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MPS和物料管理子系统的实现—外文翻译MPS和物料管理子系统的实现—外文翻译 毕业设计(论文)外文文献翻译 基于ERP计划系统的实现—MPS子系统和物料 毕业设计(论文)题 目 管理子系统的实现 Research and application of enterprise resource 翻译(1)题目 planning MRP和MRP? 翻译(2)题目 学 院 计算机学院 专 业 软件工程 姓 名 班 级 学 号 指导教师 译文一 企业资源计划研究及应用 在激烈的市场竞争和内外环境的压力下,企业若要达到预期的市场占有率和预期 的经济...
MPS和物料管理子系统的实现—外文翻译 毕业设计(论文)外文文献翻译 基于ERP系统的实现—MPS子系统和物料 毕业设计(论文)题 目 管理子系统的实现 Research and application of enterprise resource 翻译(1)题目 planning MRP和MRP? 翻译(2)题目 学 院 计算机学院 专 业 软件 姓 名 班 级 学 号 指导教师 译文一 企业资源计划研究及应用 在激烈的市场竞争和内外环境的压力下,企业若要达到预期的市场占有率和预期 的经济效益,提高企业的应变能力和竞争能力,就必须在产品的质量、性能、交货期、价格等方面具有自己的优势。在当今市场的大环境之下,提高竞争力的主要方法就是加强管理,在管理方法、模式、手段和工具方面进行切实可行的改革。而信息技术的迅速发展大大加快了企业管理的现代化与信息化的进程。企业管理信息化已成为全球化的发展趋势。以企业资源计划(ERP)为代表的管理数字化是制造业信息化技术特点的重要体现,也是我国制造业信息化工程的重要方面。 企业资源计划(ERP)是管理信息系统的一种管理软件。这种软件理念的形成发展过程,是从物料需求计划(MRP)到制造资源计划(MRP?),再到企业的人、财、物等多种资源的整合优化。人们容易看到的是这种管理软件功能的扩展,不容易看到 需要建立生产计划与原材料供应主题数据库,MRP的是信息资源的整合发展过程:MRP ?进而需要建立设备、员工等主题数据库,直到ERP需要建立市场、价格、成本等主题数据库。 ERP有五个计划层次,即:经营规划、销售与运作规划(生产规划)、主生产计划、物料需求计划、车间作业控制(或生产作业控制)。采购作业也属于第5个层次,但它不涉及企业本身的能力资源。 划分计划层次的目的是为了体现计划管理由宏观到微观,由战略到战术、由粗到细的深化过程。在对市场需求的估计和预测成分占较大比重的阶段,计划内容比较粗略,计划跨度也比较长;一旦进入客观需求比较具体的阶段,计划内容比较详细,计划跨度也比较短,处理的信息量大幅度增加,计划方法同传统手工管理的区别也比较大。划分层次的另一个目的是为了明确责任,不同层次计划的制订或实施由不同的管理层负责。 在五个层次中,经营规划和销售与运作规划带有宏观规划的性质。主生产计划是宏观向微观过渡的层次。物料需求计划是微观计划的开始,是具体的详细计划;而车间作业控制或生产作业控制是进入执行或控制计划的阶段。通常把前三个层次称为主控计划(Master Planning),说明它们是制定企业经营战略目标的层次。 企业的计划必须是现实和可行的,否则,再宏伟的目标也是没有意义的。任何一个计划层次都包括需求和供给两个方面,也就是需求计划和能力计划。要进行不同深度的供需平衡,并根据反馈的信息,运用模拟方法加以调整或修订。每一个层次都要处理好需求与供给的矛盾。做到计划既落实可行,又不偏离经营规划的目标。上一层的计划是下一层计划的依据,下层计划要符合上层计划的要求。如果下层计划偏离了企业的经营规划,即使计划执行得再好也是没有意义的。 1全厂遵循一个统一的计划,是ERP/MRP?计划管理最最基本的要求。 主生产计划(MPS)在ERP系统中是一个重要的计划层次,是传统手工管理没有的新概念。它根据客户和预测,把销售与运作规划中的产品系列具体化,确定出厂产品,使之成为展开MRP与CRP运算的主要依据,起了从宏观计划向微观计划过渡的 Josh Smith MSDN Magazine 承上启下作用。 主生产计划又是联系市场、主机厂或配套厂及销售网点(面向企业外部)同生产制造(面向企业内部)的桥梁,使生产计划和能力计划符合销售计划要求的优先顺序,并能适应不断变化的市场需求;同时,主生产计划又能向销售部门提供生产和库存信息,提供可供销售量的信息,作为同客户洽商的依据,起了沟通内外的作用。 总之,主生产计划在ERP系统中的位置是一个上下内外交叉的枢纽,地位十分重要。在运行主生产计划时要相伴运行粗能力计划,只有经过按时段平衡了供应与需求后的主生产计划,才能作为下一个计划层次??物料需求计划的输入信息。主生产计划的现实必须是可行的,需求量和需求时间都是符实的,没有夸大或缩小。它必须是一种可以执行的目标。只有可执行的才是可信的,才能使企业全体员工认真负责地去完成计划。因此,主生产计划编制和控制是否得当,在相当大的程度上关系到ERP系统的成败。它之所以称为“主”生产计划,就是因为它在ERP系统中起着“主控”的作用。 我们强调主生产计划的重要意义是指普遍的情况,特别是多品种小批量和有多种变型的系列产品的情况。如果企业产品的生产周期特别长,比如说在9或10个月以上,同时每年生产的数量又只有少数几台,那么主生产计划的重要性可能就不一定十分明显。 我们在介绍ERP的发展过程时已简要地讨论了物料需求计划(MRP)的基本概念,说明它是一种优先级计划,又必然是一种分时段计划。它是ERP系统微观计划阶段的开始,是ERP的核心。 主生产计划只是对最终产品的计划,一个产品可能由成百上千种相关物料组成,如果把企业所有产品的相关需求件汇合起来,数量更大。一种物料可能会用在几种产品上,不同产品对同一个物料的需用量又不相同。另外,不同物料的加工周期或采购周期不同,需用日期也不同。要使每个物料能在需用日期配套备齐,满足装配或交货期的要求,又要在不需要的时期不要过量占用库存,还要考虑合理的生产批量,靠手工管理是不可能进行如此大量数据运算的。这也是手工管理难以解决物料短缺和库存量过人的症结所在。 MRP是MPS需求的进一步展开,也是实现MPS的保证和支持。它根据MPS、物料清单和物料可用量,计算出企业要生产的全部加工件和采购件的需求量。按照产品出厂的优先顺序,计算出全部加工件和采购件的需求时间,并提出建议性的计划定单。 外文原文一 Research and application of enterprise resource planning In the fierce market competition, and under the pressure of external and internal environment, market share of the enterprise to achieve the desired and expected economic benefits, enhance the adaptability and competitiveness of enterprises, it is necessary in product quality, performance, delivery, price, and so has its own advantages. In today's market environment, improving competitiveness is the main method of strengthening management, management methods, models, methods and tools for practical reform. And the rapid development of information technology greatly speeding up the process of modernization and informatization of enterprise management.The development trend of enterprise management informationization has become globalization. Enterprise resource planning (ERP) to represent the management of digital is the important reflection of manufacturing informatization technology features, are also important aspects of manufacture information engineering in China. Enterprise resource planning (ERP) is a management information system management software. This