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书面表达热点素材库书面表达热点素材库(一)校园生活 ◆积极参加校园活动 1. confine sb to 使某人局限于;cultivate/develop interests in 培养……方面的兴趣 We should not confine ourselves to textbooks. Students should cultivate interests in many other things, such as sports, painting, and music. 2. immerse oneself in sth 沉浸...
面表达热点素材库(一)校园生活 ◆积极参加校园活动 1. confine sb to 使某人局限于;cultivate/develop interests in 培养……方面的兴趣 We should not confine ourselves to textbooks. Students should cultivate interests in many other things, such as sports, painting, and music. 2. immerse oneself in sth 沉浸于……之中;step out of one’s comfort zone 走出熟悉的圈子 Students should not immerse themselves in their own worlds. We should step out of our comfort zone, sign up for different school teams and make friends. 3. put painstaking work into sth 全身心投入某事 We put painstaking work into the English-speaking competition. 4. keep in mind 记住……;devote to …投入 I will always keep in mind the enthusiasm with which people devoted to the English drama. 5. impose one’s ideas on sb 将观念强加给某人 No matter how much you think you are right, you should always listen to others’ opinions rather than impose your ideas on them. 6. recruit new members 招募新成员;sign up (for sth) 报名参与 When I found that the school swim team was recruiting new members, I signed up without hesitation. 7. explore 探究;host 主办 In the chemistry club students work together on different experiments, exploring the world of chemistry. The club has hosted many successful events. 8. play an important/active role in …在……中起重要的/积极的作用 Extracurricular (课外的) activities played a very important role in my growth. ◆参加活动的收获 1. out-of-class activities 课外活动;develop/cultivate one’s skills 培养某人的技能 Out-of-class activities help develop students’ social, communication and leadership skills. 2. be popular with 在某个群体中受欢迎;let off some steam 释放压力 Elective courses are always popular with students because they offer the chance to learn something exciting and let off some steam from required courses. 3. exchange ideas with sb 和某人交换意见 Participating in all kinds of school activities is a good way for students to exchange ideas with their peers. 4. quarrels and reconciliations 争吵与和解;cooperation 合作 The quarrels and reconciliations during our cooperation with others teach us how to deal with problems in relationships. 5. relate to 理解;go through 经历 Taking part in class activities will bring all of you closer because you can relate to what each other is going through. 6. provide sb with a platform 为某人提供平台 The volunteer program provides us with a platform to practice and learn. 7. pay off 取得成功,得到好结果 The teenagers’ year of hard work paid off when their revolutionary project helped them win this year’s “Green Your School” competition held by the British Council. 8. fulfilling 感到满足的 I feel like it’s a waste of time to just sit around when I could be doing something that’s fulfilling to me as a person and helps somebody else. 9. share the same passion toward ... 对某事怀有同样的热情 I feel it a great experience to be among peers who share the same passion that I have toward social work. ◆维持校园秩序 1. observe/keep school rules 遵守学校规定;break rules 违反规定 Observing school rules is an obligation for students. If they break the rules, they will be punished. 2. be neatly dressed 穿着整齐;form good habits 养成良好的习惯;wait in line 排队等候 Students should be neatly dressed and form good habits such as waiting in line for their turns. 3. come together 团结起来;take meaningful actions 采取有意义的行动 We have to come together and take meaningful actions to prevent campus violence. 4. knock down 撞倒;get injured 受伤 Some students are knocked down by cars or bikes that are going too fast on campus; others get injured in fights with fellow students. 5. raise safety awareness 提高安全意识;blame sb for sth 为某事而责怪某人;pop up 出现 Every one should raise safety awareness. You can’t just leave everything to the campus guards and blame them for not fulfilling (履行) their duties when problems pop up. 