

2018-01-05 21页 doc 58KB 13阅读




高中化学学习方法与技巧高中化学学习方法与技巧 一: 如何进行化学实验观察 化学是以实验为基础,研究物质的组成、结构、性质及其变化规律的自然科学。可以采用许多学校推荐学生使用的“VCM仿真实验”软件,它是为学生拓展课堂实验、进行探究式学习、自主获取知识、构建知识体系而研发的。用VCM仿真实验高度仿真的实验环境,让学生课堂课外都可以随时地、反复地亲自动手做实验。在动手操作的过程中,会发现很多问题,会看到很多意想不到的现象,为了解决问题,促使你动脑思考,同伴互助合作交流,共同解决问题,这样探究式的学习方式有利于理解知识,掌握知识,同时会将学过的物理知...
化学学习方法与技巧 一: 如何进行化学实验观察 化学是以实验为基础,研究物质的组成、结构、性质及其变化规律的自然科学。可以采用许多学校推荐学生使用的“VCM仿真实验”软件,它是为学生拓展课堂实验、进行探究式学习、自主获取知识、构建知识体系而研发的。用VCM仿真实验高度仿真的实验环境,让学生课堂课外都可以随时地、反复地亲自动手做实验。在动手操作的过程中,会发现很多问题,会看到很多意想不到的现象,为了解决问题,促使你动脑思考,同伴互助合作交流,共同解决问题,这样探究式的学习方式有利于理解知识,掌握知识,同时会将学过的物理知识用于解决实际问题。在化学知识中,许多知识如化学概念、基本原理、元素化合物性质等,都是通过化学实验而获得的。因此,在化学学习中必须学会对实验进行正确的观察,并在观察的基础上根据实验现象得出结论,从而掌握化学知识。那么,如何正确观察实验、在实验观察过程中应该注意一些什么呢, 首先,应明确实验目的,确定实验观察的重点。 设置课本实验的目的在与实现某一学习目的,实验目的决定了实验观察的重点。只有明确重点观察的内容,抓住本质的现象,才能有效地观察,有效地学习。如在初中化学〈序言〉课的实验,所设置的几个实验都是为学生顺利理解和掌握物理变化和化学变化而设置的。因此,观察的重点应放在反应前后物质是否发生质的变化,从而确定变化属于物理变化还是化学变化。如镁带的燃烧实验,观察的重点是镁在燃烧后的产物的性质和镁带有何本质的不同,确定反应是否新物质生成,从而判断该反应是否属于化学变化。而不能仅仅注意实验过程中的“发出耀眼的强光,放出大量的热”这一非本质的现象。只有这样,才能实现实验的目的——掌握物理变化和化学变化的实质。 used in the gray primary elevation on bread, about the size of 50mm square, vertical and horizontal spacing by about 1.5M. To ash cakes after water will not collapse, then brushing with water/cement ratio for 0.4~0.5 at the grass-roots of cement slurry with layers, start paving mortar, if ash cakes has hardened, with mortar laying with leveling and knocking ash cake, filled with mortar. With Darby ash cake height mortar, scrape, rub wood trowel flat. Wooden trowel evenly back operation. Depending on the temperature level the screed is complete 24h, begin to water conservation, water per day and three days before 2~4, watered every day and night 1~2, curing time of not less than 7d. Required pavement surface should not have cracks, peeling, pitted and phenomena such as sand, skirting works closely with wall stickers ... Spike access fee, so as not to destroy the waterproof layer. Strengthen the quality inspection of onion part during the construction, highlighting the ground onion, drain, drain, sanitary ware and other peripheral waterproof layer must not touch losses component shall not be modified. (F) the exterior Windows of Windows and doors project this project uses aluminum alloy Windows, residential entry door to door, other doors installed by the owners themselves. Window and door installation position: outside the door in the wall, outside the window in the wall. 1, preparation: after installation 其次,明确观察的要素和程序,全面、有序地进行实验的观察。 对于实验,特别是一些过于复杂的实验,往往存在多个实验观察的要素,实验过程中必须全面、有序地进行观察,才能实现实验教学的目的,从而深入、全面地掌握化学知识。 那么,如何有序地、全面地观察化学实验呢, 第一阶段(实验前)——观察要素为:1、反应物的物理性质(如反应的颜色、状态、气味等);2、反应条件(如是否加热、通电等);3、反应装置(用什么作反应器具、装置有何特点等);4、*作顺序(如何组装实验装置、添加药品先后顺序如何等);5、其他(如药品的用量、实验注意事项等)。 第二阶段(实验中)——观察要素:反应过程中的主要现象(如是否有颜色变化、是否有气体生成、是否有沉淀析出、是否发光、放热等) 第三阶段(实验后)——观察要素:1、是否有新物质生成,2、新物质的颜色、状态、气味、溶解性等;3、仪器拆分顺序;4、仪器整理等。 随着实验的深入和知识水平的提高,越来越要求学生能够深入全面地进行实验的观察,全面掌握化学知识。如果不能全面地进行实验的观察,往往会因为观察的片面性而导致种种问题,如无法获得全面的知识。