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新目标英语八年级下册单词表和短语表默写新目标英语八年级下册单词表和短语表默写 新目标英语八年级下册英语单词和短语默写 单词 Unit1 1. 机器人______________ _____________ 2. won?t = _____________ 29. 哪个,哪几个 3. they?ll = _____________ _____________ 4. 每件事物_____________ 30. 甚至_____________ 5. 纸_____________ 31. 世界杯_____________ 6. 使用,利用_____________ ...
新目标八年级下册和短语表默写 新目标英语八年级下册英语单词和短语默写 单词 Unit1 1. 机器人______________ _____________ 2. won?t = _____________ 29. 哪个,哪几个 3. they?ll = _____________ _____________ 4. 每件事物_____________ 30. 甚至_____________ 5. 纸_____________ 31. 世界杯_____________ 6. 使用,利用_____________ 32. write的过去式 7. 较少,较小_____________ _____________ 8. 较少的_____________ 33. 我自己,我本人 9. 污染_____________ _____________ 10. 树,树木_____________ 34. 面试,面谈_____________ 11. she?ll = _____________ 35. 预言,预测_____________ 12. 建筑物,房屋36. 实现,达到_____________ _____________ 37. 公司_____________ 13. 宇航员,航天员38. think的过去式 _____________ _____________ 14. 火箭_____________ 39. 小说_____________ 15. 空间,太空_____________ 40. 使人不愉快的 16. 太空站_____________ _____________ 17. 飞行_____________ 41. 科学家_____________ 18. 月亮;月球_____________ 42. 未来,将来_____________ 19. 落下,跌落_____________ 43. 可是,然而_____________ (过去式= _____________ ) 44. 一百_____________ 45. 好几百,许许多多20. 单独地,孤独地 _____________ _____________ 21. 宠物_____________ 46. 早已,先前_____________ 22. 鹦鹉_____________ 47. 工厂_____________ 48. 简单的,简易的23. 大概,或许_____________ 24. 去滑冰_____________ _____________ 49. 这样的,这种25. 一套衣服_____________ 26. 能够„得以_____________ _____________ 27. 穿衣_____________ 50. 厌烦的,厌倦的 28. 非正式地,随意地_____________ 51. 各地,到处_____________ 52. 人,人类_____________ 53. 外形,形状_____________ 54. 巨大的;极大的 _____________ 55. 蛇_____________ 56. 寻找_____________ 57. 可能的_____________ 58. 电的,导电的 _____________ 59. 牙刷_____________ 60. 像是,似乎_____________ 61. 不可能的,不会发生的 _____________ 62. 家务,家务事 _____________ 63. 级别,等级_____________ ________________ 短语 Unit 1 16. 住在一间公寓 1. 在家通过电脑学习 __________________ ________________ 17. 乘坐火箭到月球 2. 将来 ___________________ ________________ 3. 免费的 18. 爱上„„ ___________________ ___________________ 4. 活到200岁 19. 独自居住___________________ ___________________ 5. 一百年之后 20. 能够做某事 ___________________ ___________________ 6. 一张纸 21. 去香港度假 ___________________ ___________________ 7. 更多/更少的树 23. 飞到月球度假_________________ __________________ 8. 更多/更少的污染 24. 有朝一日 ________________ ___________________ 10. 更少使用地铁 25. 为某人工作__________________ ___________________ 11. 更多使 26. 看起来精神 用„„ __________________ ___________________ 12. 同意某人的意见 27. 实现 ________________ ___________________ 13. 与„„谈话 28. 预言未来 ___________________ ___________________ 14. 使用某物做某事 29. 看见某人做某事/正在做某42. 做某事有趣 事 ___________________ ___________________ 30. 数以百计的43. 在25年到50年之后 ___________________ ______________ 31. 在太空 ___________________ 32. 拥有某人自己的机器人 ___________ 33. 科幻小说 ___________________ 34. 帮助某人做家务 ________________ 35. 与„„做同样的事 ______________ 36. 叫醒某人 ___________________ 37. 与„„交朋友 __________________ 38. 某地有某人正在做某事 ______________ 39. 看起来更像 ___________________ 40. 一遍又一遍地 __________________ 41. 有更少的工作去做 ______________ 单词 Unit 2 84. 青少年论坛_____________ 64. 不让„进入_____________ 85. 家庭教师_____________ 65. 播放_____________ 86. 新颖的_____________ 66. 高声的,大声的87. 与„同样的_____________ 88. 时髦的,流行的_____________ 67. 争论,争吵_____________ _____________ 68. 错误的,有毛病的89. 理发,发型_____________ 90. 除,把„除外_____________ 69. 怎么了,_____________ _____________ 70. 风格_____________ 91. 心烦的,沮丧的 71. 不时髦的,过时的_____________ 92. 失败_____________ _____________ 72. can的过去式93. 相处,进展_____________ _____________ 94. didn?t =_____________ 73. 应该_____________ 95. couldn?t =_____________ 74. 打电话给„_____________ 96. 足球_____________ 75. 票,入场卷_____________ 97. 到„为止_____________ _____________ 76. 使惊奇,使意外98. 适合,适应 99. 尽可能____________ _____________ 77. 用电话交谈,在通话100. 压力_____________ 101. 抱怨,控诉_____________ 78. 怎么了,_____________ _____________ 79. 付款_____________ 102. 包括,包含 80. 兼职工作_____________ _____________ 81. 好的_____________ 103. 固执己见,一意孤行 82. 任一的,每一方的_____________ 104. 发送,寄_____________ _____________ 83. 烤,烘_____________ 105. 各种,许多 _____________ 106. 比较_____________ 107. 疯狂的,狂热的 _____________ 108. 他们自己 _____________ 109. 成年人_____________ 110. (在)一方面„ _____________ 111. 有组织的 _____________ 112. „另一方面„ _____________ 113. 自由_____________ _______________ 短语 Unit 2 14. 为某人买某物1. 挡住;阻止„„进入 _______________ ______________ 15. 不知道 (idea)2. 与„„某人就某事争 _______________ .____________ 吵 16. 有同样的发型 3. 与„„争吵 (argument ) _______________ __________ 17. 查明 _______________ 4. 告诉某人(不要)做某事 18. 请家教 _______________ ____________ 5. 得到一份兼职的工作19. 需要去做 ______________ _______________ 6. 打开 _______________ 20. 邀请某人去做某事 ______________ 7. 把„„声音放得太大 21. 把某物落在家里 ______________ _______________ 8. 给„„写信 22. 做某事失败 _______________ _______________ 9. 给„„打电话 23. 与„„相处融洽 _______________ _______________ 10. 一场球赛的票 24. 与„„相同的 _______________ _______________ 11. 使„„惊讶 25. 归还某物 _______________ _______________ 12. 支付„„ 26. 在字典中查找„„ _______________ ______________ 13. 从„„借„„ 27. 与„„打架 40. 另一方面 _______________ _______________ 28. 与„„比较 41. 从很小的年龄开始 _______________ ______________ 29. 向„„抱怨某事 _______________ 30. 感觉处于(太多的)压力之 下 _____________ 31. 买不同的衣服 _______________ 32. 把„„从一个地方带到另 一个地方 _______________ 33. 直到„„才„„ _______________ 34. 尽可能多地充实到孩子们 的生活中来_______________ 35. 屡见不鲜 _______________ 36. 厉害地强迫某人 _______________ 37. 总是在做某事 _______________ 38. 计划做某事 _______________ 39. 一方面 _______________ 单词 Unit 3 _____________ 114. 不明飞行物,飞碟135. 恐惧的_____________ _____________ 136. 攀登,爬_____________ 115. 理发师_____________ 137. 跳跃_____________ 116. 理发店_____________ 138. 呼喊,呼叫 117. 浴室_____________ _____________ 118. 卧室,寝室139. ride的过去式 _____________ _____________ 119. 厨房_____________ 140. 猫_____________ 120. 出去,离开141. 火车站_____________ _____________ 142. run的过去式 121. 剪,切,割_____________ _____________ 143. 逃跑,跑掉 122. 外星人_____________ _____________ 123. buy的过去式144. 任何地方 _____________ _____________ 124. 着陆_____________ 145. meet的过去式 125. 衬衫_____________ _____________ 126. get的过去式146. 进来_____________ _____________ 147. 发生_____________ 127. 起飞_____________ 148. 事故_____________ 128. 当„的时候149. 北京国际机场 _____________ _____________ 129. 经历,体验150. 飞机_____________ _____________ 151. hear的过去式 130. 大约_____________ _____________ 131. 奇怪,陌生的152. 现代的,现代化的 _____________ _____________ 132. 跟随,追随153. 杀死,致死 _____________ _____________ 133. 令人惊异的154. 谋杀,凶杀 _____________ _____________ 134. 欺骗,戏弄155. 孟菲斯_____________ 156. 听说_____________ 175. fly的过去式 157. 明亮的,发亮的_____________ _____________ 176. 悲剧_____________ 158. 运动场,操场 _____________ 159. 钟,铃,门铃 _____________ 160. ring的过去式 _____________ 161. tell的过去式 _____________ 162. 关闭_____________ 163. 寂静,沉默 _____________ 164. 发生_____________ 165. 最近的。近来的 _____________ 166. 世界贸易中心 _____________ 167. 破坏,毁坏 _____________ 168. 恐怖分子 _____________ 169. 意思,含义 _____________ 170. 像„(一样) _____________ 171. become的过去式 _____________ 172. 航班,班机 _____________ 173. 地球_____________ 174. 英雄_____________ _____________ 短语 Unit 3 18. 在火车站 _____________ 1. 到达 _____________ 19. 逃跑 _____________ 2. 在„„前面 _____________ 20. 沿着„„走_____________ 3. 在„„的前部 22. 对„„说 _____________ _____________ 5. 睡懒觉 _____________ 23. 飞往纽约的航班 _____________ 6. 在电话中交谈 24. 在医生的诊所 _____________ _____________ 7. 航天博物馆 _____________ 25. 看望住院的姨妈 8. 降落在中央大街上 _____________ _____________ 27. 记得做过/去做某事 9. 报警 _____________ _____________ 10. 沿着街道走 28. 在历史上 _____________ _____________ 29. 在现代美国历史上 11. 起飞/脱下 _____________ _____________ 12. 有一次不寻常的经历 30. 最重要的事件之_____________ 一 _____________ 13. 大约在10点钟 31. 