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居民身份证将可异地办理换卡百年名校河南大学新视野英语教程1 unit3.doc 河南大学大学外语教学部教案 首页 课程名称 新视野大学英语 教学时间 2006年10月-2007年 元月 教学地点 金明校区14# 215,202 教学对象 2006级 班 别 1,2,3,4, 听课人数 必修课 (?) 校级公共课 课程类型 选修课 限选课(?);任选课( ) 课堂讲授(?);实践课( ) 考核方 授课方式 考试(?);考查( ) 式 学时分配 课堂讲授 56 学时; 实践课 学时 新视野大学英语 出版社外语教学与研究出教材名称 读写...
百年名校河南大学新视野英语教程1 unit3.doc 河南大学大学外语教学部 首页 课程名称 新视野大学英语 教学时间 2006年10月-2007年 元月 教学地点 金明校区14# 215,202 教学对象 2006级 班 别 1,2,3,4, 听课人数 必修课 (?) 校级公共课 课程类型 选修课 限选课(?);任选课( ) 课堂讲授(?);实践课( ) 考核方 授课方式 考试(?);考查( ) 式 学时分配 课堂讲授 56 学时; 实践课 学时 新视野大学英语 出版社外语教学与研究出教材名称 读写教程(1) 作郑树棠 及出版版社 者 时间 2003年 教后记 1(Ss vocabularies will be enlarged 2. Ss reading ability will be enhanced greatly 3. Ss speaking ability and writing ability will be enhanced to some extend. A. To help students enhance their reading and writing ability; B. To help students increase the speaking ability (e.g say sth. about food, online education…); 教学目的 C. To have students know sth. about translation. New Horizon College English, Book 1 A. Section A as intensive reading; 1 B. Exercises as the enforcement of language points; 教学内容 C. Section B as extensive reading; D. Practice of writing. A. Students’ Online learning is combined with teachers’ instruction; B. Communicative teaching method is combined with traditional methods; C. Multi-media is used to enhance Ss’ listening ability; D. Ss are encouraged to self-study. 教学方法 A. The important points are to enhance Ss’ writing ability; B. Section A is delivered elaborately; C. Ss’ vocabularies are enlarged by asking Ss to remember prefixes and 教学重点 suffixes. D. The usage of verbs in section A is explained carefully A. To enhance Ss writing ability, because they lack writing skill. B. To enhance Ss speaking ability, because they have no opportunity to 教学难点 speak English. 大学英语四、六级模拟试题 牛津高阶双解英汉词典 新英汉词典 制定参考 英语学习 书 新视野大学英语 综合训练 1 任课教师 刘兴沛 职称 助 教 河南大学大学外语教学部教案 2 周 次 第 周,第 次课 授课时间 2006年 月 日/ 日 单元名 Unit 3 Section A A Good Heart to Lean On 称 授课方课堂讲授(?),实践课教学时时间分 2 式 (?) 数 配 Objectives: 1. To learn the target words and expressions in the text; 2. To learn sth. about what is the true love between two lovers; 3. To understand the structure of the text. 4. To grasp the usage of following phrases: make it 教 subject to now that in some way break out on 学 leave see to 内 Teaching procedure: 容授(1) Review. 70 (2) Explain the target words and expressions. 课的 (3) Say something about background knowledge. minutes (4) Give a brief introduction to the text 要重 (5) Discourse apprehension 点 点Important points Language points (语言点) 和 10 And when I came home on leave, he saw to it that I 难minutes visited his office. 点 Difficult points 10 The usage of words: lean severe minutes coordinate 3 Cultural notes: 教 Say sth. about the deep caring in daily life 学 Supplementation materials 内 1. Some CET4 items are to be inserted into the explanation 容 of new words. 10 的 2. Useful sentences for writing are to inserted into the 深minutes explanation of new words. 化 和 拓 展 The multimedia means is combined with teacher’s explanation. 本单元的教 学手段 1.Teacher says one sentence in Chinese and Ss translate it in 师生活动设 English using the new words and expressions in this unit; 计 2. Teacher asks some questions about text and Ss answer them. 1. Try to remember new words; 2. Preview the text of Section A; 作 业 3. Topic “The Love in Daily Life”. I. Introduce oneself II. Explain the target words and expressions. A. Lead the students read the text or let the students read new words after CD-ROM. 4 B. Explain some useful words 1. lean vi. (1). rest on sth. in a listing position for support 倚;靠 There is a ladder leaning against the wall.有一架梯子靠在墙上。 The old man leaned upon his stick.那位老人倚着拐杖。 Notice that "lean" is used with the preposition "on". To rely for assistance or support, 依靠依靠以获取帮助或支持 Lean on me for help. 依赖我的帮助 They always lean on us when they are in trouble. 他们有困难时总寻求我们的支持。 (2). be in a listing position; bend 倾斜;倾向;偏向 Lean against the railing. 倚在栏杆上 Don't lean out of the window. 别把身子探出窗外。 Just lean forward for a moment, please. 请向前靠一会儿。 2. balance n. (1). even sharing of weight; even; equal 平衡;均衡 a good sense of balance 良好的平衡感 He lost his balance and fell over. 他失去平衡,所以跌倒。 It's difficult to keep one's balance on an icy street. 在结冰的街道上保持平衡是不容易的。 (2)condition that exists when two opposites are equal or in even lots or percents 均势, 平衡 5 keep / achieve a good balance in some aspects 在某方面保持良好的平衡 Try to achieve a better balance between work and play. 要努力使工作和娱乐更好地平衡。 v. (1). (cause to) be even and keep in balance (使) 平衡, (使) 均衡 When you ride a bicycle you must learn to balance. 学骑自行车必须学会保持平衡。 (2). consider in relation to something else; compare 权衡;比较 You have to balance the positive points of living in a big city against the negative ones. 你必须权衡居住在大城市的利和弊。 , in the balance: in an undetermined and often critical position悬而未决;紧要 关头处于未确定的或经常是关键性的位置(命运)未定,在危急中;不确定 Though her life was in the balance, she thought only of the safety of her fellows. 尽管她生命危急,但她一心只想着她伙伴们的安全。 Resolution of these matters is still in the balance. 这些事情的结果尚未可知 on balance: taking everything into consideration; all in all.总的来说,将一切事情考虑在内;包括一切地 Their suggestion has, on balance, proved practicable. 总的说来,他们的建议已被证明是可行的。 3. severe a. 1. very bad, intense, difficult, etc 非常恶劣的;紧张的;困难的 a severe storm 猛烈的暴风雨 a severe attack of toothache 牙痛的剧烈发作 The dry spell is becoming more and more severe.旱灾日益严重。 6 2. strict or hard in thinking or treatment; using strict discipline 严格的;严肃的; a severe punishment 严厉的惩罚 a severe master 苛刻的主人 Was the judge too severe on the thief? 法官对小偷太严厉了吗, , be severe upon [on] sb. 