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2018-01-11 50页 doc 169KB 30阅读




房地产交房标准大全史上最全的交房标准房地产交房标准大全史上最全的交房标准 交房标准 , 1、 主体结构: 现浇钢筋混凝土剪力墙结构。 , 2、 外墙: 采用外墙外保温。饰面采用质感涂料~局部外墙 面砖、金属饰面板。 , 3、 单元入口大堂: , o 地面:石材。 , o 墙面:复合石材及局部造型装饰墙面。 , o 顶面:石膏板吊顶~乳胶漆饰面 , 4、公共电梯厅: , o 地面:高档玻化砖~局部石材。 , o 地砖品牌:东鹏或同档次品牌。 , o 墙面:高档玻化砖 , o 墙砖品牌:东鹏或同档次品牌。 , o 顶面:石膏板吊顶~乳胶漆饰面。 , o ...
房地产交房标准大全史上最全的交房标准 交房标准 , 1、 主体结构: 现浇钢筋混凝土剪力墙结构。 , 2、 外墙: 采用外墙外保温。饰面采用质感涂料~局部外墙 面砖、金属饰面板。 , 3、 单元入口大堂: , o 地面:石材。 , o 墙面:复合石材及局部造型装饰墙面。 , o 顶面:石膏板吊顶~乳胶漆饰面 , 4、公共电梯厅: , o 地面:高档玻化砖~局部石材。 , o 地砖品牌:东鹏或同档次品牌。 , o 墙面:高档玻化砖 , o 墙砖品牌:东鹏或同档次品牌。 , o 顶面:石膏板吊顶~乳胶漆饰面。 , o 电梯门套:石材套口。 , 5 、电梯:日立无机房电梯。 , 6、 公共楼梯间: , o 地面:水泥压光。 , o 墙面:乳胶漆。 , o 顶棚:乳胶漆。 , o 栏杆:钢制栏杆扶手。 specifies a method of screening method for the determination of fineness of starch this standard applies to dried into a powder of refined starch. 1, definitions and principles of fineness of starch: starch samples sample screening samples obtained by dividing the weight of the sieve. To sample by dividing the weight of the sieve the sample weight expressed as a percentage of the original weight. Principle: the samples with a sample screen screening, get the sample by dividing the weight of the sieve. 2, instruments and scales: the precision of 0.1g. Sample screen: screen number 100. Step 3, analysis sample preparation: samples should be fully mixed. Sample volume: mix weighing the sample 50g, accurate to 0.1g, evenly pour the sample sieve. Screening: shake the sample sieve evenly, until the screen down so far. Carefully pour out the sample sieve residue on weighing, accurate to 0.1g. Determination of the number: measured on the same sample twice. 4, the results of the calculation method applied to sample by sample sieve weight expressed as a percentage of the original weight of the sample, as in the formula: x--sample size,%; MO--the original weight of the sample, g; Sift the ML--sample weight of residue on the sieve, g. Such as poor meets the requirements, take the arithmetic mean of the second determination as a result. Results one decimal. 6.2 allowing differential analyst simultaneously or in quick succession for the second determination, the absolute value , 二、户内部分 , 1 、入户门: , o 户门: 木质甲级防火门 , o 门锁:“威必驰”(VBH) , o 小院入户门:钢制防盗门 , 2 、外门窗:铝合金断桥隔热型材、中空玻璃。开启窗扇设纱 扇。 , 3 、户内门: , o 卧室、房:实木贴皮复合木门。 , o 厨房、卫生间、家政阳台及茶室:实木贴皮复合木门镶嵌玻 璃 , 4 、地面: , o 客厅:石材 , o 餐厅及复式西厨:石材 , o 卫生间:石材 , o 厨房:“冠军”或同档次地砖。 , o 家政阳台:“冠军”或同档次地砖。 , 5 、墙面: , o 客厅、餐厅:进口壁纸~石材踢脚~客厅局部造型装饰墙面。 , o 厨房:冠军或同档次墙砖~局部拉丝不锈钢装饰面。 , o 卫生间:冠军或同档次墙砖、局部石材造型装饰墙面。 , o 卧室:进口壁纸~实木贴皮复合踢脚。 specifies a method of screening method for the determination of fineness of starch this standard applies to dried into a powder of refined starch. 1, definitions and principles of fineness of starch: starch samples sample screening samples obtained by dividing the weight of the sieve. To sample by dividing the weight of the sieve the sample weight expressed as a percentage of the original weight. Principle: the samples with a sample screen screening, get the sample by dividing the weight of the sieve. 2, instruments and scales: the precision of 0.1g. Sample screen: screen number 100. Step 3, analysis sample preparation: samples should be fully mixed. Sample volume: mix weighing the sample 50g, accurate to 0.1g, evenly pour the sample sieve. Screening: shake the sample sieve evenly, until the screen down so far. Carefully pour out the sample sieve residue on weighing, accurate to 0.1g. Determination of the number: measured on the same sample twice. 4, the results of the calculation method applied to sample by sample sieve weight expressed as a percentage of the original weight of the sample, as in the formula: x--sample size,%; MO--the original weight of the sample, g; Sift the ML--sample weight of residue on the sieve, g. Such as poor meets the requirements, take the arithmetic mean of the second determination as a result. Results one decimal. 6.2 allowing differential analyst simultaneously or in quick succession for the second determination, the absolute value , o 家政阳台:ICI乳胶漆饰面。局部冠军或同档次墙砖。 , 6 、顶棚: , o 厨房:石膏板吊顶、ICI防水乳胶漆饰面。 , o 卫生间:石膏板吊顶、ICI防水乳胶漆饰面。 , o 卧室:ICI乳胶漆饰面~石膏角线。 , o 书房:ICI乳胶漆饰面~石膏角线。 , o 客厅:石膏板造型吊顶、ICI乳胶漆饰面。 , o 餐厅:石膏板造型吊顶、ICI乳胶漆饰面。 , o 家政阳台:ICI乳胶漆饰面 , 7 、厨房设备: , o 橱柜: “汉森”橱柜、配套水槽、龙头。 , o 燃气灶:“方太”或同档次。 , o 抽油烟机:“方太”或同档次。 , o 冰箱:“海尔”嵌入式或同档次。复式户型为“海尔”或同 档次非嵌入式双开门冰箱。 , o 消毒柜:“方太”或同档次。 , 8 、卫生间: , o 洗手盆:“乐家”或同档次。 , o 主卫浴缸:“乐家”或同档次。 , o 坐便器:“乐家”或同档次。 , o 淋浴房:“朗俊”或同档次。 , o 龙头:“科勒”或同档次 specifies a method of screening method for the determination of fineness of starch this standard applies to dried into a powder of refined starch. 1, definitions and principles of fineness of starch: starch samples sample screening samples obtained by dividing the weight of the sieve. To sample by dividing the weight of the sieve the sample weight expressed as a percentage of the original weight. Principle: the samples with a sample screen screening, get the sample by dividing the weight of the sieve. 2, instruments and scales: the precision of 0.1g. Sample screen: screen number 100. Step 3, analysis sample preparation: samples should be fully mixed. Sample volume: mix weighing the sample 50g, accurate to 0.1g, evenly pour the sample sieve. Screening: shake the sample sieve evenly, until the screen down so far. Carefully pour out the sample sieve residue on weighing, accurate to 0.1g. Determination of the number: measured on the same sample twice. 4, the results of the calculation method applied to sample by sample sieve weight expressed as a percentage of the original weight of the sample, as in the formula: x--sample size,%; MO--the original weight of the sample, g; Sift the ML--sample weight of residue on the sieve, g. Such as poor meets the requirements, take the arithmetic mean of the second determination as a result. Results one decimal. 6.2 allowing differential analyst simultaneously or in quick succession for the second determination, the absolute value , o 花洒:“科勒”或同档次 , o 主卫浴霸:“名族”浴霸或同档次。 , 9 、家政阳台: , o 壁挂炉:“菲斯曼”或“威能”或同档次。 , o 拖布池:“四维”或同档次。 , 10 、开敞阳台,仅限于有开敞阳台的户型,: , o 地面:防滑地砖。 , o 墙面:质感涂料。 , o 顶棚:乳胶漆饰面。 , o 电气:普通白炽灯泡。 , o 栏杆:钢栏杆、安全玻璃或混凝土栏板。 , 11 、露台,仅限于有露台的户型,: , o 地面:防滑地砖。 , o 栏杆:钢栏杆、安全玻璃或混凝土栏板。 塞上骄子”14#楼交房标准: 1、外墙:保温饰面一体化装饰, 2、内墙:水泥砂浆抹灰压光~批白色腻子, specifies a method of screening method for the determination of fineness of starch this standard applies to dried into a powder of refined starch. 1, definitions and principles of fineness of starch: starch samples sample screening samples obtained by dividing the weight of the sieve. To sample by dividing the weight of the sieve the sample weight expressed as a percentage of the original weight. Principle: the samples with a sample screen screening, get the sample by dividing the weight of the sieve. 2, instruments and scales: the precision of 0.1g. Sample screen: screen number 100. Step 3, analysis sample preparation: samples should be fully mixed. Sample volume: mix weighing the sample 50g, accurate to 0.1g, evenly pour the sample sieve. Screening: shake the sample sieve evenly, until the screen down so far. Carefully pour out the sample sieve residue on weighing, accurate to 0.1g. Determination of the number: measured on the same sample twice. 4, the results of the calculation method applied to sample by sample sieve weight expressed as a percentage of the original weight of the sample, as in the formula: x--sample size,%; MO--the original weight of the sample, g; Sift the ML--sample weight of residue on the sieve, g. Such as poor meets the requirements, take the arithmetic mean of the second determination as a result. Results one decimal. 6.2 allowing differential analyst simultaneously or in quick succession for the second determination, the absolute value 3、顶棚:混凝土现浇楼板~白色腻子, 4、地面:混凝土毛地面, 5、门窗:进户门为钢制保温门~窗为断桥式铝合金中空玻璃平开窗, 6、厨房:外罩水泥砂浆打底, 7、卫生间:地面做防水层~墙面外罩水泥砂浆打底, 8、阳 台:全封闭, 9、电 梯:有, 10、电 气:天然气入户, 11、其 他:预留电话线路~宽带入户~水、电、气分户控制~可视对讲门铃~电炊~集中供暖~分户控制。 “塞上骄子”15#楼交房标准: 1、外墙:保温饰面一体化装饰, 2、内墙:刷涂料或贴壁纸, 3、顶棚:混凝土现浇楼板~刷涂料, specifies a method of screening method for the determination of fineness of starch this standard applies to dried into a powder of refined starch. 1, definitions and principles of fineness of starch: starch samples sample screening samples obtained by dividing the weight of the sieve. To sample by dividing the weight of the sieve the sample weight expressed as a percentage of the original weight. Principle: the samples with a sample screen screening, get the sample by dividing the weight of the sieve. 2, instruments and scales: the precision of 0.1g. Sample screen: screen number 100. Step 3, analysis sample preparation: samples should be fully mixed. Sample volume: mix weighing the sample 50g, accurate to 0.1g, evenly pour the sample sieve. Screening: shake the sample sieve evenly, until the screen down so far. Carefully pour out the sample sieve residue on weighing, accurate to 0.1g. Determination of the number: measured on the same sample twice. 4, the results of the calculation method applied to sample by sample sieve weight expressed as a percentage of the original weight of the sample, as in the formula: x--sample size,%; MO--the original weight of the sample, g; Sift the ML--sample weight of residue on the sieve, g. Such as poor meets the requirements, take the arithmetic mean of the second determination as a result. Results one decimal. 