真题解析:假设你是某大学的学生李津,你校英语俱乐部将选举新一届副主席,负责规划、组织俱乐部的相关活动,你欲参选,请按以下提示,写一篇竞选演讲稿。 1. 个人的优势介绍(如性格、特长等) 2. 组织校内的活动的设想(如举办讲座、英语晚会等) 3. 组织校际交流活动的设想(如举办辩论赛、演讲比赛等) 4. 表达当选的愿望。 注意:1. 词数不少于100;2. 请勿提及真实学校名称; 3. 可适当加入细节,以使内容充实、行文连贯;4. 开头、结尾已给出,不计入总词数。 参考词汇:副主席:vice president;竞选:run for Good afternoon, my dear friends, My name is Li Jin. ______________________________________________ … Thank you. 本篇要求考生写一篇竞选演讲稿。人称为第一人称,时态应以一般现在时为主介绍自己的优势,用一般将来时介绍自己对未来英语俱乐部的活动设想。根据提纲所列要点,我们可以确定文章分为五个层次。1. 问候语;2. 围绕英语俱乐部副主席这个角色所需要的性格、特长来介绍自己,如性格外向、善于交往、乐于助人、英语水平好、组织能力强、有社团工作经验等。3. 表达自己参加竞选(run for)的意愿。4. 针对要点提示内容(举办讲座、英语晚会、举办校际辩论赛、演讲比赛)展开介绍。注意要适当交代举办该类活动的目的和意义以使表达完整。 5. 致谢。 Good afternoon, dear friends, My name is Li Jin. Today I’m honored to tell you why I would be the best vice president for our English Club. My academic record, experience and policy goals make me the ideal candidate for this position. My teachers and classmates will tell you that I’m a straight-A student with an especially strong record in English classes. My English knowledge and organizational skills will benefit the club immediately. At the same time, everyone who has worked with me says that I’m a thoughtful and amicable person. You might recall that I led our club’s del egation to Columbia University in New York last year. To thank us for that, Columbia staff have promised me that they’ll sponsor a series of lectures on our campus. But that’s just one of the goals I have for our club’s development. I will also arrange an English gala show, various speech and debate contests and many other events. Friends, I am committed to improving our club through fun, hard work and respect. But I can’t do it without your help. I look forward to hearing your ideas and putting them into action. Thank you. 开篇明确表明自己在学业、经验和组织策划方面具有优势,为后文展开做好铺垫。 作者巧妙处理要点,将自己组织能力的例证和计划中的讲座活动结合起来。此处不定式和定语从句的结合使用是个亮点。 be committed to doing sth表示“致力于某事”。该搭配体现了作者丰富的词汇量,也简洁明了地表达了作者的竞选意愿。 书面表达热点素材库(二)环境保护 ◆环境问题的现状 1. abuse 滥用;lead to 引起,导致 Abusing the land leads to land degradation, which means the land supports fewer and fewer plants and animals. 2. costly 昂贵的,代价高的;address 解决;in the short term 短期内 The main causes of China’s air pollution –the burning of coal and vehicle emissions (排放) –are too costly to effectively address in the short term. 3. reserve 储备,储量;dry up 干涸,枯竭 With the world’s growing population and fast developing economies, the Earth’s water reserves are d rying up fast. 4. in danger of becoming extinct 濒临灭绝;die out 灭绝 The report says that some animal and plant species are in danger of becoming extinct and many are dying out faster than ever before. 5. put …into deep worry 使人深深忧虑;rely on 依靠,依赖 The rising frequency (频率) of smoggy days puts me into deep worry that maybe one day citizens will have to rely on masks to survive. 6. endanger 使……处境危险 Our Earth is endangered by increasingly serious pollution. ◆环境问题的解决方法 1. It’s high time 是时候……;develop one’s sense of 培养……观念 It’s high time young people developed their sense of environmental protection. 2. call on 号召;make full use of 充分利用;on a daily basis 每天 The government called on people to make full use of water. For example, we should recycle used water on a daily basis. 3. shut down 使……关闭;clean up 清理 China is cutting coal use, shutting down polluters and improving fuel quality to clean up the air. 4. take up 开始从事;have a great impact on …对……有重大影响 When we don’t use a house device, turn it off. It’s an easy habit to take up which will have a great impact on environmental sustainability (可持续性). 5. be banned from 被禁止……;break the rules 违反规定 Supermarkets, department stores and groceries should be banned from providing free plastic bags. Anyone who breaks the rules should be punished. 6. be/become aware of 意识到;promote a low-carbon lifestyle 推广低碳生活 Today more and more countries are aware of the importance of environmental protection and promote a low-carbon lifestyle. 