对某人很严厉 , severely ad. in a severe or strict way 严格地;严厉地;非常恶劣地 severely damaged 严重损坏 punish sb. severely 严厉惩罚某人 Dangerous driving should be severely punished. 危险驾驶应该受到严厉处罚。 4. cripple vt. 1. make a person unable to walk or move properly because of damage to the back or legs 使跛;使残废 crippled by disease 因患疾病而跛足的 He has been crippled with pain. 他因疼痛而走路一瘸一拐。 She was crippled in the car accident. 她在汽车出事时把腿伤成了残废。 2. damage or reduce the strength of (sth.) seriously 严重地损坏;削弱 be financially crippled 财政拮据 The ship was crippled by a storm. 这只船被暴风雨严重损坏了。 The business has been crippled by losses.这个公司由于亏损而停业。 n. [C] someone who is unable to use one or more of his body parts, esp. the legs 伤残人(或动物) be a cripple for life 成终生残疾 ? He that lives with cripples learns to limp. 近朱者赤, 近墨者黑。 7 5. inward a. (1). located within; inside (esp. in the mind or spirit) 在内的;内部的(尤指在头脑中、精神上) inward doubts 内心的怀疑 inward nature /thoughts内在性情/内心的思想 事物的本质 inward nature of a thing (2). turned toward the inside 向内的 an inward curve 向内的弧线, 内弯 Her words were inward and indistinct when she was in a state of half unconsciousness.她处于半昏迷状态时,她说话的声音低沉,模糊不清。 , inwardly ad. in mind or spirit 内心或精神方面 She was sad inwardly.她不把痛苦表现出来。 He is rotten inwardly. 他变质了。 6. halt v. stop; interrupt 暂停;中断;中止 Halt! Who goes there? 站住!谁? No one can halt the advance of history. 谁也阻挡不了历史的前进。 Work was halted when the machine broke down. 机器出故障时,工作停了下来。 n. a stop or pause 暂停;中断;中止 The car came to a halt in time to prevent an accident. 汽车及时刹住, 避免了一场事故。 8 Production was brought to a halt by a strike. 由于罢工, 生产停顿了。 7. impatient a. 1. unable to deal calmly with sth./sb. or to wait for sth.; easily annoyed by sb./sth.; not patient 不能冷静地对待或等待的;易烦躁的;不耐心的 他们渐渐不耐烦了。 They are growing impatient. Don't be so impatient! The bus will be here soon. 别这样不耐烦~公共汽车很快就来。 2. very eager to do sth. or for sth. to happen; anxious 急切的;渴望的 The children were impatient to start a journey 孩子们急于动身去旅行 He is impatient to know whether he has passed the final examinations or not. 他急于想知道他的期末考试是否都及格了。 ? be impatient for 急切盼望 be impatient of 不能忍受 be impatient at 不能忍受 be impatient with 因....而不耐烦 8. pace n.1. speed, esp. of walking or running (尤指走或跑的)速度 quicken one's pace 加快步伐 at the pace of three miles an hour 以每小时3 英里的速度 She slowed down her pace so I could keep up with her. 她放慢了速度,以便我能跟上她。 2. speed of progress or development, esp. of an activity 进步或发展的速度 (尤指某项活动的速度) 9 The book lacks pace. 这部小说情节发展太慢。 The pace of change in the computer industry is very fast. / The computer industry develops at a good pace. 计算机工业发展变化速度很快。 vi. walk with slow, regular, even steps 踱步, 慢步走 pace up and down 走来走去(尤指由于烦躁、焦虑等) The policeman paced up and down the street. 警察在街上踱来踱去。 keep pace(常与with连用)跟上,与„同步;并驾齐驱 ? keep pace with sb./sth. 与某人[某物]齐步前进, 跟上某人[某物] Are wages keeping pace with inflation? 工资的提高能否与通货膨胀同步, try sb.'s paces 试某人本领 show one's paces (马)显示速度[步法]; [喻]显出自己的本领 9. adjust v.1. (to) become or make suited (to new conditions); to change 使适应(新环 境);适应 adjust oneself to 适应„„ You should adjust yourself to college life as soon as possible. 你们应该尽快地适应大学生活。 He adjusted himself very quickly to the heat of the country. 他使自己很快适应了这个国家炎热的气候。 2. (to) change (sth.) by a small bit so that it will fit or be right for use; make regular 调整;校准;调准 adjust my watch 校准我的表 adjust the focus of a camera 调整照相机的焦 距 10 My eye glasses need adjusting. 我的眼镜需要校准。 Cf< adapt adjust> 都含“适合”、“适应”的意思。 adapt指“修改或改变以适应新条件”, 如:You should adapt yourself to the new environment. 你应该适应新环境。 adjust指“调整”、“调节”使之适应, 如:You can't see through the telescope until it is adjusted to your eyes.你把望远镜调节到适合你的目光之后, 你才看得见。 10. despite prep.without being influenced by (the points mentioned) 尽管; 不管 remain modest despite one's achievements 尽管有成绩仍然保持谦虚 They had a wonderful holiday, despite the bad weather. 尽管天气不好,他们的假日仍然过得很愉快。 尽管如此 (in) ? despite all that despite of ... 不顾, 尽管, 任凭 11. nasty a.1. unpleasant; horrible; disgusting 令人不快的;令人厌恶的 nasty weather 令人厌恶的天气 a nasty smell 难闻的气味 Things look nasty for me. 事情看来不妙。 She could never forget that nasty sight. 她永远也忘不了那令人作呕的情景。 2. unkind; hostile 不友善的;恶意的 a nasty remark 恶毒的话 a nasty look 一付凶相 What a nasty man! 真是个不怀好意的人~ 11 Don't be nasty to your little brother.不要对你的小弟弟太刻薄。 ? be nasty to sb. 跟某人闹别扭 a nasty one [口]严重的挫败; 令人不快的经历; 令人难堪的问题 a nasty piece [bit] of work [goods] 讨厌的人, 卑鄙的人 12. cling vi.1.(to) hold on tightly to sb./sth. 抱住;抓紧 We clung together in the storm. 暴风中我们紧紧依偎。 They clung to each other as they said goodbye. 他们告别时紧紧地拥抱在一起。 They clung to one another for support. 他们互相紧抓住对方, 以相互支撑。 2. (to) be unwilling to let go of sth.; refuse to give sth. up坚持;坚守;拒不放弃;抱定 cling to an idea 坚持一种观点 cling to outdated customs. 墨守陈规 cling to a purpose 坚持目的 cling to the last hope 抱定最后希望,决不灰心 She clung to the hope that he was still alive. 她抱定他仍然活着的希望。 She still clings to the idea that her son is alive. 她仍抱着一个信念: 儿子还活着。 Cf< stick adhere cohere cling> stick 系常用词, 指“好象用某种粘结物使都含“粘着"、“坚持"的意思。 粘着或结合在一起", 如:He always sticks to his word.他总是信守诺言。 adhere属正式用语, 语意比 stick强, 指“自动地或义务地忠于一理想、事业、领导人等", 如:adhere to the Party's policy坚持党的方针。 cohere指“粘合在一起"、“团结一致", 如:There are moral principles by which society coheres.有些道德法则使社会得以团结一致。 cling 指“紧抱"、“坚守",如:cling to one's own view.坚持己 12 见。 13. amaze vt. fill (sb.) with great surprise or wonder 使大为惊讶;使惊愕 Her knowledge amazes me. 她的学识令我吃惊。 Notice that "be amazed" is used together with "at" or "by". I was amazed at / by her calmness. 她的镇静自若令我吃惊。 He amazed everyone by passing his driving test. 他通过了驾驶员考试而令大家非常惊讶。 We were amazed at the change in how he looked. 我们对他外表的改变感到惊讶。 But "be amazed" can also be followed by to-infinitive or that-clause. We were amazed to hear that she passed the test without much difficulty. 