individual credit guidelines to inform risk management: leadership, head office departments contact p currency loan business. Especially those good credit, source of repayment of the Bank stability, guarantee plenty of personal erson: Chen Tel: 0531-8loan needs, and strengthen risk control and asset structure. Personal credit business says the parties must ensure that the borrower credit, such as true, real and have written evidence, strictly in accordance with the rules of the regulation, standards, effective against various types of internal and external fraud. Our ban and will actively take measures to prevent all forms of commercial bribery. Chapter II management principles management principles the Bank to implement the whole process 血液流向:只能从心房?心室?动脉?静脉,而不会倒流。 心率:指单位时间内心脏的跳动次数(成年人75次/分,正常60-100次/分) 心输出量:心室收缩时向动脉血管输出血液的数量。 心输出量的多少,可以作为衡量心脏血管输出血液的数量。 12(血液循环:血液在心脏和全部血管所组成的管道里不停地循环流动。 静 静 动 动 动 ?体循环:左心室 主动脉 各级动脉 全身毛细血管网 各级静脉 静 静 上、下腔静脉 右心房 右心室(参加肺循环) 动 动 静 静 ?肺循环:右心室 肺动脉 肺泡壁毛细血管 肺静脉 左心房 动 左心室(参加体循环) 动脉血:当红细胞中的血红蛋白跟氧结合时颜色鲜红。 静脉血:当红细胞中的血红蛋白跟随氧分离时,颜色暗红。 “动脉里流的是动脉血,静脉里流的是静脉血”这句话是错误的。(因肺动脉流静脉血,肺静脉流动脉血) 脉博:心脏的一张一缩的博动,象波浪一样沿着动脉管壁向远处传播。脉博每分钟次数与心跳次数相同。 血压:血液在血管内向前流动时对管壁所产生的压力。(一般所说血压指体循环动脉血压) 收缩压:心脏收缩时,动脉血压所达到的最高数值。 舒张压:心脏舒张时,动脉血压下降到最低数值。测量位置:上臂肱动脉;单位:千帕。 (通常用:收缩压/舒张压,表示成年人12.0,18.7千帕/8.0,12.0千帕或90,140mmgh/60,90毫米汞柱) 由于抽烟而吸入尼古丁,可能引起血管狭窄,血压升高,心脏负担增加,进而引发心血管疾病。经常喝酒,心脏肌肉组织,往往会被脂肪组织所代替,降低心脏活动能力,为了心脏,不要抽烟、喝酒。 第四章 呼吸作用 1(新陈代谢:生物体与外界环境之间物质和能量的交换,以及生物体内物质和能量的转变过程。 2(植物在任何活细胞都进行呼吸作用,对外通道主要是叶片气孔。 3(呼吸作用:生物体吸收氧将有机物分解成二氧化碳和水,并释放能量的过程。 表示式:淀粉,氧?二氧化碳,水,能量 4(光合作用与呼吸作用的区别:见P4。 5(为什么新疆产的哈密瓜特别甜,见P4。 6(外界条件影响呼吸作用:温度、水分、氧浓度、二氧化碳浓度。 7(呼吸系统由呼吸道和肺两部分组成。它的主要功能吸入氧和呼出二氧化碳。 呼吸道由鼻腔、咽、喉、气管和支气管组成。 肺位于胸腔内,左右各一个,由许多肺泡组成。 肺泡有哪些结构特点与呼吸功能相适应,P6 8(呼吸运动包括吸气和呼气两个过程。 呼吸运动原理:P8 成年人平均每分钟呼吸次数是16,18次。 9(肺活量:尽力吸气之后,再尽量吸气时所能呼出气体量成年男子3500,4000毫升。女2500,3500毫升。 10(人工呼吸根据呼吸运动原理进行。 11(人体内气体交换包括肺部和组织细胞里的气体交换。气体交换通过气体的扩散作用来完成。 12(人体内部保持着一定的温度称为体温。 13(呼吸系统的卫生保健:P15。 ement practices chapter I General provisions to improve the quality of individual credit business, optimize the structure of asu Bank personal credit risk managice issued on September 4, 2012 Annex: qilsets, promote healthy development of individual credit business, according to the China Banking Regulatory Commission guidelineindividual grantBusiness development, Head Office of qilu Bank personal credit risk management guidelines are issued to you, pls on credit due diligence and other related provisions, combined with Bank practice, these guidelines are formulated. Personal ease carefully study and implement. Annex: qilu Bank personal credit risk management guidelines qilu Bank b o September 4credit business mentioned in this guide, refers to natural persons of the Bank provide foreign currency loan business. Especial, 12 key words: sends the individual credit guidelines to inform risk management: leadership, head office departments contact ply those good credit, source of repayment of the Bank stability, guarantee plenty of personal loan needs, and strengthen risk cerson: Chen Tel: (total of 3) Qilu Bank's Offontrol and asset structure. Personal credit business says the parties must ensure that the borrower credit, such as true, real and have written evidence, strictly in accordance with the rules of the regulation, standards, effective against various types of internal and external fraud. Our ban and will actively take measures to prevent all forms of commercial bribery. Chapter II management principles management principles the Bank to implement the whole process 14(动物呼吸方式:?气管呼吸:蝗虫、子孓等;?鳃呼吸:鲫鱼、虾、蟹等;?肺呼吸:蛇、鸽、 猫等;?皮肤呼吸:蚯蚓、青蛙等。 双重呼吸:吸气和呼气时,肺里都进行气体交换现象,例如:鸟类。 第五章 排 泄 1(排泄:生物体把体内的废物和多余的水、无机盐排出体外过程。 2(排泄途径:?呼吸系统:二氧化碳、水汽;?皮肤的汗腺:部分水、无机盐、尿素; ?泌尿系统:以尿形式排出废物和多余水、无机盐。 3(泌尿系统由肾脏、输尿管、膀胱和尿道组成。 4(肾脏:形成尿液器官,腹腔后壁脊柱两旁各有一个。 纵剖结构:?皮质:颜色较深;?髓质:颜色较浅;?肾孟:呈漏斗状。 每个肾脏由100多万个肾单位构成。肾单位结构:?肾小体:a、肾小球;b、肾小囊。?肾小管。 5(尿的形成:?肾小球的过滤作用?形成原尿;?肾小管的重吸收作用?形成尿液。 6(比较血液、血浆、原尿、尿液各有什么, 成 份 血细胞 蛋白质 葡萄糖 水 无机盐 尿 酸 尿 素 血液 ? ? ? ? ? ? ? 血浆 × ? ? ? ? ? ? 原尿 × × ? ? ? ? ? 尿液 × × × ? ? ? ? 7(皮肤功能:排泄、保护、分泌、调节体温、感受外界刺激作用。 皮肤:?表皮:a、角质层;b、生发层:再生、伤口愈合等。?真皮:内有血管、神经、最先感受。 ?皮下组织。 皮肤分泌汗液,成分水、无机盐、尿酸、尿素等。见P26。 皮肤卫生保健:完整性和清洁(常洗澡和勤换衣服) 8(动物排泄方式:?草履虫:借扩散作用;?蚯蚓:肾管排泄;?蝗虫、蜜蜂、苍蝇等:马氏排泄; ?大部分动物:肾脏排泄。 第六章 感觉与调节 1(应激性:生物对外界的刺激,能够产生反应。 动物和人对刺激反应很灵敏,而植物一般是比较迟钝的。 2(植物感应与调节。见P32。 3(人体调节:包括体液调节和神经调节两个方面。 4(人体腺体包括:?外分泌腺:腺体有导管分泌物通过导管排出(唾液腺、胃腺、胰腺、肠腺、肝脏、 汗腺);?内分泌腺:腺体没有导管,分泌物直接进入腺体毛细血管(甲状腺、胰岛、垂体、胸腺、 肾上腺、性腺)。 5(内分泌腺的分泌物是一种对身体起特殊作用物质称为激素。 6(激素等物质通过体液传送来调节人体生理功能叫做体液调节。 