

2012-12-13 50页 ppt 207KB 16阅读




从容不迫迎高考null从容不迫迎高考 ——2011年高考第一轮复习从容不迫迎高考 ——2011年高考第一轮复习金华市教研室 诸才章null一、高考篇 二、词汇篇 三、阅读篇 四、写作篇 五、技巧篇 六、复习篇null一、你了解高考吗? 命题趋势及分析命题趋势及分析 命题原则: 突出语境 强调语篇 注重语用 null 命题特点: 一、语言更功能化和情景化 二、语言更现代、更符合惯用法, 内容更体现英语国家文化 三、内容更贴近现代人生活、反 映现代社会问题和...
null从容不迫迎高考 ——2011年高考第一轮复习从容不迫迎高考 ——2011年高考第一轮复习金华市教研室 诸才章null一、高考篇 二、词汇篇 三、阅读篇 四、写作篇 五、技巧篇 六、复习篇null一、你了解高考吗? 命题趋势及分析命题趋势及分析 命题原则: 突出语境 强调语篇 注重语用 null 命题特点: 一、语言更功能化和情景化 二、语言更现代、更符合惯用法, 内容更体现英语国家文化 三、内容更贴近现代人生活、反 映现代社会问题和科技成果 四、文体更实用 null 命题依据 根据普通高等学校对新生文化素质的要求,依据教育部颁发的《普通高中英语课程(实验)》,参照《普通高等学校招生全国统一考试大纲(课程标准实验版)》和浙江省教育厅颁发的《浙江省普通高中新课程实验英语学科教学指导意见》,并考虑中学教学实际,制定本学科考试内容。null考试说明: 词汇表 语法项目表 功能意念项目表 话题项目表null 二、 词汇复习 分门别类 举一反三 周而复始 循序渐进 null分门别类:按主题分类积累单词 举一反三:同义词、近义词 周而复始:多轮次、多渠道 循序渐进:识记、运用、陌生、一词多义、一词多词性null 部分省市《考试说明》《考试大纲》词汇量要求 全国考试大纲: 2000。 新课标:3500。 广东:2000。 陕西:2800。 安徽:3500。 天津:3000。 江苏:3500。 海南:3219。 福建:3260。 湖北:3193。 辽宁:3500。 北京:3500---3600。null浙江省《考试说明》词汇目标 2008年:2055词。 2009年:2500词。 2010年:2600词 2011年:… … 三年目标:3000词。null 你认识这些单词吗? account,accurate,acknowledge ,aggressive,absolutely,album,ambition,analysis,ancestor,annual,appropriate,appetite,applaud,approve,avenue,awkward,bless,brochure,budget, candidate,casual,calculate,cafeteria,campaign,civilization,command,complex,comparison,confirm,considerate,consult,contrast,convince,cautious,companion,consequence,criminalnullconflict,currency,cushion,decline,deserve,discount,distribute,distinguish,diverse,embarrass,explore,enterprise,enthusiastic fierce,fountain,garlic,gallery,identity,imply,indicate,innocent,insurance,intelligent,journal,justice,latter,minority,multiple,output,overlook,pattern,permanent,phenomenon,potential,profit,range,refund,ridiculous,scholar,severe,sensitive,shrink ,sneeze,solution,sour ,submit,swell,unique,witnessnull你能说出这些单词的词性和意思吗? about, address, approach, arm, association, beat,block, board, break, capital, case, cause, charge, content, desert, direct, just, lift, live, long, make, march , master, measure, mine, notice, object, order, patient, plant, point, present, press, pretty, regard, round, . Score, sentence, set, ship, sign, sort, spare, square, stand, state, stick, still, store, strike, study, suit, tear, though, touch, treat, turn, type, very, wave, will, wondernull三、What to read? How to read?null 课程标准的要求:八级(高三) 1.能识别不同文体的特征; 2.能通过分析句子结构理解难句和长句; 3.能理解阅读材料中不同的观点和态度; 4.能根据学习任务的需要从多种媒体中获取信息并进行加工处理; 5.能在教师的帮助下欣赏浅显的英语文学作品; 6.除教材外,课外阅读量应累计达到30万字。null浙江省的高考要求 本部分共分两节,测试考生的英语阅读理解能力,要求考生能够读懂书、报、杂志、网络中关于一般性话题的简短文段以及公告、说明、广告等(生词量不超过3%),并能从中获取相关信息。 考生应能: (1)理解主旨和要义; (2)理解文中具体信息; (3)根据上下文推断生词的词义; (4)作出判断和推理; (5)理解文章的基本结构; (6)理解作者的意图、观点和态度。null浙江卷2005-2010年阅读理解考点分布: null浙江卷2005-2010年阅读理解部分总阅读量null2005-2010年阅读理解难度系数比较: null 阅读理解攻关:“三量” 词汇量:3500词; 阅读量:35万词, 1000篇350余词的短文; 阅读质量:“五读俱全”。What is reading?What is reading? Intensive reading & Extensive reading Silent reading & Oral reading Reading & Reading Skills Reading & Reading comprehension ----Longman Dictionary of Language Teaching & Applied Linguistics null Read for What?   1. Read for information 2. Read for language 3. Read for writing 4. Read for culture 5. Read for speaking四、How to write well?