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出租车管理条例新旧比较出租车管理条例新旧比较 成都市客运出租汽车管理条例 2011年10月27日举行的成都市第十五届人大常委会第二十七次会议通过了《成都市客运出租汽车管理条例(修订草案)》(以下统称“新《条例》”),新《条例》对营运区域及管理体制、特许经营权、经营者、驾驶者和法律责任均作了重新规定,将报经省人大常委会批准后公布,有望于明年初正式生效施行。 驾驶员应当在核准的区域内营运 新《条例》修订过程中,“打破出租车营运区域界限、逐步取消经营区域限制,形成全域成都一体化出租车服务体系”的呼声较高。市人大法制委反复研究后认为,现阶段全面取消...
出租车管理条例新旧比较 成都市客运出租汽车管理条例 2011年10月27日举行的成都市第十五届人大常委会第二十七次会议通过了《成都市客运出租汽车管理条例(修订草案)》(以下统称“新《条例》”),新《条例》对营运区域及管理体制、特许经营权、经营者、驾驶者和法律责任均作了重新规定,将报经省人大常委会批准后公布,有望于明年初正式生效施行。 驾驶员应当在核准的区域内营运 新《条例》修订过程中,“打破出租车营运区域界限、逐步取消经营区域限制,形成全域成都一体化出租车服务体系”的呼声较高。市人大法制委反复研究后认为,现阶段全面取消营运区域限制,极有可能促使二、三圈层出租车大量进入主城区营运,导致主城区运力过剩、加剧交通拥堵,二、三圈层运力空虚、“无的可打”。且因历史原因,主城区与郊区(市)县特许经营权的获取代价差异较大,两区域出租车同等竞争实质上是最大的不公平。因此,继续维持区域营运。 为此,新《条例》第31条中规定了“驾驶员应当在核准的区域内营运”,为今后的跨区营运试点范围的逐步拓展,乃至全面取消区域限制预留空间。第47条第7项规定“载客到核准的营运范围以外空车返程时未倒下空车牌或者关闭空车待租标志的,”将被“处以一千元以上五千元以下罚款,情节严重的,暂扣驾驶员服务资格证五至十日”。 不得出租或者擅自转让特许经营权 成都市人大法制委认为,今后特许经营权的授予与取得,主要以服务质量和利于规模化经营为竞标条件。为公平起见,避免对未中标的经营者造成不公,原则上不允许经营权流转。但为了促进成都市客运出租汽车行业集约化、规模化发展,特别是推进原有个体经营者的公司化整合进程,条例允许经营权转让,但受让人应当具备条例关于经营者条件的规定,且转让行为应获得行业主管部门的同意。其次,出租经营权属转移经营风险性质,且容易导致变相转让,与本条例的立法目的和指导思想相悖,应当全面禁止。第三,我国法律、行政法规虽未禁止客运出租汽车特许经营权抵押,但是抵押财产必须是债务人或者第三人有权处分的财产。但是,特许经营权转让有限制条件;加之,难以准确估值、不易实现抵押担保目的,不利于保护抵押权人的合法权益,因此,为了维护社会交易安全,不宜将其作为抵押财产。最后,依据现行法律、行政法规,特许经营权也不允许质押。 因此,新《条例》第11条中规定“特许经营权期限最长不得超过八年”。具体期限由区(市)县根据当地客观实际情况,在各自的出让中规定。 新《条例》第14条规定:“转让客运出租汽车特许经营权的,受让人应当具备本条例第二十一条规定的条件,并经交通运输行政主管部门同意。客运出租汽车特许经营权不得设定抵押、质押等任何形式的担保”。第26条中规定:“经营者不得出租或者擅自转让客运出租汽车特许经营权”。经营者违反上述规定的,特许经营权将被收回。 补办营运证件期间不得从事营运活动 solicited opinions and suggestions Article 265, including: four problems to 171. Deepening special regulation, State line State modified, side check side modified, total solution highlight problem 19 a; to rectification spirit carried out party political life, in-depth carried out heart talk, serious carried out criticism and self-critical; put built chapter State business throughout activities always, full cleanup and established perfect a involved "four wind" aspects of system provides, new 12 items, amendment perfect 15 items, abolition 3 items. Through educational practices, "four winds" problem significantly curb, party members and cadres ' apparent change of consciousness and ability of serving the masses increased significantly. (C) to promote the sustained and healthy development of economy and society. Adhere to the "party-led township, prospering Township, eco-village, projects promoting Township and industrial Township, industry-rich Township, harmony Township, stabilization control" development strategy, take economic construction as the Center, strengthen leadership over the economic work in earnest, closely around the target determined earlier this year to deal with and try to resolve the various adverse factors, pay close attention to the work. Efforts to promoting the construction of major projects. To transportation, water conservancy, urban infrastructure construction, focusing on implementation of a number of industrial structure adjustment and optimization and upgrading of key projects for leading roles; Completed has XX village pass village Highway, and township location lights bright of, and XX meters "beautiful village", and township public rental and Xiang hospitals public rental, and 270 sets rural housing room 成都市客运出租汽车行业长期存在多、小、散、弱问题,为利于经营规范和有一定经济实力的企业通过市场运作、兼并重组等方式整合,做优做强,引导企业向规模化、品牌化方向发展,促进行业良性、健康发展,新《条例》第21条规定:“从事客运出租汽车经营应当具备下列条件:1、达到规定的经营规模;2、具备企业法人资格且注册资本达到规定标准;3、具有符合规定的营运车辆;4、具有与其经营规模相适应的办公场所、停车场地和综合服务场所;5、具有符合要求的管理人员和驾驶员;6、经营、安全、服务质量、财务等相关健全、规范。” 新《条例》第10条第2款规定,“财务管理”制度的健全、完善与否,纳入考核和记分范畴并记入经营者和驾驶员从业信用档案,并作为特许经营权配置、延期的主要依据之一。此举利于促进经营者健全财务制度,进而解决因出租汽车行业普遍的财务制度不规范,给规费、运价成本监审和科学决策带来的难题,也涉及今后出租车费该不该涨以及该涨多少的问题。 