formed the idea of software development process, from material requirements planning (MRP) and manufacturing resource planning (MRP II), then to the business, financial, and other resources for integration and optimization. It is easy to see that is the extended management software features, is not easy to see information resources integration in the development process: MRP need to establish production planning and supply of raw materials subject to the database, MRP II database and thus need to build equipment, staff and other topics until ERP database needs to be established markets, prices, costs, and other topics. ERP has five program levels, namely: business planning, sales and operations planning (production planning), master production scheduling, material requirements planning, shop floor control (production control). Procurement jobs belonging to the 5th level, but it does not involve enterprises ' own resources. Division plans to level the aim is to reflect the planning management from the macroscopic to the microscopic, from the strategic to the tactical, and by the deepening process of heavy to light. On estimation and forecast of market demand components accounted for a larger proportion of stage plan compared to a rough, plan long span; once an objective comparison needs specific stages, plan more detailed plans span is relatively short, a substantial increase in the amount of planned difference compared with the traditional manual management. Another aim was to clear the responsibility of the division level, different levels of development or implementation of the plan by the different management for. In five levels, management planning and macro-planning sales and operation planning with nature. Master production schedule is a macro to micro levels for the transition. Material requirements planning is the beginning of micro-planning, is a specific detailed plan and shop floor control or production control is entering the stage of implementation or control plan. Often called the master plan the first three levels (Master Planning), they are developing enterprise level management strategic goals. Business plan must be realistic and feasible, otherwise, the Grand target of no significance. Any plan level, including both demand and supply aspects, that is, demand planning and capacity planning. Balance of supply and demand of different depths, and according to feedback information, using simulation methods be adapted or amended. Each level is necessary to properly handle the contradiction between demand and supply. Plan is the implementation of feasible and does not deviate from the business plan targets. The floor plan is the next tier of plans based on lower plans to meet the upper plan requirements. If the underlying plan had deviated from the enterprise business planning, even if the plan is good doesn't make sense. All follow a unified plan, is the most basic ERP/MRP plan ? management requirements. Master production schedule (MPS) is an important project in the ERP system, is a traditional manual management is not a new concept. It according to customer contracts and projections, series specific products in the sales and operations planning, determine the ex-factory product, make it a main basis for MRP and CRP operations, up from a connecting link between the role of the macro-planning the transition to micro-plans. Main production plans is contact market, and host factory or supporting factory and the sales dot (-oriented enterprise external) with production manufacturing (-oriented enterprise internal) of bridge, makes production plans and ability plans meet sales plans requirements of priority order, and can adaptation constantly changes of market needs; while, main production plans and can to sales sector provides production and inventory information, provides can for sales of information, as with