7(甲状腺:人体内最大内分泌腺位于喉部,分左右两叶。 甲状腺分泌激素叫做甲状腺激素,有促进新陈代谢,加速物质分解,促进生长发育和提高神经系统兴奋等作用。?甲状腺功能亢进:分泌激素过多,成年人食量大增,消瘦。?甲状腺功能不足:分泌激素过少,幼年时期呆小症。 u Bank personal credit risk management practices chapter I General provisions to improve the quality of individual credit busince issued on September 4, 2012 Annex: qil1679536 (total of 3) Qilu Bank's Offiess, optimize the structure of assets, promote healthy development of individual credit business, according to the China Bankinindividual grantBusiness development, Head Office of qilu Bank personal credit risk management guidelines are issued to you, pl7 g Regulatory Commission guidelines on credit due diligence and other related provisions, combined with Bank practice, these guiease carefully study and implement. Annex: qilu Bank personal credit risk management guidelines qilu Bank b o September 4delines are formulated. Personal credit business mentioned in this guide, refers to natural persons of the Bank provide foreign, 12 key words: sends the individual credit guidelines to inform risk management: leadership, head office departments contact p currency loan business. Especially those good credit, source of repayment of the Bank stability, guarantee plenty of personal erson: Chen Tel: 0531-8loan needs, and strengthen risk control and asset structure. Personal credit business says the parties must ensure that the borrower credit, such as true, real and have written evidence, strictly in accordance with the rules of the regulation, standards, effective against various types of internal and external fraud. Our ban and will actively take measures to prevent all forms of commercial bribery. Chapter II management principles management principles the Bank to implement the whole process 碘是甲状腺合成甲状腺激素原料,来自食物(缺碘,地方性甲状腺肿) 8(胰岛:位于膜腺上一个个腺细胞团,分泌胰岛素。功能调节糖代谢,缺乏胰岛素,尿排出部分葡萄 糖,可能患糖尿病,通过注射结晶牛胰岛素。 9(垂体:脑底部,大小如豌豆,分泌生长激素等,调节人体生长发育。?生长激素分泌不足;幼年时 期,侏儒症。?生长激素分泌过多:a、幼年时期:巨人症。b 、成年人:肢端肥大症。 10(神经系统:?中躯神经系统:脑、脊髓;?周围神经系统:脑神经、脊神经。 11(神经元(神经细胞)构成神经系统基本结构和功能单位。能够传导的兴奋叫神经冲动。 神经元:?细胞体;?突起: a、树突:短树枝状分支;b、轴突:长分支少。 神经元功能:刺激产生兴奋,兴奋沿神经纤维传导。 12(脑、颅腔内、由大脑、小脑、脑干三部分组成。 大脑:由左右两个大脑半球组成,大脑半球表层叫大脑皮层。 大脑皮层是神经系统调节人体生理活动的最高中枢。 语言中枢是人类特有功能区,其他动物没有语言中枢。 脑干:有呼吸中枢、心血管中枢等。 小脑:对人体运动起协调和维持身体平衡作用。 13(脊髓:位于脊柱的椎管内,有反射功能和传导作用。 14(反射:人体通过神经系统对外界和内部的各种刺激所发生反应。 15(反射弧:参与反射活动的神经结构。包括感受器、传入神经纤维、神经中枢、传出神经纤维、效 应器五个组成部分。 16(反应类型:?非条件反射:生来就有先天性反射,不需要大脑皮层调节能完成。 ?条件反射:出生后在生活过程中逐步形成后天性反射,建立在非条件反射基础上, 大脑皮层参与下形成。 17(神经系统卫生保健P41。 18(感受器官:带有附属结构复杂的感受器(眼、耳、鼻、舌等) 19(眼球:近似球形、由眼球壁和内容物组成。 20(近视眼和远视眼P47。 21(眼的保健和卫生P48。 22(动物:?无脊椎动物:体内没有由脊椎骨组成脊柱的动物;?脊椎动物:体内由脊椎骨组成脊椎的动物。 第七章 支持和运动 木纤维 机械组织 韧皮纤维 维管束 导管 1(植物支持 输导组织 筛管 幼嫩部分:靠细胞吸水膨胀。 2(植物运动:衣藻靠鞭毛在水中自由运动。 ? 向光生长运动:茎向光源方向生长的特性叫向光性。 ? 向重力性生长运动:?根正向重力性生长;?茎负向重力性生长。 3(人体运动系统由骨、骨连结和骨骼肌组成的。 ? 人体的骨骼由206块骨连结而成,按部位可分头骨、躯干骨和四肢骨。头骨分为脑颅骨和面颊骨、躯干骨包括脊柱、肋骨和胸骨。脊柱由30多块椎骨构成,椎骨有椎孔,围成管子叫椎管、内有脊髓。 ement practices chapter I General provisions to improve the quality of individual credit business, optimize the structure of asu Bank personal credit risk managice issued on September 4, 2012 Annex: qilsets, promote healthy development of individual credit business, according to the China Banking Regulatory Commission guidelineindividual grantBusiness development, Head Office of qilu Bank personal credit risk management guidelines are issued to you, pls on credit due diligence and other related provisions, combined with Bank practice, these guidelines are formulated. Personal ease carefully study and implement. Annex: qilu Bank personal credit risk management guidelines qilu Bank b o September 4credit business mentioned in this guide, refers to natural persons of the Bank provide foreign currency loan business. Especial, 12 key words: sends the individual credit guidelines to inform risk management: leadership, head office departments contact ply those good credit, source of repayment of the Bank stability, guarantee plenty of personal loan needs, and strengthen risk cerson: Chen Tel: (total of 3) Qilu Bank's Offontrol and asset structure. Personal credit business says the parties must ensure that the borrower credit, such as true, real and have written evidence, strictly in accordance with the rules of the regulation, standards, effective against various types of internal and external fraud. Our ban and will actively take measures to prevent all forms of commercial bribery. Chapter II management principles management principles the Bank to implement the whole process ? 人的骨骼与直立行走相适应P62 A、脊柱的四个生理弯曲:颈曲、胸曲、腰曲和骶曲。