6.2 allowing differential analyst simultaneously or in quick succession for the second determination, the absolute value 4、地面:复合木地板, 5、门窗:进户门为钢制保温门~窗为断桥式铝合金中空玻璃平开窗, 6、厨房:贴瓷砖~厨柜~电炊, 7、卫生间:地面做防水层~贴瓷砖~面盆~坐便~沐浴器, 8、阳台:全封闭, 9、电梯:有, 10、其他:预留电话线路~宽带入户~水、电、气分户控制~太阳能供热水~集中供暖。 外墙:外墙面砖及局部高级外墙涂料~外墙做保温, 内墙:卧室、客厅、餐厅内墙面混合砂浆拉毛~厨房墙面为水泥砂浆拉毛~储藏室墙面为混合砂浆拉毛, 顶棚:顶棚腻子, specifies a method of screening method for the determination of fineness of starch this standard applies to dried into a powder of refined starch. 1, definitions and principles of fineness of starch: starch samples sample screening samples obtained by dividing the weight of the sieve. To sample by dividing the weight of the sieve the sample weight expressed as a percentage of the original weight. Principle: the samples with a sample screen screening, get the sample by dividing the weight of the sieve. 2, instruments and scales: the precision of 0.1g. Sample screen: screen number 100. Step 3, analysis sample preparation: samples should be fully mixed. Sample volume: mix weighing the sample 50g, accurate to 0.1g, evenly pour the sample sieve. Screening: shake the sample sieve evenly, until the screen down so far. Carefully pour out the sample sieve residue on weighing, accurate to 0.1g. Determination of the number: measured on the same sample twice. 4, the results of the calculation method applied to sample by sample sieve weight expressed as a percentage of the original weight of the sample, as in the formula: x--sample size,%; MO--the original weight of the sample, g; Sift the ML--sample weight of residue on the sieve, g. Such as poor meets the requirements, take the arithmetic mean of the second determination as a result. Results one decimal. 6.2 allowing differential analyst simultaneously or in quick succession for the second determination, the absolute value 地面:地面为水泥砂浆找平, 门窗:进户门为防盗门~室内门业主自理。外墙窗框为塑钢窗, 厨房:地面为水泥砂浆找平, 卫生间:卫生间水泥砂浆找平及防水~每户安装坐式马桶一个~其他洁具由业主自理, 储藏室:储藏室地面为水泥砂浆抹面~天棚为腻子~门为铁门, 供暖:地暖~卫生间为暖气片, 其他:每户单独安装水、电表、煤气表, 电话网络线、闭路电视线入户~可视对讲系统。 ?交房标准 结 构:剪力墙结构~抗震设防烈度7度。 层 高:标准层2.9米~1-6号楼地下室2.7米~7-8号楼地下室3.3米。 specifies a method of screening method for the determination of fineness of starch this standard applies to dried into a powder of refined starch. 1, definitions and principles of fineness of starch: starch samples sample screening samples obtained by dividing the weight of the sieve. To sample by dividing the weight of the sieve the sample weight expressed as a percentage of the original weight. Principle: the samples with a sample screen screening, get the sample by dividing the weight of the sieve. 2, instruments and scales: the precision of 0.1g. Sample screen: screen number 100. Step 3, analysis sample preparation: samples should be fully mixed. Sample volume: mix weighing the sample 50g, accurate to 0.1g, evenly pour the sample sieve. Screening: shake the sample sieve evenly, until the screen down so far. Carefully pour out the sample sieve residue on weighing, accurate to 0.1g. Determination of the number: measured on the same sample twice. 4, the results of the calculation method applied to sample by sample sieve weight expressed as a percentage of the original weight of the sample, as in the formula: x--sample size,%; MO--the original weight of the sample, g; Sift the ML--sample weight of residue on the sieve, g. Such as poor meets the requirements, take the arithmetic mean of the second determination as a result. Results one decimal. 6.2 allowing differential analyst simultaneously or in quick succession for the second determination, the absolute value 外 墙:1-4层为花岗岩~4层以上粘贴外墙砖。 内 墙:腻子找平不粉刷。 厨 卫:基层处理~预留墙砖面层~预留卫生洁具、洗衣机位置,暗厨卫预留排风口,。 门 窗:进户门高级防盗门~其它内门只留哑口~外窗为高档塑钢中空玻璃,阳台为落地窗~内设铁艺护栏,地下室的储藏间为铁制门。 地 面:为用户装修预留3?面层。 电 梯:每单元设两部电梯~双电源供电~可直达地下室~轿箱内设监控系统。 地下车库:自行车停车位、机动车停车位~与相应楼座地下室联通。 供 电:分户计量~6KW/户~地下室用电连接本户住宅配电系统。 采 暖:地板辐射采暖~市政管网集中供热~分户控制。 给 水:市政供水~分户计量。 排 水:高级PVC管材~一层卫生间单独设排水系统。 specifies a method of screening method for the determination of fineness of starch this standard applies to dried into a powder of refined starch. 1, definitions and principles of fineness of starch: starch samples sample screening samples obtained by dividing the weight of the sieve. To sample by dividing the weight of the sieve the sample weight expressed as a percentage of the original weight. Principle: the samples with a sample screen screening, get the sample by dividing the weight of the sieve. 2, instruments and scales: the precision of 0.1g. Sample screen: screen number 100. Step 3, analysis sample preparation: samples should be fully mixed. Sample volume: mix weighing the sample 50g, accurate to 0.1g, evenly pour the sample sieve. Screening: shake the sample sieve evenly, until the screen down so far. Carefully pour out the sample sieve residue on weighing, accurate to 0.1g. Determination of the number: measured on the same sample twice. 4, the results of the calculation method applied to sample by sample sieve weight expressed as a percentage of the original weight of the sample, as in the formula: x--sample size,%; MO--the original weight of the sample, g; Sift the ML--sample weight of residue on the sieve, g. Such as poor meets the requirements, take the arithmetic mean of the second determination as a result. Results one decimal. 6.2 allowing differential analyst simultaneously or in quick succession for the second determination, the absolute value 燃气系统:煤气入户。 智能系统:中央集控分户可视对讲系统、周界红外线防护系统、小区入口监控系统、地下车库监控系统、可视探头监控系统、IC卡读卡器等智能安防。 消防系统:消火栓、感温感烟探头、消火栓按钮、警铃等消防联动系统,地下车库设有消防喷淋系统。 其 它:宽带、电话、有线电视接口入户,每层均设有楼层指示灯及疏散指示灯。 一、结构:全现浇框架-剪力墙结构。六度抗震设防。 二、公用范围 外墙:高级墙砖及墙漆~设置空调外机位。 单元入口:首层电梯前室、大堂处、地面为高级地砖或花岗石贴面~墙面为高级面砖。 电梯:选用品牌电梯。 信箱:首层单元入口处~每户设专用信箱。 specifies a method of screening method for the determination of fineness of starch this standard applies to dried into a powder of refined starch. 1, definitions and principles of fineness of starch: starch samples sample screening samples obtained by dividing the weight of the sieve. To sample by dividing the weight of the sieve the sample weight expressed as a percentage of the original weight. Principle: the samples with a sample screen screening, get the sample by dividing the weight of the sieve. 2, instruments and scales: the precision of 0.1g. Sample screen: screen number 100. Step 3, analysis sample preparation: samples should be fully mixed. Sample volume: mix weighing the sample 50g, accurate to 0.1g, evenly pour the sample sieve. Screening: shake the sample sieve evenly, until the screen down so far. Carefully pour out the sample sieve residue on weighing, accurate to 0.1g. Determination of the number: measured on the same sample twice. 4, the results of the calculation method applied to sample by sample sieve weight expressed as a percentage of the original weight of the sample, as in the formula: x--sample size,%; MO--the original weight of the sample, g; Sift the ML--sample weight of residue on the sieve, g. Such as poor meets the requirements, take the arithmetic mean of the second determination as a result. Results one decimal. 6.2 allowing differential analyst simultaneously or in quick succession for the second determination, the absolute value 三、住宅内部 门:进户门为高级子母防盗门~宅内只留门洞。 窗:采用优质塑钢窗。 楼地面:现浇钢筋砼楼面和砼地面收光或拉毛。 墙面:水泥砂浆抹面。 天棚:水泥砂浆抹面。 阳台:生活阳台设铁花栏杆或钢栏杆~其余为钢扶手玻璃栏板或铁花栏杆。 厨房:预留排烟及下水接口~地面作防水处理。 卫生间:预留下水接口~作防水处理。 四、安防及智能化系统 1、室内设可视对讲、煤气泄漏、报警系统、紧急求助按钮、门磁防盗系统。 2、小区设闭路监控及周界防范系统。 3、小区部分设背景音乐系统。 specifies a method of screening method for the determination of fineness of starch this standard applies to dried into a powder of refined starch. 1, definitions and principles of fineness of starch: starch samples sample screening samples obtained by dividing the weight of the sieve. To sample by dividing the weight of the sieve the sample weight expressed as a percentage of the original weight. Principle: the samples with a sample screen screening, get the sample by dividing the weight of the sieve. 2, instruments and scales: the precision of 0.1g. Sample screen: screen number 100. Step 3, analysis sample preparation: samples should be fully mixed. Sample volume: mix weighing the sample 50g, accurate to 0.1g, evenly pour the sample sieve. Screening: shake the sample sieve evenly, until the screen down so far. Carefully pour out the sample sieve residue on weighing, accurate to 0.1g. Determination of the number: measured on the same sample twice. 4, the results of the calculation method applied to sample by sample sieve weight expressed as a percentage of the original weight of the sample, as in the formula: x--sample size,%; MO--the original weight of the sample, g; Sift the ML--sample weight of residue on the sieve, g. Such as poor meets the requirements, take the arithmetic mean of the second determination as a result. Results one decimal. 6.2 allowing differential analyst simultaneously or in quick succession for the second determination, the absolute value 1、结构:全现浇框架。六度抗震设防。 2、外墙:高级墙砖或部分墙漆~设置空调主机位。 3、内墙:水泥砂浆抹面。 4、顶棚:水泥砂浆抹面。 5、地面:水泥砂浆瓜米石地面找平。 6、门:全玻门或不锈钢条卷闸门~厕所仅留门洞。 7、卫生间:预留下水接口~作防水处理。 8、水电:接市政管网~安装入户。 1( 外墙:优质外墙砖及高级外墙涂料。 2( 内墙:住宅内墙面水泥砂浆抹灰面层。 3( 顶棚:水泥砂浆抹灰面层。 