听说她轻而易举地通过了考试, 我们都很惊奇。 I was amazed that you were leaving. 你要离开, 我很吃惊。 ? be amazed at (by) 对...大为惊奇 be amazed to see / hear / find 看到,听到, 发现...感到吃惊 If "be amazed" is complemented by a how-clause, use of the preposition "at" or "by" is a choice: You would be amazed (at / by) how difficult the job was. 你要是知道那件任务有多难, 你会大吃一惊的。 Cf< amaze astonish surprise> 都含有“使...惊异” 的意思,而且它们都是一般以事物或他人作主语, 以本人作 宾语; 以本人作主语时用被动形式。 amaze强调“使惊异, 困惑”间或还有“惊 13 叹, 佩服”的意思, 是意义很强的词, 如:We were amazed at the ingenuity with which they solved their difficulties.他们在解决困难中所表现的智慧使我们惊叹 [佩服]。 astonish表示“使人大吃一惊”、“几乎无法使人相信”, 但没有“惊叹” 的意思, 如:I was astonished at his rudeness.他的粗野使 我大吃一惊。 surprise 语气较上述两词弱, 只表示“出乎意外地惊异”, 如:We were surprised at finding the house empty.我们惊讶地发现房子是空的。 14. stress n.1.demands or worry (resulting from mental or body problems, difficult situations, etc.) (由于精神、体力不适或困境等造成的)压力;忧虑;紧张 the stresses and strains of modern life 现代生活的紧张和压力 He suffered from great stress. 他受到很大压力。 "In fact, stress isn't a bad thing it is often supposed to be." "事实上,压力并不像人们所认为的那样是一件坏事。" 2. special pushing or importance 强调;重视 We must lay stress on self reliance. 我们必须强调自立更生。 He feels that there is not enough stress on drawing at the school. 他认为学校对绘画重视不够。 ? lay [place, put] stress on 把重点放在...上; 在...上用力 3. 【语】重音, 重读; [诗]扬音 Stress and rhythm are important in speaking English. 讲英语时重音及节奏都很重要。 vt.1. give particular importance to; push 强调, 重视 14 He stressed the need of careful planning. 他强调要精心。 He stressed the point that we should be punctual. 他强调的一点是我们必须准时。 2. give force to (a word or word-part) when speaking 重读, 读重音 The word "machine" is stressed on its second syllable. "machine"这个词第二个音节读重音。 15. complain vi. (about, of, & that clause) say that one is not satisfied, unhappy 抱怨;诉苦 He complained about the food to me. 他向我抱怨饭菜不好。 She complained to me about his bad manners. 她向我诉说他的粗暴无礼。 She is always complaining about something. 她总是怨天尤人/满腹牢骚。 They complained that the price of books had increased. 他们抱怨说书的价格高了。 When "complain" means "say that one has a pain, illness, etc.", the preposition "of" is usually used. He went to the doctor complaining of the difficulty in breathing. 他去找医生, 说自己呼吸有困难。 The little boy complained of pains in his stomach. 那小孩直叫肚子疼。 16. complaint n.1. the act of saying that one is not satisfied or unhappy 抱怨;诉苦 15 complaint department 顾客意见接纳处 You have no cause for complaint. 你没有理由诉苦。 He poured out his complaints before me. 他在我面前倾诉苦衷。 2.a report of lack of satisfaction 控告;投诉;抱怨 She made a complaint about the noise. 她就噪音问题提出了投诉。 If your neighbours are too noisy then you have cause for complaint. "如果你的邻居太喧哗,你就有理由投诉。" ? He who makes constant complaint gets little compassion. [谚]经常诉苦, 少人同情。 ? lodge / make a complaint 提出不满意见, 对...提出控告 lodge / make a complaint against 提出不满意见, 对...提出控告 17. envy n.(of, at, towards) feeling of lack of worth caused by sb. else's good fortune or success, esp. when one wishes this for oneself 妒忌;羡慕 He couldn't hide his envy at my success. 他无法掩饰对我成功的妒忌。 His new car excited their envy. 他的新汽车令他们很羡慕。 envy: After "envy" we can use prepositions "of", "at" or "towards" He was filled with envy at my success. 他非常羡慕我的成功。 He finds it difficult to hide his envy of his brother's success. 他很难掩饰对自己兄弟成功的妒忌。 The word "envy" can also be used to mean "object of envy" (羡慕的目标). Their beautiful garden is the envy of all the neighbors. 16 所有邻居都羡慕他们美丽的花园。 vt. feel envy of (sb.) or at (sth.) 羡慕;妒忌 How I envy you! 我真羡慕你! I have always envied your good luck. 我一直羡慕你运气好。 ? be in envy of sb.'s success 羡慕某人的成功 out of envy 出于忌妒[羡慕] lost in envy 非常嫉妒 better be envied than pitied 宁可让人妒忌, 不要让人怜悯 妒忌得面色发青, 非常妒忌 green with envy , envious a. (of) full of envy; feeling, showing or expressing envy 嫉妒的;羡慕的 envious looks 忌妒的神情, 羡慕的眼光 She was envious of her sister's beauty/ new fashionable dress. 她妒嫉妹妹的美貌/时髦的新衣服。 She threw envious glances at her sister's dress. 她以羡慕的眼光看了几下她姐姐的那套衣服。 ? be envious of sb.for his success/ good fortune ? be envious of sb.'s success / good fortune 忌妒/羡慕某人的成功/好运 18. precise a. 1. stated clearly and accurately 精确的;准确的;明白的;无误的 to be precise [用作插入语]确切地讲 a precise record of events 对事件的准确记载 The victim was able to give a precise description of the suspect. 17 受害者能够清晰地描绘嫌疑犯。 2. exact; particular 正好;就在 at that precise moment 就在那个时刻 It was found at the precise place where she had left it. 就在她丢下它的地方把它找到了。 precisely , ad. exactly; just 准确地;精确地;正好;恰恰 I can't remember precisely what happened. 我记不清发生了什么事。 The two reports are precisely the same. 两个陈述一模一样。 Precisely so. 正是这样。 19. engage v. 1. (in) (cause sb.) take part in or be occupied in sth. (使)从事;(使)忙于 be engaged in business 经商 He is engaged just now. 他正有事。 I have no time to engage in telling stories. 我没有时间闲聊。 2. employ sb.; hire sb. 雇用;聘用 engage a new secretary 聘请新秘书 She was engaged as a teacher. 她被聘作教师。 We engage him as technical adviser. 我们聘请他担任技术顾问。 He's been engaged to paint the house. 他被雇来油漆这所房子。 3. use or attract (sb.'s thoughts, time, etc.) 使全神贯注;引起(注意);占用 18 (时间) Studying engages most of a serious student's time. 读书占用了认真学习的学生的大部分时间。 His good nature engages everyone. 他善良的性情吸引每个人。 Nothing engages his attention for long. 什么也不能长时间地吸引住他的注意力。 The woman's problem engaged our feelings. 那个妇女的困境引起了我们的同情。 ? be engaged with 正与...接洽; 正忙于, 从事 be engaged in / be engage oneself in 正做着, 正忙着 20. occasion n. 1. [C] particular time (at which an event takes place)(事件发生的)特定时刻;时机 I've met him on several occasions. 我曾经见过他几次。 A birthday is no occasion for tears. 生日可不是哭鼻子的时候。 2. [C] suitable or right time (for sth.); opportunity (适当的)时机;机会 This is not an occasion for fun and games. 