听说 _____________ _____________ 32. 多于;超过_____________ 14. 跟着某人做某事/去某地 33. 玩得高兴 _____________ _____________ 15. 对„„感到惊讶 34. 沉默地做某事 _____________ _____________ 16. 在树上 _____________ 35. 在当今时代 _____________ 17. 朝„„喊叫 36. 被„„毁坏 _____________ 37. 对„„有意义 _____________ 39. 与„„(不)一样„„ _____________ 41. 一个民族英雄 _____________ 42. 全世界 _____________ 43. 因/作为„„而著名 _____________ 44. 第一次做某事 _____________ 45. 日常活动 _____________ 单词 Unit 4 192. 成绩单_____________ 177. 曾经,永远193. 神经紧张的,不安的 _____________ _____________ 178. 疯狂的,狂热的194. 信封_____________ 195. 幸运地_____________ _____________ 179. 再,还,今后196. 学期_____________ 197. bad的最高级_____________ 180. 小吃_____________ _____________ 181. 直接引语198. 真实的_____________ 199. 使人失望的_____________ 182. 间接引语_____________ 200. 幸运的_____________ _____________ 183. 首先_____________ 201. 复制,抄袭 184. 消息,信息_____________ 202. (名词性物主代词)她_____________ 185. 传递_____________ 的____________ 186. 假定,认为,期望203. 自己的_____________ 204. 克服,恢复,原谅_____________ 187. 被期望或被要求_____________ 205. 乡村_____________ _____________ 188. 勤勉的,努力工作的206. 北京大学 _____________ _____________ 189. 在„方面做得更好207. 毕业生_____________ 208. 志愿者_____________ _____________ 190. 爷爷,外祖父209. 教育部_____________ 210. 中国少年先峰队_____________ 191. 身体健康_____________ 211. 乡下的,乡村的_____________ 230. 世界野生动物基金_____________ 212. 地区,地域_____________ 231. 危险_____________ _____________ 213. 米,公尺_____________ 214. 海平面_____________ 215. 稀薄的_____________ 216. eat的过去式 _____________ 217. 幸运地_____________ 218. 决定,决心 _____________ 219. 丈夫_____________ 220. 宿舍_____________ 221. 高中_____________ 222. 打开_____________ 223. 开始,开端 _____________ 224. 影响_____________ 225. 家乡,故乡 _____________ 226. “绿色和平”组织 _____________ 227. 照顾,照料 _____________ 228. 边界,边境 _____________ 229. 联合国儿童基金 _____________ 16. 做某事很吃惊 短语 Unit 4 _____________ 1. 看肥皂剧 _____________ 17. 捎去某人的问候 2. 举行一次惊喜晚会 _____________ _____________ 18. 到现在为止 3. 在周五晚上 _____________ t_____________ 19. 抄袭别人的家庭作业 4. 生某人的气 _____________ _____________ 5. 首先_____________ 20. 传些口信 _____________ 6. 做课外家庭作业 21. 大打一架 _____________ _____________ 22. 忘记去做某事 7. 递给某人某物 _____________ _____________ 23. 养成一个坏习惯 8. 在公共汽车站 _____________ _____________ 24. 克服_____________ 9. 理应/应该做某事 25. 改变某人的生活 _____________ _____________ 10. 擅长 _____________ 26. 在一个贫困的山村 11. 很抱歉做某事 _____________ _____________ 27. 听起来像 _____________ 12. 感冒 _____________ 28. 一个北京大学的毕业生 13. 身体健康 _____________ _____________ 14. 一次期末考试 29. 一个为期一年的计划 _____________ _____________ 15. 在某事方面感到费劲 30. 由„„发起 _____________ _____________ 32. 派人去做某事 _____________ 33. 对某人来说是一个新的经历 _____________ 34. 海拔2000米 _____________ 35. 使某人觉得恶心 _____________ 36. 经历不同的事 _____________ 37. 开拓某人的视野 _____________ 38. 给某人生活一个好的开始 __________ 39. 在某人的生活中有一个好的影响_____________ 40. 关爱地球母亲” _____________ 41. 无国界医生_____________ 42. 濒危野生动物 _____________ 43. 处于危险之中 _____________ 44. 脱离危险 _____________ 单词 Unit 5 _____________ 232. 牛仔裤_____________ 250. 胖的,肥的 233. 组织_____________ _____________ 234. 拿走_____________ 251. 窗,窗户_____________ 235. 清除,打扫252. 踢足球_____________ 253. 结果_____________ _____________ 236. 花_____________ 254. 解释,说明 237. 代理人,代理商_____________ 255. 下列的,下述的_____________ 238. 在世界各地_____________ 256. 为了…_____________ _____________ 239. 谋生_____________ 257. 提高;改进 240. 反对_____________ _____________ 241. 慈善团体,慈善事业短语 Unit 5 _____________ 1. 去参加晚会 _____________ 242. 机会,机遇2. 玩得高兴 _____________ _____________ 3. 让某人进 _____________ 243. 一直_____________ 4. 备考 _____________ 244. 受伤的,受损害的 5. 一半的同学 _____________ _____________ 6. 岁末晚会 _____________ 245. 真诚的_____________ 246. 律师_____________ 7. 穿牛仔裤 _____________ 247. 今晚,今夜8. 把„„拿走_____________ _____________ 9. 在晚会期间 _____________ 248. 移动电话10. 校大扫除 _____________ _____________ 11. 儿童医院探视 Review of units 1-5 _____________ 249. 怎么了,12. 环球旅行_____________ 13. 获得教育 _____________ 14. 足球代理人 _____________ 15. 谋生 _____________ 16. 似乎 _____________ 18. 捐给慈善机构 _____________ 19. 一直 _____________ 20. 受伤 _____________ 21. 很难做某事 _____________ 22. 实际上 _____________ 23. 能够 _____________ 24. 手机 _____________ 25. 与某人度过时光 _____________ 单词 Unit 6 277. 特别,尤其 258. 收集,搜集_____________ 278. 收藏家_____________ _____________ 259. 贝壳,壳_____________ 279. 顺便,附带说说260. 马拉松_____________ _____________ 261. 滑冰_____________ 280. 共同的,公共的262. 一对,一双_____________ 281. 额外的_____________ _____________ 263. 溜冰鞋_____________ 282. 钱币,硬币 264. 自从,自„以来_____________ 283. 话,主题_____________ 265. 山顶学校_____________ 284. been的过去分词_____________ 266. 筹集_____________ _____________ 267. 几个的,数个的285. 对„感兴趣 _____________ _____________ 268. 溜冰者_____________ 286. 作家,作者 269. 邮票_____________ _____________ 270. 风筝_____________ 287. 省会,首都 271. 怪物,妖怪_____________ 288. 欧洲的,欧洲人(的)_____________ 272. 球状物,球体_____________ 289. 俄罗斯的。俄罗斯人的_____________ 273. 任何人_____________ _____________ 274. 用完,用尽290. 犹太人的,犹太族的 _____________ _____________ 275. 储存_____________ 291. 澳大利亚人的 276. 蛋糕,糕_____________ _____________ 292. 犹太人_____________ 293. 比„多_____________ 294. 一千_____________ 295. 皇帝_____________ 296. 外国人_____________ 297. 相当,十分 _____________ 298. 确实的,无疑的 _____________ 299. 奥林匹克运动会 _____________ 300. 思念,想念 _____________ 301. 在远处_____________ _____________ 短语 Unit 6 22. 欧洲的影响 1. 收集贝壳 _____________ _____________ 2. 滑冰马拉松 _____________ 23. 苏联风格_____________ 3. 你第一双滑冰鞋 24. 家史 _____________ _____________ 26. 受到„„的欢迎4. 募捐 _____________ _____________ 5. 整整五小时_____________ 27. 宋朝皇帝 _____________ 6. 三年半 _____________ 28. 西方历史 _____________ 8. 妖怪雪球 _____________ 29. 越„„越 _____________ 9. 用光_____________ 30. 确信 _____________ 10. 在我十七岁生日时 _____________ 11. 顺便说一下_____________ 12. 最常见的 _____________ 14. 才艺表演 _____________ 15. 额外的英语课 _____________ 16. 古币 _____________ 17. 自由话题 _____________ 18. 想起_____________ 19. 著名人物 _____________ 20. 黑龙江省会 _____________ 21. 具有丰富多彩的历史 单词 Unit 7 318. 有礼貌的,客气的302. 介意_____________ _____________ 303. 一点也不319. 或许,大概 _____________ _____________ 304. 调节(收音机等)使音320. 门_____________ 量变小_____________ 321. 归还,返回 305. 院子_____________ _____________ 322. 插队_____________ 306. 立刻,马上 323. 压低声音,使缓和_____________ 307. 盘,碟_____________ _____________ 308. 任务,作业324. 声音_____________ 325. 术语_____________ _____________ 309. 海报_____________ 326. 礼节_____________ 327. 正常的,正规的310. 女服务生 _____________ _____________ 311. bring的过去式328. 行为,举止,表现 _____________ _____________ 329. 首先_____________ 312. 衣服_____________ 313. 解答,解决办法330. 亚洲的,亚洲人的 _____________ _____________ 314. 排,队,列331. 欧洲_____________ 332. 不舒服的_____________ 315. 排队等候_____________ 333. 无礼的,粗鲁的_____________ 316. 使恼怒,使生气_____________ 334. 允许,承认_____________ 317. 恼怒的,生气的_____________ 335. 公众_____________ _____________ 336. 当心,小心 _____________ 337. 咳嗽_____________ 338. 打喷嚏_____________ 339. 违反规则 _____________ 340. 客气地,斯文地 _____________ 341. 抽烟,吸烟 _____________ 342. 熄灭_____________ 343. 香烟,卷烟 _____________ 344. 批判_____________ 345. 小心,当心 _____________ 346. 扔,丢_____________ 347. 垃圾_____________ 348. 捡起_____________ 349. 表现,举止 _____________ 19. 回到„„ _____________ 短语 Unit 7 20. 一直_____________ 1. 介意做某事 _____________ 21. 碰巧发生在某人身上 2. 调小/大 _____________ _____________ 3. 洗餐具 _____________ 22. 试着不做某事 4. 从„„里出来 _____________ _____________ 23. 插队_____________ 5. 立即 _____________ 24. 有点晚 _____________ 6. 一会儿_____________ 25. 定购食物_____________ 7. 在开会 _____________ 26. 压低你的声音 8. 完成这些工作 _____________ _____________ 27. 讲英语的国家 9. 在厨房里 _____________ _____________ 10. 帮某人做某事 28. 社会行为 _____________ _____________ 29. 与某人站的近 11. 抱怨 _____________ _____________ 13. 给你拿错了食品 30. 一些亚洲国家 _____________ _____________ 14. 不好使 _____________ 31. 