

2017-09-02 16页 doc 310KB 9阅读




12.04豆角的做法大全12.04豆角的做法大全 芸豆猪肉炖土豆(猪肉土豆炖豆角)做法:,、猪后臀尖肉切块,焯水;,、豆角撕去老筋去头尾,土豆去皮切滚刀块,葱切段、姜切片;,、锅中油热后,放入葱、姜、花椒、大料炒香,放入肉块翻炒均匀,烹入料酒,,、放入土豆、豆角翻炒均匀;,、加老抽、盐调色调味,加适量清汤没过肉菜,大火烧开,小火继续炖煮约三十分钟即可。 豆角炒肉的做法(荤素搭配) 【原料】:豆角猪瘦肉一块【调料】:葱姜蒜末少许料酒老抽盐味精香油【做法】: 1,豆角择去两头的老筋,洗净切成粗丝2,猪肉切丝,然后加少许水淀粉上浆(也可以用一个蛋...
12.04豆角的做法大全 芸豆猪肉炖土豆(猪肉土豆炖豆角)做法:,、猪后臀尖肉切块,焯水;,、豆角撕去老筋去头尾,土豆去皮切滚刀块,葱切段、姜切片;,、锅中油热后,放入葱、姜、花椒、大料炒香,放入肉块翻炒均匀,烹入料酒,,、放入土豆、豆角翻炒均匀;,、加老抽、盐调色调味,加适量清汤没过肉菜,大火烧开,小火继续炖煮约三十分钟即可。 豆角炒肉的做法(荤素搭配) 【原料】:豆角猪瘦肉一块【调料】:葱姜蒜末少许料酒老抽盐味精香油【做法】: 1,豆角择去两头的老筋,洗净切成粗丝2,猪肉切丝,然后加少许水淀粉上浆(也可以用一个蛋清)3,锅内放水烧开,然后加少许油和盐,放入豆角焯透捞出(之所以用油盐水,是因为焯好infected animals should be destroyed immediately, to blockade the foci, thorough disinfection of patient isolation, transport should wear a mask to eliminate the source of infection, to achieve "early discovery, early reporting, early quarantine and early treatment" emergency measures during the holidays and holidays company decision-making, Project Manager Project Manager on duty for 24 hours; Before the holidays, project personnel have to keep contacts open, for a holiday when the incident occurred, immediately terminate the holiday of the project to start normal emergency mechanism at work, after the end of the emergency, on duty on the day by the staff to fill out records and summoned related personnel to study countermeasures to prevent accidents from happening again. Inclement weather emergency measures in summer torrential rains, typhoons, high-temperature heat is closely monitoring weather, construction, gather weather information at any time, once the national, the provincial Meteorological Center forecast, project emergency response team immediately started emergency plans; Inclement weather emergency measures: adjusted the construction progress and strength; to protect finished products and protection of materials and equipment; personnel security and, if necessary, adjust the labor intensity of workers and working time started, funds, 的豆角能保持翠绿的颜色)控净水分(特别注意一定要将豆角完全焯透) 4,锅内放适量油,油热后放入葱姜蒜末爆出香味5,放入肉丝快速滑炒,炒至肉丝变色的时候放少许料酒6,加少许老抽将肉丝翻炒均匀,让肉丝完全上色,然后加焯过的豆角翻炒均匀 7,加一小勺盐调味,关火8,最后加1/4小勺味精,淋少许香油出锅吧~ 干煸豆角:豆角半斤左右,洗净去丝切段 ;调料:葱丝 姜丝 豆瓣酱 干辣椒 花椒 盐 鸡精 酱油 做法:1,控干洗好的豆角,再将豆角下油锅小火煸炒,至两面微焦,取出备用。 2,锅内少许油,下花椒,辣椒,葱丝,姜丝一起爆香,最后放一勺郫县豆酱,翻炒均匀。 3,最后放入提前炒熟的豆角,一起翻炒,再放少许酱油 ,鸡精, 少许盐(根据个人口味)即可~ 注:豆角煸炒一定火候够,不熟会有毒~ infected animals should be destroyed immediately, to blockade the foci, thorough disinfection of patient isolation, transport should wear a mask to eliminate the source of infection, to achieve "early discovery, early reporting, early quarantine and early treatment" emergency measures during the holidays and holidays company decision-making, Project Manager Project Manager on duty for 24 hours; Before the holidays, project personnel have to keep contacts open, for a holiday when the incident occurred, immediately terminate the holiday of the project to start normal emergency mechanism at work, after the end of the emergency, on duty on the day by the staff to fill out records and summoned related personnel to study countermeasures to prevent accidents from happening again. Inclement weather emergency measures in summer torrential rains, typhoons, high-temperature heat is closely monitoring weather, construction, gather weather information at any time, once the national, the provincial Meteorological Center forecast, project emergency response team immediately started emergency plans; Inclement weather emergency measures: adjusted the construction progress and strength; to protect finished products and protection of materials and equipment; personnel security and, if necessary, adjust the labor intensity of workers and working time started, funds, 干煸豆角: 材料:豇豆,肉末,干辣椒段,花椒粒,宜宾芽菜,蒜,生姜,盐,料酒,酱油,鸡粉 做法:1、豆角洗净折小段,肉末用料酒,生姜末拌匀腌上,蒜切片,生姜去皮切片。2、炒锅放油,温热时下花椒粒爆出香味后,把花椒粒铲出不用,当然也可以留着一起炒,只是不小心把它当肉末吃了就有点难受哈。3、下肉末煸炒至微黄捞起备用4、倒入干辣椒段,蒜片,姜片炒出香味5、倒入豆角煸炒,中途加适量盐再继续煸炒,至豆角面微黄收水6、倒入芽菜末和肉末翻匀,最后加少少酱油,鸡粉,葱段调味后起锅。小宝说这菜很好吃,就是肉太少了,大宝说,乐趣就在于寻找。