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四川科技职业学院四川科技职业学院 论文(设计)题目: 浅析CA6140车床结构 学 生 姓 名: 何 伟 学 号: 200903050114 学 院: 四川科技职业学院 专 业: 机械制造与自动化 年 级: 2009级 指 导 教 师: 范灵琼 2012 年 3 月 vegetation, trimming damaged roads, add necessary garbage box, parking, street lighting, security, property and other public infrastructu...
四川科技职业学院 论文()题目: 浅析CA6140车床结构 学 生 姓 名: 何 伟 学 号: 200903050114 学 院: 四川科技职业学院 专 业: 机械制造与自动化 年 级: 2009级 指 导 教 师: 范灵琼 2012 年 3 月 vegetation, trimming damaged roads, add necessary garbage box, parking, street lighting, security, property and other public infrastructure. The second step is to a renovation completed in the district under the jurisdiction of the street, the street is responsible for the implementation of professional management, the establishment of long-term management mechanism. Two remediation farmers market, the convenience of the market is mainly divided into three levels: the first level is to make an inventory of the stock market, we have a strange phenomenon, such as the Zibo road and Heze Road InterchangeSlaughter into the Milky way trade city, there are many shops booth is still empty, but small business hawker, in Wang Jia Cun cloth spreading their stalls, a waste of resources. To this, to "pull" combined "cited stalls Burglary", "cited Tanru city". The second level is the existing free market of agricultural products, convenience market to upgrade and standardize the unified standard, set up by the industry and commerce, food and drug, health, public security and other departments personnel market management office, strengthen the daily management, so that the paddle to the city, the stalls placed neatly, live poultry fish according to the requirements, the construction of sewer system, to ensure that operators operating norms, eliminate market probe, stalls spillover, maintain market Clean and tidy; the third level is by the Municipal Housing Bureau to take the lead, pay close attention to the planning and expansion, the new a batch of farmers market, convenience market meet public demand. To temporarily really necessary to be retained as early as the night market, to 摘 要 车类机床主要用于加工各种回转表面,如内外圆柱表面、圆锥表面、成型回转表面和回转体的端面等,有些车床还能加工螺纹面。由于多数机器零件具有回转表面,车床的通用性又较广,因此在机器制造厂中,车床的应用极为广泛,在金属切削床中所占的比重最大,约占机床总台数的20%,35%。 作为主要的车削加工机床,CA6140车床广泛的应用于机械加工行业中,这次主要CA6140车床的结构和主要技术参数。 关键词:CA6140车床 vegetation, trimming damaged roads, add necessary garbage box, parking, street lighting, security, property and other public infrastructure. The second step is to a renovation completed in the district under the jurisdiction of the street, the street is responsible for the implementation of professional management, the establishment of long-term management mechanism. Two remediation farmers market, the convenience of the market is mainly divided into three levels: the first level is to make an inventory of the stock market, we have a strange phenomenon, such as the Zibo road and Heze Road InterchangeSlaughter into the Milky way trade city, there are many shops booth is still empty, but small business hawker, in Wang Jia Cun cloth spreading their stalls, a waste of resources. To this, to "pull" combined "cited stalls Burglary", "cited Tanru city". The second level is the existing free market of agricultural products, convenience market to