这些弯曲与人类直立行走相适应能缓冲剧 烈运动对脑的震荡,保持身体平衡。 B、粗壮的下肢骨:适于人的直立行走、支持体重。 C、足弓:增强稳定性和减轻对脑的震荡、保护足底血管和神经免受压迫。 ? 骨由骨膜、骨质和骨髓三部分构成。 A、骨膜:内有血管、神经、成骨细胞对骨生长、再生有重要作用。 B、骨髓:位于骨髓腔内、幼年全是红骨髓有造血功能、随年龄增长变成黄骨髓、失去造血功能、 成年人长骨两端、短骨与扁骨的骨松始终存在着红骨髓。 C、骨的结构特点:既坚固又轻便,适于人体运动。 ? 骨的成分:? 无机物:脆硬钙盐;? 有机物:柔韧蛋白质。 骨成分结合,使骨既有一定硬度又有一定的弹性。 人的生理骨的成分随年龄的变化而变化P66。 ? 骨的生长:? 长长:软骨层细胞分裂;? 长粗:成骨细胞分裂。 ? 骨连结:骨与骨之间的连结,关节是骨连结的主要形式,如肩关节、肘关节、髋关节、膝关节。 A、关节一般由关节面、关节囊和关节腔三部分构成; B、关节结构:既牢固又灵活。P68。 ? 人体的运动都是肌肉的收缩牵动骨而产生的、没有肌肉就没有运动。人体骨骼肌由600多块肌 肉组成。每块骨骼肌由肌腱和肌腹组成。 ? 骨骼肌可分为头颈肌、躯干肌和四肢肌三大类。 第八章 生长发育和生殖 第一节 植物的生长和发育 1(双子叶植物和单子叶植物的基本结构: 种皮:有保护作用。 子叶:两片,肥厚,贮藏着营养物质。 菜豆种子的结构 胚芽:生有幼叶的部分,将来发育成茎和叶。 胚 胚根:连接胚芽相对的一端,将来发育成根。 胚轴:连接胚芽和胚根的部分,将来发育成连接根和茎的部位。 果皮和种皮:两者紧贴在一起,具有保护作用。 子叶:一片,不肥厚。 胚芽:生有幼叶的部分,将来发育成茎和叶。 玉米种子的结构 胚 胚根:与胚芽相对的一端,将来发育成根。 胚轴:连接胚芽和胚根的部分,将来发育成连接根和茎的部位。 胚乳:贮藏营养物质。 相同:种皮和胚;胚由胚芽、胚轴、胚根和子叶组成。 异同 不同:菜豆种子有两片子叶,玉米种子只有一片子叶。 双子叶植物:具有两片子叶植物(花生、白菜、向日葵、豌豆、芒果) 单子叶植物:只有一片子叶植物(小麦、水稻、甘蔗) u Bank personal credit risk management practices chapter I General provisions to improve the quality of individual credit busince issued on September 4, 2012 Annex: qil1679536 (total of 3) Qilu Bank's Offiess, optimize the structure of assets, promote healthy development of individual credit business, according to the China Bankinindividual grantBusiness development, Head Office of qilu Bank personal credit risk management guidelines are issued to you, pl9 g Regulatory Commission guidelines on credit due diligence and other related provisions, combined with Bank practice, these guiease carefully study and implement. Annex: qilu Bank personal credit risk management guidelines qilu Bank b o September 4delines are formulated. Personal credit business mentioned in this guide, refers to natural persons of the Bank provide foreign, 12 key words: sends the individual credit guidelines to inform risk management: leadership, head office departments contact p currency loan business. Especially those good credit, source of repayment of the Bank stability, guarantee plenty of personal erson: Chen Tel: 0531-8loan needs, and strengthen risk control and asset structure. Personal credit business says the parties must ensure that the borrower credit, such as true, real and have written evidence, strictly in accordance with the rules of the regulation, standards, effective against various types of internal and external fraud. Our ban and will actively take measures to prevent all forms of commercial bribery. Chapter II management principles management principles the Bank to implement the whole process 2(种子成分:? 无机物:水、无机盐;? 有机物:淀粉、蛋白质、脂肪。 播种用的种子应该选择粒大而饱满的。 ? 种子胚必须有活性 3(种子的萌发条件 ? 需要有充足的水分、空气和适宜的温度 营养生长:植物的根茎、叶的生长。 4(绿色开花植物生长 生殖生长:植物的花果、果实、种子等生殖器官的生长。 关系:相互联系、相互制约。 5(植物的组织培养:植物的细胞或一部分组织、放入无菌的培养基内培养,促使细胞分裂,形成新的 组织,再进一步分化产生新的物体,叫做组织培养。 应用:农、林业,花卉生产上。 优点:能培育植物新品种,短时间内大量繁殖植物。 6(植物生长物质在植物生活中的作用:植物体内产生的多种生长素来调节植物生长发育。 人工合成生长素荼乙酸等具有与生长素相同的功能,应用农业生产,效果显著。 7(花的基本结构: 花柄 外稃、内稃 花托 浆片 稻花的结构 (单子叶植物) 花萼:萼片5片 雄蕊6枚:花丝、花药(内生花粉) 桃花的结构 花被 花冠:花瓣5片 雌蕊1枚:柱头、子房(内生胚珠) (双子叶植物) 雄蕊多枚:花丝、花药(内生花粉) 雌蕊1枚:柱头、花柱、子房(内生胚珠) 结构相同:都有雄蕊和雌蕊,是植物花的重要组成部分。 8(花序: 单生花:单独一朵着生于茎枝或叶腋上(桃莲、玉兰、白玉兰) 花序:在一个花轴上按一定次序着生多朵花(大多数花如白菜) 总状花序:在一个花轴上着生多朵花,每朵花有花柄(白菜、萝卜、紫藤) 穗状花序:花轴上的花没有花柄(车前、马鞭草) 花序类型 头状花序:花轴扁平阔大,密生着无柄花序(向日葵、菊花、大丽花) 伞形花序:由很多花柄等长的花长在花轴顶端,花序呈伞形(天竺葵、韭菜) 9(开花、传粉和受精: 开花:当花的各个组成部分发育成熟,花被展开,雄蕊和雌蕊显露出来。 传粉:花开以后,花药就会裂开放出花粉。花粉从药落到雌蕊柱头上的过程叫做传粉。 传粉方式:?自花传粉:一朵花的花粉落到同一朵花的柱头上传粉方式。 ?异花传粉:依靠外界煤介而传送到另一朵花的柱头上。 异花传粉媒介:?虫媒花:鲜艳色彩,花蜜,特殊香味吸引昆虫。 ?风煤花:雄蕊花丝细长,花粉轻多,雌蕊柱头分叉,有细毛,能分泌粘液。 受精:当花粉落到柱头上以后,受到粘液刺激而萌发产生花粉管花粉管穿过花柱进入子房, 到达胚珠。 花粉管内有两个精子,雌蕊子房内有子房壁,胚珠。胚珠内有一个较大卵细胞。 胚珠中央有两个极核。 ement practices chapter I General provisions to improve the quality of individual credit business, optimize the structure of asu Bank personal credit risk managice issued on September 4, 2012 Annex: qilsets, promote healthy development of individual credit business, according to the China Banking Regulatory Commission guidelineindividual grantBusiness development, Head Office of qilu Bank personal credit risk management guidelines are issued to you, pls on credit due diligence and other related provisions, combined with Bank practice, these guidelines are formulated. Personal ease carefully study and implement. Annex: qilu Bank personal credit risk management guidelines qilu Bank b o September 4credit business mentioned in this guide, refers to natural persons of the Bank provide foreign currency loan business. Especial, 12 key words: sends the individual credit guidelines to inform risk management: