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手机(600字)作文手机(600字)作文 手机(600字)作文 精选作文:手机(600字)作文 如今每个人的身上都有手机~手机的功能越来越多~却渐渐让人们淡忘了它最普通的用处。 过年时期~开往乡下的公交车总是特别拥挤。嘈杂的说话声充斥着狭小的公交车~大包小包的年货行李堆放在地上。我费力地踮着脚尖伸长手拉着扶手~生怕司机的一个急刹就会让我摔倒。身边站着的是一个大概四十来岁的男人~他的衣物并不是崭新的~甚至带着些污浊~看起来也不保暖。他一直和人打着电话~只是一些简单的话语~我默默听着~眼睛有点泛酸。 妈~我人在车上~快到了:。 吃过饭了。...
手机(600字)作文 手机(600字)作文 精选作文:手机(600字)作文 如今每个人的身上都有手机~手机的功能越来越多~却渐渐让人们淡忘了它最普通的用处。 过年时期~开往乡下的公交车总是特别拥挤。嘈杂的说话声充斥着狭小的公交车~大包小包的年货行李堆放在地上。我费力地踮着脚尖伸长手拉着扶手~生怕司机的一个急刹就会让我摔倒。身边站着的是一个大概四十来岁的男人~他的衣物并不是崭新的~甚至带着些污浊~看起来也不保暖。他一直和人打着电话~只是一些简单的话语~我默默听着~眼睛有点泛酸。 妈~我人在车上~快到了:。 吃过饭了。 我衣服穿的挺厚。 十五过完再走。 我也想多留几天。 男人的语气从一开始的高兴变成无奈~到最后挂断电话时的缓慢。看着他把那架已经过时的直板手机小心翼翼地放进口袋。我的心中不知被什么东西填满了。放眼看去~车上的人~大部分都在把玩着自己的智能手机。而却没有哪个人用手机在给家人打着电话。有人会说~现在科技发达~有 QQ~有微信~家人之间的问候有这些软件还不足够吗,如今社会~人们或因工作或因时间~还有其他的因素。亲情在人们心中已变得越来越淡~对父母的关爱也越来越少。中国的优良传统~百善孝为先也在一点一点流失。 时间都去哪儿了~父母还没好好感受年轻就老了。一辈子都在为孩子所操劳。各位~放下手机中那些让人眼花缭乱的软件~只要拨出电话~让自己的父母能好好听听自己的声音~这就足够了。手机的功能本是如此~赶快拿起你的手机吧:     初一:滕心雨 篇一:作文 放下手机 别再问“时间去哪儿了,”握着手机~却不知时光飞逝~亲情难再续。 “天上人间~如果真值得歌颂~也是因为有你才变得闹哄哄”。不要让家人生活在你的冷漠之中~热热闹闹的家里~即便吵闹~也是温馨。 进入了微时代~手机和亲情似乎互换了位臵~手机成了生活伴侣~亲情却沦为了附属品。 不久之前~国际摄影荷赛大奖被一张充满时代感的照片摘走——在一片蓝汪汪画面中~几个人拿出智能手机~对着月亮找信号。如果图片库的编辑手贱~为它加上“手机”、“科技”、“社交”这样的标签~它一定会为作者带来几万美金的收入。但是这张照片之所以能够获得一张国际奖状~却是因为另外一些标签~“贫穷”、“移民”、“人性”——布吉提海峡是非洲移民前往欧洲寻找更好生活的中转站~在布吉提的海滩上~迁徙者们企望找到微弱手机信号~联系亲人。一部浓缩版的奥德赛史诗~有没有, 你我之所以会误读这张照片~也许只是因为深植在我们每个人脑子里的主流观念——科技改变生活~手机可是个好东西~一切艺术形式都应该赞颂美好的事物。但是总是有人站在多数人的对立面~譬如英国迷你剧《黑镜》的制片人~他用6个精心构思的小故事~告诉人们科技有违伦常~手机也可以是暴力工具~也许潘多拉再打开一次魔盒~里面只有一部智能手机也说不定。 看到有意思的事物时~最初可能会感到“哎呀错过了~该拍下来啊”。然后~慢慢地~这个景象却真的留住了。你必须用最原始的方式和它亲近~和世界真正联结起来。所谓亲近~ 是从眼睛直对事物开始~而不是从举机拍照开始。 不知从哪年开始~我已不再在旅途上拍照了~我把风景留给眼睛。 到底有什么是非拍下来转发不可的呢,假如是把你的行程、刚买的东西、准备要吃的食物、偷拍的东西~都一一发给根本不在你身边的人分享的话~你到底是为谁而活的呢,自己早已不存在~因为你早已放弃了隐私~你宁愿公开自己的一切换来被关注的假象——瞧~你只剩下渴求被全世界看到和知道的心理虚空~除此之外一无所有。 放下手机。别忘了~你原来拥有一双眼睛。 快捷的同时~也会将我们与生俱来的许许多多的能力不知不觉地带走——譬如今天几乎人手一部的智能手机就是如此。君不见多少拥有手机的人们~“键谈”取代了口语交流~摄像头取代了肉眼的端详~短信微博取代了彩笺尺素~搜索引擎取代了记忆与背诵??当我们在享有诸如此类的“便捷”的时候~是否会想一想:究竟是我们在驾驭手机~还是手机已经完完全全地掌控了我们,当手机成了我们的另一双眼睛、另一副嘴巴、另一双手~甚至取代我们的大脑成了我们的思 维工具~我们究竟是现代科技的主人还是奴仆,人类发展科技的初衷绝不是要让我们原有的能力逐步退化乃至丧失~就像汽车的出现~并不是要让我们废弃行走,电脑的诞生~并不是要让我们放弃思考,网络的出现~并不是要我们逃离现实??否则~科技的最终结果便是导致人类的毁灭。人之所以强大~就在于他能够掌控自己而不是被外物所操控。人应当有能力使科技成为自己“加长的手臂”~而不是使自己被科技的巨臂所钳制。 篇二:手机作文 cell phone数字式蜂窝移动电话: mobile phone 移动式电话 smart 蜂窝系统是指由许多基站构成的无线通信网络。每个基站只负责很小的一块区域内的用户。宏观上看~每个基站的服务覆盖区就像蜂窝中的一个穴。TDMA,GSM,CDMA,PHS(小灵通),3G(TDSCDMA,WCDMA)都是蜂窝系统。 mobile系统则更广泛~凡是无线通信系统习惯上都可以称为mobile。除了蜂窝系统~还有:点对点公众对讲机,传统的 短波无线电通信(如业务无线电运动电台),美国的铱星系统 (美国军方在去年的对伊战争中救了它一把)~其它各类卫星 电话 Cell phones have become increasingly popular in China these days. Wherever you go you can see people using cell phones. Many college students, even high school students, have cell phones. Cell phones have brought people a lot of benefits, but the most important is that they are convenient. With cell phones in their hands, they can keep in touch with anybody they want. If they want to get some information from the Internet, they can easily have their dream realized via cell phones too. Furthermore, if someone has a heart attack or a traffic