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万方学位论文检测修改指导万方学位论文检测修改指导 检测报告为PDF文件,如果打不开的话,是因为你没有安装Adobe reader软件,请到网上下载安装该软件就可以打开报告的~ 1. 如何看论文相似检测报告: 检测结果样例: 左边的“送检论文片段”即是检测出来的抄袭段落,这个段落即是你写的原文,但抄袭了,需要修改,右边的“相似论文片段”就是这段抄袭部分的来源论文,你抄袭的部分来自这篇论文。修改论文就是修改检测出来的抄袭部分就行了,每一个检测出来的部分都修改好了,就没问题了。 2. 因为学位论文检测系统是整篇上传,算法采用的是整篇综合 考虑和...
万方学位检测修改指导 检测为PDF文件,如果打不开的话,是因为你没有安装Adobe reader软件,请到网上下载安装该软件就可以打开报告的~ 1. 如何看论文相似检测报告: 检测结果样例: 左边的“送检论文片段”即是检测出来的抄袭段落,这个段落即是你写的原文,但抄袭了,需要修改,右边的“相似论文片段”就是这段抄袭部分的来源论文,你抄袭的部分来自这篇论文。修改论文就是修改检测出来的抄袭部分就行了,每一个检测出来的部分都修改好了,就没问了。 2. 因为学位论文检测系统是整篇上传,算法采用的是整篇综合 考虑和小段重复比的算法程序,所以建议在第一次检测后修 改时不要进行大段的删除。对于检测出来的段落,应该一句 一句的修改,用相似的词语去替代原来的句子,一般来说, 如果你抄袭一句话有一半字数跟原文是一样的,就会被检测 出来算作抄袭~~~ 3. 在修改中还要注意的是,很多人以为标注了参考文献引用就 不会检测出重复,这是完全错误的,系统检测重复和你是否 标注了引用是没有关系,不管标没有标注参考文献引用都是 要检测的,检测系统不管您是不是标注为引用,统统列出来。 如果标注为引用就排除,那检测就没任何意义,大家随便抄, 想抄多少就抄多少,只要标注引用就可以啦~ 4. 对于一段中少部分抄袭现象的,大家采用改变句子的陈述方 式就可以使得修改后的内容不会被检测出来。 例如下句:过热故障中的过热与变压器正常运行下的发热是有区别的,正常运行时的其发热源来自于绕组和铁芯,即铜损和铁损,而变压器过热故障是由于受到有效热应力而造成的绝缘加速劣化,它具有中等水平的能量密度。 被检测出来,说明与相似文献存在重合和高度相似,经过以上方式结合,本句可改为: 过热故障中出现的过热容易与变压器正常运行下的发热相混淆,后者是因为其绕组和铁芯会出现铜损和铁损的现象,这是正常运行过程中的发热,而变压器过热故障是受到有效热应力造成的绝缘加速劣化,具有中等水平的能力密度。 ration should pay attention to the following points: order to improve the accuracy of calibration, calib 1, typically according to the components to be tested to select the height of the size of standard solution concentration. In-1 mol • L-1-rmination of standard solution concentration range of 0.01 mol • Le dete. Most accurate concentrations of the standard solution are determined by calibration of the method. Constant component in thtion of aqueous solution of HCl volume and quality of anhydrous Na2CO3, calculate the exact concentration of the HCl solutionquantitative response fully, and then consumed in the titra 1 in dilute solution, and then use the anhydrous Na2CO3 benchmark solution titration accurately weigh the material until both-trated HCl diluted with water, mixed concentration is about 0.1mol • L1HCl standard solution, first with a certain amount of concen-is called calibration. For example, for the preparation of 0.1mol • Lerence material (or another material standard) to determine its exact concentration. This determines its exact concentration ItAAAASA Close to the desired solution was prepared, and then use the ref2should be very strict tolerances can be less stringent. The "quantity" conceptrecord should be written to several significant figures; the prepared solution choose what kind of vessel. That accurate, it ing; g to the requirements on the accuracy of solution concentration should be determined on the balance at the level of the weigh1:3 HCl, the original volume 1 volume hydrochloric acid and three volumes of water and mix. Preparation of solution, accordin And ascentration. For example, 1:1 solution of H2SO4, the original concentrated H2SO4 volume 1 volume, mix with 1 volume of water. t sloppy. (B) the general solution preparation and preservation methods of 1:1 (or 1+1), 1:2 (1+2) volume is expressed as conn, noon, if it were to participate in the concentration are calculated using volumetric flasks, pipettes, burets accurate operatiosubstances requires the use of analytical