四、How to write well?null 浙江省高考写作要求 (09)本部分共分两节,测试考生的语言知识和书面表达能力,要求考生根据提示完成所规定的任务。考生应能: (1)准确使用语法和词汇; (2)使用一定的句型、词汇,清楚地表达自己的意见。 (10) (1)清楚、连贯地传递信息,表达意思; (2)有效运用所学语言知识 2009年作文得分情况2009年作文得分情况(全省平均14.8分)null 得分 0分: 2.6%; 1-6分 (第一档):9.2%; 7-12分 (第二档):16.67%; 13-18分(第三档):36.75%; 19-24分(第四档):24.58%; 25-30分(第五档):1.9%.。 18分以上(包括18分): 26.48% 18分以下: 73.52% 13分以下(包括13分):44.4% 仅占1.9%的第五档中,1.1%的分数集中在25分。 null写作能力的培养 Process Writing 1. 罗列关键词(Listing) 2.打草稿(Drafting) 3.修正稿(Revising) 4. 定稿(Editing)null 最近,你所在的城市就中学生网上交友问题展开了一次民意调查。调查结果显示,不同的观点并存。请你根据以下表格内容和要求,为当地报纸的英文栏目撰写一篇报道文章,并加以评论。 null Checking Time I have checked for the end punctuation. I have checked for the capital letters. I have checked for each verb in its correct form. I have checked for the correct form of each noun. I have checked for the completeness of each sentence. I have made a new paragraph for each new topic.null书面表达(三阶段) 1.对! 2.好!! 3.妙!!!null当他听到这个消息,他非常高兴.When he heard the news, he was very happy.Hearing the news, he was very happy.Hearing the news, he was full of happiness.Hearing the news, he was full of joy.Hearing the news, he was wild with joy.nullSome people think it is good to make friends on line. Some people think it a good way to make on-line friends.Some people approve of the way to make on-line friends. It is easy to make a lot of friends.It helps students to make more friends.It makes it more convenient for students to make friends on a larger scale. nullStudents needn’t worry when they are talking about themselves. It allows students to express their thoughts freely. Students are free to express their thoughts.Students can have a chance to learn foreign languages. It is a good chance to learn foreign languages.Students can learn some foreign languages at the same time. nullIt will waste a lot of time. A lot of time will be wasted. It is a waste of time. It is not good for students’ study.It will have some bad effect on students’ study.It may affect students’ study. nullStudents may be cheated by their on-line friends. Students may get cheated on line. I think it is good for us to make friends on line. As far as I am concerned, it is good for us to make friends on line. Personally, we can benefit from making on-line friends.nullRecently more and more students make friends on line. In recent years more and more students make on-line friends. Nowadays it has become more and more popular to make on-line friends among students.Different people have different opinions. There are different opinions among people.People take diverse attitudes. nullOthers think it is not good to make friends on line. Some other people don’t agree to it.Some other people hold the opinion that making friends on line has a negative influence on students. We must be careful when we choose our friends. .We must be careful when choosing our friends.We can never be too cautions to choose our friendsnullNowadays it has become more and more popular to make on-line friends among students. People take diverse attitudes. Some people approve of the way to