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农村家用沼气池设计规范农村家用沼气池设计规范 inspection date 9 permit card complete and valid; Pile driver ultra high limit device meets the requirements, work around the 5M no power lines; Hoist wire rope lubrication good, no broken wires exceeds phenomenon; Pile driving track-laying should be co...
农村家用沼气池 inspection date 9 permit card complete and valid; Pile driver ultra high limit device meets the requirements, work around the 5M no power lines; Hoist wire rope lubrication good, no broken wires exceeds phenomenon; Pile driving track-laying should be consistent with the original said ... Date number name 5-20 engineering machinery mechanical overlap signed shift, successor to Chengdu city, signing the transfer table construction safety supervision and an 5-21 record number record date the successful bidder number processes number project name Project cost structure, layer an area of base type type and height and depth scaffold construction site name mobile (paging) supervision unit, field representative mobile (paging) construction unit, project manager mobile (paging) address safety coordinators name phone (paging) start date completion date telephone note table a-II , Construction units, safety supervision Department hold a copy. (By construction units fill in, units name please with full name), safety station contact phone: 86257682 construction project starts conditions review table Ann prison number: engineering name: engineering address: serial number review content 1 construction project safety by required of funds input has get guarantee (bearing employer both has by into construction sent [2002] No. 347, paper provides signed has project security civilization construction increased fee meter take standard and allocated term of single agreement). 2 construction, supervision of construction projects (construction) units have been set up, the sound, the unit responsibility system for production safety, developed departments at all levels of the project safety production and civilized construction responsibility system and a complete set of safety inspection system, signed a construction guarantee. 3 construction project has established a safe and civilized construction guarantee system, implemented the project security management institutions and full-time safety Manager. 4 construction project site has been a detailed investigation into the surrounding environment, combined with structural features produced targeted construction organization design and special programmes, develop emergency plans and superior technical Department for approval. 5 project has been the development of equipment management and equipment move in inspection system, special operations personnel have made People's Republic of China "special operations". 6 construction project in China had, by law, to handle the accident insurance. 7 main road construction site in the urban area have been set a height of not less than 2.5m (section 1.8M), wall of thickness not less than 0.24m. Hoisting of the size of not less than 1.4x0.9m "five-figure". ... Safety number: an area ? structural layer engineering 5-24 project name address telephone project manager construction figure progress, the construction unit (paging) project self-evaluation 农村家用沼气池设计规范 1、范围 本规定了农村家用沼气池(以下简称沼气池)设计原则要求几何尺寸的确定和结构设计。 本标准适用于砖、水泥为建筑材料,人畜粪便为主要发酵原料的半连续发酵的家用小型(发酵间10m3以内)水压式沼气池设计。 2、引用标准 下列标准所包含的条文,通过在本标准中引用而构成为本标准的条文。在标准出版时,所示版本均为有效。所有标准都会被修订,使用本标准的各方应探讨使用下列标准最新版本的可能性。 GB/T4750---1984 农村家用水压式沼气池标准图集 GBJ 3---88 砌体结构设计规范 GBJ9---87 建筑结构荷载规范 GBJ10---89 混凝土结构设计规范 3 、设计原则 3.1 沼气池宜建在畜圈或厕所地表以下,进料间与人、畜粪入口相连通。 3.2 坚持适用、卫生、平面布局合理,外型美观。 3.3 池盖顶端复土厚度不小于200mm。 3.4 强度安全系数K?2.65。 3.5 正常使用寿命20年以上。 4、设计要求 4.1 设计技术参数。 4.1.1 沼气压力。 最大工作压力13KPa。 4.1.2 产气率:0.15m3/m3,d;0.2m3/m3,d; 0.25m3/m3,d;0.3m3/m3,d。 4.1.3 投料量 最小投料量按发酵间总容积的50%。 最大投料量按发酵间总容积的90%。 4.1.4 贮气量 正常贮气量为日产气量的50%。 4.2 工艺 人畜粪便(青草及农业废物)?进料间?厌氧发酵间?水压(出料)间?农田。在有条件的地方,可将人粪便和牲畜粪便分两处进料口进入厌氧发酵间。 4.3 形状及平面布局 形状及平面布局按GB/T4750选用。 4.3.1 发酵间的形状以圆形为主,受占地面积限制或地下水位较高的,可将发酵间设计成椭球形或单跨拱长方形。 4.3.2 平面布局 沼气池应有平面布局设计,在征得用户同意后,方可进行施工设计。 平面布局应符合下列要求: a)充分利用土地资源,平面布局紧凑; b)厕所与畜圈分设; c)进、出料方便; d)导气管和输气管不被损害; e)进、出料间中线夹角应大于90?,进料间蹲位板面应高于发酵间平面,出料间应低于发酵间平面。 采用钢筋混凝土板建池或有进草料习惯的沼气池应增设活动盖。 inspection date 9 permit card complete and valid; Pile driver ultra high limit device meets the requirements, work around the 5M no power lines; Hoist wire rope lubrication good, no broken wires exceeds phenomenon; Pile driving track-laying should be consistent with the original said ... Date number name 5-20 engineering machinery mechanical overlap signed shift, successor to Chengdu city, signing the transfer table construction safety supervision and an 5-21 record number record date the successful bidder number processes number project name Project cost structure, layer an area of base type type and height and depth scaffold construction site name mobile (paging) supervision unit, field representative mobile (paging) construction unit, project manager mobile (paging) address safety coordinators name phone (paging) start date completion date telephone note table a-II , Construction units, safety supervision Department hold a copy. (By construction units fill in, units name please with full name), safety station contact phone: 86257682 construction project starts conditions review table Ann prison number: engineering name: engineering address: serial number review content 1 construction project safety by required of funds input has get guarantee (bearing employer both has by into construction sent [2002] No. 347, paper provides signed has project security civilization construction increased fee meter take standard and allocated term of single agreement). 2 construction, supervision of construction projects (construction) units have been set up, the sound, the unit responsibility system for production safety, developed departments at all levels of the project safety production and civilized construction responsibility system and a complete set of safety inspection system, signed a construction guarantee. 3 construction project has established a safe and civilized construction guarantee system, implemented the project security management institutions and full-time safety Manager. 4 construction project site has been a detailed investigation into the surrounding environment, combined with structural features produced targeted construction organization design and special programmes, develop emergency plans and superior technical Department for approval. 5 project has been the development of equipment management and equipment move in inspection system, special operations personnel have made People's Republic of China "special operations". 