还有,小宝说,上桌前,他以为那蒜片是回锅肉,赶紧伸手抓了一片放嘴里,呀~大蒜~哈哈,谁让你一心就想着肉肉啦。 infected animals should be destroyed immediately, to blockade the foci, thorough disinfection of patient isolation, transport should wear a mask to eliminate the source of infection, to achieve "early discovery, early reporting, early quarantine and early treatment" emergency measures during the holidays and holidays company decision-making, Project Manager Project Manager on duty for 24 hours; Before the holidays, project personnel have to keep contacts open, for a holiday when the incident occurred, immediately terminate the holiday of the project to start normal emergency mechanism at work, after the end of the emergency, on duty on the day by the staff to fill out records and summoned related personnel to study countermeasures to prevent accidents from happening again. Inclement weather emergency measures in summer torrential rains, typhoons, high-temperature heat is closely monitoring weather, construction, gather weather information at any time, once the national, the provincial Meteorological Center forecast, project emergency response team immediately started emergency plans; Inclement weather emergency measures: adjusted the construction progress and strength; to protect finished products and protection of materials and equipment; personnel security and, if necessary, adjust the labor intensity of workers and working time started, funds, 肉片炖豆角:主料: 豆角700克 五花肉400克;调料:葱段20克 生姜片4片 花椒粉3克 老抽5克 味极鲜酱油15克 植物油少许 盐适量 料酒少许;做法:1.将豆角摘去筋洗净,根据豆角的长短用手掰成2~3段(一定要洗净后再掰成段,以免豆角内进太多水分)2.五花肉切成2~3毫米厚的片3.将锅烧热放少许植物油,放入五花肉中小火慢慢的将肉中的油脂煎出来4.顺锅边烹入料酒,再放入葱姜炒出香味5.放入豆角中火翻炒,直到豆角炒得发软(大约需要10分钟,这步很关键,不然炖出来的豆角不香)6.倒入两种酱油和花椒粉再炒1分钟7.放入热水,水量和平时炖菜一样8.中小火炖一会水量剩一半时9.然后大火收一下汤汁,关火,一定要留一些汤汁,拌饭非常好吃 香肠豆角饭的做法(荤素搭配) 材料:米饭、豆角、香肠、蒜片、盐、糖、生抽、黑胡椒粉、鲍鱼汁做法:1、蒸锅米饭。2、将豆角洗净,去筋,掰成节。冷水上锅,锅开后,捞出。3、热锅倒油,将香肠片、豆角节和蒜片一同放入炝炒,调入盐、糖、生抽、鲍鱼汁,翻炒。临出锅时,撒入黑胡椒粉,即可。4、取一盘,中间扣一碗白米饭,将炒好的豆角舀在米饭周围,即可。 排骨烧豆角的做法 infected animals should be destroyed immediately, to blockade the foci, thorough disinfection of patient isolation, transport should wear a mask to eliminate the source of infection, to achieve "early discovery, early reporting, early quarantine and early treatment" emergency measures during the holidays and holidays company decision-making, Project Manager Project Manager on duty for 24 hours; Before the holidays, project personnel have to keep contacts open, for a holiday when the incident occurred, immediately terminate the holiday of the project to start normal emergency mechanism at work, after the end of the emergency, on duty on the day by the staff to fill out records and summoned related personnel to study countermeasures to prevent accidents from happening again. Inclement weather emergency measures in summer torrential rains, typhoons, high-temperature heat is closely monitoring weather, construction, gather weather information at any time, once the national, the provincial Meteorological Center forecast, project emergency response team immediately started emergency plans; Inclement weather emergency measures: adjusted the construction progress and strength; to protect finished products and protection of materials and equipment; personnel security and, if necessary, adjust the labor intensity of workers and working time started, funds, 食材:猪排骨.豆角. 配料:八角.桂皮.生油.五香粉.干辣椒2个.生抽.红糖.生姜. 做法:看图说话: 1、在超市买的排骨.店员是个新手,把排骨砍得好大.我也舍不得拿我的刀改小,就将就大点吧, 2、锅里丢点姜丝.排骨先飞水去血. 3、这是豆角.紫色的.我也没见过.老板说这不是四季豆.叫ba山豆.