upgrade and standardize the unified standard, set up by the industry and commerce, food and drug, health, public security and other departments personnel market management office, strengthen the daily management, so that the paddle to the city, the stalls placed neatly, live poultry fish according to the requirements, the construction of sewer system, to ensure that operators operating norms, eliminate market probe, stalls spillover, maintain market Clean and tidy; the third level is by the Municipal Housing Bureau to take the lead, pay close attention to the planning and expansion, the new a batch of farmers market, convenience market meet public demand. To temporarily really necessary to be retained as early as the night market, to 目 录 第一章 绪论 第二章 CA6140车床型号及解释 第三章 CA6140车床的组成 第四章 CA6140车床的规格和用途 第五章 CA6140车床的主要技术参数 第六章 结论 第七章 参考资料编目 第八章 致谢 term management mechanism.-stablishment of longthe e e district under the jurisdiction of the street, the street is responsible for the implementation of professional management,king, street lighting, security, property and other public infrastructure. The second step is to a renovation completed in thvegetation, trimming damaged roads, add necessary garbage box, par e and standardize the unified standard, set up by the industry and commerce, food and drug, health, public security and otherary", "cited Tanru city". The second level is the existing free market of agricultural products, convenience market to upgradBurgl usiness hawker, in Wang Jia Cun cloth spreading their stalls, a waste of resources. To this, to "pull" combined "cited stallsroad and Heze Road InterchangeSlaughter into the Milky way trade city, there are many shops booth is still empty, but small ban inventory of the stock market, we have a strange phenomenon, such as the Zibo Two remediation farmers market, the convenience of the market is mainly divided into three levels: the first level is to makepublic demand. To temporarily really necessary to be retained as early as the night market, tomeet au to take the lead, pay close attention to the planning and expansion, the new a batch of farmers market, convenience markets, eliminate market probe, stalls spillover, maintain market Clean and tidy; the third level is by the Municipal Housing Burenorm neatly, live poultry fish according to the requirements, the construction of sewer system, to ensure that operators operating tments personnel market management office, strengthen the daily management, so that the paddle to the city, the stalls placeddepar - 3 - 第一章 绪 论 长期以来,我国都是机床消费大国,我国历经了探索、观望、前进、突破、创新、繁荣的各种阶段。回顾历史,得出经验教训才能指导现在,回顾历史了解发展规律才能把握未来。这样我们才能真正做到借鉴昨天,掌握今天,规划明天。相信再过10年,随着我国国防工业和汽车行业的发展,我们国家会诞生世界水平的机床制造商,也将会超越日本,成为世界第一机床生产大国。 。 古代树木机床公元前二千多年出现的树木车床是机床最早的雏形。工作时,脚踏绳索下端的套圈,利用树枝的弹性使工件由绳索带动旋转,手拿贝壳或石片等作为刀具,沿板条移动工具切削工件。中世纪的弹性杆棒车床运用的仍是这一原理。十五世纪的机床雏形十五世纪由于制造钟表和武器的需要,出现了钟表匠用的螺纹车床和齿轮加工机床,以及水力驱动的炮筒镗床。1501年左右,意大利人列奥纳多?达芬奇曾绘制过车床、镗床、螺纹加工机床和内圆磨床的构想草图,其中已有曲柄、飞轮、项尖和轴承等新机构。中国明朝出版的《天工开物》中也载有磨床的结构,用脚踏的方法使铁盘旋转,加上沙子和水来剖切玉石。工业革命导致了各种机床的产生和改进十八世纪的工业革命推动了机床的发展。1774年,英国人威尔金森发明了较精密的炮筒镗床。次年,他用这台炮筒镗床镗出的汽缸,满足了瓦特蒸汽机的要求。为了镗制更大的汽缸,他又于1775年制造了一台水轮驱动的汽缸镗床,促进了蒸汽机的发展。从此,机床开始用蒸汽机通过曲轴驱动。1797年,英国人莫兹利创制成的车床由丝杠传动刀架,能实现机动进给和车削螺纹,这是机床结构的一次重大变革。莫兹利也因此被称为“英国机床工业之父”。19世纪,由于纺织、动力、交通运输机械和军火生产的推动,各种类型的机床相继出现。1817年,英国人罗伯茨创制龙门刨床;1818年美国人惠特尼制成卧式铣床;1876年,美国制成万能外圆磨床;1835和1897年又先后发明滚齿机和插齿机。