

2017-09-28 8页 doc 29KB 43阅读




英语常用短语英语常用短语 英 语 常 用 短 语 介词短语 14. at least 至少 28. in case of 假如,防备 1. a bit of 一点 15. at last 终于 29. in a word 简言之,总之 2. a series of 一系列,一连串 16. by accident 偶然 30. in a mess 一团糟 3. after all 毕竟,究竟 17. at present 目前,现在 31. in a hurry匆忙,急于 4. ahead of time 提前 18. at the m...
英语常用短语 英 语 常 用 短 语 介词短语 14. at least 至少 28. in case of 假如,防备 1. a bit of 一点 15. at last 终于 29. in a word 简言之,总之 2. a series of 一系列,一连串 16. by accident 偶然 30. in a mess 一团糟 3. after all 毕竟,究竟 17. at present 目前,现在 31. in a hurry匆忙,急于 4. ahead of time 提前 18. at the moment 此刻,目前 32. in addition 另外,加之 5. apart from 除...外(有/无) 19. before long 不久 33. in addition to 除...之外(还) 6. as a result (of) 因此, 由于...的结果 20. by chance 偶然,碰巧 34. in advance 预先,事先 7. as far as...be concerned 就...而言 21. by means of 用……方法,依靠 35. in any case 无论如何 8. as for (= as to) 至于, 关于 22. by mistake 错误地,无意地 36. in brief 简单地说 9. as follows 如下 23. by the way 顺便说说 37. in charge of 负责,总管 10. as if 好像,仿怫 24. due to 由于,因为 38. in common 共用的,共有的 11. as well as 除...外(也),即...又 25. except for 除了...外 39. in detail 详细地 12. at a loss 茫然,不知所措 26. first of all 首先 40. in general 一般来说,大体上 13. at first 最初,起先 27. for ever 永远 41. in favor of 支持,赞成 42. in front of 面对,在...前 58. on fire 起火着火 5. arrive in/at到达;抵达 43. in honor of 为庆祝,为纪念 59. on the contrary 正相反 6. ask sb for sth…询问;向……要 44. in memory of 纪念 60. on the other hand 另一方面 7. be afraid of sth. /doing sth. 害怕 45. in other words 换句话说 61. on time 准时 8. be able to能;会 46. in place of 代替,取代,交换 62. on occasion 偶尔 9. be aware of 了解 47. in return for 作为对...报答 63. regardless of 不顾,不惜 10. be about to do sth. 正要做 48. in spite of 尽管 64. such as 例如,诸如 11. be angry with生(某人的)气 49. instead of 代替, 而不… 65. thanks to 由于,多亏 12. be anxious about为……而忧虑 50. in the end 最后,终于 66. up to date 最新的 13. be busy doing sth. 忙着做某事 51. in the future 在未来 67. with regard to 关于,至于 14. be busy with sth. 忙于…… 52. in the way 挡道 15. be curious about 对…好奇 动词短语 53. in time 及时 16. be different from 和……不同 1. according to…根据… 54. in turn 依次,轮流;转而 17. be familiar with 对……熟悉 2. agree to do sth. 同意做某事 55. instead of 代替,而不是 18. be famous for 因……而著名 3. agree with sb/sth同意某人(意见) 56. on average 平均 19. be far (away) from…离…很远 4. apologize to sb, 向某人道歉 57. on business 因公 20. be fit for 适合于 21. be fond of爱好;喜爱 36. be used to习惯于 52. bring up教育;培养 22. be fed up with 厌烦… 37. be worth doing值得做…… 53. build up 建立起来 23. be good at 在…方面做得好;善长于 38. be worth of 值…(钱) 54. burn down把…烧成平地;烧光 24. be good for对……有益/有害的 39. be dressed in穿…衣服 55. burst into tears突然哭起来 25. be in hospital(生病)住院 40. be interested in对……感兴趣 56. call at (a place)访问(某地) 26. be in love with与……相爱 41. begin with 以……为开始 57. call for要求;号召 27. be late for…迟到 42. believe in相信;信任 58. call in召来;召集 28. be made from由……制造 43. belong to 属于… 59. call on (sb) 随便拜访;访问 29. be made of……制的;用……制成的 44. be satisfied with… 对…满意 60. care for 喜欢;想要 30. be out of order 出毛病,产生故障 45. be sick/tired of… 厌烦… 61. carry out开展;执行;实现 31. be out of date 过时的 46. break into破门而入;闯入 62. catch a cold伤风;感冒 32. be popular with somebody受某人欢47. break off打断;折断 63. catch fire着火 迎 48. break out(战争)突然发生;爆发 64. catch up (with) 赶上 33. be proud of为……而自豪 49. break the rule违反规定 65. change one's mind改变想法 34. be related to与……有关 