更为严重的是在实验具体*作过程中,可能回导致失败或危险,如加热固体药品时,试管口为向下倾斜,导致试管破裂;用氢气还原氧化铜实验时,如果不遵循实验前先通氢气一段时间后再后加热、实验后先撤酒精灯一段时间后再撤氢气的顺序,必然导致实验失败和危险(爆炸)等。 第三、协调多种感觉器官。 实验现象的观察,往往不仅仅依*眼睛观察来完成。在很多实验中,还需要借助手、鼻等感官。如第一章关于硫燃烧的实验中,除用used in the gray primary elevation on bread, about the size of 50mm square, vertical and horizontal spacing by about 1.5M. To ash cakes after water will not collapse, then brushing with water/cement ratio for 0.4~0.5 at the grass-roots of cement slurry with layers, start paving mortar, if ash cakes has hardened, with mortar laying with leveling and knocking ash cake, filled with mortar. With Darby ash cake height mortar, scrape, rub wood trowel flat. Wooden trowel evenly back operation. Depending on the temperature level the screed is complete 24h, begin to water conservation, water per day and three days before 2~4, watered every day and night 1~2, curing time of not less than 7d. Required pavement surface should not have cracks, peeling, pitted and phenomena such as sand, skirting works closely with wall stickers ... Spike access fee, so as not to destroy the waterproof layer. Strengthen the quality inspection of onion part during the construction, highlighting the ground onion, drain, drain, sanitary ware and other peripheral waterproof layer must not touch losses component shall not be modified. (F) the exterior Windows of Windows and doors project this project uses aluminum alloy Windows, residential entry door to door, other doors installed by the owners themselves. Window and door installation position: outside the door in the wall, outside the window in the wall. 1, preparation: after installation 眼观察之外,还需借助鼻闻(二氧化硫的气味)、用手摸(摸集气瓶感觉热现象)等。只要这样,才能全面获得感性的材料。 此外,实验现象的观察过程中,还要克服下列不良习惯:1、只注意强烈刺激作用的现象,而忽视其他现象;2、由于不能高度集中注意力,忽略了稍纵即逝的现象;3、只注意观察实验过程中的现象,而忽略对实验*作顺序、装置特点的观察;4、只观察不思考等。 二:化学学习中学会提出问题 一个人在学习过程中能否发现问题或能否提出好的问题标志着他的学习水平的高低和能力的强弱。从学生学习化学情况来看,提不出问题或者提不出好的问题,往往成为中学生学习化学过程中的常见问题之一。导致这一问题的原因在于学习过程中基础知识不牢*、不善于抓住事物之间的内在联系和区别、不善于善于观察和思考等。由于这些缺陷的存在,导致许多学生对问题视而不见,无法发现问题。学习过程是一个不断发现问题并在此基础上不断解决问题的循环往复的过程。因此,不会提出(发现)问题也就不能主动学习,从而导致学习水平低下。 发现问题或提出问题是在对事物进行全面观察的基础上,通过分析、比较、正向和逆向思维活动来实现的,它具有一定的方法和途径。下面介绍中学化学学习中常用的一些方法,供同学们学习时参考。 方法一:逆向思考,提出问题 这种方法的具体做法是对某些化学事实从反向进行思考,改变某一或某些化学事实的叙述方式,变正向叙述为逆向叙述为逆向叙述,从逆向提出问题。例如,《序言》中提到:在化学变化中常伴随放热、发光、变色、放出气体等现象的发生。在学习过程中,我们可以从逆向的角度提出“伴随放热、发光、变色、放出气体等现象的发生的反应是否一定为化学变化,”问题。 法二:觉察异常,发现问题 used in the gray primary elevation on bread, about the size of 50mm square, vertical and horizontal spacing by about 1.5M. To ash cakes after water will not collapse, then brushing with water/cement ratio for 0.4~0.5 at the grass-roots of cement slurry with layers, start paving mortar, if ash cakes has hardened, with mortar laying with leveling and knocking ash cake, filled with mortar. With Darby ash cake height mortar, scrape, rub wood trowel flat. Wooden trowel evenly back operation. Depending on the temperature level the screed is complete 24h, begin to water conservation, water per day and three days before 2~4, watered every day and night 1~2, curing