十九世纪最优秀的机械技师应数惠特沃斯,他于1834年制成了测长机,该测长机可以测量出长度误差万分之一英寸左右。这种测长机的原理和千分尺相同,通过转动分度板可以进出的螺纹夹持住工件,使用滑尺读出分度板上的分度。1835年,惠特沃斯在他32岁时发明滚齿机。除此以外,惠特沃斯还设计了测量圆筒的内圆和外圆的塞规和环规。建议全部的机床生产业者都采用同一尺寸的标准螺纹。后来,英国的制定工业标准协会接受了这一建议,从那以后直到今日,这种螺纹作为标准螺纹被各国所使用。 工业技术发展的中心,从十九世纪起,就悄悄从英国移向美国。把英国的技术声望夺过去的人中,惠特尼堪称佼佼者。惠特尼聪颖过人,具有远见卓识,他率先vegetation, trimming damaged roads, add necessary garbage box, parking, street lighting, security, property and other public infrastructure. The second step is to a renovation completed in the district under the jurisdiction of the street, the street is responsible for the implementation of professional management, the establishment of long-term management mechanism. Two remediation farmers market, the convenience of the market is mainly divided into three levels: the first level is to make an inventory of the stock market, we have a strange phenomenon, such as the Zibo road and Heze Road InterchangeSlaughter into the Milky way trade city, there are many shops booth is still empty, but small business hawker, in Wang Jia Cun cloth spreading their stalls, a waste of resources. To this, to "pull" combined "cited stalls Burglary", "cited Tanru city". The second level is the existing free market of agricultural products, convenience market to upgrade and standardize the unified standard, set up by the industry and commerce, food and drug, health, public security and other departments personnel market management office, strengthen the daily management, so that the paddle to the city, the stalls placed neatly, live poultry fish according to the requirements, the construction of sewer system, to ensure that operators operating norms, eliminate market probe, stalls spillover, maintain market Clean and tidy; the third level is by the Municipal Housing Bureau to take the lead, pay close attention to the planning and expansion, the new a batch of farmers market, convenience market meet public demand. To temporarily really necessary to be retained as early as the night market, to 研究出了作为大规模生产的可更换部件的系统。至今还很活跃的惠特尼公司,早在19世纪四十年代就研制成功了一种转塔式六角车床。这种车床是随着工件制做的复杂化和精细化而问世的,在这种车床中,装有一个绞盘,各种需要的刀具都安装在绞盘上,这样,通过旋转固定工具的转塔,就可以把工具转到所需的位置上。随着电动机的发明,机床开始先采用电动机集中驱动,后又广泛使用单独电动机驱动。 二十世纪初,为了加工精度更高的工件、夹具和螺纹加工工具,相继创制出坐标镗床和螺纹磨床。同时为了适应汽车和轴承等工业大量生产的需要,又研制出各种自动机床、仿形机床、组合机床和自动生产线。1900年进入精密化时期19世纪末到20世纪初,单一的车床已逐渐演化出了铣床、刨床、磨床、钻床等等。 第二章 CA6140车床型号及解释 CA6140车床解释为: C:车床类代号 A:第一次设计修改 6:落地及卧式车床组代号 40:主参数折算值,回转直径为400毫米 第三章 机床的组成 (一)机床的组成 CA6140车床的主要组成部件如图所示。 term management mechanism.-stablishment of longthe e e district under the jurisdiction of the street, the street is responsible for the implementation of professional management,king, street lighting, security, property and other public infrastructure. The second step is to a renovation completed in thvegetation, trimming damaged roads, add necessary garbage box, par tments personnel market management office, strengthen the daily management, so that the paddle to the city, the stalls placeddepar e and standardize the unified standard, set up by the industry and commerce, food and drug, health, public security and otherary", "cited Tanru city". The second level is the existing free market of agricultural products, convenience market to upgradBurgl usiness hawker, in Wang Jia Cun cloth spreading their stalls, a waste of