50. break up分解;腐蚀 66. change…into 把……转换成 35. be suspicious of … 怀疑… 51. bring in引来,引进; 67. check out查明;结账 68. clear away把……清除掉 84. cut off 切断 100. dress up穿上盛装;乔装打扮 69. clear up(天气)放晴、整理;收拾 85. cut up齐根割掉;切碎 101. drop in顺便走访(某人) 70. come about发生;产生 86. date from 始于某一时期 102. earn one's living谋生 71. come across 偶然遇见,偶然发现 87. deal with处理;对付 103. eat up吃光;吃完 72. come out出来;出版;发行 88. depend on依靠;相信;信赖 104. end up with 以…结束; 73. come over过来;顺便来访 89. devote to把……献于;把……用于 105. fall asleep睡着;入睡 74. come to共计;达到 90. die of死于(疾病、饥饿) 106. fall behind落后;跟不上 75. come true变为现实;实现 91. die from死于(事故) 107. fall ill患病 76. come up 出现,发生; 92. die out消失;灭亡 108. fall in love with爱上…… 77. compare…with…把…和…进行比较 93. divide…into把……分成…… 109. fall off跌落;掉下;下降 78. congratulate…on祝贺 94. do a good deed做件好事 110. fall over向前摔倒;跌倒;倒下 79. connect to 连接… 95. do one's best尽力 111. find out找出;查明 80. connect with与……相连 96. do sb. a favor帮某人一个忙 112. fix a date for确定……的日期 81. consider doing sth. 考虑做某事 97. do the shopping买东西 113. fix up安顿;修理好 82. consider sb. as(把某人)看作… 98. do well (in)做得好;现好 114. get / be ready for 为…准备好 83. consist of…由…组成 99. dream of 向往;渴望;梦想 115. get along with 与……相处 116. get away逃跑 132. give out分发 148. hand in交上来;递交 117. get close to接近 133. give up放弃 149. hand out分发 118. get down to开始认真(做某事) 134. give…a call给……打个电话 150. have sth. to do with 与……有关 119. get in touch with与……接触 135. go ahead用吧,请自便 151. have a gift for对……有天赋 120. get married to sb 与某人结婚 136. go bad(食物)变坏;坏掉 152. have a talk with与……谈话 121. get on… with…与……相处…… 137. go by走过;经过;过去 153. have a word with和……说句话 122. get rid of处理;去掉 138. go for a walk去散步 154. have an effect on对……产生影响 123. get through通过;拨通(电话) 139. go off走开 155. hear about听说 124. get to到达 140. go on继续 156. hear from收到……来信 125. get together聚会;联欢 141. go on doing继续(不停地)做某事 157. hear of听说 126. give a talk做;做演讲 142. go on with sth 继续某事 158. help yourself to请随便吃点…; 127. give advice 提建议 143. go over仔细检查 159. help…out帮助某人解决困难 128. give back归还;送回 144. go through浏览;翻阅 160. help…with sth. 帮助(某人做某事) 129. give birth to生;产生 145. go up上涨;上升 161. hold on(打电话时)不挂断; 130. give in屈服;让步 146. grow up生长 162. hold one's breath屏息;不出声 131. give off发出(光等) 147. hand down把……传下来 163. hold up阻挡;使停顿 164. hurry off匆匆离去;赶快去 180. lead to导致;导向 196. look round=look around仔细查看 165. hurry up赶快 181. learn…by heart记住;背诵 197. look the same看起来很像 166. insist on坚持;坚决要求 182. leave a message留话 198. look up(在词典中)查寻 167. join in参加;加入 183. leave for… 去某地 199. lose heart失去信心;灰心 168. jump the queue不按次序排队 184. let…in让……进来;放进 200. lose one's life 丧生;牺牲 169. keep a record of 保持…记录 185. listen to听…… 201. lose weight减肥;降体重 170. keep fit保持健康 186. live on 靠……为生 202. make a decision作出决定 171. keep healthy保持健康 187. look after照看;照顾 203. make a good effort作很大的努力 172. keep in touch with与……保持联系 188. look around/about 四处看看 204. make a mistake犯错误 173. keep off让开;不接近 189. look down upon看不起;轻视 205. make a plan for为……作 174. keep on (doing sth. ) 继续(做某事) 190. look for寻找 206. make a promise答应;允诺 175. keep one's balance 保持平衡 191. look forward to盼望 207. make a record录制唱片 176. keep one's promise 履行诺言 192. look into向……里面看去;调查 208. make a speech发表演讲 177. knock at敲(门、窗等) 193. look like看起来像 209. make ends meet收支相抵 178. laugh at 嘲笑 194. look out留神;当心 