4( 地面:室内为瓜米石找平层。 specifies a method of screening method for the determination of fineness of starch this standard applies to dried into a powder of refined starch. 1, definitions and principles of fineness of starch: starch samples sample screening samples obtained by dividing the weight of the sieve. To sample by dividing the weight of the sieve the sample weight expressed as a percentage of the original weight. Principle: the samples with a sample screen screening, get the sample by dividing the weight of the sieve. 2, instruments and scales: the precision of 0.1g. Sample screen: screen number 100. Step 3, analysis sample preparation: samples should be fully mixed. Sample volume: mix weighing the sample 50g, accurate to 0.1g, evenly pour the sample sieve. Screening: shake the sample sieve evenly, until the screen down so far. Carefully pour out the sample sieve residue on weighing, accurate to 0.1g. Determination of the number: measured on the same sample twice. 4, the results of the calculation method applied to sample by sample sieve weight expressed as a percentage of the original weight of the sample, as in the formula: x--sample size,%; MO--the original weight of the sample, g; Sift the ML--sample weight of residue on the sieve, g. Such as poor meets the requirements, take the arithmetic mean of the second determination as a result. Results one decimal. 6.2 allowing differential analyst simultaneously or in quick succession for the second determination, the absolute value 5( 门窗:入户门为防火防盗子母门~阳台门为塑钢门~窗户采用塑钢窗~室内门为门洞。 6( 厨房:顶棚为水泥砂浆抹灰面层~地面做柔性防水层~预留、预埋排水管道~设排烟道。 7( 卫生间:墙顶棚为水泥砂浆抹灰面层~地面做柔性防水层~预留、预埋排水管道。 8( 阳台:瓜米石找平层。 9( 电梯:中外合资高档电梯。 10( 结构:全现浇薄壁框架结构~三级六度抗震设计。 11( 公共部份:公共入户门厅,电梯前室,、入户通道按星级标准装饰~公共 消防楼梯采用瓜米石面层~墙面和顶棚做乳胶漆。 12( 供电:接市政电网~双回路供电~并另备消防应急电源~供电线路入户~ 户外集中计量~标准层10A-40A~跃层15A-60A单相电表。 13( 供水:接市政设施管网~结合二次加压供水~每户内留接口一个~一户一表~户外集中计量。 14( 供气:供气管线接至靠近厨房处~户外集中计量。 specifies a method of screening method for the determination of fineness of starch this standard applies to dried into a powder of refined starch. 1, definitions and principles of fineness of starch: starch samples sample screening samples obtained by dividing the weight of the sieve. To sample by dividing the weight of the sieve the sample weight expressed as a percentage of the original weight. Principle: the samples with a sample screen screening, get the sample by dividing the weight of the sieve. 2, instruments and scales: the precision of 0.1g. Sample screen: screen number 100. Step 3, analysis sample preparation: samples should be fully mixed. Sample volume: mix weighing the sample 50g, accurate to 0.1g, evenly pour the sample sieve. Screening: shake the sample sieve evenly, until the screen down so far. Carefully pour out the sample sieve residue on weighing, accurate to 0.1g. Determination of the number: measured on the same sample twice. 4, the results of the calculation method applied to sample by sample sieve weight expressed as a percentage of the original weight of the sample, as in the formula: x--sample size,%; MO--the original weight of the sample, g; Sift the ML--sample weight of residue on the sieve, g. Such as poor meets the requirements, take the arithmetic mean of the second determination as a result. Results one decimal. 6.2 allowing differential analyst simultaneously or in quick succession for the second determination, the absolute value 15( 闭路电视:闭路线入户。 16( 通讯:每户两部电话线接口入户~宽带网接口入户。 17( 邮电:每栋楼单元门处设专用信箱。 18( 保安系统:周界安全防范自动化监控管理~住宅内安设门磁~紧急报警按钮~楼宇可视对讲系统~煤气泄漏自动报警~公共部份设火灾自动报警~入户门厅和电梯内视电视监控。 19( 消防:符合国家消防安全的有关标准和要求、配备足够的消防设备。 20( 空调位:每户设有统一空调位。 21( 地下停车场:设有地下停车场~实行统一物业管理。 建筑装修标准 specifies a method of screening method for the determination of fineness of starch this standard applies to dried into a powder of refined starch. 1, definitions and principles of fineness of starch: starch samples sample screening samples obtained by dividing the weight of the sieve. To sample by dividing the weight of the sieve the sample weight expressed as a percentage of the original weight. Principle: the samples with a sample screen screening, get the sample by dividing the weight of the sieve. 2, instruments and scales: the precision of 0.1g. Sample screen: screen number 100. Step 3, analysis sample preparation: samples should be fully mixed. Sample volume: mix weighing the sample 50g, accurate to 0.1g, evenly pour the sample sieve. Screening: shake the sample sieve evenly, until the screen down so far. Carefully pour out the sample sieve residue on weighing, accurate to 0.1g. Determination of the number: measured on the same sample twice. 4, the results of the calculation method applied to sample by sample sieve weight expressed as a percentage of the original weight of the sample, as in the formula: x--sample size,%; MO--the original weight of the sample, g; Sift the ML--sample weight of residue on the sieve, g. Such as poor meets the requirements, take the arithmetic mean of the second determination as a result. Results one decimal. 6.2 allowing differential analyst simultaneously or in quick succession for the second determination, the absolute value 结 构 短肢剪力墙~一梯二户板式小高层电梯公寓~七度抗震设防。 外 墙 高档面砖~局部金属构件装饰~阳台栏杆为金属构件玻璃栏板。 室外露台 地面为水泥砂浆面刮糙~外墙贴面砖~顶棚为白色乳胶漆。 室 内 墙 厅及卧室的墙面和顶棚为混合砂浆抹面。 室内地面 厅及卧室的地面为水泥砂浆地面刮糙。 门 窗 1000×2100mm钢制防盗或防火入户门~户内各功能间留门洞~彩色铝合金全玻推拉阳台门,彩色铝合金低台飘窗或落地窗。 厨 卫 管线到位、预留接口,地面防水处理,墙、地面水泥砂浆抹面刮糙。 公共部位 封闭式单元门厅,门厅、电梯厅地面首层为高档石材~其它层为防滑地砖,墙面乳胶漆,钢质楼梯栏杆、木扶手,地下室豆石地坪~墙面、天棚刷白色涂料。 specifies a method of screening method for the determination of fineness of starch this standard applies to dried into a powder of refined starch. 1, definitions and principles of fineness of starch: starch samples sample screening samples obtained by dividing the weight of the sieve. To sample by dividing the weight of the sieve the sample weight expressed as a percentage of the original weight. Principle: the samples with a sample screen screening, get the sample by dividing the weight of the sieve. 2, instruments and scales: the precision of 0.1g. Sample screen: screen number 100. Step 3, analysis sample preparation: samples should be fully mixed. Sample volume: mix weighing the sample 50g, accurate to 0.1g, evenly pour the sample sieve. Screening: shake the sample sieve evenly, until the screen down so far. Carefully pour out the sample sieve residue on weighing, accurate to 0.1g. Determination of the number: measured on the same sample twice. 4, the results of the calculation method applied to sample by sample sieve weight expressed as a percentage of the original weight of the sample, as in the formula: x--sample size,%; MO--the original weight of the sample, g; Sift the ML--sample weight of residue on the sieve, g. Such as poor meets the requirements, take the arithmetic mean of the second determination as a result. Results one decimal. 6.2 allowing differential analyst simultaneously or in quick succession for the second determination, the absolute value 配置标准 电 源 城市电网和自备发电机双电源~每户五回路。每户用电量为:100M2 以下6kw,100,140M28kw,140M2以上11kw。一户一表。 电 视 每户在客厅和卧室均预留光纤电视接口。 电 话 双线路入户,客厅、主卧室各设二处接口并交叉串联~主卫设一个与客厅电话串联的接口,次卧室均设与客厅电话串联的接口。 给 水 城市自来水供水系统加自动变频恒压装置。 天 燃 气 每户天燃气安装到位。 智能系统 4芯10/100M单模室外光纤和超五类双绞线~高速宽带上网~每户设一数据点接二个信息终端~设小区局域网联网,配置家庭多媒体管理箱~内置弱电配电箱、语音、有线电视单元板和保安/监控接线模块。水表和气表远程计量。 安防系统 小区出入口、单元门出入口设一卡通门禁系统,地下停车场设一卡通管理系统,周界设红外线防范报警系统,重 specifies a method of screening method for the determination of fineness of starch this standard applies to dried into a powder of refined starch. 1, definitions and principles of fineness of starch: starch samples sample screening samples obtained by dividing the weight of the sieve. To sample by dividing the weight of the sieve the sample weight expressed as a percentage of the original weight. Principle: the samples with a sample screen screening, get the sample by dividing the weight of the sieve. 2, instruments and scales: the precision of 0.1g. Sample screen: screen number 100. Step 3, analysis sample preparation: samples should be fully mixed. Sample volume: mix weighing the sample 50g, accurate to 0.1g, evenly pour the sample sieve. Screening: shake the sample sieve evenly, until the screen down so far. Carefully pour out the sample sieve residue on weighing, accurate to 0.1g. Determination of the number: measured on the same sample twice. 4, the results of the calculation method applied to sample by sample sieve weight expressed as a percentage of the original weight of the sample, as in the formula: x--sample size,%; MO--the original weight of the sample, g; Sift the ML--sample weight of residue on the sieve, g. Such as poor meets the requirements, take the arithmetic mean of the second determination as a result. Results one decimal. 6.2 allowing differential analyst simultaneously or in quick succession for the second determination, the absolute value 要位置设闭路电视监控系统、电子巡更、背景音乐及紧急广播系统。 电 梯 德国“蒂森”电梯。 1、室外 楼体外观:外墙采用水泥沙浆墙面刷高级外墙涂料~其中一层贴仿石外观。 楼梯间:楼梯间踏步为水泥压光地面~铁栏杆木扶手。 specifies a method of screening method for the determination of fineness of starch this standard applies to dried into a powder of refined starch. 1, definitions and principles of fineness of starch: starch samples sample screening samples obtained by dividing the weight of the sieve. To sample by dividing the weight of the sieve the sample weight expressed as a percentage of the original weight. Principle: the samples with a sample screen screening, get the sample by dividing the weight of the sieve. 