6 construction project in China had, by law, to handle the accident insurance. 7 main road construction site in the urban area have been set a height of not less than 2.5m (section 1.8M), wall of thickness not less than 0.24m. Hoisting of the size of not less than 1.4x0.9m "five-figure". ... Safety number: an area ? structural layer engineering 5-24 project name address telephone project manager construction figure progress, the construction unit (paging) project self-evaluation inspection date 9 permit card complete and valid; Pile driver ultra high limit device meets the requirements, work around the 5M no power lines; Hoist wire rope lubrication good, no broken wires exceeds phenomenon; Pile driving track-laying should be consistent with the original said ... Date number name 5-20 engineering machinery mechanical overlap signed shift, successor to Chengdu city, signing the transfer table construction safety supervision and an 5-21 record number record date the successful bidder number processes number project name Project cost structure, layer an area of base type type and height and depth scaffold construction site name mobile (paging) supervision unit, field representative mobile (paging) construction unit, project manager mobile (paging) address safety coordinators name phone (paging) start date completion date telephone note table a-II , Construction units, safety supervision Department hold a copy. (By construction units fill in, units name please with full name), safety station contact phone: 86257682 construction project starts conditions review table Ann prison number: engineering name: engineering address: serial number review content 1 construction project safety by required of funds input has get guarantee (bearing employer both has by into construction sent [2002] No. 347, paper provides signed has project security civilization construction increased fee meter take standard and allocated term of single agreement). 2 construction, supervision of construction projects (construction) units have been set up, the sound, the unit responsibility system for production safety, developed departments at all levels of the project safety production and civilized construction responsibility system and a complete set of safety inspection system, signed a construction guarantee. 3 construction project has established a safe and civilized construction guarantee system, implemented the project security management institutions and full-time safety Manager. 4 construction project site has been a detailed investigation into the surrounding environment, combined with structural features produced targeted construction organization design and special programmes, develop emergency plans and superior technical Department for approval. 5 project has been the development of equipment management and equipment move in inspection system, special operations personnel have made People's Republic of China "special operations". 6 construction project in China had, by law, to handle the accident insurance. 7 main road construction site in the urban area have been set a height of not less than 2.5m (section 1.8M), wall of thickness not less than 0.24m. Hoisting of the size of not less than 1.4x0.9m "five-figure". ... Safety number: an area ? structural layer engineering 5-24 project name address telephone project manager construction figure progress, the construction unit (paging) project self-evaluation 进、出料间都必须加盖板,盖板应采用具有足够强度等级的构件。进、出料间四周应作表面处理。 4.4 厌氧发酵间容积 4.4.1 发酵间容积计算公式 V=(V1-V2)K1 -----------------------------------------------------(1) 式中:V---发酵间容积m3; V1---发酵料液体积m3; V2---气室容积m3; K1---容积保护系数,取0.9,1.05。 发酵料液体积; V1=[(n1+n2)k2+n3]T---------------------------------------------(,) 式中:V1---发酵料液体积m3;n1是产人粪便总量。 按常住人口×0.006m3/头,d,0.0013m3/头,d取值m3; n2—是产牲畜粪便总量。 按养猪头数×0.006m3/头,d,0.15m3/头,d取值m3; n3---每日舍外能定量收集粪便总量m3 k2 ---收集系数,取值0.5,1.0; T— 原料滞留期(d);蔬菜区t取30,平坝农业区取35,丘陵农区取40 。 气室容积 V2,1/2V1K3---------------------------------------------------------(3) 式中:V1---发酵料液体积m3; V2 ---气室容积m3; K3 ---原料产气率,按本规范4.1.2取值。 4.4.2 发酵间的容积不小于6.0m3,(养猪超过10头或养牛超过3头的农户)应采用其它工艺,进行施工设计时,应在有关参数上作调整。 5、沼气几何尺寸的确定 total scoring (100) of safety civilization construction scaffolding projects and score pit template "Sambo," "four "Construction material hoist and lift crane hoisting construction equipment for external use (10) (20) (10) (10) (10) (10) (10) (10) (5) (5), head of corporate self-examination (signature): construction enterprises (seal) Supervision supervision date signature: year month day supervision and evaluation supervisor (signature): oversight units (seal) Year month day Note: two copies of this form, construction units, safety inspection station and a Chengdu city construction safety supervision station producer Chengdu construction safety inspection evaluation form (decoration and construction) safety number: 5-25 project construction area square address structural layer engineering project manager construction figure progress, construction unit Contact phone number (pager) project self-evaluation total scoring (100) of safety civilization construction scaffolding projects and score pit template "Sambo," "four" of construction material hoist and lift crane hoisting construction equipment for external use (10) (20) (10) (10) (10) (10) (10) ... Note: to enter the construction site an 6-1-level 13 safety education, safety education requirements, main contents are: first level: basic knowledge of safety, regulations, legal education, the main content is: safety guidelines and policies of the party and State; Safety regulations and standards, and the legal system; The unit construction and safety regulations, safety and discipline; The work safety situation and the history of major accidents and the lessons to be learned; After the accident to rescue the wounded, remove danger, protect the scene and reported in a timely manner. Secondary education: site rules and regulations and compliance, discipline, education, main contents are: basic knowledge of the characteristics of construction and safety; This unit (including construction, production site) safety systems, requirements and security considerations; This type of security technology practice: working at height, machinery and equipment, electrical safety basics; Fire, gas, dust-proof, explosion-proof knowledge and knowledge of safe disposal and emergency evacuation; Protective equipment protective supplies, appliances and issuing standard basic knowledge. Tertiary education: this type of system of job safety, operation and safety, discipline, the main content is: the team's operating features and safety rules; Safety activities