

2017-10-24 10页 doc 33KB 31阅读




民办非企业单位会计报表2民办非企业单位会计报表2 资 产 负 债 表 会民非01表 编制单位,盖章,: 阜阳市二里井希望幼儿园 2014 年 02 月 28 日 单位:元 资 产 年初数 期末数 负债和净资产 年初数 期末数 流动资产: 流动负债: 货币资金 389945.5 短期借款 50000 短期投资 应付款项 应收款项 应付工资 -27972 预付账款 应交税金 存 货 17960 预收账款 待摊费用 预提费用 一年内到期的长期债权投资 预计负债 其他流动资产 一年内到期的长期 负债 流动资产合计 407905.5 ...
民办非企业单位会计报表2 资 产 负 债 表 会民非01表 编制单位,盖章,: 阜阳市二里井希望幼儿园 2014 年 02 月 28 日 单位:元 资 产 年初数 期末数 负债和净资产 年初数 期末数 流动资产: 流动负债: 货币资金 389945.5 短期借款 50000 短期投资 应付款项 应收款项 应付工资 -27972 预付账款 应交税金 存 货 17960 预收账款 待摊费用 预提费用 一年内到期的长期债权投资 预计负债 其他流动资产 一年内到期的长期 负债 流动资产合计 407905.5 其他流动负债 流动负债合计 22028 长期投资: 长期股权投资 长期负债: 长期债权投资 长期借款 长期投资合计 长期应付款 其他长期负债 固定资产: 519250.5 长期负债合计 固定资产原价 减:累计折旧 受托代理负债: 固定资产净值 受托代理负债 在建 文物文化资产 负债合计 固定资产清理 固定资产合计 519250.5 无形资产: 无形资产 净资产: 非限定性净资产 905128 受托代理资产: 限定性净资产 受托代理资产 净资产合计 资产总计 927156 负债和净资产总计 927156 emotionalBecause of the guerrilla forces in the surrounding area have been withdrawn, activities in the Lake's Cheng Wanjun also refuge in Japanese, Zhu Xi forces became the puppet to attack key targets Eve puppet attacking in Wuzhen, face the problem of the retreat was to meet the enemy, in a debate within the leadership, some believe that the elves, concentrate a superior force, surely do, early transfer is the best way to reduce losses. Deputy Commander Wang Hesong impassioned statement: "Wuzhen hold, is our military's duty!" I have win a series of victories, morale, Wuzhen battle to victory, fight this battle, a Chinese miracle in the history of guerrilla warfare."Commander Zhu Xi did not have much, but the final word. On November 5, we flew over the town for several days, bomb bursts, trembling moan tranquil town in the war. People have the feeling of a catastrophe in the town. 6th reconnaissance around the command personnel brought an urgent intelligence, town-wide panic, in the face of news of the Japanese attack town, to avoid the scourge of war, the majority of people young and old fled to the countryside in the town. Also hard to find a boat in the river. Past the bustling town just seems a deserted and desolate. 7th day in implementing low-level flights over the town, fired. That night, the Elves attack Wuzhen confirmed information. Night, bursts of gunfire coming from the distance, reportedly is Deputy Commander Wang Hesong Xu Miao came Nanxun sniper assault of the Elves. 8th, the situation is more severe in the town. One afternoon, outside East Gate and South Gate there was intense gunfire. Enemy attacks by frustrated independent battalion confronted Chen qi. At this time, the command ... 11th, as Commander of Zhu Xi-Kai Wen Yongzhi, Director of 业 务 活 动 表 会民非02表 编制单位,盖章,: 阜阳市二里井希望幼儿园 2014年 02 月 单位:元 本月数 本年累计数 项 目 非限定性 限定性 合计 非限定性 限定性 合计 一、收 入 429000 429000 其中:捐赠收入 会费收入 提供服务收入 429000 429000 商品销售收入 政府补助收入 投资收益 其他收入 收入合计 429000 429000 二、费 用 ,一,业务活动成本 27972 27972 27972 27972 其中:教职工薪酬 27972 27972 福利费 社保费 课时费 业务费 监考费 ,二,管理费用 ,三,设备购置费 19250.5 19250.5 ,四,各种税费 ,五,其他费用 23872 23872 费用合计 71094.5 71094.5 71094.5 三、限定性净资产转为 非限定性净资产 四、净资产变动额,若 emotionalBecause of the guerrilla forces in the surrounding area have been withdrawn, activities in the Lake's Cheng Wanjun also refuge in Japanese, Zhu Xi forces became the puppet to attack key targets Eve puppet attacking in Wuzhen, face the problem of the retreat was to meet the enemy, in a debate within the leadership, some believe that the elves, concentrate a superior force, surely do, early transfer is the best way to reduce losses. Deputy Commander Wang Hesong impassioned statement: "Wuzhen hold, is our military's duty!" I have win a series of victories, morale, Wuzhen battle to victory, fight this