这可不是寻开心的时候。 I'll buy one if the occasion arises. 如果有机会我就会买一个。 , on occasion from time to time; now and then. 偶尔间断地;不时地 on one occasion 曾经, 有一个时候 on several occasions 屡次, 好几次 on the first occasion 一有机会 19 take / seize occasion to do 抓住...的好时机, 乘机... as occasion demands / requires 遇必要时 as occasion serves 一有适当的时机 as occasion offers 有机会时, 机会到来时 21. punch v. 1. strike (sb./sth.) hard with the fist 用拳猛击 punch a man in the face 用拳猛击某人的脸 He punched him on the nose. 他对着他的鼻子猛打一拳。 He has a face I'd like to punch. 他有一张我很想饱以老拳的脸。 2. use a punch to cut (a hole) in (sth.) 用打孔机打孔 The ticket-collector punched my ticket. 售票员在我的票上打了个孔。 He punched two holes in the tin of oil, and then poured it out. 他在油筒上打了两个孔,然后把油倒出。 22. shove vi. push (sb./sth.) roughly 推;挤;撞 If you pull, I'll shove. 如果你拉, 我就来推。 shove a job off onto others 把一件工作硬推给别人去干 a crowd pushing and shoving to get in 连推带挤地要进去的一群人 He shoved her out of the way. 他把她推到了一边。 Shove over, friend, and make room for me. 朋友,挪过去点儿,给我留出点地方。 , shove along 推着走 shove around 推来推去; 使唤来唤去 20 shove on 推着往前走 shove one's clothes on [口]穿上衣服 Cf< push shove> 都含“推"的意思。 push系常用词, 指“用力推动接触的人、物", 如:push a baby carriage 推童车。 shove指“粗暴地推开挡路的人或物"、“使劲推动(重物)", 如:shove a box into the corner用力把箱子推到角落里。 23. aid n. [U] help 帮助;援助;救护 legal aid 法律援助 first aid 急救 an aid to hearing / a hearing aid 助听器 She came quickly to his aid. 她急忙赶来帮他。 vt. give support to, help 帮助, 援助 I aided him with money. 我资助了他。 I aided him in his enterprise. 我帮助他做这一事业。 , in aid of支持,援助 raise fund in aid of the sick 募捐帮助病人 what's it all in aid of? 这是为了什么目的, ? call in sb.'s aid 请某人援助 lend one's aid to 给予援助 come / go to sb.'s aid 前来/去援助某人 by the aid of / with the aid of 借助于, 通过...的帮助 , unaided a. without help; by one's self 无助的;独力的 by one's unaided efforts 以独自的努力 21 He did it unaided. 他独自做的。 He is unable to walk unaided. 他不能独力行走。 24. kid v. 1. make fun of (sb.) 开玩笑 You're kidding! 你在开玩笑~(我才不信你呢~) No kidding! I wonder why I was getting wet! 别开玩笑~我纳闷为什么我身上湿 了。 2. deceive (sb.), esp. through playing; fool 欺骗;哄骗 Don't kid me. 不要骗我。 I'm not kidding you. 我不是欺骗你的。 Don't kid yourself. It won't be so easy. 不要自欺欺人-- 那事可不容易。 n. a child or young person ... 小孩或年轻人 How are your wife and kids? 你的夫人和孩子都好吗, 25. urge vt. 1. try hard or repeatedly to persuade (sb.) 力劝 He urged us to go. 他力劝我们去。 He urged her to study physics. 他极力劝她学习物理。 "Don't give in now," she urged. "不要现在就让步,"她竭力劝道。 2. encourage or excite sb. to do sth. 鼓励;催促;鞭策 He urged her to rest. 他催促她休息。 She urges me to take steps in the matter. 她催我处理此事。 22 The manager urged his staff on to greater efforts. 经理督促全体职员更加努力。 n. a strong wish or need 强烈愿望, 迫切需求 I had an urge to see him. 我迫切希望见到他。 He has an urge to become a cinema star. 他渴望当一名电影明星。 , urge against 极力反对 urge... into doing / to do 催促[怂恿]...做 urge on / onward / forward 推进; 驱策 u向某人极力陈述某事 rge sth. on / upon sb. 26. dive n. 1. (American slang) pretending to be struck down to the ground in boxing (美俚)(拳击中)假装被击倒 The challenger took a dive. 挑战者假装被击倒 Taking a dive is an effective trick to fool your boxing mate. 假装被击倒是骗过对手的有效方法。 2. act of going head first into the water 跳水 He made a dive from the bridge to save the drowning child. 他从桥上跳进水里去抢救落水儿童。 vi. 1.throw oneself head first into the water 跳水, 潜水 The bird dived into the water to catch the fish. 那鸟潜入水中去抓鱼。 He dived from the bridge and rescued the drowning child. 他从桥上跳到水中,救起那快要溺死的小孩。 ? 2. to plunge into an activity or enterprise with vigor and gusto.钻研全身的 23 投入,潜心钻研,探究 take a dive into physics 埋头钻研物理学 dive into the history of English literature 专心研究英国文学史 Children always dive to the bottom of a subject. 孩子们对问题总是追根究底的。 27. reluctant a. unwilling and therefore slow to work with sb., agree, etc. 不愿意的;迟迟不合作的;不同意的 (常与to + inf连用) a reluctant smile 勉强的微笑 a reluctant student 一个不愿上学的学生 He was very reluctant to go away. 他很不愿意离去。 She was very reluctant to admit the truth. 她很勉强地承认了事实真相。 , reluctance n. [U] not willing to do sth. 不愿;勉强 He left us with some reluctance. 他很不情愿地离开了我们。 She made a great show of reluctance, but finally accepted our offer. 她极力表示不愿意,但最后还是接受了我们的帮助。 28. worthy a. 1. having respect or careful thought 值得尊敬的;值得考虑的 a worthy life 有价值的生活 a worthy man 高尚的人 a worthy gentleman 可敬的先生 a worthy opponent 劲敌 2. owning sth. or to do sth. 值得......的;应......的;足以......的 worthy of help 值得帮忙的 worthy to be revered 值得受人尊敬的 24 He is worthy of our praise. 他值得我们表扬。 Their efforts are worthy of your support. 他们的努力值得你们的支持。 , unworthy a. 1. not owning 不值得的;不配的(常与of连用) unworthy of respect 不值得敬重的 I am unworthy of such an honor. 我不配获这样的荣誉。 2. not suited to the nature of sb./sth.(与身份、资格、性质)不适合的;不相称的 an act unworthy of a good citizen 正派公民不应有的行为 ? The acquaintances she had already formed were unworthy of her. (Jane Austen) “她已认识的那些熟人都配不上她”(简?奥斯汀) 29. trifle n. thing, question or activity that has little value or importance 无价值的或不重要的东西、问题、行动、琐事、小事 It's silly to quarrel over trifles. 在小事上争吵是愚蠢的。 , stick at trifle 顾虑细微末节 a trifle : very little; somewhat 有点儿,稍微 a trifle stingy 有点儿小气 v. treat without the necessary seriousness or respect 轻视, 小看; The boss is not a person to be trifled with. 那老板非等闲之辈, 不可小看。 She trifled with my affections. 她随意玩弄我的感情。 You should not trifle with your health. 你不要疏忽你的健康。 , trifle away 浪费(时间、精力等) 25 trifle with不重视, 玩弄, 嘲弄 30. make it 1) arrive in time 2) succeed with efforts I think we'll just make it! 我想我们会及时到达! It's hard to make it to the top in the show business. 想在演艺圈出人头地, 殊非易事。 31. subject to cause to experience or suffer 使 ......遭受 No one would willingly subject himself to such shame. 没人会心甘情愿受这种羞辱。 He had been subjected to punishment, but he didn't tell the secret. 他受到严刑拷打, 但没泄露秘密。 