2, instruments and scales: the precision of 0.1g. Sample screen: screen number 100. Step 3, analysis sample preparation: samples should be fully mixed. Sample volume: mix weighing the sample 50g, accurate to 0.1g, evenly pour the sample sieve. Screening: shake the sample sieve evenly, until the screen down so far. Carefully pour out the sample sieve residue on weighing, accurate to 0.1g. Determination of the number: measured on the same sample twice. 4, the results of the calculation method applied to sample by sample sieve weight expressed as a percentage of the original weight of the sample, as in the formula: x--sample size,%; MO--the original weight of the sample, g; Sift the ML--sample weight of residue on the sieve, g. Such as poor meets the requirements, take the arithmetic mean of the second determination as a result. Results one decimal. 6.2 allowing differential analyst simultaneously or in quick succession for the second determination, the absolute value 阳台:南阳台尚有上、下水~全封闭,部分户型尚有景观小阳台。 2、室内装饰 门:对讲单元门~入户门为高档防盗门~内门为普通木门。 窗:高档塑钢窗。 墙面天棚:内墙面~天棚刷内墙腻子刮白。 地面:客厅及卧室等地面为水泥压光地面~跃层或复工结构楼梯为铁栏杆木扶手。 厨房:地面为防滑地面砖~墙面瓷砖到顶。 卫生间:地面为防滑地面砖~墙面瓷砖到顶。 3、电路设计 强电:电表一户一表~满足6,8KW。 弱电:设置电话接口~配有有线电视接口及宽带网接口。 空调:设置空调插座并预留管孔~在外墙统一设置室外机放置平台。 4、水、暖、天然气 specifies a method of screening method for the determination of fineness of starch this standard applies to dried into a powder of refined starch. 1, definitions and principles of fineness of starch: starch samples sample screening samples obtained by dividing the weight of the sieve. To sample by dividing the weight of the sieve the sample weight expressed as a percentage of the original weight. Principle: the samples with a sample screen screening, get the sample by dividing the weight of the sieve. 2, instruments and scales: the precision of 0.1g. Sample screen: screen number 100. Step 3, analysis sample preparation: samples should be fully mixed. Sample volume: mix weighing the sample 50g, accurate to 0.1g, evenly pour the sample sieve. Screening: shake the sample sieve evenly, until the screen down so far. Carefully pour out the sample sieve residue on weighing, accurate to 0.1g. Determination of the number: measured on the same sample twice. 4, the results of the calculation method applied to sample by sample sieve weight expressed as a percentage of the original weight of the sample, as in the formula: x--sample size,%; MO--the original weight of the sample, g; Sift the ML--sample weight of residue on the sieve, g. Such as poor meets the requirements, take the arithmetic mean of the second determination as a result. Results one decimal. 6.2 allowing differential analyst simultaneously or in quick succession for the second determination, the absolute value 天然气:管道入户至表前。 暖:温泉水供热。 水:温泉水入户。 一、裙房采用大柱网全现浇框架结构~商场楼面荷载设计为 3.5KN/M2 。 二、裙房外墙采用花岗岩、仿石面砖和外墙涂料相结合。 三、裙房层面为大空间布置~地面为防滑地砖~墙面~柱面为乳胶漆刷白~窗为大玻璃橱窗和铝合金窗。 四、楼梯为台阶地砖~圆管栏杆~墙面、顶面为乳胶漆。 五、卫生间按图纸施工~防滑地砖~墙砖贴至顶。 六、裙房配备三菱电梯~其中客梯壹台~自动扶梯二台~货梯壹台。 七、按消防配置消火栓系统、烟感报警系统、喷淋系统和防火门等设施。 八、水、电、煤气按设计图标准。 specifies a method of screening method for the determination of fineness of starch this standard applies to dried into a powder of refined starch. 1, definitions and principles of fineness of starch: starch samples sample screening samples obtained by dividing the weight of the sieve. To sample by dividing the weight of the sieve the sample weight expressed as a percentage of the original weight. Principle: the samples with a sample screen screening, get the sample by dividing the weight of the sieve. 2, instruments and scales: the precision of 0.1g. Sample screen: screen number 100. Step 3, analysis sample preparation: samples should be fully mixed. Sample volume: mix weighing the sample 50g, accurate to 0.1g, evenly pour the sample sieve. Screening: shake the sample sieve evenly, until the screen down so far. Carefully pour out the sample sieve residue on weighing, accurate to 0.1g. Determination of the number: measured on the same sample twice. 4, the results of the calculation method applied to sample by sample sieve weight expressed as a percentage of the original weight of the sample, as in the formula: x--sample size,%; MO--the original weight of the sample, g; Sift the ML--sample weight of residue on the sieve, g. Such as poor meets the requirements, take the arithmetic mean of the second determination as a result. Results one decimal. 6.2 allowing differential analyst simultaneously or in quick succession for the second determination, the absolute value 九、供电至分层配电房。 十、提供直线电话~光缆进线。 十一、设置移动通讯直放系统。 楼梯间 地面:防滑地砖 墙面:普通乳胶漆 栏杆:仿铁艺、硬木扶手 外墙 高级涂料,如汇丽、奥贝、多乐土等, 预留空调机位和管道线过墙孔 室内 墙,顶,面:高级乳胶漆,如立邦、多乐土、奥贝等, 地面:复合木地板,如欧典、汇丽、力威等, specifies a method of screening method for the determination of fineness of starch this standard applies to dried into a powder of refined starch. 1, definitions and principles of fineness of starch: starch samples sample screening samples obtained by dividing the weight of the sieve. To sample by dividing the weight of the sieve the sample weight expressed as a percentage of the original weight. Principle: the samples with a sample screen screening, get the sample by dividing the weight of the sieve. 2, instruments and scales: the precision of 0.1g. Sample screen: screen number 100. Step 3, analysis sample preparation: samples should be fully mixed. Sample volume: mix weighing the sample 50g, accurate to 0.1g, evenly pour the sample sieve. Screening: shake the sample sieve evenly, until the screen down so far. Carefully pour out the sample sieve residue on weighing, accurate to 0.1g. Determination of the number: measured on the same sample twice. 4, the results of the calculation method applied to sample by sample sieve weight expressed as a percentage of the original weight of the sample, as in the formula: x--sample size,%; MO--the original weight of the sample, g; Sift the ML--sample weight of residue on the sieve, g. Such as poor meets the requirements, take the arithmetic mean of the second determination as a result. Results one decimal. 6.2 allowing differential analyst simultaneously or in quick succession for the second determination, the absolute value 厨房,吧区, 墙面:对应橱柜部分是面砖~其余为高级乳胶漆 地面:复合木地板,如欧典、汇丽、力威等, 洗涤盆、防火台板、底柜装修到位 厕 墙面:墙面砖 顶棚:铝扣板 地面:防滑地板砖 坐便器:中档品牌坐便器,如惠达、唐山顺利、美标等, 水龙头:安装到位 门 单元门 电子对讲防盗门 入户门 单扇防盗门 智能化及通信 室内预留网络接口,电话、闭路电视室内预留接口 水 新型环保管道铺设到位 电 管线铺设到位,暗埋, 开关、插座安装到位,品牌如飞雕、TCL松本、泰力等, specifies a method of screening method for the determination of fineness of starch this standard applies to dried into a powder of refined starch. 1, definitions and principles of fineness of starch: starch samples sample screening samples obtained by dividing the weight of the sieve. To sample by dividing the weight of the sieve the sample weight expressed as a percentage of the original weight. Principle: the samples with a sample screen screening, get the sample by dividing the weight of the sieve. 2, instruments and scales: the precision of 0.1g. Sample screen: screen number 100. Step 3, analysis sample preparation: samples should be fully mixed. Sample volume: mix weighing the sample 50g, accurate to 0.1g, evenly pour the sample sieve. Screening: shake the sample sieve evenly, until the screen down so far. Carefully pour out the sample sieve residue on weighing, accurate to 0.1g. Determination of the number: measured on the same sample twice. 4, the results of the calculation method applied to sample by sample sieve weight expressed as a percentage of the original weight of the sample, as in the formula: x--sample size,%; MO--the original weight of the sample, g; Sift the ML--sample weight of residue on the sieve, g. Such as poor meets the requirements, take the arithmetic mean of the second determination as a result. Results one decimal. 6.2 allowing differential analyst simultaneously or in quick succession for the second determination, the absolute value 灯具:白炽灯泡安装到位 窗 塑钢双玻,品牌如中财、实达等, 阁楼 墙,顶,面:高级乳胶漆,如立邦、多乐土、奥贝等, 地面:复合木地板,如欧典、汇丽、力威等, 围栏:圆钢、硬木扶手 1、外墙:德国“矿牌”外墙专用涂料。 specifies a method of screening method for the determination of fineness of starch this standard applies to dried into a powder of refined starch. 1, definitions and principles of fineness of starch: starch samples sample screening samples obtained by dividing the weight of the sieve. To sample by dividing the weight of the sieve the sample weight expressed as a percentage of the original weight. Principle: the samples with a sample screen screening, get the sample by dividing the weight of the sieve. 2, instruments and scales: the precision of 0.1g. Sample screen: screen number 100. Step 3, analysis sample preparation: samples should be fully mixed. Sample volume: mix weighing the sample 50g, accurate to 0.1g, evenly pour the sample sieve. Screening: shake the sample sieve evenly, until the screen down so far. Carefully pour out the sample sieve residue on weighing, accurate to 0.1g. Determination of the number: measured on the same sample twice. 