

2017-09-29 8页 doc 27KB 34阅读




空巢老人空巢老人 空巢老人问题——话剧 第一幕 两位老人相识 旁白 李大爷与许大妈在两表月前的下午,在老年公寓相遇了。 李:你好 我是李某 经常看见你打牌,打羽毛球,真羡慕你们身体这么好。 许:呵呵,你也不错啊,身体很硬朗啊 李:不行了,心脏不太好了,剧烈运动都不敢参加了。 许:那打打牌也好啊,娱乐身心了~ 李:恩,是啊 我以后可以找你一起打牌你别嫌我烦啊。这么长时间了,我只看过一个女孩看你,是你女儿么, 许:恩 是的 就这么一个女儿,你呢, 李:我啊,一个女儿,一个儿子。 许:儿女双全啊 你真幸福。 李:幸福什么啊...
空巢老人 空巢老人问题——话剧 第一幕 两位老人相识 旁白 李大爷与许大妈在两月前的下午,在老年公寓相遇了。 李:你好 我是李某 经常看见你打牌,打羽毛球,真羡慕你们身体这么好。 许:呵呵,你也不错啊,身体很硬朗啊 李:不行了,心脏不太好了,剧烈运动都不敢参加了。 许:那打打牌也好啊,娱乐身心了~ 李:恩,是啊 我以后可以找你一起打牌你别嫌我烦啊。这么长时间了,我只看过一个女孩看你,是你女儿么, 许:恩 是的 就这么一个女儿,你呢, 李:我啊,一个女儿,一个儿子。 许:儿女双全啊 你真幸福。 李:幸福什么啊 他们太忙了,都没有时间来看我,养儿防老 防的是什么啊 许:这不能怪他们的 工作时间也不是他们决定的。咱们以后一起打牌,就不会太孤单了。 旁白:就这样,李大爷与许大妈经常在一起聊天玩牌,有时李大爷陪许大妈散步,一去二来,就有了感情。到谈婚论嫁的时候了。 第二幕 商议结婚 旁白 一天傍晚李大爷的儿女来看他,在老先生的房间里。。。。。。 李:今天怎么不忙啊,想起我这糟老头子啊, 儿子:爸,你这说的是什么话啊 我是真的很忙 一会8:20还有会呢~ 女儿:爸,我们这不一有空就过来了么,最近身体怎么样啊~我给您拿了一些换季衣服 天冷,别冻着。 李:哎 我也知道你们忙,但是我老了,就希望你们能多陪陪我啊。 女:爸你放心 我们一定一有空就过来陪你。 李:算了,也不为难你们了,我在这儿啊认识了你许大妈 两个多月了,人品不错,还很贴心。你们不在我身边还多亏有她陪我啊。我想和她把结婚证领了。 女儿:什么,领证,爸 你都一把年纪了,怎么会有这种想法啊?我和我哥会好好照顾你的。爸 我还有事 ,先走了啊 ,改天再来看你。 儿子:爸,我马上就要开会了,就先走了啊~下次再来看您。 旁白:老先生明白 儿女这是不同意啊 两天后 旁白:许大妈的女儿来看许大妈,在许大妈的房间里。。。。 女:妈 最近怎么样,有没有哪里不舒服, 许:你还不知道么,我这身体一点也不用担心的。 女:恩,那也要注意点,多走动,打打牌,别老在房间里。 许:知道了,你别老担心我,自己要注意身体,别让妈担心。 女儿:是,你就放心吧,妈,你认识不认识什么人啊,我不总在身边,找个人陪你也好啊 许:不好意思笑)嘿嘿 还真有这么一个人,我刚想和你说呢 。他姓李,人很幽默,总陪我散步啊,打牌什么的。我是想和他领证呢 女:好啊!什么时候给我认识一下,妈无论你做什么样的决定我都支持你,这件事你觉得好就行,你把养大不容易,我们该让你安享晚年。 旁白:许大妈的女儿觉得母亲形单影只,遇上贴心的人,互相照顾是好事,很是支持。 李先生知道这件事后,想到自己心里很孤独,需要有一个人相互照顾,相互陪伴,自己想渡过好自己的晚年,他们只是在乎房子和存折,没有真正关心过我的内心,李大爷下定决心,不论儿女的不支持,回家取户口本。可是看到眼前这一幕李大爷傻眼了,儿子们早下手为强拿走了户口本,这一急一气,病倒住进了医院。 第三幕 医院内 旁白:李大爷躺在病床上,儿子们忙前忙后,李大爷老泪纵横的拉着许大妈的手。。。 许:你这老头,怎么就住进医院了,赶紧好起来,还得和我打牌,和我散步呢。 李:我也想阿,可是这身体不争气啊,再加上这么两个不孝顺的儿女 ,唉。。。。 许:没事,我会一直在这陪你,你要快点好起来啊。 病房外 李大爷女儿:就算你在怎么殷勤,我都不会让我爸的钱财到你的手里。 许:我不在乎你们的钱和房子,我只是想在这陪他。 儿子:说的真好听,记住,别动歪心思,我们可不会让你得逞。 女儿:你说你是不是故意的想独吞我爸的财产,你这个恶毒的妇人。 许大妈流着泪进入病房。 旁白:许大妈对李大爷的儿女的白眼视而不见,俨然陪在老伴的床前。 几天后 李先生病情急骤恶化。。。。 李:我这辈子就是听了你们的话一直苦熬着,没找老伴,你们哪知道我这些年心里的痛苦啊。 说完 撒手人寰 徐大妈痛不欲生 旁白:在李先生的葬礼上 许大妈女儿:你们就是这么做儿女的,老人需要什么你们懂么,老年人想你们陪在身边你们能么,老人需要心灵的寄托,你们给与不了,难道找个伴也不行么,我们不是没钱,不是在意你家那点破财产,钱财有什么用 能换回你爸的幸福么,你们这些不孝子。 (说完,许大娘的女儿扶着母亲走了) 儿子:我们是不是真做错了,爸。。。。。 女儿:全都怪你,要不是你阻止爸找老伴能这样么,你还我爸爸。。。。。 儿子:怎么全赖我啊,树欲静而风不止,子欲养而亲不待。我们大错特错了,如果世界上有后悔药。。。。希望别的家庭不要发生我们这样的悲剧 刘玉涛饰李老先生 刘毅饰李先生儿子 盛婕饰李先生女儿 杨梦蓉饰许大妈 张影饰许大妈女儿 吕馨蕊饰旁白 Empty nest old man problem-a modern drama The first act of the two old men know each other Narrator li big ye and XuDaMa two table in the afternoon, the month before in an old met. Lee: hello I'm li mou often see you play CARDS, play badminton and I envy you the body so well. Hui: ha ha, you pretty good also, the body is hale ah Lee: not line, the heart not too good, vigorous exercise all dare not to. Hui: that played CARDS or ah, entertain! Lee: well, yeah I later can find you play you don't think I don't fidget. For so long, I only saw a girl watching you, is your daughter? Hui: well yes so a daughter, and you? Lee: I ah, a daughter and a son. Hui: oh you're happy both sons and daughters. Lee: happiness what they are too busy, all have no time to see me, and the prevention is what Hui: this can't blame their work time also is not their decision. Let's play, after too won't be alone. Narrator: and so, li big ye and XuDaMa often together chat play CARDS, sometimes with XuDaMa walking, big ye li a to two come, have feelings. To talk about marriage theory to marry. The second act took counsel to get married Narrator one evening, li big ye children came to see him, in the old man's room... Lee: today how busy ah, think of me the bad old man son? Son: dad, you said this is what words. It's really busy for a while 8:20 and meeting! Daughter: dad, we this is different to come over free? How health recently!!!!! I'll get you some off-season clothes cold, don't frozen. Lee: well I know you busy, but I am old, hope you can spend more time with me. Female: dad you feel assured that we will you come over to accompany you. Lee: well, also not seem hard to you, I'm in here! You know XuDaMa more than two months, character, but also very