leadership, head office departments contact ply those good credit, source of repayment of the Bank stability, guarantee plenty of personal loan needs, and strengthen risk cerson: Chen Tel: (total of 3) Qilu Bank's Offontrol and asset structure. Personal credit business says the parties must ensure that the borrower credit, such as true, real and have written evidence, strictly in accordance with the rules of the regulation, standards, effective against various types of internal and external fraud. Our ban and will actively take measures to prevent all forms of commercial bribery. Chapter II management principles management principles the Bank to implement the whole process 花粉管裂开,一个精子和卵细胞融合的过程叫受精。 两个精子分别和卵细胞与极核融合的受精,叫双受精。 双受精是绿色开花植物特有的。 完成受精作用的卵细胞叫做受精卵,进一步发育成种子胚在适宜条件下,胚可以长成一个植物体。 有性生殖:由受精卵发育成新个体的生殖方式。(大多绿色开花植物) 10(果实和种子的形成。 花萼(凋落) 花冠(凋落) 雄蕊(凋落) 花 柱头(凋落) 胚芽 花柱(凋落) 胚轴 受精 卵 胚 胚根 雌蕊 种子 子叶 受精 胚珠 胚乳 极核 果实 子房 珠被 种皮 子房壁 果皮 第二节 人的生殖和发育 1(生殖系统分为男性生殖系统和女性生殖系统。 主要生殖器官——睾丸:产生精子,分泌雄性激素 附睾:贮存、输送精子 男性生殖系统 输精管:输送精子 前列腺:分泌部分精液 附属生殖器官 精囊腺:分泌部分精液 阴囊:保护睾丸 阴茎:排尿、排精 主要生殖器官——卵巢:产生卵细胞,分泌雌性激素和孕激素 输卵管:输送卵细胞 女性生殖系统 附属生殖器官 子官:胚胎发育场所 阴道:月经流出和胎儿产出的通道 2(受精和胚胎发育 卵细胞成熟由卵巢排出进入输卵管与精子结合成为受精卵,沿输卵管往子宫移动,种花在子宫内膜里。 胚儿:胚胎第二个月末到出生从前的胚胎。 胚胎在子宫发育需养料、氧气,通过胎盘从母体获得,产生废物也通过胎盘从母体排出。(胚胎母体子 宫发育280天左右) 分娩:胎儿成熟以后,通过阴道从母体里出来。 3(青春期发育的特点: 人体发育分为:?受精卵发育到成熟到个体成熟;?从婴儿出生发育到个体成熟。 u Bank personal credit risk management practices chapter I General provisions to improve the quality of individual credit busince issued on September 4, 2012 Annex: qiless, optimize the structure of assets, promote healthy development of individual credit business, according to the China Bankinindividual grantBusiness development, Head Office of qilu Bank personal credit risk management guidelines are issued to you, pl11 g Regulatory Commission guidelines on credit due diligence and other related provisions, combined with Bank practice, these guiease carefully study and implement. Annex: qilu Bank personal credit risk management guidelines qilu Bank b o September 4delines are formulated. Personal credit business mentioned in this guide, refers to natural persons of the Bank provide foreign, 12 key words: sends the individual credit guidelines to inform risk management: leadership, head office departments contact p currency loan business. Especially those good credit, source of repayment of the Bank stability, guarantee plenty of personal erson: Chen Tel: (total of 3) Qilu Bank's Offiloan needs, and strengthen risk control and asset structure. Personal credit business says the parties must ensure that the borrower credit, such as true, real and have written evidence, strictly in accordance with the rules of the regulation, standards, effective against various types of internal and external fraud. Our ban and will actively take measures to prevent all forms of commercial bribery. Chapter II management principles management principles the Bank to implement the whole process 人生长发育划分为:胎儿期、婴儿期、幼儿期、童年期、青春期、青年期、成年期和老年期。 迅速增高 1(身体外形剧变 迅速增重 出现第二性征 脑的生理机能增强 青春期发育特点 心脏功能提高 2(生理机能增强 肺活量增大 3(生殖器官成熟 ?适当注意营养 4(青春期的卫生保健 ?女性要注意经期卫生 ?男性要防止或消除频繁遗精 第三节 动物的生殖和生长发育 分裂生殖:草履虫、绿眼虫等单细胞动物 无性生殖 出芽生殖:水螅、海绵 体外受精:鱼、青蛙等 类型 1(动物生殖 体内受精:鸡、鼠、牛、蛇 卵式生殖 卵生:鸡、鸽、蛇、龟等 发育 有性生殖 胚生:兔、猫、猪等 单性生殖(孤性生殖):雄蜂由蜂王产下没有受精卵细胞 2(动物的生长发育: ?昆虫的生长发育:?完全变态:卵?幼虫?蛹?成虫四个时期(蚕、蜂、蝶、蚊、蛾、蝇) ?不完全变态:卵?若虫?成虫三个时期(蝗虫、蟑螂、蝉) 40天 ?青蛙的生长发育:受精卵?胚胎?蝌蚪 先长后肢,再长前肢,尾部消失?幼蛙?成蛙 ?鸟类生长发育:?早成鸟:雏鸟刚孵出,眼睁开,稠密绒羽,足有力独立生活(鸡、鸭、鹅、雁、 白鹇等) ?晚成鸟:雏鸟刚孵出,眼没睁开,少许绒羽、足软弱无力,不以独立生活(家鸽、 燕子、画眉、麻雀等) 胎儿 20天 ?家兔的生长发育:受精卵?胚胎 幼兔 成兔 才能独立生活 第九章 植物类群 藻类植物——低等植物 孢子植物 苔藓植物 蕨类植物 1(植物 高等植物 裸子植物 种子植物 被子植物 ement practices chapter I General provisions to improve the quality of individual credit business, optimize the structure of asu Bank personal credit risk managice issued on September 4, 2012 Annex: qilsets, promote healthy development of individual credit business, according to the China Banking Regulatory Commission guidelineindividual grantBusiness development, Head Office of qilu Bank personal credit risk management guidelines are issued to you, pls on credit due diligence and other related provisions, combined with Bank practice, these guidelines are formulated. Personal ease carefully study and implement. Annex: qilu Bank personal credit risk management guidelines qilu Bank b o September 4credit business mentioned in this guide, refers to natural persons of the Bank provide foreign currency loan business. Especial, 12 key words: sends the individual credit guidelines to inform risk