4, the results of the calculation method applied to sample by sample sieve weight expressed as a percentage of the original weight of the sample, as in the formula: x--sample size,%; MO--the original weight of the sample, g; Sift the ML--sample weight of residue on the sieve, g. Such as poor meets the requirements, take the arithmetic mean of the second determination as a result. Results one decimal. 6.2 allowing differential analyst simultaneously or in quick succession for the second determination, the absolute value 2、内墙、顶棚:ICI牌或矿牌内墙涂料。 3、地面:客厅、餐厅、卧室铺设“SMI”牌或“福满地”牌实木复合地板。 4、门:入户门为“美心”牌或“盼盼”牌防盗门, 户内门 为“福盈门”牌或“美森耐”牌白色模压门, 出阳台门为铝合金玻璃门。 5、窗:铝合金窗。 6、厨房:地面铺设“冠军”或“罗马”牌防滑地砖, 墙面贴“冠军”或“罗马”牌瓷砖, 配“大诚” 牌组合式橱柜, 配“华帝”牌燃气灶, 配“华帝”牌抽油烟机, 中外合资美国品牌 “摩恩”不锈钢水槽、龙头。 7、卫生间:地面铺设“冠军” 或“罗马”牌防滑地砖, 墙面贴“冠军” 或“罗马”牌瓷砖, specifies a method of screening method for the determination of fineness of starch this standard applies to dried into a powder of refined starch. 1, definitions and principles of fineness of starch: starch samples sample screening samples obtained by dividing the weight of the sieve. To sample by dividing the weight of the sieve the sample weight expressed as a percentage of the original weight. Principle: the samples with a sample screen screening, get the sample by dividing the weight of the sieve. 2, instruments and scales: the precision of 0.1g. Sample screen: screen number 100. Step 3, analysis sample preparation: samples should be fully mixed. Sample volume: mix weighing the sample 50g, accurate to 0.1g, evenly pour the sample sieve. Screening: shake the sample sieve evenly, until the screen down so far. Carefully pour out the sample sieve residue on weighing, accurate to 0.1g. Determination of the number: measured on the same sample twice. 4, the results of the calculation method applied to sample by sample sieve weight expressed as a percentage of the original weight of the sample, as in the formula: x--sample size,%; MO--the original weight of the sample, g; Sift the ML--sample weight of residue on the sieve, g. Such as poor meets the requirements, take the arithmetic mean of the second determination as a result. Results one decimal. 6.2 allowing differential analyst simultaneously or in quick succession for the second determination, the absolute value 天花板为“华狮龙”牌铝扣板吊顶, 洗脸盆、座便器或蹲便器为中外合资美国品牌“美标”牌, 主卫浴缸为中外合资 “美标” 牌, 公卫、单卫沐浴间为高级钢化玻璃隔断, 配中外合资 “摩恩” 牌单柄冷热水混合式龙头、花洒, 配浴室镜、不锈钢毛巾杆、不锈钢浴巾架、不锈钢手纸盒, 安装排气扇。 8、阳台:ICI牌或矿牌涂料。 地面铺设“佳陶美”防滑地砖。 9、窗台板:国产大理石。 10、天然气:天然气供气点安装至厨房,住户需向燃气公司交纳相关费用后申请开潼,。 11、供水:户内设IC卡水表~冷水管接通至厨卫、热水管预埋至厨卫。 specifies a method of screening method for the determination of fineness of starch this standard applies to dried into a powder of refined starch. 1, definitions and principles of fineness of starch: starch samples sample screening samples obtained by dividing the weight of the sieve. To sample by dividing the weight of the sieve the sample weight expressed as a percentage of the original weight. Principle: the samples with a sample screen screening, get the sample by dividing the weight of the sieve. 2, instruments and scales: the precision of 0.1g. Sample screen: screen number 100. Step 3, analysis sample preparation: samples should be fully mixed. Sample volume: mix weighing the sample 50g, accurate to 0.1g, evenly pour the sample sieve. Screening: shake the sample sieve evenly, until the screen down so far. Carefully pour out the sample sieve residue on weighing, accurate to 0.1g. Determination of the number: measured on the same sample twice. 4, the results of the calculation method applied to sample by sample sieve weight expressed as a percentage of the original weight of the sample, as in the formula: x--sample size,%; MO--the original weight of the sample, g; Sift the ML--sample weight of residue on the sieve, g. Such as poor meets the requirements, take the arithmetic mean of the second determination as a result. Results one decimal. 6.2 allowing differential analyst simultaneously or in quick succession for the second determination, the absolute value 12、供电: 接至户内插座及照明电源、开关位, 13、开关面板:国产品牌开关面板。 14、空调系统:主客厅赠送空调冷暖柜机~10平方米,含10平方米,以上的卧室赠送空调冷暖挂机。 15、弱电系统:户内设置弱电过户箱~预留两路电话、一路主点、一路副点~共用一个号码,一路有线电视~一路宽带。 电话接至客厅、书房,如无书房~接至主卧,~穿线到位并安装面板。 宽带接至书房,或多功能房,~穿线到位并安装面板~如无书房~接至客厅。 16、智能化系统:安装黑白可视对讲机, 主卧安装紧急求助报警按钮, 厨房安装燃气泄漏报警探头, 首层、二层、顶层的铝合金玻璃门窗安装窗磁或红外线探头。 17、电梯:中外合资“奥的斯”牌电梯。 入住标准 specifies a method of screening method for the determination of fineness of starch this standard applies to dried into a powder of refined starch. 1, definitions and principles of fineness of starch: starch samples sample screening samples obtained by dividing the weight of the sieve. To sample by dividing the weight of the sieve the sample weight expressed as a percentage of the original weight. Principle: the samples with a sample screen screening, get the sample by dividing the weight of the sieve. 2, instruments and scales: the precision of 0.1g. Sample screen: screen number 100. Step 3, analysis sample preparation: samples should be fully mixed. Sample volume: mix weighing the sample 50g, accurate to 0.1g, evenly pour the sample sieve. Screening: shake the sample sieve evenly, until the screen down so far. Carefully pour out the sample sieve residue on weighing, accurate to 0.1g. Determination of the number: measured on the same sample twice. 4, the results of the calculation method applied to sample by sample sieve weight expressed as a percentage of the original weight of the sample, as in the formula: x--sample size,%; MO--the original weight of the sample, g; Sift the ML--sample weight of residue on the sieve, g. Such as poor meets the requirements, take the arithmetic mean of the second determination as a result. Results one decimal. 6.2 allowing differential analyst simultaneously or in quick succession for the second determination, the absolute value 结构:砖混 外檐:混水墙~面砖装饰墙面~部分彩色涂料墙面。 屋顶:保温~隔热坡屋顶。 卧室、起居室:地面为麻面~墙面、顶棚为水泥沙浆麻面交活,公卫内设淋浴喷头位置~主卧卫生间设浴盆位置及管道。 阳台:北侧阳台全部为塑钢门窗封闭阳台。 露台:露台做上人屋面、细石混凝土麻面交活,地面铺室外地砖,。 门:分户门为三防门~户内预留垭口。 外檐门窗:外檐窗为塑钢窗~浮法玻璃,首层外檐窗均加铁艺防盗护栏。 层高:2.85米。 空凋机位:预留空调板~预留空调眼、冷凝水排水管。 公共部分:首层入栋门为防盗对讲门~入口处设信报箱,入口处台阶及楼梯踢面为防滑面砖~踢脚为面砖踢脚,楼梯护栏为铁艺护栏~木扶手,内墙面及顶棚刷乳胶漆。 specifies a method of screening method for the determination of fineness of starch this standard applies to dried into a powder of refined starch. 1, definitions and principles of fineness of starch: starch samples sample screening samples obtained by dividing the weight of the sieve. To sample by dividing the weight of the sieve the sample weight expressed as a percentage of the original weight. Principle: the samples with a sample screen screening, get the sample by dividing the weight of the sieve. 2, instruments and scales: the precision of 0.1g. Sample screen: screen number 100. Step 3, analysis sample preparation: samples should be fully mixed. Sample volume: mix weighing the sample 50g, accurate to 0.1g, evenly pour the sample sieve. Screening: shake the sample sieve evenly, until the screen down so far. Carefully pour out the sample sieve residue on weighing, accurate to 0.1g. Determination of the number: measured on the same sample twice. 4, the results of the calculation method applied to sample by sample sieve weight expressed as a percentage of the original weight of the sample, as in the formula: x--sample size,%; MO--the original weight of the sample, g; Sift the ML--sample weight of residue on the sieve, g. Such as poor meets the requirements, take the arithmetic mean of the second determination as a result. Results one decimal. 6.2 allowing differential analyst simultaneously or in quick succession for the second determination, the absolute value 设施配套 供水系统:给水、排水接口位置预留到位~水表出户~一户一表。 供电系统:一户一表~主卧~次卧~起居厅预留空调插座。 燃气系统:市政管道天然气。 暖气系统:集中供热、一户一系统、分户计量。 通讯系统:主卧室、起居室预留电话、INTERNET端子,宽带网络,接口。 电视系统:主卧室、起居室预留有线电视插座。 社区智能化 楼宇对讲~小区24小时电子巡更。 小区周边监控系统。 主入口设有电子公告牌。 中心广场布置背景音乐及公共广播系统。 specifies a method of screening method for the determination of fineness of starch this standard applies to dried into a powder of refined starch. 1, definitions and principles of fineness of starch: starch samples sample screening samples obtained by dividing the weight of the sieve. To sample by dividing the weight of the sieve the sample weight expressed as a percentage of the original weight. Principle: the samples with a sample screen screening, get the sample by dividing the weight of the sieve. 2, instruments and scales: the precision of 0.1g. Sample screen: screen number 100. Step 3, analysis sample preparation: samples should be fully mixed. Sample volume: mix weighing the sample 50g, accurate to 0.1g, evenly pour the sample sieve. Screening: shake the sample sieve evenly, until the screen down so far. Carefully pour out the sample sieve residue on weighing, accurate to 0.1g. Determination of the number: measured on the same sample twice. 4, the results of the calculation method applied to sample by sample sieve weight expressed as a percentage of the original weight of the sample, as in the formula: x--sample size,%; MO--the original weight of the sample, g; Sift the ML--sample weight of residue on the sieve, g. Such as poor meets the requirements, take the arithmetic mean of the second determination as a result. Results one decimal. 6.2 allowing differential analyst simultaneously or in quick succession for the second determination, the absolute value 写字楼交房标准~可以分为标准写字楼装修和全装修两种。 主力分割面积在100-150平方米,纯办公性质,的项目一般采取写字楼标准装修~即吊顶、墙壁使用高档涂料以及智能化布线等~但地面或有使用地毯~或有水泥地标准交房。