The officials subjected him to the worst possible punishment. 当局给予他最严厉的惩罚。 32. in some way in a certain manner 以某种方式 However difficult it is, the problem must be settled in some way. 不管怎么困难, 这个问题必须以某种方式加以解决。 compare the phrase with "in a way" (= to some degree) and "in no way" (= not at 26 all). In a way, he is right in saying so. 在某种程度上讲, 他这样说是对的。 In a way, these officers were prisoners themselves. 在某种程度上讲, 这些狱吏本身也是囚犯。 You can in no way allow this situation to continue. 你决不能允许这种情况再继续下去。 33. on leave spending time away from work or duty 休假 I'm in charge of the department when the manager is on leave. 经理休假时, 由我主管本部门工作。 34. see to take care; make sure 照料; 务必做到, 务须 You ought to have your eyes seen to by a doctor. 你应该让医生看一下你的眼睛。 Will you see to it that everyone gets a ticket for the concert? 请务必安排让每个人拿到一张音乐会的票,好吗, When this phrase is followed by a that-clause, we can either say "... see to it that-clause" or simply "... see that-clause". Father saw to it that much of my spare time was not wasted. 父亲极力注意不让我的许多业余时间白白浪费。 See that you are not late again. 务请注意不要再迟到。 III. 1. Try to remember new words; 2. Preview the text of Section A; 27 3. Topic “How to study English well”. 28 河南大学大学外语教学部教案 周 次 第 周,第 次课 授课时间 2006年 月 日/ 日 单元名 Unit 3 Section A A Good Heart to Lean On 称 授课方课堂讲授(?),实践课教学时时间分 2 式 (?) 数 配 Objectives: 1. To understand the text of Section A; 2. To grasp the usage of following phrases: make it subject to now that in some way break out 教on leave see to 学Teaching procedure: (1) Ask students to say something about what happened in 内 the week; (2) Ask some Ss to read new words in class; 70 容授(3) Review the expressions learned in the previous lessons; (4) Text Structure Analysis minutes 课的 (5) Explain the text of Section A; 要重 (6) Do exercises of Section A. 点 点Important points 和Language points (语言点) 10 难 And when I came home on leave, he saw to it that I visited minutes 点 his office. Difficult points 10 The usage of words: lean severe coordinate minutes 29 Talking about the deep caring in daily life 教 Supplementation materials 学 1. Some CET4 items are to be inserted into the explanation 内 of new words. 容 2. Useful sentences for writing are to inserted into the 10 的 explanation of new words. 深minutes 化 和 拓 展 The multimedia means is combined with teacher’s explanation. 本单元的教 学手段 1. Teacher asks some questions about text and Ss answer them. 2. Teacher says one sentence in Chinese and Ss translate it in 师生活动设 English using the new words and expressions in this unit; 计 1. Preview the text of Section B; 作 业 2. Writing Practice: “The Love in My Life ” I. Text Structure Analysis The author presents the story with a general point and then continues to support his general point with examples. This is one of the commonest ways of presenting one's ideas or points of view. In Paragraph 11, the author tells us that although the father was crippled, he still 30 managed to participate in some activities through his son. Then the author went on to support this general point with three examples. The first example is when the son played ball, the father "played" too. The second example is that the son joined the navy and the father "joined" too, though the author did not tell us how that father "joined" the navy. The third example is that when the son went home on leave from the navy, the father would make him visit his office. And in this way the father was telling others that he could do the same as his son. II. Explain the text, Section , Section A Text A Good Heart to Lean On 1. A Good Heart to Lean On (title) Meaning: A good heart to depend on for support and encouragement. Notice that in this sense, "lean" is used with the preposition "on". They always lean on us when they are in trouble. 他们有困难时总寻求我们的支 持。 Q: how did the writer feel to be seen with his father when he was young? why? 2. You set the pace. I will try to adjust to you. (Para. 2) Meaning: You decide the speed of walking and I will try to change my speed and keep up to yours. set the pace: fix the speed The fast runner set the pace, and the others followed. 跑得较快的赛跑者决定步速, 其他的人则跟着跑。 adjust to: change a little to make right or suitable for a particular situation or purpose. Notice here "adjust" is very often used with "to". My eyes haven't adjusted to the dark in the room yet. 我的眼睛还未适应房间中的黑暗。 31 Q: what did the father always say when he started out with his son? 3. He went to work sick, ... (Para. 3) Meaning: He went to work even when he was ill. Here the adjective "sick" should be understood in the context as "when he was sick". Look at the use of the adjective "hungry" in the following example: He went to bed hungry last night. 他昨夜饿着肚子上床睡觉。 More examples of this kind: The tomatoes should be picked green. 这些西红柿应该青的时候摘。 I can't drink it hot. 它太烫, 我没法喝。 4. ...despite nasty weather. (Para. 3) Meaning: even with terrible weather; although the weather was very bad. Notice that no "of" is used after "despite". I went out despite (or in spite of) the rain. 虽然下着雨, 我还是出了门。 Despite/In spite of mistakes and weaknesses, it is a good composition. 尽管有错误和不足, 这还是一篇好作文。 a matter of pride”? Q: what does the writer mean by “ 5. Once there, he would cling to the hand-rail... (Para. 4) Meaning: Once (= As soon as) he got there, he would hold on to the hand-rail for support. "Once" as a conjunction introduces an adverbial clause in which the subject and the verb "be" can often be omitted. 32 Once (they are) in bed, the children usually go to sleep very quickly. 一上床, 这些孩子通常很快就睡着了。 