resources. To this, to "pull" combined "cited stallsroad and Heze Road InterchangeSlaughter into the Milky way trade city, there are many shops booth is still empty, but small ban inventory of the stock market, we have a strange phenomenon, such as the Zibo Two remediation farmers market, the convenience of the market is mainly divided into three levels: the first level is to makepublic demand. To temporarily really necessary to be retained as early as the night market, tomeet au to take the lead, pay close attention to the planning and expansion, the new a batch of farmers market, convenience markets, eliminate market probe, stalls spillover, maintain market Clean and tidy; the third level is by the Municipal Housing Burenorm neatly, live poultry fish according to the requirements, the construction of sewer system, to ensure that operators operating- 5 - CA6140车床外形图 1-主轴箱;2-刀架;3-尾座;4-床身;5、9-床腿; 6-光杠;7-丝杠;8-溜板箱;10-进给箱;11-挂轮 CA6140型卧式车床主要结构 (一)主轴箱 CA6140车床的主轴箱包括:箱体、主轴部件、传动机构、操纵机构、换向装置、制动装置和润滑装置等。其功用在于支承主轴和传动其旋转,并使其实现起动、停止、变速和换向等。 机床的主轴箱是一个比较复杂的运动部件,它的装配图包括展开图、各种向视图和剖面图,以表示出主轴箱的所有零件及其装配关系。 1、主轴部件 主轴部件是主轴箱最重要的部分,由主轴、主轴轴承和主轴上的传动件、密封件等组成。 主轴前端可安装卡盘,用以夹持工件,并由其带动旋转。主轴的旋转精度、刚度和抗振性等对工件的加工精度和表面粗糙度有直接影响,因此对主轴部件的要求较高。 CA6140型车床的主轴是一个空心阶梯轴。其内孔是用于通过棒料或卸下顶尖时所用的铁棒,也可用于通过气动、液压或电动夹紧驱动装置的传动杆。主轴前端有精密的莫氏6号锥孔,用来安装顶尖或心轴,利用锥面配合的摩擦力直接带动心轴和工件转动。主轴后端的锥孔是工艺孔。 CA6140型卧式车床的主轴部件在结构上做了较大改进,由原来的三支承结构改为两支承结构;由前端轴向定位改为后端轴向定位。前轴承为P级精度的双列短圆柱滚子轴承,用于承受径向力。后轴承为一个推力球轴承和角接触球轴承,分别用于承受轴向力和径向力。 主轴的轴承的润滑都是由润滑油泵供油,润滑油通过进油孔对轴承进行充分润滑,并带走轴承运转所产生的热量。为了避免漏油,前后轴承均采用了油沟式密封装置。主轴旋转时,依靠离心力的作用,把经过轴承向外流出的润滑油甩到轴承端盖的接油槽里,然后经回油孔流回主轴箱。 主轴上装有三个齿轮,前端处为斜齿圆柱齿轮,可使主轴传动平稳,传动时齿轮作用在主轴上的轴向力与进给力方向相反,因此可减少主轴前支承所承受的轴向力。 主轴前端安装卡盘、拨盘或其它夹具的部分有多种结构形式。 2、开停和换向装置 CA6140型卧式车床采用的双向多片式摩擦离合器实现主轴的开停和换vegetation, trimming damaged roads, add necessary garbage box, parking, street lighting, security, property and other public infrastructure. The second step is to a renovation completed in the district under the jurisdiction of the street, the street is responsible for the implementation of professional management, the establishment of long-term management mechanism. Two remediation farmers market, the convenience of the market is mainly divided into three levels: the first level is to make an inventory of the stock market, we have a strange phenomenon, such as the Zibo road and Heze Road InterchangeSlaughter into the Milky way trade city, there are many shops booth is still empty, but small business hawker, in Wang Jia Cun cloth spreading their stalls, a waste of resources. To this, to "pull" combined "cited stalls Burglary", "cited Tanru city". The second level is the existing free market of agricultural products, convenience market to upgrade and standardize the unified standard, set up by the industry and commerce, food and drug, health, public security and other departments personnel market management office, strengthen the daily management, so that the paddle to the city, the stalls placed neatly, live poultry fish according to the requirements, the construction of sewer system, to ensure that operators operating norms, eliminate market probe, stalls spillover, maintain market Clean and tidy; the third level is by the Municipal Housing Bureau to take the lead, pay close attention to the planning and expansion, the new a batch of farmers market, convenience market meet public demand. To temporarily really necessary to be retained as early as the night market, to 向。 