在各种条件下 15. 恼怒 _____________ _____________ 16. 排队等候 _____________ 32. 即使 _____________ 17. 长时间的电话聊天 33. 当众_____________ _____________ 34. 小心 _____________ 18. 到处跟着我 35. 熄灭香烟 _____________ _____________ 36. 被批评 _____________ 37. 扔垃圾_____________ 38. 捡起_____________ 39. 表现礼貌 _____________ 40. 依靠_____________ 41. 地方报纸_____________ 369. 兔,野兔_____________ 单词 Unit 8 370. 清洁的,干净的350. 建议,提议 _____________ _____________ 371. 伙伴_____________ 351. 评论,意见 372. 价值,花_____________ _____________ 373. 睡着的_____________ 352. 集子_____________ 374. 入睡_____________ 353. 私人的,个人的 375. 选择_____________ _____________ 376. 礼物_____________ 354. 特别的,特殊的,专门 377. 开,打开_____________ 的_____________ 378. give的过去分词355. 收到,接收 _____________ _____________ 379. 赠送_____________ 356. give的过去式 380. 长凳,长椅_____________ _____________ 357. 家伙,人_____________ 381. 胜于_____________ 358. 蜘蛛_____________ 382. 瑞典_____________ 359. 老鼠_____________ 383. 代替,而不是360. 仓鼠_____________ _____________ 361. 海龟_____________ 384. 奥林匹克运动会362. 孩子,儿女 _____________ _____________ 385. 参加,进入363. 大腹便便的,大肚子的 _____________ _____________ 386. 几乎_____________ 364. 猪_____________ 387. sing的过去式365. 有利条件,优点 _____________ _____________ 388. 明朗地,明显地366. 不利条件,缺点 _____________ _____________ 389. 舞台_____________ 367. 流行的_____________ 390. 本地的,本国的368. 完美的,理想的 _____________ _____________ 391. 胜利者_____________ 392. 谦虚的,谦让的 _____________ 393. 感兴趣的 _____________ 394. 鼓励_____________ 395. 发言人,代言人 _____________ 396. 进步,前进 _____________ 397. 奥委会_____________ 398. 听说_____________ 399. 提议,建议 _____________ 400. 对„感兴趣 _____________ 401. 而且,除„之外 _____________ 402. 与„交友 _____________ 403. 声明,陈述 _____________ 404. 提及,说起 _____________ 405. 开车,驾驶 _____________ 18. 取得进步 _____________ 短语 Unit 8 20. 从„„中得到乐趣 1. 幸运儿 _____________ _____________ 2. 做一顿特别的饭 21. 讲本族语的人 _____________ _____________ 3. 你自己的选择 22. 使某要对某事感兴趣_____________ _____________5. 好伙伴 _____________ 6. 带某人出去 _____________ 7. 睡着 _____________ 8. 半途中 _____________ 9. 树上的一片叶子 a_____________ 10. 赠送 _____________ 11. 公园长椅 _____________ 12. 试着做某事 _____________ 13. 通过不同的方式 _____________ 14. 来自于中国各地 _____________ 15. 在舞台上_____________ 16. 各种年龄层 _____________ 17. 鼓励某人做某事 _____________ 单词 Unit 9 _____________ 406. 娱乐,消遣425. 交换生_____________ 426. 出席者,参加者_____________ 407. (二者)都不_____________ 427. 发觉,发现_____________ 408. 玩的愉快_____________ 428. 要求,必要条件_____________ 409. 迪斯尼乐园_____________ 429. 导游_____________ _____________ 410. 米老鼠_____________ 430. 外国的,外来的411. 唐老鸭_____________ _____________ 412. 人物,角色431. 电影_____________ 432. 东南(的)_____________ 413. see的过去分词_____________ 433. 极好的_____________ _____________ 414. 主题_____________ 434. 假日,假期 415. 有吸引力的事物(或人)_____________ 435. 四分之一,一刻钟_____________ 416. 过山车_____________ _____________ 417. 巡游,巡航436. 四分之三 _____________ _____________ 418. 小船_____________ 437. 人口_____________ 419. 甲板_____________ 438. 害怕,担心 420. 在船上_____________ _____________ 421. 路线_____________ 439. 勇敢的,无畏的422. 结束_____________ _____________ 423. 岛,岛屿_____________ 440. 卓越的,极好的424. 特别,尤其_____________ 441. 印度的,印度人的 _____________ 442. 旅行,狩猎远征 _____________ 443. 黄昏,黑暗 _____________ 444. 狐狸_____________ 445. 夜间野生动物园 _____________ 446. 一年到头,终年 _____________ 447. 自然的,自然界的 _____________ 448. 环境_____________ 449. 温度_____________ 450. 赤道_____________ 451. 无论如何 _____________ 452. 春天_____________ 453. 季节_____________ 454. 秋天_____________ 455. 类型_____________ 456. 醒着的_____________ _____________ 短语 Unit 9 20. 结束 _____________ 2. 游乐场 _____________ 21. 空中乘务员 3. 水上乐园 _____________ _____________ 4. 曾经到过某个地方 22. 导游_____________ _____________ 23. 象„„这样的5. 到某个地方去了 _____________ _____________ 24. 考虑_____________ 6. 呆在某个地方 25. 胜于,而不是 _____________ _____________ 7. 既不 也不;两者都不 26. 在东南亚 _____________ _____________ 8. 听说 _____________ 27. 度假_____________ 9. 迪斯尼人物 _____________ 30. 超过 多余 _____________ 10. 主题公园 _____________ 31. 四分之三 _____________ 11. 当然 _____________ 32. 三分之一_____________ 12. 过山车 _____________ 33. 做某事有困难 _____________ 13. 以?„为主题 34. 不管 还是;_____________ _____________ 14. 四处走动_____________ 36. 在白天_____________ 16. 迪斯尼巡游 37. 在更自然的环境里 _____________ _____________ 17. 兜风_____________ 38. 全年 _____________ 18. 在船上 _____________ 39. 靠近 _____________ 19. 走不同的路线 单词 Unit 10 _____________ 457. 富兰克林湖476. 二胡_____________ 477. 某处,在某处_____________ 458. 中午_____________ _____________ 459. 多沙的_____________ 460. 再见_____________ 461. 浏览_____________ 462. 书店_____________ 463. 穿过,越过 _____________ 短语 Unit 10 464. 电梯_____________ 1. 闲聊 _____________ 465. 低的_____________ 2. 祝一天愉快 _____________ 466. 慢的,缓慢的 3. 浏览;粗略看一遍 _____________ _____________ 467. 狂热迷_____________ 468. 短信,笔记5. 穿过一条繁忙的街道 _____________ _____________ 469. 出现,发生6. 开场白 _____________ _____________ 7. 感谢函 _____________ 470. 相处_____________ 8. 想要_____________ 471. 婴儿,小孩 _____________ 9. 出现;陪伴 _____________ 472. 至少_____________ 10. 融洽相处_____________ 473. 交通_____________ 11. 想起_____________ 474. little的最高级 12. 有一个家宴 _____________ _____________ Review of units 6-10 13. 交通拥挤 _____________ 475. 复习,回顾 14. 至少_____________ clothes. 10. The boy in _______(白 新目标英语七年级上册单元测 色的), not the one in black, is 试题及答案:Unit7 his cousin. 一、图词配对,一位小朋友被 11. You can buy the shirt 下面的各类服装弄混了,你能 for eight ______ (美元) or 帮他辨别一下吗,(共7分) twenty RMB yuan. 1. sweater ______ 2. shorts 12. They ______ (卖) the ________ 3. socks ______4. soccer balls for only ,40. hat ______ 13. Green, yellow, black 5. pants ________ 6. and red are all c______. T-shirt _______7. shoes ______ 14. A_____ the boys like 二、单词拼写,根据汉语 sports. 注释及首字母写出空缺处各单 15. Come and see for 词的正确形式(每空只写一词, y_______ at Xingfu Clothes 共10分,每小题1分) Store. 8. The bags on _____(销 16. -What?s the 售)are fifteen yuan each. p_________ of this bird? -It?s 9. My sister likes to go to 100 yuan. that _______(服装)store to buy 17. The white pants are too s _______ for Jim, but the A. look atB. a look atC. a black pants are too long for lookD. the look at him. 22. Jim?s _______ is red. A. shoesB. bagC. socksD. 三、单项选择,发挥你的 pants. 聪明。试试选出你最满意的(共 23. -How much are the 15分,每小题1分) 18. - ________ it the pants? -________ twenty TV? -It?s 2000 yuan. dollars. A. How manyB. How A. It hasB. It isC. They muchC. How aboutD. How big haveD. They are 19. I want to buy a shirt 24. -Are these your _______ my father. shoes? -Yes, ___________. A. toB. onC. forD. in A. they?reB. they areC. 20. -Can I help these areD. there?re you? -_________. 25. -The T-shirt is only ten A. Thank youB. Yes, dollars. -I?ll ________it. please, I want a pen. C. A. buyB. takeC. saleD. sell You?re welcome. D. I?m sorry. 26. I like red but my 21. Let?s go and have brother ____________. _______ his new CD. A. likes red, tooB. doesn?tC. doesD. doesn?t like A. cheapB. dearC. niceD. 27. I like sports. My friend good Allan ______likes sports. 32. They have T-shirts A. tooB. butC. andD. also _________ green and black for 28. -What color is only $13_______ the shop. it? -____________ A. at; atB. in; inC. A. It?s a green carB. It?s a with; withD. at; in greenC. It?s greenD. It?s green 四、补全对话,根据对话 car 内容在空白处填上一个合适的 29. We have ________ 单词,每空一词。(共10分, students. 每空1分) A. fourty -fourB. four - Mrs Brown fourtyC. forty - fourD. four =A Salesgirl=B -forty A: Good morning! B: 30. How much _________ Good morning! Can I 33 you? do you want? A: Yes, 34 . I 35 to A. tomatoesB. bananasC. buy a sweater. B: Come this hamburgersD. chicken way. Here are 36 . 31. The car is too ____, I A: How 37 is this white can?t buy it. one? B: 49 dollars. A: How much is it 45. How much is the in 38 money? B: About bag?C. They are only 2 dollars. 