cling to: hold tightly; refuse to let go 6. ... the lower steps that the warmer tunnel air kept free of ice. (Para. 4) Meaning: the lower steps that the warmer tunnel air kept without ice. free of (or: from): without (something or someone unwanted); safe from; untroubled or not marked by. The old lady is never free of (or: from) pain. 那位老妇人一直在遭受痛苦。 Meals are provided free of charge. 膳食免费供应。 Q: how did the father go to work when the weather was very bad? 7. ... subject himself to such shame and stress. (Para. 5) Meaning: experience such shame and stress subject (one / oneself) to: cause to experience or suffer. He was subjected to torture. 他受到了严刑拷打。 8. He never talked about himself as an object of pity, nor did he show any envy of the more fortunate or able. (Para. 6) Meaning: He never talked about himself as an object of being pitied and he did not show any envy of the more fortunate or able-bodied (= strong and active) people either. "Nor" is used here to introduce a second negative statement which is added to the 33 first one. Notice the use of the past auxiliary "did" and the reversed order between "did" and the subject "he". I have never been dishonest, nor do I plan to start being so now. 我从来没有不诚实过, 现在我也不打算开始破这个例。 I have never been to Paris, nor has my wife. 我从未去过巴黎, 我妻子也没去过。 9. ...the more fortunate or able. (Para. 6) the more fortunate or able: the more fortunate or able-bodied people. In English "the" followed by an adjective can often refer generally to people with the quality shown by that adjective. The rich should help the poor. 富人应该帮助穷人。 10. What he looked for was a "good heart", ... (Para. 6) a "good heart": this phrase is used to refer to the kind, honest and generous nature of a person. 11. Now that I am older, I believe .... (Para. 7) Meaning: Because I am older, I believe... . Here "now that" is used as a conjunction, meaning "since" when we are talking about the effect of an event or change. This conjunction can be shortened to "now". Now that John has arrived, we can begin. 既然约翰来了, 我们可以开始了。 I like him a lot now (that) he's older. 他现在老了, 我倒十分喜欢他。 34 12. ... I believe that is a proper standard by which to judge people, ... (Para. 7) Meaning: I believe that is a proper standard by which I can judge people. Notice that in this sentence "by which to judge people" is a relative clause in which the finite verb structure is replaced by an infinitive verb. This is a very common structure in English: I don't know which way to go (= which way we should go) to reach the nearest branch of the City Bank. 我不知道走哪条路才能找到离这里最近的城市银行分 行。 He was not able to explain how to go on (= how we should go on) with the experiment. 他说不清该如何继续进行这项实验。 13. But I know the times I don't have one myself. (Para. 7) Meaning: But I know the times when I don't have a "good heart" myself. Notice that in the sentence, the relative adverb "when" has been left out after "the times". This is common when the relative clause is modifying a time expression. The day I arrived was Thursday. 我到的那天是星期四。 The sentence is understood: The day that I arrived was Thursday; or The day when I arrived was Thursday; or The day on which I arrived was Thursday. Q: what is the proper standard to judge people by according to the writer now he is growing up? 14. Unable to engage in many activities, ... (Para. 8) Meaning: Although he was unable to engage in many activities, ... 35 Here the adjectival phrase "Unable to ..." is a clause showing concession. In English adjectives or adjectival phrases are often used, especially at the beginning of a sentence, to show reason, concession, etc. Glad to accept, the boy nodded his agreement. 那男孩乐意接受, 点头表示同意。 Rather nervous, the man opened the letter. 那个人很紧张地拆开了信。 15. He was a knowledgeable baseball fan and often took me to see the Brooklyn Dodgers play. (Para. 8) Notice that after some verbs of physical senses, such as see, watch, hear, notice, etc, the infinitive verb is used without to: Did you see / notice him go out? 你见他出去了吗? I heard her sing in the next room last night. 昨夜我听见她在隔壁房间唱歌。 The policeman saw the man open the window. 警察看见那男子打开窗子。 16. ... where he could have a good time just sitting and watching. (Para. 8) Meaning: ... where he could enjoy himself by just sitting and watching. Notice that "have a good time" is followed immediately by -ing verb phrases without any preposition in between. In English "have a good (hard, difficult, etc.) time" is usually followed directly by -ing verb phrases without using any preposition. I had a hard time finding you. 我费好大劲才找到你。 In Spain she had a good time swimming and sun-bathing on the beach. 在西班牙, 她又游泳又在海滩上晒太阳, 过得很愉快。 36 17. He wasn't content to sit and watch, ... (Para. 9) Meaning: He wasn't happy or satisfied just by sitting and watching. The adjective "content" is often used with a with-phrase or followed by an infinitive phrase: I am not content with beautiful dreams: I want beautiful realities. 我不满足于美丽的梦想, 我要的是美丽的现实。 He's perfectly content to live in a simple room and to paint pictures all day. 身居陋室, 整日作画, 他对此已完全心满意足了。 18. ... but he couldn't stand unaided on the soft sand. (Para. 9) Meaning: ... but he couldn't stand on the soft sand without help The adjective "unaided" is used here showing a condition - without help. 19. ...any fighter was urged to take a dive before the fight began. (Para. 10) take a dive: agree to lose a fight or game dishonestly, especially a boxing match. This is a slang expression, often used as a metaphor, meaning "to pretend defeat", as it is used in this sentence. The phrase comes from professional boxing when one boxer is paid in secret by gamblers to lose, so the gambler can win their bets(赌注). 20. When I joined the Navy, ... (Para. 11) Meaning: When I became a member of the Navy, ... . He joined the Labour Party when he left the university. 