balance, accurate to four digits after the decimal point. Volume calibration soluti ndardmeasuring cup amounts. But in the whole process of calibration solution, everything is very strict and accurate. Weighing sta e graduated cylinders measuring liquids or solid reagents weigh in the scales, add the solvent (water), graduated cylinder or1. Of solid acid and alkali solution prepared from original, generally only accurate to 1~2 significant figures, it can b-tion of Laterial calibration. Do the titration with acid and alkali solution, it is usually prepared with about 0.1mol • The concentrase mcannot be directly made accurate concentrations of the standard solution, first solution was prepared, and then select the ba dilute the secondary. Dilution of too many accumulated error is too large, affect the accuracy of the results. 2. calibration ssary,e. D calibration good of standardOperated by stock solution was prepared solution, in principle only be diluted once, if necelassware, such as volumetric flasks and pipettes, where necessary, corrected volume, and considering the effect of temperaturh as gtion of standard solutions or too small in size, the best is 20mL. C preparation of calibration solutions and use liquor, sucghing the baseline amount of substance should not be too few, weighing at least 0.2G above; same titration at the end consumpuce measurement error, wei in order to red?4, repeated at least three times, and called for determination of the relative deviation is less than 0.2%. - determination of calibration should be parallel 3? 5. 针对目前很多学生的普遍问题,很多学生最后的致谢部分喜 欢抄袭别人,在这提醒你,这一部分最好自己写,因为这一 部分也是算作在检测范围之内的,而且出现重复的概率相当 高。所以建议同学们自己写,不管你写得怎么样,因为致谢 要表达的意义是非常明确的,只要你把意思表达出来,具体 写得好不好是没有人去管的。 6. 参考文献部分也是算作在检测范围之内的,而且也是很多同 学出现重复率高的部分,这一部分修改就很简单了,千万不 要几十个参考文献连在一起全是从某一个人的文章中抄袭过 来的,建议从同一篇文章中引用的参考文献不要超过5篇, 多搜集一下文章的参考文献,尤其是外文的,不要通篇是从 某一篇文章中引用过来的。而且顺序调整是很有学问的,不 要把同一类参考文献放在一起,交叉来进行排序,这样是不 容易检测出来的。 7. 修改论文还有最重要的一条:修改论文不能只能是简单的调 整句子顺序,调整语句顺序是没有用处的,同样还是会被检 测出来作为抄袭的。因为抄袭是按段落来检测的,所以只要 这一段中你抄袭的那些文字还在里面,不管你放在前面还是 后面,都是会作为抄袭算的。 8. 修改的原则是用相近的词语去替代你抄袭的部分:就是用你自己的语言去表达抄袭部分相同的意思。 例如抄袭的一句:“市场销售低迷,大小钢厂存货高企,全行业 3 面临持续亏损的压力。” 就可以修改为: “市场行情不好,所有的钢铁厂都库存很大,整个钢铁业界都将处于长期的亏本状态。” 9.检测系统没想象中可怕,检测比对的是相同字段,而不是相同意思,所以只要大家换一种表达方式,意思是一样的,也查不出来,还有改词、换句、加自己的话,改变描述方式(变原句为倒装句、被动句、主动句等)、打乱段落顺序、删除可有可无的关键、关键句等。经过实践证明,使用以上结合(只其中一种基本没用),可有效降低复制比,保证顺利通过。 再举一例: 抄袭段落: 上世纪九十年代以来,在生产力提高、科技进步、跨国公司活跃等因素的共同驱动下,经济全球化席卷全球,世界经济越来越成为一 个整体,跨国公司根据其战略部署在世界范围内对生产要素和资源进行优化配置和重新整合,这导致国际贸易和分工的方式悄然发生 了变化,由传统的产业间分工模式逐步演化为同一产品不同工序和区段上的分工体系,即产品内分工。 可以修改为: 从20世纪末以来,在新的科技革命及跨国公司迅速发展的带动下,全球经济日趋一体化,各国经济在世界范围内实现了竞争与协作相 结合的良好共存局面。在全球范围内,各生产要素由于跨国公司的快速发展实现了优化配置和重新整合,从而使国陈贸易和世界分工 的方式产生了适应新时代要求的变化,传统的产业分工方式开始转变为因产品在工序和区段上的差异而进行的分工方式,这也就是我 们所说的产品之中的分工。 ?4, repeated at least three times, and called for determination of the relative deviation is less than 0.2%. - determination of calibration should be parallel 3?ration should pay attention to the following points: order to improve the accuracy of calibration, calib 1, typically according to the components to be tested to select the height of the size of standard solution concentration. In-1 mol • L-1-rmination of standard solution concentration range of 0.01 mol • Le dete. Most accurate concentrations of the standard solution are determined by calibration of the method. Constant component in thtion of aqueous solution of HCl volume and quality of anhydrous Na2CO3, calculate the exact concentration of the HCl solutionquantitative response fully, and then consumed in the titra 1 in dilute solution, and then use the anhydrous Na2CO3 benchmark solution titration accurately weigh the material until both-trated HCl diluted with water, mixed concentration is about 0.1mol • L1HCl standard solution, first with a certain amount of concen-is called calibration. For example, for the preparation of 0.1mol • Lerence material (or another material standard) to determine its exact concentration. This determines its exact concentration ItAAAASA Close to the desired solution was prepared, and then use the ref4should be very strict tolerances can be less stringent. The "quantity" conceptrecord should be written to several significant figures; the prepared solution choose what kind of vessel. That accurate, it ing; g to the requirements on the accuracy of solution concentration should be determined on the balance at the level of the weigh1:3 HCl, the original volume 1 volume hydrochloric acid and three volumes of water and mix. Preparation of solution, accordin And ascentration. For example, 1:1 solution of H2SO4, the original concentrated H2SO4 volume 1 volume, mix with 1 volume of water. t sloppy. (B) the general solution preparation and preservation methods of 1:1 (or 1+1), 1:2 (1+2) volume is expressed as conn, noon, if it were to participate in the concentration are calculated using volumetric flasks, pipettes, burets accurate operatiosubstances requires the use of analytical balance, accurate to four digits after the decimal point. Volume calibration soluti ndardmeasuring cup amounts. But in the whole process of calibration solution, everything is very strict and accurate. Weighing sta e graduated cylinders measuring liquids or solid reagents weigh in the scales, add the solvent (water), graduated cylinder or1. Of solid acid and alkali solution prepared from original, generally only accurate to 1~2 significant figures, it can b-tion of Laterial calibration. Do the titration with acid and alkali solution, it is usually prepared with about 0.1mol • The concentrase mcannot be directly made accurate concentrations of the standard solution, first solution was prepared, and then select the ba dilute the secondary. Dilution of too many accumulated error is too large, affect the accuracy of the results. 2. calibration ssary,e. D calibration good of standardOperated by stock solution was prepared solution, in principle only be diluted once, if necelassware, such as volumetric flasks and pipettes, where necessary, corrected volume, and considering the effect of temperaturh as gtion of standard solutions or too small in size, the best is 20mL. C preparation of calibration solutions and use liquor, sucghing the baseline amount of substance should not be too few, weighing at least 0.2G above; same titration at the end consumpuce measurement error, wei in order to red 5
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