time of not less than 7d. Required pavement surface should not have cracks, peeling, pitted and phenomena such as sand, skirting works closely with wall stickers ... Spike access fee, so as not to destroy the waterproof layer. Strengthen the quality inspection of onion part during the construction, highlighting the ground onion, drain, drain, sanitary ware and other peripheral waterproof layer must not touch losses component shall not be modified. (F) the exterior Windows of Windows and doors project this project uses aluminum alloy Windows, residential entry door to door, other doors installed by the owners themselves. Window and door installation position: outside the door in the wall, outside the window in the wall. 1, preparation: after installation 该方法通过观察某一事物或某一过程中的“异常点”,从而有针对地提出问题。由于“异常点”中往往隐含许多问题,于是,学习过程中要善于抓住异常之处发现问题。例如,在日常生活中,用容器盛装固体物质,容器的口总是向上的,而《序言》[实验4]中,盛装固体碱式碳酸铜的试管其管口却是要略微向下倾斜,这是为什么, 方法三:善于对比,发现问题 化学事实往往存在相同或相异的地方,学习过程中要善于对不同的事物或化学事实进行对比,通过比较事物间的不同提出有关问题。氧气和臭氧均为只有氧元素组成的单质,那么,“它们是否属于同中物质,其性质是否一样,”又如,在氢气还原氧化铜的实验中氢气必须“早通迟撤”,而酒精灯加热却要“迟到早撤”,这是为什么,能否调换顺序, 方法四:穷追不舍,刨根问底 具有某种属性的物质往往有多种,而且某种物质通常具有多种属性(如用途)。课本限于篇幅或其他原因,不可能对有关事物的属性一一加以罗列。学习过程中,应学会穷追不舍,发现问题。如,课本中有谈到“分子是保持物质化学性质的一种微粒”,这里说分子仅是保持物质化学性质的一种微粒。那么,“除了分子之外,还有那些微粒可以保持物质的化学性质呢,” 方法五:联系实际,发现问题 实际生产生活中存在许多化学现象,其中隐含许多化学知识,学习时,要善于联系实际,发现问题。如“油库为何要严禁烟火,”“干燥的夏天为何常见鬼火现象,”等等。 方法六:探求因果,提出问题 抓住事物内部的因果关系,由“果”导“因”或由“因”推“果”。这是常见的发现问题或提出问题的一种方法。我们知道,元素的结构、性质和用途之间存在下列关系: used in the gray primary elevation on bread, about the size of 50mm square, vertical and horizontal spacing by about 1.5M. To ash cakes after water will not collapse, then brushing with water/cement ratio for 0.4~0.5 at the grass-roots of cement slurry with layers, start paving mortar, if ash cakes has hardened, with mortar laying with leveling and knocking ash cake, filled with mortar. With Darby ash cake height mortar, scrape, rub wood trowel flat. Wooden trowel evenly back operation. Depending on the temperature level the screed is complete 24h, begin to water conservation, water per day and three days before 2~4, watered every day and night 1~2, curing time of not less than 7d. Required pavement surface should not have cracks, peeling, pitted and phenomena such as sand, skirting works closely with wall stickers ... Spike access fee, so as not to destroy the waterproof layer. Strengthen the quality inspection of onion part during the construction, highlighting the ground onion, drain, drain, sanitary ware and other peripheral waterproof layer must not touch losses component shall not be modified. (F) the exterior Windows of Windows and doors project this project uses aluminum alloy Windows, residential entry door to door, other doors installed by the owners themselves. Window and door installation position: outside the door in the wall, outside the window in the wall. 1, preparation: after installation 用途 结构 性质 制法 保存 于是,学习过程中,抓住“果”(物质的性质或用途)来探求“因”(物质的结构或性质);或抓住“因”推到事物的“果”。如进行氧气用途的学习时,可以提出“氧气为何可以用于炼铁、航天和气焊,”问题。 