system and discipline; Care and proper use of safety equipment (facilities) and PPE; The job insecurity prone to accidents and enemy; This position working environment and the use of machinery and equipment, tools, safety requirements. Attachment: safety precautions: new worker safety notes before new workers entering the site, you must study hard and become familiar with inspection date 9 permit card complete and valid; Pile driver ultra high limit device meets the requirements, work around the 5M no power lines; Hoist wire rope lubrication good, no broken wires exceeds phenomenon; Pile driving track-laying should be consistent with the original said ... Date number name 5-20 engineering machinery mechanical overlap signed shift, successor to Chengdu city, signing the transfer table construction safety supervision and an 5-21 record number record date the successful bidder number processes number project name Project cost structure, layer an area of base type type and height and depth scaffold construction site name mobile (paging) supervision unit, field representative mobile (paging) construction unit, project manager mobile (paging) address safety coordinators name phone (paging) start date completion date telephone note table a-II , Construction units, safety supervision Department hold a copy. (By construction units fill in, units name please with full name), safety station contact phone: 86257682 construction project starts conditions review table Ann prison number: engineering name: engineering address: serial number review content 1 construction project safety by required of funds input has get guarantee (bearing employer both has by into construction sent [2002] No. 347, paper provides signed has project security civilization construction increased fee meter take standard and allocated term of single agreement). 2 construction, supervision of construction projects (construction) units have been set up, the sound, the unit responsibility system for production safety, developed departments at all levels of the project safety production and civilized construction responsibility system and a complete set of safety inspection system, signed a construction guarantee. 3 construction project has established a safe and civilized construction guarantee system, implemented the project security management institutions and full-time safety Manager. 4 construction project site has been a detailed investigation into the surrounding environment, combined with structural features produced targeted construction organization design and special programmes, develop emergency plans and superior technical Department for approval. 5 project has been the development of equipment management and equipment move in inspection system, special operations personnel have made People's Republic of China "special operations". 6 construction project in China had, by law, to handle the accident insurance. 7 main road construction site in the urban area have been set a height of not less than 2.5m (section 1.8M), wall of thickness not less than 0.24m. Hoisting of the size of not less than 1.4x0.9m "five-figure". ... Safety number: an area ? structural layer engineering 5-24 project name address telephone project manager construction figure progress, the construction unit (paging) project self-evaluation 5.1 发酵间容积和几何尺寸 按4.4.1计算出容积后,再按下式计算池盖削球体,池底削球体和圆柱体池身的几何尺寸。 发酵间总容积按下式计算: 5.1.1 沼气池的直径根据用户平面布置确定。 5.1.2 发酵间池盖削球体净容积和矢高。 按下式计算池盖削球体矢高。 f1,D/a1---------------------------------------------------------------(4) 式中:f1---池盖削球体矢高m; D—圆柱体形池身直径m; a1—直径矢高的比值,取5,6。 按下式计算池盖削球体净容积 Q1,π/6f1(3R2-R)----------------------------------------------(5) 式中: Q1—池盖削球体净容积m3; π—圆周率,取3.1416; f1—池盖削球体矢高m; R—池身圆柱体内半径m。 5.1.3 发酵间池身圆柱体将容积和池墙高度 发酵间池身圆柱体净容积 Q2=V-Q1-Q3--------------------------------------------------------(6) 式中:Q2—发酵间池身圆柱体净容积m3; V—发酵间总容积m3; Q1—池盖削球体净容积m3; Q3—发酵间池底削球体净容积m3。 发酵间池身圆柱体同度 H=Q2/πR2-----------------------------------------------------------(7) 式中:π—圆周率,取值3.1416; inspection date 9 permit card complete and valid; Pile driver ultra high limit device meets the requirements, work around the 5M no power lines; Hoist wire rope lubrication good, no broken wires exceeds phenomenon; Pile driving track-laying should be consistent with the original said ... Date number name 5-20 engineering machinery mechanical overlap signed shift, successor to Chengdu city, signing the transfer table construction safety supervision and an 5-21 record number record date the successful bidder number processes number project name Project cost structure, layer an area of base type type and height and depth scaffold construction site name mobile (paging) supervision unit, field representative mobile (paging) construction unit, project manager mobile (paging) address safety coordinators name phone (paging) start date completion date telephone note table a-II , Construction units, safety supervision Department hold a copy. (By construction units fill in, units name please with full name), safety station contact phone: 86257682 construction project starts conditions review table Ann prison number: engineering name: engineering address: serial number review content 1 construction project safety by required of funds input has get guarantee (bearing employer both has by into construction sent [2002] No. 347, paper provides signed has project security civilization construction increased fee meter take standard and allocated term of single agreement). 2 construction, supervision of construction projects (construction) units have been set up, the sound, the unit responsibility system for production safety, developed departments at all levels of the project safety production and civilized construction responsibility system and a complete set of safety inspection system, signed a construction guarantee. 3 construction project has established a safe and civilized construction guarantee system, implemented the project security management institutions and full-time safety Manager. 4 construction project site has been a detailed investigation into the surrounding environment, combined with structural features produced targeted construction organization design and special programmes, develop emergency plans and superior technical Department for approval. 5 project has been the development of equipment management and equipment move in inspection system, special operations personnel have made People's Republic of China "special operations". 6 construction project in China had, by law, to handle the accident insurance. 