make friends. It makes it more convenient for students to make friends on a larger scale. Students are free to express their thoughts. Students can learn some foreign languages at the same time. Some other people hold the opinion that making friends on line has a negative influence on students. It is a waste of time. It may affect students’ study. Students may get cheated on line. Personally, we can benefit from making on-line friends. We can never be too cautions to choose our friends.null常用过渡词 并列关系:and, as well as, also… 递进关系:besides, and then, what’s more… 转折关系:but, yet, however, although, otherwise, or, instead of, … 时间顺序:while, when, soon after, before, finally, first, then, next, as soon as … 比较、对比:like, unlike, on the other hand… 总结: in a word, in short, above all, after all… 进一步阐述:in other words, that is to say, for example, such as … 因果关系:as a result, so, thus, therefore…null In recent years it has become more and more popular among students to make on-line friends, to which people take diverse attitudes. Some people approve of the way to make friends. First, it makes it more convenient for students to make friends on a larger scale. Second, it allows students to express their thoughts freely. Besides, students can learn some foreign languages at the same time. However, some other people hold the view that making friends on line has a negative influence on students. Not only is it a waste of time, but also it may affect students’ study. In addition, students may get cheated on line. Personally, we can benefit from making on-line friends. But remember, we can never be too cautious to choose our friends. (129 words)null一篇好文章包含: 1. 含盖所有信息 2. 表达通顺、流畅 3. 行文连贯、逻辑性强 4. 用词地道、老练 5. 句型丰富、多变 null高分作文基本特点 前提:完成试题所有任务。 (1)覆盖所有内容要点; (2)运用较多的语法结构(名词性,状语从句,定语从句,非谓语动词,倒装句)与词汇(高级词汇和高级句型,语言地道,语法错误少,有亮点等; (3)思路清晰,有效地使用语句间的连接成分,使全文结构紧凑; (4)语法结构与词汇方面有些许错误,但为尽量使用较复杂结构或较高级词汇,具备较强的语言运用能力。 原则:完整性,条理性,准确性,流畅性,丰富性,思想性, 美观性。null书面表达最忌: (1)字(字迹潦草 ,字迹不清)。 (2) 不分段(分段是为了文章更清晰,至少要分成两段)。 (3)低级错误(句子开头不大写,标点符号不正确,主谓不一致,时态不一致,词性变化不正确,单词拼写错误等)。 (4)词汇堆砌(整篇几乎无完整句子,一塌糊涂,某个词汇过频重复使用)。 null 假设你是李华,在美国探亲。你的目击一起交通事故,警察局让你写一份材料,当时所见情况。 内容要点:  1. 时间:2010年9月18日早晨7点15分;  2. 地点:公园路公园门前;  3. 我正沿公园路向东走;  4. 一辆汽车从第3街向右拐,驶入公园路时撞倒了一位过街的老人;  5. 汽车未停,沿公园路向西开走; 6. 汽车是黄色的,车牌号是AC864,司机是一位女性。  null It was 7:15 on the morning of Sep. 18,2010. I was walking along Park Road towards the east when an elderly man came out of the park on the other side of the street. Then I saw a yellow car drive up Third Street and make a right turn into Park Road. The next moment the car hit the man while he was crossing the road. He fell with a cry. The car didn't stop but drove off at great speed heading west. I noticed the driver was a young woman and the plate number was AC864. About two minutes later I stopped a passing car and took the old man to the nearest hospital. null At 7:15 a.m. on the morning of April 21th,2010,I was heading east on the south side of the Park Road,taking my morning walk as usual. I saw an old man on the other side of the road outside the gate of the City Park. He was just crossing