方法七:改变概念的内涵和外延,提出问题 化学概念包含内涵和外延两部分。内涵所反应的是事物的本质属性的总和;而外延是指概念的对象范围。如“单质”和“分子”的概念其内涵和外延可以示如下: 概 念 内 涵 外 延 单质是指由同种元素组成的纯净物 同种元素组成 纯净物 分子是保持物质化学性质的一种微粒 物质化学性质 微粒 通过改变概念的内涵或外延,可以提问:(1)“由同种元素组成的物质属于单质”;(2)“分子是保持物质性质的一种微粒”。这两种说法是否正确, 上面介绍七种常见的发现问题或提出问题的途径,掌握这些途径,将有助于发现问题。希望同学们在学习过程中善于利用以上途径,经常问一问、想一想,努力提高学习能力。 三:学会加工 加工,指的是对所感知的事物通过特殊的思维方法对获取(感知)的饿信息进行处理的过程,其目的在于是新知识与已有的知识取得联系,增进对新知识的理解。加工在学习过程中发挥着重要的作用,是高效获取知识的基本条件之一。 对信息加工的重要方法有:1)类比法;2)比较法;3)质疑等。在学习过程中必须学会这些策略,从而顺利实现知识的学习和掌握。那used in the gray primary elevation on bread, about the size of 50mm square, vertical and horizontal spacing by about 1.5M. To ash cakes after water will not collapse, then brushing with water/cement ratio for 0.4~0.5 at the grass-roots of cement slurry with layers, start paving mortar, if ash cakes has hardened, with mortar laying with leveling and knocking ash cake, filled with mortar. With Darby ash cake height mortar, scrape, rub wood trowel flat. Wooden trowel evenly back operation. Depending on the temperature level the screed is complete 24h, begin to water conservation, water per day and three days before 2~4, watered every day and night 1~2, curing time of not less than 7d. Required pavement surface should not have cracks, peeling, pitted and phenomena such as sand, skirting works closely with wall stickers ... Spike access fee, so as not to destroy the waterproof layer. Strengthen the quality inspection of onion part during the construction, highlighting the ground onion, drain, drain, sanitary ware and other peripheral waterproof layer must not touch losses component shall not be modified. (F) the exterior Windows of Windows and doors project this project uses aluminum alloy Windows, residential entry door to door, other doors installed by the owners themselves. Window and door installation position: outside the door in the wall, outside the window in the wall. 1, preparation: after installation 么,在学习过程中如何类比、比较和质疑呢, 第一、学会类比 类比是根据两类或两个事物之间某些属性上的相同或相识所作出的一种推断。这是加工的重要方法。它既可使抽象的内容具体化、形象化。也可使陌生的事物熟悉化,从而实现对新知识的掌握。这种方法在学习中广泛地得到应用。如在高一学习卤族元素极其化合物性质知识时,抓住该元素所具有的共同特征:核外最外层电子数相同,均为7个,从而类推出它们的单质及化合物在化学性质上具有与Cl2与及其化合物相似的化学性质,从而顺利实现卤素其他元素对应单质及其化合物性质的学习。这里应该注意的是:1)要考虑不同事物之间的可比性。即善于发现事物相同或相似的本质上属性,只有本质上属性相同或相似,才能作出类比;如卤族元素原子最外层电子数相同这一本质属性,为卤族元素及其化合物之间的类比提供基础。2)要注意类比的或然性,正确类比,防止类比的负迁移。换句话说,就是在抓住事物共同属性的同时,也应注意差异性一面。如卤族元素原子最外层电子数相同,但由于其电子层数不一样,因此其化学性质上还是存在一定的差异。例如,不能有Cl+HO==HCl+HClO类推出22 F+HO==HF+HFO等。 22 第二、学会比较 比较是对两种或两种以上易混淆的相关事物进行对比分析的一种常用方法。常用的比较方法有对立比较、差异比较和对照比较等。如在学习氧化还原反应时,氧化和还原、氧化剂和还原剂、氧化产物和还原产物等属于对立的概念,在学习过程中,要抓住这些概念内部间的对立面来比较,以留下深刻的印象,实现记住一个就掌握另一个的一箭双雕的效果。又如对易混淆的同位素、同素异形体、同分异构体、同系物等概念,学习时着重从其定义、特征、使用范围等差异面进行比较,抓住各自的不同点,从而掌握四个概念。