400 yuan. 46. Do you want seven or A: It?s 39 expensive seventeen pencils? D. Seventeen. (贵) B: But good things 47. Can I help you?E. always cost (值) 40 . A: I know that. Thirteen. And 41 about that blue 43. _________ 44. one?B: That?s cheap. It?s only ________ 45. _________ 46. 100 yuan. __________ 47. ___________ A: Ok. I?ll 42 it. 六、完形填空,用你的智 五、找亲戚,从B栏中找慧将下面的文章补充完整,千 出与A栏相对应的答语,并将万要细心哦。(共10分,每小 答案写在下面相应的横线上。题1分) I work in a small shop. It?s (共10分,每小题2分) AB near an English 48 . Every 43. How much are the day students come tomatoes?A. It?s $17 to 49 things. 44. What is five and In the 50 . I get up (起 eight?B. Yes, please. 床) at six. And then I have breakfast. schoolC. shopD. club ( )52. A. withB. likeC. I get go (到达) the 51 at about six fifty. The shop opens forD. about at seven. We sell ( )53. A. tooB. alsoC. things 52 food and drink. We andD. but have school things. 53 , so ( )54. A. areB. haveC. there 54 often many people seeD. come in our shop 55 morning to ( )55. A. inB. onC. atD. evening. from I have 56 in the shop. ( )56. A. supperB. At seven in the evening the breakfastC. teaD. lunch shop is closed. We go ( )57. A. toB. atC. withD. home 57 supper. for ( )48. A. farmB. factoryC. 七、阅读理解。(共20分, schoolD. river 每小题2分) ( )49. A. buyB. sellC. A takeD. want It is Sunday afternoon. ( )50. A. evening B. Mary goes to do the shopping afternoon C. noon D. morning with her mother. Her mother ( )51. A. classroom. B. wants to buy some food for supper. Mary wants to buy a thirty yuan.” new skirt and some school “Ok, thanks a lot.” things. They come to a shop. “You are welcome.” “What does your shop After that, Mary buys sell?” Mary asks, “A lot of some school things, too. Here things.” The girl in the shop mother buys a lot of food, like says. “You can buy food, bread, cakes, meat and fish. drinks, chothes in our shop and They get home very late. school things, too.” ( ) 58. Mary goes to do Mary and her mother go in. the shopping with her mother there are many people in the on ________. shop. Mary finds a nice white A. Saturday afternoon B. skirt. Saturday morning C. Sunday “How much is the skirt?” morning D. Sunday afternoon Mary asks the girl in the shop. ( )59. Mary wants to buy “It?s eighty yuan.” a new skirt and _________. “That?s too dear. Can I A. some foodB. some find a cheap one?” drinksC. come clothesD. some “What about the green school things one? It looks nice. And it?s only ( ) 60. The white skirt is __________. Mr. King goes home and puts on his good clothes. He A. ,30B. ,110C. goes back to the party. ,80D. ,100 ( ) 61. Mary buys a Everyone in the room stands _________ skirt. up and smiles at him. They A. whiteB. greenC. redD. give him very good food to eat. dear Mr. King takes off his ( ) 62. The green skirt is clothes, and puts them in the ___________. food and says, “Eat, clothes!” A. nice but dearB. nice The other people ask, and cheapC. not nice but “What are you doing?” cheapD. not nice or cheap He answers, “I?m asking my coat to eat food. I am B wearing my old clothes. You Mr. King goes to a dinner don?t look at me. You don?t ask party. He is wearing old clothes. me to sit down. Now I?m in He comes into the room. But these clothes. And you give me people in the room don?t look very good food. Now I see, you at him. They don?t ask him to give the food to my clothes, not sit at the table. to me!” ( )63. Mr. King goes to good car the dinner party, but people in C. he is wearing his good the room don?t look at him. clothesD. he is putting on his Because __. good clothes A. he doesn?t come by ( )66. Mr. King takes off carB. he is young C. he is his good clothes, and ________ wearing his old clothesD. he is them _________ the good food. old A. ask; to eatB. asks; to ( )64. Mr. King goes eatC. lets; to eatD. ask; eat home to _______ his ________ ( )67. Mr. King says the clothes. good food is _______. A. put on; goodB. puts A. for heB. for his good on; fineC. take off; goodD. clothesC. for meD. for him wear; good 八、任务型阅读,读下面 ( )65. Mr. King goes back 的文章,并在后面的横线上填 to the party. People in the 上相应的答案,使句意符合短 room stand up and smile at him 文意见。(共8分,每小题2 because_____ . 分) A. he is wearing his old What color are their clothesB. he comes by a very sweaters? Kate, Jim, Rose and Bill 告。下面是商品及其价格。 put their sweaters on the table. The sweaters are white, blue, $3 $8 $4 $15 $20 red and black,. We know, the boy?s sweaters aren?t red and the girls? sweaters aren?t black. 1. Could you please fold your What color is Kate?s sweater? I clothes and put them away? don?t know. But I know it is Don?t put them everywhere. not blue. Bill says, “My 2. Would you like to have some sweater is white.” Then what snacks? color are their sweaters? 3. Do you mind doing some 68. Kate?s sweater is chores for me? ___________69. Jim?s sweater 4. Would you mind if I borrow is ___________ your CD player?/ Would you 70. Rose?s sweater is mind if you lend me your ___________71. Bill?s sweater CD player? is ___________ 5. Could you please not go to 九、作文(10分) the laundry? I can do the 你的邻居新开了一家服装 laundry myself. 店,请你为他们写一张宣传广 6. Hw long can we keep the angry. books of the library? 14. Does she need to do the 7. When you forgot to finish dishes? Luckily I don?t have your homework, don?t tell to. the teacher that you left it 15. He hates taking out the at home. trash. He would rather 8. Who taught you English last sweep the floor and make his year? bed. 9. The math teacher gave us 16. Your aunt is outside now. some exercises and asked us She will invite you to dinner to work them out. when she is in this evening. 10. The writer is working on a 17. We shall have a meeting in new novel. the living room. 11. You can get a ride 18. This bicycle is yours. Mine downtown, because I can is over there. Ours are both give you a ride. red. But where can we find 12. You mustn?t stay out late as his and hers? I really can?t there is going to be an exam find theirs! tomorrow. 19. Could you take good care of 13. Teenagers are easy to get my dog?You need to feed it on dog food/ You need to 自己洗衣服。 feed dog food to it. 6. 图书馆的书我们能借多久, 20. Parents should not only care about their children?s 7. 当你忘了完成作业的时候, grades. 不要告诉老师你把它忘家 了。 8. 上一年谁教的你英语, 9. 数学老师给我们布置了一些1. 你可以把你的衣服叠叠并收习题,并让我们把题解出来。 起来吗,不要把他们到处乱10. 这个作家正在写一部新小 放。 说。 11. 你可以搭便车去市中心,因2. 你想吃点零食吗, 为我可以捎你过去。 3. 你介意为我做点家务吗, 12. 你不能晚归,因为明天有个4. 你介意我借用你的CD机考试。 吗,(两种) 13. 青少年容易生气。 14. 她需要刷碗吗,幸运的是,5. 你可以不去洗衣店吗,我能我都不用。 15. 他讨厌倒垃圾。他宁愿扫地 和铺床。 Unit 4 He said I was hardworking! 16. 现在你姑姑出去了。今天晚 上她在家时会邀请你来吃晚一 根据句意及首字母提示写 饭。 出各句中所缺单词的正确形 17. 我们要在客厅里开个会。 式。 1. She said she was having a 18. 这把自行车是你的。我的在s_________ party for Lana. 那。我们两个的都是红色的。2. Sally borrowed my jacket, 但是我们在哪能找到他的和but she didn?t r________ it to 她的呢,我真的找不到他们me. 的。 3. I think I?ll do b________ 19. 你能帮我照看好我的狗好than last year. 吗,你需要给它喂狗食。(两4. Don?t c______ others? 种) homework. You should do it yourself. 20. 家长们不应该只关心孩子5. Please give your r_______ 的成绩。 card to your parents. 7. I?m sure she would _____ 二 用方框中所给词的正确形 _______ any difficulty. 式填空: be mad at be supposed to in 8. I _____ _______ ______ to good health pass... ask you. Can I borrow your message do well in pen? have a favor get over surprise party 三 单项选择。 