7 main road construction site in the urban area have been set a height of not less than 2.5m (section 1.8M), wall of thickness not less than 0.24m. Hoisting of the size of not less than 1.4x0.9m "five-figure". ... Safety number: an area ? structural layer engineering 5-24 project name address telephone project manager construction figure progress, the construction unit (paging) project self-evaluation inspection date 9 permit card complete and valid; Pile driver ultra high limit device meets the requirements, work around the 5M no power lines; Hoist wire rope lubrication good, no broken wires exceeds phenomenon; Pile driving track-laying should be consistent with the original said ... Date number name 5-20 engineering machinery mechanical overlap signed shift, successor to Chengdu city, signing the transfer table construction safety supervision and an 5-21 record number record date the successful bidder number processes number project name Project cost structure, layer an area of base type type and height and depth scaffold construction site name mobile (paging) supervision unit, field representative mobile (paging) construction unit, project manager mobile (paging) address safety coordinators name phone (paging) start date completion date telephone note table a-II , Construction units, safety supervision Department hold a copy. (By construction units fill in, units name please with full name), safety station contact phone: 86257682 construction project starts conditions review table Ann prison number: engineering name: engineering address: serial number review content 1 construction project safety by required of funds input has get guarantee (bearing employer both has by into construction sent [2002] No. 347, paper provides signed has project security civilization construction increased fee meter take standard and allocated term of single agreement). 2 construction, supervision of construction projects (construction) units have been set up, the sound, the unit responsibility system for production safety, developed departments at all levels of the project safety production and civilized construction responsibility system and a complete set of safety inspection system, signed a construction guarantee. 3 construction project has established a safe and civilized construction guarantee system, implemented the project security management institutions and full-time safety Manager. 4 construction project site has been a detailed investigation into the surrounding environment, combined with structural features produced targeted construction organization design and special programmes, develop emergency plans and superior technical Department for approval. 5 project has been the development of equipment management and equipment move in inspection system, special operations personnel have made People's Republic of China "special operations". 6 construction project in China had, by law, to handle the accident insurance. 7 main road construction site in the urban area have been set a height of not less than 2.5m (section 1.8M), wall of thickness not less than 0.24m. Hoisting of the size of not less than 1.4x0.9m "five-figure". ... Safety number: an area ? structural layer engineering 5-24 project name address telephone project manager construction figure progress, the construction unit (paging) project self-evaluation R—发酵间池身圆柱体半径m; H—发酵间池身圆柱体高度m。 5.1.4 发酵间池底削球体矢高和净容积。 按下式计算池底削球体矢高。 f2, D/α2---------------------------------------------------------------(8) 式中:f2—池底削球体矢高m; D—池身圆柱体直径m; α2—直径与池底矢高的比值,取值8,10。 5.1.5 按下式计算池底削球体净容积。 Q3=π/6f2(3R2-f22)--------------------------------------------------------------(9) 式中:Q3—发酵间池底削球体净容积m3; 圆周率,取3.1416; π— f2—池底削球体矢高m; R—池身圆柱体内半径m。 5.2 表面积 发酵间内总表面积按下式计算 S=S1+S2+S3-----------------------------------------------------------------(10) 式中: S—内总表面积m2; S1—池盖削球体内表面积m2; S2—池身圆柱体内表面积m2; S3—池底削球体内表面积m2。 5.2.1 池盖削球体球面内表面积计算。按下式计算池盖削球面曲率半径: ρ1=D2+4f12/8f1=R2+f1/2f1--------------------------------------------------(11) total scoring (100) of safety civilization construction scaffolding projects and score pit template "Sambo," "four "Construction material hoist and lift crane hoisting construction equipment for external use (10) (20) (10) (10) (10) (10) (10) (10) (5) (5), head of corporate self-examination (signature): construction enterprises (seal) Supervision supervision date signature: year month day supervision and evaluation supervisor (signature): oversight units (seal) Year month day Note: two copies of this form, construction units, safety inspection station and a Chengdu city construction safety supervision station producer Chengdu construction safety inspection evaluation form (decoration and construction) safety number: 5-25 project construction area square address structural layer engineering project manager construction figure progress, construction unit Contact phone number (pager) project self-evaluation total scoring (100) of safety civilization construction scaffolding projects and score pit template "Sambo," "four" of construction material hoist and lift crane hoisting construction equipment for external use (10) (20) (10) (10) (10) (10) (10) ... Note: to enter the construction site an 6-1-level 13 safety education, safety education requirements, main contents are: first level: basic knowledge of safety, regulations, legal education, the main content is: safety guidelines and policies of the party and State; Safety regulations and standards, and the legal system; The unit construction and safety regulations, safety and discipline; The work safety situation and the history of major accidents and the lessons to be learned; After the accident to rescue the wounded, remove danger, protect the scene and reported in a timely manner. Secondary education: site rules and regulations and compliance, discipline, education, main contents are: basic knowledge of the characteristics of construction and safety; This unit (including construction, production site) safety systems, requirements and security considerations; This type of security technology practice: working at height, machinery and equipment, electrical safety basics; Fire, gas, dust-proof, explosion-proof knowledge and knowledge of safe disposal and emergency evacuation; Protective equipment protective supplies, appliances and issuing standard basic knowledge. Tertiary education: this type of system of job safety, operation and safety, discipline, the main content is: the team's operating features and safety rules; Safety activities system and discipline; Care and proper use of safety equipment (facilities) and PPE; The job insecurity prone to accidents and enemy; This position working environment and the use of machinery and equipment, tools, safety requirements. Attachment: safety precautions: new worker safety