其由结构相同的左右两部分组成,左离合器传动主轴正转,右离合器传动主轴反转。摩擦片有内外之分,且相间安装。如果将内外摩擦片压紧,产生摩擦力,轴I的运动就通过内外摩擦片而带动空套齿轮旋转;反之,如果松开,轴I的运动与空套齿轮的运动不相干,内外磨擦片之间处于打滑状态。正转用于切削,需传递的扭矩较大,而反转主要用于退刀,所以左离合器摩擦片数较多,而右离合器摩擦片数较少。 内外摩擦片之间的间隙大小应适当:如果间隙过大,则压不紧,摩擦片打滑,车床动力就显得不足,工作时易产生闷车现象,且摩擦片易磨损。反之,如果间隙过小,起动时费力;停车或换向时,摩擦片又不易脱开,严重时会导致摩擦片被烧坏。同时,由此也可看出,摩擦 离合器除了可传递动力外,还能起过载保险的作用。当机床超载时,摩擦片会打滑,于是主轴就停止转动,从而避免损坏机床。所以摩擦片间的压紧力是根据离合器应传递的额定扭矩来确定的,并可用拧在压套上的螺母9a和9b来调整。 3、制动装置 制动装置功用在于车床停车过程中克服主轴箱中各运动件的惯性,使主轴迅速停止转动,以缩短辅助时间。CA6140型卧式车床采用闸带式制动器实现制动。 制动带6的拉紧程度可由螺钉5进行调整。其调整合适的状态,应是停车时主轴能迅速停止,而开车时制动带能完全松开。 (二)溜板箱 溜板箱的功用是:将丝杠或光杠传来的旋转运动转变为直线运动并带动刀架进给;控制刀架运动的接通、断开和换向;机床过载时控制刀架停止进给;手动操纵刀架移动和实现快速移动。 因此,溜板箱通常设有以下几种机构: 接通丝杠传动的开合螺母机构; 将光杠的运动传至纵向齿轮齿条和横向进给丝杠的传动机构; 接通、断开和转换纵、横向进给的转换机构; 保证机床工作安全的过载保险装置和互锁机构; 控制刀架运动的操纵机构; 改变纵、横向机动进给运动方向的换向机构; 快速空行程传动机构。 1、纵横向进给操纵机构 term management mechanism.-stablishment of longthe e e district under the jurisdiction of the street, the street is responsible for the implementation of professional management,king, street lighting, security, property and other public infrastructure. The second step is to a renovation completed in thvegetation, trimming damaged roads, add necessary garbage box, par norm neatly, live poultry fish according to the requirements, the construction of sewer system, to ensure that operators operating tments personnel market management office, strengthen the daily management, so that the paddle to the city, the stalls placeddepar e and standardize the unified standard, set up by the industry and commerce, food and drug, health, public security and otherary", "cited Tanru city". The second level is the existing free market of agricultural products, convenience market to upgradBurgl usiness hawker, in Wang Jia Cun cloth spreading their stalls, a waste of resources. To this, to "pull" combined "cited stallsroad and Heze Road InterchangeSlaughter into the Milky way trade city, there are many shops booth is still empty, but small ban inventory of the stock market, we have a strange phenomenon, such as the Zibo Two remediation farmers market, the convenience of the market is mainly divided into three levels: the first level is to makepublic demand. To temporarily really necessary to be retained as early as the night market, tomeet au to take the lead, pay close attention to the planning and expansion, the new a batch of farmers market, convenience markets, eliminate market probe, stalls spillover, maintain market Clean and tidy; the third level is by the Municipal Housing Bure- 7 - CA6140型车床的纵、横机动进给运动的接通、断开和换向,采用一个手柄集中操纵方式。当需要纵、横向移动刀架时,向相应的方向扳动操纵手柄1即可。 2、互锁机构 为了避免损坏机床,必须保证横、纵向机动进给运动和车螺纹进给运动不能同时接通。 为此,CA6140型车床的溜板箱中设有互锁机构。 因此,合上开合螺母后,纵横向机动进给都不能接通。而接通纵向或横向机动进给后,开合螺母都不能合上。 第四章 CA6140机床的规格和用途 CA6140机床可进行各种车削工作,并可加工公制、英制、模数和径节螺纹。 主轴三支撑均采用滚动轴承;进给系统用双轴滑移共用齿轮机构;纵向与横向进给由十字手柄操纵,并附有快速电机。该机床刚性好、功率大、操作方便。 