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南阳市三小四讲四树方案南阳市三小四讲四树方案 “四讲四树”活动实施方案 南阳市三小 ,2014年3月28日, 为深入贯彻落实上级党委 [2014]2号文件精神~进一步强化“强化四个意识”、“提升四种能力”~打造一支思想好、能力强、纪律严、作风硬、素质高的干部队伍~为学校各项工作科学深入发展提供保证。按照局党委统一安排部署~决定利用半年的时间~在全校集中开展“讲忠诚~树立一心为公的形象,讲担当~树立务实重干的形象,讲团结~树立和谐干事的形象~讲奉献~树立五四为民的形象”活动,以下简称“四讲四树”,特制定如下实施方案: 一、指导思想 坚持以...
南阳市三小四讲四树 “四讲四树”活动实施方案 南阳市三小 ,2014年3月28日, 为深入贯彻落实上级党委 [2014]2号文件精神~进一步强化“强化四个意识”、“提升四种能力”~打造一支思想好、能力强、纪律严、作风硬、素质高的干部队伍~为学校各项工作科学深入发展提供保证。按照局党委统一安排部署~决定利用半年的时间~在全校集中开展“讲忠诚~树立一心为公的形象,讲担当~树立务实重干的形象,讲团结~树立和谐干事的形象~讲奉献~树立五四为民的形象”活动,以下简称“四讲四树”,特制定如下实施方案: 一、指导思想 坚持以科学发展观为指导~认真贯彻落实党的十八大、十八届三中全会精神~紧紧围绕全校发展的中心工作~紧密结合全校干部职工思想工作实际~通过深入开展“四讲四树”活动~切实解决干部职工在思想、工作、作风、廉政等方面存在的突出问~使全校党员干部思发展的意识更加强烈~谋发展的精神更加振奋~促发展的干劲更加高涨~抓发展的作风更加扎实~进一步推动和深化学校的各项工作深入发展。 二、重点解决问题 ,一,在思想认识上~存在头脑僵化、创新不强、境界不高等问题。表现在不注重学习思考、研究琢磨~思想懈怠、缺乏创新~满足于做表面工作~习惯用老办法解决新问题,表现在思想境界不高~心to enterprises bigger and stronger. Relevant departments should play the role of function. The postal Office, economic development zone, and the science and Technology Council members take the initiative, make friends and entrepreneurs, in-depth company research, needed to understand the business needs, and coordination to solve the practical difficulties and problems in a timely manner, provide quality services for enterprises. By postal Office led to the formulation of the opinions on strengthening the construction of enterprisers and create favorable environment for entrepreneurs. OEI is the higher level of investment, OECD Council to take solace in Jing-Jin-Tang and the Yangtze River Delta, Pearl River Delta and three investment groups, butt enterprises personnel demand, investment promotion, and introducing "double double", to help improve the accuracy. Talent is not limited to universities, scientific research institutes, entrepreneurs were hidden in a number of talent, entrepreneurs are also scientists, economists and other talents, so we're introducing intelligence and wealth investment is equally important, the introduction of a good entrepreneur to the ping project, it is possible to drive a big industry. Recently to discuss advancing rope processing project, the General Manager is starting from the initial string, and gradually become technical experts, at present, the company has covered rope to all walks of life, ping will not only do processing base, to do more research and development base. 3, practical guide, coordinate all kinds of talents. Focusing on improve the ability of an 胸不宽~讲个人利益多、讲大局讲责任少~个人意识占上风,表现在不把精力放在工作上~爱打听事情~偏听偏信~乱传谣言~背后议论是非~搞小团体。 ,二,在精神状态上~存在缺乏干事创业激情、责任心不强等问题。表现在精神不振、热情不高、干劲不大~有的事业心、责任感不强~存在等靠应付,表现在工作目标不够明确~思路不够清晰~主动性和性不强~缺乏计划性和具体措施,表现在有的安于现状~被动应付~身在其职、不谋其政,领导不安排~工作不开展~事不关己~高高挂起。 ,三,在组织纪律上~存在大局意识、纪律观念不强~集体主义不浓的问题。表现在内部管理不够明确~不坚持请销假制度~不坚持做到带牌带证上值岗~有章不循,表现在迟到早退、早走晚来、串岗脱岗、上网聊天玩游戏等问题屡禁不止,表现在集体活动中~常以个人家庭、工作性质特殊等原因~不参加单位组织的集体学习活动或中途早退~不能做到个人服从集体。 ,四,在工作落实上~存在业务能力不强、执行力不强~标准不高~要求不严等问题。表现在和家长打交道~底气不足~服务意识不强~工作效率不高,表现在对抓落实重视不够~工作被动应付不催不干~存在落实无力和不愿抓落实、无人抓落实。表现在工作标准上~精品意识不强~标准不够高~有的自我要求不严~只求过得去~不求过得硬、满足一般化。 