notes before new workers entering the site, you must study hard and become familiar with inspection date 9 permit card complete and valid; Pile driver ultra high limit device meets the requirements, work around the 5M no power lines; Hoist wire rope lubrication good, no broken wires exceeds phenomenon; Pile driving track-laying should be consistent with the original said ... Date number name 5-20 engineering machinery mechanical overlap signed shift, successor to Chengdu city, signing the transfer table construction safety supervision and an 5-21 record number record date the successful bidder number processes number project name Project cost structure, layer an area of base type type and height and depth scaffold construction site name mobile (paging) supervision unit, field representative mobile (paging) construction unit, project manager mobile (paging) address safety coordinators name phone (paging) start date completion date telephone note table a-II , Construction units, safety supervision Department hold a copy. (By construction units fill in, units name please with full name), safety station contact phone: 86257682 construction project starts conditions review table Ann prison number: engineering name: engineering address: serial number review content 1 construction project safety by required of funds input has get guarantee (bearing employer both has by into construction sent [2002] No. 347, paper provides signed has project security civilization construction increased fee meter take standard and allocated term of single agreement). 2 construction, supervision of construction projects (construction) units have been set up, the sound, the unit responsibility system for production safety, developed departments at all levels of the project safety production and civilized construction responsibility system and a complete set of safety inspection system, signed a construction guarantee. 3 construction project has established a safe and civilized construction guarantee system, implemented the project security management institutions and full-time safety Manager. 4 construction project site has been a detailed investigation into the surrounding environment, combined with structural features produced targeted construction organization design and special programmes, develop emergency plans and superior technical Department for approval. 5 project has been the development of equipment management and equipment move in inspection system, special operations personnel have made People's Republic of China "special operations". 6 construction project in China had, by law, to handle the accident insurance. 7 main road construction site in the urban area have been set a height of not less than 2.5m (section 1.8M), wall of thickness not less than 0.24m. Hoisting of the size of not less than 1.4x0.9m "five-figure". ... Safety number: an area ? structural layer engineering 5-24 project name address telephone project manager construction figure progress, the construction unit (paging) project self-evaluation 式中:ρ1—池盖削球面曲率半径m; R—池身圆柱体内半径m; D—池身圆柱体内直径m; f1—池画削球体内表面矢高m。 按下式计算池盖削球内表面积 S1=2πρ1f1=π(R2+R) ----------------------------------------------------(12) 式中: S1—池盖削球面内表面积m2; R—池身圆柱体半径m; ρ1—池盖削球面曲率半径m; f1—池盖削球面矢高m; π—圆周率,取3.1416。 5.2.2 圆柱体池身内表面积 S2,πDH------------------------------------------------------------(13) 式中:S2—池身圆柱体内表面积m2; D—池身内圆柱体直径m; H—池身圆柱体高度m; π—圆周率,取3.1416。 5.2.3 池底削球体内表面积 按下式计算池底削球体曲率半径 ρ2=D2+4f1α2/8f2=R2+f22/2f2------------------------------(14) 式中:ρ2—池底削球体曲率半径m; D—池身圆柱体内直径m; R—池身圆柱体内半径m; f2—池底削球体内矢高m。 inspection date 9 permit card complete and valid; Pile driver ultra high limit device meets the requirements, work around the 5M no power lines; Hoist wire rope lubrication good, no broken wires exceeds phenomenon; Pile driving track-laying should be consistent with the original said ... Date number name 5-20 engineering machinery mechanical overlap signed shift, successor to Chengdu city, signing the transfer table construction safety supervision and an 5-21 record number record date the successful bidder number processes number project name Project cost structure, layer an area of base type type and height and depth scaffold construction site name mobile (paging) supervision unit, field representative mobile (paging) construction unit, project manager mobile (paging) address safety coordinators name phone (paging) start date completion date telephone note table a-II , Construction units, safety supervision Department hold a copy. (By construction units fill in, units name please with full name), safety station contact phone: 86257682 construction project starts conditions review table Ann prison number: engineering name: engineering address: serial number review content 1 construction project safety by required of funds input has get guarantee (bearing employer both has by into construction sent [2002] No. 347, paper provides signed has project security civilization construction increased fee meter take standard and allocated term of single agreement). 2 construction, supervision of construction projects (construction) units have been set up, the sound, the unit responsibility system for production safety, developed departments at all levels of the project safety production and civilized construction responsibility system and a complete set of safety inspection system, signed a construction guarantee. 3 construction project has established a safe and civilized construction guarantee system, implemented the project security management institutions and full-time safety Manager. 4 construction project site has been a detailed investigation into the surrounding environment, combined with structural features produced targeted construction organization design and special programmes, develop emergency plans and superior technical Department for approval. 5 project has been the development of equipment management and equipment move in inspection system, special operations personnel have made People's Republic of China "special operations". 6 construction project in China had, by law, to handle the accident insurance. 