要学会比较,关used in the gray primary elevation on bread, about the size of 50mm square, vertical and horizontal spacing by about 1.5M. To ash cakes after water will not collapse, then brushing with water/cement ratio for 0.4~0.5 at the grass-roots of cement slurry with layers, start paving mortar, if ash cakes has hardened, with mortar laying with leveling and knocking ash cake, filled with mortar. With Darby ash cake height mortar, scrape, rub wood trowel flat. Wooden trowel evenly back operation. Depending on the temperature level the screed is complete 24h, begin to water conservation, water per day and three days before 2~4, watered every day and night 1~2, curing time of not less than 7d. Required pavement surface should not have cracks, peeling, pitted and phenomena such as sand, skirting works closely with wall stickers ... Spike access fee, so as not to destroy the waterproof layer. Strengthen the quality inspection of onion part during the construction, highlighting the ground onion, drain, drain, sanitary ware and other peripheral waterproof layer must not touch losses component shall not be modified. (F) the exterior Windows of Windows and doors project this project uses aluminum alloy Windows, residential entry door to door, other doors installed by the owners themselves. Window and door installation position: outside the door in the wall, outside the window in the wall. 1, preparation: after installation 键在于对化学事实进行分析,弄清概念的内涵和外延,发现它们之间的差异。这样做不仅能揭示事物的关键特征,而且还能更加容易掌握新概念的涵义。 第三、学会质疑 质疑就是追问为什么,或者用挑剔的眼光来看待已有的事物,达到对化学事实的深层理解。能否提出问题(或发现问题)往往标志一个人学习水平的高低或学习能力的强弱。要善于质疑、发现问题,必须学会对事物进行全面的观察,并在此基础上,通过分析、比较、正向、逆向思维等活动来实现。它具有一定的途径和方法。常见的途径能和方法有:1)变正向思维为逆向思维,提出问题;2)观察事物的异常点,发现问题;3)对不同事物做对比,发现问题;4)穷追不舍,刨根问底;5)联系实际,大胆质疑;6)探求因果,弄清关系;7)改变概念的内涵和外延,提出问题,等。 四:学会阅读 阅读和观察一样,也是感知化学事实、获取信息的重要方法。会不会阅读、研读到什么程度直接影响到所感知信息量的多少、深浅以及学习效率等。如何才能有效地阅读呢, 第一、学会速读 速读是一目十行的阅读。它主要是为在较短的时间内获取较多的信息。通过速读,对课本知识的内容和逻辑结构作粗步了解,并明确所需感知事物的重点、难点和疑点等,为精读提供“物质基础”。速读的技巧主要有:(1)意群扫描试阅读。这种阅读并不是以字或词为单位进行阅读,而是以意群为单位进行阅读,掌握化学事实基本意思即可。(2)浏览。即对全文粗略阅读,达到对内容的大体了解或整体认识为目的。(3)跳度。即对自己所要了解的特定内容进行阅读,以便搜寻特定信息或捕捉重点。对于速读,可以节约大量时间,可以提高获取知识的效率。但速读有许多不足的地方。如跳读,used in the gray primary elevation on bread, about the size of 50mm square, vertical and horizontal spacing by about 1.5M. To ash cakes after water will not collapse, then brushing with water/cement ratio for 0.4~0.5 at the grass-roots of cement slurry with layers, start paving mortar, if ash cakes has hardened, with mortar laying with leveling and knocking ash cake, filled with mortar. With Darby ash cake height mortar, scrape, rub wood trowel flat. Wooden trowel evenly back operation. Depending on the temperature level the screed is complete 24h, begin to water conservation, water per day and three days before 2~4, watered every day and night 1~2, curing time of not less than 7d. Required pavement surface should not have cracks, peeling, pitted and phenomena such as sand, skirting works closely with wall stickers ... Spike access fee, so as not to destroy the waterproof layer. Strengthen the quality inspection of onion part during the construction, highlighting the ground onion, drain, drain, sanitary ware and other peripheral waterproof layer must not touch losses component shall not be modified. (F) the exterior Windows of Windows and doors project this project uses aluminum alloy Windows, residential entry door to door, other doors installed by the owners themselves. Window and door installation position: outside the door in the wall, outside the window in the wall. 1, preparation: after installation 只能获得自己所需的内容,对化学事实的整体概貌无法搞清;又如浏览,无法获取化学事实背后隐含的深层的东西,仅能获取知识的概貌。