210. make faces做鬼脸 179. lead a simple life过着俭朴的生活 195. look over(医生)检查 211. make friends交朋友 212. make fun of取笑某人 228. pay for付款 243. push over推倒;(风)刮倒 213. make progress取得进步 229. pay off偿清(欠债等) 244. put on穿上(衣服);戴上(帽子等) 214. make sense讲得通;很有意义 230. pay…a visit访问…… 245. put on weight发胖;增加体重 215. make sure务必;务请;确信 231. persist in doing…坚持做… 246. put out扑灭;关熄 216. make sure of确保;确定 232. pick out挑出 247. put up贴(广告等) 217. make up编出 233. pick up接收;拾起;捡起 248. put up with 忍受、容忍 218. make up one's mind下决心 234. play a part in在……方面起作用 249. put…away把……收起来(放好) 219. make use of利用 235. play a trick on sb捉弄某人 250. put…in prison把……投进监狱 220. move away搬开;搬走 236. play the role of扮演……角色 251. refer to谈到;提到;涉及;有关 221. move on继续移动 237. play with玩耍 252. remind sb. of…使某人想起…… 222. never mind不要紧;没关系 238. point out指出 253. ring back回电话 223. open up开创;开辟 239. point to指向 254. ring up打电话给…… 224. pass by经过 240. prefer…to…比起…来更喜欢… 255. run out of用完 225. pass on传递 241. prevent…from doing阻止某人做某256. see sb. off为某人送行 事 226. pay attention to注意;留心;关心 257. sell out售完 227. pay back偿还(借款等) 242. pull…out of 把…从…拉出来 258. send away撵走;开除;解雇 259. send for派人去叫(请) 274. spend…on sth. 在……花费(钱) 290. take over 接管 260. send out发出;派遣 275. stand for代表;象征 291. take one's time不急;慢慢干 261. send up发射 276. stare at凝视 292. take part in参加;参与(=go in for…) 262. sentence…to death判处……死刑 277. start doing sth. 开始做某事 293. take place发生 263. set an example to sb 为某人树立榜278. stay up (晚上)不睡觉 294. take pride in 对…感到自豪 样 279. stick to sth/doing…坚持 295. take the place of代替;取代 264. set fire to点火;放火 280. succeed in(干……)成功 296. take turns替换;轮流 265. set off 动身;起程、使爆炸; 281. suffer from遭受 297. take up占去;占据 266. set out出发;开始 282. suit…to使适合;使适应 298. talk about /of 谈论;议论 267. set up建立;创立 283. take advantage of 利用… 299. tell lies说谎 268. set sb. free释放(某人) 284. take (good) care of照料;照顾 300. think about考虑;思考 269. shout at以……大声叫嚷 285. take an action采取行动 301. think of认为;考虑 270. show off炫耀 286. take an interest in对……感兴趣 302. throw at sb/sth向……扔去 271. show sb. around领着某人参观 287. take charge of …掌管;负责 303. throw away 扔掉 272. speed up加快速度 288. take it easy放心好了;别着急 304. translate…into… 把…译成… 273. spend…doing sth. 做……花费 289. take off脱去(帽子、衣服等) 305. try one's best竭尽全能 306. try…on试穿(衣、鞋、帽等) 14. just now 刚才 322. write to …给……写信 307. turn … on打开(电灯;收音机等) 15. right away 马上,立刻 其它短语: 308. turn away把……打发走 16. little by little 一点一点地 1. as long as只要 309. turn down关小(收音机,灯等) 17. long ago 很久以前 2. as far as I know 据我所知 310. turn off关掉(电灯、收音机等) 18. no more 不再 3. and so on 等等 311. turn over 周转, 翻动 19. no longer不再 4. all the time 一直 20. every other day 每隔一天(时间) 312. turn up 出现 5. all the same 同样 313. turn…into 把…变成… 21. ever since 自从那时起 6. as a matter of fact 实际上314. used to 过去常常 22. even if/though 即使,虽然 7. as usual 和往常一样 315. wait for等候 23. face to face 面对面 8. by and by 不久 316. wake up醒;醒来 24. far from 离…很远 9. even so 即使如此 317. wear out穿坏;穿旧;用尽 25. no doubt 无疑 10. later on 后来 318. work on 从事… 26. once more 再一次 11. more or less 或多或少 27. rather than 而不是... 319. work hard at 努力工作(或学习) 12. sooner or later 迟早 320. work out算出;解决 28. right away 马上 13. here and there 到处 321. worry about 担心;烦恼 29. so far 到目前为止 30. up to now 到目前为止 主编:唐 绍 清 本溪电视大学英语教研室
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