7 main road construction site in the urban area have been set a height of not less than 2.5m (section 1.8M), wall of thickness not less than 0.24m. Hoisting of the size of not less than 1.4x0.9m "five-figure". ... Safety number: an area ? structural layer engineering 5-24 project name address telephone project manager construction figure progress, the construction unit (paging) project self-evaluation inspection date 9 permit card complete and valid; Pile driver ultra high limit device meets the requirements, work around the 5M no power lines; Hoist wire rope lubrication good, no broken wires exceeds phenomenon; Pile driving track-laying should be consistent with the original said ... Date number name 5-20 engineering machinery mechanical overlap signed shift, successor to Chengdu city, signing the transfer table construction safety supervision and an 5-21 record number record date the successful bidder number processes number project name Project cost structure, layer an area of base type type and height and depth scaffold construction site name mobile (paging) supervision unit, field representative mobile (paging) construction unit, project manager mobile (paging) address safety coordinators name phone (paging) start date completion date telephone note table a-II , Construction units, safety supervision Department hold a copy. (By construction units fill in, units name please with full name), safety station contact phone: 86257682 construction project starts conditions review table Ann prison number: engineering name: engineering address: serial number review content 1 construction project safety by required of funds input has get guarantee (bearing employer both has by into construction sent [2002] No. 347, paper provides signed has project security civilization construction increased fee meter take standard and allocated term of single agreement). 2 construction, supervision of construction projects (construction) units have been set up, the sound, the unit responsibility system for production safety, developed departments at all levels of the project safety production and civilized construction responsibility system and a complete set of safety inspection system, signed a construction guarantee. 3 construction project has established a safe and civilized construction guarantee system, implemented the project security management institutions and full-time safety Manager. 4 construction project site has been a detailed investigation into the surrounding environment, combined with structural features produced targeted construction organization design and special programmes, develop emergency plans and superior technical Department for approval. 5 project has been the development of equipment management and equipment move in inspection system, special operations personnel have made People's Republic of China "special operations". 6 construction project in China had, by law, to handle the accident insurance. 7 main road construction site in the urban area have been set a height of not less than 2.5m (section 1.8M), wall of thickness not less than 0.24m. Hoisting of the size of not less than 1.4x0.9m "five-figure". ... Safety number: an area ? structural layer engineering 5-24 project name address telephone project manager construction figure progress, the construction unit (paging) project self-evaluation 按下式计算池度削球体内表面积 S3=2πρ2f2=π(R2+f22)---------------------------------------(15) 式中:S3—池底削球体内表面积m2; ρ2—池底削球体曲率半径m; f2—池氏削球体矢高m; R—池身圆柱体内半径m; π—圆周率,取3.1416。 5.3 进料间 5.3.1 进料间由蹲位板,进料口(管)组成。 蹲位板几何尺寸。蹲位板分普通蹲位板和防蛆蹲位板。 a)普通蹲位板几何尺寸是:长×宽×厚,720mm×420mm×80mm,中部预留长×宽,360mm×1 50mm和长方形孔; b)防蛆蹲位板几何尺寸:防蛆蹲位板平面和中部方孔尺寸相同,为达到防蛆效果,应在中部 方孔下增加高度120mm,宽度为40mm的防蛆线。有条件的应在内表面贴光面瓷砖或玻璃。 5.3.1 进料口(管)由上部长方形槽和下部园管组成。 a)上中长方形槽几何尺寸是长×宽×深,600mm×320mm×500mm; b)下中园管宜采用Φ200-Φ300预制混凝土管或现浇混凝土管,管与池墙角不小于30? 5.3.2 有条件的农户应在进料前增设人粪处理装置,其容积按下式计算: Q4,n1×m×30?1000-----------------------------------------------------------(16) 式中:Q4—人粪处理坑容积m3; n1—人均日产粪便量kg; m—进厕人数,人; 30—粪便处理时间,天。 5.4 出料间(水压间) 5.4.1 出料间有三个作用: a)出渣; b)进池维修; c)调节池内压力; d)控制最小投料量。 5.4.2 出料间设计应符合下列要求: a)最大投料量水平线以上为水压间,水压间的断面(水平断面)可以是圆形,也可以是椭圆形或长主形; b)发酵间与出料间相连通的门洞几何尺寸是:高度按4.1.3最小投料量计算,宽度500mm,700mm。 5.5 发酵间与出料间的几何尺寸,可按附表选用。 total scoring (100) of safety civilization construction scaffolding projects and score pit template "Sambo," "four "Construction material hoist and lift crane hoisting construction equipment for external use (10) (20) (10) (10) (10) (10) (10) (10) (5) (5), head of corporate self-examination (signature): construction enterprises (seal) Supervision supervision date signature: year month day supervision and evaluation supervisor (signature): oversight units (seal) Year month day Note: two copies of this form, construction units, safety inspection station and a Chengdu city construction safety supervision station producer Chengdu construction safety inspection evaluation form (decoration and construction) safety number: 5-25 project construction area square address structural layer engineering project manager construction figure progress, construction unit Contact phone number (pager) project self-evaluation total scoring (100) of safety civilization construction scaffolding projects and score pit template "Sambo," "four" of construction material hoist and lift crane hoisting construction equipment for external use (10) (20) (10) (10) (10) (10) (10) ... Note: to enter the construction site an 6-1-level 13 safety education, safety education requirements, main contents are: first level: basic knowledge of safety, regulations, legal education, the main content is: safety guidelines and policies of the party and State; Safety regulations and standards, and the legal system; The unit construction and safety regulations, safety and discipline; The work safety situation and the history of major accidents and the lessons to be learned; After the accident to rescue the wounded, remove danger, protect the scene and reported in a timely manner. Secondary education: site rules and regulations and compliance, discipline, education, main contents are: basic knowledge of the characteristics of construction and safety; This unit (including construction, production site) safety systems, requirements and security considerations; This type of security technology practice: working at height, machinery and equipment, electrical safety basics; Fire, gas, dust-proof, explosion-proof knowledge and knowledge of safe disposal and emergency evacuation; Protective equipment protective supplies, appliances and issuing standard basic knowledge. Tertiary education: this type of system of job safety, operation and safety, discipline, the main content is: the team's operating features and safety rules; Safety activities system and discipline; Care and proper use of safety equipment (facilities) and PPE; The job insecurity prone to accidents and enemy; This position working environment and the use of machinery and equipment, tools, safety requirements. Attachment: safety precautions: new worker safety notes before new workers entering the site, you must study hard and become familiar with inspection date 9 permit card complete and valid; Pile driver ultra high limit device meets the requirements, work around the 5M no power