management: leadership, head office departments contact ply those good credit, source of repayment of the Bank stability, guarantee plenty of personal loan needs, and strengthen risk cerson: Chen Tel: (total of 3) Qilu Bank's Offontrol and asset structure. Personal credit business says the parties must ensure that the borrower credit, such as true, real and have written evidence, strictly in accordance with the rules of the regulation, standards, effective against various types of internal and external fraud. Our ban and will actively take measures to prevent all forms of commercial bribery. Chapter II management principles management principles the Bank to implement the whole process 绿藻:水绵、衣藻 红藻:紫菜、石花菜、江篱、麒麟菜 2(藻类植物 (水中、潮湿,3万种) 褐藻:海带、鹿角菜、裙菜、马尾藻 蓝藻:鱼腥藻 藻类植物的主要特征:?有单细胞,也有多细胞,结构简单,没有根、茎、叶等器官的分化。 ?植物体里都含有叶绿素,能够进行光合作用(占地球40%) ?绝大多数都生活在水里 3(苔藓植物(23000种,我国有2800多种):潮湿地带、矮小。 代表植物:墙藓、葫芦藓、地钱。 主要特征:?苔藓植物具有茎和叶,但没有输导组织。 ?苔藓植物在生殖过程中形成胚,胚受母体的保护。 ?受精过程必须借助于水,适于生活在阴湿的环境里。 4(蕨类植物:山林、田野阴湿环境里。 代表植物:芒萁、肾蕨、海金沙、满江红、金毛狗等。 主要特征:?植物体具有、茎、叶,并且有输导组织和机械组织。 ?多数形成孢子囊群,受精过程离不开水。 经济意义:?食用;?药用;?绿肥、饲料;?观赏植物。 5(种子植物分为裸子植物和被子植物两类。 裸子植物:(750种,我国280种)种子没有果皮包被而裸露在外面 代表植物:马尾松、松、柏、杉、苏铁等。 主要特征:?能够产生种子。胚珠没有子房壁包被,因而种子也没有果皮包被而裸露。 ?根、茎、叶发达,受精过程不需要体外的水。 6(被子植物:(25万种约占所有植物一半以上) 主要特征:?具有根、茎、叶、花、果实和种子,胚珠包被在子房里,结成的种子包被在果皮里, 不裸露出来,故称为被子植物。 ?植物体结构完善,多数具有导管。 ?受精过程不需要体外的水,受精方式为双受精。 被子植物分类单位由大到小依次为:门、纲、目、科、属、种。 双子叶植物 单子叶植物 子叶 子叶二片 子叶1片 根 直根系 须根系 叶 网状脉 平行脉 茎 维管束环状排列,有形成层 维管束散生,没有形成层 花 各部分的基数是5或4 各部分的基数是3 u Bank personal credit risk management practices chapter I General provisions to improve the quality of individual credit busince issued on September 4, 2012 Annex: qiless, optimize the structure of assets, promote healthy development of individual credit business, according to the China Bankinindividual grantBusiness development, Head Office of qilu Bank personal credit risk management guidelines are issued to you, pl13 g Regulatory Commission guidelines on credit due diligence and other related provisions, combined with Bank practice, these guiease carefully study and implement. Annex: qilu Bank personal credit risk management guidelines qilu Bank b o September 4delines are formulated. Personal credit business mentioned in this guide, refers to natural persons of the Bank provide foreign, 12 key words: sends the individual credit guidelines to inform risk management: leadership, head office departments contact p currency loan business. Especially those good credit, source of repayment of the Bank stability, guarantee plenty of personal erson: Chen Tel: (total of 3) Qilu Bank's Offiloan needs, and strengthen risk control and asset structure. Personal credit business says the parties must ensure that the borrower credit, such as true, real and have written evidence, strictly in accordance with the rules of the regulation, standards, effective against various types of internal and external fraud. Our ban and will actively take measures to prevent all forms of commercial bribery. Chapter II management principles management principles the Bank to implement the whole process 科代表 种代表 纲 十字花科 白菜、萝卜、油菜 芸香科 柑、橙、橘、柚、柠檬 双 无患子科 龙眼、荔枝 子 叶 茄科 马铃薯、辣椒、番茄、烟草 植 菊科 菊花、向日葵 物 蔷薇科 苹果、草莓、山楂、桃、梅、李、玫瑰、月季 纲 葫芦科 西瓜、丝瓜、南瓜、黄瓜、苦瓜、哈密瓜 豆科 大豆、豌豆、蚕豆、绿豆、花生、眉豆 单 禾本科 小麦、大麦、水稻、玉米、高梁、甘蔗 子 百合科 百合、葱、蒜、韭、黄花菜 植 物 石蒜科 水仙 纲 十字花科主要特征:?十字形花冠;?四强雄蕊(6枚4长2短);?果实是角果。 芸香料主要特征:?花瓣5片,有香气,分泌花蜜;?果为柑果。 无患子科主要特征:?雌雄同株,无花瓣;?果圆形,果皮小瘤状突起。 葫芦科的主要特征:?花单性、雌雄同株,雄蕊3枚;?果为瓠果。 豆科的主要特征:?蝶形花冠;?二体雄蕊(10枚、9枚花丝合生,1枚离生);?果实是荚果。 禾本科的主要特征:?花有外稃,内稃各1片;?雄蕊3枚或6枚,雌蕊1枚;?果实是颖果。 第十章 动物类群 1(动物(150多种):A、无脊椎动物:?原生动物;?腔肠动物;?扁形动物;?线形动物; ?环节动物;?软体动物;?节肢动物;?棘皮动物。 B、脊椎动物:?鱼类;?两栖类;?爬行类;?鸟类;?哺乳类。 ?原生动物(3万多种):草履虫、变形虫、疟原虫、绿眼虫等(动物界最低等、最原始的动物) 主要特征:身体微小、结构简单、整个身体由一个细胞构成。 ?腔肠动物:水螅、水母、海葵、珊瑚等。 主要特征:?生活在水中;?体壁由内胚层、外胚层和中胶层构成;?体内有消化腔;?有口无肛门。 ?扁形动物:猪肉绦虫、血吸虫、涡虫等。 主要特征:?背腹扁平;?有口无肛门。 ?线形动物:蛔虫、钩虫、蛲虫等。 主要特征:?身体细长;?消化管前端有口,后端有肛门;?体表有角质层。 ?环节动物:蚯蚓、沙蚕、水蛭等。 蚯蚓对人类的益处:?可以疏松土壤;?可以提高土壤肥力;?是优良的蛋白质食品和饮饲料; ?可以用来处理有机废物。?中药材。 主要特征:?身体由许多体节构成;?有体腔。 ?软体动物:(10万多种)河蚌、鲍鱼、江珧、扇贝、牡蛎、乌贼、鱿鱼、章鱼等, 少数蜗牛,钉螺有害。 主要特征:?身体柔软;?有外套膜;?身体表面有贝壳。 