customer negotiation of pursuant to, up has communication inside and outside of role. In short, master production planning of ERP system based on location is a hub for upper and lower cross inside and outside, position is very important. When you run the master production schedule to run rough cut capacity planning only after balancing the supply and demand in a timely manner of MPs, as input for the next planned levels-material requirements planning information. Master production schedule of reality must be feasible, demand and demand time Fu Shi, without exaggerating or out. It must be a goal you can perform. Only executable is trustworthy, to make companies responsible all staff to complete the plan. Therefore, master production scheduling and control are, to a considerable extent, bearing on the success or failure of ERP systems. It is known as a "primary" production planning, it is because it plays in the ERP system, "the master". We stress the importance of the master production schedule is the general situation, especially in small quantities and more kinds and there are several variants of the series. If particularly long production cycle of the product, such as 9 or 10 months, while annual production quantity and there were only a few, then the importance of the master production schedule might not necessarily very obvious. In introducing the ERP development process, that we have briefly discussed the material requirements planning (MRP) of basic concepts, shows that it is a priority scheme, and must be a time sharing plans. It was the beginning of micro-planning phase of ERP systems, is at the core of ERP. Main production program is planned to the end product, a product may be made up of hundreds of related materials, if combined, demand for all product-related, the number more. A material may be used in several products, different products on the same amount of material required and are not the same. In addition, different materials processing cycles or the procurement cycle, one with a different date. To make the date each item in required matching square away, meet the requirements of Assembly or delivery date, and not excessive use of inventory is not required, also consider reasonable production batches, management is impossible to make such large amounts of data by hand. This is manual management is difficult to solve the problem of shortages of materials and inventory. MRP is MPS demand expanded further, achievement of guarantee and support of MPS. According to the MPS, Bill of materials and the amount of material available, to calculate enterprise demand for all parts of the production and procurement. In accordance with the priority order for the products manufactured, to calculate the processing and procurement needs of all time, and make recommendations of the planned order. 译文二 MRP和MRP? 在本文中,我们将介绍MRP和MRP?的相关内容,从宏观了解到微观,由整体到部分,这样我们就可以更好的把握ERP的精华和要点。 1 物料需求计划(MRP) (1) MRP的定义 MRP (Material Requirements Planning,物料需求计划) MRP是解决既不出现短缺又不积压库存的物料管理系统。是一种将库存管理和生产进度计划结合为一体的计算机辅助生产计划管理系统。它以减少库存量为目标,统筹地为制造业管理者提供满足生产计划需要的物资供应手段。 (2) MRP基本构成 1)主生产计划(Master Production Schedule, 简称MPS) 主生产计划是确定每一具体的最终产品在每一具体时间段内生产数量的计划。这里的最终产品是指对于企业来说最终完成、要出厂的完成品,它要具体到产品的品种、型号。这里的具体时间段,通常是以周为单位,在有些情况下,也可以是日、旬、月。主生产计划详细规定生产什么、什么时段应该产出,它是独立需求计划。主生产计划根据客户合同和市场预测,把经营计划或生产大纲中的产品系列具体化,使之成为展开物料需求计划的主要依据,起到了从综合计划向具体计划过渡的承上启下作用。 2)产品结构与物料清单(Bill of Material, BOM) MRP系统要正确计算出物料需求的时间和数量,特别是相关需求物料的数量和时间,首先要使系统能够知道企业所制造的产品结构和所有要使用到的物料。产品结构列出构成成品或装配件的所有部件、组件、零件等的组成、装配关系和数量要求。它是MRP产品拆零的基础。 3)库存信息 库存信息是保存企业所有产品、零部件、在制品、原材料等存在状态的数据库。在MRP系统中,将产品、零部件、在制品、原材料甚至工装工具等统称为“物料”或“项目”。为便于计算机识别,必须对物料进行编码。物料编码是MRP系统识别物料的唯一标识。 (3)MRP基本原理 “不出现短缺”和“降低库存”是生产中遇到的两个互相矛盾的目标。由于市场需求是经常变化的,对各种物料的需求也是时时在变化,增加库存并不一定就能保证所有物料不出现短缺。正是为了解决这个矛盾,美国IBM公司的管理专家从分析产品 2结构入手,首先提出了物料需求计划(MRP)的解决。 所有物料不出现短缺,正是为了解决这个矛盾,美国IBM公司的管理专家从分析产品结构入手,首先提出了物料需求计划(MRP)的解决方案 1)时间坐标上的产品结构 只要是制造业,就必然要从供应方买来原材料,经过加工或装配,制造出产品,销售给需求方—这是制造业区别于金融业、商业、采掘业、服务业的主要特点。