lines; Hoist wire rope lubrication good, no broken wires exceeds phenomenon; Pile driving track-laying should be consistent with the original said ... Date number name 5-20 engineering machinery mechanical overlap signed shift, successor to Chengdu city, signing the transfer table construction safety supervision and an 5-21 record number record date the successful bidder number processes number project name Project cost structure, layer an area of base type type and height and depth scaffold construction site name mobile (paging) supervision unit, field representative mobile (paging) construction unit, project manager mobile (paging) address safety coordinators name phone (paging) start date completion date telephone note table a-II , Construction units, safety supervision Department hold a copy. (By construction units fill in, units name please with full name), safety station contact phone: 86257682 construction project starts conditions review table Ann prison number: engineering name: engineering address: serial number review content 1 construction project safety by required of funds input has get guarantee (bearing employer both has by into construction sent [2002] No. 347, paper provides signed has project security civilization construction increased fee meter take standard and allocated term of single agreement). 2 construction, supervision of construction projects (construction) units have been set up, the sound, the unit responsibility system for production safety, developed departments at all levels of the project safety production and civilized construction responsibility system and a complete set of safety inspection system, signed a construction guarantee. 3 construction project has established a safe and civilized construction guarantee system, implemented the project security management institutions and full-time safety Manager. 4 construction project site has been a detailed investigation into the surrounding environment, combined with structural features produced targeted construction organization design and special programmes, develop emergency plans and superior technical Department for approval. 5 project has been the development of equipment management and equipment move in inspection system, special operations personnel have made People's Republic of China "special operations". 6 construction project in China had, by law, to handle the accident insurance. 7 main road construction site in the urban area have been set a height of not less than 2.5m (section 1.8M), wall of thickness not less than 0.24m. Hoisting of the size of not less than 1.4x0.9m "five-figure". ... Safety number: an area ? structural layer engineering 5-24 project name address telephone project manager construction figure progress, the construction unit (paging) project self-evaluation 6、沼气池的结构设计 6.1 结构设计的一般规定 6.1.1 可采用砖与现浇混凝土、石料与现浇混凝土、钢筋混凝土预制砌块与现浇混凝土组合结构,也可采用全混凝土结构。按GBJ3规定月平均气混低于-50C的地区,沼气池的外露部分,不得采用砌块结构。 6.1.2 使用本规范时,对于一般性荷载的确定、构件截面计算和地基基础设计等,应按相应的国家标准或规范的规定执行。对于兴建在地震区、湿陷性黄土或膨胀土等地区的沼气池结构设计,还应符合现行的有关标准和规范规定。 6.2 荷载 6.2.1 沼气池的设计荷载,按GBJ9原则,按其性质可分为下列两类: a)恒荷载:包括结构自重、土压力(土的竖向和侧向压力)等; b)活荷载:包括水压力(池内料液液压力、地下水压力、浮托力、设计水压力等设施(畜栏 、食槽等)荷载和人、畜荷载等。 6.2.2 作用于各部的荷载 作用于池盖上的荷载 a)自重荷载:自重荷载按池盖的材料而定,一般情况下,砖体容重取19kN/m3,水泥砂浆20KN/m3,混凝土23,24KN/m3; b)覆土荷载:由于池盖是削球形,所以覆土荷载是一个变量,它随半张角的减少而相应减少 ,设计时,填土容重一般取18KN/m3 c)活荷载:地面的均布荷载标准值一般取2KN/m2; d)气压荷载:一般取12kp。 作用于池墙上的荷载: a)由地面活荷载引起的土压力; b)地下水位以上的土压力; c)地下水位以下的土压力; d)地下水产生的静水压力; e)池内发酵料液液压荷载; f)池内气压荷载。 作用于沼底上的荷载: a)垂直于池底内壁的池气气压荷载; b)池内发酵料液液压荷载; c)池底边界以上所有能传来的垂直荷载; d)池底自重荷载; e)地基土对池底的反作用力; f)地下水上浮力。 6.3 荷载组合、 在设计中应按最不利荷载组合计算。 6.3.1 池盖荷载组合 对池盖径向力最不利组合是:池盖自重,覆土荷载,地面活荷载。 对池盖环向力最不利组合是:池盖自重,覆土荷载,气压荷载。 6.3.2 池盖支座荷载组合 池盖支座荷载最不利组合是:池盖自重、覆土荷载、地面活荷载的联合作用产生的水平推力 。 6.3.3 池墙荷载组合。 施工阶段:强度未达设计标号,应按实际标号进行验算,其荷载除自重外,还应考虑墙外回填土时的夯实预压力。 使用阶段: a)对环向拉力,无地下水作用,无地面活荷载作用时投料产气阶段为最不利; inspection date 9 permit card complete and valid; Pile driver ultra high limit device meets the requirements, work around the 5M no power lines; Hoist wire rope lubrication good, no broken wires exceeds phenomenon; Pile driving track-laying should be consistent with the original said ... Date number name 5-20 engineering machinery mechanical overlap signed shift, successor to Chengdu city, signing the transfer table construction safety supervision and an 5-21 record number record date the successful bidder number processes number project name Project cost structure, layer an area of base type type and height and depth scaffold construction site name mobile (paging) supervision unit, field representative mobile (paging) construction unit, project manager mobile (paging) address safety coordinators name phone (paging) start date completion date telephone note table a-II , Construction units, safety supervision Department hold a copy. (By construction units fill in, units name please with full name), safety station contact phone: 86257682 construction project starts conditions review table Ann prison number: engineering name: engineering address: serial number review content 1 construction project safety by required of funds input has get guarantee (bearing employer both has by into construction sent [2002] No. 347, paper provides signed has project security civilization construction increased fee meter take standard and allocated term of single agreement). 2 construction, supervision of construction projects (construction) units have been set up, the sound, the unit responsibility system for production safety, developed departments at all levels of the project safety production and civilized construction responsibility system and a complete set of safety inspection system, signed a construction guarantee. 3 construction project has established a safe and civilized construction guarantee system, implemented the project security management institutions and full-time safety Manager. 4 construction project site has been a detailed investigation into the surrounding environment, combined with structural features produced targeted construction organization design and special programmes, develop emergency plans and superior technical Department for approval. 5 project has been the development of equipment management and equipment move in inspection system, special operations personnel have made People's Republic of China "special operations". 6 construction project in China had, by law, to handle the accident insurance. 