主力分割面积在100平方米以下,公寓+办公,的项目一般采取全装修标准~即在标准装修之后外加卫生间装修。一般在卫生间内采用较为高档的国内外知名品牌洁具~如TOTO、伊奈等~还有部分项目配置了淋浴房。该类项目装修标准在800-1500元/平方米。 纯办公性质的项目基本都安装了中央空调~品牌集中在YORK、TRANE和三洋此类国内较为高档的品牌,公寓+办公型的 specifies a method of screening method for the determination of fineness of starch this standard applies to dried into a powder of refined starch. 1, definitions and principles of fineness of starch: starch samples sample screening samples obtained by dividing the weight of the sieve. To sample by dividing the weight of the sieve the sample weight expressed as a percentage of the original weight. Principle: the samples with a sample screen screening, get the sample by dividing the weight of the sieve. 2, instruments and scales: the precision of 0.1g. Sample screen: screen number 100. Step 3, analysis sample preparation: samples should be fully mixed. Sample volume: mix weighing the sample 50g, accurate to 0.1g, evenly pour the sample sieve. Screening: shake the sample sieve evenly, until the screen down so far. Carefully pour out the sample sieve residue on weighing, accurate to 0.1g. Determination of the number: measured on the same sample twice. 4, the results of the calculation method applied to sample by sample sieve weight expressed as a percentage of the original weight of the sample, as in the formula: x--sample size,%; MO--the original weight of the sample, g; Sift the ML--sample weight of residue on the sieve, g. Such as poor meets the requirements, take the arithmetic mean of the second determination as a result. Results one decimal. 6.2 allowing differential analyst simultaneously or in quick succession for the second determination, the absolute value 项目则较少为业主安装好空调,电梯基本都配置了三菱、OTIS等进口品牌电梯~但是电梯基本上不分高、低区域设置。 , ziliao1 (2009-9-24 11:45:06) 适用范围:1号楼:A、B、C、D、E、F, 2号楼:A、B、C、D、E、F, 3号楼3-A、B、C、D。 一、结构:全现浇框架-剪力墙结构。六度抗震设防。 二、公用范围 外墙:高级墙砖及墙漆~设置空调外机位。 单元入口:首层电梯前室、大堂处、地面为高级地砖或花岗石贴面~墙面为高级面砖。 电梯:选用品牌电梯。 信箱:首层单元入口处~每户设专用信箱。 三、住宅内部 门:进户门为高级子母防盗门~宅内只留门洞。 窗:采用优质塑钢窗。 specifies a method of screening method for the determination of fineness of starch this standard applies to dried into a powder of refined starch. 1, definitions and principles of fineness of starch: starch samples sample screening samples obtained by dividing the weight of the sieve. To sample by dividing the weight of the sieve the sample weight expressed as a percentage of the original weight. Principle: the samples with a sample screen screening, get the sample by dividing the weight of the sieve. 2, instruments and scales: the precision of 0.1g. Sample screen: screen number 100. Step 3, analysis sample preparation: samples should be fully mixed. Sample volume: mix weighing the sample 50g, accurate to 0.1g, evenly pour the sample sieve. Screening: shake the sample sieve evenly, until the screen down so far. Carefully pour out the sample sieve residue on weighing, accurate to 0.1g. Determination of the number: measured on the same sample twice. 4, the results of the calculation method applied to sample by sample sieve weight expressed as a percentage of the original weight of the sample, as in the formula: x--sample size,%; MO--the original weight of the sample, g; Sift the ML--sample weight of residue on the sieve, g. Such as poor meets the requirements, take the arithmetic mean of the second determination as a result. Results one decimal. 6.2 allowing differential analyst simultaneously or in quick succession for the second determination, the absolute value 楼地面:现浇钢筋砼楼面和砼地面收光或拉毛。 墙面:水泥砂浆抹面。 天棚:水泥砂浆抹面。 阳台:生活阳台设铁花栏杆或钢栏杆~其余为钢扶手玻璃栏板或铁花栏杆。 厨房:预留排烟及下水接口~地面作防水处理。 卫生间:预留下水接口~作防水处理。 四、安防及智能化系统 1、室内设可视对讲、煤气泄漏、报警系统、紧急求助按钮、门磁防盗系统。 2、小区设闭路监控及周界防范系统。 3、小区部分设背景音乐系统。 “金砂水岸”项目商铺交房标准 1、结构:全现浇框架。六度抗震设防。 2、外墙:高级墙砖或部分墙漆~设置空调主机位。 specifies a method of screening method for the determination of fineness of starch this standard applies to dried into a powder of refined starch. 1, definitions and principles of fineness of starch: starch samples sample screening samples obtained by dividing the weight of the sieve. To sample by dividing the weight of the sieve the sample weight expressed as a percentage of the original weight. Principle: the samples with a sample screen screening, get the sample by dividing the weight of the sieve. 2, instruments and scales: the precision of 0.1g. Sample screen: screen number 100. Step 3, analysis sample preparation: samples should be fully mixed. Sample volume: mix weighing the sample 50g, accurate to 0.1g, evenly pour the sample sieve. Screening: shake the sample sieve evenly, until the screen down so far. Carefully pour out the sample sieve residue on weighing, accurate to 0.1g. Determination of the number: measured on the same sample twice. 4, the results of the calculation method applied to sample by sample sieve weight expressed as a percentage of the original weight of the sample, as in the formula: x--sample size,%; MO--the original weight of the sample, g; Sift the ML--sample weight of residue on the sieve, g. Such as poor meets the requirements, take the arithmetic mean of the second determination as a result. Results one decimal. 6.2 allowing differential analyst simultaneously or in quick succession for the second determination, the absolute value 3、内墙:水泥砂浆抹面。 4、顶棚:水泥砂浆抹面。 5、地面:水泥砂浆瓜米石地面找平。 6、门:全玻门或不锈钢条卷闸门~厕所仅留门洞。 7、卫生间:预留下水接口~作防水处理。 8、水电:接市政管网~安装入户。 , , ziliao1 (2009-9-24 11:45:34) 一、 建筑类型: 结构:全框架结构~全现浇楼板~层高3米~按抗震七度设防。 二、装修标准: 外墙:高级外墙砖, 窗:铝合金窗、白玻, 门:进户高级防盗门~户内只留门洞, 梯间:水泥砂浆豆石地面, 内墙:水泥砂浆抹平, specifies a method of screening method for the determination of fineness of starch this standard applies to dried into a powder of refined starch. 1, definitions and principles of fineness of starch: starch samples sample screening samples obtained by dividing the weight of the sieve. To sample by dividing the weight of the sieve the sample weight expressed as a percentage of the original weight. Principle: the samples with a sample screen screening, get the sample by dividing the weight of the sieve. 2, instruments and scales: the precision of 0.1g. Sample screen: screen number 100. Step 3, analysis sample preparation: samples should be fully mixed. Sample volume: mix weighing the sample 50g, accurate to 0.1g, evenly pour the sample sieve. Screening: shake the sample sieve evenly, until the screen down so far. Carefully pour out the sample sieve residue on weighing, accurate to 0.1g. Determination of the number: measured on the same sample twice. 4, the results of the calculation method applied to sample by sample sieve weight expressed as a percentage of the original weight of the sample, as in the formula: x--sample size,%; MO--the original weight of the sample, g; Sift the ML--sample weight of residue on the sieve, g. Such as poor meets the requirements, take the arithmetic mean of the second determination as a result. Results one decimal. 6.2 allowing differential analyst simultaneously or in quick succession for the second determination, the absolute value 地面:砂浆找平层, 厨房、卫生间:给、排水上下水管到位~给水为日松牌PP-R 管~无毒无锈、不腐蚀、使用寿命长。下水位PVC塑料管。 三、 安装: 水、电、气三表分户计量~电表容量20KVA-,4KW, 电话线入户预留接口: 闭路电视线入户预留接口。 四、 室外: 楼面庭园式绿化~休闲设施配套。 , , , , , , , , , specifies a method of screening method for the determination of fineness of starch this standard applies to dried into a powder of refined starch. 1, definitions and principles of fineness of starch: starch samples sample screening samples obtained by dividing the weight of the sieve. To sample by dividing the weight of the sieve the sample weight expressed as a percentage of the original weight. Principle: the samples with a sample screen screening, get the sample by dividing the weight of the sieve. 2, instruments and scales: the precision of 0.1g. Sample screen: screen number 100. Step 3, analysis sample preparation: samples should be fully mixed. Sample volume: mix weighing the sample 50g, accurate to 0.1g, evenly pour the sample sieve. Screening: shake the sample sieve evenly, until the screen down so far. Carefully pour out the sample sieve residue on weighing, accurate to 0.1g. Determination of the number: measured on the same sample twice. 4, the results of the calculation method applied to sample by sample sieve weight expressed as a percentage of the original weight of the sample, as in the formula: x--sample size,%; MO--the original weight of the sample, g; Sift the ML--sample weight of residue on the sieve, g. Such as poor meets the requirements, take the arithmetic mean of the second determination as a result. Results one decimal. 6.2 allowing differential analyst simultaneously or in quick succession for the second determination, the absolute value , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , ziliao1 (2009-9-24 11:46:37) 一、公共部分: 1、外墙:优质墙砖及高级外墙涂料,或石头漆,。 specifies a method of screening method for the determination of fineness of starch this standard applies to dried into a powder of refined starch. 1, definitions and principles of fineness of starch: starch samples sample screening samples obtained by dividing the weight of the sieve. To sample by dividing the weight of the sieve the sample weight expressed as a percentage of the original weight. Principle: the samples with a sample screen screening, get the sample by dividing the weight of the sieve. 