为了维护营运秩序、行业形象和主管部门公信力,经营者和驾驶员本身负有妥善保管营运证照的义务,因此新《条例》第24条第2款规定,营运证件、专用标志、专用设施遗失或者毁损的,补办期间不得从事营运活动。法制委认为,今后乘客如果发现出租车证件或者专用标志、设施不齐、破损的,可立即举报,极有可能是“克隆车”。 关于经营者的退出机制,新《条例》第16条和第26条规定,对有“使用技术条件不合格的车辆从事客运出租汽车营运的;伪造、变造客运出租汽车经营资格证明文件等资料从事客运出租汽车营运的;发生较大及以上交通安全责任事故且负同等以上责任的;连续两年质量信誉考核不合格的;出租或者擅自转让客运出租汽车特许经营权的;分包、转包营运车辆情形的;擅自停业、歇业,严重影响社会公共利益的;以车辆挂靠、一次性买断等方式牟取不当利益的;将车辆交给无服务资格证的驾驶员营运的;在经营期内安全生产状况等级评定不合格的;将客运出租汽车特许经营权作为担保财产的”等情形的经营者,草案规定责令停业整顿,直至收回部分或全部客运出租汽车特许经营权的措施。 构建和谐劳资关系 保障驾驶员合法权益 新《条例》第29条第1项规定,驾驶员应当具备本市常住户口或者“成都市居住证”。对户籍或者居住期限作适当限制,既利于提高驾驶员对我市的归宿感,提高责任意识;又利于形成稳定的劳动关系,便于管理。 为了有效保障驾驶员的合法权益,新《条例》第25条规定:“经营者应当依法与驾驶员订立、履行劳动,按月足额发放驾驶员工资,按时足额为驾驶员缴纳各项社会保险费。经营者应当建立驾驶员工资集体协商制度,依法通过集体协商确定驾驶员最低工资标准和工资增长幅度等事项”。 第26条规定:“经营者应当自行承担客运出租汽车经营服务的主体责任和经营风险,不得从事下列行为:1、出租或者擅自转让客运出租汽车特许经营权的;2、以车辆挂靠、一次性买断等方式牟取不当利益;3、分包、转包营运车辆;4、其他向驾驶员转嫁经营责任和风险的行为。”第32条中规定:“经营者应当建立对驾驶员服务质量、安全生产的考核制度,并将对驾驶员的考核情况向客运出租汽车管理机构备案”。 关于驾驶员的退出,新《条例》第46条规定,对“殴打乘客的;利用营运车辆进行违法solicited opinions and suggestions Article 265, including: four problems to 171. Deepening special regulation, State line State modified, side check side modified, total solution highlight problem 19 a; to rectification spirit carried out party political life, in-depth carried out heart talk, serious carried out criticism and self-critical; put built chapter State business throughout activities always, full cleanup and established perfect a involved "four wind" aspects of system provides, new 12 items, amendment perfect 15 items, abolition 3 items. Through educational practices, "four winds" problem significantly curb, party members and cadres ' apparent change of consciousness and ability of serving the masses increased significantly. (C) to promote the sustained and healthy development of economy and society. Adhere to the "party-led township, prospering Township, eco-village, projects promoting Township and industrial Township, industry-rich Township, harmony Township, stabilization control" development strategy, take economic construction as the Center, strengthen leadership over the economic work in earnest, closely around the target determined earlier this year to deal with and try to resolve the various adverse factors, pay close attention to the work. Efforts to promoting the construction of major projects. To transportation, water conservancy, urban infrastructure construction, focusing on implementation of a number of industrial structure adjustment and optimization and upgrading of key projects for leading roles; Completed has XX village pass village Highway, and township location lights bright of, and XX meters "beautiful village", and township public rental and Xiang hospitals public rental, and 270 sets rural housing room 活动被依法追究刑事责任的;在一年内被暂扣服务资格证累计超过30日”等行为的,应当“吊销其服务资格证,且五年内不得从事客运出租汽车服务”。对于“更改计价设施、设备,虚增运费;从事非法营运或为其提供便利条件;酒后驾驶营运车辆;在营运中发生重大交通安全事故,负主要以上事故责任的”四种行为,终身禁止从事客运出租汽车服务。 严厉打击非法营运 按照新《条例》第43条第1、2款的规定,非法营运的处罚标准分为四种:使用普通社会车辆的,处以一万元以上三万元以下罚款;使用“假证”或者他人营运证件的,处以三万元以上五万元以下罚款;使用“克隆车”、外地出租车在本市从事非法营运的,或者非法营运2次以上被实施过处罚的,或者聚众、暴力抗法的,处以五万元以上十万元以下罚款;组织“克隆车”或者外地出租车在本市非法营运的,处以十万元以上二十万元以下罚款。 从事非法营运的,一律没收违法所得。使用“克隆车”或者外地出租车在本市非法营运的,车辆予以没收。 从事非法营运,情节严重,构成违反《治安管理处罚法》的,一律依法处以行政拘留;构成犯罪的,依法追究刑事责任。 实践中非法营运车辆往往占道经营,加强对客运业务有较大需求路段车辆的停放管理,对于打压非法营运行为的生存空间具有重大意义。因此,新《条例》第43条第3款特别强调了公安交通管理部门的“清场”职责。 1997年11月20日成都市第十二届人民代表大会常务委员会第二十八次会议通过,1998年4月6日四川省第九届人民代表大会常务委员会第二次会议批准; 根据2001年12月13日成都市第十三届人民代表大会常务委员会第二十五次会议通过,2002年3月30日四川省第九届人民代表大会常务委员会第二十八次会议批准的《成都市人民代表大会常务委员会关于修改〈成都市客运出租汽车管理条例〉的决定》修正。 第一章 总则 第一条 为提高客运出租汽车服务质量,维护乘客、经营者及其驾驶员的合法权益,适应城市经济发展和人民生活的需要,根据有关法律、法规,结合成都市实际,制定本条例。 第二条 本条例所称客运出租汽车,是指按照乘客意愿提供客运服务,并按里程、时间计费的营业客车。 第三条 凡在本市行政区域内的客运出租汽车经营者、驾驶员、乘客以及与客运出租汽车业务有关的单位和个人,均应遵守本条例。 第四条 本市对客运出租汽车实行全面规划、统一管理、合法经营、公平竞争的原则。