1. She said she was having a ( )1. I ________ he _____ _______ for Mary on ________ go there by himself. Saturday evening. A. think; won?t B. 2. The old man _____ ______ don?t think; will ______ his son. C. don?t think; is D. 3. By the way, ______ this think; isn?t going to _____ to others. ( )2. Lana said that she 4. We _____ ______ _____ wasn't mad _________ Marcia finish the work this morning. anymore. 5. I _____ ______ _______ A. to B. at maths than English. C. for D. on 6. Grandpa was ill. We hope ( )3. Do you think he is ____ _____ ______. _________ an English film tomorrow night? B. studies English well A. is there B. C. studying English wellthere is going to be D. to study English well C. there is going to have ( )7. She told us things D. will there be there were ________ better ( )4. You are _________ to than before. return the book to the library A. more B. muchin two weeks. C. very D. nice A. supposed B. ( )8. I don't think it's good wanted C. shouted to copy other's homework. You D. thought should _________ it. ( )5. I am always A. get over B. get on _________ to speak in the front C. get up D. get off of the classroom. ( )9. Could you ________ A. disappointing B. me how to ________ it in scared C. surprised Chinese? D. nervous A. say; speak B. ( )6. Do you think it is speak; say C. tell; say D. difficult _________? say; tell A. study English well ( )10. What happened ________ “Young Lives” last D. take up night? ( )14. She will go to A. on B. in Marcia's house _________ C. to D. of Friday night. ( )11. I finished my A. at B. in ________ exam last week. C. for D. on A. end of year B. ( )15. I hope you are end of year?s ______ good health. C. end-of year?s D. A. in B. on end-of-year C. with D. for ( )12. I?m at Mary?s house 四 同义句转换: ________ a homework project. 1. I?m good at speaking A. work on B. Japanese. working on C. work I can ______ ______ D. working ______ speaking Japanese. ( )13. TV and computers 2. He is very well. can _________ our eyes to the He is ______ ______ outside world. _______. A. start with B. 3. Don?t be angry with your open up C. turn up son. I think he can do better next time. 7. Mary asked Ann, “ Why are Don?t ______ ______ you so excited?” ______ your son. I think he can Mary asked Ann ______ do better next time. ______ ______ so excited. 4. Lana said to us, “ I?m happy 8. My sister said to me “I?m to see you again.” going to help you. ”(同义句) Lana ______ us _______ My sister _____ me that _______ happy to see _______ _______ _____ going to help again. ________. 5. “You are like elder brothers 9. He said I was hard-working. or sisters to us.” they said to (划线提问) us. What _____ _____ ______? They said to us ______ ______ like elder brothers or 五 完型填空 sisters to _______. Have you ever asked 6. “Can I copy your yourself why children go to homework?” he asked me. school? You may 1 they go He asked me ______ to learn languages, P.E., history, ______ ______ copy ______ science and all other 2 . But homework. why do they learn these things? We send our children to uneducated person, on the school to prepare them for the other hand, is 10 unable to time 3 they will grow up do something new, or does it and will begin to work for 4 . badly. The purpose of school, Nearly everything they study therefore, is not to teach at school has some practical use languages, math, geography, in their life. But is that the 5 etc, but to teach pupils the way reason why they go to school? to learn. There is more in education ( ) 1. A. speak B. than just 6 facts. We go to tell C. say D. talk school above all to learn how to ( ) 2. A. matters B. learn, so that then we have left subjects C. math school we can 7 to learn. A D. physics man who really knows how to ( ) 3. A. while B. learn will always be successful, when C. which D. because whenever he has to do where something new which he has ( ) 4. A. oneself never had to do 8 he will B. they C. them rapidly teach himself how to D. themselves do it 9 the best way. The ( ) 5. A. only B. But people nearly C . lone D. are afraid of it when there is a alone strong wind. The sea is very big. It ( ) 6. A. study B. covers (覆盖)three quarters of studied C. learning D. the earth. The sea is also very learn deep (深)in some places. ( ) 7. A. make B. There is one place in the sea. It keep C. keep on D. go on is about 11 kilometers deep ( ) 8. A. later B. there. The highest mountain ago C. then D. / (山)in the world is about 9 ( ) 9. A. from B. in kilometers high. If we put the C. with D. on mountain into the sea at that ( ) 10. A. either B. place, there is about 2 neither C. other D. kilometers of water above it. nor In most parts of the 六 阅读理解: sea, there are a lot of fishes and A small living (有生命的)things. The sea looks very beautiful Lots of fishes eat them. when the sun is shining on it. The sea can be very cold. When people go down, C. have enough food because the sea becomes colder and they are good at fishing colder. Only some men can go D. can eat the small living down into the deep sea. But in things if they?re hungry 1970, five women lived in the 3. In 1970, five women lived deep sea for fourteen days. in the deep sea for 14 days. 1. Why are people afraid of This showed ______. the sea? A. living in the deep sea was A. Because the sea is very interesting big. B. the sea was not cold at all B. Because the sea is very C. women could do things as deep. men C. Because there is a strong D. people wanted to know wind sometimes. how cold it was D. Because the sea will cover 4. Which of the following is the land. NOT true? 2. Lots of fishes ______. A. The sea sometimes is very A. don?t come out of the sea beautiful. because it?s too hot B. Only a quarter of the B. can?t live in the deep sea earth is land. C. There are a lot of fishes in with a conversation(谈 the sea. 话).Smile, listen carefully, and D. If people go down into the show interest in your new sea, they will feel warmer and friend? s answers. Ask “Where warmer. are you from?” and “Do you B like this city?” That? s a good A city is a very big place. way to start. Sometimes it?s a lonely place, 阅读下列短文,判断正(T) too. There are thousands of 误(F) people in a city, but some of 1. A city is a very big and them don?t have any friends. noisy and lonely place. How about you? Do you 2. Everyone in the city has have a lot of friends? If you many friends. don? t, make friends today. If 3. The paragraph tells us you do, make another friend not to make friends in a city. today. 4. When you want to make Pick a stranger at your job friends with someone, please or school. Walk up to him or say at first, “What? s your her and say, “Hello. My name? name? How old are you?” s....What? s your name?” Start 5. It? s a good thing to make friends with others. __________________________ __________________________七 书面表达 __________________________ 请按照所给的成绩单完 __________________________成下面的这封信。开头已给出 __________________________Name: Jack,Class: Class 2, Grade 1 __________________________ Math: hard-working __________________________ Spanish: good at speaking __________________________ History: can do better __________________________ Chinese: so-so __________________________ Science: lazy student __________________________ Geography: do well in __________________________writing __________________________Dear parents, __________________________ I got my report card __________________________yesterday. I did OK in some __________________________subjects. My math teacher said _______________________________________________________________ __________________________ __________________________Yours Jack 8. told she was…me 9. did he say 参考答案 一. surprise return better 五. 1-5 CBBDA 6-10 copy report CDDBA 二. 