

2018-11-10 16页 doc 47KB 70阅读




中国成语故事大全全卡通365个成语故事中国成语故事大全全卡通365个成语故事 《中国成语故事大全全卡通365个成语故事》 商品描述 内容简介 《中国成语故事大全全卡通365个成语故事》内容选自中国成语。已有五千年的悠久历史。随 着文字的产生,成语也相继形成了。中国成语凝聚了历史知识、民俗风情和生活哲理。这里既有 著名的“万事具备,只欠东风”、“围魏救赵”、“空城计”、“短兵相接”等战争故事,也有“此地无 银三百两”、“狐假虎威”、“拔苗助长”等幽默故事,还有“井底之娃”、“鹬蚌相争”、“守株待兔”、 “画龙点睛”等古代寓言。 第1盘 01 志在四方 ...
中国成语故事大全全卡通365个成语故事 《中国成语故事大全全卡通365个成语故事》 商品描述 内容简介 《中国成语故事大全全卡通365个成语故事》内容选自中国成语。已有五千年的悠久历史。随 着文字的产生,成语也相继形成了。中国成语凝聚了历史知识、民俗风情和生活哲理。这里既有 著名的“万事具备,只欠东风”、“围魏救赵”、“空城计”、“短兵相接”等战争故事,也有“此地无 银三百两”、“狐假虎威”、“拔苗助长”等幽默故事,还有“井底之娃”、“鹬蚌相争”、“守株待兔”、 “画龙点睛”等古代寓言。 第1盘 01 志在四方 02 掷地有声 03 物以类聚 04 受宠若惊 05 欲速不达 06 亡戟得矛 07 满城风雨 08 名缰利锁 09 误付洪乔 10 至死不悟 11 螳螂捕蝉 黄雀在后 12 南山可移 13 披荆斩棘 14 解铃还需系铃人 15 徙宅忘妻 16 殃及池鱼 17 筚路蓝缕 18 为虎作伥 19 沉鱼落雁 20 含沙射影 21 一日千里 22 宾至如归 第2盘 01 阿堵物 02 鹏程万里 03 炙手可热 04 知己知彼 05 单者易折 06 精卫填海 07 口不二价 be carried out in time rust and antirust paint twice. While skeleton construction curtain wall fireproof, antisepsis, mine should be simultaneously, all skeletons complete after the required time and concealed work inspection, acceptance of concealed work qualified before the stone plaque installed. Stone in stone before they can use pollution prevention performance, radiation energy, water absorption properties and bending strength of various performance testing protective treatment and six stone two times, and minimize chromatic aberration, chromatic aberration under control mainly in the specification sheet and the stone material control, specification order form should try to distinguish between separate parts orders. Stone cutting must be carried out according to the same part of the same batch, different parts of different facades of stone panels applied when cutting different symbols of letters or Arabic numerals differentiates, in order to facilitate timely and accurately identify different stone when installing special mounting parts. Resolutely put an end to abuse with abuse. In addition to control and the local color, the other in the stone wall construction should be carried out before publishing, model wall dimensions as 84000mmx2000mm, stone size options for 1200mmx400mm 08 枕戈待旦 09 不觉技痒 10 登徙子 11 破镜重圆 12 四面楚歌 13 改过自新 14 高枕无忧 15 乐极生悲 16 对症下药 17 困兽犹斗 18 乘风破浪 19 别无长物 20 东施效颦 21 东食西颦 22 滥竽充数 第3盘 01 一箭双雕 02 负荆请罪 03 妄自尊大 04 心腹之患 05 沧海桑田 06 抱瓮灌畦 07 螳臂当车 08 佛头着粪 09 比上不足 比下有余 10 后生可畏 11 让枣推梨 12 捷足先得 13 出尔反尔 14 屠龙之技 15 二桃杀三士 16 刚愎自用 17 耕前锄后 18 抱佛脚 19 割席分座 20 开卷有益 21 厉兵秣马 22 危如累卵 23 一饭千金 第4盘 01 马革裹尸 02 人浮于事 be carried out in time rust and antirust paint twice. While skeleton construction curtain wall fireproof, antisepsis, mine should be simultaneously, all skeletons complete after the required time and concealed work inspection, acceptance of concealed work qualified before the stone plaque installed. Stone in stone before they can use pollution prevention performance, radiation energy, water absorption properties and bending strength of various performance testing protective treatment and six stone two times, and minimize chromatic aberration, chromatic aberration under control mainly in the specification sheet and the stone material control, specification order form should try to distinguish between separate parts orders. Stone cutting must be carried out according to the same part of the same batch, different parts of different facades of stone panels applied when cutting different symbols of letters or Arabic numerals differentiates, in