市人民政府根据城市建设和社会、经济发展的实际情况制定本市客运出租汽车发展规划和,并组织实施。 第五条 市人民政府市政公用行政管理部门主管锦江区、青羊区、金牛区、武侯区、成华区和成都双流国际机场、机场路范围内的客运出租汽车的管理工作。市出租汽车管理处具体负责对上述范围内的客运出租汽车实施管理。 市人民政府交通行政管理部门负责监督其它区(市)县客运出租汽车的管理工作。其它区(市)县交通行政管理部门负责对本辖区范围内的客运出租汽车实施管理。 市人民政府有关行政管理部门,应按照各自职责依法加强对全市客运出租汽车的管理。 第二章 经营资质和从业条件 solicited opinions and suggestions Article 265, including: four problems to 171. Deepening special regulation, State line State modified, side check side modified, total solution highlight problem 19 a; to rectification spirit carried out party political life, in-depth carried out heart talk, serious carried out criticism and self-critical; put built chapter State business throughout activities always, full cleanup and established perfect a involved "four wind" aspects of system provides, new 12 items, amendment perfect 15 items, abolition 3 items. Through educational practices, "four winds" problem significantly curb, party members and cadres ' apparent change of consciousness and ability of serving the masses increased significantly. (C) to promote the sustained and healthy development of economy and society. Adhere to the "party-led township, prospering Township, eco-village, projects promoting Township and industrial Township, industry-rich Township, harmony Township, stabilization control" development strategy, take economic construction as the Center, strengthen leadership over the economic work in earnest, closely around the target determined earlier this year to deal with and try to resolve the various adverse factors, pay close attention to the work. Efforts to promoting the construction of major projects. To transportation, water conservancy, urban infrastructure construction, focusing on implementation of a number of industrial structure adjustment and optimization and upgrading of key projects for leading roles; Completed has XX village pass village Highway, and township location lights bright of, and XX meters "beautiful village", and township public rental and Xiang hospitals public rental, and 270 sets rural housing room 第六条 本市对客运出租汽车经营权实行有偿使用,其具体管理办法由市人民政府制定。 第七条 申请开办客运出租汽车经营业务的单位和个人应具备下列条件: (一)有符合规定的客运车辆及驾驶人员; (二)有与其经营规模相适应的停车场地和经营场所; (三)有相应的管理人员和管理制度。 第八条 从事客运出租汽车服务的驾驶员应具备下列条件: (一)有当地常住户口; (二)年龄为18周岁至55周岁; (三)具有初中毕业以上文化程度; (四)取得机动车驾驶证两年以上; (五)取得驾驶员服务资格证; (六)经客运出租汽车职业培训考试合格。 第九条 从事客运出租汽车经营业务的经营者,必须符合下列规定: (一)取得客运出租汽车经营权; (二)持客运出租汽车管理部门核发的许可凭证到有关部门办理营业执照、税务登记、车辆上户、保险和治安许可等手续; (三)设置统一规范的客运出租汽车标志灯、客运编号、车辆识别颜色等专用标志和计价器、空车标志牌、无线电通讯设施等专用设施及单位名称、投诉电话 号码、收费价目表; (四)取得客运出租汽车管理部门核发的车辆营运证件。 第十条 每辆客运出租汽车可办理3名以内驾驶员服务资格证。 第十一条 客运出租汽车管理部门应对客运出租汽车经营者进行年度审验,合格的方可继续从事经营。 第三章 经营服务 第十二条 客运出租汽车不得到其经营权界定的范围以外上客。出租汽车载客到其经营权界定的范围以外空车返程时,必须倒下空车牌。 第十三条 经营者应遵守下列规定: (一)加强对驾驶员的安全营运、规范服务等教育管理; (二)依法与驾驶员签订劳动合同、承包经营合同; (三)执行客运出租汽车管理部门协调营运业务的各项措施,及时调度车辆完成抢险、救灾、外事等特殊任务; (四)协助客运出租汽车管理部门进行检查、处理乘客投诉; (五)如实办理有关营运证件和专用标志; (六)依法向法定计量检定机构申请检定计价器; (七)按物价行政管理部门核定的标准计费并按规定使用票据; (八)依法缴纳各种税费; (九)法律、法规的其他规定。 第十四条 驾驶员应遵守下列规定: (一)保持车况良好、车容整洁、设施和标志齐全完好; (二)按规定携带、放置营运证件、使用票据; (三)遵守服务站点营运秩序,服从站点管理人员管理,爱护站点环境卫生; (四)按规定使用计价器和无线电通讯设施; (五)规范服务,文明用语; solicited opinions and suggestions Article 265, including: four problems to 171. Deepening special regulation, State line State modified, side check side modified, total solution highlight problem 19 a; to rectification spirit carried out party political life, in-depth carried out heart talk, serious carried out criticism and self-critical; put built chapter State business throughout activities always, full cleanup and established perfect a involved "four wind" aspects of system provides, new 12 items, amendment perfect 15 items, abolition 3 items. Through educational practices, "four winds" problem significantly curb, party members and cadres ' apparent change of