

2017-09-02 10页 doc 28KB 35阅读




勇闯黄金城勇闯黄金城 Tulio:Miguel, Miguel, wake up. We’re there. Oh, yeah. We found it. 杜立欧:米盖尔,米盖尔,醒醒。我们到了。哦,是的,我们找到了。 Miguel:Oh! Fantastic! Where is it? How far? 米盖尔:哦~太好了~在哪里,还有多远, Tulio:Right here! Here. 杜立欧:就在这儿~这里。 Miguel:Where? Behind the rock? 米盖尔:哪里,在岩石后面吗, Tulio:...
勇闯黄金城 Tulio:Miguel, Miguel, wake up. We’re there. Oh, yeah. We found it. 杜立欧:米盖尔,米盖尔,醒醒。我们到了。哦,是的,我们找到了。 Miguel:Oh! Fantastic! Where is it? How far? 米盖尔:哦~太好了~在哪里,还有多远, Tulio:Right here! Here. 杜立欧:就在这儿~这里。 Miguel:Where? Behind the rock? 米盖尔:哪里,在岩石后面吗, Tulio:Apparently, El Dorado is native for “great, big … rock”. 杜立欧:很明显,El Dorado在本地的意思是“大,大的„„石头”。 Apparently:显然的。 Tzekel-Kan:Behold! As the prophesies foretold, for time of judgment is now! Citizens, did I not predict that the gods would come to us? My lords, I’m Tzekel-Kan, your devoted high priest and speaker for the gods. 圣蒂康:看啊~正如先知的预言,审判的时刻到了。子民们,我不是预测到神会降临到我们面前吗,我的主上,我是圣蒂康,你们最忠实的大祭司,神的代言人。 Chief Tannbok:I’m Chief Tannabok. What names may we call you? 泰纳博酋长:我是泰纳博酋长,我们如何称呼两位呢, Miguel:I’m Miguel. 米盖尔:我是米盖尔。 Tulio:And I’m Tulio. 杜立欧:我是杜立欧。 Miguel:And they call us Miguel and Tulio. 米盖尔:他们叫我们米盖尔和杜立欧。 Chief Tannbok:Your arrival has been greatly anticipated. My lords, how long will you be staying in El Dorado? 泰纳博酋长:我们一直期待着你们两位的到来。我的主上,您两位要在黄金城呆多久, Tzekel-Kan:Aha, I see you’ve captured this temple-robbing thief, How would you have us punish her? 圣蒂康:啊,我看到你们已经抓到了这个从神庙里偷东西的贼,您两位希望我们怎么惩罚她, punish:惩罚,处罚。 Girl:No, no, no, no. my lords, I’m not a thief. See, the gods send me a vision to bring them tribute from the temple to guide them here. My only wish is to serve the gods. 姑娘:不,不,不。我的主上。我不是贼,神让我从神庙里把贡品取出来带给他们,引他们 到这里来。我仅仅是希望为神服务。 Tulio:Release her, don’t you think? 杜立欧:难道你不认为应该放了她吗, Tzekel-Kan:Then you will begin by returning this to the rightful place. 圣蒂康:那么你应该把这东西放回到合适的位置。 Chief Tannbok:My lords, why now do you choose to visit us? 泰纳博酋长:我的主上,为什么你们选择这时光临此地, Tzekel-Kan:Enough! You do not question… the gods! 圣蒂康:够了~你怎么可以质问„„神~ Miguel:That’s right! Do not question us, or we shall have to release our awesome and terrible power! And you don’t want that. 米盖尔:说得对~别质问我们,否则我们会释放可怕的魔力~你们不想这样吧。 Tzekel-Kan:Well, Yes! We do. 圣蒂康:嗯,不~我们想。 Miguel:You do? 米盖尔:你们想, Tzekel-Kan:Of course we do! Visit your wrath upon this nonbeliever! Show us the truth of your divinity~ 圣蒂康:我们当然想。处罚这个不信奉你们的人~向我们显示你们的神性吧~ nonbeliever:没有信仰的人,不信上帝的人。 