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唐山陶瓷技校教学楼摘要9唐山陶瓷技校教学楼摘要9 HEBEI UNITED UNIVERSITY 中英文摘要 Abstract 设计题目:唐山陶瓷技校教学楼设计 学生姓名: 徐文文 专业班级: 09土木4班 学 院: 建筑工程学院 指导教师: 陈建伟 副教授 2013年5月31日 摘要 2本建筑是唐山陶瓷技校教学楼设计,建筑层数为五层,建筑面积为4690m。本建筑的抗震设防烈度8度,抗震等级二级,场地类别II类,抗震设防类别丙类,建筑物安全等级二级。场地土类型为中软场地土,最大冻结深度0.6米。地基承载力标准值为180Kpa,...
唐山陶瓷技校教学楼摘要9 HEBEI UNITED UNIVERSITY 中英文摘要 Abstract 设计题目:唐山陶瓷技校教学楼设计 学生姓名: 徐文文 专业班级: 09土木4班 学 院: 建筑工程学院 指导教师: 陈建伟 副教授 2013年5月31日 摘要 2本建筑是唐山陶瓷技校教学楼设计,建筑层数为五层,建筑面积为4690m。本建筑的抗震设防烈度8度,抗震等级二级,场地类别II类,抗震设防类别丙类,建筑物安全等级二级。场地土类型为中软场地土,最大冻结深度0.6米。地基承载力标准值为180Kpa,持力层为粉质粘土,设计使用年限50年。最大降雪深度190mm,最大冰冻深度800mm。在设计时首先是对现状调研,内容包括自然环境条件、人文环境条件、以及收集设计对象的现状信息三个方面。自然环境条件方面需要了解当地的气候条件、是否具有特定的自然地理特征、以及当地特定的地方材料。在设计中力求通风、采光、保温、防水较好,充分提高面积利用率,特别要做好装修采光、消防等方面的工作。 本设计建筑施工图部分采用CAD绘制并出图,结构施工图部分主要采用PKPM结构系列软件设计计算并绘图,施工图部分采用CAD绘制。设计计算说明书采用PKPM结构设计软件的计算结果并经过手算验证。在用PKPM结构设计软件进行设计时步骤如下:首先,用PMCAD模块进行结构模型的建立,再用SAT-8进行结构内力计算,最后,用梁柱施工图软件绘制梁柱的平法施工图,用JCCAD计算并绘制基础施工图,楼梯图采用CAD自行绘制。 本设计依据设计要求、规范和原始资料,运用力学钢筋混凝土、结构力学基本原理及土力学和对材料性质的深刻了解,遵守设计规则,保证建筑结构合理,所有材料的质量和强度合格,良好。 本建筑设计分为两部分:建筑设计、结构设计。 建筑设计采取积极措施来增强建筑物的外表强度和坚固性,给人以心理上的安全感。另外,还要有艺术的美感,要有时代气息。在建筑设计过程中兼顾安全,适用,经济,美观四个原则,并依据建筑设计资料集进行详细说明。总平面设计要求综合总体规划,基地环境等具体条件合理分区,妥善解决平面各组成部分之间的相互关系,选择合适的交通联系方式。并且简捷明快,管理方便,满足人在心理,视觉和其它各种使用上的要求,按照建筑性质,规划和基地,确定平面形式,使布局紧凑,节约用地,并且为立面设计创造有利条件,考虑合理性及经济。,让人更加的舒适。建筑立面设计是满足房屋使用要求和技术经济条件的前提下,运用建筑物造型和里面构图的一些规律,紧密结合平面布置,剖面的内部空间组合条件而进行设计。联系建筑平面及剖面建筑体型组合,运用建筑形式美的一些基本规律,使它在满足使用要求的前提下,适应环境条件,符合美学的基本规律,也更加富有现代气息和艺术的感觉。本设计中,外立面上采用大面积的铝合金门 窗,充分显示框架结构中,框架的特点。外墙采用浅黄色面砖贴面。建筑剖面图是表示建筑物在垂直方向房屋各部分的组合关系,剖面设计主要建筑物各部分应有的高度,建筑物的层数,空间的组合和利用,以及在建筑物剖面中的结构和构造的关系等。 结构体系是钢筋混凝土框架结构,用空心砌块做填充墙。结构设计是使结构物得到足够的强度、刚度和韧性的过程。结构体系选择后,进行荷载分析和强度分析,同时考虑与建筑经济学的关系,把材料制作安装所需成本、所用时间,以及结构使用期间的维修联系起来。 其中计算书部分包括:建筑设计部分,结构设计部分,参考文献等。分别用于指导工程施工。图纸部分包括:建筑施工图,结构施工图。主要参考资料见参考文献内容。 土建结构工程的耐久性与工程的使用寿命相联系,是使用期内结构保持正常功能的能力,这一正常功能包括结构的安全性和结构的适用性,而且更多地体现在适用性上。合理设置土建结构设计的安全水准,必须考虑工程失效的风险后果、社会的财富与资源供给、乃至公众的意向等多种因素。我国土建结构的设计与施工规范,重点放在各种荷载作用下的结构强度要求,以及对环境因素作用(如干湿、冻融等大气侵蚀以及工程周围水、土中有害化学介质侵蚀)下的耐久性要求 。 以“安全第一、质量为本”为宗旨,按照ISO9002系列标准,以“规范管理、精心施工、持续改进、顾客满意”为质量方针,建立工程质量保证体系。选配经验丰富、高素质的项目管理班子,按项目法组织施工管理,发挥项目部管理及技术优势,积级推广应用“四新”技术成果,精心组织,科学管理,以“优质、高速”完成该项工程施工任务。 通过本框架结构综合楼的设计,框架结构称为框架结构。房子的构架是一个单跨跨度,多跨;在层分为单层,多层;根据立面构图对称,不对称;根据材料与钢,混凝土,木材或钢框架结构钢筋混凝土混合框架。其中最常用的是(现浇混凝土框架,装配,装配整体式,也可以根据需要,预应力,主要的梁或板),钢框架。组装式,装配整体式混凝土框架和框架,适合大规模工业化建设,效率高,工程质量较好。 框架结构的主要优点:空间分隔灵活,重量轻,节省材料;可以灵活的建筑布局的优点,安排大空间建筑结构;梁柱构件,易于标准化,规范化,便于采用装配式结构,缩短工期;采用现浇混凝土框架,结构的整体性,刚度设计更好的处理,可以达到更好的效果,而且还可以把梁或柱浇注成各种所需的横截面的形状。抗震房屋建筑框架结构。 框架结构系统的缺点:框架节点的应力集中明显;框架结构的侧向刚度小, 结构灵活,在强烈地震作用下,结构造成的水平位移较大,容易造成严重的结构性失威风凛然的色号,多个关节的吊装,工作量,工序多,浪费人力资源,季节施工,环境影响;不适合建造高层建筑,框架由梁柱构成的框架结构,承载力和刚度都很低,特别是在水平方向(甚至考虑现浇梁板共同工作,提高水平的楼层刚度,但也有限),其特征类似于一个垂直的悬臂梁,水平位移的大小,但相对于地面层间变形,上小下大,如何提高设计的框架的外侧的刚度和控制结构的侧向位移是一个重要的因素,为钢筋混凝土框架,当高度大,相当数量的每一层,底部结构不仅轴向柱、梁的力,和水平荷载产生的弯矩和位移的增加,从而导致截面尺寸和配筋增加,建筑布局与空间处理,它可能带来困难,影响建筑空间的合理利用,材料消耗和成本,也往往是不合理的,它是普遍适用的建设不超过15层。 框架结构可设计成三个铰接车架的静定或超静定双铰框架和铰链框架。混凝土框架结构,广泛应用于家庭,学校,办公楼,还可根据需要一个混凝土梁板预应力,适用于大跨度钢框架结构;在大跨度公共建筑,多层工业厂房和一批特殊建筑,如剧院,购物商场,火车站,体育馆,展览厅,船厂,车库,停车,轻工业厂房。 这次设计我充分体会了建筑设计的全过程以及用计算机辅助设计软件进行结构设计的的初步技能,系统的加深了对所学知识的理解,锻炼了我的分析和解决问题的能力,培养了动手能力和设计观点,为步入社会工作奠定了必要的基础,为从事实际工程作了准备。 