7. in addition to除了……;limit限制;promote 提倡;improve改善 In addition to moving away some factories, both private and public cars should be limited and public transportation should be promoted and improved. 8. Only by doing sth can we …只有通过某种方式我们才能做某事 Only by changing the way we treat the environment can we get along well with it. 9. affect society and the environment 对社会和环境产生影响 It is important to let people know how their actions can affect society and the environment. ◆环境保护的重要性 1. there should be no hesitation in 毫不犹豫做…… Earth is something that we all have in common. There should be no hesitation in caring for it. 2. depend on 依靠;conservation 保护 Humanity’s very existence depends on conservation of the environment. 3. sustainable 可持续的;extend 延长 Living a sustainable life can extend Earth’s resources and lower costs for fu ture generations. 4. make a big difference 有巨大差别,产生重大影响 The impact we have on the environment today is making a big difference on the world of future generations. 5. central to 最核心的,至关重要的;life expectancy 预期寿命 Maintaining a healthy environment is central to increasing quality of life and life expectancy. 6. do damage to 损害;put …at stake 将……置于危险之中 Not only do toxins (毒素) in the environment do damage to nature and our planet, but they also put our physical health at stake. 7. by no means 绝不;sacrifice牺牲 By no means should we enjoy ourselves by sacrificing the environment. 8. have much to do with ... 和……有很大关系 Now more and more people are becoming aware that some natural disasters have much to do with what we have done to the Earth. 9. take effective measures采取有效措施;water shortage 水资源短缺 Only if we take effective measures to deal with this problem now can we prevent a real water shortage in the near future. 10. In the long run 从长远来看;it is everyone’s duty to ... ……是每个人的责任 In the long run, it is everyone’s duty to try to save as much water as possible so as to solve the serious problem in our country. 真题解析: 调查显示,中国长江江豚(finless porpoise)受人类活动影响而濒临灭绝,目前总数不足1000只。假设你是李华,现请用英文给WWF(世界自然保护基金组织)写一封信,请他们关注这一状况并提供帮助。内容应包括:●说明写信目的; ●简述江豚现状;●希望WWF如何帮助(比如资助江豚保护项目等); ●表示感谢并期望回复。注意:(1)词数不少于80;(2)在答题卡上作答;(3)书信格式及开头语已给出(不计入总词数)。 Dear Sir or Madam, I’m a student from Chongqing, China. ______________________________ Yours sincerely, Li Hua 一审体裁:本文要求考生给世界自然保护基金组织写一封信,语言应采用正规表达法;二审人称和时态:介绍江豚现状时用第三人称,提出帮助建议时用第二人称,开头结尾段用第一人称,时态以一般现在时为主。三审要点:包括“写信目的,江豚现状,帮助方式,表达感谢和期待”四点。 1. 词汇: human activities, affect, extinction, drop, reduce from …to …, endangered, species, generous donation, give advice about, guide, prevent 2. 句式:As a result of …, the number of them has been reduced greatly from …to …/ It would be of great help if you could …so that …/ I would appreciate it if you could take my suggestion into consideration and reply to me at your earliest convenience. Dear Sir or Madam, I’m a student from Chongqing, China. I’m writing to express my c oncern about the living conditions of the finless porpoise and to appeal for your help in protecting them. Nowadays, due to human activities, the number of finless porpoises living in the Yangtze River has been reduced greatly to less than 1,000. They are on the edge of extinction. Therefore, we would like to get your aid and direction about how to protect them. For example, it would be of great help if you could donate money to a fund so that measures could be taken to change the situation. I would appreciate it if you could take my suggestion into consideration and reply to me at your earliest convenience. Yours sincerely, Li Hua 作者采用了书信常用的三段式结构,内容完整。因书信对象是国际组织,作者使用了较正规的语言,如it would be of great help if you could …; I would appreciate it if you could …等委婉礼貌的用法,很是得体。从内容来看,全文衔接紧密,句与句之间用到了恰当的连接词如:therefore, for example等。高级句式使用方面有被动句、现在分词作定语等,作者还用到了丰富的词组,如:express one’s concern about …, appeal for, on the edge of extinction, take …into consideration, at your earliest convenience等。
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