象采用浏览方式预习《盐类的水解》内容时,仅可以初步了解教材的主要内容:1)盐类水解的概念和实质;2)强碱弱酸盐、强酸弱减盐的水解情况;3)盐类水解的应用;等等。 第二、学会精读 精读一般是建立在速读的基础上的更进一步的阅读。其目的在于研究速读过程中所感知的化学事实的重点、难点和疑点等,深化对本节知识内容和逻辑结构的理解和掌握。精读的主要策略是学会聚焦。所谓聚焦,是指在阅读时抛开冗余信息和枝节信息,而是把注意力集中在有效的信息上来。如在阅读《盐类的水解》时,通过速读,明确本节内容的重点在于盐类水解的实质上。于是,在此基础上把注意力聚焦在这一内容上,深入研究课本中相关段落的内容,从而概括出盐类水解的实质。在化学学习过程中,对于所有的重点知识如化学概念、原理等的阅读,都必须做到精读。对这些内容所涉及的字、词、句甚至段等都要精研细读,反复推敲,从而掌握所学内容的精髓。如分子的概念:“分子是保持物质化学性质的一种微粒”。“一种微粒”是概念的外延,“保持物质化学性质”是概念的内涵。学习时,要特别注意分子保持的是化学性质,而不是物理性质;同时分子仅是保持物质化学性质的一种微粒,不是所有能保持化学性质的微粒都是分子,也可能是原子等,明确这些对化学的深入学习很重要。 第三、读思结合 阅读教材,仅停留在“读”的基础上是不够的,只“读”不“思”,仅能获得化学事实的表象知识,而对于深深隐含在表象内部的、深层次的知识往往就无法感知,从而影响对化学事实的全面深刻的感知。因此,要边读边思,注意对表象的知识进行大胆的质疑、提出问题、多问“为什么、是什么、怎么样”,将表象的知识与相关的化学概念、used in the gray primary elevation on bread, about the size of 50mm square, vertical and horizontal spacing by about 1.5M. To ash cakes after water will not collapse, then brushing with water/cement ratio for 0.4~0.5 at the grass-roots of cement slurry with layers, start paving mortar, if ash cakes has hardened, with mortar laying with leveling and knocking ash cake, filled with mortar. With Darby ash cake height mortar, scrape, rub wood trowel flat. Wooden trowel evenly back operation. Depending on the temperature level the screed is complete 24h, begin to water conservation, water per day and three days before 2~4, watered every day and night 1~2, curing time of not less than 7d. Required pavement surface should not have cracks, peeling, pitted and phenomena such as sand, skirting works closely with wall stickers ... Spike access fee, so as not to destroy the waterproof layer. Strengthen the quality inspection of onion part during the construction, highlighting the ground onion, drain, drain, sanitary ware and other peripheral waterproof layer must not touch losses component shall not be modified. (F) the exterior Windows of Windows and doors project this project uses aluminum alloy Windows, residential entry door to door, other doors installed by the owners themselves. Window and door installation position: outside the door in the wall, outside the window in the wall. 1, preparation: after installation 原理、规律等知识密切联系起来,并对知识进行归纳,对比深化,确保深入全面的掌握。例如,在阅读初中有关氧化反应内容时,课本在列出硫、铁、碳等与氧气反应后,提出“我们把物质与氧发生的化学反应叫做氧化反应”。在这里为什么指“与氧反应”而不说“与氧气反应”,“氧”是否就是氧气,如果不是,那么“氧”指的是那些物质等,如果能够这样深入去分析,就能更加深入地掌握氧化反应的概念。 此外,阅读的同时要兼顾动笔,作好读书笔记,阅读过程中所提炼出来的内容如教材的逻辑结构、重点内容、难点内容和疑点内容以及学习体会(如突破难点的方法、有哪些创新的记忆方法等),以利于下阶段的学习。 五:化学课本空白栏的利用 打开高中新版化学课本,同学们立刻会发现:课本中的每页被明显地分成左右两个部分,其中一部分印刷着章节的正文内容,其面积约占书页的三分之二;另一部分则印着与正文相配套的注释、插图等内容,约占书页面积的三分之一。由于注释、插图等辅助性内容的篇幅总是有限的,因此在此部分中留出了大量的空白。要明确编书者留出这些空白并不是浪费,而是旨在通过同学科学、合理、有效地加以应用,使空白处成为同学们发挥才能的自由空间,从而提高学习效率、发展学习。