任何制造业的经营生产活动都是围绕其产品开展的,制造业的信息系统也不例外。MRP就是从产品的结构或物料清单出发,实现了物料信息的集成。 产品在生产过程中物料不是同时需要的。各种物料在不同的加工阶段使用,有的先用有的后用,这就是物料在产品中的层次,根据这个层次形成了时间坐标上的产品结构。产品结构说明了每个物料在产品物料层次中相互之间的从属关系和数量关系。“物料和时间坐标上的产品结构”概念是任何制造厂家(不论是否上MRP系统)都必须树立的。用这种概念来管理生产,即使没有信息系统,也可以减少许多不必要的差错和混乱。 2)制造业的通用公式 任何一个制造业在编制计划时,都必须回答以下四个问题,它称为制造业的通用公式。这四个问题就是: ?生产什么,(由主生产计划确定) ?要用到什么,(由产品结构确定) ?已经有了什么,(由库存记录确定) ?还缺什么,什么时候下达计划, 运行MRP有四项主要数据,他们是需求信息、产品结构、提前期、库存信息。 需求信息来自市场和客户。需求信息包括客户合同、预测以及备品备件或企业内部协作任务。计划人员是根据合同和市场信息编制计划、落实计划和下达计划。 产品信息反映在物料清单上。产品信息主要是产品结构和提前期。产品结构如果用表格来表示就是物料清单,它是MRP的重要管理文件,几乎企业所有的管理部门都要用到它。 库存信息就是物料可用量。库存信息说明有多少存货数量可以参与物料需求计算。 3)MRP的时间概念 Micfosoft Developer Network Microsoft Developer Network 制定计划必然要联系到时间。如何认识时间有几点与传统不同的概念。生产计划 之所以分为年、季、月、周、日、时等不同的“时段”,完全是为了计划、控制、统 计、结算的需要,是人为定义的,不是时间固有的属性。MRP对计划期长短的概念, 是以控制产品的全部制造过程总提前期(为准的。如果某个产品的总提前期要一年半, 那么对这类产品的计划期就是一年半,不是按年度计划“一刀切”。 MRP对时段长短的确定,是为了区分优先顺序。如果有10种产品都要求1月份 交货,就必须根据不同客户对10种产品实际需要时间的优先顺序编制计划。 MRP还有一种独特的时间概念,即“时界”。把总装提前期的时间界限称为“需 求时界”,在需求时界内不得轻易更改计划。人们把计划期、时段和时界称为MRP 的三个时间要素。 外文原文二 MRP和MRP? In this article, we will show you related content of MRP and MRP II, learned from the macro-micro analysis, from whole to part, so we can better grasp the essence and main points of ERP. 1 material requirements planning (MRP) (1) definition of MRP MRP (Material Requirements Planning, material requirements planning) MRP is the solution either shortage and backlog of inventory materials management system. Is an inventory management and production progress plan of computer-aided production planning management system. It is to reduce inventory to target, and manpower to provide manufacturing Manager material supply means to meet production plan needs. (2) the MRP basic structure 1) MPs (Master Production Schedule, referred to as MPS) Master production schedule is determined for each specific final products in every specific time period of the number plan. For enterprises, here is the final product of the final finish, factory finish, variety, for it to be specific to the product model. Here the specific time period, usually expressed in weeks, in some cases, also can be days, and months. Master production schedule detailing what to produce, what time period should be output, it is an independent demand planning. Master production plan according to customer contracts and market forecasts, or outline products in series production business plan materialized, making it the main basis for material requirements planning, played from the connecting link between the role of the comprehensive plan for transition to a specific plan. 2) product structure and the BOM (Bill of Material, BOM) MRP system to the correct time and the number of the calculates item requirements, especially the demand quantity of items, and time, first of all, you want the system to be able to know the products manufactured by the enterprise structure and all materials to be used. Product structure lists constitute a production or Assembly consists of all parts, components, parts, Assembly and quantity requirements. It is the basis of MRP products chailing. 3)Stock information Inventory information is to save all enterprise products, parts, products, raw materials, such as the status of the database. In the MRP system, products, parts, work in process, raw materials, and even tools tools, collectively known as the "material" or "project". For ease of identification, the material must be encoded. Material coding is MRP system to recognize the unique identification of the item. (3) Basic principle of MRP "There is no shortage of" and "reduce inventory" is encountered in the production of two conflicting objectives. Is constantly changing due to market demand, demand for materials is also constantly changing, increase inventory and does not necessarily guarantee that all item shortages do not occur. In order to resolve this contradiction, United States management experts from the start with the analysis of the product structure of the IBM company first made a material requirements planning (MRP) solution. 