Tulio:Divinity! One moment. Miguel, you know that little voice people have that tells them to quit when they’re ahead? You don’t have one! 杜立欧:神性~等等。米盖尔,你知道,人们在危急的时候,脑海里有个小声音在你前进时 告诉你快跑,你却没有一声~ quit:离开,解除。 Miguel:Well, I’m sorry. I just got carried away. 米盖尔:嗯,对不起,我得意忘形了。 Tulio:Way away. 杜立欧:现在要的是出路。 Miguel:Maybe we should tell the truth and beg for mercy. 米盖尔:也许我们该说出事实真相,请求原谅。 Tulio:Are you nuts? We’d be butchered alive! 杜立欧:你疯了吗,我们会被活活宰杀的。 butcher:屠杀,屠宰。 Miguel:Yes, but they’re getting suspicious. 米盖尔:是的,不过他们已经开始怀疑了。 Tulio:I’m trying! I’m trying! I can’t think with all these distractions! 杜立欧:我在想~我在想~干扰这么大我不能想~ Tulio:Stop! 杜立欧:停止~ Miguel:Tulio, Tulio, they actually think we’re gods. 米盖尔:杜立欧,杜立欧,他们居然真以为我们是神。 Tulio:It’s an entire city of suckers. We just have to keep this up long enough to load up on the gold and then get the hell out of here! 杜立欧:这纯粹是个傻瓜之城。我们只要这样继续下去,装满了金子,然后马上从这个鬼地方逃出去~ entire:全部的,完整的。 Miguel:Tulio, we’ll be living like kings! 米盖尔:杜立欧,我们会过上帝王一样的日子~ Girl:Hello. 姑娘:嗨。 Tulio:Depart, mortal, before we strike you with a lightening bolt. 杜立欧:走开,凡人,乘我们用雷电打死你之前快滚。 Miguel:Beware the wrath of gods! Be gone. 米盖尔:当心报应~退下。 Beware:小心,谨防。 Girl:Save it for the high priest, honey. You’re gonna need it. 姑娘:对大祭司说这些吧,亲爱的,你们需要对他说这些话。 Tulio:Miguel, it’s not working. Miguel, we’ve been caught. 杜立欧:米盖尔,这样做没用。米盖尔,我们已经被识破了。 Girl:Oh, no, don’t worry about me, boys. “My only wish is to serve the gods”, remember? 姑娘:哦,别担心我,小伙子们。“我只是希望为神服务”,记住了吗, Tulio:How? 杜立欧:怎么服务, Girl:Well, if you guys want the gold, and don’t want to get caught, right? You’re gonna need my help. 姑娘:嗯,如果你们两个家伙想要金子,而且不想被抓住,是吗,你们会需要我的帮助。 Miguel:What makes you think we need your help? 米盖尔:你凭什么认为我们需要你的帮助, Girl:Are you serious? 姑娘:你要我说实话, Miguel:Ok, so well, who are you? 米盖尔:好,你是谁呢, Tulio:What’s your angle? 杜立欧:你有什么诡计, Girl:No angle, I want in. 姑娘:我没有什么诡计,我想加入。 Tulio:You? 杜立欧:你, Girl:On the scam 姑娘:合伙诈骗。 Tulio:There is no scam. Why would you think there’s… 杜立欧:没有诈骗,你为什么认为这是„„ Scam:诡计,故事。 Miguel:Why? 米盖尔:为什么, Girl:So I can get out. 姑娘:这样我就可以走了。 Miguel:I thought she just said she wanted in? 米盖尔:我认为刚才她说的是想加入, Tulio:She wants in, so she can get out. 杜立欧:她想加入,是因为这样能使她离开。 Miguel:Aha! Got it. Why? 米盖尔:啊哈~我知道了,为什么, Girl:Think you’re the only ones who dream of better things? Of adventure? You’ve got your reasons, I’ve got mine. Let’s not make it personal, ok? It’s just business. So when you guys are ready to go back to wherever you came from, I’m going with you. 