accident, a call to emergency hospital or to the police can quickly bring him the help he wants. However, cell phones can also bring people problems. The most serious is the electric wave radiation which is thought to be harmful to users' brains. Another problem is that when people are having a meeting or having a class or at a concert etc, the ring of the cell phone may interrupt others. So I think people should use cellphones as little as possible and turn them off when they are attending important meetings or attending classes. 2 From the cartoon given above, we can observe that there are many people crossing the street. Instead of looking at the way, they are staring at their cell phones and using walking sticks to see. It is obvious that they are fascinated with cell phones while even ignore their security. We learn from the cartoon that cell phones have been increasingly widespread in people's life. Cell phones are of great benefit to all of us. One of the most obvious advantages is that we can contact with our friends and relatives more conveniently than ever before. However, it is mobile-phones' advantages that lead some people to overuse or be addicted to them, which tends to exert a negative impact on our life. For example, oversusing cellphones will reduce face-to-face communication among people. It seems that most of us enjoy the convenience of contact at the expense of interpersonal relationships. Moreover~entertaining electronic games, magnanimous information and a bewildering variety of social networking tools in mobile phones have occupied much of our time. Information distribution tools and social networking tools, in particular, have attracted all of our attention, which tempts us to keep our eyes on the screen around the corner of every second. Then, do not expect us to talk with the people around us, we don't have time! This, has resulted in a phenomenon of "alienation between acquaintances and familiarity between strangers". Science and technology and modern tools should be served as an "angel" to improve our living strandard, rather than a devil to disturb our normal life and communication. Just imagine, live one day without mobile phone, will you be relaxed? Or anxious ? 3 The Overusing of Cell Phones This picture portrays such an ironic situation: on the road, stands a man, who is completely concentrating on his cell phone whereas using a stick for direction, which implies the unprecedented popularity or even overusing of cell phones nowadays. Exaggerated as the picture is, the phenomenon behind it is rather thought-provoking. With the development of high-tech equipment, especially smart phones, people in growing numbers tend to become addicted to the excessive use of them. According to a survey carried out in China Daily several days ago, almost 47% of citizens explain that they would experience certain kind of anxiety without cellphones at hand. Meanwhile, the overusing of cellphones, firstly, would exert detrimentaly(有害的) impact on the health of us. What’s worse, it would perform a negative character in interpersonal relationship since we have less time to communicate. Judging from the evidence above, certain measures should be taken. Firstly, certain institutions in China should launch relevant campaigns to limit the excessive use of cell phones. Moreover, we, as college students, should put emphasis on it right from ourselves as a start. 