7 main road construction site in the urban area have been set a height of not less than 2.5m (section 1.8M), wall of thickness not less than 0.24m. Hoisting of the size of not less than 1.4x0.9m "five-figure". ... Safety number: an area ? structural layer engineering 5-24 project name address telephone project manager construction figure progress, the construction unit (paging) project self-evaluation inspection date 9 permit card complete and valid; Pile driver ultra high limit device meets the requirements, work around the 5M no power lines; Hoist wire rope lubrication good, no broken wires exceeds phenomenon; Pile driving track-laying should be consistent with the original said ... Date number name 5-20 engineering machinery mechanical overlap signed shift, successor to Chengdu city, signing the transfer table construction safety supervision and an 5-21 record number record date the successful bidder number processes number project name Project cost structure, layer an area of base type type and height and depth scaffold construction site name mobile (paging) supervision unit, field representative mobile (paging) construction unit, project manager mobile (paging) address safety coordinators name phone (paging) start date completion date telephone note table a-II , Construction units, safety supervision Department hold a copy. (By construction units fill in, units name please with full name), safety station contact phone: 86257682 construction project starts conditions review table Ann prison number: engineering name: engineering address: serial number review content 1 construction project safety by required of funds input has get guarantee (bearing employer both has by into construction sent [2002] No. 347, paper provides signed has project security civilization construction increased fee meter take standard and allocated term of single agreement). 2 construction, supervision of construction projects (construction) units have been set up, the sound, the unit responsibility system for production safety, developed departments at all levels of the project safety production and civilized construction responsibility system and a complete set of safety inspection system, signed a construction guarantee. 3 construction project has established a safe and civilized construction guarantee system, implemented the project security management institutions and full-time safety Manager. 4 construction project site has been a detailed investigation into the surrounding environment, combined with structural features produced targeted construction organization design and special programmes, develop emergency plans and superior technical Department for approval. 5 project has been the development of equipment management and equipment move in inspection system, special operations personnel have made People's Republic of China "special operations". 6 construction project in China had, by law, to handle the accident insurance. 7 main road construction site in the urban area have been set a height of not less than 2.5m (section 1.8M), wall of thickness not less than 0.24m. Hoisting of the size of not less than 1.4x0.9m "five-figure". ... Safety number: an area ? structural layer engineering 5-24 project name address telephone project manager construction figure progress, the construction unit (paging) project self-evaluation b)对弯矩,空池情况在地下水、地面荷载、土压力联合作用下为最不利情况。 6.3.4 池底荷载组合 空池为最不利情况,此时的荷载为池底地基反力及沿圆周均匀分布的池身线荷载。 在进行池底地基强度验算时,投料产气阶段为最不利情况;在沼气池抗浮验算时,空池为最不利情况。 6.4 构造要求 6.4.1 用于修建沼气池的砌块和砂浆,按GBJ3,8821 1的规定,应符合下列强度等级要求: a)烧结普通砖的强度等级:MU10~MU15 b)混凝土砌块的强度等级:MU15~MU20 c)石材的强度等级:MU30~MU40 d)砂浆强度等级:砌筑砂浆,M7.5、抹灰砂浆,1:3。 6.4.2 用于修建沼气池的混凝土,扫GBJ10,892 1.1的规定,应符合下列强度要求: a)现浇混凝土强度等级不低于C15; b)预制钢筋混凝土的强度等级不低于C20。 根据GBJ10,89第7.1.1条的规定,预制钢筋混凝土板的厚度小于150mm时,钢筋间距不大于200mm,钢筋直径不小于6.5mm。 6.4.3 各部位的断面要求: a)球形池盖的混凝土厚度不小于60mm; b)池墙厚度:用于弧形墙的砌块不小于60mm;混凝土现浇不小于60mm,方形池墙:砌块砌筑厚度不小于120mm,现浇混凝土厚度不小于100mm; c)削球池底板混凝土厚度不小于60mm。 6.5 沼气池采用密封防腐涂料时,涂料应符合下列要求: a)具有湿固性能好,吸水能力强的水性涂料; b)透气系数应小于1010cm3,cm/cm2,s,dapa; c)具有与水泥砂浆良好的亲合性。 total scoring (100) of safety civilization construction scaffolding projects and score pit template "Sambo," "four "Construction material hoist and lift crane hoisting construction equipment for external use (10) (20) (10) (10) (10) (10) (10) (10) (5) (5), head of corporate self-examination (signature): construction enterprises (seal) Supervision supervision date signature: year month day supervision and evaluation supervisor (signature): oversight units (seal) Year month day Note: two copies of this form, construction units, safety inspection station and a Chengdu city construction safety supervision station producer Chengdu construction safety inspection evaluation form (decoration and construction) safety number: 5-25 project construction area square address structural layer engineering project manager construction figure progress, construction unit Contact phone number (pager) project self-evaluation total scoring (100) of safety civilization construction scaffolding projects and score pit template "Sambo," "four" of construction material hoist and lift crane hoisting construction equipment for external use (10) (20) (10) (10) (10) (10) (10) ... Note: to enter the construction site an 6-1-level 13 safety education, safety education requirements, main contents are: first level: basic knowledge of safety, regulations, legal education, the main content is: safety guidelines and policies of the party and State; Safety regulations and standards, and the legal system; The unit construction and safety regulations, safety and discipline; The work safety situation and the history of major accidents and the lessons to be learned; After the accident to rescue the wounded, remove danger, protect the scene and reported in a timely manner. Secondary education: site rules and regulations and compliance, discipline, education, main contents are: basic knowledge of the characteristics of construction and safety; This unit (including construction, production site) safety systems, requirements and security considerations; This type of security technology practice: working at height, machinery and equipment, electrical safety basics; Fire, gas, dust-proof, explosion-proof knowledge and knowledge of safe disposal and emergency evacuation; Protective equipment protective supplies, appliances and issuing standard basic knowledge. Tertiary education: this type of system of job safety, operation and safety, discipline, the main content is: the team's operating features and safety rules; Safety activities system and discipline; Care and proper use of safety equipment (facilities) and PPE; The job insecurity prone to accidents and enemy; This position working environment and the use of machinery and equipment, tools, safety requirements. Attachment: safety precautions: new worker safety notes before new workers entering the site, you must study hard and become familiar with
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