consciousness and ability of serving the masses increased significantly. (C) to promote the sustained and healthy development of economy and society. Adhere to the "party-led township, prospering Township, eco-village, projects promoting Township and industrial Township, industry-rich Township, harmony Township, stabilization control" development strategy, take economic construction as the Center, strengthen leadership over the economic work in earnest, closely around the target determined earlier this year to deal with and try to resolve the various adverse factors, pay close attention to the work. Efforts to promoting the construction of major projects. To transportation, water conservancy, urban infrastructure construction, focusing on implementation of a number of industrial structure adjustment and optimization and upgrading of key projects for leading roles; Completed has XX village pass village Highway, and township location lights bright of, and XX meters "beautiful village", and township public rental and Xiang hospitals public rental, and 270 sets rural housing room (六)法律、法规的其他规定。 第十五 条驾驶员不得有下列行为: (一)强迫组合乘客租车或利用他人招揽乘客; (二)伪造、涂改、转借营运证件; (三)骗取、转借、伪造客运出租汽车专用标志或为上述行为提供条件; (四)将车辆交给非本车驾驶员营运或驾驶他人车辆营运; (五)利用客运出租汽车进行违法犯罪活动; (六)拒绝载客、中断服务、多收车费或无故绕道行驶。 第十六条 营运证件、标志灯丢失的,驾驶员应向客运出租汽车管理部门报告,并向社会公告。客运出租汽车管理部门应在接到报告之日起,,日内调查核实,予以补办。 第十七条 经营者停业的,应向客运出租汽车管理部门申报交回有关专用标志及证件,持客运出租汽车管理部门准予停业的批文,到有关管理部门办理停业手续,需要恢复营业的,应事先办理有关手续。 第十八条经营者歇业的,应提前,,日向客运出租汽车管理部门申报,缴销专用标志及有关证件等,并持客运出租汽车管理部门准予歇业的批文,到工商行政管理部门办理注销登记。 第四章 服务站点 第十九条 设置客运出租汽车公用服务站点,由当地客运出租汽车管理部门拟订站点规划,报经县级以上人民政府有关管理部门审批后组织实施。 第二十条 公用服务站点的管理人员执勤时应佩戴客运出租汽车管理部门统一制发的标志,其主要职责是: (一)维护站点秩序,保证站点服务设施完好整洁; (二)负责车辆调度; (三)监督驾驶员和乘客遵守客运管理规定。 第二十一条 机场、火车站、长途汽车站、客运码头、大型商场、宾馆、住宅小区、医院、风景名胜地以及其他客运集散地等处的停车场,应向客运出租汽车开放使用。 第五章 乘客与投诉 第二十二条 乘客应遵守下列规定: (一)应待车辆停稳后上下车; (二)醉酒者和精神病患者乘车应有陪伴人员; (三)如实支付计价器显示的租乘费用和应乘客以及线路需要而发生的过桥、过路、过渡等费用; (四)遵守有关交通、治安管理的规定; (五)爱护车辆卫生、设施、标志。 第二十三条 对驾驶员拒载、不按规定使用计价器、虚增行驶里程、多收车费、收费不出具票据、服务态度恶劣等行为,乘客有权向客运出租汽车管理部门或者消费者协会等有关机关投诉。 投诉或举报人应当提供真实姓名、联系电话、通信地址及有关证据,并配合客运出租汽车管理部门的调查。 客运出租汽车管理部门或消费者协会接到投诉或举报后,应当在10日内答复,并为其保密。 第六章 法律责任 第二十四条 驾驶员有下列行为之一的,责令改正,可处以,,元以上,,元以下罚款: (一)车容不整洁的; solicited opinions and suggestions Article 265, including: four problems to 171. Deepening special regulation, State line State modified, side check side modified, total solution highlight problem 19 a; to rectification spirit carried out party political life, in-depth carried out heart talk, serious carried out criticism and self-critical; put built chapter State business throughout activities always, full cleanup and established perfect a involved "four wind" aspects of system provides, new 12 items, amendment perfect 15 items, abolition 3 items. Through educational practices, "four winds" problem significantly curb, party members and cadres ' apparent change of consciousness and ability of serving the masses increased significantly. (C) to promote the sustained and healthy development of economy and society. Adhere to the "party-led township, prospering Township, eco-village, projects promoting Township and industrial Township, industry-rich Township, harmony Township, stabilization control" development strategy, take economic construction as the Center, strengthen leadership over the economic work in earnest, closely around the target determined earlier this year to deal with and try to resolve the various adverse factors, pay close attention to the work. Efforts to promoting the construction of major projects. To transportation, water conservancy, urban infrastructure construction, focusing on implementation of a number of industrial structure adjustment and optimization and upgrading of key projects for leading roles; Completed has XX village pass village Highway, and township location lights bright of, and XX meters "beautiful village", and township public rental and Xiang hospitals public rental, and 270 sets rural housing room (二)专用标志破损或设施不齐全的; (三)不按规定携带、放置营运证件的。 