六. 1. surprise party 2. was (A) 1. C 2. D 3. C 4. D mad at 3. pass, (B) 1.T 2.F 3.F 4.F 5.T message 4. are supposed to 5. do well in 6. in good health 7. get over 8. have a favor 初三三. BBBAD DBACA 英语中考模拟卷3 DBBDA 出 四. 卷人:楼巧英 同义句转换: 试卷1 1. do well in 2. in good 说明:本卷共有四大题,计83health 3.be mad at 小题(第1-83小题)。满分1104.told ..she was …us 分。 5. we were …them 6. if he 第一部分 听力部分 could…my 7. why you were 一、 听力(共18小题,满分 25分) 第一节:听对话,选图画,回 4. Which sign does the man 答问题。(共5小题,计5分) 1. Where is Jim?s father? refer to? 2. Where are they talking? 5. When was the man born? 3. What does the man have 第二节:听小对话,回答问题。 to finish? (共6小题,计6分) 6. What did the woman want to buy? A. A pair of black shoes. B. A pair of brown A. She isn?t busy, but shoes. can?t watch the play C. A pair of red shoes. with him. 7. Where is the man from? B. Though she is busy, A. Australia. B. she will watch the England. C. America. play. 8. When did the man get up C. She wants to watch this morning? the play, but she A. At 6:45. B. At 6:55. can?t. C. At 7:05. 第三节:听长对话,回答问题。 9. How will the man go to (共3小题,计6分) his hometown? 12.What are they talking A. By train. B. By bus. about? C. By plane. A. TV programmes. B. 10. When is Lucy?s English study. C. News birthday? in English. st.th.A. May 1 B. May 8 13.How many programmes thC. May15. has the woman speaker 11. What does the woman found? mean? A. Only one. B. Two. C. Three. do then? 14.Which one does she A. To see a film together. prefer? B. To play football A. English Classroom. B. together. English Plays. C. News C. To have lunch in English. together. 18.How did the speaker feel 第四节:听短文,回答问题。(共 that day? 4小题,计8分) 15.How long has Tom A. Sorry. taught English in No. 2 B. Glad. Middle School? C. Worried. A. 5 years. 第二部分 笔试部分 B. 2 years. 二、单项选择(共20小题,计 C. 3 years. 20分) 16.Where did Tom and Jack 从每小题所给的A、B、C、D meet one morning? 四个选项中选出可以填入空白 A. In the street. 处的最佳选项 B. In the park. 19. --- This isn?t my key. Is it C. In a shop. yours, Lisa? 17.What did they decide to --- No. _____ is in my pocket. A. coke B. milk C. A. Yours B. His C. tea D. hamburgers Hers D. Mine 23. ---This city looks so 20. --- Yao Ming became an beautiful now. NBA player in 2002. --- Right. But it _____ --- Yes. He is _____ third small and dirty five years ago. Chinese basketball player in the A. is B. used to be NBA. C. has been D. had been A. a B. an C. the 24. --- Did Tom tell you _____ D. / about it? 21. --- How long can I ______ --- No. He said ______. the CD player? A. something; everything --- You have to return it in B. anything; two days. something C. A. borrow B. keep anything; nothing C. cake D. lend D. everything; 22. --- Would you like anything something to eat? 25. ---Which do you prefer, --- Yes, some ______, swimming or please. surfing? --- _____. I like scuba China. diving. A. east B. south C. A. Both B. Either west D. north C. Neither D. None 30.--- Excuse me. Could you 26.It?s a fine day today. You tell me _____ to the railway _____ take your raincoat with station? you. --- Certainly. Go along the A. mustn?t B. needn?t street and turn left. C. must D. need A. where to get B. 27. ---Why are you in such a what to get C. how hurry, Paul? to get D. when to ---I have to, _____ I?ll be get late for school. 31. Here is a piece of paper for A. but B. so C. and you ____. D. or A. to write B. to write 28. _____ bad news it is! with C. to write A. What B. What a on D. to write in C. How D. How a 32. ---Do you really know 29.---Where is Shanghai? _____ at this time yesterday? --- It?s in the______ of ---Sorry, I don?t know. A. what did they do 36. --- Hello, may I speak to B. what they did Alice? C. what were they doing --- ______. Who?s that? D. what they were doing A. Alice is here. B. 33. --- The apples look _____ Alice speaking. C. I am I?ll take two kilos of them. Alice. D. Who are you? A. good B. well C. 37. I will stay at home if it bad D. terrible _____ tomorrow. 34. --- Do you know _____ the A. snow. B. snows Olympic Games are held. C. snowed D. snowing --- Every four years. 38. --- What would you like to A. how soon B. how do when you see the sign long C. how many D. “ _____” in a restanrant? how often ---I?d like to go in and 35. ---I?m sorry I?ve broken order a meal. your glasses. A. EXIT B. --- ______. ENTRANCE C. A. Never mind B. No BUSINESS problem C. Bad luck HOURS D. D. You?re welcome CLOSED He said, “I want to ask you 三、完型填空(共25小题,计 some 44 . First, 45 did 25分) the thief get in?” I told him 阅读下列短文,掌握其大意, that I had left the window open. C、然后从每题所给的A、B、 “You should be more 46 ,” D四个选项中选出最佳选项。 A he said. “If people looked 47 When I went to bed last night, their house carefully, we I 39 asleep at once. I must wouldn?t have so much work have been tired because I had 48 . been working so hard for 39. A. fell B. felt several hours. So I forgot 40 C. went D. go the windows before 41 into 40. A. to clean B. to bed. If I had remembered, the close C. to wash thief could not have got in. But D. to open he was 42 a good chance to 41. A. getting B. going enter the house. The next time C. sleeping D. lying if I 43 late I will lock the 42. A. asked B. handed house carefully. C. stopped D. given A policeman came to see 43. A. play B. go me about what had happened. C. come D. work 44. A. water B. paper C. typist(打字员) at that time, pens D. questions so it was not 54 to find 45. A. why B. where C. interesting work. Rose went to when D. how several 55 , and then chose 46. A. early B. quick C. one of them. It was 56 her careful D. careless parents? house. She thought, 47. A. at B. for C. after “ I?ll 57 there every D. before morning. I won?t need to go 48. A. to do B. to find 58 .” C. to give D. to write She went to the office 59 B and said to the manager(经理), Rose left school when she was “ I want to 60 here, but seventeen years old and went to how much will you 61 me?” a 49 for a year to learn to “ We?ll pay you $27 now,” the manager answered,” and type(打字). She 50 her examinations quite well and $30 after three 62 . then went to 51 work. She Rose thought for a few was still 52 with her seconds before she answered. parents. Then she said, “ All right, then 53 people were looking for I?ll start 63 three months? time. 56. A. next B. near 49. A. college B. farm C. far away from D. C. village D. outside factory 57. A. go B. on foot 50. A. failed B. liked C. move D. visit C. was worried about D. 58. A. by bus B. on passed foot C. by plane 51. A. do B. find D. by sea C. take D. look 59. A. quickly B. for happily C. first 52. A. working B. D. angrily living C. learning 60. A. work B. stay D. eating C. live D. study 53. A. A lot of B. No 61. A. give B. spend C. Few D. Some C. pay D. lend 54. A. easy B. important 62. A. weeks B. C. difficult D. useful months C. years 55. A. factories B. D. days hospitals C. schools 63. A. in B. for C. D. offices about D. before taken into our systems and 四、阅读理解(共29小题,计 more wastes are given off. The 40分) air in the house does not 阅读下面短文,从每题所给的 remain fresh very long. But out D四个选项中选出A、B、C、 of doors it is usually fresh and 最佳选项。 