然而,从过去课本使用情况来看,很多同学并不能很好地加以利用,甚至有些同学在空白处信手涂鸦、胡乱地写些与学习毫无关系的内容,使空白栏失去应有的作用。下面和同学谈谈空白栏空间的使用。 1、利用空白栏记录预习时的疑点 化学是在分子、原子水平上研究物质的组成、结构、性质及其变化规律的,客观上决定了其内容的抽象性。因此,作好课前预习便成为学好化学的前提。由于化学内容的抽象性,因此在预习过程中总回used in the gray primary elevation on bread, about the size of 50mm square, vertical and horizontal spacing by about 1.5M. To ash cakes after water will not collapse, then brushing with water/cement ratio for 0.4~0.5 at the grass-roots of cement slurry with layers, start paving mortar, if ash cakes has hardened, with mortar laying with leveling and knocking ash cake, filled with mortar. With Darby ash cake height mortar, scrape, rub wood trowel flat. Wooden trowel evenly back operation. Depending on the temperature level the screed is complete 24h, begin to water conservation, water per day and three days before 2~4, watered every day and night 1~2, curing time of not less than 7d. Required pavement surface should not have cracks, peeling, pitted and phenomena such as sand, skirting works closely with wall stickers ... Spike access fee, so as not to destroy the waterproof layer. Strengthen the quality inspection of onion part during the construction, highlighting the ground onion, drain, drain, sanitary ware and other peripheral waterproof layer must not touch losses component shall not be modified. (F) the exterior Windows of Windows and doors project this project uses aluminum alloy Windows, residential entry door to door, other doors installed by the owners themselves. Window and door installation position: outside the door in the wall, outside the window in the wall. 1, preparation: after installation 遇到这样或那样的问题,而这些问题往往又是学习的重点或难点内容。这就要求同学们在预习过程中善于把这些问题提炼出来,并记录于课本相应内容的空白栏处,以便在上课时带着这些问题认真倾听教师的讲解,回里哟内个空余时间和同学讨论、查找资料等。因此,在空白处作好预习疑点的记录,能为提高听课的目的性、学习的自觉性起相当重要的作用。 2、利用空白栏记录老师讲授的重点和所得到的启迪 听课是学习的重要环节,是获取知识的主要途径。因此,学习时要认真听课。特别是要带着预习过程中存在的问题有计划、有侧重地听课。在听课过程中,要很好地利用课本的空白做好记录。记录的要点主要有:(1)老师上课时所讲的重点知识;(2)老师分析问题、解决问题、突破难点的思路和方法;(3)老师在实验过程中所强调的现象、结论和有关注意事项。此外,还要记录听课过程中受到的启发、闪现的灵感以及发现的新问题等。记录下这些内容将为课后的复习与研究、归纳与总结带来极大的方便。 3、利用空白栏记录课外补充材料 学习过程总不免要阅读适量的教学参考资料,以帮助消化所学的内容、增强对知识的理解和掌握。一本好的参考资料总会在以下一个或几个方面作深入细致的剖析:(1)教材的重点和难点;(2)知识点间的联系网络;(3)学习方法;(4)典型例题剖析;(5)知识的延伸和拓展等。这些内容中总有一些往往是教材所无法包含或所未直接给出、教师授课所无法涉及的。因而,在研读这些内容时,应及时把有价值的东西在教材相应的空白位置中予以记录,以便复习时总结与提高。 4、利用空白栏作好学习总结 作好总结是构建知识网络、提高对知识的运用与记忆的有效手段,也是进一步学习的前提和保障。学习时要注意运用好空白栏作好used in the gray primary elevation on bread, about the size of 50mm square, vertical and horizontal spacing by about 1.5M. To ash cakes after water will not collapse, then brushing with water/cement ratio for 0.4~0.5 at the grass-roots of cement slurry with layers, start paving mortar, if ash cakes has hardened, with mortar laying with leveling and knocking ash cake, filled with mortar. With Darby ash cake height mortar, scrape, rub wood trowel flat. Wooden trowel evenly back operation. Depending on the temperature level the screed is complete 24h, begin to water conservation, water per day and three days before 2~4, watered every day and night 1~2, curing