他离开大学后加入了工党。 When "join" means "take part in some activity", the verb should be used with "in". 37 We all joined in the singing. 我们一起唱起了歌。 21. And when I came home on leave, he saw to it that I visited his office. (Para. 11) Meaning: And when I came home from the Navy for a holiday, he made sure that I visited his office. The verb phrase "see to" means "take care, make sure". 22. Introducing me, he was really saying, ... (Para. 11) Meaning: When he was introducing me, he was really saying, ... . In English, -ing verb phrases very often are used as adverbials showing time, condition, reason, etc. without using any conjunctions. Hearing the sad news, the mother collapsed. (= When she heard the sad news, ....) 听到这一不幸消息, 母亲悲痛欲绝。 Knowing English well, he translated the article without much difficulty. (= Because he knows English well, ...) 因为英文好, 他翻译这篇文章易如反掌。 23. ...and I could have done this, too, if things had been different. (Para. 11) Meaning: I could have done this, too, if I had not been severely crippled like this. In this sentence, the if-clause expresses a condition just the opposite of the real situation. If he had studied hard last term, he would not have failed in the final test. 要是上学期努力, 那大考他就不会不及格了。 If I had taken the doctor's advice and rested for a few days, I should have completely 38 recovered by now. 要是我听医生劝告, 休息几天, 我现在该完全恢复了。 Q: why does the writer often think of his father, now that his father has been dead for so many years? III. Homework 1. Preview the text of Section B; 2. Writing Practice: “The Love in My Life” 河南大学大学外语教学部教案 周 次 第 周,第 次课 授课时间 2006年 月 日/ 日 单元名 Unit 3 Section B: The Right Son at the Right Time 称 授课方课堂讲授(?),实践课教学时时间分 2 式 (?) 数 配 Objectives: 1.To understand the text of Section B; 教 2. To grasp the usage of following phrases: turn out with that 学 now and then set out 授 内Teaching procedure: 课 (1) Ask students to say something about what happened in 容 the week; 要 70 (2) Have a dictation of new words; 的 (3) Review the expressions learned in the previous 点 minutes lessons; 重 (4) Explain the text of Section B; 点 (5) Do exercises of Section B 39 Important points 和 come to now and again call for set out for a 难 10 while 点 minutes pay no attention to now and then with that turn out Difficult points 10 Now and then she heard him say a few gentle words. minutes Reading skill 教 Reading for the Key Ideas in Sentences 学 Supplementation materials 内 1. Some CET4 items are to be inserted into the explanation 容 of new words. 10 的 2. Useful sentences for writing are to inserted into the 深minutes explanation of new words. 化 和 拓 展 The multimedia means is combined with teacher’s explanation. 本单元的教 学手段 40 1.Teacher says one sentence in Chinese and Ss translate it in 师生活动设 English using the new words and expressions in this unit; 计 2. Teacher asks some questions about text and Ss answer them. 1. Preview comprehensive test, Unit Three; 作 业 2. Recite “Reading aloud ” Teaching Plan for Section B , Unit 1, Book 1 I. Ask students to say something about what happened in the week. II. Ask some Ss to recite “Reading aloud ” III. Review the expressions learned in the previous lessons. IV. Explain the text of Section B. Section B 1. New words (p.65---67) 2. Text : The Right Son at the Right Time Language Point 1 The story began on a downtown Brooklyn street corner. (Para. 1) Meaning: The story started at a street corner in the downtown areas of Brooklyn. Here "downtown" is used as an adjective. For example: in downtown Shanghai 在上海闹市区 "On" can be replaced by other prepositions but they may not have the same meaning. We can also say: at / around a street corner 在街角处 Language Point 2 41 An elderly man had collapsed while crossing the street, ... (Para. 1) Meaning: An old man had fallen to the ground and lost consciousness while he was crossing the street. elderly, old or senior: when we speak of people, we may use either "old" or "elderly" or "senior"; when speaking of places or objects, we tend to use "old" only. Please compare: an old church古老的教堂 an old / elderly lady年长的女士 Notice that "elderly" is a polite way of saying "old", and "senior" is the best way usually. Please also pay attention to the "while"-clause. The subject and the verb "be" can be omitted. Here in the text "... while he was crossing the street" is shortened to ".... while crossing the street". Some other conjunctions indicating time or condition can also be used in this way. Please read: While discussing the matter, they started to argue in a very loud voice. 讨论这个问 题时, 他们竟然高声争吵起来。 When young, he lived in a very poor mountain village in northwestern China. 年轻 时, 他住在中国西北部一个十分贫穷的山村里。 As soon as finished, the job seemed too easy for them. 一旦完成, 这件工作对他 们来说似乎太容易了。 Language Point 3 ...when he came to now and again, ... (Para. 1) Meaning: ...when he recovered consciousness now and again. 42 come to: This phrase is shortened from "come to oneself", which means "recover consciousness". When spoken, "to" should be stressed. now and again: at times, sometimes. This phrase has the same meaning as several other similar phrases: "every now and then" and "now and then". Language Point 4 ...the man repeatedly called for his son. (Para. 1) Meaning: ...the man repeatedly asked to see his son. call for: demand, ask to see The customer called for the waiter. 顾客要服务员过去。 This sort of work calls for a lot of patience. 做这类工作需要极大的耐心。 