A pure. Knowledge is power. But there But what shall we play? There is one other thing that we must are a number of games such as remember. A strong mind needs football, basketball, races…. a strong body in order to make Any game with lots of it most useful. movement is good. The best are There are a great many good those which are played out of exercises. They are helpful and doors. healthful. Some of them may Don?t neglect(忽视) your body. be taken indoors during raining It is as much importance as weather. Indoor exercises, your mind. Our country now however, are never as helpful as needs men with strong minds, those taken out of doors in good judgement, and sound pure fresh air. It is because in bodies. ( ) 64. What must we fresh air more oxygen(氧气) is remember besides knowledge? A. Eat more delicious food We must remember_______. B. Stay at home A. A strong mind needs a C. Take enough exercise strong body. D. Go to bed early B. We must study hard. ( ) 68. What kind of men C. To read a lot does our country need? D. To go to the open air Our country needs the men ( ) 65. Which sport can we with _____ play indoors? A. strong minds B. good A. Boating B. Climb hills judgement C. sound bodies C. Football D. Basketball D. A, B and C ( ) 66. Why are the outdoor exercises always more helpful than those indoors? B Because we can_______. Robert had just moved into the A. get more oxygen in fresh air street and he felt strange and B. get more wastes that he was not wanted. He C. see flowers and trees knew that perhaps the other D. get pure water boys were trying to get an idea ( ) 67. How to keep strong? of what kind of a boy he was. This did not help to make him He shot the ball several times less lonely. He was new and he and did some other exercises- had to be tested. Still, the most difficult and most wonderful in basketball. Then proving(证明) himself would not be all that easy. He did not the boys came. Robert went want to run with bad boys to through what he had done get into something against the before the game and showed law to prove that he was made what he could do. No one said a of in a more helpful way. word. The boys just looked at That?s when he got the idea. each other and thought about The next day was Saturday. it. In the end, when it was all He knew that most of the boys over, the biggest of the group would be down on the just smiled and shook his head. playground and choose up sides Robert knew he had made it. for the Saturday game. Robert ( )69. What does “This did knew he could play well and not help to make him less just might be enough to prove lonely” mean? he was strong- and to make A. Robert felt more lonely friends with them. He arrived because the other boys early and did his step exercises. wanted to test him. B. Robert did not want himself best one among different to be less lonely. ways C. Robert felt as lonely as ( ) 71. When did Robert before when the other boys decide to prove himself by tried to find out what kind playing basketball? of a boy he was. A. After he had thought about D. The other boys did not want the two wrong ways to make Robert feel less B. Long before he moved into lonely. the street. ( ) 70. Why would it not be C. When the other boys came easy for Robert to prove down to the playground. himself? D. As soon as he showed what A. Because he was not sure if he was made of in front of he was really strong the other boys. B. Because he was new and was ( ) 72. What did the biggest not wanted in the street of the group mean by shaking C. Because the other boys had his head? found out what kind of a A. He did not want to say boy he was anything about what Robert D. Because he must choose the had done B. He had not thought Robert than 30 metres long. A could play so wonderfully. new-born baby whale weighs as C. He did not want to make much as a big elephant. friends with Robert Cats can survive falls from D. He did not think Robert very high place because they played basketball well can turn themselves up the ( ) 73. The name of the right way so as to keep their story should be ______. body safe. One cat fell 32 floors A. Three Ways to Prove Oneself on to the street, but was just B. Robert Is Lonely hurt a little. C. Just One of the Boys A bear can run as fast as a D. A Saturday Basketball horse. Game A new-born panda is smaller than a mouse, and weighs Cabout 100 grams. . Elephants are the most The largest animal ever to live careful animals in their love. A on earth is the blue whale. It male elephant may show his weighs about 80 tons—more lady love for up to three years than 24 elephants. It is more until the lady takes his love. They often show their love by C. they can keep themselves touching each other?s body. away Usually, wolves do not attack D. they can put something people, For years a Canadian under their bodies. newspaper says that they show ( ) 76. Elephants show their that a wolf had attacked a love by_____. person. But nobody could do A. looking at each other B. that. Wolves do not usually go touching each other together though they may do C. courting each other D. this in winter. moving their bodies ( )74. How much does a ( ) 77. A wolf won?t attack new-born blue whale weigh? people except______. A. More than 3 tons B. A. in a special case B. in About 24 tons C. 80 tons winter C. in packs D. D. 10 tons that they have babies. ( ) 75. Cats can survive falls ( ) 78. This passage may because_____ in the fall. come from_____. A. they can keep themselves A. a newspaper B. a safe dictionary C. a textbook B. they are small and very soft D. a story book D listen, we miss the feeling We can make mistakes at any behind the words. Sometimes age. Some mistakes we make someone tells you, “You?re a are about money. But most lucky dog.” That?s friendly. But mistakes are about people. “lucky dog”? There?s a bit of “Did Jerry really care when I envy in those words. Maybe he broke up with Helen?” “When doesn?t see it himself. But I got that great job, did Jim bringing in the “dog” puts you really feel good about it, as a down a little. What he may be saying is that he doesn?t think friend? Or did he envy(嫉妒) my luck?” “And why was Paul that you can have such good not friendly just because I had luck. a car?” When we look back, “Just think of all the things thought like these can make us you have to be thankful for” is feel bad. But when we look another noise that says one back, it?s too late. thing and means another. It Why do we go wrong about could mean that the speaker is our friends? Sometimes what trying to get you to see your people say hides their real problem as part of your life as meaning. And if we don?t really a whole. But is he? It?s telling you to think of all the hungry people say people in the world when you B. what to do when you listen haven?t got a date for Saturday to others talking night. C. how to avoid mistakes when How can you tell the real you communicate with meaning behind someone?s people words? One way is to take a D. why we go wrong with good look at the person talking. people sometimes Do his words fit the way he ( ) 80. According to the looks? Does what he says agree writer, the reason why we go with the tone of voice? His wrong about our friends is that_____. posture(姿态)? The look in his eyes? Stop and think. The A. we fail to listen carefully minute you spend thinking when they talk about the real meaning of the B. people will be angry when words, you may save another we check what they say mistake. C. people usually say one thing ( ) 79. This passage is but means another mainly about____. D. we like to doubt what our A. how to remember what friends say ( ) 81. The underlined word A. teacher B. psychologist “ it” in the second paragraph C. scientist D. doctor refers to _____. A. being friendly B. a bit 试 of envy C. lucky dog D. 