第二十五条 驾驶员有下列行为之一的,视其情节,给予警告,处以,,元以上,,,元以下罚款,并可暂扣其服务资格证,至,日: (一)不按规定使用无线电通讯设施的; (二)不按规定使用票据的; (三)强迫组合乘客租车的; (四)不遵守客运出租汽车公用服务站点管理规定的。 第二十六条 驾驶员有下列行为之一的,视其情节,处以,,,元以上,,,,元以下罚款;有下列(一)至(四)项行为之一的,并可暂扣其服务资格证5至,,日: (一)拒载乘客的; (二)不使用计价器收费、多收车费或虚增行驶里程的; (三)未经乘客同意绕道行驶的; (四)将车辆、营运证件交给非本车驾驶员营运或驾驶他人车辆营运的; (五)未取得驾驶员服务资格证营运的。 第二十七条 驾驶员有下列行为之一的,视其情节,处以,,,,元以上,,,,元以下罚款;有下列(一)至(三)项行为之一的,并可暂扣其服务资格证,,至,,日直至吊销其服务资格证: (一)车况不良,不能保证行车安全的; (二)殴打或辱骂乘客的; (三)不按规定设置使用计价器的; (四)在其经营权界定的范围以外上客或载客到其经营权界定的范围以外空车返程时未倒下空车牌的。 第二十八条 经营者有下列行为之一的,视其情节,处以,,,,元以上,万元以下罚款,并没收其违法所得: (一)报停或停业整顿期间继续营运的; (二)未经年审或年审不合格继续营运的。 第二十九条 有下列行为之一的,视其情节,处以,万元以上,万元以下罚款,并没收其违法所得: (一)未取得客运出租汽车经营权,在机动车辆上设置客运出租汽车专用标志或设施,利用机动车辆摆点候客、行驶揽客、运载乘客或采取其他形式非法营运 的; (二)伪造、涂改营运证件营运的; (三)骗取、转借、伪造客运出租汽车专用标志或为上述行为提供条件的。 第三十条 乘客违反本条例第二十二条,造成驾驶员直接经济损失的,应负赔偿责任。 第三十一条 对违反本条例规定的行为不能当场处理的,可暂扣营运证件、营运车辆或设备,并责令其限期接受处理。逾期不接受处理的,客运出租汽车管理部门可依法作出行政处罚决定。 第三十二条 驾驶员利用营运车辆进行违法活动,被依法追究刑事责任的,取消其服务资格。 第三十三条 驾驶员在年度审验期内被暂扣服务资格证累计超过,,日,应重新接受职业培训。 第三十四条 驾驶员被吊销服务资格证后,再申请从事客运出租汽车经营服务的,应自吊销服务资格证之日起,满3周年后才能重新申办驾驶员服务资格证。 solicited opinions and suggestions Article 265, including: four problems to 171. Deepening special regulation, State line State modified, side check side modified, total solution highlight problem 19 a; to rectification spirit carried out party political life, in-depth carried out heart talk, serious carried out criticism and self-critical; put built chapter State business throughout activities always, full cleanup and established perfect a involved "four wind" aspects of system provides, new 12 items, amendment perfect 15 items, abolition 3 items. Through educational practices, "four winds" problem significantly curb, party members and cadres ' apparent change of consciousness and ability of serving the masses increased significantly. (C) to promote the sustained and healthy development of economy and society. Adhere to the "party-led township, prospering Township, eco-village, projects promoting Township and industrial Township, industry-rich Township, harmony Township, stabilization control" development strategy, take economic construction as the Center, strengthen leadership over the economic work in earnest, closely around the target determined earlier this year to deal with and try to resolve the various adverse factors, pay close attention to the work. Efforts to promoting the construction of major projects. To transportation, water conservancy, urban infrastructure construction, focusing on implementation of a number of industrial structure adjustment and optimization and upgrading of key projects for leading roles; Completed has XX village pass village Highway, and township location lights bright of, and XX meters "beautiful village", and township public rental and Xiang hospitals public rental, and 270 sets rural housing room 第三十五条 经营者违反本条例第十三条第(一)至(八)项规定之一的,视其情节,责令停业整顿,可处,,,,元以上,万元以下罚款,并可处其法定代表人,,,元以上,,,,元以下罚款。 第三十六条 经营者经年审不合格的,责令停业整顿。 第三十七条 本条例规定的行政处罚,由市出租汽车管理处和其他区(市)县交通行政管理部门按照市人民政府确定的职责范围依法决定。法律、法规另有规定的,从其规定。 第三十八条 罚款的款项按照《中华人民共和国行政处罚法》的规定办理。 第三十九条 客运出租汽车执法人员应有两人以上方可进行执法检查,并应出示执法证件。对不出示执法证件的,被检查者有权拒绝检查。 第四十条 当事人违反《中华人民共和国治安管理处罚条例》规定的,由公安机关给予行政处罚;构成犯罪的,依法追究刑事责任。 第四十一条 当事人对行政处罚决定不服的,可依法申请行政复议或者提起行政诉讼。 第四十二条 当事人逾期不履行行政处罚决定的,客运出租汽车管理部门可以采取下列措施: (一)到期不缴纳罚款的,每日按罚款数额的3%加处罚款; (二)依照有关规定将暂扣的非法营运车辆或设备依法拍卖抵缴罚款; (三)申请人民法院强制执行。 第四十三条客运出租汽车执法人员应遵纪守法,秉公执法,文明服务,对以权谋私、滥用职权、徇私舞弊的,由客运出租汽车行政管理部门给予行政处分。构成犯罪的,依法追究刑事责任。 第七章 附则 第四十四条 本市客运小公共汽车的管理参照本条例执行。 第四十五条 本条例自公布之日起施行。 