time of not less than 7d. Required pavement surface should not have cracks, peeling, pitted and phenomena such as sand, skirting works closely with wall stickers ... Spike access fee, so as not to destroy the waterproof layer. Strengthen the quality inspection of onion part during the construction, highlighting the ground onion, drain, drain, sanitary ware and other peripheral waterproof layer must not touch losses component shall not be modified. (F) the exterior Windows of Windows and doors project this project uses aluminum alloy Windows, residential entry door to door, other doors installed by the owners themselves. Window and door installation position: outside the door in the wall, outside the window in the wall. 1, preparation: after installation 总结工作。在进行课后复习时,要学会用简明的语言对本章节所学的内容做简要总结,并把总结语言记录于空白处,便于记忆。在单元或某些章节副系时,要对前后知识进行归纳整理,找出异同、提炼规律、形成知识网络,记录于单元或章节空白栏处,便于知识的提取与运用。在学习一段时间后,对学习方法也要不断加以总结,总结经验教训,提出注意事项和今后努力方向等,把这些内容记录与某显要的位置,便于今后学习参照。 化学学习过程中如能按上述要求科学、合理地使用好课本的空白栏做详实的记录,那么,你的课本将成为一本内容丰富,实用性强的“百科全书”,为将来的复习、备考带来极大的方便。 附:绝招 1、你必须记一些知识。化学是文科性质非常浓的理科。记忆力在化学上的作用最明显。不去记,注定考试不及格~因为化学与英语类似,很多知识是记下来的,有的甚至没法去问为什么。但是,只记,也是难以及格~因为化学毕竟是理科,有些知识如果理解了,是没有必要去刻意地死记硬背的。有些知识如果不理解,简直没法记住。 2、找一个小本本,专一记录自己不会的,以备考试前强化记忆。只用问你一个问题:明天就考试化学,今天你还想复习一下化学,你复习什么,对了,只用看一下你的小本本即可。正所谓:“考场一分钟,平时十年功~”“处处留心皆学问。”“好记性不如烂笔头。”考前复习,当然要复习平时自己易错的知识点和没有弄清楚的方法,而这些都应当在你的小本本上才是~考试作弊是非法的,但是,考试之前看一看自己准备的“作弊材料”是合法的。希望你能领悟这一点。 3、把平时做过的题,分类做记号,以备考试前有选择地再看一眼,要重视前车之鉴,防止“一错再错”。与“小本本”的作用相同。只是不用再抄写一遍,节约时间,多做一些其它的题。 used in the gray primary elevation on bread, about the size of 50mm square, vertical and horizontal spacing by about 1.5M. To ash cakes after water will not collapse, then brushing with water/cement ratio for 0.4~0.5 at the grass-roots of cement slurry with layers, start paving mortar, if ash cakes has hardened, with mortar laying with leveling and knocking ash cake, filled with mortar. With Darby ash cake height mortar, scrape, rub wood trowel flat. Wooden trowel evenly back operation. Depending on the temperature level the screed is complete 24h, begin to water conservation, water per day and three days before 2~4, watered every day and night 1~2, curing time of not less than 7d. Required pavement surface should not have cracks, peeling, pitted and phenomena such as sand, skirting works closely with wall stickers ... Spike access fee, so as not to destroy the waterproof layer. Strengthen the quality inspection of onion part during the construction, highlighting the ground onion, drain, drain, sanitary ware and other peripheral waterproof layer must not touch losses component shall not be modified. (F) the exterior Windows of Windows and doors project this project uses aluminum alloy Windows, residential entry door to door, other doors installed by the owners themselves. Window and door installation position: outside the door in the wall, outside the window in the wall. 1, preparation: after installation
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