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LNG燃料汽车的发展前景LNG燃料汽车的发展前景 1 序 言 21世纪,人类面临着能源短缺、环境恶化、城市人口膨胀等问题的威胁,这些问题都与迅猛发展的汽车工业息息相关。 据国家环保局的检测,100万人口以上的城市,CO,NOX和HC均已超标,一些经济发达的城市,如北京、上海,天津、武汉、广州、深圳等地,汽车尾气污染更为严重,北京大气中CO含量为74,,HC为63,,NOX 为22,,均来自汽车尾气,SO2的含量高达140mg,m3 ,超过国际卫生组织规定标准的5倍。 深圳是一个新兴的年轻城市,由于汽车数量每天以300台的速度在递增,大气污染程...
LNG燃料汽车的发展前景 1 序 言 21世纪,人类面临着能源短缺、环境恶化、城市人口膨胀等问题的威胁,这些问题都与迅猛发展的汽车工业息息相关。 据国家环保局的检测,100万人口以上的城市,CO,NOX和HC均已超标,一些经济发达的城市,如北京、上海,天津、武汉、广州、深圳等地,汽车尾气污染更为严重,北京大气中CO含量为74,,HC为63,,NOX 为22,,均来自汽车尾气,SO2的含量高达140mg,m3 ,超过国际卫生组织规定标准的5倍。 深圳是一个新兴的年轻城市,由于汽车数量每天以300台的速度在递增,大气污染程度也非常严重。大气中CO和NOX含量也达到了39(1,和21(3,,其中机动车尾气占大气污染物总量的64(5,。 以大气污染和水资源环境恶化为特征的“城市病”不断在蔓延,不断在报复人类,引起了各级政府的高度重视,大力支持环保城市的建设和生态城市的建设,用最清洁的能源不断取代污染性的能源是当代城市建设者们的一项重要任务。 2 大力推广天然气汽车是环保城市建设的需要 汽柴油机动车尾气污染已成为我国各大中城市空气污染的主要污染源;严重威胁着城市人民的生活环境,给人类社会可持续发展埋下了严重的恶果。 从上个世纪70年代开始,许多国家就用LPG作为汽车的代用燃料进行了大量的研究开发和应用工作。据1996年底的统计,世界上气体燃料汽车达600万辆,其中意大利105万辆,荷兰70万辆,美国38万辆,日本32万辆。美国、荷兰、日本,新西兰等国已将气体燃料汽车纳入国家发展战略规则。 中国政府为推动我国燃气汽车事业的发展,由国家科委牵头于1999年成立了全国清洁汽车协调领导小组,确定把北京、上海、天津、重庆、哈尔滨、长春、西安、乌鲁木齐、四川川中地区、广州,深圳、海南等12个城市为“空气净化工程—清洁汽车行动”试点示范城市。据目前的调查,北京已有燃气汽车3(3万辆(主要是LPG汽车),加气站42座,上海市改装汽车2万辆,加气站70座,广州市改装汽车6千辆,加气站10座,深圳市改装汽车6千多辆,加气站12个,香港地区以石油气为燃料的单燃料汽车有1(8万辆,加气站46个,每月消耗LPG 2万t。 of induction welder should hold the appropriate qualifications. (4) the laying of 1) grounding wire welding should be used, length and quality of the weld seam construction drawings shall meet requirements and GB50169 provisions after welding the welds and welds should be cleaned, and painted anti-corrosion coatings. Where the extension leads from the grounding should be clearly marked, and decay and break-proof measures of protection. 1) ground wire through the settlement joints or telescopic ... Cabling and wiring in accordance with the relevant requirements. Cable manufacturers representatives under the direction of head, testing, dedicated connections, secondary circuit grounding bolts, control cable grounding of the shield as designed. Construction of cable fireproof plugging the complete Panel, Cabinet hole. 9.6. quality inspection and acceptance (1) steel pipe inspection and acceptance of materials required for pipe installation, welding materials, related connectors and coating material shall be carried out according to this chapter, section 10.2 inspection and acceptance. (2) inspection and acceptance of installation quality of steel 1) steel pipe during the installation process, should in conjunction with 据不完全统计,至2001年11月份止,全国已有20多个城市开展了燃气汽车的改装工作,共改装燃气汽车8万多辆,建设加气站230多座。实践表明,汽车使用LPG作燃料之后,能使汽车尾气污染大大降低,与使用汽柴油相比,尾气中CO减少98,,HC减少22(7,,NOX减少23(5,。使大气环境有了很大的改善。 3 政府重视和政策支持是燃气汽车发展的关键 (1)在广州 最近,广州市委、市政府根据国家提出创建“绿色交通示范城市”的要求,在广州建设“山水之都、文化名城”的城市环保战略决策中推出“绿色公交”的发展战略,统一了认识,明确了目标,落实了责任管理,要求到2005年底在广州市范围内,建设52座加气站,完成6500台柴油公文车改为LPG汽车,16000台汽油出租车改为LPG汽车。 (2)在深圳 深圳市政府出台相关政策,对汽油出租车改装为LPG汽车每辆补助4000元人民币,公交大巴每辆补助15000元人民币改装费。至目前为止,深圳市已经改装出租车5000多辆,大中巴900多辆。2001年,深圳市政府投资2500万元,联合一汽燃气公司、公交集团,广州骏威客车厂和山东潍柴等厂家,在全国率先研制出单燃料(LPG)绿色环保大巴。2003年正式组建了全国第一条绿色大巴公交线路,让深圳人坐上了全国最环保的公交车。 (3)在香港 ?石油气车辆的改进 ?石油气的士试验于1997年11月29日开始,从日本引入了30部的士作为期10个月的测试。 ?政府于1998年10月发表研究,证明石油气的士可行并建议2005年底前将全港18000部的士转换为石油气。 ?除了的士外,政府亦打算将计划伸至其他车辆,例如公共小巴。 ?石油气小巴试验计划亦于2000年6月开始,共有11部小巴作为期6个月的测试。 ?政府于2001年6月发表研究报告,证明小巴使用石油气在香港是可行的。除石油气外,采用电动小巴亦是可行的方案。 ?政府开展的计划 ?为提供足够数目的石油气加气站供车辆使用,政府现存的油站加建石油气设备及提供土of induction welder should hold the appropriate qualifications. (4) the laying of 1) grounding wire welding should be used, length and quality of the weld seam construction drawings shall meet requirements and GB50169 provisions after welding the welds and welds should be cleaned, and painted anti-corrosion coatings. Where the extension leads from the grounding should be clearly marked, and decay and break-proof measures of protection. 1) ground wire through the settlement joints or telescopic ... Cabling and wiring in accordance with the relevant requirements. Cable manufacturers representatives under the direction of head, testing, dedicated connections, secondary circuit grounding bolts, control cable grounding of the shield as designed. Construction of cable fireproof plugging the complete Panel, Cabinet hole. 9.6. quality inspection and acceptance (1) steel pipe inspection and acceptance of materials required for pipe installation, welding materials, related connectors and coating material shall be carried out according to this chapter, section 10.2 inspection and acceptance. (2) inspection and acceptance of installation quality of steel 1) steel pipe during the installation process, should in conjunction with 地盖建专用石油气加气站。 ?制定技术规格予石油气车辆维修工场及提供训练予维修技术人员。 ?从2001年1月1日起,所有新登记的士必须以石油气为燃料。 ?鼓励所有柴油的士车主于2005年底前转换为石油气的士。 ?严格控制柴油车辆污染物排放数量符台欧盟标准。另外会加强检控排放大量黑烟的车辆。 ?鼓励所有私人及公共小巴使用环保燃料。 ?政府推行计划所付出的补贴 ?每部柴油的士转换为石油气可得40000元补贴。 ?每部柴油小巴转换为石油气可得60000元补贴。 ?私人小巴若转换为石油气可获豁免首次汽车登记费。 ?石油气燃料毋须付税。 ?免赞土地用作盖建专用石油气加气站。 ?市场概况 ?18138部的士当中,已有18085部(99(70,D)使用石油气。 ?4350部小巴当中,已有724部(16(6%)使用石油气。 ?每月车用石油气需求约为20000t ?的士燃料成本:柴油每公里约0(65元,石油气每公里约0(33元。 (4)世界一些国家的税赋表 世界一些国家的税赋见表1。 表1 国家 汽油 柴油 LPG 意大利 100 74 31 荷兰 100 62 11 日本 100 60 18 澳大利亚 100 100 0 希腊 100 65 14 of induction welder should hold the appropriate qualifications. (4) the laying of 1) grounding wire welding should be used, length and quality of the weld seam construction drawings shall meet requirements and GB50169 provisions after welding the welds and welds should be cleaned, and painted anti-corrosion coatings. Where the extension leads from the grounding should be clearly marked, and decay and break-proof measures of protection. 1) ground wire through the settlement joints or telescopic ... Cabling and wiring in accordance with the relevant requirements. Cable manufacturers representatives under the direction of head, testing, dedicated connections, secondary circuit grounding bolts, control cable grounding of the shield as designed. Construction of cable fireproof plugging the complete Panel, Cabinet hole. 9.6. quality inspection and acceptance (1) steel pipe inspection and acceptance of materials required for pipe installation, welding materials, related connectors and coating material shall be carried out according to this chapter, section 10.2 inspection and acceptance. (2) inspection and acceptance of installation quality of steel 1) steel pipe during the installation process, should in conjunction with 西班牙 100 73 14 法国 100 61 38 4 环保汽车的种类和发展趋势 环保汽车被形象地称为“绿色汽车”,是指排气标准达到环保要求的汽车。 (1)电动汽车:以电力驱动,对环境无污染。 (2)天然气汽车:包括用低压燃气、压缩天然气、液化天然气,液化石油气作燃料的汽车,目前应用最广泛的是液化石油气汽车。 (3)氢气汽车:日本曾试制液氢燃料汽车,速度可达125km。 (4)甲醇汽车:用甲醇作燃料,汽车发动机输出功率明显提高,污染极少。 (5)二甲醚汽车:用二甲醚代替代替汽油,柴油。 (6)酒精汽车:与甲醇类似,可直接代替汽油、柴油。在巴西较流行,达50,,在美国汽车销量中达70,。 (7)太阳能汽车:美国曾试制出时速60km的太阳能汽车。 在这些环保汽车之中,大都处于研究、试验、试用阶段之中,只有燃气汽车推广应用得比较广泛和比较普遍,特别是LPG汽车,从上个世纪70年代就已经开始,90年代以来随着天然气开发利用的发屉,CNG汽车开始发展起来。21世纪是中国的天然气黄金时代,随着我国天然气利用的迅猛发展以及LNG开发利用力度的加大,“天然气经济效应”将推动我国能源革命,环保革命、产业革命向—个崭新的阶段发展。用LNG作汽车燃料的发展前景会显得非常乐观。 值此,我们将LNG汽车与CNG汽车、LPG汽车进行一个比较:用LPG作汽车的燃料,可以大大地减少汽车尾气中CO、HC、NOX对大气的污染,几十年来被世界各国广泛地推广应用。随着天然气的开发利用和发展,在天然气管网附近建设天然气压缩站,为汽车提供CNG燃料技术逐步成熟起来。由于它的环保性能,燃料经济性和使用的安全性远比用LPG供作汽车燃料优越,人们都相加大它的发展力度。近10年来,CNG汽车也有较大的发展。但由于CNG汽车所使用的高压钢瓶重量大,又固燃料能量密度低,一次携带燃料有限,几乎每天都要加气,加上压缩天然气加气站不能在远离天然气管网地域建设,制约着CNG汽车的发展。 随着我国LNG工业的发展,用LNG供作汽车燃料的优越性会在今后的研究开发和应用中充分发挥出来。 LNG汽车的优越性在于: of induction welder should hold the appropriate qualifications. (4) the laying of 1) grounding wire welding should be used, length and quality of the weld seam construction drawings shall meet requirements and GB50169 provisions after welding the welds and welds should be cleaned, and painted anti-corrosion coatings. Where the extension leads from the grounding should be clearly marked, and decay and break-proof measures of protection. 1) ground wire through the settlement joints or telescopic ... Cabling and wiring in accordance with the relevant requirements. Cable manufacturers representatives under the direction of head, testing, dedicated connections, secondary circuit grounding bolts, control cable grounding of the shield as designed. Construction of cable fireproof plugging the complete Panel, Cabinet hole. 9.6. quality inspection and acceptance (1) steel pipe inspection and acceptance of materials required for pipe installation, welding materials, related connectors and coating material shall be carried out according to this chapter, section 10.2 inspection and acceptance. (2) inspection and acceptance of installation quality of steel 1) steel pipe during the installation process, should in conjunction with ?LNG能量密度大,同样容积的LNG车用罐装载的天然气是CNG储气瓶的2(5倍,汽车续驶里程长。目前国外大型LNG货车一次加气刮连续行驶1000,1300km,非常适合长途运输的需要。 ?运输方便,液态的LNG便于经济可靠地远距离运输,建设LNG汽车加气站不受天然气管网的制约,只要找到LNG气源就可以建站。 ?LNG组分比CNG的组分更纯净,尾气排放性能优于CNG尾气排放性能,与汽柴油车比,LNG汽车的有害排气又降低约85,,被称为真正的环保汽车。 ?LNG安全性能好,其着火点为650?,比汽,柴油、LPG的着火点都要高,LNG泄漏与空气混合的爆炸极限为5,,15,,比重为空气的一半,稍有泄漏很快在空气中挥发扩散。而LPG的爆炸极限为2(4,,9(5,,着火点为465?,气化后密度大于空气,泄漏后不易挥发扩散。汽油的爆炸极限为1(0%,7(6,,燃点为427?。柴油的爆炸极限为0(5,,4(1,,燃点为260?。使用起来,LNG汽车比LPG汽车、汽柴油汽车会更安全。 5 LPG、CNG、LNG汽车的燃料供给系统 (1)LPG用作汽车发动机动燃料的供给系统 储存在气瓶内的液态LPG经气化器减压、气化后,进入混合器与生气均匀混合,再进入燃烧室。(见图1) 图1 汽车用LPG燃料装置原理 of induction welder should hold the appropriate qualifications. (4) the laying of 1) grounding wire welding should be used, length and quality of the weld seam construction drawings shall meet requirements and GB50169 provisions after welding the welds and welds should be cleaned, and painted anti-corrosion coatings. Where the extension leads from the grounding should be clearly marked, and decay and break-proof measures of protection. 