成都市客运出租汽车行业经营服务规范(暂行) 第一章 总 则 第一条 为加强我市客运出租汽车行业管理,规范客运出租汽车经营管理和服务行为,提高经营管理水平和服务质量,建立优胜劣汰竞争机制,根据《成都市客运出租汽车管理条例》,结合我市实际,制定本规范。 第二条 本规范是出租汽车经营管理和运营服务的行为准则。 第三条 本规范是对客运出租汽车经营者进行质量信誉考核和年度审验的重要依据。 第二章 企业经营管理 第四条 客运出租汽车企业应符合下列基本要求: (一)有符合规定的客运车辆及驾驶人员; (二)有与其经营规模相适应的停车场地和经营场所。停车场地要求能一次性停放企业营运车辆总数20%的车辆。经营场所中,学习、培训场地要求能一次性容纳企业所属驾驶员总数的三分之一以上;综合服务场所要求能同时满足企业2%以上营运车辆维护、保养。场地、场所租借的,须签订两年以上的租借合同; (三)有与其营运服务相适应的经营、财务、统计、安全、车辆技术、劳动、服务质量等专职管理机构,并配备相应的管理人员和建立相应的管理制度。经营、财务、安全、车辆技术岗位的专职管理人员应具有高中以上学历或专职岗位证书; (四)有一个自有或签定两年以上合同关系的二级汽车维护站; (五)有GPS、IC卡、天府通等企业信息管理平台。 solicited opinions and suggestions Article 265, including: four problems to 171. Deepening special regulation, State line State modified, side check side modified, total solution highlight problem 19 a; to rectification spirit carried out party political life, in-depth carried out heart talk, serious carried out criticism and self-critical; put built chapter State business throughout activities always, full cleanup and established perfect a involved "four wind" aspects of system provides, new 12 items, amendment perfect 15 items, abolition 3 items. Through educational practices, "four winds" problem significantly curb, party members and cadres ' apparent change of consciousness and ability of serving the masses increased significantly. (C) to promote the sustained and healthy development of economy and society. Adhere to the "party-led township, prospering Township, eco-village, projects promoting Township and industrial Township, industry-rich Township, harmony Township, stabilization control" development strategy, take economic construction as the Center, strengthen leadership over the economic work in earnest, closely around the target determined earlier this year to deal with and try to resolve the various adverse factors, pay close attention to the work. Efforts to promoting the construction of major projects. To transportation, water conservancy, urban infrastructure construction, focusing on implementation of a number of industrial structure adjustment and optimization and upgrading of key projects for leading roles; Completed has XX village pass village Highway, and township location lights bright of, and XX meters "beautiful village", and township public rental and Xiang hospitals public rental, and 270 sets rural housing room 第五条 客运出租汽车企业应建立下列经营管理制度: (一)安全生产管理的各项制度;(二)服务质量管理制度; (三)二十四小时值班制度;(四)营运车辆管理制度; (五)驾驶员管理制度; (六)营运车辆回场检查制度; (七)乘客来信、来访、投诉、失物招领受理制度; (八)学习、培训制度;(九)票据管理制度。 第六条 客运出租汽车企业经营管理除须严格遵守《成都市客运出租汽车管理条例》和国家法律、法规的相关规定外还应遵守下列要求: (一)加强企业人事管理,要建立企业管理人员和驾驶员的录用、管理、考评等奖惩激励机制,; (二)加强企业人员的教育培训,要制定企业管理人员和驾驶员的教育培训计划,明确学习、培训的内容和要求,定期组织开展学习、培训活动,并建立学习、培训记录。确保企业所有管理人员和驾驶员的学习、培训每月不少于一次,每次学习、培训不少于三个小时; (三)加强驾驶员从业记录管理,要对有客运违章、交通违章、交通肇事、违法乱纪等不良行为的驾驶员建立不良记录档案,并按规定报送客运出租汽车行业管理部门; (四)加强驾驶员安全管理,要对驾驶员进行安全考核,并登记备案; (五)加强驾驶员健康状况监控,要建立驾驶员定期体检制度,根据出租汽车驾驶员的职业特点、从业年限、年龄、性别等确定体检要求,每年至少体检一次,并建立完整的出租汽车驾驶员从业体检记录和档案; (六)加强营运车辆管理,要建立企业所有营运车辆安全技术档案,包括车辆台帐、车辆技术、专用设施、车辆保养、车辆安全等内容; (七)加强在营车辆监控,要及时掌握车辆营运状况,并每天做好记录; (八)加强营运车辆回场检查管理,营运车辆回场检查每周不少于一次,主要检查车容、车貌、专用设施、车况以及安全隐患等内容,对有问题的车辆提出整改要求并督促落实,做好检查记录; (九)加强车辆维护保养,要制定营运车辆定期维护保养计划,所有营运车辆必须定期保养,确保行车安全; (十)加强服务质量管理,在企业内部形成服务质量奖惩激励机制,及时处理乘客来信、来访、投诉、查找失物,并做好记录; (十一)加强统计报表工作,要按期如实填报有关行业管理各项报表,每月5日前将报表报出租汽车行业管理部门; (十二)按时参加行业经理例会和出租汽车管理部门召开的各种会议,以及行业组织的重大活动。 (十三)公开收费项目,严格按规定项目和标准收取; (十四)严禁将出租汽车经营权变相转卖给驾驶员进行经营; (十五) 按照规定和要求依法参加社会保险,按照国家规定为司机按时、足额缴纳基本养老、基本医疗、失业等保险费。 