卷二 your luck 说明:本卷共四大题,20小题 ( ) 82. When we listen to a -103小题)和一篇看图(第84 person talking, the most 表达,满分40分。 important thing for us to do is 五、补全对话(共5小题,计5 to_____. 分) A. know the way the person is 根据对话内容,从方框中所给 talking 的A、B、C、D、E五个选项 B. take a good look at the 中选出能填入空白处的最佳选 person talking 项。 C. notice his tone, his posture A: What?s your trouble, boy? and the look in his eyes B: 84 . D. understand the real meaning A: How long have you been like of what he says. this? ( ) 83. Maybe the writer is B: 85 . a____ A: Did you sleep well last night? 根据所给中文意思拼写单词, B: No, I coughed quite often. I 使句子完整、正确、通顺。 felt sick all the night. 89. I?m not _____ (口渴). I A: 86 . You?ve only caught don?t want anything to drink. a cold. Take this medicine three 90. I know she can do it all by times a day. _____(自己). B: 87 . 91. Don?t _______ (画)on the A: Nothing serious. You will be wall. all right in two days. 92. Today is Mary?s _____ (第 B: 88 . 九)birthday. 93. I prefer pandas to ________ (猴子). 94. Which is the ________ (最 安全) way to travel? 95. Mike hurried to school _______ (没有) breakfast. 96. The ______(轮船) “Titanic” sank into the sea at last. 六、单词拼写(共10小题,计 97. Look! The girl is ________ 10分) teacher in a primary school (交谈) to a foreigner. since I graduated from the 98. Miss Lin ________ (教) us English last term. English Department of Shanghai Foreign Language 七、任务型阅读(共1题,计5 Institute three years ago and I 分) can speak English very well. I P .O. Box 124 think I am more fit for this position than anyone else. C hangzhu District, Jiaxing If I am accepted by your company, I will work hard for March 25,2002 your company. P.O. Box 256 Please give me an answer if I Jiantan District, Beijing am the very person you?re Dear manager, looking for. I learned from China Daily Thank you that a secretary is needed in your company. I beg to apply Faithfully yours for this position. My name is Zhou Chen, a girl Zhou Chen of 25. I have been an English INFORMATION CARD Name: _________ Address: __________ Sex: Male Age: 18-22 23-27 28-32 33-37 38~ Female Position: Secretary Vice manager Security Product seller 八、看图表达:(共1题, 满 分20分) 根据下面的图画内容, 写一篇 短文(约6-9个句子), 52.B 53.A 54.C 55.D 56.B 57.A 58.A 59.B 60.A 61.C 62.B 63.A 64.A 65.D 66.A 67.C 68.D 69.C 70.D 71.A 72.B 73.C 74.A 75.A 76.B 77.A 78.C 79.C 80.C 81.B 82.D 83.B 84.D 85.F 参考答案: 1.C 2.A 3.A 4.A 5.C 86.E 87.A 88.B 6.B 7.C 8.B 9.C 10.C 89.thirsty 90.herself 11.C 12.B 13.C 14.C 15.C 91.draw 92.ninth 16.A 17.C 18.B 19.D 93.monkeys 94.safest 20.C 21.B 22.D 23.B 95.without 96.ship 24.C 25.C 26.B 27.D 97.talking 98.taught 28.A 29.A 30.C 31.C 32.D 33.A 34.D 35.A 36.B 37.B 38.C 39.A 40.B 41.A 42.D 43.D 44.D 45.D 46.C 47.C 48.A 49.A 50.D 51.D Da Mao had a good idea. He INFORMATION CARD called Xiao Guang again, but Name: Zhou Chen Address: Changzhou he spoke English to him this District, Jiaxing time. His mother felt happy. Sex: Male Age: 18-22 23-27 28-32 33-37 38~ 听力材料: 1. W: Where „s your father, Female Jim? I haven?t seen him Position: Secretary Vice manager Security these days. Product seller M: He has gone to New 参考作文: York. It was Saturday morning. Da 2. W: Look at the bookshelf. Mao wanted to play with his It?s very nice. What?s it friend outside the next day. So made of? he called his friend, “ Shall we M: It?s made of wood. It go to the zoo tomorrow, Xiao can store many books. Guang?” “ When Da Mao?s And it?s very cheap. mother heard what he said, she Would you like to buy was very angry. “ Why not stay one, Madam? at home and go over English. 3. W: Have you finished It?s more important to study typing this letter? than to play. “ After hearing it, M: I hope I can finish it M: No, I?m from New soon.. York. 4. M: Excuse me, madam. 8. W: When did you get up I?m afraid you can not this morning? smoke here. Have you M: I woke up at 6:45, but seen this sign? I got up at 6:55. W: Oh, I?m really sorry. 9. W: Will you go to your 5. W: Do you know when hometown by train or by the People?s Republic of bus? China was founded? M: Neither. This time I?ll M: Yes. It was founded in fly there. th1949. And I was born ten 10. M: It?s May the 8, isn?t years later. it? 6. M: Can I help you? W: Yes. Only a week W: I?m looking for a pair before Lucy?s birthday. of brown shoes for my 11. M: I thought you daughter. wanted to watch the 7. W: You speak good play. English. Are you from W: Yes, but I?m too busy. London? (3) M: What are you doing? W: I?m trying to find some they decided to have lunch English programmes. I?m going together. They went into the to improve my English. nearest restaurant. They sat at M: Have you found one yet? a table by the window and W: Yes. News in English, talked happily. They really had English Plays, English a good time. Classroom. But I don?t know 英 which one is the best. 语感叹句练习题 M: You may try News in Question: English. I think it?s the best ( )1._______a clever boy he is ! W: I agree. A. What B. How (4) Tom and Jack are from C. What’s America. They?re teachers of ( )2._______she dances! English. Tom has taught A. How good B. How English in No. 2 Middle School well C. What well for three years, and Jack has ( )3._______quiet the park is! taught in No. 13 Middle School A. What a B. How only for three weeks. Yesterday C. How a morning they were so happy to ( )4._____his father works! meet each other in the street, A. How careful B. How C. What an carefully C. What ( )10.______supper we’re careful having today! ( )5._____noisy they are A. What a delicious B. making! How delicious C. What A. What B. How C. delicious How a ( )11.________fine weather it is ( )6.______delicious soup! today! A. How B. What A. How B. What a C. C. What a What ( )7.______heavy snow! ( )12._____fast the boys are A. What a B. What running! C. How A. What B. What a ( )8.____old bike Li Lei is C. How riding! ( )13._______the mooncakes A. What a B. What an are! C. How A. How delicious B. ( )9.______exciting moment it What delicious C. What is! a delicious A. How B. How an ( )14.____surprising news it is! A. How B. What What a C. What a ( )20.________useful information it is! re having ( )15.____time we’ today! A. What an B. How A. What a good B. How C. What good C. What good ( )21._______beautiful flowers ( )16._______I miss you ! they are! A. What B. How A. How B. What C. C. How do What a ( )17.Look! ______beautiful ( )22._______lovely a girl she is! that lake is! A. What B. How A. How B. What C. What a C. What a ( )23._______they love their ( )18. ________ slowly Tom country! runs! A. What B. How A. How B. What C. What a C. What a ()24._______long hair she has! ( )19._____lovely the snow A. What a B. What looks! C. How A. What B. How C. ( )25._______beautiful music we are listening to! looked! A. How B. What a A. What B. How C. What C. How are ( )26._______exciting a football match it is! A. What B. How Answers: C. What an 1---5 ABBBB ( )27._______hard-working 6---10 BABCA Chinese people! 11---15 CCABA A. How B. What 16---20 BAABC C. How do 21---25 BBBBC ( )28._______a lovely view! 26—30 BBBCB A. Is it B. Isn’t it C. Aren’t they ( )29._______time they had yesterday! A. How wonderful B. What wonderful C. What a wonderful ( )30.______worried they
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