1) ground wire through the settlement joints or telescopic ... Cabling and wiring in accordance with the relevant requirements. Cable manufacturers representatives under the direction of head, testing, dedicated connections, secondary circuit grounding bolts, control cable grounding of the shield as designed. Construction of cable fireproof plugging the complete Panel, Cabinet hole. 9.6. quality inspection and acceptance (1) steel pipe inspection and acceptance of materials required for pipe installation, welding materials, related connectors and coating material shall be carried out according to this chapter, section 10.2 inspection and acceptance. (2) inspection and acceptance of installation quality of steel 1) steel pipe during the installation process, should in conjunction with (2)CNG用作汽车发动机燃料的供给系统 储存在气瓶的高压天然气通过二级减压至大气压力,在混合室与空气混合后送到汽车发动机引擎内。(见图1) 图2 CNG汽车系统 (3)LNG用作汽车发动机燃料的供给系统 LNG车载燃料系统是将LNG储存在车用LNG储罐内,通过汽化装置汽化为0(45MPa左右再经减压调压后进入混合器然后送进燃烧室,其主要构件有LNG储罐、汽化器,减压调压伐、混合器和控制系统等(见图3)。 1— 外罐;2—内胆;3—液位计;4—信号电缆:5—气相管;6—充液管, 7—液位表;8—压力表;9—电控模块;10,11—安全阀,12—气相排放口; 13—手动放空阀;14—充液口:15—单相阀:16—调压阀;17—手动截止阀; 18—过流阀;19—气化器;20—调压阀:21—取液管:22—爆波骨;23—自 动转换阀;14—调压器压力表,24—过滤器;26—两极减压器,27—省油器; of induction welder should hold the appropriate qualifications. (4) the laying of 1) grounding wire welding should be used, length and quality of the weld seam construction drawings shall meet requirements and GB50169 provisions after welding the welds and welds should be cleaned, and painted anti-corrosion coatings. Where the extension leads from the grounding should be clearly marked, and decay and break-proof measures of protection. 1) ground wire through the settlement joints or telescopic ... Cabling and wiring in accordance with the relevant requirements. Cable manufacturers representatives under the direction of head, testing, dedicated connections, secondary circuit grounding bolts, control cable grounding of the shield as designed. Construction of cable fireproof plugging the complete Panel, Cabinet hole. 9.6. quality inspection and acceptance (1) steel pipe inspection and acceptance of materials required for pipe installation, welding materials, related connectors and coating material shall be carried out according to this chapter, section 10.2 inspection and acceptance. (2) inspection and acceptance of installation quality of steel 1) steel pipe during the installation process, should in conjunction with 28—低压管;29—空气滤清器,30—混合器;31—通过气管的连接管 图3 LNG汽车系统 张家港市圣达出化工机械有限公司生产的车载LNG钢瓶的基础尺寸见表2。 表2 容积L 45 300 410 直径mm 350 660 660 长度mm 1000 1600 2000 净容积L 40 270 369 总容积L 45 300 410 空重kg 55 250 330 总重kg 80 365 490 6 液化天然气汽车的发展前景 20世纪80年代以来,液化天然气用量较多的国家如日本,美国,法国、英国等国除了继续使用LPG汽车之外,都积极开始LNG使用在汽车上进行研究和开发应用(目前世界上约有4000多辆LNG汽车在运行,其中美国就有2000多辆LNG汽车,60多个LNG汽车加气站。日本是世界LNG最大进口国,LNG汽车发展非常迅速。 21世纪开始,随着中原油田LNG液化厂的建成投产,除了供应部分城镇LNG卫星站供市民使用之外,还可以拿出部分LNG来供应LNG汽车使用。