这种豆好吃.4、锅里放少少油,放白糖熬起泡 5、随后放入飞水后的排 infected animals should be destroyed immediately, to blockade the foci, thorough disinfection of patient isolation, transport should wear a mask to eliminate the source of infection, to achieve "early discovery, early reporting, early quarantine and early treatment" emergency measures during the holidays and holidays company decision-making, Project Manager Project Manager on duty for 24 hours; Before the holidays, project personnel have to keep contacts open, for a holiday when the incident occurred, immediately terminate the holiday of the project to start normal emergency mechanism at work, after the end of the emergency, on duty on the day by the staff to fill out records and summoned related personnel to study countermeasures to prevent accidents from happening again. Inclement weather emergency measures in summer torrential rains, typhoons, high-temperature heat is closely monitoring weather, construction, gather weather information at any time, once the national, the provincial Meteorological Center forecast, project emergency response team immediately started emergency plans; Inclement weather emergency measures: adjusted the construction progress and strength; to protect finished products and protection of materials and equipment; personnel security and, if necessary, adjust the labor intensity of workers and working time started, funds, 骨.6、放入开水,下配料.干辣子,八角,桂皮,五香粉. 7、放入生抽. 8、最 后把豆角放面上.盖上锅盖用中火焖熟..上桌. 排骨炖油豆角的做法 infected animals should be destroyed immediately, to blockade the foci, thorough disinfection of patient isolation, transport should wear a mask to eliminate the source of infection, to achieve "early discovery, early reporting, early quarantine and early treatment" emergency measures during the holidays and holidays company decision-making, Project Manager Project Manager on duty for 24 hours; Before the holidays, project personnel have to keep contacts open, for a holiday when the incident occurred, immediately terminate the holiday of the project to start normal emergency mechanism at work, after the end of the emergency, on duty on the day by the staff to fill out records and summoned related personnel to study countermeasures to prevent accidents from happening again. Inclement weather emergency measures in summer torrential rains, typhoons, high-temperature heat is closely monitoring weather, construction, gather weather information at any time, once the national, the provincial Meteorological Center forecast, project emergency response team immediately started emergency plans; Inclement weather emergency measures: adjusted the construction progress and strength; to protect finished products and protection of materials and equipment; personnel security and, if necessary, adjust the labor intensity of workers and working time started, funds, 材料:排骨500G左右,油豆角400G左右,量按自己的口味加减。老抽2汤匙,生抽1汤匙,料酒1汤匙,八角2个小的,蒜4瓣,葱花适量。盐1/2茶匙,白糖1茶匙,干红辣椒切丝少量,花椒少许。步骤:*花椒煮水,水开后,放入排骨去除肉腥和血沫,小火煮20分钟。*炒锅里油烧热,放入八角,葱花和干红辣椒丝爆香,下豆角炒至断生。*下排骨,加入开水,水没过排骨和豆角。*放老抽,生抽,料酒,盐,白糖和蒜,水开后,撇去浮沫。*小火炖30分钟后,大火收汁即可。 1 23, 4,5, 6, infected animals should be destroyed immediately, to blockade the foci, thorough disinfection of patient isolation, transport should wear a mask to eliminate the source of infection, to achieve "early discovery, early reporting, early quarantine and early treatment" emergency measures during the holidays and holidays company decision-making, Project Manager Project Manager on duty for 24 hours; Before the holidays, project personnel have to keep contacts open, for a holiday when the incident occurred, immediately terminate the holiday of the project to start normal emergency mechanism at work, after the end of the emergency, on duty on the day by the staff to fill out records and summoned related personnel to study countermeasures to prevent accidents from happening again. Inclement weather emergency measures in summer torrential rains, typhoons, high-temperature heat is closely monitoring weather, construction, gather weather information at any time, once the national, the provincial Meteorological Center forecast, project emergency response team immediately started emergency plans; Inclement weather emergency measures: adjusted the construction progress and strength; to protect finished products and protection of materials and equipment; personnel security and, if necessary, adjust the labor intensity of workers and working time started, funds,
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