Language Point 5 From a worn letter located in his pocket, ... (Para. 2) Meaning: From a worn letter found in his pocket, ... worn: a. old and torn because of repeated thumbing through and reading located in his pocket: which was located (= found) in his pocket Here the -ed verb phrase (participial phrase) is used as a post modifier and refers to "a worn letter". In the last part of the same sentence we have "... his son was a Marine stationed in North Carolina". Here "stationed" plays the same role, meaning: "who was stationed ...". 43 Language Point 6 ... the North Carolina Marine Corps ... (Para. 3) (美国) 海军陆战队 Meaning: It is a US armed force made up of soldiers who serve on naval ships and on land. The Marine Corps is also shorted as "Marines". The Marine Corps are often considered to be the toughest and most skilled soldiers in the US armed forces. They are often sent into battle first. Language Point 7 ... set out in an army vehicle. (Para. 3) Meaning: ... started the journey by riding in an army vehicle set out: start a journey. This phrase can be replaced by "set forth" or "set off". They set off in search of the lost child. 他们出发去寻找失踪的小孩。 Language Point 8 ... the nurse urged the Marine to rest for a while. (Para. 6) Meaning: ... the nurse tried hard to persuade the Marine to take a rest. urge: vt. try very hard to persuade They urged us to give our support. 他们强烈要求我们提供援助。 Language Point 9 ... the banging of an oxygen tank ... (Para. 7) 44 Meaning: the sharp loud noise caused by moving an oxygen tank oxygen tank: a large, long, steel container for storing liquid oxygen which is used in a hospital to supply oxygen to people who are ill Language Point 10 The dying man said nothing, only held tightly to his son through most of the night (Para. 7) Meaning: The dying man did not say anything, only kept his son's hand tightly in his own hand for the greater part of the night. hold to: keep in understanding, cling to. This phrase is often used metaphorically. Look at the following examples: I still hold to my former opinions. 我仍坚持原先的看法。 Do you still hold to your plan of going to Australia? 你是否仍坚持要去澳大利亚? Language Point 11 ... and went to inform the nurse. (Para. 8) Meaning: ... and went to tell the nurse about the death of the old man inform: vt. tell; give information or knowledge to. This verb is often used together with "of" or "about" or followed by a personal object or a that-clause. Look at the following examples: I wasn't informed of / about the decision until too late. 有人通知我这个决定的时 候, 已为时太晚。 I informed him that I would not be able to attend the meeting. 我告知他我无法出 45 席会议。 Language Point 12 ... he was too sick to tell whether or not I was his son, ... (Para. 13) Meaning: ...he was so sick that he could not tell whether or not I was his son. This use of the structure "too ... to" is shown by the following examples: It's too cold to go swimming. 天气太冷, 不能去游泳。 It's too good an opportunity for you to miss. 机会太好了, 你千万不能错过。 He's too much of a coward to fight. 他太懦弱, 不敢抗争。 Language Point 13 It turned out there had been two Marines with the same name and similar numbers in the camp. (Para. 14) Meaning: It was found in the end that there had been two Marines with the same name and similar numbers in the camp. turn out (in the above context): happen to be, be found in the end "Turn out" has other meanings. Please read the following examples: Turn the light out (= Turn the light off) before you leave. 你离开前, 请把灯关了。 Huge crowds turned out to see the foreign visitors. 一大群人蜂拥而出, 去看外宾。 This factory can turn out 100 cars a day. 这家工厂每天生产100辆汽车。 Language Point 14 And he proved, ... that there are people who care what happens to their fellow men. 46 (Para. 15) Meaning: And he showed, ... that there are people who are concerned with what happens to their fellow men. Notice that in the sentence "prove" is used as a link verb, which is usually followed by an adjective or a noun. In this use, "prove" means "show in the course of time, turn out to be". Read the following examples: Perhaps this book will prove useful later. 也许这本书今后会有用。 On the long journey, he proved a most amusing companion. 在长途旅行中, 他显 示出他是一位很有趣的旅伴。 This use of "prove" is different from the transitive use of this verb. Compare the following examples with the above sentences: He has evidence that can prove his innocence. 他有证据能证明自己的清白。 They proved him to be guilty. 他们证明他有罪。 V. Do Exercises of Section B VI. Homework A. Preview the rest parts of Unit 1 B. Do VII. Translation on exercise books, ask Ss to hand in next time. 河南大学大学外语教学部教案 周 次 第 周,第 次课 授课时间 2006年 月 日/ 日 单元名 Unit 3: Comprehensive test. 称 47 授课方课堂讲授(?),实践课教学时时间分 2 式 (?) 数 配 Objectives: 1. To review the new words what have been learned in section A, Unit 3, 教 2. To reinforce Ss’s abilities to use the phrases. 学 内 Teaching procedure: 容授 (1) Ask students to say something about what happened in 70 the week; 课的 (2) Have a dictation of new words; minutes (3) Review the expressions learned in the previous lessons; 要重 (4) Do comprehensive test. 点 点Important points 10 和 Part I minutes 难 Part III 点 Difficult points 10 Break +ad. /prep. minutes 48 Reading skill 教 Read the passages in P 29 - 32 to practice Reading skills 学 Supplementation materials 内 1. Some CET4 items are to be inserted into the explanation 容 of new words. 10 的 2. Useful sentences for writing are to inserted into the 深minutes explanation of new words. 化 和 拓 展 The multimedia means is combined with teacher’s explanation. 本单元的教 学手段 1.Teacher says one sentence in Chinese and Ss translate it in 师生活动设 English using the new words and expressions in this unit; 计 2. Teacher asks some questions about test and Ss answer them. 1. Preview the text of Section A, Unit Four; 2. Recite “Reading aloud ” 作 业 49
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