2, instruments and scales: the precision of 0.1g. Sample screen: screen number 100. Step 3, analysis sample preparation: samples should be fully mixed. Sample volume: mix weighing the sample 50g, accurate to 0.1g, evenly pour the sample sieve. Screening: shake the sample sieve evenly, until the screen down so far. Carefully pour out the sample sieve residue on weighing, accurate to 0.1g. Determination of the number: measured on the same sample twice. 4, the results of the calculation method applied to sample by sample sieve weight expressed as a percentage of the original weight of the sample, as in the formula: x--sample size,%; MO--the original weight of the sample, g; Sift the ML--sample weight of residue on the sieve, g. Such as poor meets the requirements, take the arithmetic mean of the second determination as a result. Results one decimal. 6.2 allowing differential analyst simultaneously or in quick succession for the second determination, the absolute value 2、楼梯:花岗岩贴面~黑色石材踢角线~墙及顶部为双飞粉。 二、室内部分: 1、客厅、卧室、餐厅的墙面及顶面:双飞粉,地面:水泥石屑地坪。 2、厨房、卫生间墙面:饰面砖,顶面:扣板吊顶,地面:地砖。 3、门:分户门采用优质复合防盗门,窗:白色塑钢,塑铝,窗。 specifies a method of screening method for the determination of fineness of starch this standard applies to dried into a powder of refined starch. 1, definitions and principles of fineness of starch: starch samples sample screening samples obtained by dividing the weight of the sieve. To sample by dividing the weight of the sieve the sample weight expressed as a percentage of the original weight. Principle: the samples with a sample screen screening, get the sample by dividing the weight of the sieve. 2, instruments and scales: the precision of 0.1g. Sample screen: screen number 100. Step 3, analysis sample preparation: samples should be fully mixed. Sample volume: mix weighing the sample 50g, accurate to 0.1g, evenly pour the sample sieve. Screening: shake the sample sieve evenly, until the screen down so far. Carefully pour out the sample sieve residue on weighing, accurate to 0.1g. Determination of the number: measured on the same sample twice. 4, the results of the calculation method applied to sample by sample sieve weight expressed as a percentage of the original weight of the sample, as in the formula: x--sample size,%; MO--the original weight of the sample, g; Sift the ML--sample weight of residue on the sieve, g. Such as poor meets the requirements, take the arithmetic mean of the second determination as a result. Results one decimal. 6.2 allowing differential analyst simultaneously or in quick succession for the second determination, the absolute value 4、水电:水、电均为户外抄表,厨、卫配有相应开关及插座,厨、卫设冷、热水。 5、洗,晒,衣阳台设洗衣机专用水嘴及地漏。 6、给排水管道:给水选用PPR热熔聚乙烯管~室内暗敷,排水选用UPVC管。 三、配套设施: 1、公共卫生间:配置洗脸盆、浴盆、座式大便器等淋浴设施。 2、电器配置:照明开关板、插座板、电视接口、电话接口、户内开关箱全部安装到位~灯具为吊线白炽灯,楼梯间、厨房、卫生间、阳台、花园厅为扁圆吸顶灯。 specifies a method of screening method for the determination of fineness of starch this standard applies to dried into a powder of refined starch. 1, definitions and principles of fineness of starch: starch samples sample screening samples obtained by dividing the weight of the sieve. To sample by dividing the weight of the sieve the sample weight expressed as a percentage of the original weight. Principle: the samples with a sample screen screening, get the sample by dividing the weight of the sieve. 2, instruments and scales: the precision of 0.1g. Sample screen: screen number 100. Step 3, analysis sample preparation: samples should be fully mixed. Sample volume: mix weighing the sample 50g, accurate to 0.1g, evenly pour the sample sieve. Screening: shake the sample sieve evenly, until the screen down so far. Carefully pour out the sample sieve residue on weighing, accurate to 0.1g. Determination of the number: measured on the same sample twice. 4, the results of the calculation method applied to sample by sample sieve weight expressed as a percentage of the original weight of the sample, as in the formula: x--sample size,%; MO--the original weight of the sample, g; Sift the ML--sample weight of residue on the sieve, g. Such as poor meets the requirements, take the arithmetic mean of the second determination as a result. Results one decimal. 6.2 allowing differential analyst simultaneously or in quick succession for the second determination, the absolute value 3、电话:平错户设有二个电话接口,错跃,或跃,设有三个电话接口。 4、有限电视:平错户设有二个电话接口,错跃,或跃,设有三个电话接口。 5、太阳能:采用太阳能供热系统。 6、单元可视对讲系统:各户均设可视对讲系统。 7、煤气:各户厨房设煤气管道~挂表安装到位,煤气计量采用IC卡。 8、供水:采用昆明市自来水管网~小区变频衡压提供水源。 specifies a method of screening method for the determination of fineness of starch this standard applies to dried into a powder of refined starch. 1, definitions and principles of fineness of starch: starch samples sample screening samples obtained by dividing the weight of the sieve. To sample by dividing the weight of the sieve the sample weight expressed as a percentage of the original weight. Principle: the samples with a sample screen screening, get the sample by dividing the weight of the sieve. 2, instruments and scales: the precision of 0.1g. Sample screen: screen number 100. Step 3, analysis sample preparation: samples should be fully mixed. Sample volume: mix weighing the sample 50g, accurate to 0.1g, evenly pour the sample sieve. Screening: shake the sample sieve evenly, until the screen down so far. Carefully pour out the sample sieve residue on weighing, accurate to 0.1g. Determination of the number: measured on the same sample twice. 4, the results of the calculation method applied to sample by sample sieve weight expressed as a percentage of the original weight of the sample, as in the formula: x--sample size,%; MO--the original weight of the sample, g; Sift the ML--sample weight of residue on the sieve, g. Such as poor meets the requirements, take the arithmetic mean of the second determination as a result. Results one decimal. 6.2 allowing differential analyst simultaneously or in quick succession for the second determination, the absolute value 9、高速宽带网系统:各户均设高速宽带网系统。 10、周界防卫系统:小区周界设红外对射与中央闭路电视监控系统相结合的周界防卫系统~中心机房监控红外线探测器。 11、电子巡更系统:小区内保安24小时电子巡更系统。 12、一卡通:小区内部人员~车辆出入管理系统。 13、门禁系统:小区设置主入口门禁系统。 14、单元防盗门:各单元设置单元防盗门及可视对讲门铃系统。 specifies a method of screening method for the determination of fineness of starch this standard applies to dried into a powder of refined starch. 1, definitions and principles of fineness of starch: starch samples sample screening samples obtained by dividing the weight of the sieve. To sample by dividing the weight of the sieve the sample weight expressed as a percentage of the original weight. Principle: the samples with a sample screen screening, get the sample by dividing the weight of the sieve. 2, instruments and scales: the precision of 0.1g. Sample screen: screen number 100. Step 3, analysis sample preparation: samples should be fully mixed. Sample volume: mix weighing the sample 50g, accurate to 0.1g, evenly pour the sample sieve. Screening: shake the sample sieve evenly, until the screen down so far. Carefully pour out the sample sieve residue on weighing, accurate to 0.1g. Determination of the number: measured on the same sample twice. 4, the results of the calculation method applied to sample by sample sieve weight expressed as a percentage of the original weight of the sample, as in the formula: x--sample size,%; MO--the original weight of the sample, g; Sift the ML--sample weight of residue on the sieve, g. Such as poor meets the requirements, take the arithmetic mean of the second determination as a result. Results one decimal. 6.2 allowing differential analyst simultaneously or in quick succession for the second determination, the absolute value 15、区内其他设施:小区内设有娱乐设施、休闲桌椅、绿化、小桥、流水、亭廊、喷泉、照明等。 , ziliao1 (2009-9-24 11:46:55) 大成名园装修标准: 1、卫生间及厨房:地面贴300×300高级釉面砖~墙面贴高级釉面砖~墙砖分为上砖、腰线及下砖组成,上砖及下砖尺寸为330×250~腰线尺寸为330×80~卫生间顶部为300×300铝合金扣板吊顶~公共卫生间洁具采用深圳TAITAO洁具,以下均同,~主卫生间预留给水及排水接口~洁具由业主个性化发挥。 2、 楼地面均为水泥石屑地坪。墙面为双飞粉饰面。 3、 分户门为上海基田高级防盗门。 4、 空中私家花园设有防水层及排水口。 5、 洗晒阳台地面为300×300高级釉面砖。 6、 厨房及露台为广东新发白色光面喷涂铝合金(以下均同)推拉门。卧室及厨房为铝合金平开窗,凸窗,,客厅为铝合金落地大玻平开窗~卫生间为铝合金平开高窗。 7、 specifies a method of screening method for the determination of fineness of starch this standard applies to dried into a powder of refined starch. 1, definitions and principles of fineness of starch: starch samples sample screening samples obtained by dividing the weight of the sieve. To sample by dividing the weight of the sieve the sample weight expressed as a percentage of the original weight. Principle: the samples with a sample screen screening, get the sample by dividing the weight of the sieve. 2, instruments and scales: the precision of 0.1g. Sample screen: screen number 100. Step 3, analysis sample preparation: samples should be fully mixed. Sample volume: mix weighing the sample 50g, accurate to 0.1g, evenly pour the sample sieve. Screening: shake the sample sieve evenly, until the screen down so far. Carefully pour out the sample sieve residue on weighing, accurate to 0.1g. Determination of the number: measured on the same sample twice. 4, the results of the calculation method applied to sample by sample sieve weight expressed as a percentage of the original weight of the sample, as in the formula: x--sample size,%; MO--the original weight of the sample, g; Sift the ML--sample weight of residue on the sieve, g. Such as poor meets the requirements, take the arithmetic mean of the second determination as a result. Results one decimal. 