Abstract The present building is Tangshan ceramics technical school teaching building 2design. This building is five-storey low-rise building, construction area of 4690m. Intensity of the maximum security building 8, the seismic level 2, category II site classification, seismic categories C, grade II buildings are safe. Soil type for the soft soil, the greatest depth of 0.6 meters to freeze. Foundation bearing capacity of the standard value f = 180Kpa, holding power for the silty clay layer, the design life span of 50 years. Greatest snow depth of 190mm, the maximum frozen depth of 800mm. First of all, in the design of the status quo when the research, including natural environmental conditions, cultural conditions, as well as the status of the collection of design objects in three aspects of information. Conditions of the natural environment need to be aware of local weather conditions, whether with specific geographic features, as well as specific areas of local materials. Sought in the design of ventilation, lighting, insulation, water is better utilization of the full advancement of the area, especially fitting to do a good job in lighting, fire and other work. The construction drawing parts of the design is designed by CAD software, the structure drawing parts of the design is designed by the major series PKPM structure calculation software design and drawings, working drawings using CAD drawing part. Brochure design and calculation software used PKPM structural design calculations and have been hand-count verification. PKPM structural design using design software, follow these steps: First, the structure of modules PMCAD model, and then the structure of SAT-8 for the calculation of internal forces, and finally, working drawings using beam-column column mapping software ping method of working drawings, JCCAD calculated and drawn with the basis of working drawings, staircases draw their own map using CAD. Design requirements based on the design, specifications and raw data, the use of mechanics of reinforced concrete, the basic principles of structural mechanics and soil mechanics and a deep understanding of material properties, to comply with design rules to ensure that a reasonable structure, the quality of all materials and intensity of qualified, good process . The architectural design is divided into two parts: the architectural design, structural design. Architectural design to take positive measures to enhance the appearance of the building strength and firmness, giving a psychological sense of security. In addition, we should also have the beauty of art, there must be flavor of the times. The process of architectural design in both security and the application of, the economy, the four principles of aesthetics and architectural design based on detailed data sets. Graphic design requirements of the overall comprehensive master plan, the specific terms of the base environment and reasonable zoning, to properly resolve the various components of the plane of the inter-relationship between, choose a suitable way of transport links. Simple and crisp, easy management to meet the needs of people in the psychology of the use of visual and other requirements, in accordance with the nature of construction, planning and the base to determine the plane, so the layout of a compact, space saving and design for the facade to create favorable conditions, consider reasonable and economic. People more comfortable. Building facade design is to meet the housing requirements and the use of technical and economic conditions, the use of buildings inside the shape and composition of a number of laws, in close connection with the layout, the internal profile of the combination of the conditions of space and design. Contact the construction plane and body composition profile of the construction, use of building some of the basic laws of formal beauty, the use of it in meeting the requirements