the street when a car on the 3rd Street made a sudden right turn at the crossing. The car was so fast that the old man even didn’t have time to dodge and the car hit the elderly hard. I thought the driver would have stopped to help,but she didn’t. Instead,she just drove off,leaving the old man still lying on the ground in pain. Fortunately,I noted down the details:it was a yellow car,the plate number of which was AC864,and the driver was a young lady. After that,I went over to check out the old man. null五、技巧篇:解题必备的技巧 1.单选 2.完形 3.阅读 4. 改错 5.写作null单选(三合一) 1.逻辑意思 2.语法结构 3.固定搭配null完形填空(三步曲) 1.通读全文 2.顾及全文 3.讲述全文null  阅读理解(四把握) 1.先看题目,后读文章 2.找准信息,去伪存真 3.立足短文,杜绝主观 4.把握时间,先易后难null 短文改错(三判断) 1. 判断句子结构的完整性 2. 判断句子成分的正确性 3. 判断篇章结构的逻辑性null书面表达(三阶段) 1.对! 2.好!! 3.妙!!!null六、复习篇:高三复习的总思路 1.夯实基础知识,注重能力培养。 2.掌握基本语法,把握深度难度。 3.熟悉语言特点,加强词汇教学。 4.合理分配时间,完善解题技巧。 5.研究三本大纲,领会个中精神。 6.牢记课程标准,实现课程目标。null 目标:提高综合素质能力   综合语言运用能力的形成建立在语言技能、语言知识、情感态度、学习策略和文化意识等素养整合发展的基础上。null语言技能和语言知识是语言运用能力的基础; 情感态度是影响学生学习和发展的重要因素; 学习策略是提高学习效率、发展自主学习能力的先决条件; 文化意识是得体运用语言的保障。什么是复习?什么是复习?复习不是教学的全部,而是教学的组成部分。 “复”习不是简单的重复,而是合理的梳理。 复“习”不是盲目的做题,而是的温习。 复习不是全面的突进,而是渐进的螺旋。复习什么?复习什么? “复” 梳理学生 梳理高考 梳理考纲 梳理语言 “习” 选择材料 积极练习 总结反馈 调整指导 选择材料null如何提高复习效率 一、要有计划性   高三英语总复习时间短、任务重,作为教师一定要认真学习和研究课程标准、考试大纲和教学指导意见,分析命题方向,制定一个详细的复习计划。针对学生实际情况,统筹安排复习时间与内容,有计划、有步骤地进行复习,做到有的放矢,切忌随意性和盲目性,这样才能使复习课有良好的收效。 null二、要有针对性   复习并非要求面面俱到,各个方面,各个细节都作深入讲解;而应针对考点,教材的重点,分析了解学生的薄弱点,有针对性地安排复习内容进行复习,特别是对学生平时容易混淆的,要加大复习力度。 null三、要有综合性   在复习中,对每个语言点,一定要进行横向或纵向综合,使学生在脑海中,对这个语言点形成一个知识网络,有一个全面的整体认识,同时,也可培养学生良好的学习和思维习惯。   在复习中,全面、整体地对语言知识进行综合分析,有利于培养学生的发散性思维,让他们在发现中思索,在思索中提高,在提高中运用,也有利于提高复习效果。 null四、要有归纳性   复习中,一定要让学生对已获得的知识进行归纳,使之在大脑中形成知识结构与框架,这样既便于记忆,也可加深对知识的理解,特别是对一些带有规律性的知识,使学生能举一反三,灵活运用。 null五、要有创造性   教师要调动学生主动的参与性,让学生自己发现问题,提出问题,并在教师的点拨和启发下,自己解决问题。让他们在观察比较、分析综合中有目的地思考、学习,通过与规律的掌握,更进一步地开展创造性学习,并且运用于实践。null一、复习课重点在“习”上  英语复习课可以分为单元复习、期中复习和期末复习等,根据复习的内容又可分专项复习课(即一堂课主要复习一个内容)和综合复习课(即一堂课复习两个以上的内容)。但无论是专项复习还是综合复习,教师在复习中都要本着交际性和实践性的原则,认真组织课堂操练材料,提高单位时间内的复习效率。复习课同其它课程一样,形式是多样的。  null二、注意重复复习和变换复习的交替进行    重复复习主要指依靠机械性的大量训练,它起强化记忆痕迹的作用;变换复习主要是依靠联想进行以理解为主的知识积累和迁移的训练。在这两种复习中都含有机械记忆和理解记忆的成份,因此,在复习时应将交替进行。如对特殊动词的过去式和过去分词、语法规则、单词、重要句型等需要进行以机械性训练为主的重复复习,但也要结合以理解为主的变换复习,巩固机械记忆的效果。null三、把握好复习内容的密度、广度和深度。    复习课是强化记忆、巩固知识、培养技能技巧的课型,要注意复习内容的密度、广度和深度。同时,要选择灵活多样的复习方法,广泛地、多角度地引发学生的联想,使所要复习内容的内在联系呈现在学生面前,使复习课上得紧凑活泼,收到应有的效果。教师必须先熟悉考纲,按照要求来衡量所复习的语法及语言点在本单元、本册及整个教学内容中所占的比重,在复习时真正做到重点突出、难点突破、语言点不漏。 null四、复习不能搞“一言堂”,让学生成为学习的 真正主人。   让学生在复习课上真真地动起来。训练思维,培养语感。在做中学。教师不要代替学生去做事。要留给学生思考的时间,回味的空间。让学生学好英语,绝不是要他们去死记一些理论知识,而是要让他们在操练中掌握技能技巧。教师要为他们创造诸多展示的机会,深化复习内容,知识的传播和技能的训练也就会有充实和发展。 null五、要注意情感等非智力因素对学习的影响。   教师要帮助学生树立积极向上的情感态度。克服学习中的焦虑倾向。充分调动学生的内在的动机和外在的动机。培养兴趣,增强耐挫力。 null六、帮助学生形成良好的学习策略。   教师要重视对学生学习方法的指导,使学生学会自己走路,会安排学习时间,会设定目标,制定计划,调整学习。教师要针对不同的学习个体制定不同的学习方法。null七、做好选题、编题、改题工作     把握好高考的动向,自始至终把学生的文化素养和素质的提高放在第一位,在“题海”中亲自选择接近高考题型的、适合学生实际水平的、对学生能力的培养有帮助的题。在复习中,教师要查阅相关的资料,参考阅读各种类型的复习题,寻找那些具有综合性、代表性、灵活性和有相对难度的题对学生进行训练,并根据需要对一些题目加以改造,以达到培养学生综合能力和应用技能的目的。 nullTHANK YOU QQ:407977146 E-mail:jhzcz@hotmail.com
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