order to facilitate timely and accurately identify different stone when installing special mounting parts. Resolutely put an end to abuse with abuse. In addition to control and the local color, the other in the stone wall construction should be carried out before publishing, model wall dimensions as 84000mmx2000mm, stone size options for 1200mmx400mm 03 得其所哉 04 目无全牛 05 斧正 06 什袭而藏 07 对牛弹琴 08 一鸣惊人 09 洗耳恭听 10 竭泽而渔 11 顾曲周郎 12 杀鸡焉用牛刀 13 卧薪尝胆 14 洛阳纸贵 15 一字之师 16 兵不血刃 17 家徒四壁 18 尾大不掉 19 一鼓作气 20 一枕黄梁 21 伯乐识马 22 病入膏肓 23 差强人意 第5盘 01 臧仓小人 02 债台高筑 03 不自量力 04 守株待兔 05 杀鸡吓猴 06 捋虎须 07 千里送鹅毛 08 囊萤映雪 09 匹夫之勇 10 千变万化 11 机不可失 12 蓬莱仙境 13 一举两得 14 华而不实 15 死恢复燃 16 口蜜腹剑 17 唇亡齿寒 18 腹稿 19 不学无术 20 好逸恶劳 21 水深火热 be carried out in time rust and antirust paint twice. While skeleton construction curtain wall fireproof, antisepsis, mine should be simultaneously, all skeletons complete after the required time and concealed work inspection, acceptance of concealed work qualified before the stone plaque installed. Stone in stone before they can use pollution prevention performance, radiation energy, water absorption properties and bending strength of various performance testing protective treatment and six stone two times, and minimize chromatic aberration, chromatic aberration under control mainly in the specification sheet and the stone material control, specification order form should try to distinguish between separate parts orders. Stone cutting must be carried out according to the same part of the same batch, different parts of different facades of stone panels applied when cutting different symbols of letters or Arabic numerals differentiates, in order to facilitate timely and accurately identify different stone when installing special mounting parts. Resolutely put an end to abuse with abuse. In addition to control and the local color, the other in the stone wall construction should be carried out before publishing, model wall dimensions as 84000mmx2000mm, stone size options for 1200mmx400mm 22 井底之蛙 23 吠形吠声 24 天衣无缝 第6盘 01 推敲 02 指鹿为马 03 骑鹤上扬州 04 脍炙人口 05 如坐针毡 06 鹤立鸡群 07 各自为政 08 三思而行 09 管中窥豹 10 洞见症结 11 牝牡骊黄 12 千虑一得 13 嗟来之食 14 杯弓蛇影 15 刻舟求剑 16 疾风知劲草 17 一身是胆 18 名落孙山 19 一叶障目 不见泰山 20 狼狈为奸 21 钱可通神 22 入木三分 23 身在曹营心在汉 24 路不拾遗 第7盘 01 临渴掘井 02 势如破竹 03 邯郸学步 04 杞人忧天 05 梁上君子 06 劳思逸淫 07 画饼充机 08 问道于盲 09 家喻户晓 10 短兵相接 11 起死回生 12 死不瞑目 13 拔山举鼎 be carried out in time rust and antirust paint twice. While skeleton construction curtain wall fireproof, antisepsis, mine should be simultaneously, all skeletons complete after the required time and concealed work inspection, acceptance of concealed work qualified before the stone plaque installed. Stone in stone before they can use pollution prevention performance, radiation energy, water absorption properties and bending strength of various performance testing protective treatment and six stone two times, and minimize chromatic aberration, chromatic aberration under control mainly in the specification sheet and the stone material control, specification order form should try to distinguish between separate parts orders. Stone cutting must be carried out according to the same part of the same batch, different parts of different facades of stone panels applied when cutting different symbols of letters or Arabic numerals differentiates, in order to facilitate timely and accurately identify different stone when installing special mounting parts. Resolutely