姑娘:你们以为只有你们才有美好的梦想吗,才梦想冒险吗,你们有你们的原因,我有我的理由。我们别让这个关系到个人隐私,可以吗,这只是交易。所以,你们两个家伙从哪来回哪去,我要和你们一起走。 personal:私人的,个人的。 Tulio:No, don’t think so. 杜立欧:不,别那么想。 Girl:All right, fine. After all, I’m sure you know the proper rituals for blessing a tribute, the holiest day on the calendar … Oh, of course, you know all about Xibalba. Ok, good luck, see you at the execution。 姑娘:好吧,也好。毕竟,我相信你们知道献上贡品的常规礼节,历法上最神圣的一天„„哦,当然,你们也知道斯巴拉巴的一切。好了,祝你们好运,刑场见。 Tulio:Oh, wait, would you … hold it. 杜立欧:唉,等等,请你„„保密。 Girl:Deal? 姑娘:成交, Miguel:Deal. 米盖尔:成交。 Girl:Call me Chel, your new partner. 姑娘:叫我秋儿,你们的新搭档。 Tulio:That’s a partner-in-training. 杜立欧:一个需要训练的搭档。 Tzekel-Kan:I love this game. My lords, congratulations on your victory. And now, you will, of course, wish to have the losing team sacrificed to your glory. 圣蒂康:我喜欢这场比赛。我的主上,祝贺您两位的胜利。现在,你们当然希望让那个失败 的队献祭给你们的荣耀。 Miguel:Not again. Look, Tzekel-Kan. Forget the sacrifices; we don’t want any sacrifices. 米盖尔:别再来这一套了,圣蒂康。忘记献祭,我们不想要任何献祭。 Tzekel-Kan:But all of the sacred writings say that you will devour the wicked and the unrighteous. 圣蒂康:但所有神圣的作品上都写着你们吞噬邪恶和不义之人。 Unrighteous:罪深的,邪恶的。 Miguel:Well, I don’t see anyone here who fits that description. 米盖尔:我在这儿没有看见像你说的那样的人。 description:描述,记述。 Tzekel-Kan:Well, as speaker for the gods, it would be my privilege to point them out. 圣蒂康:不过,我是神的代言人,把他们指出来是我的特权。 Miguel:The gods are speaking for themselves now. This city and these people have no need for you any more! There will be no sacrifices, not now, not ever! Get out! 米盖尔:现在神在为他们自己说话。这个城市,这些人们不再需要你了~再也不要什么献祭 了,现在不要,以后也不要。走开~ Miguel:Well, good luck. 米盖尔:好吧,祝你好运。 Tulio:Yeah, you too. 杜立欧:好的,你也一样。 Miguel:Cortes! 米盖尔:科特斯~ Chief Tannbok:My lord, what is it? 泰纳博酋长:我的主上,那是什么, Native soldier:Chief Tannic! Chief Tannic. Approaching the city… is an army of strangers. 土人士兵:泰纳酋长,泰纳酋长~正在靠近我们的城池的„„是一支陌生人组成的部队。 Chief Tannbok:We are safe here. They’ll never find the gate to the city. 泰纳博酋长:我们在这里很安全。他们永远不会找到通往这个城市的大门。 Native soldier:But, sire, they are being led by Tzekelkan. 土人士兵:可是,酋长大人,他们有圣蒂康指引。 Tzekel-Kan:Oh, no! 圣蒂康:噢,不~ Cortes:You lying heathen. There’s nothing here at all. Men, seize him. There is no El Dorado here. Onward, men. 科特斯:你这个说谎的野人,这里什么都没有。来人,抓住他。这里没有黄金城,向前走~ Heathen:异教徒,野蛮人。 Miguel:Now that was adventure. Partner~ 米盖尔:现在这可以算是冒险了。搭档~ Tulio:Partner! 杜立欧:搭档~ Chel:Hey, guys, come on! 秋儿:嗨,伙计们,来啊~
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