battle, a Chinese miracle in the history of guerrilla warfare."Commander Zhu Xi did not have much, but the final word. On November 5, we flew over the town for several days, bomb bursts, trembling moan tranquil town in the war. People have the feeling of a catastrophe in the town. 6th reconnaissance around the command personnel brought an urgent intelligence, town-wide panic, in the face of news of the Japanese attack town, to avoid the scourge of war, the majority of people young and old fled to the countryside in the town. Also hard to find a boat in the river. Past the bustling town just seems a deserted and desolate. 7th day in implementing low-level flights over the town, fired. That night, the Elves attack Wuzhen confirmed information. Night, bursts of gunfire coming from the distance, reportedly is Deputy Commander Wang Hesong Xu Miao came Nanxun sniper assault of the Elves. 8th, the situation is more severe in the town. One afternoon, outside East Gate and South Gate there was intense gunfire. Enemy attacks by frustrated independent battalion confronted Chen qi. At this time, the command ... 11th, as Commander of Zhu Xi-Kai Wen Yongzhi, Director of 为净资产减少额~以 “-”号填列, emotionalBecause of the guerrilla forces in the surrounding area have been withdrawn, activities in the Lake's Cheng Wanjun also refuge in Japanese, Zhu Xi forces became the puppet to attack key targets Eve puppet attacking in Wuzhen, face the problem of the retreat was to meet the enemy, in a debate within the leadership, some believe that the elves, concentrate a superior force, surely do, early transfer is the best way to reduce losses. Deputy Commander Wang Hesong impassioned statement: "Wuzhen hold, is our military's duty!" I have win a series of victories, morale, Wuzhen battle to victory, fight this battle, a Chinese miracle in the history of guerrilla warfare."Commander Zhu Xi did not have much, but the final word. On November 5, we flew over the town for several days, bomb bursts, trembling moan tranquil town in the war. People have the feeling of a catastrophe in the town. 6th reconnaissance around the command personnel brought an urgent intelligence, town-wide panic, in the face of news of the Japanese attack town, to avoid the scourge of war, the majority of people young and old fled to the countryside in the town. Also hard to find a boat in the river. Past the bustling town just seems a deserted and desolate. 7th day in implementing low-level flights over the town, fired. That night, the Elves attack Wuzhen confirmed information. Night, bursts of gunfire coming from the distance, reportedly is Deputy Commander Wang Hesong Xu Miao came Nanxun sniper assault of the Elves. 8th, the situation is more severe in the town. One afternoon, outside East Gate and South Gate there was intense gunfire. Enemy attacks by frustrated independent battalion confronted Chen qi. At this time, the command ... 11th, as Commander of Zhu Xi-Kai Wen Yongzhi, Director of 现 金 流 量 表 会民非03表 编制单位,盖章,: 年度 单位:元 项 目 行次 金 额 一、业务活动产生的现金流量: 接受捐赠收到的现金 1 收取会费收到的现金 2 提供服务收到的现金 3 销售商品收到的现金 4 政府补助收到的现金 5 收到的其他与业务活动有关的现金 8 现金流入小计 13 提供捐赠或者资助支付的现金 14 支付给员工以及为员工支付的现金 15 购买商品、接受服务支付的现金 16 支付的其他与业务活动有关的现金 19 现金流出小计 23 业务活动产生的现金流量净额 24 二、投资活动产生的现金流量: 收回投资所收到的现金 25 取得投资收益所收到的现金 26 处置固定资产和无形资产所收回的现金 27 收到的其他与投资活动有关的现金 30 现金流入小计 34 购建固定资产和无形资产所支付的现金 35 对外投资所支付的现金 36 支付的其他与投资活动有关的现金 39 现金流出小计 43 投资活动产生的现金流量净额 44 三、筹资活动产生的现金流量: 借款所收到的现金 45 收到的其他与筹资活动有关的现金 48 现金流入小计 50 偿还借款所支付的现金 51 偿付利息所支付的现金 52 支付的其他与筹资活动有关的现金 55 现金流出小计 58 筹资活动产生的现金流量净额 59 四、汇率变动对现金的影响额 60 emotionalBecause of the guerrilla forces in the