6.2 allowing differential analyst simultaneously or in quick succession for the second determination, the absolute value 商铺地面为花岗岩贴面~黑色石材踢脚线及走边~墙面双飞粉~卫生间设蹲式大便器及立柱面盆。商铺采用大白玻及玻璃地弹门~设有不锈钢电动防盗栏栅。 8、 楼梯间为花岗岩贴面~黑色石材踢脚线及走边。楼梯间扶手为实木扶手。 9、室外装修:外墙采用高级涂料与墙砖相结合~建筑水平线条、竖向线条、空中私家花园、洗晒阳台及女儿墙线条均采用白色涂料~竖向隔板均为蓝色涂料~底层部分采用黄色高级拉花涂料。商铺外立面为花岗岩贴面。 10、地上私家独立车库设有施普雷特高级彩板遥控车库防盗门~地面为水泥石屑地坪~墙面为双飞粉。 , ziliao1 (2009-9-24 11:51:11) 一、 结构部分 结构体系:按照中华人民共和国最新的国家标准进行结构设计~采用全现浇钢筋混凝土框架结构~外墙为实体填充墙~内墙为实体和轻质隔墙。 设计抗震设防烈度:8.5度。 基础:现浇钢筋混凝土独立基础和钢筋混凝土基础梁。 specifies a method of screening method for the determination of fineness of starch this standard applies to dried into a powder of refined starch. 1, definitions and principles of fineness of starch: starch samples sample screening samples obtained by dividing the weight of the sieve. To sample by dividing the weight of the sieve the sample weight expressed as a percentage of the original weight. Principle: the samples with a sample screen screening, get the sample by dividing the weight of the sieve. 2, instruments and scales: the precision of 0.1g. Sample screen: screen number 100. Step 3, analysis sample preparation: samples should be fully mixed. Sample volume: mix weighing the sample 50g, accurate to 0.1g, evenly pour the sample sieve. Screening: shake the sample sieve evenly, until the screen down so far. Carefully pour out the sample sieve residue on weighing, accurate to 0.1g. Determination of the number: measured on the same sample twice. 4, the results of the calculation method applied to sample by sample sieve weight expressed as a percentage of the original weight of the sample, as in the formula: x--sample size,%; MO--the original weight of the sample, g; Sift the ML--sample weight of residue on the sieve, g. Such as poor meets the requirements, take the arithmetic mean of the second determination as a result. Results one decimal. 6.2 allowing differential analyst simultaneously or in quick succession for the second determination, the absolute value 屋面:现浇钢筋混凝土屋面~屋面上设有柔性防水层~水泥砂浆找平层~上铺引进世界先进技术的“英红”水泥彩瓦。 二、 建筑装饰部分 外墙面:防水水泥砂浆抹面~外挂GRC建筑装饰线条~并采用美国原装进口、全球排名第一的“宣威”威廉斯涂料。 外墙门窗:采用高级涂氟炭喷涂铝合金中空玻璃窗~落地门连窗。 入户门:优质实木门。 车库门:德国爱屋品牌铝合金罩壳自动卷帘门。 阳台:铺贴高级仿古防滑地砖~铁艺栏杆。 三、 给水系统: 分自来水和温泉水两个系统~24小时向室内各用水点供水。为保持温泉水的供水温度~系统内设有电热水器~随时可以加热温泉水。 四、 排水系统: 建筑物内污水和废水分别单独排放~空调冷凝水直接汇入雨水管网。 specifies a method of screening method for the determination of fineness of starch this standard applies to dried into a powder of refined starch. 1, definitions and principles of fineness of starch: starch samples sample screening samples obtained by dividing the weight of the sieve. To sample by dividing the weight of the sieve the sample weight expressed as a percentage of the original weight. Principle: the samples with a sample screen screening, get the sample by dividing the weight of the sieve. 2, instruments and scales: the precision of 0.1g. Sample screen: screen number 100. Step 3, analysis sample preparation: samples should be fully mixed. Sample volume: mix weighing the sample 50g, accurate to 0.1g, evenly pour the sample sieve. Screening: shake the sample sieve evenly, until the screen down so far. Carefully pour out the sample sieve residue on weighing, accurate to 0.1g. Determination of the number: measured on the same sample twice. 4, the results of the calculation method applied to sample by sample sieve weight expressed as a percentage of the original weight of the sample, as in the formula: x--sample size,%; MO--the original weight of the sample, g; Sift the ML--sample weight of residue on the sieve, g. Such as poor meets the requirements, take the arithmetic mean of the second determination as a result. Results one decimal. 6.2 allowing differential analyst simultaneously or in quick succession for the second determination, the absolute value 五、 供电系统: 供电方式:三相五线入户~经过户用配电箱暗敷至各用电点。 电 表:电表采用预付费IC卡智能表。 六、 空调系统: 海尔H-MRV家庭节能型户式中央空调。 七、 管道燃气系统: 采用市政天然气网供气~燃气管入户式厨房~ 由海口民生燃气股份有限公司负责燃气工程设计及施工安装。 八、 智能化工程系统: 系统标准:小区智能化配置符合国家建设部颁布的《全国住宅小区二星级智能化系统示范工程》要求~配备了周界防越报警系统~并在每户安装了: 1、户内安防系统:每栋别墅所有门窗均设有以色列进口技术的户式安防系统, 2、可视对讲:每户与管理中心设有彩色可视对讲系统, 3、应急系统:主人房和客厅每层各设置一个紧急呼叫按扭, specifies a method of screening method for the determination of fineness of starch this standard applies to dried into a powder of refined starch. 1, definitions and principles of fineness of starch: starch samples sample screening samples obtained by dividing the weight of the sieve. To sample by dividing the weight of the sieve the sample weight expressed as a percentage of the original weight. Principle: the samples with a sample screen screening, get the sample by dividing the weight of the sieve. 2, instruments and scales: the precision of 0.1g. Sample screen: screen number 100. Step 3, analysis sample preparation: samples should be fully mixed. Sample volume: mix weighing the sample 50g, accurate to 0.1g, evenly pour the sample sieve. Screening: shake the sample sieve evenly, until the screen down so far. Carefully pour out the sample sieve residue on weighing, accurate to 0.1g. Determination of the number: measured on the same sample twice. 4, the results of the calculation method applied to sample by sample sieve weight expressed as a percentage of the original weight of the sample, as in the formula: x--sample size,%; MO--the original weight of the sample, g; Sift the ML--sample weight of residue on the sieve, g. Such as poor meets the requirements, take the arithmetic mean of the second determination as a result. Results one decimal. 6.2 allowing differential analyst simultaneously or in quick succession for the second determination, the absolute value 4、视频及通讯系统:户内设置智能多媒体箱~电线、电话、数据线经多媒体箱分配至各功能厅、卧室、书房、终端均设置插座。 5、 三表付费:水、电、管道燃气均采取预付费智能控制系统。 , ziliao1 (2009-9-24 11:51:32) 1 、结构:现浇楼板~层高 2.8 米 ; 2 、外墙屋面为乳胶漆 ; ,按当地建委要求, ; 3 、屋顶:坡面盖瓦 ; 4 、内墙:仿瓷涂料、水泥踢角 ; 地面:水泥抹光 ; 灯具:普通灯具 ; 5 、厨房卫生间:贴防滑地砖~墙面砖到顶~洗菜盆~柱式面盆~坐便器 ~抽油烟机预留排气口 ; 6 、窗:入户门为防盗门、内门为木制夹板门~塑钢窗~餐厅与厨房塑钢隔断,未设独立餐厅无此项,, 阳台封闭 ; 7 、阁楼 : 上下水、电齐全 ; 8 、储藏室为全地上~封闭防盗窗 ; specifies a method of screening method for the determination of fineness of starch this standard applies to dried into a powder of refined starch. 1, definitions and principles of fineness of starch: starch samples sample screening samples obtained by dividing the weight of the sieve. To sample by dividing the weight of the sieve the sample weight expressed as a percentage of the original weight. Principle: the samples with a sample screen screening, get the sample by dividing the weight of the sieve. 2, instruments and scales: the precision of 0.1g. Sample screen: screen number 100. Step 3, analysis sample preparation: samples should be fully mixed. Sample volume: mix weighing the sample 50g, accurate to 0.1g, evenly pour the sample sieve. Screening: shake the sample sieve evenly, until the screen down so far. Carefully pour out the sample sieve residue on weighing, accurate to 0.1g. Determination of the number: measured on the same sample twice. 4, the results of the calculation method applied to sample by sample sieve weight expressed as a percentage of the original weight of the sample, as in the formula: x--sample size,%; MO--the original weight of the sample, g; Sift the ML--sample weight of residue on the sieve, g. Such as poor meets the requirements, take the arithmetic mean of the second determination as a result. Results one decimal. 6.2 allowing differential analyst simultaneously or in quick succession for the second determination, the absolute value 9 、车库,全地上 , 无门, ; 10 、预留有线电视、电话、宽带、太阳能管接口~水、电采 用一户一表~预留空调或采暖用电源~电源容量 6KW; 11 、楼宇单元对讲防盗门。 12 、管道燃气入户。 specifies a method of screening method for the determination of fineness of starch this standard applies to dried into a powder of refined starch. 1, definitions and principles of fineness of starch: starch samples sample screening samples obtained by dividing the weight of the sieve. To sample by dividing the weight of the sieve the sample weight expressed as a percentage of the original weight. Principle: the samples with a sample screen screening, get the sample by dividing the weight of the sieve. 2, instruments and scales: the precision of 0.1g. Sample screen: screen number 100. Step 3, analysis sample preparation: samples should be fully mixed. Sample volume: mix weighing the sample 50g, accurate to 0.1g, evenly pour the sample sieve. Screening: shake the sample sieve evenly, until the screen down so far. Carefully pour out the sample sieve residue on weighing, accurate to 0.1g. Determination of the number: measured on the same sample twice. 4, the results of the calculation method applied to sample by sample sieve weight expressed as a percentage of the original weight of the sample, as in the formula: x--sample size,%; MO--the original weight of the sample, g; Sift the ML--sample weight of residue on the sieve, g. Such as poor meets the requirements, take the arithmetic mean of the second determination as a result. Results one decimal. 6.2 allowing differential analyst simultaneously or in quick succession for the second determination, the absolute value
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