第五章 CA6140机床的主要技术参数 工件最大回转直径: 在床面上„„„„„„„„„„„„„„„„-----„„„„„400毫米 在床鞍上„„„„„„„„„„„„„„„„„-----„„„„210毫米 工件最大长度(四种规格)„„„„„„----„750、1000、1500、2000毫米 主轴孔径„„„„„„„„„„„„„„-----„„„„„„„„„ 48毫米 主轴前端孔锥度 „„„„„„„„„„„-----„„„„„„„„ 400毫米 主轴转速范围: 正传(24级)„„„„„„„„„„„----„„„„„ 10,1400转/分 反传(12级)„„„„„„„„„---„-„„„„„„ 14,1580转/分 加工螺纹范围: 公制(44种)„„„„„„„„„----„„„„„„„„„1,192毫米 英制(20种)„„„„„„„„„„„„----„„„„„ 2,24牙/英寸 vegetation, trimming damaged roads, add necessary garbage box, parking, street lighting, security, property and other public infrastructure. The second step is to a renovation completed in the district under the jurisdiction of the street, the street is responsible for the implementation of professional management, the establishment of long-term management mechanism. Two remediation farmers market, the convenience of the market is mainly divided into three levels: the first level is to make an inventory of the stock market, we have a strange phenomenon, such as the Zibo road and Heze Road InterchangeSlaughter into the Milky way trade city, there are many shops booth is still empty, but small business hawker, in Wang Jia Cun cloth spreading their stalls, a waste of resources. To this, to "pull" combined "cited stalls Burglary", "cited Tanru city". The second level is the existing free market of agricultural products, convenience market to upgrade and standardize the unified standard, set up by the industry and commerce, food and drug, health, public security and other departments personnel market management office, strengthen the daily management, so that the paddle to the city, the stalls placed neatly, live poultry fish according to the requirements, the construction of sewer system, to ensure that operators operating norms, eliminate market probe, stalls spillover, maintain market Clean and tidy; the third level is by the Municipal Housing Bureau to take the lead, pay close attention to the planning and expansion, the new a batch of farmers market, convenience market meet public demand. To temporarily really necessary to be retained as early as the night market, to 模数(39种)„„„„„„„„„„„„„----„„„„ 0.25,48毫米 径节(37种)„„„„„„„„„„„„„----„„„„„ 1,96径节 进给量范围: 细化 0.028~0.054毫米/转 纵向(64种)„„„„„„„„„„„ 正常0.08~1.59 毫米/转 加大 1.71~6.33 毫米/转 细化 0.014~0.027毫米/转 横向(64种)„„„„„„„„„„„„ 正常 0.04~0.79 毫米/转 加大 0.86~3.16 毫米/转 刀架快速移动速度: 纵向„„„„„„„„„„„„„„-------„„„„„„„„„ 4米/分 横向„„„„„„„„„„„„„„„„„„„„„„„ -------- 4米/分 主电机: 功率„„„„„„„„„„„„„----„„„„„„„„„„ 7.5千瓦 转速„„„„„„„„„„„„„„----„„„„„„„„ 1450转/分 快速电机: 功率„„„„„„„„„„„„„„----„„„„„„„„„„ 370瓦 转速„„„„„„„„„„„„„„„„„--------„„„„„ 2600转/分 冷却泵: 功率„„„„„„„„„„„„„„„„----„„„„„„„„ 90瓦 流量„„„„„„„„„„„„„„„----„„„„„„„ 25升/分 工件最大长度为1000毫米的机床: 外形尺寸(长×宽×高)„„„„-----„„„„2668×1000×1190毫米 重量约„„„„„„„„„„„„„„----„„„„„„„„2000公斤 第六章 结论 CA6140的主轴箱是机床的动力源将动力和运动传递给机床主轴的基本环节,其机构复杂而巧妙,要实现其全部功能在软件中的模拟仿真工作量非常大。这次设计的效果没有预计的完美,有一些硬件方面的原因,在模拟仿真的时候,由于计算机的配置不能达到所需要 term management mechanism.-stablishment of longthe e e district under the jurisdiction of the street, the street is responsible for the implementation of professional management,king, street lighting, security, property and other public infrastructure. The second step is to a renovation completed in thvegetation, trimming damaged roads, add necessary garbage box, par norm neatly, live poultry fish according to the requirements, the construction of sewer system, to ensure that operators operating tments personnel market management office, strengthen the daily management, so that the paddle to the city, the stalls placeddepar e and standardize the unified standard, set up by the industry and commerce, food and drug, health, public security and otherary", "cited Tanru city". The second level is the