ement practices chapter I General provisions to improve the quality of individual credit business, optimize the structure of asu Bank personal credit risk managice issued on September 4, 2012 Annex: qilsets, promote healthy development of individual credit business, according to the China Banking Regulatory Commission guidelineindividual grantBusiness development, Head Office of qilu Bank personal credit risk management guidelines are issued to you, pls on credit due diligence and other related provisions, combined with Bank practice, these guidelines are formulated. Personal ease carefully study and implement. Annex: qilu Bank personal credit risk management guidelines qilu Bank b o September 4credit business mentioned in this guide, refers to natural persons of the Bank provide foreign currency loan business. Especial, 12 key words: sends the individual credit guidelines to inform risk management: leadership, head office departments contact ply those good credit, source of repayment of the Bank stability, guarantee plenty of personal loan needs, and strengthen risk cerson: Chen Tel: (total of 3) Qilu Bank's Offontrol and asset structure. Personal credit business says the parties must ensure that the borrower credit, such as true, real and have written evidence, strictly in accordance with the rules of the regulation, standards, effective against various types of internal and external fraud. Our ban and will actively take measures to prevent all forms of commercial bribery. Chapter II management principles management principles the Bank to implement the whole process ?节肢动物(100万种,占动物界84%左右)主要有昆虫纲、甲壳纲、蛛形纲和多足纲等。 昆虫纲(蝗虫等)的主要特征:?身体分为头、胸、腹三部分;?头都有一对触角一对复眼, 一个口器;?胸部有了对足,一般有2对翅。 节肢动物门的主要特征:?身体由许多体节构成,并且分部;?体表都有外骨骼;?足和触角分节。 ?鱼纲主要特征:?终生生活在水中;?身体表面大多覆盖着鳞片;?用鳃呼吸;?用鳍游泳;?心 脏有一心房和一心室。 淡水鱼类(800多种):青鱼、草鱼、鲢鱼、鳙鱼合称为四大家鱼。 海洋鱼类(2000多种):大小黄鱼、带鱼、比目鱼、鲐鱼、金钱鱼、鲨鱼。 ?两栖类的主要特征:?变态发育、幼体生活水中,用鳃呼吸;?成体生活上,用肺呼吸;?皮肤裸 露、有辅助呼吸作用;?心脏有二心房和一心室;?体温不恒定。 ?爬行纲(晰蜴、鳖、蛇、壁虎、龟等) 变温动物:体温随环境温度的改变而变化的动物。 ?鸟纲的主要特征:?有喙无牙齿;?被覆羽毛;?前肢变成翼;?骨中空、内充气体;?心腔分四 腔;?用肺呼吸,并且有气囊辅助呼吸;?体温恒定;?生殖为卵生。 恒温动物:体温不随环境温度的变化而改变的动物。 ?哺乳动物的主要特征:?体表被毛;?牙齿有门齿、臼齿和犬齿的分化;?体腔内有隔;?用肺呼 吸;?心脏四脏;?体温恒定;?大脑发达;?胎生、哺乳。 脊椎动物各个纲的比较 鱼纲 两栖纲 爬纲 鸟纲 哺乳纲 代表动物 鲫鱼 青蛙 蜥蜴 家鸽 家兔 幼体水生 生活环境 水生 陆生 陆生、飞行 陆生 成体陆生 头、颈、躯头、颈、躯干、头、颈、躯干、身体分部 头、躯干、尾 头、躯干、尾 干、尾、四尾、四肢 尾、四肢 肢 翼飞行后肢运动器官 鳍 四肢 四肢 四肢发达 行走 幼体用鳃; 肺呼吸,气肺发达有大量呼吸器官 鳃 成体用肺; 肺 囊辅助双重肺泡 皮肤辅助 呼吸 二心房 一心房 二心房 一心室 二心房 二心房 心脏 一心室 一心室 心室有不 二心室 二心室 完全膈膜 循环路线 一条 二条 二条 二条 二条 体温 变温 变温 变温 恒温 恒温 体内受精,体外受精, 体内受精,卵体内受精,胎生殖发育 体外受精,卵生 卵生,卵有卵生 生,卵有卵壳 生,哺乳 卵壳 脑结构简单, 大脑比鲫鱼 大脑比两栖类大脑和小脑大脑、小脑发神经系统 原始 发达 发达 都较发达 达,有大脑皮层 u Bank personal credit risk management practices chapter I General provisions to improve the quality of individual credit busince issued on September 4, 2012 Annex: qiless, optimize the structure of assets, promote healthy development of individual credit business, according to the China Bankinindividual grantBusiness development, Head Office of qilu Bank personal credit risk management guidelines are issued to you, pl15 g Regulatory Commission guidelines on credit due diligence and other related provisions, combined with Bank practice, these guiease carefully study and implement. Annex: qilu Bank personal credit risk management guidelines qilu Bank b o September 4delines are formulated. Personal credit business mentioned in this guide, refers to natural persons of the Bank provide foreign, 12 key words: sends the individual credit guidelines to inform risk management: leadership, head office departments contact p currency loan business. Especially those good credit, source of repayment of the Bank stability, guarantee plenty of personal erson: Chen Tel: (total of 3) Qilu Bank's Offiloan needs, and strengthen risk control and asset structure. Personal credit business says the parties must ensure that the borrower credit, such as true, real and have written evidence, strictly in accordance with the rules of the regulation, standards, effective against various types of internal and external fraud. Our ban and will actively take measures to prevent all forms of commercial bribery. Chapter II management principles management principles the Bank to implement the whole process 第十一章 细菌、放线菌、真菌和病毒 1(微生物:细菌、放线菌、真菌、病毒等。 2(细菌:单细胞个体,有球菌、杆菌和螺旋菌三类。 细菌由细胞壁、细胞膜和细胞质、核质,有的还有鞭毛、荚膜、芽孢等部分组成。 芽孢(100?C沸水要煮3小时才会死亡):抵抗干旱、低温、高温等恶劣环境。 细菌生殖方式:分裂生殖。 细菌营养方式:异养(腐生和寄生) 腐生细菌:枯草杆菌、寄生细菌、根瘤菌、痢疾杆菌。 好氧性细菌:枯草杆菌、醋酸菌。厌氧性细菌:破伤风杆菌、甲烷菌。 细菌繁殖:在适宜条件下,细菌一般20,30分钟就可以分裂一次,但如果环境干燥,温度过高或 过低,养料不足,细菌则会停止分裂,甚至死亡。 腐生细菌成为自然界有机物质分解者和无机物质的供应者,对于自然界的物循环起着重要的作用。 3(放线菌(由菌丝组成单细胞结构):孢子、断裂生殖。 4(真菌:酵母菌、霉菌、大型真菌三类。 酵母菌是单细胞生物,呈椭圆形。 结构:细胞壁、细胞膜、细胞质、细胞核和液泡等。 有氧呼吸:把葡萄糖分解成二氧化碳和水(应用制作面包馒头) 无氧呼吸:把葡萄糖分解成二氧化碳和酒精(酿酒) 酵母菌营养方式:腐生生活、生殖;出芽生殖和孢子生殖二种。 霉菌:根霉(单细胞结构、孢子生殖) 青霉(多细胞霉菌,孢子生殖,产生毒霉素) 曲霉(多细胞霉菌、孢子生殖,用酿酒,制醋、制酱油) 蘑菇(大型真菌):地上伞状部分叫子实体,包括菌盖和菌柄两部分。 真菌的主要特征:?少数单细胞,绝大多数多细胞结构,具有细胞核;?无根茎叶,也不具叶绿体 营腐生或寄生生活;?一般进行孢子繁殖。 真菌自然界的意义:P10,P11 5(病毒:极微小只有最小细菌1%,电子显微镜下才能看到它。 病毒形态:球形、杆状、蝌蚪状。 