close. Good You were not with me, thanks to have her with me. I want to and she put the marriage certificate brought. Daughter:???????To license? Dad you are an age, how could this idea? My brother and I will take good care of you. Dad I have work, go first ah, another day come to see you again. Son: dad, I'm at a meeting, he walked first! See you next time. Narrator: the old man understand this is not agree to children Two days later Narrator: XuDaMa daughter to see XuDaMa, in XuDaMa room... Female: mom recently? Have what seems to be the trouble? Hui: don't you know that yet? I this body don't worry about a thing. Woman: well, that also should note, walking around, and played CARDS, don't old in the room. Hui: know, you don't worry about me, their attention body, don't let mother worry. Daughter: is, you can count on me, mom, you knew what person? I don't always in the side, to find someone with you all right Hui: embarrassed smile) hey hey there is such a person, I just want to say with you? His name is li, the person is very humor, always with me for a walk ah, playing CARDS or something. I want to be and he get card Female: yes!!!!! When give I meet, mom whatever you do decide what I support you, do you think is good, you put up not easy, we should let you, an old lady. Narrator: XuDaMa daughter think mother there lies, a close, take care of each other is good, is very support. Mr. Li know this event, thought of his mind very lonely, need to have a person to take care of each other, and with each other, they want to through good in their old age, they just care about the house and, no real passbook concerned with my heart, li big ye make up your mind, no matter the children don't support, take registered permanent residence this getting home. But saw this scene li big ye confess, sons early beat him to the punch away, this a nasty registered permanent residence this stretch, ill live into hospital. The third act within the hospital Narrator: li big ye be in bed, sons, li big ye LaoLei overwork and of pulled XuDaMa hand... Hui: you this old man, how to live in the hospital and get to go up, still have to and I play CARDS, and me for a walk? Lee: I also want to o, but this body disappointing ah, plus two such children, not filial piety alas... Hui: ok, I will always be here with you, you have to get well soon come. Ward outside Li big ye daughters: even if you how diligent in, I will not let my dad's money to your hand. Hui: I don't care about your money and the house, I just want to be in this with him. Son: say, remember, really good idea, we can still slanting won't let you get away with. Daughter: you said you did it on purpose to take my dad's property, you this vicious woman. XuDaMa tears into the ward. Narrator: XuDaMa of li big ye children of the frowns of turn a blind eye, just like in the bed with her. After a few days Mr. Li rapid deterioration illness... Lee: never in my life is to listen to the words, you always frets didn't find his wife, you know I what all these years of the heart pain in the butt. Say that finish painfully XuDaMa pain not the desire living Narrator: in Mr. Li's funeral XuDaMa daughter: you are so do children, old man what you need to know? Old people want you to accompany their can you? The old man needs to heart, to give you hope not, don't find a partner also not line yao, we not have no money, is not about your house property, the disturbing what's the use of money in return for your dad to happiness? You these not filial son. (say that finish, make the big niang daughter handed his mother go) Son: we really do wrong? Dad... Daughter: all blame you, if it weren't for you stop dad find his wife can do this? You even my father... Son: I ah, how depends much on ShuYuJingErFengBuZhi, to raise and kiss the son not to. We are sorely wrong, if the world have regret medicine... Hope that other families don't happen we such tragedy
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