put an end to abuse with abuse. In addition to control and the local color, the other in the stone wall construction should be carried out before publishing, model wall dimensions as 84000mmx2000mm, stone size options for 1200mmx400mm 14 快刀斩乱麻 15 夜郎自大 16 不求甚解 17 后顾之忧 18 皮之不存 毛将焉附 19 千金买骨 20 侯门如海 21 破甑不顾 22 暗箭伤人 23 少见多怪 24 狗尾续貂 第8盘 01 囫囵吞枣 02 黔驴技穷 03 瓜代有期 04 岐路亡羊 05 虎口余生 06 远水不求近火 07 请君入瓮 08 挂羊头 卖狗肉 09 狐疑不决 10 鸡口牛后 11 鸟尽弓藏 兔死狗烹 12 塞翁失马 13 相煎太急 14 蕉鹿自欺 15 臧毂亡羊 16 磨穿铁砚 17 从善如流 18 方寸之地 19 尽善尽美 20 败军之将 21 树倒猢狲散 22 难兄难弟 23 宁为玉碎 不为瓦全 第9盘 01 门庭若市 02 亡羊补牢 03 闭门造车 04 汗马功劳 05 坚壁清野 06 如火如荼 be carried out in time rust and antirust paint twice. While skeleton construction curtain wall fireproof, antisepsis, mine should be simultaneously, all skeletons complete after the required time and concealed work inspection, acceptance of concealed work qualified before the stone plaque installed. Stone in stone before they can use pollution prevention performance, radiation energy, water absorption properties and bending strength of various performance testing protective treatment and six stone two times, and minimize chromatic aberration, chromatic aberration under control mainly in the specification sheet and the stone material control, specification order form should try to distinguish between separate parts orders. Stone cutting must be carried out according to the same part of the same batch, different parts of different facades of stone panels applied when cutting different symbols of letters or Arabic numerals differentiates, in order to facilitate timely and accurately identify different stone when installing special mounting parts. Resolutely put an end to abuse with abuse. In addition to control and the local color, the other in the stone wall construction should be carried out before publishing, model wall dimensions as 84000mmx2000mm, stone size options for 1200mmx400mm 07 人人自危 08 上下其手 09 投鞭断流 10 贪小失大 11 两袖清风 12 居安思危 13 才高八斗 14 车载斗量 15 胸有成竹 16 将欲取之 必先与之 17 沐猴而冠 18 赤膊上阵 19 抛砖引玉 20 未雨绸缪 21 积羽沉舟 22 倒行逆施 23 网开三面 第10盘 01 高山流水 02 外强中干 03 刮目相看 04 九牛一毛 05 不入虎穴 焉得虎子 06 世外桃园 07 愚公移山 08 投笔从戎 09 一人得道 鸡犬升天 10 惊弓之鸟 11 过门不入 12 太公钓鱼 愿者上钩 13 剖腹藏珠 14 四体不勤 五谷不分 15 专心致志 16 鹬蚌相争 17 与虎谋皮 18 奇货可居 19 以火救火 20 一败涂地 21 颐指气使 第11盘 01 得过且过 02 万事俱备 只欠东风 be carried out in time rust and antirust paint twice. While skeleton construction curtain wall fireproof, antisepsis, mine should be simultaneously, all skeletons complete after the required time and concealed work inspection, acceptance of concealed work qualified before the stone plaque installed. Stone in stone before they can use pollution prevention performance, radiation energy, water absorption properties and bending strength of various performance testing protective treatment and six stone two times, and minimize chromatic aberration, chromatic aberration under control mainly in the specification sheet and the stone material control, specification order form should try to distinguish between separate parts orders. Stone cutting must be carried out according to the same part of the same batch, different parts of different facades of stone panels applied when cutting different symbols of letters or Arabic numerals differentiates, in order to facilitate timely and accurately identify different stone when installing special mounting parts. Resolutely put an end to abuse with abuse. In addition to control and the local color, the other