of the premise, to adapt to environmental conditions, in line with the basic law of aesthetics and more full of modern and artistic feel. The design of facades on the use of large areas of aluminum alloy windows and doors, which fully demonstrates the framework structure, the characteristics of the framework. The use of light yellow brick wall veneer. Construction profile is in the vertical direction, said the building housing the combination of the various parts of the relationship between the design of the main analysis of profile parts of the building should be high-rise buildings, and use a combination of space, as well as profiles of the structure of the building and construction of relationships. Structural system is reinforced concrete frame structure, so filled with hollow block wall. Structural design is to make the structure adequate strength, stiffness and toughness of the course. Structural system selection, for load analysis and strength analysis, taking into account the relationship between economics and construction, and installation costs of materials used as well as the maintenance of the structure used to link the period. Rates which include: part of the architectural design, structural design of the part of organizational design drawings, and other references. Were used to guide construction. Drawings include: building construction plans, structural drawings. The main contents of references, see References. The durability of civil engineering structural engineering and the life of the project linked to the use of term structure's ability to maintain normal function, including the structure of the normal functioning of the safety and applicability of the structure, and more on in the application. Structural design and reasonable set of safety standards, we must consider the consequences of the risk of project failure, social wealth and resources of the supply, as well as the public interest, such as a variety of factors. China Construction Design and construction norms, with a focus on a variety of load requirements of structural strength, as well as the role of environmental factors (such as wet and dry, freeze-thaw erosion, as well as projects such as the atmosphere around the water, and soil erosion of harmful chemical medium) under durability requirements. To "safety first, quality-oriented" for the purpose, in accordance with the ISO9002 series of standards in order to "standardize the management and construction work, continuous improvement, customer satisfaction" as the quality policy, the establishment of quality assurance system works. Matching experienced, highly qualified team of project management, project construction management organization law, the Department play a project management and technical advantages, promote the use of plot-level "four new" technology, meticulous organization, scientific management, to "high-quality, high-speed" to complete the construction tasks. The structure of this framework through an integrated building design, I fully understand the whole process of architectural design as well as computer-aided design software for structural design of the initial skills and systems to enhance the knowledge of understanding, tempered by my analysis and resolution ability to cultivate the practical ability and design point of view, in order to enter social work laid the necessary basis for the actual works were prepared to engage. Frame structure called the framed structure. The framework of the house is a single span by span number, multiple