病毒结构:没有细胞结构,只由蛋白质组成外壳和核酸组成核心。 病毒生命活动特点:病毒不能独立生活,必需寄生在其生物的细胞里。 病毒类型:动物病毒、植物病毒和细菌病毒(也叫噬菌体)。 第十二章 动物行为 1(动物行为:?攻击行为;?防御行为;?贮食行为;?繁殖行为;?社群行为和通讯; ?节律行为:a、昼夜节律;b、潮汐节律;c、季节节律 2(动物行为分为:?先天性定型行为:生来就有的,为身体遗传物质控制行为,本能的。 ?后天性习得行为:不是动物生来就有,生活学习逐渐建立起来的。 生物钟:生物生命活动的内在节律性。 ement practices chapter I General provisions to improve the quality of individual credit business, optimize the structure of asu Bank personal credit risk managice issued on September 4, 2012 Annex: qilsets, promote healthy development of individual credit business, according to the China Banking Regulatory Commission guidelineindividual grantBusiness development, Head Office of qilu Bank personal credit risk management guidelines are issued to you, pls on credit due diligence and other related provisions, combined with Bank practice, these guidelines are formulated. Personal ease carefully study and implement. Annex: qilu Bank personal credit risk management guidelines qilu Bank b o September 4credit business mentioned in this guide, refers to natural persons of the Bank provide foreign currency loan business. Especial, 12 key words: sends the individual credit guidelines to inform risk management: leadership, head office departments contact ply those good credit, source of repayment of the Bank stability, guarantee plenty of personal loan needs, and strengthen risk cerson: Chen Tel: (total of 3) Qilu Bank's Offontrol and asset structure. Personal credit business says the parties must ensure that the borrower credit, such as true, real and have written evidence, strictly in accordance with the rules of the regulation, standards, effective against various types of internal and external fraud. Our ban and will actively take measures to prevent all forms of commercial bribery. Chapter II management principles management principles the Bank to implement the whole process 第十三章 遗传和变异 1(性状:生物体的形态特征或生理特征。 2(遗传:生物的性状从亲代向子代传递的现象。 3(染色体:细胞核中的一些容易被碱性染料染成深色的物质。 4(基因:染色体上的遗传物质中决定性状的单位。 基因是一种具有特殊结构化学物质,能传递遗传信息,控制生物的性状。 5(人的染色体:常染色体、性染色体。 男表示为:44,,,;女表示为:44,,, 男精子表示:22,,或22,,;女的卵子表示:22,, 6(遗传病:由于遗传物质发生变化而引起的疾病(白化病、色盲、血友病、侏儒症、先天性愚型病等)。 7(变异:生物的亲代与子代之间,以及子代的个体之间的性状上的差异。 8(变异原因:染色体畸变,基因突变,环境因素。 9(变异在生物进化上的意义:变异使生物能够适应不断变化的环境,为生物的进化提供原始材料。 第十四章 生命的起源和进化 1(生物与非生物组成物质:碳、氢、氮、氧等。 2(生命起源于非生命物质: 高温、紫外线 原始海洋 原始大气(水蒸气、氨、甲烷) 简单有机物 原始生命 丰富多彩的生物界 雷电 3(生物进化证据:?生物化石;?脊椎动物发育过程许多相似地方 4(生物进化历程 植物:原始生命体?藻类植物?苔藓植物?蕨类植物?种子植物(裸子植物、被子植物) 动物:原始生命体?原生动物?腔肠动物?扁形动物?线形动物?环节、节肢软体动物 鸟类 ?棘皮动物?鱼类?两栖类?爬行类? 哺乳类 5(自然选择:自然界中的生物,通过激烈的生存竞争,适应者生存下来,不适者被淘汰的现象, 叫做自然选择。 6(人工选择:根据人类需求和爱好,经过不断选择而形成生物新品种的过程叫做人工选择。 人 工 选 择 自 然 选 择 选择因素 人类 自然环境 选择结果 产生满足人类需求的新品种 产生适应环境的新物种 所需时间 较快 十分缓慢 7(人由森林古猿进化而来的。 类猿人包括黑猩猩、猩猩、大猩猩和长臂猿。 人与类人猿本质区别:人能劳动、能在劳动中制造和使用工具;人有语言,有思维。 u Bank personal credit risk management practices chapter I General provisions to improve the quality of individual credit busince issued on September 4, 2012 Annex: qiless, optimize the structure of assets, promote healthy development of individual credit business, according to the China Bankinindividual grantBusiness development, Head Office of qilu Bank personal credit risk management guidelines are issued to you, pl17 g Regulatory Commission guidelines on credit due diligence and other related provisions, combined with Bank practice, these guiease carefully study and implement. Annex: qilu Bank personal credit risk management guidelines qilu Bank b o September 4delines are formulated. Personal credit business mentioned in this guide, refers to natural persons of the Bank provide foreign, 12 key words: sends the individual credit guidelines to inform risk management: leadership, head office departments contact p currency loan business. Especially those good credit, source of repayment of the Bank stability, guarantee plenty of personal erson: Chen Tel: (total of 3) Qilu Bank's Offiloan needs, and strengthen risk control and asset structure. Personal credit business says the parties must ensure that the borrower credit, such as true, real and have written evidence, strictly in accordance with the rules of the regulation, standards, effective against various types of internal and external fraud. Our ban and will actively take measures to prevent all forms of commercial bribery. Chapter II management principles management principles the Bank to implement the whole process 第十五章 人类的传染病和免疫 1(传染病:由病源体引起的、能在人与人之间或人与动物之间传播疾病。 2(传染病特点:传染性和流行性。 3(传染病流行的基本环节:传染源,传播途径、易感人群。 4(传染病的预防:?控制传染源;?切断传播途径;?保护易感人群。 5(人类传染病可分为:呼吸道、消化道、血液传染病、体表传染病等四大类。 