in the stone wall construction should be carried out before publishing, model wall dimensions as 84000mmx2000mm, stone size options for 1200mmx400mm 03 量体裁衣 04 痛饮黄龙 05 悬梁刺骨 06 门可罗雀 07 如鱼得水 08 渐入佳境 09 望尘莫及 10 百发百中 11 骑虎难下 12 江郎才尽 13 画荻教子 14 破釜沉舟 15 呆若木鸡 16 推心置腹 17 非驴非马 18 掩耳盗铃 19 一字千金 20 鱼目混珠 21 望洋兴叹 22 马首是瞻 23 仰人鼻息 第12盘 01 司马昭之心 路人皆知 02 后来居上 03 大材小用 04 比肩接踵 05 画龙点晴 06 三寸之舌 07 走马观花 08 先发制人 09 叶公好龙 10 望梅止渴 11 熟能生巧 12 别开生面 13 三顾茅庐 14 安步当车 15 三纸无驴 16 尔虞我诈 17 呕心沥血 18 莫须有 19 初出茅庐 20 明修栈道 暗渡陈仓 21 近水楼台 be carried out in time rust and antirust paint twice. While skeleton construction curtain wall fireproof, antisepsis, mine should be simultaneously, all skeletons complete after the required time and concealed work inspection, acceptance of concealed work qualified before the stone plaque installed. Stone in stone before they can use pollution prevention performance, radiation energy, water absorption properties and bending strength of various performance testing protective treatment and six stone two times, and minimize chromatic aberration, chromatic aberration under control mainly in the specification sheet and the stone material control, specification order form should try to distinguish between separate parts orders. Stone cutting must be carried out according to the same part of the same batch, different parts of different facades of stone panels applied when cutting different symbols of letters or Arabic numerals differentiates, in order to facilitate timely and accurately identify different stone when installing special mounting parts. Resolutely put an end to abuse with abuse. In addition to control and the local color, the other in the stone wall construction should be carried out before publishing, model wall dimensions as 84000mmx2000mm, stone size options for 1200mmx400mm 22 曲突徙薪 第13盘 01 目不识丁 02 巢毁卵破 03 画蛇添足 04 不甚了了 05 毛遂自荐 06 空城计 07 强弩之末 08 不耻下问 09 道听途说 10 庸人自扰 11 杀彘教子 12 自相矛盾 13 模棱两可 14 赔了夫人又折兵 15 片言折猴 16 曲高和寡 17 以身试法 18 孤注一掷 19 五十步笑百步 20 食言而肥 21 不屈不挠 22 南辕北辙 第14盘 01 成也萧何 败也萧何 02 过河拆桥 03 汗牛充栋 04 盲人摸象 05 秦镜高悬 06 绕梁三日 07 三人成虎 08 围魏救赵 09 金玉其外 败絮其中 10 此地无银三百两 11 归马放牛 12 涸辙之鲋 13 完壁归赵 14 大公无私 15 青出于兰 16 班门弄斧 17 东山再起 be carried out in time rust and antirust paint twice. While skeleton construction curtain wall fireproof, antisepsis, mine should be simultaneously, all skeletons complete after the required time and concealed work inspection, acceptance of concealed work qualified before the stone plaque installed. Stone in stone before they can use pollution prevention performance, radiation energy, water absorption properties and bending strength of various performance testing protective treatment and six stone two times, and minimize chromatic aberration, chromatic aberration under control mainly in the specification sheet and the stone material control, specification order form should try to distinguish between separate parts orders. Stone cutting must be carried out according to the same part of the same batch, different parts of different facades of stone panels applied when cutting different symbols of letters or Arabic numerals differentiates, in order to facilitate timely and accurately identify different stone when installing special mounting parts. Resolutely put an end to abuse with abuse. In addition to control and the local color, the other in the stone wall construction should be carried out before publishing, model wall dimensions