1) coordinates on the product structure As long as the manufacturing sector, they are bound to be bought from suppliers of raw materials and processed or assembled, manufactured products, sold to the demand side-this is manufacturing differences in finance, Commerce, mining industry, the main characteristics of the services sector. Any production activities of the manufacturing sector was around its products, manufacturing information system is no exception. MRP is to proceed from the product structure or Bill of material, achieving integration of material information. Product material is not required during the production process. Processing of various materials in different phases, after first use, this is the material at the product level, according to the levels form a product structure on the time coordinate. Product structure shows each item in product items in the amount of dependencies and relationships between each other. "Product structure of material and time coordinates" concept is any manufacturer (whether on MRP system) must be set up. Use this concept to manage the production, even if there is no information system can also reduce many unnecessary errors and confusion. 2) manufacture of general formula When any of the manufacturing sector in the preparation of plans, you must answer the following four questions, it is called general formula in the manufacturing sector. These four issues are: ?What? (Determined by the master production schedule) ?what is used? (Product structure) ?has what? (Determined by the inventory records) ? also lacks what? when issuing plan? Run the MRP has four main data structure, lead time they need information, product and inventory information. Information from the market and customer demand. Prediction of demand information including customer contracts, as well as spare or internal collaboration tasks. Planners are under contract and market information in the preparation of plans, implementation plan and release plans. Product information on the Bill of materials. Product information is a product structure, and lead time. If using the product structure table to represent is the BOM, it is an important management MRP file, almost all enterprise management are used to it. Inventory information is material available. Inventory information on how much quantity you can participate in calculation of item requirements )MRP's concept of time 3 Planning time must be reached. How to understand time has several points are different from traditional concepts. Production planning is divided into year, quarter, month, week, day, hour, and so different "periods", is entirely in order to plan, control, statistics, billing needs, definition is artificial, is not a natural property. MRP planned length of concept, is to control the product all manufacture process of total lead time (starting from the signed sales contracts with clients, to the end of the product delivered to the customer). If a product's total lead time to 1.5 years for this type of product planning period is 1.5 years, not by annual plans "permissible". MRP on the determination of the length of time, in order to distinguish priorities. If there are 10 kinds of products requested for January delivery, you have 10 products according to different customer priority scheduling of the actual time. MRP also has a unique concept of time, that is, "Territories when". Period of time limits in advance Assembly known as the "demand", not easily change plans within the requirements. People referred to as MRP planning period, and when three elements. 外文翻译考核表 指导教师对外文翻译的评语: 指导教师 (签名) 年 月 日 建议成绩
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