4 Directions: For this part, you are allowed 30 minutes to write a composition on the topic: Turn off Your Cell Phone. You should write at least 150 words and base your composition on the outline (given in Chinese) below: 1、手机给我们的生活带来了便利。 2、但是手机铃声也会影响其他人。 3、在某些场合请关掉你的手机。 Turn off Your Cell Phone With the development of information technology and reduced price of communication products, the mobile phone has become a necessity for most people. Obviously, it shortens the distance between people and makes our life more convenient. Thanks to the cell phone, it’ s easy for us to contact or be contacted by others anytime and anywhere. We will never miss any important meetings, great deals or admirable opportunities. However, have you noticed sometimes the cell phone also brings embarrassment to us? It’s not rare to see someone pressing the cell phone to his ear and shouting loudly in public as if there were no one else present. And I’ m sure each one has had such an experience that the cell phone ring continuously on a formal occasion. Perhaps these people have many life-and-death reasons to keep the phone working at all times, but it interrupts people around them who have to hear what they don’t care when they want to concentrate on what they’re doing. So if you are one of them, please shut off your cell phone in public, especially on a quiet and serious occasion. It’s a respect for both others and yourself. 5 Mobile phones are becoming a new scene on campus. Students think it is extremely convenient for them to communicate with the outside world by using mobile phones, especially when they are hunting for jobs, so they call it an essential investment. 下页 余下全文篇三:手机风波作文 手机风波 2012级2班 尤炳然 诚信~在我们的生活中至关重要。诚信乃立身之本~文明之 魂。只有在生活的一滴一滴中做到诚信~才能赢得别人的帮 助和支持。男子汉大丈夫~说到做到,君子一言~驷马难追。 日益美好的社会~诚信之事已非鲜见。我就曾亲眼目睹一件 平凡趣事。现在想想~却让我感动不已。 随着 进去。 一走进这家生意略显冷清的小店~母子二人便受到了店员的热情招待。“买手机,”“想要什么款式,”诸如此问~两人似乎有些摸不着头脑。这看看~那看看??转来转去问了好久~掂量掂量价钱~终于选定一款。然后母亲就和店员们砍价:“六百六:”“不行:六百八~少一点都不行。”“哪有的事:我一个朋友买的才六百六。要不~六百七也行。”??双方争执许久~过了好一会才终于达成共识。母亲掏出一张信用卡~店员也开始忙活着装上内存卡~配好电池~贴上屏保再安上手机壳??可就在这时~刷卡的店员却越来越着急~反复几次~卡却出了故障~不能用了。 一切只好作罢。店员一脸失望~母亲也阴着脸~急急地说了一句以后再来拿手机~便拉着儿子匆匆离开。出门时~儿子看到了店员们黯淡的目光。 出门只带了一张卡~出了故障~两人无处可去~只好空着双手回家。回家之后~母亲就后悔了~觉得自己在那里丢尽了面子~说什么也不去了。儿子却为难起来:母亲这样想当然应该理解~可人不能不讲诚信啊~我们不去~那手机肯定卖不出去??想想店员们失望的目光~心中更是过意不去。便去劝说母亲:“妈~咱就这么不去了~是不是有点??手机给咱装好了~咱不买~人家不好卖了吧。”可母亲哪里听劝~反 而教训儿子:“你懂什么:他们是做生意的~肯定 只为自己着想。你想想~咱们卡没刷好他们为什么那么着急安卡贴屏保,一定是他们的手机有问题~卖不出去了才想坑咱们一把。还亏了没买??” 儿子一时无言以对。可机灵的他了解母亲。一个下午~他就在家不停的游说母亲~上到民族大义~下到野生动物的安危~统统联系进去。母亲一开始还反驳几句~到后来也只好默认。叹口气说:“你呀~和你爸一个样~都是个倔脾气: ”儿子不说话~心里却偷着乐。 篇四:手机的利与弊作文
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