as 84000mmx2000mm, stone size options for 1200mmx400mm 18 三令五申 19 老马识途 20 南柯一梦 21 害群之马 22 孟母三迁 23 买椟还珠 24 水滴石穿 第15盘 01 约法三章 02 覆水难收 03 齐大非偶 04 墦间乞余 05 锦囊妙句 06 如嚼鸡助 07 山鸡舞境 08 问一得三 09 有志者事竞成 10 诟如不闻 11 合浦还珠 12 见卵求鸡 13 吴牛喘月 14 痴人说梦 15 捉刀 16 木人石心 17 一衣带水 18 铁杵磨针 19 一目十行 20 包藏祸心 21 拔苗助长 22 同流合污 23 纵虎归山 第16盘 01 金石为开 02 飞鸟惊蛇 03 只许州官放火 不许百姓点灯 04 倒覆相迎 05 作威作福 06 狐假虎威 07 百闻不如一见 08 打草惊蛇 09 半途而废 10 袒腹东床 be carried out in time rust and antirust paint twice. While skeleton construction curtain wall fireproof, antisepsis, mine should be simultaneously, all skeletons complete after the required time and concealed work inspection, acceptance of concealed work qualified before the stone plaque installed. Stone in stone before they can use pollution prevention performance, radiation energy, water absorption properties and bending strength of various performance testing protective treatment and six stone two times, and minimize chromatic aberration, chromatic aberration under control mainly in the specification sheet and the stone material control, specification order form should try to distinguish between separate parts orders. Stone cutting must be carried out according to the same part of the same batch, different parts of different facades of stone panels applied when cutting different symbols of letters or Arabic numerals differentiates, in order to facilitate timely and accurately identify different stone when installing special mounting parts. Resolutely put an end to abuse with abuse. In addition to control and the local color, the other in the stone wall construction should be carried out before publishing, model wall dimensions as 84000mmx2000mm, stone size options for 1200mmx400mm 11 功亏一篑 12 鸡鸣狗盗 13 盲人瞎马 14 扑朔迷离 15 失斧疑邻 16 兵不厌诈 17 人面桃花 18 瓜田李下 19 顽石点头 20 矮子看戏 21 杯水车薪 22 朝三暮四 编辑推荐 这其中有著名的历史人物孔子、孟子、曹操、诸葛亮、姜太公、孙子以及历代皇帝、臣民百姓等,有几百个栩栩如生的人物、动物形象。其中有壮阔的战争场面、繁华的古代建筑、优美的田园风光。纵观整个系列片,它包含大量而丰富的内容,是目前中国生产的时间最长、集数最多的成语故事系列片。 卓越亚马逊服务承诺 品质保证 我们向您承诺,我们已严格审查本网站所售商品供应商或卖家的合法经营资质,以确保通过本网站向您销售的商品均为正品行货,并可提供正规发票,与您亲临地面商店选购的商品享有同样的品质保证。 be carried out in time rust and antirust paint twice. While skeleton construction curtain wall fireproof, antisepsis, mine should be simultaneously, all skeletons complete after the required time and concealed work inspection, acceptance of concealed work qualified before the stone plaque installed. Stone in stone before they can use pollution prevention performance, radiation energy, water absorption properties and bending strength of various performance testing protective treatment and six stone two times, and minimize chromatic aberration, chromatic aberration under control mainly in the specification sheet and the stone material control, specification order form should try to distinguish between separate parts orders. Stone cutting must be carried out according to the same part of the same batch, different parts of different facades of stone panels applied when cutting different symbols of letters or Arabic numerals differentiates, in order to facilitate timely and accurately identify different stone when installing special mounting parts. Resolutely put an end to abuse with abuse. In addition to control and the local color, the other in the stone wall construction should be carried out before publishing, model wall dimensions as 84000mmx2000mm, stone size options for 1200mmx400mm
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