第三章 个体经营管理 第七条 客运出租汽车个体经营者的经营行为除须严格遵守《成都市客运出租汽车管理条例》和国家法律、法规的相关规定外还应遵守下列要求: (一)服从委托管理公司的管理 (二)定期对所聘驾驶员进行体检,根据出租汽车驾驶员的职业特点、从业年限、年龄、性别等确定体检要求,每年至少体检一次,并建立完整的出租汽车驾驶员从业体检记solicited opinions and suggestions Article 265, including: four problems to 171. Deepening special regulation, State line State modified, side check side modified, total solution highlight problem 19 a; to rectification spirit carried out party political life, in-depth carried out heart talk, serious carried out criticism and self-critical; put built chapter State business throughout activities always, full cleanup and established perfect a involved "four wind" aspects of system provides, new 12 items, amendment perfect 15 items, abolition 3 items. Through educational practices, "four winds" problem significantly curb, party members and cadres ' apparent change of consciousness and ability of serving the masses increased significantly. (C) to promote the sustained and healthy development of economy and society. Adhere to the "party-led township, prospering Township, eco-village, projects promoting Township and industrial Township, industry-rich Township, harmony Township, stabilization control" development strategy, take economic construction as the Center, strengthen leadership over the economic work in earnest, closely around the target determined earlier this year to deal with and try to resolve the various adverse factors, pay close attention to the work. Efforts to promoting the construction of major projects. To transportation, water conservancy, urban infrastructure construction, focusing on implementation of a number of industrial structure adjustment and optimization and upgrading of key projects for leading roles; Completed has XX village pass village Highway, and township location lights bright of, and XX meters "beautiful village", and township public rental and Xiang hospitals public rental, and 270 sets rural housing room 录和档案; (三)制定营运车辆定期维护保养计划,对营运车辆必须定期保养,确保行车安全; (四)收取所聘驾驶员的费用,须严格按规定项目和标准执行; (五)按时足额缴纳各种税费; (六)严禁将出租汽车经营权变相转卖给驾驶员进行经营。 第四章 营运车辆与专用设施 第八条 凡我市行政区域内从事营运的客运出租汽车必须符合下列规定: (一)更新车辆为发动机排量在1600CC(含1600CC)以上的全新三厢轿车; (二)车辆尾气排放应达到环保要求; (三)车身颜色采用成都市客运出租汽车专用颜色; (四)设置客运出租汽车标志灯、客运标号、计价器、空车标志牌、GPS系统、电子识别标识、白色座套、脚垫、单位名称、投诉电话号码、标价签等专用标志和专用设施,有条件的可设置公司标识; (五)车辆最长营运年限为五年,车辆退出营运时,经营者必须将车辆颜色更改为非出租汽车专用色,同时将车辆各部位的出租汽车专用设施及标志、标记清除干净并办理退出营运的相关手续。 第九条 客运出租汽车的车容、车貌应符合下列要求: (一)车身漆色鲜亮,各部位无破损、无脱落、无积垢、无花脸,保持车辆清洁; (二)专用标志灯洁净无破损、字迹清晰,安装规范,夜间明亮; (三)车厢内仪表板、内装饰板、顶蓬、足垫、门窗、玻璃干净整洁,无破损(前、后排足垫的颜色统一为黑色),车厢内空气清新无异味; (四)仪表台上除按规定安装计价器、空车标志牌、服务证架、GPS装置外,不得放置其它物品; (五)行李厢内无积尘、无油污、物品摆放整齐; (六)车内外任何部位不得张贴商业广告宣传品; (七)座套按规定每天更换,保持干净整洁; (八)车辆灯光、空调、音响、消防、安全带等设施设备完好有效,性能良好; (九)门徽及公司标识字迹清晰、规范,出租汽车专用标志完好无破损。 第十条 客运出租汽车专用设施的设置应符合以下要求: (一)仪表台右侧从左至右依次安装GPS显示屏、空车灯、计价器、服务资格证架,且均须用螺钉固定在仪表台上; (二)标价签平行粘贴在车后门两侧的耳窗玻璃下沿处(无耳窗的车辆,标价签平行粘贴在后车门玻璃上沿处); (三)服务资格证上不得有任何遮盖物,当班驾驶员的服务资格证应面对乘客摆放,不得斜放、平放和倒放; 第五章 驾驶员服务规范 第十一条 客运出租汽车驾驶员除须严格遵守《成都市客运出租汽车管理条例》和国家法律、法规的相关规定外还应做到下列要求: (一)保持车容车貌整洁光亮,专用设施、标志、标记完好无损,能正常使用,车况良好; (二)保持良好的精神面貌,做到精力充沛,微笑服务,亲切和蔼,端庄稳重,落落大方; (三)做到面容清洁,发式大方,男驾驶员不留长发、小胡子,女驾驶员不浓装艳抹,不留长指甲,不使用香味很浓的化妆品; solicited opinions and suggestions Article 265, including: four problems to 171. Deepening special regulation, State line State modified, side check side modified, total solution highlight problem 19 a; to rectification spirit carried out party political life, in-depth carried out heart talk, serious carried out criticism and self-critical; put built chapter State business throughout activities always, full cleanup and established perfect a involved "four wind" aspects of system provides, new 12 items, amendment perfect 15 items, abolition 3 items. Through educational practices, "four winds" problem significantly curb, party members and cadres ' apparent change of consciousness and ability of serving the masses increased significantly. (C) to promote the sustained and healthy development of economy and society. Adhere to the "party-led township, prospering Township, eco-village, projects promoting Township and industrial