6(免疫:人体具有识别“自己”和“非己”成分的功能,可以合成一些特异物质,以抗御病菌、病毒 或排除异体物质的危害。 抗原:凡能引起人体产生免疫反应的物质。 抗体:人体在抗原刺激下产生的能抵抗病原体等特殊蛋白质。 免疫类型:非特异性免疫和特异性免疫。 非特异性免疫:人生来就有的,对多种病原体有防御作用(皮肤、溶菌酶、白细胞、吞筮细胞) 特异性免疫(第三道防线):人出生以后在生活过程中,人体与入侵的病原体或异物接触后产生的 一种防御机能(胸腺、脾、淋巴结等) 免疫功能:?防御感染;?自身稳定;?免疫监视;?防御功能异常;?自身稳定异常; ?免疫监视异常。 计划免疫:有计划地进行预防接种(保护易感人群措施) 优点:预防以至最终消灭传染病最简便,最经济有效的手段,是提高我国人口素质的大事。 第十六章 生物与环境 1(生物与环境之间是彼此联系、相互影响。 2(环境影响生物生存因素: 非生物因素(阳光、温度、水、大气、土壤等);生物因素(种内关系、种间关系) 种内关系:指同种生物的个体之间关系(种内互助、种内斗争) 种间关系:指不同种生物个体或种群之间的关系。 种群:在一定地域内同种生物个体的总和。 共栖:两种都能独立生存的动物生活在一起而彼此都有利的现象(寄居蟹与海葵关系) 共生:两种生物共同生活在一起,相互依存,彼此得益,如果使两者分开,则双方或者一方不能 继续生存(藻类与真菌关系) 3(生物对环境适应:保护色(昆虫、北极狐、熊等)警戒色(毒蛇、黄蜂等),拟态(竹节虫)。 4(生物群落:生活在一定的自然区域内,相互之间具有直接或间接关系的各种生物的总和 (森林群落、池塘群落) 5(生态系统:生物群落与其环境相互作用的自然系统。 6(生物圈:地球上各种类型,大小不同的生态系统,共同构成地球上最大的生态系统。 非生物环境:阳光、热能、空气、水分和土壤等 生产者:绿色植物 7(生态系统 消费者:动物 分解者:细菌、真菌 ement practices chapter I General provisions to improve the quality of individual credit business, optimize the structure of asu Bank personal credit risk managice issued on September 4, 2012 Annex: qilsets, promote healthy development of individual credit business, according to the China Banking Regulatory Commission guidelineindividual grantBusiness development, Head Office of qilu Bank personal credit risk management guidelines are issued to you, pls on credit due diligence and other related provisions, combined with Bank practice, these guidelines are formulated. Personal ease carefully study and implement. Annex: qilu Bank personal credit risk management guidelines qilu Bank b o September 4credit business mentioned in this guide, refers to natural persons of the Bank provide foreign currency loan business. Especial, 12 key words: sends the individual credit guidelines to inform risk management: leadership, head office departments contact ply those good credit, source of repayment of the Bank stability, guarantee plenty of personal loan needs, and strengthen risk cerson: Chen Tel: (total of 3) Qilu Bank's Offontrol and asset structure. Personal credit business says the parties must ensure that the borrower credit, such as true, real and have written evidence, strictly in accordance with the rules of the regulation, standards, effective against various types of internal and external fraud. Our ban and will actively take measures to prevent all forms of commercial bribery. Chapter II management principles management principles the Bank to implement the whole process 8(食物网:在一个生态系统中,许多食物链彼此相互交错连结而形成的复杂营养关系。 9(生态平衡:生态系统发展到一定阶段,各种生物之间通过相互作用,在各自的数量和比例上达到 一个相对稳定的平衡状态时。 10(破坏生态平衡因素:自然因素和人为因素两类。 第十七章 人类与环境 1(环境污染:大气污染、水污染、土壤污染、噪声污染。 2(人口膨胀的严重后果:?对人类生存空间的压力;?对土地资源的压力;?增加了环境污染。 3(我国控制人口增长的具体要求是:晚婚、晚育、少生和优生。 4(自然资源:凡是人类可以从自然界直接取得,用于生产和生活的物质。 5(自然资源:?不可再生资源:有些资源不能更新或补充,利用一些就减少了一些(金属矿石、化石燃料) ?可再生资源:有些资源可以再生或更新。(水、生物、土壤) 6(自然资源的利用:?合理利用自然资源的原则;?合理开发利用;?避免浪费和污染环境。 u Bank personal credit risk management practices chapter I General provisions to improve the quality of individual credit busince issued on September 4, 2012 Annex: qiless, optimize the structure of assets, promote healthy development of individual credit business, according to the China Bankinindividual grantBusiness development, Head Office of qilu Bank personal credit risk management guidelines are issued to you, pl19 g Regulatory Commission guidelines on credit due diligence and other related provisions, combined with Bank practice, these guiease carefully study and implement. Annex: qilu Bank personal credit risk management guidelines qilu Bank b o September 4delines are formulated. Personal credit business mentioned in this guide, refers to natural persons of the Bank provide foreign, 12 key words: sends the individual credit guidelines to inform risk management: leadership, head office departments contact p currency loan business. Especially those good credit, source of repayment of the Bank stability, guarantee plenty of personal erson: Chen Tel: (total of 3) Qilu Bank's Offiloan needs, and strengthen risk control and asset structure. Personal credit business says the parties must ensure that the borrower credit, such as true, real and have written evidence, strictly in accordance with the rules of the regulation, standards, effective against various types of internal and external fraud. Our ban and will actively take measures to prevent all forms of commercial bribery. Chapter II management principles management principles the Bank to implement the whole process
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