span; in layer divided into monolayer, multilayer; according to the facade composition are symmetric, asymmetric; according to the material with steel, concrete, wood or steel frame structure with reinforced concrete mixed frame. One of the most commonly used is the concrete frame ( cast-in-situ monolithic, assembling, assembled integral type, can also according to the needs of prestressing, mainly on the beam or plate ), steel frame. Assembly type, assembled monolithic concrete frame and steel frame is suitable for large-scale industrial construction, high efficiency, the quality of the project better. Frame construction of the main advantages: flexible space separation, light weight, material saving; can be flexibly with the construction layout of the advantages, to arrange the large space building structure; beam column member, easy standardization, standardization, facilitating the application of assembled monolithic structure, to shorten the construction period; using cast-in-situ concrete frame, the integrity of structure, stiffness of the better deal, design can achieve better seismic effect, but also can put Liang Huozhu poured into various desired cross-sectional shape. Aseismatic House - building frame structure Frame structure system shortcomings: frame joints stress concentration significantly; lateral stiffness of frame is small, flexible structure, under the strong earthquake, caused by the structure of horizontal displacement of large, easy to cause serious structural break awe-inspiring awe-inspiring color number, the number of joint hoisting, workload, working procedure is much, a waste of human resources, the construction season, environmental impact; not suitable for the construction of high-rise building, frame is composed of Liang Zhu constitute the frame structure, the bearing capacity and stiffness are low, especially in the horizontal direction ( even consider cast-in-place floor and beam work together to improve the level of floor stiffness, but also limited ), its stress characteristics similar to a vertical cantilever shear beam, the horizontal displacement of large small, but relative to the floor, interlayer deformation small under the large, how to improve the design of framework of the lateral stiffness and control the structural lateral displacement is an important factor, for reinforced concrete frame, when the height large, quite a number of each layer, bottom of the structure not only the axial column force greatly, and Liang Hezhu by horizontal load generated by the bending moment and the displacement is increased, thereby Lead section dimensions and reinforcement increases, the architectural layout and spatial processing, it may bring difficulty, effect of architectural space is reasonable use, the material consumption and cost, also tends to be unreasonable, it is generally applied in the construction of no more than 15houses. Frame structure can be designed into the three hinged frame statically determinate or statically indeterminate double hinged frame and hinged frame. Concrete frame structure widely used in homes, schools, office buildings, also based on the need for a concrete beam or plate prestressed, applicable to large span; steel frame structure used in large span public building, multilayer industrial plants and a number of special purpose buildings, such as theater, shopping malls, train station, gymnasium, exhibition hall, shipyard, garage, parking, light industrial workshop.
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