Township, industry-rich Township, harmony Township, stabilization control" development strategy, take economic construction as the Center, strengthen leadership over the economic work in earnest, closely around the target determined earlier this year to deal with and try to resolve the various adverse factors, pay close attention to the work. Efforts to promoting the construction of major projects. To transportation, water conservancy, urban infrastructure construction, focusing on implementation of a number of industrial structure adjustment and optimization and upgrading of key projects for leading roles; Completed has XX village pass village Highway, and township location lights bright of, and XX meters "beautiful village", and township public rental and Xiang hospitals public rental, and 270 sets rural housing room (四)营运服务中按季节穿着工装,保持服装干净整洁; (五)言谈举止文明得体,不说脏话,严格使用规范用语,按要求使用普通话服务; (六)按规定携带、放置营运证件,做到亮证服务,服务资格证必须面对乘客摆放,以利于乘客监督; (七)严格按照计价器显示金额收费,按规定使用票据,并主动向乘客出具; (八)遵守站点管理秩序,服从站点管理人员管理,爱护站点环境卫生; (九)严格遵守交通法规,执行驾驶员安全操作规范,严禁酒后驾车和疲劳驾车保证安全行车; (十)出车前必须仔细检查车辆,保持车辆性能良好,不开带病车; (十一)按规定使用计价器、IC卡、GPS、天府通等无线电通讯设施,保持设施正常使用,不得对已安装好的专用设施设备擅自改动或毁损; (十二)待客营运时打开空车标志灯,载客营运时放下空车标志灯,非营运时间不得使用空车标志灯; (十三)载客营运时遇到单行道路、禁行道路、道路施工等情况需要绕道行驶时,应主动向乘客讲明情况,协商最佳行车路线,如果意见不统一,按乘客要求路线行走; (十四)对老、弱、病、残、孕以及急需抢救的人员,优先供车,并根据乘客需求,做好服务; (十五)营运过程中应提醒乘客文明乘车,注意安全; (十六)严禁向车外吐痰、乱扔废弃物等不文明行为; (十七)严禁在营运过程中吸烟、吃东西、打电话等影响营运安全的行为; (十八)流动揽客时,应减速靠边停车上客,严禁逆向揽客,在禁停路段应在规定的地点上、下乘客; (十九)满足乘客询问地址、了解情况、中途停车办事以及对车上音响、空调等服务设施提出的启用或关闭等要求; (二十)接揽出城长途业务时,应严格执行公安局的有关规定,必须到公安局指定登记地点进行登记; (二十一)乘客上车时应主动问候乘客,提醒乘客关好车门,乘客下车时,应提醒乘客带好随身物品,发现乘客遗失物品应及时设法归还失主,如与失主联系不上应及时上交本公司或出租汽车管理部门; (二十二)计价器上的铅封及合格证必须完好无损,空车标志灯、计价器显示窗口及功能键必须清晰醒目,禁止涂改、遮盖; (二十三)在营运过程中,计价器因故失准,驾驶员应及时向乘客说明情况并按照实际里程收取车费,不得多收,完成本次营运后应立即到计量测试部门检修,合格后方可重新投入营运; (二十四)严禁在计价器上作弊。 (二十五)严格遵守行业管理规定和企业管理各项规章制度。 第六章 附 则 第十二条 本规范在实施中的具体问题由市交通委员会出租汽车管理处负责解释。 第十三条 本规范自二〇〇七年 月 日施行。 solicited opinions and suggestions Article 265, including: four problems to 171. Deepening special regulation, State line State modified, side check side modified, total solution highlight problem 19 a; to rectification spirit carried out party political life, in-depth carried out heart talk, serious carried out criticism and self-critical; put built chapter State business throughout activities always, full cleanup and established perfect a involved "four wind" aspects of system provides, new 12 items, amendment perfect 15 items, abolition 3 items. Through educational practices, "four winds" problem significantly curb, party members and cadres ' apparent change of consciousness and ability of serving the masses increased significantly. (C) to promote the sustained and healthy development of economy and society. Adhere to the "party-led township, prospering Township, eco-village, projects promoting Township and industrial Township, industry-rich Township, harmony Township, stabilization control" development strategy, take economic construction as the Center, strengthen leadership over the economic work in earnest, closely around the target determined earlier this year to deal with and try to resolve the various adverse factors, pay close attention to the work. Efforts to promoting the construction of major projects. To transportation, water conservancy, urban infrastructure construction, focusing on implementation of a number of industrial structure adjustment and optimization and upgrading of key projects for leading roles; Completed has XX village pass village Highway, and township location lights bright of, and XX meters "beautiful village", and township public rental and Xiang hospitals public rental, and 270 sets rural housing room
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