三、活动步骤 to enterprises bigger and stronger. Relevant departments should play the role of function. The postal Office, economic development zone, and the science and Technology Council members take the initiative, make friends and entrepreneurs, in-depth company research, needed to understand the business needs, and coordination to solve the practical difficulties and problems in a timely manner, provide quality services for enterprises. By postal Office led to the formulation of the opinions on strengthening the construction of enterprisers and create favorable environment for entrepreneurs. OEI is the higher level of investment, OECD Council to take solace in Jing-Jin-Tang and the Yangtze River Delta, Pearl River Delta and three investment groups, butt enterprises personnel demand, investment promotion, and introducing "double double", to help improve the accuracy. Talent is not limited to universities, scientific research institutes, entrepreneurs were hidden in a number of talent, entrepreneurs are also scientists, economists and other talents, so we're introducing intelligence and wealth investment is equally important, the introduction of a good entrepreneur to the ping project, it is possible to drive a big industry. Recently to discuss advancing rope processing project, the General Manager is starting from the initial string, and gradually become technical experts, at present, the company has covered rope to all walks of life, ping will not only do processing base, to do more research and development base. 3, practical guide, coordinate all kinds of talents. Focusing on improve the ability of an 全校“四讲四树”活动按三个阶段推进~突出“学、找、看” 三个重点。 ,一,学习动员阶段,3月下旬至4月下旬,。召开活动动员会议~制定活动实施方案~通过周五集中学习、组织专题学习、开展红色革命教育、反面案例警示、上主题党课等方式~开展形式多样的推进活动。结合学校“五年规划”~把“先进更先进、后进赶先进”作为行动目标~努力实现学校的各项管理目标进入全区先进行列。 ,二,查找问题、解决问题阶段,5月上旬至7月下旬,。组织各科室查找问题、原因、理清思路、制定相应措施。梳理分析查摆出的问题~抓住重点和关键环节、通过机制创新、切实加以解决~确保各项工作的顺利开展。 ,三,总结提高阶段,8月上旬至9月下旬,。梳理汇总活动取得的成效~形成总结报告~研究建立巩固活动成果的成效机制~并根据各科室活动开展情况进行考核~结果纳入单位2014年度目标管理绩效考核。 四、活动要求 ,一,提高认识~加强领导。成立由单位主要负责同志任组长、分管副校长为成员活动领导小组~下设办公室。制定实施方案~具体负责活动组织实施及督导检查工作。活动开展过程中~各处室及党员干部要充分发挥表率作用~带头抓好学习、查问题、抓整改、争先进。 “四讲四树”活动领导小组名单: 组长:曹祥忠 to enterprises bigger and stronger. Relevant departments should play the role of function. The postal Office, economic development zone, and the science and Technology Council members take the initiative, make friends and entrepreneurs, in-depth company research, needed to understand the business needs, and coordination to solve the practical difficulties and problems in a timely manner, provide quality services for enterprises. By postal Office led to the formulation of the opinions on strengthening the construction of enterprisers and create favorable environment for entrepreneurs. OEI is the higher level of investment, OECD Council to take solace in Jing-Jin-Tang and the Yangtze River Delta, Pearl River Delta and three investment groups, butt enterprises personnel demand, investment promotion, and introducing "double double", to help improve the accuracy. Talent is not limited to universities, scientific research institutes, entrepreneurs were hidden in a number of talent, entrepreneurs are also scientists, economists and other talents, so we're introducing intelligence and wealth investment is equally important, the introduction of a good entrepreneur to the ping project, it is possible to drive a big industry. Recently to discuss advancing rope processing project, the General Manager is starting from the initial string, and gradually become technical experts, at present, the company has covered rope to all walks of life, ping will not only do processing base, to do more research and development base. 3, practical guide, coordinate all kinds of talents. Focusing on improve the ability of an 成员:张长有、李天朝、李向华、王升、杜玉鹏 办公室主任:张长有 ,二,强化宣传~创新探索。充分运用各级网站、简报报纸等载体~大力宣传“四讲四树”活动~为活动开展营造良好氛围。学校活动小组要加强活动日常组织、监督和活动总结上报等工作。“四讲四树”活动要坚持求真务实的作风~尊重首创精神~鼓励支持各处室在工作中大胆探索创新~丰富活动内容~创新活动方式~切实增强效果。 ,三,搞好结合~务求实效。要结合实际~真正把“四讲四树”活动作为全面加强单位干部职工队伍建设的重要抓手~突出重点~狠抓落实~使活动既有声有色~有扎实有效。同时~“四讲四树”活动要与教师综合管理考核、创先争优、评先评模、绩效工资等相互结合~做到贴近工作~贴近教职工、贴近实际~通过开展“四讲四树”活动~促进我校各项管理工作再上新台阶。 to enterprises bigger and stronger. Relevant departments should play the role of function. The postal Office, economic development zone, and the science and Technology Council members take the initiative, make friends and entrepreneurs, in-depth company research, needed to understand the business needs, and coordination to solve the practical difficulties and problems in a timely manner, provide quality services for enterprises. By postal Office led to the formulation of the opinions on strengthening the construction of enterprisers and create favorable environment for entrepreneurs. OEI is the higher level of investment, OECD Council to take solace in Jing-Jin-Tang and the Yangtze River Delta, Pearl River Delta and three investment groups, butt enterprises personnel demand, investment promotion, and introducing "double double", to help improve the accuracy. Talent is not limited to universities, scientific research institutes, entrepreneurs were hidden in a number of talent, entrepreneurs are also scientists, economists and other talents, so we're introducing intelligence and wealth investment is equally important, the introduction of a good entrepreneur to the ping project, it is possible to drive a big industry. Recently to discuss advancing rope processing project, the General Manager is starting from the initial string, and gradually become technical experts, at present, the company has covered rope to all walks of life, ping will not only do processing base, to do more research and development base. 3, practical guide, coordinate all kinds of talents. Focusing on improve the ability of an “四讲四树”活动实施方案 南阳市三小 ,2014年3月28日, to enterprises bigger and stronger. Relevant departments should play the role of function. The postal Office, economic development zone, and the science and Technology Council members take the initiative, make friends and entrepreneurs, in-depth company research, needed to understand the business needs, and coordination to solve the practical difficulties and problems in a timely manner, provide quality services for enterprises. By postal Office led to the formulation of the opinions on strengthening the construction of enterprisers and create favorable environment for entrepreneurs. OEI is the higher level of investment, OECD Council to take solace in Jing-Jin-Tang and the Yangtze River Delta, Pearl River Delta and three investment groups, butt enterprises personnel demand, investment promotion, and introducing "double double", to help improve the accuracy. Talent is not limited to universities, scientific research institutes, entrepreneurs were hidden in a number of talent, entrepreneurs are also scientists, economists and other talents, so we're introducing intelligence and wealth investment is equally important, the introduction of a good entrepreneur to the ping project, it is possible to drive a big industry. Recently to discuss advancing rope processing project, the General Manager is starting from the initial string, and gradually become technical experts, at present, the company has covered rope to all walks of life, ping will not only do processing base, to do more research and development base. 3, practical guide, coordinate all kinds of talents. Focusing on improve the ability of an
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