existing free market of agricultural products, convenience market to upgradBurgl usiness hawker, in Wang Jia Cun cloth spreading their stalls, a waste of resources. To this, to "pull" combined "cited stallsroad and Heze Road InterchangeSlaughter into the Milky way trade city, there are many shops booth is still empty, but small ban inventory of the stock market, we have a strange phenomenon, such as the Zibo Two remediation farmers market, the convenience of the market is mainly divided into three levels: the first level is to makepublic demand. To temporarily really necessary to be retained as early as the night market, tomeet au to take the lead, pay close attention to the planning and expansion, the new a batch of farmers market, convenience markets, eliminate market probe, stalls spillover, maintain market Clean and tidy; the third level is by the Municipal Housing Bure- 9 - 求,致使运行速度非常慢,不但时间上拖了下来,而且所模拟的效果很不理想。我接受的设计任务是对CA6140车床的主轴箱进行设计。主轴箱的结构繁多,考虑到实际硬件设备的承受能力,在进行三维造型的时候在不影响模拟仿真的情况下,我省去了很多细部结构。从这点让我深深的体会到“科技是第一生产力”这句话的正确与严峻性。在设计中我们也遇到了其它许多棘手的问题,例如,每个人采用的度量标准不一致,导致装配的时候产生了干涉的问题,对于这个问题我们采用互相调节的方法,需要相互配合的两个零件的设计者相互协调,最后实现设计的效果。 对于一次设计来说,总体安排很重要。这次设计由于总体安排刚开始的时候没有很合理的制定,所以工作量的实际大小与工作的具体性质不是很明确,以致在开始的几天里没有什么实质性的进展。在随后的工作过程中大家都注意了这一点,所以进度勉强赶了上来,不过时间还是紧了点。对但最终大家努力完成了设计任务。 第七章 参考资料编目 参考文献: 1.《机床与液压》20041No17 1995-2005 Tsinghua Tongfang Optical Disc Co?, Ltd? All rights reserved 4.《机床数控系统的发展趋势 》 黄勇 陈子辰 浙江大学 5.《中国机械工程》 6.《数控机床及应用》作者:李佳 7.《机械设计与制造工程》2001年第30卷第1期 8《机电新产品导报》 2005年第12期 9.《瞭望》 2007年第37期 10.机械》2007年第34卷第8期 11.《世界制造技术与装备市场》 2007年第4期 vegetation, trimming damaged roads, add necessary garbage box, parking, street lighting, security, property and other public infrastructure. The second step is to a renovation completed in the district under the jurisdiction of the street, the street is responsible for the implementation of professional management, the establishment of long-term management mechanism. Two remediation farmers market, the convenience of the market is mainly divided into three levels: the first level is to make an inventory of the stock market, we have a strange phenomenon, such as the Zibo road and Heze Road InterchangeSlaughter into the Milky way trade city, there are many shops booth is still empty, but small business hawker, in Wang Jia Cun cloth spreading their stalls, a waste of resources. To this, to "pull" combined "cited stalls Burglary", "cited Tanru city". The second level is the existing free market of agricultural products, convenience market to upgrade and standardize the unified standard, set up by the industry and commerce, food and drug, health, public security and other departments personnel market management office, strengthen the daily management, so that the paddle to the city, the stalls placed neatly, live poultry fish according to the requirements, the construction of sewer system, to ensure that operators operating norms, eliminate market probe, stalls spillover, maintain market Clean and tidy; the third level is by the Municipal Housing Bureau to take the lead, pay close attention to the planning and expansion, the new a batch of farmers market, convenience market meet public demand. To temporarily really necessary to be retained as early as the night market, to
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