surrounding area have been withdrawn, activities in the Lake's Cheng Wanjun also refuge in Japanese, Zhu Xi forces became the puppet to attack key targets Eve puppet attacking in Wuzhen, face the problem of the retreat was to meet the enemy, in a debate within the leadership, some believe that the elves, concentrate a superior force, surely do, early transfer is the best way to reduce losses. Deputy Commander Wang Hesong impassioned statement: "Wuzhen hold, is our military's duty!" I have win a series of victories, morale, Wuzhen battle to victory, fight this battle, a Chinese miracle in the history of guerrilla warfare."Commander Zhu Xi did not have much, but the final word. On November 5, we flew over the town for several days, bomb bursts, trembling moan tranquil town in the war. People have the feeling of a catastrophe in the town. 6th reconnaissance around the command personnel brought an urgent intelligence, town-wide panic, in the face of news of the Japanese attack town, to avoid the scourge of war, the majority of people young and old fled to the countryside in the town. Also hard to find a boat in the river. Past the bustling town just seems a deserted and desolate. 7th day in implementing low-level flights over the town, fired. That night, the Elves attack Wuzhen confirmed information. Night, bursts of gunfire coming from the distance, reportedly is Deputy Commander Wang Hesong Xu Miao came Nanxun sniper assault of the Elves. 8th, the situation is more severe in the town. One afternoon, outside East Gate and South Gate there was intense gunfire. Enemy attacks by frustrated independent battalion confronted Chen qi. At this time, the command ... 11th, as Commander of Zhu Xi-Kai Wen Yongzhi, Director of 五、现金及现金等价物净增加额 61 emotionalBecause of the guerrilla forces in the surrounding area have been withdrawn, activities in the Lake's Cheng Wanjun also refuge in Japanese, Zhu Xi forces became the puppet to attack key targets Eve puppet attacking in Wuzhen, face the problem of the retreat was to meet the enemy, in a debate within the leadership, some believe that the elves, concentrate a superior force, surely do, early transfer is the best way to reduce losses. Deputy Commander Wang Hesong impassioned statement: "Wuzhen hold, is our military's duty!" I have win a series of victories, morale, Wuzhen battle to victory, fight this battle, a Chinese miracle in the history of guerrilla warfare."Commander Zhu Xi did not have much, but the final word. On November 5, we flew over the town for several days, bomb bursts, trembling moan tranquil town in the war. People have the feeling of a catastrophe in the town. 6th reconnaissance around the command personnel brought an urgent intelligence, town-wide panic, in the face of news of the Japanese attack town, to avoid the scourge of war, the majority of people young and old fled to the countryside in the town. Also hard to find a boat in the river. Past the bustling town just seems a deserted and desolate. 7th day in implementing low-level flights over the town, fired. That night, the Elves attack Wuzhen confirmed information. Night, bursts of gunfire coming from the distance, reportedly is Deputy Commander Wang Hesong Xu Miao came Nanxun sniper assault of the Elves. 8th, the situation is more severe in the town. One afternoon, outside East Gate and South Gate there was intense gunfire. Enemy attacks by frustrated independent battalion confronted Chen qi. At this time, the command ... 11th, as Commander of Zhu Xi-Kai Wen Yongzhi, Director of
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