目前已有北京、长沙、濮阳、乌鲁木齐四个城市在开始试用工作,到新疆广汇吐哈油田LNG液化厂投产以及广东300万t、福建200万tLNG接收站建成投产之后,有了充足的LNG气源,相信LNG汽车会得到较快的发展。 目前我国的天然气汽车产业的发展又遇上非常好的机遇和势头: 一是国家计划开征燃油税,汽油、柴油的零售价格与天然气的价格差将进一步扩大,使得汽车使用天然气作为燃料可以有更好的经济效益,调动了经营者和使用者双方的积极性。 二是国家从汽车的生产环节入手,采取停止生产采用简单化油器型发动机的汽车等措施,解决汽车尾气问题,更能推动汽车生产商开发清洁的天然气汽车。 三是我国液化天然气利用和发展已走出了一条国内生产和进口相结合的LNG发展道路,从of induction welder should hold the appropriate qualifications. (4) the laying of 1) grounding wire welding should be used, length and quality of the weld seam construction drawings shall meet requirements and GB50169 provisions after welding the welds and welds should be cleaned, and painted anti-corrosion coatings. Where the extension leads from the grounding should be clearly marked, and decay and break-proof measures of protection. 1) ground wire through the settlement joints or telescopic ... Cabling and wiring in accordance with the relevant requirements. Cable manufacturers representatives under the direction of head, testing, dedicated connections, secondary circuit grounding bolts, control cable grounding of the shield as designed. Construction of cable fireproof plugging the complete Panel, Cabinet hole. 9.6. quality inspection and acceptance (1) steel pipe inspection and acceptance of materials required for pipe installation, welding materials, related connectors and coating material shall be carried out according to this chapter, section 10.2 inspection and acceptance. (2) inspection and acceptance of installation quality of steel 1) steel pipe during the installation process, should in conjunction with 2001年中原油田淮阳LNG液化厂建成投产以来,在全国范围内建起了30多座LNG卫星站,这些卫星站既可以为城镇居民提供用气,又可以作为LNG汽车的加气站,也可以作为LNG汽车加气站的储存站。 四是通过10多年的开发研究工作,天然气汽车的环保性和经济性得到了人们广泛的了解和认可,在技术,设备、专业队伍标准,配套设施方面打下了良好的基础。各级政府又颁布了各种大力支持天然气汽车发展的优惠政策,为天然气汽车的大规模发展创造了许多有利条件。21世纪10至20年代天然气汽车,特别是LNG汽车的迅速发展将是一个必然的趋势。 of induction welder should hold the appropriate qualifications. (4) the laying of 1) grounding wire welding should be used, length and quality of the weld seam construction drawings shall meet requirements and GB50169 provisions after welding the welds and welds should be cleaned, and painted anti-corrosion coatings. Where the extension leads from the grounding should be clearly marked, and decay and break-proof measures of protection. 1) ground wire through the settlement joints or telescopic ... Cabling and wiring in accordance with the relevant requirements. Cable manufacturers representatives under the direction of head, testing, dedicated connections, secondary circuit grounding bolts, control cable grounding of the shield as designed. Construction of cable fireproof plugging the complete Panel, Cabinet hole. 9.6. quality inspection and acceptance (1) steel pipe inspection and acceptance of materials required for pipe installation, welding materials, related connectors and coating material shall be carried out according to this chapter, section 10.2 inspection and acceptance. (2) inspection and acceptance of installation quality of steel 1) steel pipe during the installation process, should in conjunction with
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